Tesla Magazine 21

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BERLIN GIGAFACTORY Issue: Brussel X – P925633 RE: Erik De Ridder Photo cover: © 80edays



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Edito SuperCharged 21 by Martin Gillet



BEST WISHES FOR THIS NEW YEAR FULL OF PROMISES Welcome to your twenty first edition of SuperCharged, your independent Magazine for Tesla Owners, Reservation holders, Club Members, Shareholders and EV enthusiasts.Time does fly, assembling this Magazine is quite a journey, We would like to thank our Editorial Team (Erik, Bert, Joanna, and all parties involved) for always going the extra mile to make the outcome always top notch professional. Thank you also to all our Members and Readers for accompanying us in such a great Company. Thank you for your readership. 4

Welcome TO ALL new Owners ! The more the merrier, the ‘Extended Family’ is growing everyday ! We

are very pleased to cross roads with more and more Owners, waving at each other: We are delighted to have you onboard and we look forward to our exchanges ! Supercharged is a great way to break the ice and join the Community.

We wish you all an Amazing Year with great encounters and quality times. We look forward to welcoming you in our next events. For new readers or simply wanted to read past editions ? SuperCharged is available online, with past editions : https://www.teslaclub.be/supercharged We reached out to our friends and peers at Tesla Owners Club UK and thanks to Will Fealey, we have a detailed debrief on the Berlin Giga Factory up close tour during the Tesla Welcoming event. You probably know Rafael de Mestre from our past editions and his “80 days World Tour” as he has great insights on the Eco GP. Let’s find out what is going on. We also touched base with our Friends at EV Belgium to find out the latest news on how they are supporting the EV Driving in Belgium. We also came back to wrap up the COP26 and the key challenges addressed. What is the current plan regarding the transition to zero emission vehicles.



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Edito SuperCharged 21 by Martin Gillet While visiting the Autoworld in Brussels, Tom Maréchal spotted the first generation of Tesla Roadster while attending the Supercar exhibition. He’s pleased to share the pictures of his visits and to share his Tesla journey and insights. We also had the opportunity to interview Bill Newman, Auto Industry advisor and analyst, sharing his insights on the current key challenges and situation in the today’s World. We look forward to hearing from you, contact us through our Club website. Thank you for your ongoing support and trust. More lifestyle topics and content is also featured in this edition. Thank you so much once more for your readership, we truly appreciate it. Martin Gillet Vice President Global Communications and Marketing Tesla Owners Club Belgium asbl/vzw.



Byron Soulopoulos President @soulopoulos

Gwenn Schoovaerts Managing Director @gwenn85

Martin Gillet VP Global Communication and Marketing @mgillet

Christophe Duponcheele Network Evangelist @duponcheele

Kelly Van Eekel Event Manager @KellyVanEekel


VOLUME 21, MARCH 2022 | SUPERCHARGED – The independent magazine made by and for Tesla Owners & enthusiasts | CORRESPONDENT EDITOR: Martin Gillet | CIRCULATION: 20000 copies (excluding additional distribution) | FREQUENCY: Quarterly | Distribution: Tesla Owners Club Belgium members | EDITORS: Anja Van Der Borght, Ruud Van De Locht, Dimitri Van Moerkercke, Wim Vander Haegen, Jeroen Coteur, Martin Gillet, Wouter Peeters | PUBLISHER: AMG Group p/a Event Expo België – Atomveldstraat 8 bus 6 - 9450 Denderhoutem | DESIGN: Event & Expo Belgium | SALES: Erik De Ridder – tel.: 0486 13 13 13, e-mail: edr@eventbox.be - Filip De Ridder | ADMINISTRATIVE & TRAFFIC ADVERTISMENTS: Event&Expo Belgium – Hilde De Ridder – tel 09 228 22 84 – email: traffic.leo@telenet.be | COPYRIGHT: No part of this publication may be used, reproduced or copied without express permission of the publisher | Cover photo Credit: 80edays | SUBSCRIPTION: May be ordered from Dominique – e-mail: dominique@event-expo.be for the cost of mailing (20 euros/year). Thank you to all our reviewers and namely Chris.

Disclaimer: Tesla Owners Club Belgium is an independent enthusiast non profit organization under Belgian laws and is not affiliated with Tesla Motors, Inc. or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL 3, MODEL X, MODEL Y, Roadster, POWERWALL and the “TESLA”, “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla Motors Inc. in the United States and other countries.



CLUB EVENTS Club is always looking for great venues and ideas to organize cheerful events and memories. Feel free to submit ideas and locations, Community at work, the more ideas, the more creative, the merrier. Team Work ! All our events are listed online, join us and plan ahead as places might be limited due to popular demand : https://www.teslaclub.be/en/events

NEXT EVENTS & CLUB EVENTS All Club events can be found under teslaclub.be/events - Join us ! The more the merrier ! Electrifying and cheerful moments as always ! Currently we are scheduling the event calender for 2022. We can reveal already that we’re planning e-karting, our legendary Champagne Tour, Golf initiation & competition, Tuscany Tour and more… Find out more online in the coming weeks.

Join the daily only conversations and news on twitter with the Community and over 16300+ peers, join us https://twitter.com/teslaclubbe Hashtag #TeslaClubBE and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TeslaClubBE/ - Share your stories and report news. Sharing is caring ! Already own a Tesla, join the extended Family and join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/TeslaOwnersBelgium




Thanks to our main Partners, we can keep the membership of the Tesla Owners Club Belgium for free:


Champagne Tour 2021 event Sponsors: BATTERIJMAGAZIJN.be

DLF Accountancy

A special thanks to the Tesla Leadership and the Tesla Owners Club Program for nurturing this amazing community. Thanks to all the Tesla staff and all parties involved. Don’t drink and drive.


ASL Group

ASL GROUP PIPESTREL EV PLAN Text : André Orban Photos Luc Barry and ASL Group

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crew, the take off. Cabin elt and join us for “So fasten your seatb we had for take-off.” of Supercharged, please take your seats the second edition apic Electr an As you might recall with Aircraft TRIC ula E, a Green Tech since featured the Form STREL LIGHT ELEC ification is growing FLIGHT IN A PIPI … Time does fly. Electr poSWITZERLAND proach in April 2016 has embraced the AIRCRAFT OVER ent of the major manufacturers type. d and is the Presid proto r erlan quite a few years. Every and/o Switz in plans ologies to either built Sacha Wittman is based g Teslas since 2011 tential of latest techn He has been drivin across the Pipistrel. greater AirShow, we came Tesla Owners Club. to Paris Swiss ience the at exper had ago, ic nia A few years ed to take the electr fully electric. Slove during and recently decid ise, the aircraft was the photos he took it is quite To our great surpr d with us some of ification. The cockp the heights. Sacha share towards the Electr ic aircraft, flying over ry pack electr batte the made a major step light, is rel ence a Pipist his experience in aircraft. The main differ al’ ng ‘norm traini with r are … simila we do since develo Swiss landscape. Enjoy most of the flights tiful As . beau using is ft ped ng traini other that the aircra of flights held are In erland. aircraft with electric and Juncte of Switz ted that over 80% 202 distri ft. 0, the hybrid powertr new flights (France repor of Moutier, in the JuraEur use an Electric Aircra ains. also has Pipistrel Velis Electro ct business case to Sacha lives in the town 2011 anand 2.5 since ope Union Aviation was fully cer flights), this is the perfe g a Tesla Roadster tified by the Safety Agency ent of the lith Presid He has been drivin the ium e see to bat becam (EASA). Two ed teries pow-er liquid-cooled y and we were pleas Model X. In June, Sacha e the mem Famil Rang 1100 ele ded Long a ctri over exten rec ts c motor and counharge from Community is our Tesla Owner Sacha tak 30% Club – a club which and rs d e just to Frien Owne 100 our 2 Telsa hours to % capacity. Swiss es from a craft among Enthusiasm footage and pictur the aviation ed out to him to have for the new community bers. Switzerland. We reach air‘in real orders coming has been ove Wittman, based in view on the aircraft in from around rwhelming, with ience and an up close ft in the the world. The glance at his Exper we had met the aircra ow airc Airsh raft Paris is particularl conditions’ as at the


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ASL Group


In late December, on Belgian soil, we were fortunate to see the arrival of more electric airplanes. We reach out to André Orban from Aviation 24 to learn more about this major news.

Philippe Bodson, CEO of ASL Group explains that these planes, which cost nearly 200,000 euros, can only fly for one hour on a full battery, but that is enough to train young pilots in basic manoeuvres.

André; the showfloor is yours ! Well, ASL Group opened new business terminal at Liège Airport, acquired Pipistrel Velis Electro trainer planes and medevac Learjets It was a Big show at Liege Airport on 17 December 2021: ASL Group unveiled its two new nuggets, Pipistrel Velis Electro two-seater electric planes which are “the only ones certified in the world“. ASL Group also inaugurated its business terminal at the airport and announced that it will be operating medical flights with two Learjets. The Belgian business airline ASL Group unveiled its two latest acquisitions, two Pipistrel Velis Electro electric planes registered respectively OO-GRN and OO-ELC. They are “the only ones certified in the world” and are presented for the first time in Belgium. They will be used at the ASL Academy for the training of young pilot students.

On the same day, ASL Group officially inaugurated its business aviation terminal at Liège Airport. The investment, worth seven million euros, is significant and will lead to the creation of ten jobs. ASL Jet Handling will become the exclusive handler of sports and business aircraft at the Belgian airport. ASL Group hangar and business terminal at Liège Airport © Luc Barry The company intends to develop business flights from Liège airport, which is ideally located at the south of Brussels and close to Luxembourg, Dutch and German borders. Furthermore, Liège is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


ASL Group

This is why ASL Group is basing two medical LearJet 45 aeroplanes (appropriately registered OO-MED and OO-DOC) respectively in Liège and Cologne/Bonn. They allow intercontinental medical evacuations and repatriations. A new subsidiary, ASL Fly Med will be created to that effect.

whose company is now based in Hasselt (Limburg), believes in the potential of the Liège region and likes to remind that the original name of the company is Air Services Liège. Thank you André for your insights and Thank you to Luc Barry for the courtesy pictures.

