2019 Annual Report

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A Letter from the President 1 An Interview with the President of the Board of Regents 2 Our Purpose 4 Administration and Governance 5 Archbishop Mitty Year-in-Review 7 Class of 2019 College Acceptances and Enrollment 40 Financial Statistics 43 Monarch Leadership Society 45 The President’s Circle 47 The Annual Fund 50 The Imagine Campaign 57 Gifts from Alumni and Current Students 58 Black & Gold Gala 2018 61 The Mitty Auction 2019 63 Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament 65 Donors to Archbishop Mitty High School 67 Archbishop Mitty Heritage Circle 71 Memorials 72 Corporate Internship Program 72 Endowing Our Future 73 Archbishop Mitty Arts Society 77 Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition 78 Student Christian Service 81 Supporting Archbishop Mitty High School 87

To be fearless. To raise your hand to answer a question when you’re not sure you have the “right” answer. To sit down at a table of acquaintances, hoping to be welcomed. To try out for a team. To deliver a speech. To decide to run for student government. To take a deep breath right before you enter stage left. To close your eyes right before you take that foul shot. To stand in front of 1,800 people and share a reflection about your life. To stand up for what is right. To realize that you are good enough, that you measure up. That is to be fearless.





2018 / 2019

Dear Friends, As I sat down to write this letter this past summer, I was still reeling as a result of the recent mass shootings. Gilroy, El Paso, Dayton – all within one week. When will this senseless violence end? As the president of a Catholic high school that promotes peace, compassion, and justice – and condemns racism, violence, and hatred – I feel the need to speak up again, much as I did a year ago last May at the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2018.

As you move on to your various universities, I urge you to vote, to speak out, to demand changes in our gun laws, to plead for common sense. Your voice matters; please let it be heard.

Today, I encourage all members of the extended Mitty family to let our voices be heard. In so doing, we will in fact be living out our vision to be the “Best Catholic College Prep Imaginable.” For we measure excellence not only in college scholarships and athletic championships, but in the depth of compassion and commitment to peace that characterize our graduates. This annual report appropriately takes many pages to acknowledge the hundreds of supporters whose generosity allows us to create and maintain a life-affirming vision. How blessed we are to have such support. And this rather thick volume also chronicles the remarkable achievements of our students in both the academic and co-curricular arenas. How blessed we are at Mitty to work daily with such talented students who recognize that their many talents are gifts to be given back to the world. Thank you to all of you for your generous support that allows this visionary and compassionate community to thrive. God’s Blessings,

Timothy Brosnan, President




2018 / 2019


Mark Cabrales knows Archbishop Mitty: father to alumni Casey (‘12) and Peri (‘17), Mark has been heavily involved in many aspects of school life. As President of the Board of Regents, Mark has brought insight, care, and wisdom to the position. As he is completing his term, Mark reflected on his experiences at Mitty. What is your perspective on the Board of Regents’ role and impact on the school? Whether it is looking towards the future to support the development of the school in areas like STEM and Outreach, the Board is able to support the incredible work the school is already doing and will help continue that level of excellence well into the future. What impact has an Archbishop Mitty education had on your own children? The main reason we sent our children to Mitty was a sense of shared values: we wanted our children to continue to develop good morals, to know the importance of being kind to others, and to recognize that education is preparing them for the next steps in their lives. That is exactly what Mitty provided them and more. Their classroom education taught them content, organization, and time management. Their experience beyond the classroom reinforced that and prepared them for life beyond high school. They gained a sense of confidence in their abilities through experiences with faculty, staff, coaches, and administrators, and they recognized the importance of kindness and compassion in a world that doesn’t always promote that. What are some of your favorite Mitty memories? Monarch Madness. Hands down, one of the best things I have ever seen. Parents are just as involved – and as vocal – as the students, and it truly is “the greatest night to be a Monarch.” The Black & Gold Gala is always a great time, as is the Mitty Auction. Seeing Carl Silva as an auctioneer makes for one of the most entertaining nights of the year; plus, we also get some great deals! We always enjoyed meeting the Mitty faculty at Back to School Night and experiencing what our children do every day. We also felt fortunate to expand our group of friends by meeting other parents at athletic contests, musicals, or shows. There are wonderful aspects to being part of the Mitty community, and we are grateful to have made some life-long friends as a result of our children attending Mitty.

Mark Cabrales, President of the Board of Regents


Our Mission Archbishop Mitty High School is the Catholic, coeducational, college preparatory school of the Diocese of San Jose. The School embraces the Catholic educational mission of developing community, teaching the Gospel message, and promoting service, peace, and justice. Through its rigorous academic program, the School prepares students for college and responsible leadership in a global society. At the same time, the School works diligently alongside parents to foster the personal, academic, and spiritual development of each student. Recognizing that each individual is created in the image and likeness of God, the School celebrates and affirms its diverse cultural community while developing students who are intellectually competent, just, faith-filled, respectful leaders.

Our History Archbishop Mitty High School was the first Archdiocesan high school in the Santa Clara Valley. The school was named for the late Archbishop John Joseph Mitty, the fourth Archbishop of San Francisco, an educator and a builder. Construction of the school began in 1963, and when completed, the campus occupied its present twenty-four acres. Initially, brothers and priests of the Society of Mary were given responsibility to conduct the school. The school opened in the fall of 1964 with 189 male students, and the first classes were held in Queen of Apostles Elementary School. The newly completed high school buildings were occupied in April of 1965. Archbishop Mitty High School expanded its student body in 1969 and began sharing classes with Mother Butler Memorial High School and St. Lawrence Girls’ High School. Consolidation of the three schools was completed by the fall of 1972. With the creation of the Diocese of San Jose in 1981, Archbishop Mitty became the only Catholic high school owned and administrated by the Diocese.

