WEDNESDAY, April 20, 2022
Nearly 200 Rising Sophomores Waitlisted for Fall Housing Liam Archacki ’24 Senior Managing Editor
Photo courtesy of Amherst College
Tyler House, pictured here, was one of the last residence halls with available rooms before the housing selection process closed on Thursday, April 14, at 7:15 p.m., with 178 rising sophomores not having selected yet.
Trustees Vote To Keep ACPD Armed Eleanor Walsh ’25 and Sonia Chajet Wides ’25 Managing News Editors The Board of Trustees has voted to keep the Amherst College Police Department (ACPD) armed, President Biddy Martin announced in an email to students, staff, and faculty on Monday. The announcement came after the release just minutes earlier of the final report from the Campus Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC), which the board consulted before making their decision. The CSAC was charged with surveying the community and informing the board’s conversations about policing
last May, in an effort to rethink and redesign public safety at the college. The initiative came in response to persistent calls by student groups — particularly the Black Students Union, whom Martin specifically thanked in her email — to disarm ACPD. In the email, Martin listed several reasons the board voted not to disarm ACPD. Most notably, the CSAC’s report did not recommend disarming ACPD. However, the committee did suggest that weapons “should be secured on campus rather than carried.” The board voted not to adopt this suggestion, citing a lack of “significant examples of places in the U.S. where this has been
"Every Person for Themselves": Chair of Psychology Catherine Sanderson criticizes the new housing process, noting the stress it puts on close relationships.
done successfully,” as well as a fear that delayed response times could be fatal. Although the board did not agree with the report’s firearm recommendations, they endorsed “shifting the nonemergency safety functions out of ACPD and reducing the presence and role of ACPD on campus.” Other reasons the board voted not to disarm included protecting against the potential threat of armed outsiders entering campus, and that ACPD would no longer meet Massachusetts certification requirements, thus losing resources and privileges (such as detaining suspicious individuals) granted to certified
departments. The board also noted that relying on Amherst Police Department (APD) as opposed to ACPD, was “not a viable alternative,” citing the community safety survey. Not only did the survey indicate that many community members would disapprove of that shift, but APD also “would face very real limits in their ability to get to know our campus and its buildings, as well as our community members.” Although the board voted against disarming ACPD, they are taking numerous steps based on the committee’s report. These
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"Narratives of Trauma": Mikayah Parsons '24 critiques the expectation that Black students share their traumas to gain admission into elite schools.
At 7:15 p.m. on April 14 — just over two hours into the five-hour block in which rising sophomores had been assigned times to select housing for next year — 178 firstyears were informed via email that the housing selection process was closed, and that they would have to wait until the summer waitlist process in July to choose their room. The incident, which came as a shock to many, has left students dismayed at the lack of communication from the college both prior to and following the housing selection process. Signed by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Operations team, the 7:15 p.m. email was sent right after the last rooms listed in the online housing portal had been taken. “It is important to note that we intend to assign all Amherst College students seeking housing for the fall semester; however, your particular assignment cannot be made immediately,” the email read. The email also stated that the waitlist selection process will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on July 21, and noted that a communication to be sent on May 13 will provide more information about participating in the process. In addition to rising sophomores who did not get to select a room, the
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Perfect Game: Ethan Samuels ’23 recaps the spectacular pitching of softball's Dani Torres Werra ’25, the first in almost 20 years to not allow any hits in a game.