Last but not least, ASL Group (which also includes JetNetherlands) will develop maintenance operations in Liège. Philippe Bodson,



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BERLIN GIGAFACTORY VISIT. A DETAILED DEBRIEFING FROM OUR FRIEND AT TESLA OWNERS CLUB UK. We reached out to our Friends and fellow Tesla Owners from Tesla Owners Club as they posted a detailed debriefing on the Tesla Gigafactory visit. My thoughts and photos from the Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg new European Gigafactory “County Fair”

Text : Will Fealey on behalf of Tesla Owners Club UK (TOGUK) Photos credit : Will Fealey - Tesla Owners Club UK (TOGUK)



© Elon Musk - Twitter


First of all I was honoured to represent Tesla Owners UK at this event and I wanted to thank you all for this opportunity, the UK had the most members attending Vs committees members and I hope this report goes in some way to show my appreciation for the opportunity. © Byron Soulopoulos I started the tour at 10:35 and walked out the door the other end at 15:07, the tour was supposed to last 1.5 hours... of the 6 Tesla factory tours I’ve done this was by far the most in-depth and fascinating experience (primarily as you could spend as much or as little time exploring as you wanted), along the 1.24 mile route I’d hazard a guess I spoke with approximately 80% of the staff to find

out about their role, the part of the factory we were looking at, their experience, what they were most proud of and also relaying my knowledge of historical issues or positivity to gain a sense of how that’s been addressed (or not). Unlike any factory tour I’ve done (and I’ve done quite a few from other brands as well as with Tesla), not only was photography allowed but it was actually encouraged, in fact there was not a single area in the tour that they asked you not to photograph and several people had brought in large dSLR cameras.




HERE ARE MY MAIN THOUGHTS: As always robots working together in harmony is almost an artform, it reminds me of watching a classical orchestra play together, they’re majestic in their smoothness and effortlessness. Whilst the factory looks massive, it’s just the start, there are already plans to duplicate what they’ve created so far next door, and they also have the 4680 battery factory being built as you read this. They estimate the 4680 production to be completed by June. There was a lot of (primarily cast and stamped) parts that had been created (for testing purposes) around the factory and a large selection of both Shanghai and Fremont built parts and cars to presumably cross-check against. There is a Generation 2 of the Model Y which is being produced now in both Fremont and Shanghai which is basically the front and rear castings without the 4680 cell structural pack. Effectively this is a stop gap build utilising some of the new technology but not all of it.


Although the robots were ‘in motion’ they weren’t doing any work, it was all ‘for show’ which is understandable given the factory isn’t technically open and if it was in full production they wouldn’t have been able to give anywhere near as much of a tour. It seems the factory would be ready for production in anywhere from 2 days to 2 months depending on the person you spoke with. The vast majority seemed to indicate 2 weeks would be how long it would take them to start production. Of course, this would need to ramp up massively in each area before they were hitting 500,000 cars a year.

THE PLAN IS 1 CAR EVERY 45 SECONDS OFF THE FACTORY FLOOR. UK NEWS - They confirmed both RHD and LHD cars were produced during testing and as we know RHD will come out of Berlin at some point (although most likely from Shanghai first). A big push for apprenticeships in 20 different fields, making them the largest apprenticeship employer is Brandenburg area (2.5M people). Clearly German language is required for a large % of the factory but several positions just require English. The sheer size of the stamping machine is breathtaking with the level of detail, precision and speed needed, equallly it was fasci-

nating talking with the engineers responsible for the machine and it’s maintenance. Each plate needs to be able to press millions of times, in fact almost a billion times and they’re all made by a third party (something that suprised me). The engineers responsible for the laser welding and brazing were fascinating to talk with and were so incredibly proud of the work they do. We did joke that they presumably wouldn’t want much more of the car to become cast as that presumably puts them out of a job. Paint: Wow - This section was beyond fascinating and again the sheer size of this part of the factory was breathtaking, interestingly several of the engineers were Brits, in fact one of the people responsible for colour choice is a Brit... Fingers crossed 🤞 for British Racing Green. I’ve since made contact with them and asked if they wished to join this group (alongside the other ~170 staff on here to read feedback). We discussed all parts of painting from the angles of the paint application, to the thicknesses of the different layers (e.g. white generally is 4 layers but red is 7 layers) BUT when you add all the layers together they’re the same overall thickness, in other words the red uses thinner layers. We discussed the other coatings that are added before painting (approximately 4 coatings) and how Tesla are using superior technology and proccesses to lower water and chemical usage. Several new paint processes in Berlin (as suspected). Paint shop is complete and ready to turn on. Quality control of paint again was discussed in great detail here (for instance I referenced paint chipping that sometimes takes place around the rear wheel arches) and was told this is obviously known about, it’s called ‘Stone Pecking’ in the industry, they’re aware of what causes it. They also had an orange peel image on display and we discussed about how they find the issues that cause orange peel and how they solve that etc. We also talked about how cars would arrive into other countries (e.g. the UK) and they confirmed this is something they’re currently working on after all the learning from Fremont/Shanghai. EasterEgg At least 1 new colour confirmed (you likely saw all the photos but it’s the Crimson Deep-Cherry Red) but at least 1 other not verified. Likely (at least to start with) no larger selection of colours just a new selection of the 5 on offer currently. In short, I’d expect Multi-Coat Red and the Deep-Blue Metallic to change to



something similar but not the same. Finally a new black is my gut feeling as the other change. It was clear this paint team (750 humans and 120 robots) were being told by the very top that paint quality needed to be not only superior to the mainstream competitors but on par with the best in the business. The photos of a brown/matt-gold/yellow car several reported as a new colour are not true, the colour seen is an undercoat colour, which was I believe 1 of the 4 or 5 undercoats that the cars are covered in before the paint. In true ‘just in time’ style there are 750 employees that will be responsible for getting the right components to the right locations in the factory each day, a total of 400 incoming shipping containers will arrive at the factory daily (this blew my mind a bit). On to the casting, this area was again next level, this process basically takes what was previously 200 aluminium sheets that were folded/bent/welded/glued together to form the front and rear chassis sections down to just 2 single pieces. Each casting machine produces 1 component (either a front or a rear cast) every 2 minutes, the casting machines were insane in size in fact Tesla hold a world record for having the world largest die casting machine but the room had more than 1 in there, in fact it had 2 of them working, and a further 6 in production. Casting involves 340 humans, 28 robots and 8 mega casting machines. In short, this process melts aluminum up to 700°c and pumps it into die casts (think how they made old metal toy cars) and uses 6,100 tons (equiv 1,200 African Elephants) of pressure to form this liquid aluminum into solid but lightweight parts. The cast front and rear parts are going into production in Giga Berlin from day 1 but Shanghai and Fremont are also adding these into production (likely already started). The curved lines on the rear casting (that almost look like flames), we wondered if this was to aid with heat diserpation but it was actually to do with the process and ensuring the aluminium flows into the mould. Showcasing of the completed body including referencing how whilst the front is now cast, there are two lower speed crash arms

which protrude from the front cast and that will take a forward impact pressure of a crash up to approx 20mph, meaning no need to replace the cast for these smaller crashes. Confirmation that it’s possible to replace these front casts after a larger collision but obviously if that taken place other parts of the car likely may mean the car is written off anyway. Tesla were again keen to speak with and showcase technology directly to children that attended, they had electric motor displays for them to take away. 4680 cell display area - the fact the seats are secured to the battery pack itself, as above, new factory needed on site to produce the cells and that likely won’t happen until Q2 next year. Total of 700 staff at this facility, one of which is a member of this group Drivetrain area, 1000 humans and 50 robots in this area. It would seem these will also come from Shanghai to begin with until they’ve ramped up production in Berlin but not fully confirmed. It was great to see inside the motors and understand how they all connect to each out. The ‘what are you most proud of’ question I asked in the drivetrain section was to a young shy chap, he was so immensely proud of the work he did on a new automatic alignment tool for both the front and rear axles, he said it was a world first and it meant further adjustments down the line were less needed and it would ensure the axles/wheels leaving the factory were better aligned. This seemingly boring invention would be integrated into the lines at both Fremont and Shanghai. All seats made inside the factory, Tesla are basically the only company to do this. Quality vastly improved from the early years. Pretty cool to see how the closed system works for adjustment. Confirmed that it was a chip issue that limited the production of the lumbar seat controls. EasterEgg The ‘3rd row’ seat section made it clear (at least to me) they will release the 7 seater from day 1. General assembly was the next section, 289 stations, 5,000 humans and 12 robots, this is where the large chunk of the workforce work and this is where the final painted shell of the car gets filled with everything it needs to become a state of the art modern EV.



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BluOS is een draadloos ecosysteem dat je thuisnetwerk gebruikt om meer dan één geschikt apparaat te verbinden en je muziek perfect gesynchroniseerd af te spelen, of om verschillende muziek, waar ook in huis, tegelijkertijd af te spelen. Met behulp van geavanceerde technologieën kan BluOS draadloos en bliksemsnel verliesvrije muziek tot 24-bit/192kHz verzenden, zónder vertraging en zónder enig verlies van geluidskwaliteit.


EasterEgg New lights for Model Y confirmed, these lights I must admit I presumed were a clever trick with a projector, a light controller and sync’d with music but it would seem Model Y will partially dance and possibly have a party trick or two up it’s sleeve + the added benefit of Audi-like Matrix LED lights which is something I’ve had on my wishlist for a while. It was then on to the AP team and showcasing the technology for FSD etc. No real discussion points other than the obvious. I didn’t reference FSD in Europe as I know this is already being worked on (as per my previous update on this). Then it was on to crash testing team, each car is crash tested at least 40 times and then continually thoughtout the future iterations or when required. This is primarily done at a 3rd party facility but they also crash the cars in-house as well. There was obviously a big point to showcase (as always) how safe these cars actually are.


It was clear that the quality of cars from Shanghai has been impressive and I do wonder how much better Berlin will be able to make them (that’s not to down play Berlin’s potential but simply to highlight how great the Shanghai built cars are).

Across the event I spoke with approximately 15 individuals or small groups of German locals to get their opinions on the factory / Tesla / Elon and each one was very positive, I spoke with one couple who just kept saying “We love Elon, We Love Tesla”, it was as if those were the only English words they knew, I asked how long they had owned a Tesla and they said, “we don’t own a Tesla we cannot afford one yet” yet there they were in love with the brand. There was a few negative people (I think I counted 3 people + 2 banners + 1 caravan) out the front of the event but there didn’t seem to be any other protestors etc, although there was quite a decent sized police presence.

NEW DEDICATED TRAIN STATION BEING ADDED + NEW HIGHWAY ENTRANCE ALREADY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. On to Elon’s speech, wow... it’s almost like he does it badly on purpose, whilst the pressure of getting it right must be insane it’s like he and the team never practice but the locals loved his attempts at speaking in German albeit it was a mix of laughter and applause. I don’t think he did himself any favours cutting the Q&A short and then going to sit upstairs presumably behind what he thought was one way glass on his phone for the next hour though but I guess that’s the price you pay for being a celebrity as the crowds were crazy when he walked past.




