Issue 10

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Men’s Basketball Starts Season 3-0 See Sports, Page 9



Student Focus Groups Aim to Improve Course Evaluation Feedback Lauren Pelosi ’22 Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of Matai Curzon ’22

Accessibility experts Jeanne Kincaid and Bill Welsh began holding open forums at the college this week to garner feedback from students, faculty and staff on accessibility at Amherst.

College Conducts External Review of Accessibility Shawna Chen ’20 Managing News Editor Two nationally-recognized experts arrived at the college this week to begin a series of assessments on accessibility services and support. The two consultants, Jeanne Kincaid and Bill Welsh, will look broadly at accessibility before another set of consultants arrive next week to examine accessibility of the physical campus. The assessments, announced by President Biddy Martin in a community-wide email on Nov. 15, come after the college adopted four accessibility principles this past year, which were based on recommendations from a task force on accessibility and inclusion comprised of students, faculty and staff. The principles are written as statements on the college website: “It’s Intentional,” “It’s a Diversity Goal,” “It’s a Knowledge-Based Practice” and “It Benefits the Entire Community.” “As those principles indicate, one important step toward enhancing accessibility is to learn more about the barriers to access that currently exist at the college,” Martin wrote in her email. This week, Kincaid and Welsh will hold two open forums for students and two open forums for faculty and staff. Kincaid is an at-

torney at Drummond Woodson who works primarily with students with disabilities in private institutions of higher education. Welsh is the associate vice president for access and disability resources at Rutgers University. The Facilities Department will bring construction and architectural experts in December to study accessibility of the physical campus. “After the assessments are completed, we will report back to the community about how we will prioritize our work to enhance accessibility and inclusion,” Martin wrote. This past spring, after the Presidential Task Force on Accessibility and Inclusion was dissolved, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Norm Jones and Chief of Campus Operations Jim Brassord, among others, presented to senior staff members a proposal to bring consultants to the college. There was a shared consensus on the need for outside help, Martin said. “I’m sure [the consultants’] recommendations will be contingent on what’s possible when, but I would hope that in their discussions with so many different people and groups, they would come away combining all that they hear with their expertise with a set of priorities that are solid,” she said. “Ensuring that students have equal access

to educational programs, to support that they need, to gain that access, they probably will be looking at a whole range of obstacles that students face to getting their work done and those would include, I would hope, everything from physical obstacles to mental health issues,” Martin added. Welsh and Kincaid said their main priority is to solicit input and make recommendations to increase the efficiency of resources and make accessibility more proactive on campus. “A lot of what you design may have ADA [American Disabilities Act] implications,” Kincaid said. “We’re trying to help campuses put it in the bloodstream.” The purview of their assessments will cover everything from classrooms, laboratories and housing to student employment, meals and technology services. Other avenues of access, such as event spaces open to the public, will also be examined. Anyone can become non-able-bodied, Kincaid noted — it is critical to ensure equal opportunity. “It’s as simple as putting a notice on a website of who to contact if you encounter issues or concerns,” Welsh added. The college is not mandated to make every building fully accessible, according to Kin-

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The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) hired five students in early October to facilitate student focus groups to study teaching and learning environments at the college. The research is focused in two areas: student voice in course feedback and inclusive pedagogies in STEM. Having worked directly with faculty to design and proctor course evaluations for the past two years, Riley Caldwell-O’Keefe, director of the CTL, began to gather different data about the college’s learning environment this fall. “I can analyze that data [I already have],” she said, “but I can’t say what that experience was like for students unless we actually talk to them and ask them.” The CTL chose to hire students to conduct the focus groups because “it’s more productive for students to talk to students than it is for me to talk to them,” Caldwell-O’Keefe said. The research assistants were trained in leading focus groups by the Wabash Center of Inquiry in New Hampshire over fall break. Marco Trevino ’20, one of the CTL research assistants, said that in conducting these focus groups, the CTL is seeking information on students’ past experiences providing course feedback. The research assistants are asking questions like “Do you think professors understand the challenges that you have in your classes? What gives you that impression?”, “Do you feel like you have any influence in the ways that your courses are taught?” and “What ways of engaging with feedback feel most inviting?” Associate Director of the CTL Sarah Bunnell and Biology Professor Thea Kristensen are also leading a student focus group team on inclusive pedagogies in STEM. They are building upon the work of others like Professor of Chemistry Sheila Jaswal, who started the the Being Human in STEM (HSTEM) movement with several students, a course in which students produce projects designed to help Am-

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College History Discussed in Facebook Livestream Khalid Mohamed ’22 Staff Writer In a Facebook livestream titled “Amherst History Live,” Senior Writer for the Office of Communications Katharine Whittemore hosted President Biddy Martin, Dean of the Faculty Catherine Epstein and Head of Archives and Special Collections Michael Kelly for a discussion on the history of Amherst College. The discussion, which took place on Nov. 13, covered the institution’s origins, notable figures, athletics and fun facts. Whittemore started off by asking Martin what resonated with her the most about the college’s origin story and why she discussed

the history of the college at Convocation this year. Martin said she was inspired by Epstein’s address at last year’s Senior Assembly, where Epstein discussed a book by the college’s 11th president, Stanley King, who served from 1932 to 1946. “I’ve been thinking for a while that our students don’t get enough information from us about the history of the college and their place in it. So I decided to talk about the college and its early days and the portraits in [Johnson] Chapel,” Martin said. “It occured to me that [ first years] will already have been in the chapel for several events, but no one had probably said anything to them about who these people are in the portraits in the chapel.”

She added that what intrigued and inspired her the most about the college’s origins was its founders’ passion for education, specifically in their efforts of fundraising to send young men to college — what Martin referenced as the beginnings of financial aid at Amherst. The discussion then moved to previous college presidents. Epstein said that she admired Alexander Meiklejohn, the college’s eighth president. “He really put Amherst on the intellectual map. He put a lot of effort into getting top-rate professors who were stellar teachers,” Epstein said. “Meiklejohn helped Amherst make the transition from a kind of … not exactly mediocre institution, [but one] that didn’t really

focus on intellectual rigor and intellectual excellence. He really made that the center of Amherst. I think we owe a lot to Meiklejohn along those lines.” Kelly also noted that Meiklejohn was responsible for bringing acclaimed poet Robert Frost to teach at Amherst. Epstein and Kelly credited the college’s third president, Edward Hitchcock, for bringing the natural sciences to Amherst. Kelly described how the Octagon, the school’s first natural history museum and observatory, was commissioned by Hitchcock. Kelly said that he was personally intrigued by William Stearns, the college’s fourth presi-

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