In 1990, Bishop DuMaine appointed Mr. Timothy Brosnan as the first lay principal to continue the fine tradition of Catholic secondary education at Archbishop Mitty. Under the new administration’s leadership, the school entered a period of tremendous academic and co-curricular growth. Supporting this dramatic growth was a massive expansion of the campus facilities, allowing all aspects of the campus community – academic, spiritual, and co-curricular – to grow to their full potential. In 2018, Bishop Patrick McGrath and Superintendent of Schools Kathy Almazol approved the transition of Archbishop Mitty High School to a president-principal administrative model, and Mr. Timothy Brosnan became the first president of Archbishop Mitty High School. Today, Archbishop Mitty High School is recognized as one of the premier Catholic, college preparatory schools in the United States.





2018 / 2019

Administration & Governance Administration

Board of Regents Emeriti

Timothy Brosnan, President Katherine Caputo, Principal Keith Mathews, Associate Principal James Fallis, Assistant Principal/Dean of Students Jorge Helmer, Chief Financial Officer Mason Kimont, Executive Director for Advancement Eric Anderson, Chief Information Officer Brian Eagleson, Athletic Director Douglas Santana, Director of Performing Arts Gregory Walker, Director of Student Activities Katherine Wesmiller, Director of Admissions Timothy Wesmiller, Director of Campus Ministry

Mrs. Kathy Almazol Mr. Adam Anderson Rev. George Aranha Mr. James Atwell ‘73 Mr. Michael Aymar Dr. Samuel Ballon, M.D. Mr. Jeff Berg Mr. Aldo Billingslea Mrs. Catherine Bernal Bloyd Mgr. J. Patrick Browne Mrs. Dorothy Caputo† Mr. Pat Cavaney Mr. David Chang Hon. Cindy Chavez Mr. Lewis Chew Mr. Chris Citti ‘76 Mr. Richard Cristina Ms. Kerri Corley Mrs. Anne Crowley Ms. Mary Curtis Mrs. Gwen Dorcich Mrs. Kathy Dunlap Mr. Richard Duquette Mrs. Kate Elfrink Mrs. Tracey (Bresniker ‘79) Enfantino Mr. Jack Estill Mrs. Kennetha Evans Mrs. Bernadine Fong Mrs. Luana Freitag Mr. David Fry Rev. Andrew Garavel, S.J. Mrs. Judy (Poe ‘76) Goodson Mrs. Sheila (Gray ‘75) Gregory Mr. Joe Guerra Mr. Steve Guttman Mr. Dan Haniger ‘75 Mrs. Toni Heagerty Mrs. Liz Hirata Mrs. Kathryn Hogan Mr. George Honoré Dr. Rex Hoover, DDS Mrs. Barb Ignatius Mr. Howard Ignatius Mr. Francisco Jiménez, Ph.D Mrs. Debi Justice Mrs. April Kawahara Mr. Paul Kimura Mrs. Laura Kramar

Board of Regents 2018-2019 Mr. Robert Allard Mrs. Jennifer Beltramo Mr. Timothy Brosnan, ex officio Mr. Mark Cabrales, President Ms. Katherine Caputo, ex officio Mr. Kris Chellam Mr. John DiNapoli Mrs. Cheryl Durzy Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, S.J. Mrs. Ruth Fletcher Mrs. Claudia Galvan Mr. John Gilmore, President-elect Mrs. Christine Gorjanc Mr. Bob Griswold Mr. Jorge Helmer, ex officio Mr. Mason Kimont, ex officio Mr. Emil Lovely Mrs. Mary Lyons Mr. Keith Mathews, ex officio Mrs. Kelly McHaffie Mr. Scott Mosko Mr. Michael Mulcahy Mr. Stephen Mullaney Mr. John Oosterhouse Ms. Sruthi Ramaswami ‘12 Mrs. Debby Rodriguez Mr. Rob Roskopp Mrs. Carol Sandman Mrs. Elisa Steele Mr. Mark Tersini Mrs. Maria Nash Vaughn Mrs. Cheryl Young Mrs. Kristin Zanni

Mr. Larry LaMantia ‘71 Mrs. Mary Lou Lawrence Ms. Monica Lebron ‘97 Mr. Marvin G. Lewis Ms. Laura Liccardo ‘78 Mr. Michael Linney ‘77 Mrs. Carey Lisowski Hon. Richard Loftus Mrs. Audrey MacLean Rev. Gerdenio Manuel, S.J. Hon. Thomas McEnery Mr. David Mewes Mr. Robert Mezzetti ‘73 Hon. Norman Y. Mineta Mr. George Monk Mr. Robert Moore Mrs. Joanne Moul Mr. Joe Natoli Mrs. Carol Olimpia† Mrs. Helen Owen Mrs. Carol Parker Dr. Tekakwitha Pernambuco-Wise Mrs. Erin (O’Connell ‘81) Perrucci Hon. Rise Pichon Sr. Claude Power, P.B.V.M.† Mr. Ken Raasch Mrs. Suanne Ramar Mrs. Maria Rangel-Alarcon ‘00 Mr. Rick Ridder Mrs. Paige Robbins Rev. Jack Russi, S.M.† Mrs. Diann Ryan Mr. John Saunders Mr. Michael Savini Mr. Lloyd Scates Mrs. Dawn Schaeffer Mr. David Schmidt Mrs. Jill (Nesbitt ‘95) Scotcher, Ph.D. Mrs. Karen Serpa Mrs. Maria Simon Mr. Mark Singer Mr. Steve Smith Mr. Steven Speno Dr. Tanya Spirtos, M.D. Mr. James Steele Mr. Tim Steele Mr. David Sugishita Mr. Thomas Sullivan† Mr. Todd Teresi Dr. Ernest Thomas, M.D.