TESLA BEER CONFIRMED, SADLY NONE AVAILABLE TO TEST. The locals went fairly wild for the DJs after Elon’s speech, clearly they picked well although I’m not sure it was the DJ’s normal crowd. Myself and a handful of other UK members ended up staying until the end of the event (~midnight) and continued to chat with a wide selection of staff, other owners and the public from all over Europe, from Tesla Mobile Techs to Head of Service Germany and from the person resonsible for paint colours to the person responsible for a small but vital part of the 4680 cells. The levels of excitement, proudness and enthusiasm to do more and do it better than elsewhere was incredible. Also the level of commitment that many of these employees have made including leaving loved ones in other countries was intense, I’m glad to say Tesla opened the bar to them at the end of the event as a thank you.

p.s. because sadly I know a small minority will take umbrage that I and 10 other UK owners went to this event (even though we did this far fairer than any other club), we all paid for our own travel (60% drove in their Tesla), accommodation and food. Tickets were randomly drawn for 9 positions to our members and 2 were given to Tesla Owners UK committee members (as voted for by the elected 11 person committee) Tesla gave an additional 2 tickets to two UK owners as well that joined us. We were all kindly transported to the factory by an electric bus for which the UK attendees paid towards a gift for. I sadly had to fly (family commitments) but I offset my travel by buying UK tree planting to make my trip carbon negative. Thank you Will for your detailed debriefing and insights. We surely look forward to the Gigafactory getting to work with most likely tour to open for Tesla Owners. Thank you for your time and Team Work.

Clearly the event was designed to win locals over but also to get new staff to join so with that in mind be sure to send this link to anyone in Europe you know that is passionate about building awesome things even if it’s nothing to do with building cars https://www.tesla. com/en_gb/giga- -


Bill Newman header

BILL NEWMAN AUTO INDUSTRY ADVISOR AND ANALYST, SHARES HIS INSIGHTS Bill Newman is a recognised expert in the automotive sector. In his role at SAP he coaches C-level executives in technology, process, innovation and organisation transformation. Bill shared with us some of his views on how the automotive market is transforming.



Bill Newman

After graduating in aerospace engineering, Bill focused his business school thesis on comparative studies in the automotive industry. Over the last 35 years, he has been working in large consulting firms, advising hundreds of senior level executives throughout the automotive ecosystem. “This has given me an industry-wide view on how automotive companies are transforming their business models in every aspect – from design and sourcing materials, to distribution and sales” says Bill.

NEW BUSINESS MODELS “Companies have had to unlearn the way they traditionally approach the market and accelerate all processes to keep pace with fast-moving transformations. We are now looking at a world where start-up companies can complete the ‘QuickBooks to production journey’ in as little as 18 months. That includes design, engineering, supplier-sourcing, approval, and testing. This is where SAP is par-

ticularly helpful, as we can help them optimise multiple processes such as supply chain, fleet and delivery service managing, all in the cloud.” “Our traditional ways of looking at things in business have been overturned. Building huge inventories of components or stock to make economies of scale no longer makes sense. Designs are changing more regularly and there are now around 50% less components in a vehicle than there used to be, even a couple of decades ago. We have moved to a world of solid state and software components. This brings drivers much greater reliability – up to hundreds of thousands of kilometres with a new vehicle, rather than tens of thousands before major services. This has affected the auto services and spart parts sectors, many of whom will struggle to make the shift to EVs.”



Bill Newman

THE SHIFT TO EV “Companies are taking two main approaches to production and profitability. Some are looking at mass volume with low profit margins, while others take the opposite strategy of lower volumes and higher margins. This very much depends on the composition of the vehicle you are offering and the geographical markets you are targeting. The transition to EVs will clearly be slower in some countries, where the general population simply can’t afford them. In California, on the other hand, we won’t even be able to buy a gas-powered car after 2035. All new cars will have to be fully electrified. The EU is likely to follow at a similar pace, and there will be fewer markets even for hybrid cars. By that time, gas stations will evolve into “energy stations.”

Battery reliability and autonomy range are continuously improving, but the high-cost factors remain. When battery developments have stabilised we will see more mass production and costs should start to democratise. It’s very interesting to see the investments that companies like Ford and GM are making in battery management. Volkswagen is another example, with their new EV battery production plant in Chattanooga. Looking ahead to 100 years from now, hydrogen cell cars will be the long game. Latest models can reach over 1,300 km on a full tank and cars emit water vapour. Toyota’s Mirai hydrogen fuel cell is a great example, but it lacks the sufficient network of hydrogen fuelling stations and lower cost that comes with scale of that technology. That will be the blocking point as these distribution networks take time and huge amounts of investment to build up – as we have seen with EVs.”



Bill Newman

THE USER EXPERIENCE, SUBSCRIPTIONS AND AUTOMISATION “Driving behaviours and the user experience have changed, accelerated by the pandemic. Commuters are using their cars one or two days a week, rather than three to five days a week. There are more flexible subscription models – for example you can lease an executive car during the week and then a light passenger truck to haul your boat over the weekend. Some companies in the luxury sector had previously explored these types of subscription models, but the market wasn’t yet ready. All that has changed.

User experience transformations will be driven by commercial fleets, who are the early adopters of electrified and automised vehicles. Automisation will be a particular advantage for transport companies, as we simply don’t have enough truck drivers worldwide. Companies are already starting to experiment with zero- driving trucks here in the United States. This is especially so in the states of Arizona, Virginia and Michigan, where automised trucks are being used in closed, regulated spaces. This is just the beginning, as this will push right down into the passenger space.”



Bill Newman


ABOUT BILL NEWMAN William (“Bill”) Newman serves as Industry Executive Advisor (Chief), Automotive for the Customer Innovation Office at SAP North America. Bill has over 35 years of executive leadership, strategy, consulting, practice management experience balanced with extensive public speaking and higher education experience. A former leadership team member for Volkswagen’s IT division, he is the author of two books on enterprise performance and has worked with many OEMs and suppliers across the automotive industry. A native of Southern California, Bill’s has lived for 25 years in his adopted home of Michigan which has provided many opportunities for his family and career for which he is grateful.

Bill holds a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from UCLA and an MBA with a graduate certificate in International Business from Loyola Marymount University. He now shares his time between the Detroit Metro area and Southern California with four adult children across the country. In their spare time, Bill and his wife harvest oranges from their orchard in California and produce their own Orangecello and soon Cointreau. For more information visit www.linkedin.com/in/wnewman


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RAFAEL DE MESTRE AND THE ECO GP The eco GP organises a series of endurance, speed and slalom events, to help spread the enthusiasm for EVs to a wider audience. Supercharged Magazine got in touch to learn from Rafael de Mestre, the founder and promotor of eco GP.




MY FIRST EV – THE TESLA ROADSTER FIRST GENERATION Rafael de Mestre is an international entrepreneur. Born and raised in Spain, he studied in Germany before moving to Switzerland and now Romania. He is shareholder at the first EV Charge Station backbone provider of the world founded 2010 in Barcelona. His companies in Dubai, Hamburg and Bucharest are diversified and involved in IT consulting and development, GPS systems, EV charging stations and organsing EV world tours and EV racing!

So how did the involvement with EVs begin? “At the age of four, I went to a fare and tried the Bumper Cars (auto-tamponneuses/ botsauto)” says Rafael. “I was amazed by the noiselessness and acceleration and dreamt of having one of my own driving it on public roads. It was many years later, in 2011, that I discovered the Tesla Roadster. It felt like my dream had come true. I put in my order for one, and that was the start of my electric mobility career.”



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ROAD TRIPS AND ROUND THE WORLD TOURS TO RAISE EV AWARENESS “I went to pick up my car in the UK and drove my first 400km. Although I loved it, I was pretty disappointed with the reaction of others. Everyone seemed to think I was crazy and the only one who understood was my brother. They were shaking their heads and saying that I could have bought a house instead for the same money. People hadn’t yet realised the potential. I met Elon Musk and I asked him if he had had the same experience. He said “Yes. The world isn’t ready yet, but they will be one day”. Inspired by this, I decided to make it one of my missions to try and show people what an awesome solution EVs represent for the world. I started to give friends test drives.”

“For me it was obvious that when I am encouraging more people to drive electric, it can be easier to persuade people with the fun aspect rather than lecturing them about emissions targets. I also wanted to reassure people that you can do long trips with an EV. I decided to drive to a friend’s marriage in Sweden and share adventures of my trip from there to the Black Sea in Romania. This was ten years ago and we didn’t have the big networks of superchargers that we have now. I showed viewers how I was able to charge at hotels along my trip, wherever I was staying. After all every hotel has electricity, you just need to take an extension cable with you.”





“I then wanted to take it to the next level, so I decided to do an ‘around-the-world-in-80-days’ trip in 2012. That involved driving through the Gobi Desert, to really prove that you can drive an electric car on long trips. That world tour even involved a big accident about 1000km before the finish line of my 28,282km journey. The accident actually turned out to be a great publicity opportunity for the 80 day trip and suddenly I had lots of news crews filming me. The Tesla company was great and quickly got me back on the road.”

“I really wanted to the get the message of electric vehicles to audiences in China and America, so I did the 80 days trip again in 2016 and invited teams from China and America. Altogether we had 10 teams plus one electric bus take part. The third edition shall include the emission free crossing of the Atlantic Ocean to be started 2023. Anyone having an electric car is welcome to join www.80edays.com to feel the fun electric cars bring with it at one of the last real adventures – the emission free circumnavigation.”


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THE FLAG RAISES ON THE ECO GRAND PRIX “By 2011 I had started to get acquainted with other Tesla drivers. At the time these were really small communities and we had so much in common – such as ideas on sustainable thinking, problem solving, fun and acceleration! I met so many great friends within these communities.”

difficult task to persuade the track to let us run for 24 hours but I was able to convince them when I explained how much media coverage they would get.”

“I initiated the first eco Grand Prix in 2013, with all of my Roadster friends. We organised a six-hour race on a small racetrack in Spain. In 2018 we added our first 24-hour annual endurance race to the event series, at Germany’s Oschersleben race track. It was quite a

“Each year the number of teams entering was growing. Our next dream was to host the 24 hour event at the prestigious Nürburgring, as we knew we would get a huge amount of publicity from this. We managed to get our first booking there in 2020 – but due to




eco GP

the pandemic, it was cancelled. For the same reasons we had to postpone it twice in 2021, but finally we were able to go ahead in November last year. The 26 production cars on the starting grid included models from Tesla, Kia, Open, Renault, Polestar, Hyundai, Porsche, Smart and Mitsubishi. Despite tough competition, it was the team from Tesla Owners Czech Republic who raised the trophy on victor’s podium.” “It was a fantastic event but foggy weather meant that we had poor visibility for the drivers and finally we had to put up the red flag because of this – so the endurance race lasted around 14 hours, which is still impressive. The winners were the Tesla Owners Czech Republic team, driven by Pavel Baron, David Tusl, Jan Semotam and Ondrej Hunkovski.”

