Town of Amherst Goes to Vote on Town Council Seats, Jones Library Renovation Yee-Lynn Lee ’23 Managing News Editor
Photo courtesy of Emma Spencer '23E
Valentine Dining Hall is operating at full capacity for the first time since the pandemic began on Oct. 20. Above, students enjoy dinner in the newly opened Russ Wing of the dining hall.
As Val Fully Reopens, Staffing Shortages Limit Options Tana DeLalio ’24 Assistant News Editor Following the college’s loosening of Covid restrictions on Oct. 20, Valentine Dining Hall (Val) has returned to full capacity. The change signals a long-awaited return to normalcy after months of outdoor and to-go dining. Val now holds approximately 750 seats, which underclassmen are able to help fill for their first time at the college. But while students are ecstatic about the once-again lively atmosphere in Val, its staffing shortage has resulted in a lack of options for students with dietary restrictions. Many students are thrilled to experience dining inside Val at full capacity. Margaret Pearson ’24 expressed feeling “super happy” about the change to indoor
dining because “just sitting outside in the cold made you feel like you were never really sitting down for a meal.” In a statement to The Student, Director of Dining Services Joe Flueckiger echoed this positive sentiment. “I am thrilled to have students back in Val en masse,” he said. “It brings me joy to hear the buzz of students enjoying the space collectively.” The increase in indoor capacity has been accompanied, however, by a more limited menu for those with dietary restrictions. A couple weeks ago, the dining hall eliminated its single-serve, pre-packaged foods — including yogurts and Brekki overnight oats — which many students relied on as supplements to their meals. Flueckiger stated, “Eliminating the cans and other packaged items was very intentional.
These past 20 months have been very challenging in terms of the impact on our waste stream. We believed it was time to move back to a more sustainable approach.” Moreover, instead of adding more menu items to the Allergen Free section to compensate for the lack of pre-packaged foods, Dining Services has actually reduced the number of items available. For instance, the chickpea tofu, a protein staple for many vegetarians and vegans, was unavailable two nights this past week even though it was listed on the online menu. Additionally, Val does not offer gluten-free or vegan alternatives for many of its new menu items, such as waffles and pizza. As a result, many students with dietary restrictions now have more limited options than prior to Val’s
reopening. Pearson, who eats gluten-free, feels the effects of the reduced allergen-friendly menu. “It’s just hard because there are obviously more options for people without dietary restrictions,” she said. Pearson went on to describe how there are even fewer gluten-free options available now than during the height of the pandemic. “Last year, there were sometimes gluten-free pancakes — and yes, now they have the gluten-free waffles and donuts that you can get and put in the toaster, which is great — but they don’t [serve] many gluten-free breakfast options [now],” she noted. “More gluten-free carbs would also be nice because there are some times, like Pasta Night, when those just aren’t available.”
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In tandem with the rest of the country, the Town of Amherst held its municipal election on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Seats for the Town Council, School Committee, and Housing Authority, as well as the six Jones Library trustees and position of Elector Under the Oliver Smith Will, were on the ballot. Voters also participated in a referendum on the $36.3 million Jones Library expansion and renovation project. Polls were open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at various designated locations across town. Nineteen candidates, including nine incumbents, ran for the 13-member Town Council, which comprises two seats from each of the town’s five districts and three at-large seats. District seats are decided by voters in the district, while at-large positions are voted on by the whole town. There was a contest for the at-large positions, with two incumbents — including Mandi Jo Hanneke, wife of Professor of Physics David Hanneke — and four newcomers vying for the three seats. Races for the District 3 and District 4 representatives were also contested. Unofficial election results released by the Town on Tuesday night showed that while the two at-large incumbents held on to
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