2018 / 2019

Sr. Nicki Thomas, SNJM Mr. John Thompson Ms. Linda Tirado, Ph.D Mr. Jorge Titinger Mr. Chuck Toeniskoetter Rev. Fred Tollini, S.J.† Dr. Miel Vallejo-Brooks ‘92, M.D. Mr. Pat Waite Mr. Rick Williams Mr. Mark Woodward Mr. Ernie Yamane Mr. Tim Zanni Mr. Rick Zea

Alumni Council 2018-2019 Shayan Alam ‘99, President Maureen (Loftus) Anderson ‘92 Jose Castanon ‘86 Ryan Chew ‘11 Mike D’Ambrosio ‘04 Kelly Estes ‘08 Amy Korb ‘86 Randi Melo ‘89 Tom Miller ‘83 Jenna Morgan ‘13 Elizabeth (Campi) Powers ‘06 Courtney (Lisowski) Rousseu ‘12 Kolby Rousseu ‘11 Molly Silver ‘86 James Williams ‘02

Archbishop Mitty Parent Association 2018-2019 Officers President Seema Mulji Kimberly Moore President-Elect Debbie Condensa Past President Treasurer Sangeeta Nandwani Corresponding Secretary Anne Rodriguez Recording Secretary Kathy Formica

Committees Administrative Support Vanita Aggarwal Administrative Support Alisha Collier Administrative Support Laarni DeGuzman Athletic Program Support Stacey Amicarelli Athletic Program Support Nina Chan Athletic Program Support Allison Fox Athletic Program Support Joy Hart Auction Kimberly Moore Mailing Anjali Babu Mailing Debra Fant Mailing Shamita Tripathy Parent Support Ban Ballou Parent Support Debbie Hao Parent Support Pam Kliewer Parent Support Nimeesha Rane Amy Hasenkamp Performing Arts Performing Arts Chandra Hopkins Performing Arts Marla Kramer Performing Arts Jennifer Nakata Social Sheryl Domingue Social Ellen Imrisek Social Erica Krishnamurthy Volunteer Facilitation Yueping Gallaher

Ex Officio Members Administration Liaison Mary Ann Prescott Advancement Liaison Sarah Janigian President Timothy Brosnan †






2018 / 2019

And we’re off... In early August, there was a buzz about campus as the school year approached. Summer projects—refurbishing classrooms, repainting offices, or refinishing floors—wrapped up, and teachers arrived to settle into their classrooms. While the first day of the 2018-2019 school year was technically August 14, anyone who knows Mitty knows that activity on campus starts well before.

Freshman Orientation saw 72 sophomores, juniors, and seniors enthusiastically welcome the members of the Class of 2022 to the Mitty community. The new freshmen may have been a little overwhelmed by the mass of yellow shirts cheering for them and waving posters as they entered the parking lot, but they soon found themselves holding onto their orientation leaders’ every word about how to find their classes, what to do when your iPad freezes, what an A week vs. a B week was, the best snacks in the cafeteria, the best place on campus to study, and the best ways to embrace all that Mitty has to offer. Seniors arrived to their last first day of high school school dressed in the theme “Ballin’ on a Budget.” Think stylish, hip-hop throw-back attire that included turtlenecks, “fur” coats, shiny jackets, and country club wear. At the first all-school assembly, Director of Campus Ministry Tim Wesmiller introduced us to the year’s liturgical theme song, “Fearless” by Jasmine Murray. He encouraged us all to recognize our fears and strive to become fearless, focusing on the lyrics that “we [aren’t] given the spirit of fear, [we] are given the power of love.” He encouraged all of us to feel fear yet choose love; to practice courage every day; to stand up for what is right; and to know that we are not alone on this journey. Mr. Wesmiller perfectly set the stage of the school year and what we can all strive to do in becoming more fearless. The LIFE Corps and LIFE Team held their retreats in early August, with 214 members of the Class of 2019 participating. The Performing Arts Department hosted its Alumni Showcase, which featured performances from Amanda Folena ‘00 and Jamie Landrum ‘14, both of whom played the part of Polly in two different AMHS productions of Crazy for You. Fall sports held tryouts, and student-athletes began practicing on the fields and courts and in the pool. At the end of the month, the Back to School Rally promoted healthy competition among the classes and even had new faculty and staff members partake in a few games. August came to an end with the Reunion Weekend, specifically honoring the Class of 1968, the first class to celebrate its 50th reunion.




2018 / 2019












2018 / 2019


Calendars are filling up... September brought about more of the typical rhythm of the Mitty campus: classes entered into full-swing, and the new freshmen were less likely to accidentally walk into the wrong rooms. The National Merit Scholarship Program announced its commended students, and 77 members of the Class of 2019 were recognized, with sixteen eventually moving on to be named as National Merit Finalists. A Jesuit College Fair was held on campus, providing all students with the opportunity to speak with representatives from more than fifteen Jesuit colleges and universities from across the country. The first Career Symposium of the year was also held with a specific focus on careers in medicine, and three alumni (Denise Alberto ‘87, Bryce Bajar ‘10, and Marilyn Reiss-Carradero ‘85) shared their experiences in the field. September also brought the first grade-level retreats of the year, with Kairos, Quest, Agape, and Awakenings all giving students an opportunity to take a moment away from their busy routines, reflect on the gifts that God provided, and consider ways to be fearless. The Class of 2022 held its class elections, and the highly anticipated annual event, Java and Jazz, took over the Aymar Events Center, with Jazz in the AM and Kind of Blue performing to a packed house. The Club Faire crowded the center of campus with over 45 clubs and organizations sharing ways for students to become involved and meet their classmates. Members of the Mitty Advocacy Project (MAP) participated in the Farm Worker Reality Tour, and members of MAP and Interact celebrated National Voter Registration Day with a studentinitiated voter registration drive on campus. The Visit Mitty Program began this month, with prospective 8th grade students spending the day with a Mitty student, touring and learning about our school culture, and the 19th annual Mother-Daughter Communion Breakfast and 14th annual Father-Son Day at the Ballpark occurred. The Mass of the Holy Spirit was celebrated in the Schott Commons, during which Lucas Sant’Anna ‘19 reflected on the way that worry ­— “these mountains, these giants” — often inhibits us from being fearless. Lucas encouraged the community to approach uncomfortable situations with a more positive, hopeful, and less fearful mind. His insight set the tone for continuing to strive towards fearlessness, even when it is challenging to do, even when it is the last thing we want to do.





