Travel Agent Professional May 2019

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Travel Agent Professional May 2019 Issue 66

How to Create Opportunities.... By Cindy Bertram






If It’s Not On Your Bucket List Yet... It Should Be By Sue Shapiro,CTC


Are You Ready To Capitalize On The Luxury Cruise Wave? By Mitchell J. Schlesinger MJS Consultants

The Sights, Sounds & Smells of Living History By Paull Tickner Paull Tickner & Associates Ltd.


How to Create Opportunities — Best Ways to Grow By Cindy Bertram Cindy's Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC

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Cover Photo: PONANT Cruises’

Auto Europe........................................................IFC Britain Greatdays....................................................3

Travel Agent Professional

Enterprise.................................................................9 HomeBased Travel .........................15 RCI .........................................................................BC


By Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal



What’s On Your Calendar

Travel Agent Professional May 2019 Issue 66

Travel Agent Professional Staten Island, NY 10312 E-mail:

Joel M. Abels

Legend In the Travel Industry April 1927 to January 2007

Phone: 718.360.3153 Ann M. Hoek Publisher/Creative Design Bonnie Walling Editor Alan Cohen Vice President Marketing

Meet Our Editorial Board Paull Tickner, Creator of Special Interest Britain Cindy Bertram, Cindy’s Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC Mitchell J. Schlesinger President, MJS Consultants Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal Sue Shapiro, President Shapiro Travel Resources

Travel Agent Professional has its roots in Home Based Trade, the first magazine of its kind, started by Joel Abels in 2004. Joel and Lenore Abels ran Travel Trade for nearly half a century – it was started by her grandfather, John S. Lewis, and her father, Sidney Lewis, in 1929, and they took the publication over after her grandfather’s passing. Under Joel’s direction, the company grew to be one of the travel agent industry’s leading publications, reaching more than 45,000 agents throughout North America. It spawned a famous series of trade shows and three monthly magazines – Cruise Trade, Tour Trade and Home Based Trade. The Abels also garnered enormous respect – Joel received the Neal Award, called “the Pulitzer Prize of the business press,” for his hard-hitting editorials. On a personal note, after working with Joel for over a decade and staying with him until the end, I grew to truly care for and respect the man. He was like a second father to me. Joel was old school, he stood by his word and believed in his work. There will never be another. While nobody can replace this industry legend, we’re hoping that this new publication, which reunites the original Home Based Trade editorial board, will be able to carry on his passion for travel and those who sell it.

This online magazine is dedicated to the memory of Joel Abels, Travel Trade's editor and publisher. Joel and his life's work may be gone, but with your help it can live on.

Ann M. Hoek The opinions expressed in these columns are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Travel Agent Professional.

May 2019

4 S u e S h a p i r o By Sue Shapiro CTC

The Kumbh Mela is the most fascinating event I’ve ever been to in my life. For someone who’s been around the world twice and visited over 110 countries that should indicate how impressive it really was. Every 3 years millions of Hindu’s gather along the Ganges River to wash away their sins and be blessed by holy men from dozens of religious sects, all in the hopes that they will reach Nirvana and not be reincarnated again. Every six years the number of pilgrims more than doubles because the sun, moon and Jupiter align in an auspicious way. I was at the six year Kumbh Mela. The next big, big “Kum” will be in 2022 and again in 2025, so mark your calendar. But before you commit to an almost life changing experience make sure you are working with the very best tour operator: Cox & Kings. You want to stay in the best places. Cox & Kings knows the best places. You want to visit the tents of the holy men. Cox & Kings knows these people personally. Their incredible guides smoothes your way so you never feel uncomfortable, even when your taking hundreds of photos because each sight is more incredible than the one you took 2 seconds ago.

