College Admits 7 Percent of Applicants for Class of 2026 Tana Delalio ’24 Managing News Editor
Photo courtesy of Eric Ingram ’23
The full Choral Society performed at a concert during the fall semester. Due to dwindling numbers, Glee Club has since merged with Chorus to form a new, more inclusive, Glee Club.
Glee Club Ends 150+ Year Tradition, Expands Range Sofia Tennent ’25 Staff Writer The Amherst College Glee Club, which has been open only to tenor and bass vocal parts since its founding in 1865, expanded to all voice parts this semester in an effort to revitalize the singing group after a dramatic drop in membership. Glee Club has been united with Chorus — previously a separate soprano and alto ensemble created when the college became coed in the 1970s — into a single Glee Club which began group rehearsals the first week of this semester. Despite an long and illustrious history as the fourth oldest college glee club in the country
— including numerous world tours and a performance at the White House in 1920 — Glee Club has been struggling to attract members in recent years, its numbers lowering significantly after a year of online programming during the pandemic. The merging with Chorus, which saw a resurgence in membership last semester, was conceptualized as a way to save the historic Glee Club and ensure that its tradition would carry forward, said Glee Club’s newly-elected co-president Ryan Kyle ’23. With the support of the former presidents of the Glee Club, Chorus, and Concert Choir — all of which fall under the umbrella of the Music Department’s Choral Society — Director of the
Nuclear Power Really Is the Future: Diego Rao '23 responds to last issue's "Seeing Double" column, arguing in favor of nuclear energy.
Choral Music Program Dr. Arianne Abela made the decision to restructure the Choral Society this semester. In addition to the former Chorus and Glee Club now practicing and performing as one Glee Club, all members of the Concert Choir (a more selective soprano, alto, tenor, bass [SATB] group) are now required to also participate in Glee Club. Weekly practice times have been reduced for Glee Club as well, in an effort to increase membership in the group. The Madrigal Singers, the only other ensemble within Choral Society, will continue to function independently of the Concert Choir and the new Glee Club. The response from members of the original Glee Club and
Chorus to the new change has been generally positive, with Haoran Tong ’23, the current president of Concert Choir and a member of Glee Club, reporting that “there was overwhelming support of this decision.” Tong spoke about the challenges that decreasing interest from tenor and bass singers had created: “Male singers are pretty rare on campus, and we were basically scrambling finding resources among the acapella groups.” Patrick Spoor ’23, president of Glee Club before its merger with Chorus, has seen the club shrink over the years from the healthy size it was in 2018, their first year
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A Covid Reflection: Tiia McKinney '25 looks back on two years of life in a pandemic, from The Bahamas to New Jersey to Amherst.
On Friday, March 18, the college released its regular admissions decisions for the Class of 2026. According to Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Matthew McGann, this year’s record-breaking tally of 14,800 applicants represents a 5.7 percent increase compared to last year’s applicant pool of 14,000 people, and resulted in an acceptance rate of 7 percent — 1 percentage point lower than last year’s 8 percent. Following tradition, the decisions were released at 18:21, or 6:21 p.m. EDT, in recognition of the college’s founding in 1821. The admitted students this year are even more diverse than those admitted in the Class of 2025, with the percentage identifying as domestic students of color rising from 60 to 62 percent. Matching last year’s admission cycle, 22 percent of the admitted students identify as first-generation college students. Nine percent are international students, down 1 percent from last year. The college plans to enroll 473 students in the Class of 2026. Admitted students are invited to attend one of two “Be A Mammoth” programs, held on Sunday, April 10, and Monday, April 18. Students have until Monday, May 2, to accept or decline their offer of admission. As with the Classes of 2024 and 2025, the admissions deposit has been waived for all students.
A Look Back on WBB's Stellar Season: Liza Katz '24 and Carter Hollingsworth '25 reflect on the obstacles and miracles in Women's basketball's wonder season.