2018 / 2019

Staying focused, working hard, making it happen... The autumnal chill didn’t slow the energy on campus. Seniors worked diligently on their college applications, striving to meet those early deadlines while the sophomores and juniors took their PSAT tests mid-month. The Class of 2022 participated in the Freshman Day of Service, serving organizations throughout the Silicon Valley and stepping out of their comfort zones. Mitty’s Speech and Debate team triumphed at the Long Beach Invitational, and the Robotics team won at the Western Regional Robotics Forum’s Cal Games. The year’s first dramatic production, Bright Star, graced the Kinkade stage, with 46 students in the production and 37 students in the orchestra and crew. This beautifully produced show went on to win Best Musical and Fan Favorite at the Rita Moreno California High School Musical Honors, with two of the actors - Ande Burns ‘19 and Conor Sherry ‘19 - receiving nominations for their stellar perfomances. Bright Star earned seven nominations from the National Youth Theater Awards; Ande Burns ‘19 won for Outstanding Lead in a Musical and Conor Sherry ‘19 won for Featured Performer in a Musical. The show also won for Outstanding Production. Night football under the lights brought Bellarmine to campus, and Mitty secured a decisive 35-14 win over the Bells, and just a week later, the women’s water polo team won the Amador Valley Cross Sectional Tournament. Student favorite AMBA JAMBA also returned to campus, with its intramural coed basketball competition. Spirit Week arrived, bringing with it all of the craziness that it promised, with themes from Scooby Doo (Class of 2022), Michael Jackson (Class of 2021), Aquaman (Class of 2020), and The Pharaoh’s Curse (Class of 2019). The Class of 2019 was the ultimate victor, and the week ended with over 1,000 students attending the Homecoming Dance. At the Senior Divisional Liturgy, Matthew Brennan ‘19 shared his thoughts on the struggle to find peace in the midst of an often-chaotic-feeling senior year and on appreciating the importance of silence in our lives. As part of the Adult Theology Series, Science and Religious Studies teacher Sigrid Jacobsen presented “In Whose Image? Consciousness, the Soul, and Artificial Intelligence” to an audience of Mitty parents and alumni.




2018 / 2019







2018 / 2019


Hail to the Black and Gold... November saw the fall athletic season begin to wrap up. Of particular note was the men’s water polo team winning its first CCS championship with a 9-7 victory over Willow Glen. Forty-two Archbishop Mitty student-athletes earned league and CCS postseason recognitions. Athletic recognitions included Kylie McHale ‘21 as SCVAL Sophomore of the Year for field hockey; Joseph Vaughn ‘19 as WCAL Receiver of the Year for football; and Reymello Murphy ‘21 as WCAL Sophomore of the Year for football. Overall, six of the fall athletic programs qualified for league, CCS, and/or Northern California playoffs. Studentathletes, coaches, and parents also proudly participated in the first of three NCAA Signing Days this month. Women’s basketball player Haley Jones ‘19 was named the Naismeth Girls National Player of the Year, the All-USA High School Player of the Year, and the Gatorade California Girls Basketball Player of the Year, among other league, state, and national recognitions. Ranked as the #1 high school women’s basketball player in the country, Haley fielded offers from numerous colleges and selected to continue her studies and her basketball career at Stanford University. The 27th Annual Black & Gold Gala was held at San Jose’s Fairmont Hotel where the opening production included performances by Archbishop Mitty student groups Jazz in the AM, Pardon My French, The Royals, and Exodus. Over 800 guests attended this glittering event to be surprised and entertained by celebrity Jay Leno, who kept the room in hysterics with his timely and witty commentary. Members of the Mitty Advocacy Project traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the annual Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice Conference, and the group met with Lauren Moore ‘05, who is currently serving as the Deputy General Counsel for Senator and current presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Immersion Night was held, providing information to interested students about the curricular and co-curricular immersion trips offered. At the all-school assembly, Science teacher Nicole Shimshock shared the way that she overcame her fear through passion, faith, and action, highlighting a teaching position she held in Kenya. The start of the Advent season provided the community with the opportunity to attend Reconciliation services, and most seniors breathed collective sighs of relief as the majority of their college applications were submitted. Recent alumni were welcomed back to campus at their first reunion as they watched the alumni basketball games. The Butte County Fires, even though occurring 200 miles away from the Mitty campus, caused an unforeseen closure of campus for a week-long Thanksgiving break, pushing Open House to the start of December.





2018 / 2019

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas... The Christmas season arrived, and members of student government had fun decorating the campus with wreaths, wrapped gifts, and holiday decor. The Concert Band, Concert Choir, Vocal Ensemble, and Wind Ensemble performed a festive Christmas concert on the Kinkade stage, and Jazz the AM, Kind of Blue, and Exodus performed at Christmas in the Park. The Christmas Rally brought the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus who passed out gifts to a raucous crowd while Exodus led the ugly-holiday-wearing-sweater school community in the Mariah Carey classic, “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” Members of the California Scholarship Federation held a Teens for Teens Drive, supporting teenagers in need through Sacred Heart Community Services, and winter sports began, with the basketball, soccer, and wrestling teams all participating in preseason tournaments. Giving back to the community was also highlighted by the women’s soccer program collecting gifts for youth at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital; the wrestling program writing Christmas cards for overseas service members; and the men’s and women’s basketball programs preparing meals for low-income families. The community came together in prayer at the Advent Liturgy where Maritza Robles ‘19 compared the words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego with the experiences of her grandmother, who recognized that as long as we have faith, we can handle the most of the challenging situations that life dispenses. This reinforced the reflection at the start of the month from alumna Sruthi Ramaswami ‘12, who spoke at the all-school assembly and shared her thoughts that age should never limit our potential. First semester finals had students feeling stressed, but the excitement of the imminent Christmas vacation carried them through!