UPCOMING EVENTS “We have lot of plans to expand eco Grand Prix and have more races over Europe. As part of this, the UK is currently changing the power supply at many of their tracks, to ramp them up from the current 7kw/h to over 20kw/h. We are also planning to use electric batteries to make a charging station within a walk-in container and hope to have this ready by 2024.”

This year’s 24-hour race will again be at the Nürburgring, in November. Eco Grand Prix plans to host around 10 races in2022, including a slalom event in August. “Our aim is to be not only an event that electric vehicle fans enjoy, but all people and shall grow to an international festival of emobility infecting everyone efficiently through fun with sustainability. Everyone wanting to support us to reach this level faster is highly welcome contacting me. We are accelerating EVolution racing for future, because it’s too late for running only.” says Rafael.

For more information about news and upcoming events visit: https://ecograndprix.com/ https://www.youtube.com/c/ecogp https://www.instagram.com/ecograndprix/ https://www.facebook.com/ecograndprix/ https://twitter.com/chargelocator https://twitter.com/ecogp_en You can watch the video from the 2021 ecoGP 24H Nürburgring here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_jjTTmS8LE







EV Belgium

EV Belgium is a non-profit organisation that lobbies for the development of EV driving in Belgium and supports drivers in their transition to electric driving. We spoke with Jochen De Smet, president of EV Belgium, to find out more… Jochen De Smet comes from a long political background, with experience in lobbying and as a government advisor gained over two decades. He first became interested in EVs in 2015, when he was a cabinet advisor to the Minister of Energy for Flanders. During this time, Jochen was actively looking for new dossiers and deliverables to accelerate clean energy deployment. His projects included advising on smart metering and smart grid deployment and working with stakeholders and legislation needed to make this happen. Simultaneously he was looking into ways of improving clean power for transport.

MEETING ELON MUSK “One of our achievements with the Flemish Minister for Finance & Budget was to incentivise the purchase of electric cars” says Jochen. “While we were working on that, we received a call from Tesla Belgium’s CEO to discuss problems of taxation for driving EVs. It was agreed on what needed to be done, but it was taking some time due to software problems. We then received a text to tell us that Elon Musk was interested in our new policy and wanted to talk with us. A visit to Belgium was arranged for a breakfast meeting with Elon and the Minister. During the meeting, Elon told us that he had very high expectations for EV take-up in Belgium and went on to share some of his ambitions for solar panels and batteries. I will never forget that meeting and from that moment on I was hugely motivated to increase my knowledge and become more involved

with the transition to EVs. The meeting with Elon triggered a whole chain of events, politically and personally.”

AVERE BELGIUM BECOMES EV BELGIUM In 2018, Jochen left the civil service to become a consultant in electric mobility. He was also elected President of AVERE Belgium, the Belgian Union of Electric Mobility. “At that time, AVERE was an association of companies involved in electric mobility” says Jochen. “In 2021, we opened up our membership to EV drivers as well and renamed the association EV Belgium. Our members now include 80 companies and over 3,000 EV drivers. We have a very dynamic community and lots of discussions on our social media networks. EV Belgium also lobbies for the interests of all EV stakeholders and provides information and research to the Belgian government.”

LEGISLATIVE CHANGES ON DEDUCTIBILITY EV Belgium is involved in discussions for legislative changes for the new framework for EV tax deductibility. Deductibility is now linked to actual emissions and, as from 1 January 2026, will only be available for those driving 100% zero-emission cars. “Something that is important here, and fairly unique to Belgium, is the fact that 60% of new car registration are company cars” explains Jochen. “Company cars will be a huge accelerator of EV purchases in Belgium. Businesses normally retain cars in their fleets for 4 to 5 years, so 2022 represents the last wave of purchases before they have to move to 100% electric cars. Already, by 2023, there will be higher taxes on CO2 emissions, so many companies will be turning away from ICE cars completely. From 2026, only zero emission cars will be deductible. ”




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EV Belgium

Companies also have tax incentives for installing charging infrastructures on their premises and employees can benefit from a tax discount of 45% on the cost of installing charging stations at their homes. Charging infrastructure on the premises of companies is 200% deductible. Belgium has started the transition phase towards electric mobility.”

EV BELGIUM PREDICTS NUMBER OF EVS WILL GROW FAST “As at 1 January 2022, there were approximately 50,000 fully-electric cars in Belgium” says Jochen. “We forecast that this number will grow fast. There are 5.8 million cars in Belgium and my estimate

is that by 2030 one out of three cars will be fully electric. There are companies who want to green their fleets and accelerate their emissions reductions – and we are here to help them. When you take into account the fact that company fleets make up 60% of new car purchases, we should have 1.5 to 2 million fully-electric cars in by 2030. This is good news for the environment and the reduction of air pollution. This means we can expect a huge transition over the next eight years. For the non-fleet owners, households who wants to buy an electric car, we will see a second-hand car market that will become enriched with former company cars. Currently there is hardly any second-hand market for EVs.”



EV Belgium

“There are still a few issues that still need to be addressed. Our main problem at the moment is delivery delays for both cars and charging infrastructures. Another is that we need to reassure landlords on their concerns about charging infrastructures in carparks, due to fire security. Working together with the fire department will help to solve this.” “There is still a certain amount of scepticism on EVs, and this is partially being driven by lobbying from the traditional ICE market. Nevertheless, public opinion is clearly changing. A few years ago,

our surveys were showing that only one in ten respondents believed in the future of electric driving. This figure has now grown to two-thirds of respondents who are prepared to drive fully electric in the near future. People are now considering EVs for their next choice of car and the market will grow fast with the arrival of more second-hand EVs. Now we are in the phase of accompanying the transition to EV driving.” For more information visit EV Belgium www.ev.be



COP 26 2022

COP 26 2022 – THE ACTION PLAN FOR TRANSITION TO ZERO EMISSION VEHICLES One of the agenda highlights for COP 26 in Glasgow, was the meeting of the Zero Emissions Vehicle Transmission Council. Key points from the council’s findings and outline action plan are summarised below. Photos © COP 26



© COP 26

COP 26 2022



The Zero Emission Vehicles Transition Council (ZEVTC) is a political forum that was formed in November 2020. The council’s members include representatives from governments from most of the world’s largest automotive markets. Their objective is to work together to accelerate the pace of the global transition to zero emission vehicles.

The global transition is underway and there are now 8.5 million zero emission passenger vehicles on the roads.

During COP 26, the council agreed that a rapid global transition to zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) is vital to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Road transport accounts for over 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the total emissions are rising faster than any other sector. The rise of ZEVs will offer huge opportunities for jobs and growth, cleaner air, improved public health, and could furthermore boost energy security and help balance electricity grids as we make the transition to clean power.

In 2022 and beyond, the ZEVTC wants to continue to accelerate this transition and has already identified priority areas to work on in order to achieve this. Initiatives need to be worldwide. While national contexts and policy approaches may differ, the transition will be faster, easier, and at a lower cost if all nations work together. The council agreed that the shared aim is to make zero emission vehicles the new normal by making them accessible, affordable, and sustainable in all regions by 2030.



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COP 26 2022

DEMOCRATISING ACCESS TO EVS One of the objectives of the ZEVTC is to ensure equitable consumer access to ZEVs and access to affordable charging. As part of this objective, the council intends to explore measures to develop a second-hand market for zero emission vehicles. The transition to ZEVs will also create new jobs and require new competencies in the transport and energy sectors. Competitiveness for the automotive industry and decent work conditions need to be assured. The existing workforce may need reskilling and training. The ZEVTC will work to support these transitions through stakeholder meetings, dialogues with trade unions and those employed in the automotive industry.

CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURES A PRIORITY Rapid progress is being made in the deployment of ZEV charging infrastructure, but more investment is needed in all regions. The ZEVTC is to launch a taskforce of automotive manufacturers, energy network providers and charge point operators to consider

actions needed to facilitate deployment. There will also be discussions on how electricity grids can support the increased demands of electric vehicle charging, and use greater levels of green power.

IMPROVING SUSTAINABILITY OF BATTERY SUPPLY CHAINS Another area of importance for the ZEVTC is to work on coordinated actions, across countries and industry, to ensure that EV battery supply chains are sustainable and ethical. Collaboration will be needed in a range of areas to ensure this is possible, including on data, due diligence frameworks, policy to instil circular economy principles and the development of the ecosystem for battery endof-life. The next step will be for the ZEV Transition Council secretariat to convene a coordination group to support actions in these priority areas. Supercharged Magazine will keep you posted! 57


© COP 26

Autoworld’s header




© AutoWorld



© AutoWorld

The first-generation Tesla Roadster transformed public perception of electric vehicles and made them an object of desire. Visitors to Autoworld museum’s recent Supercar Story exhibition had the opportunity to view the legendary car close-up. Tom Maréchal, photographer and car enthusiast, sent us these great photos from the exhibition.

AUTOWORLD MUSEUM Autoworld is a privately run museum in Brussels, founded by Ghislain Mahy and his family. Ghislain was passionate about restoring cars and built up a huge collection of over 1,000 cars during his lifetime. Autoworld first opened its doors to the public in 1986. The museum is one of the largest automotive museums in the world. It displays over 200 prized automobiles and other memorabilia from the Mahy collection, over 20,000M2 of space.

The objectives of the museum have always been to share information on evolutions in car technology and design, with exhibits from every era of automotive history. Over the years the museum has grown, with the support of the Belgian government, to incorporate new zones. These include a Sports & Competition area, workshops and the recreation of the first ever Brussels car show, which was held 120 years ago.

THE SUPERCAR STORY AND THE TESLA ROADSTER In addition to its permanent collections, Autoworld regularly hosts temporary exhibitions. The most recent was the Supercar Story, from 17 December 2021 to 27 February 2022. The exhibition showcased just over forty Supercars which had contributed to the development of automotive history in terms of technology, design and performance. The exhibits came from private collections and museums all, over the world. The first-generation Roadster took its rightful place!




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“I had to see this exhibition as I have always been passionate about photographing cars” says photographer Tom Maréchal. “The first-generation Roadster has become legendary, and I wanted to see it close up. The design is clearly ahead of its time.”

ONLY 2,500 MODELS EVER MADE Tesla produced the first-generation Roadster between 2008 and 2012. Combining sleek design elements from the Lotus Elise, with a lithium-ion battery, only 2,500 models were ever-made – and one of these was launched into deep space by the Falcon Heavy!


