Judiciary Hearing Addresses Constitutionality of PalestineAligning AAS Email Sophie Wolmer ’23 Managing News Editor
Photo courtesy of Eleanor Walsh '25
During halftime at the Homecoming football game on Saturday, students from the Amherst Labor Alliance walked onto the field with banners demanding higher pay and better treatment for Val workers.
College Converts Casual Staff to Benefited Positions Yee-Lynn Lee ’23 Managing News Editor On Wednesday, Nov. 17, President Biddy Martin announced to staff and faculty that the college will be converting a significant number of its casual staff positions to regular benefited positions. The new positions will receive “an increase in pay commensurate with the college’s current pay structures, as well as the full range of benefits,” wrote Martin. She stated that 19 of the new positions will be offered to current casual employees working in excess of 24 hours per week, and workers will be recruited to fill an additional seven benefited positions. According to Martin, casual positions were created over the years to staff a number of new dining and catering programs,
but “it has been clear for some time that these expanded programs are needed for the long haul.” The college is able to fund the new positions due to the “unusually large endowment gains of this past year,” she noted. While the college will still have casual roles for short-term work the college aims to “use benefited staff for the core, day-in-day-out functions of Dining [Services]” going forward. The new initiative has been discussed by the Committee on Priorities and Resources (CPR) and the Committee of Six throughout the academic year, and is intended to be completed by the end of the calendar year, the email stated. The announcement comes on the heels of a banner demonstration held by students in the Amherst Labor Alliance, a newly formed group of students and
staff working for better labor conditions at the college. The demonstration occurred during halftime at Amherst vs. Williams Homecoming football game on Saturday, when students from the Alliance walked onto the field and held up two large banners reading “RAISE WAGES 4 VAL STAFF” and “DECLARE VAL STAFF ESSENTIAL” for the audience of students, staff, faculty, and alumni to see. Many students shared photos and videos of the walk-on on their social media in support of the demonstration. Both the demonstration and Martin’s announcement took place at a time of heightened student awareness of the mistreatment faced by college employees working on an understaffed and overenrolled campus. Grace Cho ’23E, a member of the Alliance, explained that they chose to call
for raising the wages of casual dining employees — who currently make $15 an hour, down from the $20-per-hour or more hazard pay they received last year due to pandemic conditions — as “the most basic demand that we seem to hear from workers … that would generally improve their situations.” Members of the Alliance reported that the walk-on was intended to raise visibility for the Alliance and bring more attention to issues surrounding working conditions on campus. “Amherst College really hates bad press,” said Employee A, a member of the Alliance who works in Dining Services and asked to remain anonymous due to fear of retaliation. “I hope the walk-on adds more pressure to
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The Judiciary Council (JC) held two separate hearings to address an anonymous complaint filed against the Amherst Association of Students (AAS) Senate questioning the constitutionality of an email they sent last May in which they aligned themselves with Palestine in the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On Oct. 26 and Nov. 8, senators came together in the Octagon to discuss whether the email was appropriate. In the first hearing, those who filed the complaint requested that, moving forward, the AAS be more cognizant of the Jewish perspectives and only comment on complex geopolitical issues if they fairly represent student interests. In the second hearing, representatives selected by the AAS Senate defended the email as within the Senate’s authority as outlined by the AAS constitution, irrespective of the email’s contents. This article will be updated to report on the second JC hearing in greater depth when its transcript is officially released. Students who submitted the complaint felt that the expression of solidarity fell beyond the scope of the AAS’s responsibilities. Emma Daitz ’23 argued that senators took advantage of the AAS email platform to advance an
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