2018 / 2019






2018 / 2019





2018 / 2019


A new year and new beginnings... January brought a fresh start - and some colder weather - as the second semester began. At the first all-school assembly of 2019, Social Studies teacher Graham Oleson shared ways in which he “was given the power of love” and not “the spirit of fear.” Mr. Oleson talked about perspective and encouraged the community to consider the background music of our lives that allows us to be more open to the good and less inhibited by the overwhelming and frightening. His refreshing take on perspective set up the start of a new semester – and a new year – with a sense of hope and promise. The hilarity that was Noises Off! kept the audience in the Kinkade theater in stitches, with 14 student actors and 28 students on the crew, and the show was nominated for four National Youth Theater Awards. Teams for Monarch Madness were drawn, and the practices began for the greatest night of the year to be a Monarch. The second Career Symposium of the year focused on careers in humanities, law, and psychology, and students had the opportunity to hear from four alumni: Derek Block ‘11, Lindsey (Zea ‘08) Jacobs, Madolyn Orr ‘97, and Michelle Sanfilippo ‘08. Retreats continued with Awakenings, Agape, Quest, and Kairos, and the Class of 2022 celebrated their divisional liturgy and were given a candid take on the freshman experience through a video created by Genevieve McKenzie ‘22. The second installment of this year’s Adult Spirituality Series was presented by Tim Wesmiller, who spoke about “Helping Teens Find Their Most Authentic Selves: Virtue Ethics.” The Athletics Hall of Fame hosted its 2019 induction ceremony at the end of January. Hall of Fame inductees included Juaune Armon ‘00, Katie Fleury ‘07, Aaron Gordon ‘13, Gabriela Olivares ‘00, and Anne Marie Schmidt ‘13. Hall of Honor inductees were Dan Stapp ‘75 and Justina Williams ‘95. Hall of Distinction inductees were Jason Khalipa ‘04 and Rick and Debi Justice. Hall of Champion inductees were the 2008 women’s volleyball team (state and national champions); the 2009 softball team (national champions); the 2010 baseball team (national champions); the 2010-2011 men’s basketball team (state champions); and the 2012 women’s volleyball team (state and national champions).





2018 / 2019





2018 / 2019


A month of action... Although February can feel like a short month, the calendar at Mitty is always jampacked with activities and events. The Speech and Debate team took 1st place in the speech sweepstakes at the Cal Invitational, where Jasmine Yee ‘20 placed first in expository speaking, and Conor Sherry ‘19 also placed first for thematic interpretation. The American Math Contest (AMC), given to 300,000 students nationwide, was held early this month with seven Archbishop Mitty students successfully qualifying for the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME). Of those students, Jubal John Peter ‘19 and Jaron Shen ‘19 scored in the top 5% in the nation on the AIME exam; Rachel Ryu ‘21 and Riley Kong ‘22 scored in the top 2.5%; and Bharat Narayanasamy ‘20 in the top 1% in the nation. MAP’s Gun Violence Prevention Team partnered with the Baking Club to sponsor “Send Love to Parkland” on the first anniversary of the Parkland school shooting. During a lunch period, students were able to express support for the surviving students at Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School with handwritten notes and Valentine’s Day cards that they sent to that school community. The Mitty community came together for prayer during the Ash Wednesday and Sophomore Divisional Liturgies, and at the monthly assembly, English teacher Lauren Zachmeier reflected on her life’s trajectory not following her “plan.” She shared that we cannot give up when things do not work out the way we thought they would as oftentimes, that new path we take can provide us with unforeseen benefits. The Department of Performing Arts took all of their groups to Disneyland for a series of workshops and performances. Additionally, Pardon My French held its guest artist show with musical theater improv group Baby Wants Candy. They presented a very impressive, never-before-seen-or-heard musical to an excited audience on the Kinkade stage. The President’s Circle Dinner was held to express gratitude to members of the Archbishop Mitty community who have provided significant financial contribution to the school’s curricular and co-curricular programs. This year, Christine and Robert Jahcke were recognized as Benefactors of the Year.





2018 / 2019

A roar of success... “The greatest night to be a Monarch” was held on March 7 to a packed San Jose Civic

Auditorium. Monarch Madness XXVIII saw themes that included The Wizard of Oz (Class of

2022), Coco (Class of 2021), Ready Player One (Class of 2020), and The Matrix (Class of 2019).

The Class of 2021 won both the limbo and tug-of-war, surprising the audience with its flexibility and strength, and the Class of 2020 was the champion of the dance and mural decoration competitions. But it was the Class of 2019 who won the lion’s share of the games, including ROAR, and were the ultimate champions, taking home the coveted Monarch Madness trophy. The evening concluded with the entire school community coming together to sing the liturgical theme song, “Fearless,” reminding us that despite all the competition, a spirit of community permeates all we do. Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella graced the Kinkade theater stage this month with 32 student actors, 24 student musicians in the orchestra, and 22 students on the crew. The audience was transfixed by this modern-day retelling of the classic love story that reminded us of the importance of kindness. C.J. Purdy ‘19 was nominated for a Rita Moreno California High School Musical Theater Best Actor Award for his role as Prince Topher. Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella earned a total of eight National Youth Theater nominations, with Michaela Lewis ‘19 receiving the award for Outstanding Lead Performance in a Musical. The Excalibur yearbook staff was recognized with a National Program of Excellence Award, and the 92-member Mitty Robotics team earned its first-ever Imagery Award at the Central Valley Regional Competition. This award emphasized collaboration, spirit, and coordinated visual design across its operations and engineering divisions. Eighteen Mitty students participated at the Synopses Science Fair, with twelve earning awards, and Akhilesh Balasingam ‘21 and Aalok Patwa ‘21 received 1st place prizes in their categories. The final Career Symposium of the year was held, with a focus on careers in social justice. Alumni Andres Andrade ‘98, Molly Brennan ‘97, Jake Grant ‘17, and Preeti Vissa Kristipati ‘01 shared their experiences within their professional fields to an attentive student audience in the Kinkade theater. The winter sports season came to a close, with the men’s basketball team bringing home a WCAL championship, the men’s soccer team winning the CCS Division II championship, the women’s soccer team winning the CCS Open Division championship, and the women’s basketball team winning the WCAL and CCS Open Division championships, as well as the Surf ‘n Slam championship earlier in the season. Thirty-five Mitty student-athletes earned postseason league, section, and/or state recognitions. Devan Sapp ‘20 was named WCAL Player of the Year and CCS Cal-Hi Sports Player of the Year for men’s basketball; Camille LaFaix ‘19 was named WCAL Player of the Year and All-WCAL Midfielder of the Year for women’s soccer; Alexa Arancio ‘21 was named WCAL Defender of the Year for women’s soccer; and wrestler Andrew Forman ‘20 was the Overfelt Tournament Champion and the Peninsula Wrestling Tournament champion for his weight class.