May 2019


How does the government accommodate millions of people who come for anywhere between one day to the entire two months of the festival? You build a tent city on 2200 acres of the sandy banks where the Ganges meets the Yamuna River. Then you electrify the entire area, put in cell towers and port-a-potties with dirt “roads” leading to 21 pontoon bridges across the rivers. Thank goodness my Cox & Kings guides knew the best places to visit in the tent city, what to see and who to talk to. I would have been lost without them. At no time did I feel overwhelmed or unsafe. Western style accommodations are limited at the Kumbh Mela but Cox and Kings came through with their version of a “tent” which we call glamping (glamorous camping). This Ultimate Traveling Tent include a bedroom in my tent that was twice the size of my bedroom at home with a huge king sized bed, mini bar, wardrobe, desk, end tables and chandelier. And there was the separate bathroom with a stall shower, western toilet and a gorgeous copper sink I wanted to “steal”. Delicious meals are served in the luxurious dining tent while other tents are for the full spa services, yoga, videos and other entertainment. If you can’t make the Kumbh Mela don’t despair. A much smaller version takes place daily in the holy city of Varanasi. But to get the most of your experience be sure to use an exceptional tour operator.

Travel Agent Professional

6 L e s - L e e R o l a n d

I know this has happened to you. You’ve just met someone, perhaps at a party, or at a private function, maybe a teacher in your kid’s school. Once they know you are a travel agent — they don’t know the new expression, travel advisor — the first question is “Do people really use travel agents anymore?” You give your 2 minute elevator speech — “Oh yes, in fact using travel agents is now going to higher heights. It’s fine for people to attempt to do research on the internet, but they get the best information from a By Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal

good travel agent”…yaddah yaddah. Or my favorite line, “When you go shopping for a car, do you pay the sticker price- that’s what happens when you book directly on your own.” The next question they ask is “where would you suggest for a 1 one week vacation?” And then the awkward pause. Do I mention Dubai, or Iceland, or wine country, or a resort? No…I first say, “ to recommend the right destination, I have to ask you a few questions, more like a simple interview.” Ninety percent of the time, I have captured their interest. The other ten percent were not serious anyway. For the majority, they say, go ahead, what do you want to know. Usually if I am in a place where we have time, I can ask a few questions. If they are the right questions, the possible new client likes to answer questions because she knows I want to recommend the perfect place. I could spend the rest of this column telling you what to ask, but you, as a pro already, should have a grasp and the talent of judging the person right away. You can check out the physical look of the person, wedding ring or not, her age, etc. Is there really enough time to ask where she has visited before, budget, likes and dislikes, how many people and the rest. Usually, if someone has introduced me to this person, the person jumps in and says,” Les-Lee is the best, everyone uses her.” Whew. Perfect time to ask for that person’s phone number or email and give her your card.

May 2019

In the interview, what info do you have to accumulate,

and go one better. Ask each participant to bring a picture

other than kids or grandkids and their ages. If the

or momento from one of their favorite trips. It’s a great

prospective clients work, what kind of work, is it seasonal.

opener for strangers to meet and talk to one another.

Teachers are great — you know when they can travel.

You will be surprised by people asking you to arrange a new destination just because of what they heard at your

First, you should have a calendar and a database set up to

gathering. It can be held at a clubhouse, your country

input this data. My calendar — I really call it my bible —

club, or even your house.

gives me ideas for when to buy group space and quite accurately lets me know what destinations appeal to my

I show a picture of a lighting fixture I bought in Dubai,

clients. You actually see your options better written on a

and brought back in my carry-on. I always bring an extra

calendar. Everything is also put into the database.

empty fold up piece of luggage when I travel to an exotic place. Thank goodness. I cannot tell you how many trips

The next conversation is down and dirty. I can find out a lot.

to Dubai I have sold based on that fixture. And I have

Start with the address — if I recognize the area, I can get

always managed to fill that extra fold up piece of luggage.

info about their condo or home owner’s association. One couple booked a cruise, and it grew over 50 people at her

Remember to always ask what is on their bucket list! This is

country club. I had asked if there were any travel opportuni-

one of your best ways to create groups. Think about it. If

ties offered through the club, and found there were none.

they say — Tahiti, perhaps that is one of the most popular

After this successful trip, they put my name and phone num-

destinations you hear. Add it to your calendar. When you

ber into their directory for people to contact about travel.

have 3 couples — they do not even have to know one another — think GROUP SPACE and then PROMOTE.