© AutoWorld

© AutoWorld

© Tom Maréchal



© Tom Maréchal

© Tom Maréchal


The Roadster was a game-changer for electric cars, achieving 0 to 97 km/h in 3.7 seconds and with a top speed of 201 km/h. Range autonomy for this, the first production model Tesla, is 393 km on a fully-charged battery. The model on show at Autoworld is one of the first 250 sold in Europe. The car is on loan to the museum from Athlon, the car

leasing company that was one of the pioneers of electric vehicles in Belgium. Thanks to Tom Maréchal for these great photos! For more details about Tom’s works, or for commissions, contact tm.photographie. pro@gmail.com or Instagram @tmphotographie



THE E-BIKE TODAY AND TOMORROW AN INTEGRAL PART OF FUTURE MOBILITY This article considers all current trends, innovative technology, and, obviously, new models and accessories at length. We’ve made some enquiries within the bike sector as to what we can expect in the coming year from the ‘electric revolution’. TEXT: WIM VANDER HAEGEN






© Schmittenhöhebahn AG



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FASHIONABLE The entire electric narrative is still ‘booming business’, as the latest available figures show. In 2020, over 600,000 bikes were sold in Belgium. With about 230,000 items, e-bikes are clearly the driving force behind the current success of the bike. That’s due not only to health and ecological issues and the general trend towards electric mobility, but also the e-bike itself. Nowadays, lots of makes and models are fashionable. The bikes look more sturdy and attractive, but they are now also more functional. A major success factor is that e-bikes are now also lighter. Moreover, the number of categories has increased. The city bike is now joined by e-mountain bikes, e-gravel bikes, e-cargo bikes, long-tail bikes, and electric power or race bikes. Another factor not to be underestimated is the current

trend towards nature and the rapidly growing number of outdoor activities. The ‘back to nature’ trend has been largely due to COVID and the subsequent lockdowns, although that’s a rather unfortunate fact. People have rediscovered the joy of cycling amidst natural beauty and you can also see that from the growing number of gravel bikes. These bikes can be deployed both on and off the road, a combination which bike lovers really appreciate. The fact that these bikes lend themselves to both rapid activities and to a trek as a backpacker is an extra plus. In line with this development, GPS navigation systems are on the way up. People want to go outdoors and they wonder where they can cycle.


© FUELL by Bizbike




© Bosch


SHORTAGE OF PARTS Some makes have indicated that they are currently experiencing severe supply problems and are therefore unable to offer a comprehensive range of parts. During the first lockdown, all non-essential businesses closed. Although bike sellers were able to stay open as essential stores, many of them reacted with great caution and placed fewer orders. That was logical because no one knew ex-

actly what was going to happen and how long this situation would last. Lots of people went cycling at that time, perhaps even people who’d hardly sat on a bike in years, and suddenly the sector was faced with exponential growth. Shortages arose left and right, and orders of parts soon rocketed. Suppliers could barely keep pace when they, too, were hit by corona.


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Met 3 jaar omniumgarantie



€ 695









Event furniture for any occasion.




© HelmetPlus

UTILITY BIKES People who follow the electric bike sector closely will certainly have noticed that, apart from commuter cyclists (those who cycle to and from their place of work), other factors have also played a part. Firstly, cycling is better for one’s health, a factor highlighted even more by corona. Secondly, reducing the ecological footprint is an aspect which has taken on greater importance, and not just amongst commuters and leisure cyclists. The desire for a more ecological lifestyle also expresses itself in the emergence of the so

called ‘utility bikes’, such as box bikes and other cargo bikes and, more recently, long tail bikes. The latter are handy cargo bikes with an extended luggage rack which is suitable not only for the transport of shopping, but also for one, two, or even three child seats. This type of ‘cargo bike’ has a number of advantages: It is a good alternative to a classic box bike, safer for people who are not used to a box bike, and safer for children who aren’t exposed to the traffic at the front, but are seated safely behind the ‘rider’. Users also



point out that long tail bikes are also easier to manoeuvre through daily traffic without any luggage or passengers.

SPEED PEDELEC The wet summer obviously had an adverse effect on the number of registrations of speed pedelecs, according to Traxio, the mobility federation which represents about 10,000 mobility sector employees. After a promising spring, the figures deteriorated considerably from June to October inclusive. November witnessed a turnaround so that the balance from the first 11 months of 2021 did more or less reach the level of the 2020 figures. We have noted a fall of 7.5% as compared to the pre-corona time. A spokesperson from Traxio comments: ‘The speed pedelec market seemed to have reached its

peak, but in November we noted another increase. The return of traffic congestion since October might have played a part there. For 2021, we note a falling trend amongst private individuals (down by 5.4%), who still make up 49.81% of the market. People from companies and leasing schemes, who represent the other 50% of the market, are opting more and more for the freedom of a leasing formula rather than a purchase, so the total number of registrations in the name of companies is still above the level of last year. However, the speed pedelec is no longer as popular as a company bike in Flanders as it was in 2019. Bicycle dealers confirm that, even in Flanders, the speed pedelec is still a niche market, but it certainly does have potential in our urban regions which are prone to traffic congestion.’


© O2Feel



Handgeknoopte tapijten Vantyghem, Torhoutbaan 1, 8480 Ichtegem Michèle 0493/704887

Celebrate spring at Maasmechelen Village Over 100 premium boutiques, a luxury open-air shopping boulevard, four restaurants and ample free parking: Maasmechelen Village is the ultimate shopping destination for those who are looking to welcome the new season in style. Come and enjoy


carefree open-air shopping, indulge in a delicious al fresco lunch on one of the Village terraces and combine your shopping trip with a beautiful hike in a breath-taking region. At Maasmechelen Village, shop stylish spring collections and timeless investment pieces at irresistible prices. Looking for a true luxury experience?

Book your VIP package – including VIP Parking and access to our VIP Lounge – today.

Loewe bild i Uw persoonlijke Streaming-tv. Ervaar blockbusters en serie-highlights met een druk op de knop. Kijk tv en video-on-demand, luister naar muziek, surf via internet of gebruik onlinediensten. Een oled smart-tv zoals bild i, die uw persoonlijke streaming-hoogtepunten behoudt. Snel en intuïtief. Eenvoudig en duidelijk. Slimmere televisie - Loewe bild i. Made in Germany.

Arnout Beverenstraat 23 Veemarkt 12 8540 Deerlijk 8500 Kortrijk 056 71 96 52 056 21 17 89 www.arnout.be www.arnout.be

Audiomix Liersesteenweg 321 3130 Begijnendijk 016 56 10 62 www.audiomix.be

Beeld, Klank & Koffie Patrick Verheeken bvba Sint-Gillisstraat 22 9170 De Klinge 03 770 73 48 www.verheeken.be

Perfecte prestaties. De nieuwste oled-televisie Loewe bild i kenmerkt zich door een zacht design en exclusief materiaal. De met stof beklede achterwand zorgt voor een bijzonder elegant en waardevol achteraanzicht - kortom perfect design, kwaliteit en de nieuwste technologie gecombineerd in een moderne look. De ingenieuze technologie laat niets te wensen over en biedt u de hoogste prestaties, in slechts 4 seconden gaat de tv aan en is hij klaar voor uw televisiegenot. De Loewe bild i, een slimme oled-televisie van de nieuwste generatie. Geniet van flexibel geluid. Ook met het geluid blijf je flexibel: al dan niet met onzichtbaar geïntegreerde luidsprekers de “Loewe invisible sound” of de dockable klang bar i soundbar. Met de Loewe klang bar5 mr en de subwoofer sub5 breid je de bild i eenvoudig uit tot je persoonlijke home cinema systeem. De speciaal voor de bild i ontwikkelde floor stand flex is bijzonder geschikt voor een elegante presentatie van uw Loewe TV vrijstaand in de ruimte. Ook als wandopstelling, vrij zwevend aan de muur of als tafelopstelling perfect geplaatst op een dressoir, slaat de bild i een perfect figuur. Smart tv. De Loewe bild i - een smart-tv die uw persoonlijke streaminghighlights met één druk op de knop klaar heeft staan. Eenvoudig en duidelijk. U kunt snel naar de gewenste functies in het nieuwe menu navigeren en native video-on-demand-diensten openen met behulp van directe knoppen op de afstandsbediening. Of het nu Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube of Deezer is. Series, blockbusters, documentaires of muziek wachten op je. De bild i - uw persoonlijke streaming-tv die niets te wensen overlaat.

Er is reeds een Loewe bild i vanaf 2.699 €. Ontdek meer bij uw Loewe-verdeler of op loewe.tv/be-nl

D&M Beeld- en Klankstudio Beverestraat 4C 9700 Oudenaarde 055 30 28 05 www.d-en-m.be

Di Monaco Stationsstraat 66 9100 Sint-Niklaas 03 776 24 40 www.dimonaco.be

Heyman Krijgsbaan 209 9140 Temse 03 771 11 86 www.heymanreference.be

Vermeersch Hifi TV BVBA Vooruitgangstraat 3B 8900 Ieper 057 20 73 26 www.vermeerschhifitv.be


© Canyon

© HelmetPlus

PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL VERSUS COMPANIES AND LEASING Private individuals still account for almost half of all sales. 49.8% of all sales were private purchases, but their share has dropped this year (down by 5.4%). Sales via companies have also dropped (by 11%), but, by contrast, leasing is still growing in popularity and has

even grown to 35.1% of the total market. The success of leasing can be explained by a change in attitude from companies. More and more companies are discovering the convenience of leasing. They are attracted by the reduction in administration for themselves, but also definitely by the parafiscal benefits for the user and the company itself.


© O2Feel








© Shimano - E-Cargo

FUTURE MOBILITY CONCEPT Manufacturers of e-bikes and their suppliers tinker day after day on new products and concepts to help shape tomorrow’s mobility. Interconnectivity (including IoT, the ‘Internet of Things’) is playing an increasingly greater part. Urban areas just continue to grow. This growth is inevitably linked to traffic, more air pollution, and greater quantities of CO² which end up in the atmosphere. To help shape a more mobile future, designers and engineers from Canyon, in collaboration with the Technological University of Aachen, have developed a new and innovative concept. To close the gap between the e-bike and the car, the Future Mobility Concept includes a revolutionary alternative to both the car and the bike. A spokesperson from the German cycle manufacturer says: ‘By combining a new generation of light and powerful e-bikes

with the stability of four wheels and unconditional protection from the elements, we want to put cycle technology back at the forefront. We’ve just got used to getting into our cars for every journey. And so, when we end up in an endless traffic jam, it’s hard not to get jealous of cyclists who pass by swiftly. Although e-bikes are rapidly becoming more popular in urban areas, 45% of potential users still opt for a means of transport which provides protection from wind, rain, and snow. This is precisely where the Future Mobility Concept is coming to the fore. For a smooth interchange between street and cycle path, this ecological means of transport brings together the best parts of cars and e-bikes in one ultimate all-rounder. Speedy and stable enough on the road, light and agile to ride smoothly on the cycle path. In short, a completely new view of mobility.’