2018 / 2019







2018 / 2019


A leap toward the finish line... The warmer weather started to show itself here and there as April began. Spring sports were in full swing, with students frequently watching their friends on the fields, track, or in the pool after school. Seniors received their college notifications, and the question, “So where are you going next year?” finally had an answer. Classes continued their race to the end, and everyone seemed ready for that elusive spring break that fell rather late this year. Activities seemed to focus on “getting ready for next year” as 7th Grade Day was held for prospective students, and the newest Monarchs – the Class of 2023 – were officially recognized at the hugely energetic Freshman Welcome Night. Current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors finalized their course requests for next year, and ASB and divisional elections were held for student government leadership for 2019-2020. Kalyn Simon ‘13, who worked as an intern for the Campus Ministry and Athletic Department offices, reflected on her past year at Mitty and the manner in which the idea of fearlessness manifested itself through her observations and experiences. Ms. Simon reminded us of what Mr. Wesmiller challenged us to do on that first day of school: to feel fear but to choose love; to practice courage every day; to stand up for what is right; and to know that you are not alone on this journey. She recounted her personal journey at Mitty over the 241 school days prior and related that with growth, we all become a little less fearful, whether we recognize it or not. The Holy Week Liturgy reminded us of the person who embodies bravery – Jesus – and the Solidarity Dinner afforded the community the opportunity to recognize that the work we do in Jesus’s name across the world embodies that spirit. Confirmation was received by 100 Archbishop Mitty students. Also this month, the Class of 2020 celebrated its junior prom “A Night in Paris,” and undergraduate awards were presented to students across all academic departments and co-curricular programs. The mothers of the Class of 2019 were welcomed to campus for the Senior Mothers’ Luncheon, and the Mitty Auction returned to campus, with over 250 guests enjoying the “There’s No Place Like Home” theme (which included some appearances by Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion). Over $85,000 was donated in support of the school’s direct aid fund, and over $100,000 was raised for the Archbishop Mitty General Endowment Fund.





2018 / 2019

Diving towards summer... May brought AP exams to campus with 732 students taking over 1,800 exams in 21 different subject areas during the second two weeks of the month. The overall pass rate for the exams was 91%, with a 100% pass rate in AP Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, and Spanish Language. Spring sports concluded with incredible successes by Mitty teams and student-athletes. The softball team took the CCS Open Division championship with a decisive 6-0 win over St. Francis; the baseball team won the Boras Classic; and the men’s tennis team won the California Classic. Nick Yorke ‘20 was named baseball’s CCS Junior of the Year by Prep2Prep, and Savannah Whatley ‘20 was named softball’s WCAL Co-Player of the Year. In the area of diving, Remi Edvalson ‘21 was named the NISCA Independent School national champion, as well as an All-American and won WCAL and CCS championships; Adam Wesson ‘21 was named an All-American and won WCAL and CCS championships; and Tyler Wesson ‘19 was also named an All-American. Jassen Yep ‘20 was the WCAL and CCS champion in the 100-meter breaststroke. Nathan Wang ‘22 was named men’s WCAL Golfer of the Year and WCAL Freshman Golfer of the Year, and Brian Ma ‘19 was the WCAL Individual Champion in men’s golf. Justin Wang ‘20 and Kevin Ngo ‘22 won 1st place in BVAL men’s badminton doubles. In track and field, Shane Aberg ‘20 and Amy Arnes ‘20 won the WCAL championships in discus, and Amelia Scharpf ‘21 won the WCAL high-jump championship. Overall, forty-six student-athletes earned post-season league and/or CCS recognitions. The Mitty Speech and Debate team took its fourth consecutive state title, with Naman Dandia ‘20, Daniel Edmunds ‘20, Jacob Ledger ‘20, and Sanika Mauskar ‘19 winning individual state championships. Eleven members of the Speech and Debate team went on to qualify for the Tournament of Champions in Nebraska, where Kritika Yerrapoto ‘20 and Conor Sherry ‘19 came second in their individual events. The 31st Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament welcomed avid golfers to the Cinnabar Hills Golf Club, raising over $60,000 for the Alumni Scholarship Endowment. To express our gratitude to all the volunteers who make events and activities happen for the Mitty community throughout the year, the Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition Dinner was held.






2018 / 2019


No holding back, no backing down... The Class of 2019 embodied fearlessness: they didn’t hold back, they didn’t back down. They took on the unknown and embraced all that Mitty had to offer. The Class of 2019 was comprised of 411 students, and by the numbers, they were impressive: l 16 members of the class were National Merit Finalists, and they were joined by 61 of their classmates as National Merit Commended Students; l 35 received the Gary Braia Service Award, recognizing their commitment to their communities and willingness to be of service to those communities; l 105 earned a 4.0 GPA or higher for their first seven semesters at Archbishop Mitty; l 48 were named AP Scholars (earning a score of 3 or higher on three or more exams); l 36 were named AP Scholars with Honor (earning an average score of 3.25 or higher on four or more exams); l 48 were named AP Scholars with Distinction (earning an average score of 3.5 or higher on five or more exams); l 4 were named National AP Scholars (earning an average score of 4 or higher on eight or more exams); l 31 members of the Class of 2019 will be playing college athletics; l 216 members of the Class of 2019 earned Honors at Entrance at colleges and universities across the country; and l $45 million was earned in scholarships and grants by members of the Class of 2019.