Birthdates are a given, but you have increased opportunities if you at least find out their birth month. Once you

How about a 6 month in advance listing on the calendar.

see how many people are born in March, you can be cre-

Perfect timing to contact them about ideas for their wed-

ative with group space for celebrations. Another offshoot

ding anniversary. Especially if it is a major one, like 50, 40,

of this is to throw a birthday open house for clients born

30 years. Time for you to send out info on a travel

in the same month. You get a selection of varied people,

opportunity or a family gathering or a renewal of vows.

Travel Agent Professional

8 I was lucky to have had a romantic husband who always wanted to plan something special for our anniversary. Perhaps because he proposed to me in Las Vegas and we were married one hour later. We didn’t even have witnesses- the locals who sit around were out to lunch, so the Justice of the Peace used a rubber stamp with their names on it. After a few years, he arranged other surprise renewed vows again — starting with once more in Vegas. Another year, while escorting a group cruise, he arranged a day excursion renewal, at a Sandals. We had selected a pretty area to do the renewal on our own at 2pm. We had lunch and were at the swim up bar enjoying ourselves. All of a sudden we realized it was almost 2pm, and he said, I renew you and you renew me, bartender, drinks for everyone. Het told people afterwards, this renewal cost less than to have me shopping on the island all day. Our last one was on a Crystal Cruise. The cruise was really special, over a Holiday and a clergyman was onboard as a passenger. Since we never had a religious ceremony, my husband arranged a surprise ceremony and he even invited passengers we had met that week. Word spread and the next morning, people stood up and applauded when we came into breakfast. He reminded me that at our first ceremony, we didn’t have anyone —not even witnesses. But on this cruise, we had everyone. A truly lasting memory. Another memory that still makes me feel good. I met an aide from an independent living establishment who told me she really wanted to get away for a weekend cruise. I met with the administrator, laid out a program for the residents. I found, some who had personal caregivers who were interested in

going as well. The result was a nice size group passengers with two aides along with caregivers for people who needed assistance. The caregivers were the most appreciative, since no opportunity had been offered for them all together. The establishment even provided all the transportation for the 3 hour drive to the port and back. One passenger who had dementia and no longer used vocal skills, was along with his wife and grown children. When we got to Nassau, they went to a seafood restaurant they had visited many times over the years. The man actually remembered the place and started speaking to his wife. By the time they returned to the ship, he was silent again. But in those couple of hours, they were the family of the past. This was a most unusual group and not all establishments will endorse it. There was a lot of paperwork involved with liability clauses, and the cost of the aides was split among everyone. But it’s what travel is all about — the MEMORY! The most important question, always ask for referrals, That is your number one way to increase your client base. This is nothing new, we always value the referrals. But too many agents don’t know how to ask for referrals. For years I have always given my clients their invoice and at the same time, I give them a couple of flyers describing the trip or cruise and ask for them to share with others. This has turned into a no-brainer for me, and over and over again, I have had people ask me for more flyers to give out. I got a large church group- all because of the one couple who kept asking others to join them on a cruise. So go to a Dollar store, buy the Monthly Planner Calendar and it might become your best sales tool.

May 2019

Enterprise Launches Car-Rental Industrys First Vehicle-Subscription Service in Minnesota, Missouri & Nevada Enterprise Holdings, which manages

needs, the monthly cost will include up

ny, which has provided a wide range of

the largest and most diverse privately-

to 3,000 miles per month – higher than

local transportation solutions for more

owned fleet in the world, today

the mileage limit for most traditional

than 60 years, is strategically positioned

launched the U.S. car-rental industry’s

leases – as well as vehicle mainte-

to offer access to a wide variety of

first vehicle-subscription service in three

nance, roadside assistance, damage

options, including Enterprise Rent-A-

states: Minnesota, Missouri and

and liability protection, and Sirius XM

Car, Enterprise CarShare, Enterprise


Radio (when available).