PANORAMIC CAPSULE How do you protect an e-bike from all weather conditions? The answer from the engineers is ‘a fully closable compartment encased by an innovative and panoramic capsule which combines shape and function perfectly.’ If the weather is nice, the capsule can be slid forward via two rails to open the compartment and enjoy a pleasant breeze. Moreover, the capsule offers plenty of space behind the rider for a child, luggage, or shopping. The capsule can also be slid further forward to make it easier to get in and out of the vehicle. Just as with a recumbent bicycle, the design gives the rider a comfortable semi-reclining position with feet on the pedals. The vehicle is driven by two joysticks which are positioned along the left and right hip of the rider. The turning radius is 7 metres. The result is a comfortable and agile system for safe and enjoyable journeys where weather conditions cannot throw a spanner in the works.






GOEDKOPE ALL-IN-HUUROPLOSSINGEN Bent u ook de hoge cartridgekosten van uw kleurenprinter beu? Bij ons kunt u multifunctionele toestellen huren waarbij u gemakkelijk 30-50% bespaart. Benieuwd hoeveel voordeliger u kan printen, kopiëren, scannen, faxen,… ? Aarzel niet om ons te contacteren. Wij rekenen het graag voor u uit!




Cuisine raffinée et soignée. Ouvert du vendredi au dimanche, de 12h à 14h et de 19h à 23h30. Service traiteur 7 jours sur 7, possibilité de privatiser le restaurant pour repas d’affaires ou familiaux.


Lundi : fermé Mardi - Jeudi : 18:15 -21:45 Mercredi : 12:00-14:00 18:15 -21:45 Vendredi : 12:00-14:00 18:15-22:00 Samedi : 18:15-22:00 Dimanche : 18:15-21:45





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R ue


Rue Pouplin Liège-Jonfosse

33, rue du pot d’Or 4000 Liège


R Angue des lais

À DEUX PAS DE L’HÔTEL Boulevard de la Sauvenière 48, 4000 Liège


Rue Tho nar Grisar d


Le Moya vous invite à venir découvrir son bar dansant avec ses Dj’s résidents du jeudi au samedi à partir de 21h.

R ue de

Rue Mo ag ndg Gra


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4000 Liège


Les Venn

Qua i du


EV charging solution

PROXIMUS AND CITY OF MECHELEN PILOT NEW EV CHARGING SOLUTION USING STREET CABINETS Proximus and the city of Mechelen are undergoing a pilot project to connect charging points for electric vehicles to Proximus street telecom equipment cabinets. The success of the project is being monitored closely by the Flemish Minister of Home Affairs. If all goes well, the solution could quickly be deployed with thousands of public charging 86

stations throughout other cities.


EV charging solution

BACKED BY THE FLEMISH MINISTER FOR HOME AFFAIRS This technological innovation is a first in Belgium” commented Bart Somers, Flemish Minister for Home Affairs. “If the results of this trial prove positive and the necessary partners can be found, several thousand new public charging stations could be created in different cities and municipalities in the near future.” “If we want to achieve the climate objectives, we will all have to do our bit. With the Local Energy and Climate Pact that has been signed by 294 Flemish cities and municipalities, we are going for at least one charging unit per 100 inhabitants by 2030. The local authorities can cooperate with companies, citizens and associations to achieve the targets. This pilot project with Proximus is a good example of how we can find innovative and creative solutions to tackle these challenges. If we can roll out this project to the rest of Flanders, this would result in the creation of 7,000 additional charging units, which comes down to doubling the number of existing charging units and accounts for more than 10% of the target set in the Local Energy and Climate Pact.” City of Mechelen leading the way for charging infrastructures With 139 (semi-)public charging stations, Mechelen already has the most charging poles per inhabitant. Since almost every pole has at least two charging points, this amounts to 278 charging units. In order to meet its target, the city must have 870 units by 2030, meaning that on average 6 units must be added per month. “We know what we have to do in Mechelen and in the rest of Flanders” comments Bart Somers. “Recently the Malinas shopping centre was opened with 10 charging stations, good for at least 20 charging units. Now we have this project with Proximus, where we are talking about the first station today, but planning to expand this to 8 locations in the near future. If the project is successful, we

could even consider a possible extension to 35 locations in our city, good for some 70 charging units. If we continue in this way, we will certainly achieve the target.”

EXISTING TELECOMS INFRASTRUCTURE OFFERS ENORMOUS POTENTIAL As a socially responsible company, Proximus wants to lend a helping hand to achieve this objective. It is therefore looking into ways to convert part of its network of more than 28,000 street cabinets into power points for charging electric vehicles. Now that the rollout of the fiber network is reaching cruising speed, fiber technology will replace the copper network in more and more places, freeing up space in street cabinets. With limited technical intervention, this space can be used to create additional charging infrastructure in a fairly simple way. Two vehicles will be able to charge simultaneously, with 11KVa per connector. In addition, these cabinets are often located in key places in city centers, where there is a great need for public charging. “I would like to thank the city of Mechelen for participating in this pilot project. On the one hand, it highlights our openness to innovation, as we are the first telecom operator in Belgium to launch such an initiative” said Guillaume Boutin, CEO of Proximus. “Moreover, the reuse of our street cabinets is in itself a form of circular economy, as we can simultaneously recoup part of our investment in technical installations and give the sites a new purpose.” In Flanders alone, Proximus estimates that there is a potential to transform 3,500 of its street cabinets into connection points for charging infrastructure. Similar initiatives have already been launched in Germany, the United Kingdom and Austria.



Peter Engels

A VISIT TO ARTIST PETER ENGELS PASSION FOR UNIQUE PORTRAIT ART As a modern portrait artist, Peter Engels has won international fame with unique portraits of figures such as Nelson Mandela, Grace Kelly, Estée Lauder, Karl Lagerfeld, and Richard Branson. The artist from Brasschaat has also painted portraits of members of the royal family and scores of business leaders. Yet there’s more: Anyone is welcome to have a portrait done by order. Karl Lagerfeld has aptly described his main characteristic feature: ‘Peter knows how to fathom the soul in his work.’ Text: Wim Vander Haegen – Photographs: Peter Engels.


Nelson Mandela, the portrait that made Peter Engels an internationally renowned portrait painter


Peter Engels

Prince Albert of Monaco bought the portrait of his mother Grace Kelly

THE BEGINNING … People often say that artistic talent is innate, and that was certainly the case with Peter Engels. ‘Even as a child I drew a lot and I’ve continued to do so ever since. I learnt to paint when I was sixteen, but I certainly had no plans to work full time as an artist. My father also painted, but combined it with a regular day job in the car industry. He believed you should always have a plan B, and I agreed with him. I continued to paint for myself as a hobby and occasionally for friends and acquaintances, but I studied marketing with a view of forging a career from it. In the quest to integrate art somehow into my business life, I thought of a job as an illustrator or designer. During my national military service, I continued to study at the academy and I used my spare time to make my first exhibition, which was an absolute success. Everything sold out and I even had to do extra works. I was convinced that I should continue with this work, but a voice in my head reminded me of the “plan B”. Then, I opted consciously for the advertising world, I became manager of an advertising agency after three years, and later I set up my own graphic agency. I was able to divide my time well between design work for the agency and painting for myself, and that was actually the start of my career as an artist.’

FROM MANDELA TO GRACE KELLY Things didn’t really get serious until Peter had done a portrait of the South African politician Nelson Mandela. ‘I was asked by Reuters to do the portrait so that they could put it on the world’s biggest billboard in New York on Mandela’s birthday. That generated huge international press interest so that I was occupied solely with giving interviews for about three weeks. In all honesty, I’d never expect-

ed that, but, after that, everything progressed rapidly. A year later, Prince Albert of Monaco bought a portrait which I’d painted of his mother, Grace Kelly. That happened at an art auction organised by Sotheby’s in Monaco. I was asked if I’d like to auction one of my works. I agreed on condition that it would be something appropriate. That was a big portrait of Grace Kelly with the port of Monaco in the background. I’d painted it on the road near La Turbie, the place where, in 1982, she lost control of her car and plunged into a ravine. And so, it was more than just the ‘head’; there was a story behind it. The Prince came to the auction and the work was presented to him. I saw him make a note in his catalogue, but I didn’t think anything further of it. Later, during the auction, lots of strong bids came back and forth until finally just two bidders remained, namely Prince Albert himself and the Mayor of Èze, a medieval tourist village not far from Monaco. Finally, the Prince won the day after a tense, but amicable dual and that put me completely in the spotlight of the press. I donated the proceeds to the good cause which the Prince himself had chosen. When I auction a painting for a good cause, I let the subject of the portrait or the buyer decide. In this case the proceeds helped finance the training of heart surgeons in Mauretania.’

RICHARD BRANSON LIVE Not long afterwards, Peter did a portrait of Virgin boss Richard Branson, not in the usual way, but live. ‘He’d come to Antwerp to give an interview for an audience from the diamond sector and I was asked to paint a portrait of him and exhibit the portrait there and then.



Peter Engels

Queen Rania Al Abdullah sculpture

Estée Lauder

Chef Roger Vergé sculpture


THE SOUL OF LAGERFELD One day before the event, I was asked if I could do it live during the discussion, which would last about two and a half hours. Although a portrait normally takes me about three weeks on average, I jumped at the chance. I took my thickest blade (I don’t apply the paint with a brush, but with a palette knife, because that technique gives the work of art more texture and character) and did a painting in the presence of 1,600 people. Afterwards, Branson said he thought it was fantastic and signed the portrait in person. The work was auctioned and sold to a company. The proceeds went to Virgin Unite, a project for the good cause which set up to support young people who want to study, but are unable to afford it. That, too, gave me a lot of attention from the press.’

THE HOUSE OF ESTÉE LAUDER ‘“One thing leads to another” is an age-old cliché, but in many cases it’s right. That was the case after that auction in Monaco. A couple who had visited the exhibition wanted to have a painting to be put on display in the house where Estée Lauder, founder and for many years director of the world famous cosmetics company, had lived in the 1970s and ‘80s. The old and stylish villa lies on a hill with a splendid view of the Mediterranean Sea. The restoration has been carried out with lots of respect for the former occupant. I painted a portrait of her which now hangs in the villa in the living room.’

Once Peter gets going, the anecdotes flow from his lips. For instance, there was also the now iconic painting of the German fashion designer, artist, and photographer Karl Lagerfeld. ‘Ten years ago, I had an exhibition in New York. I was wandering around near a hotel when a man asked me where the car was. I was dressed completely in black, so he thought I was a security guard. That was Karl Lagerfeld. We got talking and I told him that I make portraits in black and white and sepia shades and asked if I could paint him. He agreed, but didn’t have time to pose. And so, I took about five photographs and took them home to start work. I met him again in the Royal Palace in Paris, where I had exhibited the portrait in question. He said he felt he was looking in a mirror. If you look closely, you can see his eyes through his dark sunglasses and he thought that was fantastic. He said, “You painted my soul,” and I’ll never forget those words. His portrait has appeared at many exhibitions, from Art Basel in Miami to a giant yacht of a billionaire, and was finally bought by a German collector. Hotel La Réserve in KnokkeHeist wanted to display a portrait of Formula 1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton. Shortly afterwards, that, too, was sold to someone from Germany who took it away at once. I then did a new work, a portrait of Steve McQueen with his equally iconic Ford Mustang which he drove around in the film Bullitt. And, yes, you’ve guessed it; shortly afterwards, it was sold, this time to an American lady.’