The Archbishop Mitty Regents Awards are presented to one young man and one young woman in recognition of overall achievement. Sophia Scott was the Class of 2019 female recipient of the Regents Award. An engaged, articulate, insightful, and collaborative student, Sophia took the most rigorous course of study at Archbishop Mitty and thrived within it. She sought to truly understand the content she was learning, asking insightful and thoughtful questions and truly listening to the answers. Beyond the classroom, Sophia was a four-year member of the Speech and Debate team; a three-year member of the women’s cross country team; a retreat leader for both Quest and Kairos; a member of the LIFE Corps Team; a participant on the Ethics, Culture, Justice: India immersion trip; and editor for the literary magazine, The Muse. Sophia’s incredible involvement across a multitude of programs made her a stellar admissions ambassador, speaking at both high school information nights and Open House. A mature young woman marked by humility and compassion, Sophia is attending Boston College in the fall of 2019. Jackson Walker was the Class of 2019 male recipient of the Regents Award. A superior student, Jackson took a rigorous course of study, and his presence in the classroom was marked by his mature and insightful contributions that elevated the conversation. His keen curiosity revealed itself in his consistent engagement and participation in the classroom. Jackson was also a member of the LIFE Corps team; a retreat leader for Kairos; a participant in the Ethics, Culture, and Justice: South Africa immersion trip; a three-year member of the men’s water polo team; and an editor for the school newspaper, The Monarch. Jackson also served as a Mitty admissions ambassador, speaking at 7th Grade Day, high school information nights, and Open House. Jackson is a leader in the truest sense of the word, and this was most evident in his involvement with student government. As a three-year class representative and this year’s senior class president, Jackson led by example, focusing on teamwork and celebrating all that is Mitty. Dubbed “the poster child for Mitty spirit,” Jackson is attending the University of Wisconsin at Madison in the fall of 2019.





2018 / 2019

Aditi Chatradhi was the Class of 2019 recipient of the Archbishop Romero Award, which recognizes a graduating senior who is deeply committed to the Campus Ministry program through putting his or her intelligence and education at the service of those in need through a keen awareness of our communal commitment to promote social justice in our society and throughout the world. Aditi is an incredible leader, someone who is insightful, analytical, mission-driven, collaborative, and compassionate. Aditi served as the president of the Mitty Advocacy Project, playing an integral part in the program’s efforts to make a more just and humane world. She led advocacy trips to Sacramento to meet with California Assembly members and to Washington DC to meet with offices of three U.S. Representatives and Senator Kamala Harris. Aditi also served as an intern in the office of California Assembly member Evan Low, and she founded the CodeMatrix, a student-run nonprofit that makes coding more accessible to young people. Her success led to a nonprofit with 85 volunteers and she delivered a TED Talk and a keynote address at the IBM Academy of Technology’s annual STEM event at UT Austin. Aditi’s commitment to and advocacy for justice will serve her well as she begins her studies at Columbia University in the fall of 2019. The Salutatorian for the Class of 2019 was Eshan Gupta. A stellar student who sought to challenge himself with the most rigorous course load available, Eshan is an engaging, active, and participatory student in the classroom. A National Merit Finalist and an AP Scholar, Eshan was also recognized with an Archbishop Mitty General Excellence Award, being named as one of the top three students in at least three different disciplines. His most visible contributions to the Mitty community have been in his co-curricular involvement. A four-year member of student government, he served as the ASB president this year. He also was a committed member of the Speech and Debate team and has been part of the four-year state championship team. Eshan participated in the Ethics, Culture, Justice: South Africa immersion trip during his junior year, as well as working with the Mitty Advocacy Project, the Model UN, and The Monarch newspaper. Eshan is attending Georgetown University in the fall of 2019. The Valedictorian for the Class of 2019 was Malavika Ramaroa. A scholar who possesses a superior intellect, a tremendous work ethic, and a values-based perspective on life, Malavika was named a finalist in the Synopsys Science Fair as a junior, a National Merit Commended Student, and a National AP Scholar with Distinction. She earned the Archbishop Mitty General Excellence Award in recognition for being among the top three students in English, Science, and Mathematics. Beyond the classroom, Malavika was a four-year member of the school newspaper The Monarch, a leader in the Mitty Advocacy Project, and a key member of the Mitty Speech and Debate team, where she garnered first place finishes along with finalist awards at national invitationals in various events. Malavika spent her summers pursuing her passion for research and medicine: as an intern at the Genetics and Neuroscience Microbiology Lab at Smith College in 2016; as an intern at the Microbiology Lab at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 2017; and as a lab technician at the National Institute of Health at Fort Derrick in Maryland in 2018. She began her college studies at Cornell University in the fall of 2019. Following graduation, Archbishop Mitty students packed their bags to participate in immersion trips across the state, country, and world. Juniors who spent a year studying Ethics, Culture, and Justice participated in immersion trips throughout California, in Appalachia, New Mexico, Arizona, India, South Africa, and Central America. Students also participated on immersion trips supporting Habitat for Humanity in Oregon, St. Anthony’s Foundation in San Francisco, and to recognize the environmental challenge facing Californians in the Monterey area. Over 200 students participated on immersion trips throughout the 2018-2019 school year. Twenty-two members of the Speech and Debate Team traveled to Dallas to participate in the National Tournament, with five members making it to the final round: Naman Dandia ‘20, Daniel Edmunds ‘20, Darya Kaviani ‘19, Conor Sherry ‘19, and Roshni Varma ‘19. After their speeches, Darya was awarded 6th place in the nation for Congressional Debate, Naman and Daniel were awarded 3rd place in the nation for Duo Interpretation, and Conor was named the National Champion for Humorous Interpretation, making him the first AMHS student to earn this award. Additionally, Archbishop Mitty’s Speech and Debate program was named a School of Outstanding Distinction, which recognizes the top ten programs in the country. This was the fifth year in a row that the program has earned this award.