Truck Rental, Commute with Enterprise, Zimride by Enterprise and Enterprise

The new service – called Subscribe with

Customers can apply to enroll online by

Enterprise – leverages the company’s

selecting the participating state. Major

unique and highly accessible network of

cities include Minneapolis, St. Paul,

As a result, Enterprise Holdings already

Enterprise Rent-A-Car neighborhood

Rochester and Duluth, Minn.; St. Louis,

operates as an integral part of local

locations. “We’re starting out in just

Kansas City, Columbia and Jefferson

transportation infrastructure throughout

three states to make sure we have

City, Mo.; and Las Vegas, Henderson

much of the world. In fact, Enterprise is

enough time to develop a deep under-

and Reno, Nev. Once approved, cus-

a member of the “Mobility as a Service”

standing of the subscription process

tomers will receive an enrollment confir-

(MaaS) Alliance in Europe. The Alliance

and consumer preferences,” said

mation email containing a Subscriber ID

is a public-private partnership not only

Randal Narike, Executive Vice President

and phone number for the dedicated

focused on creating a common

of Operations for Enterprise Holdings.

“concierge” line, which customers will call

approach to MaaS, but also unlocking

to complete their first vehicle reservation.

the economies of scale needed for suc-

Under the Subscribe with Enterprise program, one monthly fee enables cus-

Fleet Management.

cessful implementation and take-up of Innovative Mobility Alternatives

MaaS in Europe and beyond. The coali-

tomers to select from several different

“Consumers have asked us for long-

tion’s main goal is to facilitate a single,

vehicle classes – full-size and premium

term rental options that offer a new level

open market and full deployment of

sedans, small and mid-sized SUVs, and

of flexibility for when they need a sedan,

MaaS services.

light duty trucks – representing more

an SUV or even a truck,” noted Narike.

than 20 makes and models. In addition,

“This service expands on our commit-

“How is Enterprise able to thrive in such

subscribers can swap out their vehicle

ment to provide customers with innova-

a complex and competitive market-

up to four times per month.

tive mobility alternatives that meet them

place? Because we know how to con-

where they live and work.”

nect the dots and deliver the kind of

The new service will have a minimum

transportation service that customers

commitment of only two full calendar

This new vehicle-subscription program

are looking for and expect today,”

months. In addition to providing a vehi-

is Enterprise Holdings’ latest “Mobility as

added Narike. “A one-size-fits-all

cle tailored to the renter’s specific

a Service” (MaaS) offering. The compa-

approach just doesn’t work anymore.”

Travel Agent Professional

10 M i t c h e l l

luxury. This includes a wide variation of experiences, from accommodations, to unique destinations, to private services, in

J .

any corner of the globe. And it could be on a small 30 guest

S c h l e s i n g e r

expedition ship or special exclusive accommodations on a ship carrying 3,000 + guests. While the choice of experiences will differ drastically, for luxury clients it must include doing what they want, when they want, and how they want, within the financial parameters they choose. This requires listening, discussing, extensive review of the experience, more listening and a final approval by the clients. And providing these luxury experiences across cruise sectors is becoming more plentiful.

By Mitchell J. Schlesinger C hief Marketing & Sales O fficer, MJS C o nsultants,

The core ultra-luxury lines; Regent, Silver Sea, Seabourn and Crystal are all building new general-purpose ships in the 500-900 guest range AND, in many cases, specialized expedition ships. Luxury clients who in the past perceived expedition vessels to be “roughing it” now can avail themselves of Antarctica, Artic,

While still an extremely small part of the

and Galapagos cruises in luxury environments. This combines

overall cruise market the luxury segment is

their desire for immersive experiences with luxury accommoda-

experiencing significant growth across

tions, service and cuisine.

many sectors. Clearly these are much higher potential ticket sales with significant

There are also a number of specialty lines (Ritz Carlton, Ponant,

increases in commission. In order to capi-

etc.) introducing small ship luxury ships to mainstream destina-

talize on this trend, it is critical to under-

tions around the world. And MSC is joining this group introducing

stand the luxury guest and how luxury

a small ship luxury segment to go along with their megaship fleet.

ships and accommodations are being incorporated throughout the industry.

For others, small ships are either too restrictive or do not include the myriad of features offered on bigger ships including

As discussed in several white papers pub-

large-scale entertainment, numerous dining options, multiple

lished by the Luxury Institute, “LUXURY”

bars and lounges, and onboard activities. But they still want a

has a myriad of different meanings to

luxury experience and there are lines who offer special sections

these clients. This means qualifying luxury

of the ship with private accommodations, including concierges

clients requires multiple additional steps to

who make reservations for dining, shore excursions, spa treat-

insure they receive the precise experience

ments, etc. And these concierges can provide the type of spe-

that reflects their personal definition of

cialized attention that luxury clients are seeking.