Peter Engels

NICOLE KIDMAN IN BRASSCHAAT Other notable works are the painting of James Bond actor Daniel Craig with his classic Aston Martin in front of Tower Bridge in London and a portrait of George Clooney. ‘I often draw my inspiration from the moment in time or the place where I am. In Clooney’s case that was a road trip with old timers in Switzerland. Since the weather was bad, we drove on to Lake Como in Italy where the actor has a house. The idea of painting him occurred to me there spontaneously. Actress Nicole Kidman was staying at a house nearby for film recordings in Lint. She jogged regularly through the streets of Brasschaat and I thought I’d like to Paint her. The remarkable feature of this work is the sunlight which gleams through the holes of her straw hat onto her face. It was a very difficult task, but I managed it. Another nice story is the David Bowie portrait. It was bought by a lady from Monaco at an exhibition. Her husband later sent me a picture of the painting with his collection of Bowie guitars. Obviously, those are nice gestures. It’s not that I make a nuisance of myself or stalk celebrities whom I’ve painted. I make myself known, usually via their agents or managers, but that’s as far as I go.’

GOOD ART NEEDS NO INTERPRETATION. Anyone who thinks that Peter only paints portraits of celebrities can think again. ‘Obviously, those are the paintings which have give my work the necessary renown, but I also paint ‘ordinary’ people by order. They include children, spouses, parents, whole families, marriage portraits, and even pets. Also portraits of people with their passion: someone with a classic car, with a sailing yacht, the architect with his or her building, anything is negotiable. One thing is typical here: I never simply copy photographs onto a painting. Firstly because there’s the photographer’s copyright, but also, and especially, because I myself don’t enjoy working like that. It has to be something unique. Someone who sees one of my paintings will never see that exact photograph. It’s also much better if I can meet people in person. You can then paint much ‘more naturally’. The portrait of Princess Astrid is a good example of that. I met her in person and that reflects itself in some way in the soul of the work.’ One of Peter’s hobbyhorses is to reflect the right shade with little colour without being flashy. ‘I mix my colours myself until I get what in my eyes is the perfect shade. I opt consciously to be “different” from the art which is in fashion today. I don’t want to shock, I don’t want to paint abstractly, and I don’t want to produce art which needs an interpretation. Good art needs no interpretation; it has to strike you when you see it.’

UP IN FLAMES Life isn’t all moonlight and roses, as Peter experienced last summer. ‘On the occasion of the new James Bond film and the portrait which I’d made of Daniel Craig, I wanted to organise an exhibition in Knokke-Heist in the summer of 2021 on the theme of Bond & Girls. I’d completed ten paintings (the one of Craig was the biggest) and

brought them to the coastal town in April. Since there was no space available at that time to hang up the works, they were stocked in a shed. On 6 April, a fire broke out in the nearby horticultural business and the flames spread via the furniture company next to it to the storage shed containing my portraits. Finally, everything was burnt out, including the ten paintings. That was hard to swallow, as I literally saw two years of work go up in smoke. I couldn’t face doing it all again, so I only re-painted the portrait of Daniel Craig, but it just wasn’t the same. It was auctioned recently and is now on display in London, housed by a James Bond collector.’

SCULPTURES As we rang the doorbell to meet Peter, we noticed a number of sculptures which are also the work of his hands. ‘Someone once asked me to make them. I was interested, but only with “portraits” and in my own way. I make huge sculptures about three metres high and three metres wide in 22mm thick steel. I opt consciously for COR-TEN steel because the metal takes on a splendid rusty brown patina after a while. I’ve organised a few exhibitions of this work, including on the beach at Knokke-Heist. One of the works which I’m certainly proud of is a sculpture of the French chef Roger Vergé which is on the Roger Vergé Square in Mougins, a picturesque little medieval village about a 15-minute drive from Cannes. The mayor wanted to honour Vergé, one of the fathers of the “nouvelle cuisine”, and wanted a three-metre high sculpture in COR-TEN steel. For that matter, a small replica of the large sculpture is now handed over to the winner of the international cuisine competition which bears Vergé’s name.’

THE QUEEN OF JORDAN Our interview with Peter ended (as you would expect) with an anecdote. ‘Some people from Antwerp, friends of Rania of Jordan, asked me to make a sculpture as a present for the queen’s birthday. It’s become a really unique item (that was also the order) in lilac, her favourite colour. Not long after the party, an impressive envelope arrived containing a letter signed personally by the queen to say how lovely she found the present.’ In closing, Peter gave us another good piece of advice for young artists. ‘I just want to say two more things: It’s all about passion and “never give up!” If you continue to work on your art with passion, it doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night. You’re going for it and the feeling when you’ve produced something is indescribable and intense. And there’s always someone who thinks it’s beautiful, you can be sure of that. Some people even order several paintings here. And, from my wealth of experience, I know that it’s all about enthusiastic people.’ www.peterengels.eu



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A LIFT IN YOUR HOUSE IS AN INVESTMENT FOR LIFE. DESIGN YOUR OWN HOUSE LIFT WITH THE SPECIALISTS FROM VEROLIFT. A classic stair lift is now a familiar sight in the home, but the options in terms of house lifts are much more extensive. As in many other cases, quality plays a major part in the choice of a lift. Indeed, it’s often a choice for life. Since 1998, Verolift has offered a wide range of lift types and stands for well considered advice, design, installation, modernisation, maintenance, breakdown service, and repair.







The story of the company from Sint-Martens-Latem started at the end of the last century when the current manager Françis Verrone, together with his father Gennaro, decided to launch quality lifts on the market. Françis starts our interview: ‘Our quest for quality was then, and still is, not just a loose slogan. Obviously, we’re not the first ones to make such a claim, but after just one year we underlined our ambition by gaining the ISO 9001 certificate. Moreover, we practise what we preach every day and potential clients themselves can test the quality of the lifts in our showroom. We pay huge attention to the high-quality finish and offer various options for personalising lifts. We have our own team for sales, installations, and after-sales service. Our growth has been fairly gradual, but we’ve always made quality a top priority. After five years, we employed three people, today we have thirty, and we’ve fitted and maintained over 2000 lifts. We acquired our own showroom fairly soon in Zwijnaarde, but this year we’ve moved to modern offices in SintMartens-Latem. Here we have a modern showroom to welcome clients in peaceful surrounds and show and discuss the options. Customised advice is one of the pillars of our business philosophy at Verolift. We want to ease the burden on our clients and that goes for the entire process before, during, and after the installation.’

Verolift installs various types of lifts, but likes to refer specifically to house lifts as its corporate speciality. ‘Our range of house lifts offers all possible types, sizes, and designs. This means we have lifts with both revolving and sliding doors, with one, two, or three entries, with electric or hydraulic drive. Whatever type of house lift clients choose, they always enjoy the comfort which is our priority.’ Who are the clients? ‘Usually, they’re people aged 45 and above who want to live in their house or flat for life. Our house lifts are easy to use and extremely safe, so they are ideal for elderly people and people with a disability. Most of our lifts are also accessible for wheelchair users. Moreover, the blind and those with impaired vision can use our lifts easily, thanks to the Braille control buttons, a perfectly level entry, and audible signals. Very often, Verolift has products which are not available elsewhere. After all, we want to make a difference in all respects. An example of this unique approach is the integration of the interior. Our staff are only too happy to consider how a house lift can be integrated seamlessly into the home. Therefore, apart from house lifts and traditional people lifts, we also have the Super Domus. This is a people lift with a limited lift well and head room designed specially for existing buildings.




Firstly, we have the Super Domus Gearless with no engine room, where the electric drive is set up in the shaft, so there’s no need for a separate engine room. The lift well is limited to 30cm, the head room to 280cm. The Super Domus Hydraulic does have a separate engine room, but here, too, the lift well is limited to a maximum of 40cm and the head room to 260cm.’

there are people with building plans, including plans for a house lift, who come along with their architect. At all events, a lift will make you much more independent. We always start on the basis that people want to live at home for as long as possible; that goes without saying for us.’


People who are somewhat older are often overwhelmed with offers for stair lifts. And so, is that a good idea? ‘We’re not here to decry stair lifts, but from experience we know that this type of mobility often proves a disappointment. Always having to sit down and then stand up again once you are upstairs or downstairs really isn’t easy. You are often dependent on someone else who isn’t always around. A house lift gives you independence so that you can always move around freely yourself. From that perspective we always also consider functionality. Automatic control, an integrated domotics system, everything is done to provide the utmost convenience. Durability is also an important item. Such a product means a lifelong investment. We take this seriously, and that will be clear by now.’

Verolift works together with renowned and established trademarks in the sector. ‘From the very beginning, we’ve worked closely together with IGV Lift, which has been an authority in the field of lifts since 1966. A few years ago, Millepiani also appeared on the scene so that we could raise our profile even further and can offer a programme of very special customised lifts. Basically, in short, we can say that we can install anything, from the smallest to the biggest lifts, standard or customised according to clients’ specific requirements, both for residential and utility buildings.’

LIVING AT HOME AS LONG AS POSSIBLE Françis identifies two types of clients. ‘Firstly, there’s the occupant or owner of an existing home. In that case we like to visit the home to consider the options. People sometimes think it’s easy to fit a lift where the current staircase is, but, sadly, it’s not that simple. After all, you always need an escape route; safety is, and always will be, the priority. Our staff have a wealth of experience and can see further than the clients. A narrow or bigger lift? At first sight, you might think that a narrow house lift will suffice, but that isn’t suitable for a wheelchair. Clients who really do want to stay in their home for life might be better off choosing a bigger lift. Secondly,


DETERMINE THE LOOK YOURSELF. And so, what are the options? ‘We have house lifts with a revolving door and an automatic start/stop system as standard. In addition, we also have the option of installing a sliding door which may or may not be automatic, for instance in the event of a wheelchair having to enter the lift. The options for the finish are very extensive, even in terms of colours. Clients can determine the look in full for themselves with several affordable solutions to give the lift one’s



own touch. Think of printed photograph walls, walls, ceilings, and doors in an RAL colour according to choice, a floor according to choice (e.g. carpet, parquet, or cast floor), lights with LED spots or LEDS in the sides, and much more. There are narrower lifts (from 45cm) and bigger lifts, which we can all supply perfectly customised. We also install rooftop lifts for those who have a roof terrace. There are also various options for the controls such as push buttons with no wires, to give but one example. Moreover, we’re also strong in modernisation. After all, it’s not always been necessary for some time now to replace every existing installation completely.’