May 2019

11 As mentioned above, qualifying luxury clients is critical so make sure to include the following:

Present the full package; ship features, accommodations, dining options, shore experiences, time in ports, flight options and preferably products that are fully inclusive. Luxury guests in luxury environments prefer to have virtually no “extras” to pay for once

the transaction is finalized. Particularly for existing luxury guests, provide them with new luxury options to destinations they have not previously considered or those that provide a very personalized and exclusive experience to popular destinations. New luxury expedition-sized ships for the Arctic and Galapagos (Celebrity Flora) redefine the experience as do smaller luxury , vessels that enable exclusive cultural immersions ashore in Europe, Baltic, Asia, Australia &

New Zealand and more.. Lastly, always present top-of-the line product options. Luxury clients want high quality and understand the value/cost equation of their purchase. Meeting and/or exceeding their expectations is critical for them…and for you.

Travel Agent Professional

12 P a u l l T i c k n e r

I’ve just enjoyed putting together a couple of customised tours for families visiting London in July. They both fly into London Heathrow on a Friday and instead of joining the mobile car park heading into our capital city, I’ve organised their first 3 nights in the English countryside so that they are bright eyed and bushy tailed when they reach London on the Monday when their rooms are ready. One family will be heading to Oxford for Alice’s Day and a Giffards Circus performance at Blenheim Palace while the other one will spend a couple of memorable days at the world’s largest jousting tournament at the 1000-year-old Arundel Castle. Let’s talk about something similar for your

By Paull Tickner Paull Tickner & Associates Ltd.

clients but in the meantime, here are some more suggestions that can be tailored into a personalised UK tour.

Paull Tickner, owner of U.K.-based Custom GB, is renowned for his expertise in creating and operating imaginative, value-added tours of Great Britain and Ireland. Visit his website at and E-mail him at

May 2019


Alice’s Day Alice’s Day (Saturday 7th July) is an annual celebration of Lewis Carroll’s celebrated book ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and its sequel ‘Through The Looking Glass’, which marked a turning point in children’s literature. This one-day event offers a day full of events inspired by the classic story, including tea-parties, croquet, storytelling and workshops. Visitors are encouraged to take part and dress like Alice.

Tudor Sights, Sounds and Smells Examples of Living History Experiences are plentiful in Shakespeare’s England aka Stratford upon England. 900year-old Kenilworth Castle stages several different events during the year while nearby Warwick Castle offers jaw-dropping, daily displays of archery, the Knights School, and the Falconer’s Quest, the UK’s biggest Birds of Prey show. The Shakespeare Houses also give you a close encounter with Elizabethan England especially at Mary Arden’s Farm, the childhood home of Shakespeare’s mother. Today you can experience all the sights, sounds and smells just as it would have been when the Bard was a boy. Watch the residents go about their daily routine, see rare breed animals and explore nature trails. There are also daily falconry displays and archery at weekends and during the school holidays.

Kynren, An Epic Tale of England This is the UK’s ‘must see’ spectacular live action outdoor theatre show. Taking place every Saturday evening from 29th June-14th September near the cathedral city of Durham, it’s presented on a seven-and-a-half-acre stage as a 1,000-srong cast and crew immerse you in the telling of a 2,000-year tale of the history of England. Kynren brings to ground-shaking life the story of invasions, royal splendour, wars, heroic sacrifice, daily life and seismic change. Take your seat with 8,000 others; enjoy a perfect view and be swept along by a thrilling, familyfriendly journey. Two thousand years in the making, the dazzling pyrotechnics, beautiful choreography, amazing stunts and hard-to-believe horsemanship combine with an inspired, original soundtrack to leave audiences and critics enraptured and awestruck.

Travel Agent Professional

14 Saddles & Steam Set in a beautiful landscape in the South Downs National Park, just off the main route between London and Southampton, the Weald and Downland Museum is a remarkable collection of over 50 fully restored rural home and buildings that tell a 1000-year-old story of the people who lived here in southern England. Their summer show celebrates every mode of transport from our four-legged friends to the invention of the combustion engine. In addition to the houses, there are 7 fascinating gardens which show the transition of gardens from the 16th to the late 19th century complete with the herbs, vegetables and plants of the given period.

Medieval Jousting Tournaments in Two Historic Castles At moated, 13th century Hever Castle, the Knights of Royal England begin this year’s Summer Jousting Tournaments on 13th-14th July and then on most weekends until the end of August. Watch them battling it out in the saddle and on foot in one-to-one combat in exhilarating displays of action, stunts, falls and fights in front of King Henry VIII and Queen Anne Boleyn in their Royal Box. The world’s longest jousting tournament makes a triumphant return to Arundel Castle in West Sussex on 23-28 July. As the season’s highlight, it promises nothing less than a true clash of the titans with plenty of fierce rivalries along the way. Archery, falconry displays, hand to hand combat, it’s got the lot.

The Battle of Hastings In the year 1066, a history-changing battle took place at Hastings on England’s south coast between the AngloSaxon King Harold and the future King of England, William the Conqueror and every October, you can hear the clash of sword on shield and feel the thunder of galloping hooves as over 600 warriors clash in an epic re-enactment. You can speak to Norman and Saxon soldiers in their encampments by the famous battlefield and learn about life in an 11th century army. Meet falconers and admire majestic birds of prey, try your hand at archery and watch superb displays of cavalry horsemanship. You can even get into the spirit of your Norman and Saxon ancestors by trying a horn of mead!

May 2019

16 C i n d y B e r t r a m

By Cindy Bertram C indy's Inside C ruise & Travel Track, LLC

Don’t Feel Powerless As business owners, we know that today sales just doesn’t come through the door. It takes time and effort. Tactics and efforts people had used years ago doesn’t necessarily work today. Instead marketing efforts to create and build ongoing sales has changed. Success really involves building relationships, being found, showing your travel expertise, your specializations and then creating your own opportunities.

Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re powerless, but it’s important to reverse that mindset. Things have changed and one of the best comparisons I’ve seen and experienced is how to search, find and land a new job today. Years ago, finding and landing that new job was perusing the job ads sections in newspapers. As the Internet came about, people had to transition, searching online through different job boards. But today, successfully finding and landing a new job is not “playing the job board game.” The most successful way is finding key companies you want to work for, get to know people who work there, and utilize diverse ways to do that - LinkedIn, networking, going to as well as creating events, attending conferences within your industry, training, and more. It really involves a new mindset which is, “What opportunities can I create for myself?” And this is what we need to focus on when finding ways to grow our businesses. We need to create our own opportunities, and don’t depend on opportunities coming to us.

May 2019


Create opportunities through relationships One very savvy travel agent professional I know came into the travel industry after working in a completely different industry – banking. Over the years she’s successfully grown sales for the agency she works for. She’s managed to create opportunities through diverse ways. One? In the area where she works, there are a few different high-end communities where active retired professionals reside. She’s managed to build relationships within those communities. The result? She has several diverse core groups that she creates special cruise and tour itineraries for. And she also escorts these groups as well. They adore her, appreciate her expertise and it’s all come together. Instead of waiting for business to come in the door, so to speak? She’s created ongoing sales opportunities by building genuine relationships.

Another Success Story — Chicago’s Tony P Tony Paolella is a wonderful success story when it comes to creating opportunities by building relationships. Over the past 15 years, Tony has breathed the Greater Chicago area networking scene. He’s built strong, genuine and trusted relationships with top business leaders in Chicago himself. And he knew he wanted to take this to a new level. The result? He created Tony P’s Networking events with another business colleague and friend, Co-Founder, Greg DeKalb. They run different events each month, and their goal is to bring people together in Chicago’s professional community, where people can enjoy an energetic, elegant networking experience. It’s not a “pass your business card around” environment. Instead it’s getting to know diverse professionals in a fun, great location, learn more, and building meaningful genuine relationships. Tony P’s Networking events are well attended and a success. I’ve I met some terrific people, and I’ve been building some genuine relationships with these people.