SERVICE PACKAGE Françis has already mentioned that at Verolift service is included in the package as standard. ‘Our staff have all completed a thor-

ough period of training. From the sales and fitters to the technicians for maintenance and, if necessary, repairs, we do everything ourselves. Each member of staff believes in and acknowledges our narrative of quality, service, and durability. As regards technology, we’ve made great strides in recent years. For instance, there is a big shift in progress from hydraulic to (silent) magnetic motors. We’re following that development very closely and monitor the situation every day. People can opt for a maintenance contract with us. And so, we monitor everything closely and plan a maintenance service whenever necessary. We’re available 24/7, including at the weekend, for any breakdowns, but repairs are seldom necessary thanks to the quality of our lifts.’ More information: www.verolift.be



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A SAFE STRONGHOLD IN TURBULENT TIMES EVERYONE FINDS THEIR THING AT DE WITTE LIETAER. De Witte Lietaer is a name with a ring of global excellence about it in the world of household textiles. The company owes its renown not only to its constant choice of high-quality linen, but also to the meticulous production which always includes an eye for refined details. ‘De Witte Lietaer has the wind in its sails, especially in terms of bed linen and sleeping comfort,’ says Francies Mallems, sales & marketing director of retail at the Belgian linen producer.




TOP DEMANDS AND QUALITY STANDARDS De Witte Lietaer started in 1898 with the production of household linen and is still a family business which makes a top priority of quality and innovation. ‘At one time, as world leader in Jacquard loom, we had no fewer than 700 looms which produced kilometres of fabric each day. Today, we focus on two target groups: Firstly, there’s the contract market with hotels and laundries, and, secondly, there’s the retail market for private clients. We’re well known for supplying products with an excellent price/quality ratio to meet top demands and quality standards. We offer a sound customised service which has been geared from the very start to each client’s taste. In that regard our company guarantees a wide range of bed linen, table linen, kitchen linen, and decorative fabrics. In recent years, sales of bed linen and, by extension, everything related to sleeping comfort have increased considerably so that over the last decade we as a manufacturer have recorded excellent growth. For that matter, sales of table linen, kitchen linen, and bath linen have continued to do well all that time.’

TWO COLLECTIONS De Witte Lietaer is synonymous with luxurious quality and applies that within the major bed linen sector over two collections, namely the Luxury collection and the Smart collection. ‘The high quality standard has always defined our identity in the market, but we certainly don’t want to limit ourselves to the highest segment.’ ‘We want to be accessible for everyone and that’s why, in addition to our Luxury collection, we’ve also started to develop a Smart collection. For that matter, both are of outstanding quality and we owe that to ourselves. There are good reasons why “Competence in Linen” is the slogan of our brand. De Witte Lietaer is not only a brand, but also a quality label which has offered expertise with value for money for over 100 years. We simply never rest on our laurels, we have our own R&D division and our own laboratory which closely follows up quality demands and monitors this strongly. The right fabrics for the right application is our motto. This means that we also offer different styles in both collections so that clients always find something to suit their taste in both collections. We’re not a fashion brand, but obviously we keep a very close eye on all market trends. That is partly due to Eva Roelens and Lenie Wyseur, two young design talents who use their skills to the full to design new things. They paint watercolours and then fine-tune the designs to perfection. They’re up to date in terms of both colours and current trends.’

INGENIOUS COMPLEXITY The extensive collections always include some basic colours. ‘Those familiar shades offer stability and continuity, whilst trend colours

respond to current market developments. We invariably look for complex, but stable colour shades. The depth of our colours brings out a certain stratification and ingenious complexity. That culminates in a programme of popular colours which appeal to a lot of people. That might sound easy, but our designers can say with hand on heart that this isn’t easy at all. Nevertheless, time after time they manage to satisfy clients’ changing tastes and, apart from the quality, that’s one of our assets.’

SLEEPING COMFORT As regards sleeping comfort, De Witte Lietaer can boast extensive know-how from the hotel business. ‘You’ll find our products all over the world in the better hotels and, obviously, we’re very proud of that. We also deploy our expertise in consumer brands. In 2020, with Yama, we launched a brand which focuses on luxury and in the summer of this year we added CAAP in the Smart segment. The bedding industry is in full expansion and as a specialist in the business we also want to offer all our clients the right products. Yama targets a somewhat older group of clients and guarantees a highly luxurious finish. CAAP delivers good quality, but is geared more to the middle segment and appeals mainly to somewhat younger consumers.’

TRENDS Which trends does Francies identify nowadays in the world of household linen? He responds at once: ‘There are lots. Firstly, we notice that flower designs, which have been in fashion for some time, are getting smaller and that’s now yielding designs with slender flowers and subtle flower patterns. Highly popular in linen are kaki colours, but also classics such as cobalt blue and caramel are also standing their ground, whilst ochre is once again making strides. Basically, you can say that the bedroom is following the fashion trends, but does so a little later. The abstract designs in combination with pastel shades are another trend. With bed linen we notice a growing interest in a soothing single colour rear in combination with an attractive and somewhat more crowded design on the front. That has now developed into a sort of signature of De Witte Lietaer and, together with our duvets and quilts, ensures that we can call ourselves a ‘sleep specialist’ with every justification. Bedroom linen and bathroom linen are showing nice growth margins, whilst table linen has dropped off slightly.’ Whether or not we can call it a real ‘trend’ is doubtful, but at present clients are increasingly making a very personal choice. ‘We’re getting really very specific requests and are noticing that there are highly diverse needs. Thanks to our wide range, we’re perfectly capable of meeting those needs. All styles are represented in our




collections precisely because we want to continue to serve the broadest possible public. Something for everyone sounds like an old cliché, but it really is what we stand for.’

NESTING One undeniable consequence of the global pandemic has been a shift in focus towards one’s own interior. ‘People inevitably had the time to do it. Nesting is a concept which perfectly defines the increased importance of home. Attractive designs, warm colours, light luxury, these are all elements which satisfy a desire for cosiness. We’ve noticed that certainly in the area of bathing textiles

and, more generally, all decorative materials in the living room, bathroom, and bedroom. In times of uncertainty people like to go back to certainties and strong brands. And, due to our long tradition of quality and innovation, De Witte Lietaer is one of those strongholds where people like to run.’

More information: www.dwl.be





The collections from De Witte Lietaer 1. . Towels - Hand towels - Bathrobe and - Bath mats - Beach towels 2. Bed linen - Permanent collection - Luxury printed - Smart printed - Luxury flanel - Smart flanel

3. Bed and supplies - Beds - Pillows - Duvets - Fitted sheets & mattress covers - Plaids 4. Kitchen linen - Tea towels - Bibs 5. Table linen - Table linen - Table protectors


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Ontdek nu onze 14-daagse Nederlandstalig begeleide expeditiecruise met vertrek op 25 augustus 2023.









1. Het ijsversterkt expeditieschip MV Hondius. 2. De kleurrijke nederzetting van Ittoqqortoormiit vormt met 450 inwoners de grootste Inuitgemeenschap van Oost-Groenland. 3. Onderweg ontmoet u walvissen, poolvossen, muskusossen... 4. Met zodiacs maakt u cruises langs ijsbergen, observeert u wildlife van dichtbij en maakt u landingen aan de kust. 5. September is de beste maand om het noorderlicht te zien. 6. De meest fotogenieke ijsbergen vindt u in Groenland. 7. Reis in stijl en luxe: kies uit 80 kajuiten voorzien van eigen badkamer en buitenzicht. Vanaf € 9.450 incl. vluchten.

Ontdek het volledig programma & prijzen op WWW.GROENLAND2023.BE Of kom langs op een van onze infosessies.

VAN SPITSBERGEN VIA ÎLE DE FRANCE & SCORESBY SUND TOT IN IJSLAND Adembenemende natuurlandschappen, immense ijsbergen, een ongestoorde fauna en duizenden jaren oude Inuit-ruïnes in Noordoost-Groenland zorgen voor een onvergetelijke levenservaring. ACTIEF & EDUCATIEF PROGRAMMA


Onze filosofie is een maximale ontdekking


van de omgeving. U brengt zoveel mogelijk

MV Hondius volledig af. Dit ijsversterkt schip

tijd aan land door. Aan boord worden lezingen

werd gebouwd volgens de strengste milieu-

georganiseerd door Nederlandstalige sprekers:

en emissienormen en biedt plaats aan 170

biologen, glaciologen, ornithologen... Tijdens







de reis vormt de Hondius de uitvalsbasis voor RECHTSTREEKSE VLUCHTEN

excursies. Hiervoor worden zodiacs ingezet.

Het grote voordeel van deze reis? Onze eigen IJSBERGFORMATIES

gecharterde rechtstreekse vluchten van en

De meest indrukwekkende ijsbergen vindt u in

naar Oostende. Zo vliegt u in amper 3,5 uur

Groenland. De talrijke gletsjers in Scoresby

naar Spitsbergen. Tijdens de terugreis gaat dit

Sund vormen de geboorteplaats van enorme

nog vlotter. Vanuit IJsland staat u 2,5 uur later

ijsbergen. Jaarlijks brokkelt meer dan 10km³

op Belgische bodem. Hierdoor heeft u meer

ijs af. Door de natuurlijke stroming in het

tijd om te genieten van Groenland. De vluchten

fjordenstelsel worden deze kathedralen van ijs

zijn in de prijs inbegrepen.







In 2005 organiseerde Asteria Expeditions reeds

goed als onbewoond. Halverwege ligt de

een eigen expeditiecruise naar Noordoost-



Groenland. We onderscheiden ons door het

monding van het fjordenstelsel van Scoresby

feit dat we een volledig schip afhuren. Hierdoor

Sund. Met een populatie van slechts 450

bieden we een exclusieve reisroute en ervaring,

inwoners is dit een van de meest afgelegen

met Nederlandstalige begeleiding. Bij ons

plaatsen op onze planeet.

betaalt u één prijs. Alle vluchten en excursies




zijn inbegrepen. BELGISCHE POOLGESCHIEDENIS Adrien de Gerlache trok in 1905 met de Belgica op expeditie. Hij navigeerde door het pakijs tot de oostkust van Groenland. Er werden maar liefst 200km aan nieuwe gebieden ontdekt. Een aantal kreeg Belgische namen zoals Pic de Gerlache, Bank van de Belgica en Kaap Albert van België.

REIZEN BUITEN HET GEWONE Korte Zilverstraat 6, 8000 Brugge T: 050/33 25 10 E: poolreizen@asteriaexpeditions.be

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