Travel Agent Professional


PONANT Cruises’ Edie Rodriguez, Americas Brand Chairman & Corporate Special Advisor I had the opportunity to talk with Edie Rodriguez, Americas Brand Chairman & Corporate Special Advisor for PONANT Cruises. In our discussions, I mentioned that today, people and their businesses need to stand out. In the travel industry, travel advisors realize they have to specialize, and be known for what they do best. Beyond that? They need to find ways to create new opportunities. PONANT is a terrific example of having a specialized product, along with successfully creating new opportunities as they grow. Edie and I then discussed a bit more about PONANT. They’ve been in the yacht luxury expedition business for over 30 years. I asked Edie, “Can you share a bit more about the history of PONANT and where they fit into the cruise industry?” Edie explained, “April 2019 marks our 31rst Anniversary. Started by our founder who was a passionate seaman and acquired three years ago by Groupe Artemis we are extremely well financed. Today we have 8 ships with four more on order and we sail everywhere in the world that you can go to if it is touched by ocean water except the Galápagos. As to where we fit in, our Ships are small with vessels from 62-260 guests. Size does matter and, in this case, small is better. It allows us an intimate environment where guests can be as active or not, as they wish. It is always about the destination and our itineraries are quite special.”

May 2019


PONANT’s Uniqueness & Growth Then Edie and I talked more about PONANT and being a leader. I asked Edie, “What has PONANT done to create its uniqueness, leading to new opportunities?” Edie said, “Our new ships are unique in design as we continue to evolve. In the yacht expedition world, we have been in this business longer than anybody else in the space and with the newest fleet of hardware.” PONANT continues to grow, with the introduction of its third and fourth Explorer ships this year. Le Bougainville debuts in April and the Le Dumont d’Urville debuts in August. I asked Edie, “What makes these Explorer ships more unique and eye-catching?” Edie shared more, and said, “One is the Blue Eye Lounge, the world’s first underwater passenger lounge. The Blue Eye Lounge is on the other Explorer ships, and PONANT has two more Explorer ships coming in 2020. Additionally, they have an infinity pool with a reverse current for exercising and always heated to 82F that leads to a three-tiered marina platform. They are all named after famous French explorers for modern day exploration.”

Travel Agent Professional


PONANT’s Differentiation and Growth Edie has mentioned that size does matter when it comes to the yacht expedition world. PONANT’s new Explorer class ships accommodate only 184 guests yet have unique features. And this is where PONANT really differentiates itself, and creates new opportunities, including special itineraries. I asked Edie, “Can you share a bit more about those opportunities?” Edie explained, “Smaller ships allow you to get in to more unique and varied ports and that is what we have created with our itineraries that go around the world.” Edie and I then covered more about PONANT’s growth, having 12 ships in 2021. With this, PONANT will be offering more unique itineraries, ocean and sea. I asked Edie, “Having the newest ‘hardware’ is where PONANT also elevates the experiences your guests on board can enjoy. Can you share a bit more?” Edie said, “On board we offer varying lectures and activities to enjoy. In 2021 we will launch the world’s first luxury exploration yacht that will go to the North Pole and many other places. All of our ships are certified Clean Ships and we are very environmentally sensitive.”

May 2019


Creating Opportunities and Suggestions for Travel Advisors When it comes to creating new opportunities PONANT excels. I asked Edie, “With your expertise in this area, what suggestions can you provide travel advisors? What should they do to create their own new opportunities as a way to build their respective businesses? And with that, creating ongoing engagement, so these clients continue to book with them, anticipating and enjoying their lifetime experiences, and building memories?” Edie shared her ideas and explained, “Travel Advisors should register on our website and learn more about us via our training, webinars, collateral, etc. They should then focus on our itineraries and Theme Cruises to start to promote PONANT to grow their PONANT business. They should pay attention to our Quintessential Collection of itineraries, as these are great tool to build group business. Lastly, we have lots of Sales support and they should reach out to their local Director of Sales for marketing and sales support.”

Takeaway Thoughts on Creating Opportunities Learning to focus on creating opportunities is what travel advisors need more than ever today. It really centers around using and growing expertise along with building genuine relationships, focusing on finding and then creating opportunities.

Travel Agent Professional

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