2018 / 2019

Class of 2019 College Acceptances and Enrollment As noted by salutatorian Eshan Gupta at his graduation address, to be fearless is to “choose to see that from the unexpected, we are called to build our characters, recognizing that embracing chaos is the first step in better understanding and managing the world we live in.” Class of 2019, go out, be fearless, and change the world! University of California

Berkeley 31 16 Davis 50 11 40 6 Irvine 32 14 Los Angeles Merced 17 Riverside 32 4 San Diego 50 9 58 14 Santa Barbara Santa Cruz 59 2 California State University

Bakersfield 1 California State Polytechnic 26 3 University, Pomona California State Polytechnic 62 23 University, San Luis Obispo Channel Islands 6 Chico 39 6 Dominguez Hills 2 East Bay 24 1 Fresno 2 Fullerton 9 1 Humboldt 7 Long Beach 13 5 Los Angeles 16 3 Monterey Bay Northridge 9 Sacramento 17 2 San Bernardino 1 San Diego 42 5 28 2 San Francisco San Jose 96 14 4 San Marcos Sonoma 24 2 Stanislaus 2 California Independent Colleges and Universities

AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts Azusa Pacific University California Baptist University California College of the Arts

Accepted Attending

Accepted Attending

1 3 1 2

California Institute of the Arts California Lutheran University California Northstate University College of Health Sciences Chapman University Claremont McKenna College Concordia University (Irvine) Dominican University of California Harvey Mudd College Holy Names University Loyola Marymount University Menlo College Mount Saint Mary’s University Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Saint Mary’s College of California San Francisco Art Institute Santa Clara University Scripps College Stanford University University of the Pacific University of Redlands University of San Diego University of San Francisco University of Southern California Westmont College Whittier College Woodbury University

1 7 3 58 13 3 1 2 1 7 2 3 1 1 65 3 1 7 1 12 1 1 4 28 4 1 1 80 18 4 1 3 3 29 7 7 1 47 4 69 8 29 9 3 7 2 1

Out-of-State Colleges and Universities

American University The American University of Paris Arizona State University Augusta College Babson College Barnard College Barry University Baylor University Belmont University

6 1 49 6 1 2 3 1 2 6 1 1


Bentley University Boise State University Boston College Boston Conservatory at Berklee Boston University Bradley University Brandeis University Brooklyn College Brown University Bryn Mawr College Butler University Carnegie Mellon University Carroll College Case Western Reserve Catholic University of America Chaminade University of Honolulu Clarkson University Clemson University Colgate University The College of New Jersey College of William and Mary Colorado Mesa University Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University Columbia College (Chicago) Columbia University Concordia University (Portland) Cornell University Creighton University DePaul University Drew University Drexel University Duke University Eckerd College Elon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Prescott) Emerson College Emory University Fairfield University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Institute of Technology Florida Southern College Florida State University Fordham University George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Gettysburg College Gonzaga University Grand Canyon University Harvard University Haverford College Hawaii Pacific University Hofstra University




Accepted Attending

1 13 7 1 22 1 2 1 3 1 1 7 2 16 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 19 2 2 1 6 12 10 2 7 2 2 1

3 2 1 2

2 1 2


1 1 1 1 4

2 2 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 1 1 8 1 5 2 2 1 28 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 5

Howard University Indiana University (Bloomington) Ithaca College Jacksonville University Johns Hopkins University Johnson & Wales University Laboratory Institute of Merchandising Lehigh University Lewis & Clark College Linfield College Louisiana State University Loyola University (Chicago) Loyola University (New Orleans) Macalester College Manhattan College Marist College Marquette University Marymount Manhattan College Massachusetts Institute of Technology Miami University (Oxford) Michigan State University Montana State University (Bozeman) Mount Holyoke College New Jersey Institute of Technology The New School New York University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northwestern University Nova Southeastern University Oberlin College of Arts and Sciences Ohio State University Oklahoma City University Oregon Institute of Technology Oregon State University Pace University Pacific Lutheran University Pacific University Pennsylvania State University Point Park University Portland State University Purdue University Reed College Regis University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rutgers University (Newark) Rutgers University (New Brunswick) Saint Martin’s University Sarah Lawrence College Savannah College of Art and Design Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Seton Hall University Southern Methodist University

2018 / 2019

Accepted Attending

1 6 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 15 4 1 1 2 5 6 1 4 6 4 1 2 2 17 23 10 2 1 1 3 1 1 12 7 1 2 10 1 5 30 2 5 11 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 23 1 2

1 1

1 1 1


1 5 3 3 2 1 1 2

2 1 1

1 1 1




2018 / 2019

Accepted Attending

42 Accepted Attending

University of North Carolina Southern Oregon University 2 1 (Chapel Hill) Southern Utah University 1 University of Notre Dame 2 State University of New York (Buffalo) 1 3 University of Oklahoma State University of New York University of Oregon 61 8 2 1 (Purchase College) 4 2 University of Pennsylvania St. Bonaventure University 1 University of Pittsburgh 8 St. Edward’s University 1 University of Portland 41 4 St. Francis College 1 University of Puget Sound 2 1 St. John’s University 3 2 University of Rochester Stevens Institute of Technology 4 University of South Carolina 1 Suffolk University 1 University of Tampa 1 Susquehanna University 1 University of Tennessee (Knoxville) 2 Syracuse University 3 1 University of Texas (Austin) 2 1 Temple University 1 2 University of Texas (Dallas) Tennessee State University 1 1 University of Utah 8 3 Texas A&M University 6 1 University of Vermont 1 9 3 Texas Christian University University of Virginia 1 1 Trinity University University of Washington 49 5 Tufts University 4 1 University of Wisconsin (Madison) 5 1 Tulane University 2 1 3 Vanderbilt University Union College 1 Villanova University 1 United States Air Force Academy 1 Virginia Commonwealth University 3 United States Military Academy Washington State University 13 2 2 2 at West Point 3 1 Washington University (St. Louis) United States Naval Academy 1 West Virginia University 3 University of Alabama 10 Western Kentucky University 1 University of Arizona 48 2 Western Washington University 2 2 University of Chicago Whitman College 1 University of Cincinnati 2 Whitworth College 1 University of Colorado (Boulder) 34 6 Willamette University 2 University of Colorado 3 1 (Colorado Springs) Williams College 1 University of Colorado (Denver) 6 Wilberforce University 1 University of Connecticut 1 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1 University of Dallas 1 Xavier University 2 University of Dayton 1 Yale University 1 1 University of Denver 6 2 1 1 University of Georgia International Colleges and Universities University of Hawaii (Manoa) 16 3 Brock University 1 2 University of Houston Hult International Business School 1 University of Idaho 1 Imperial College 1 University of Illinois King’s College 1 15 3 (Urbana-Champaign) College of Art & Design Ontario 1 3 University of Iowa Simon Fraser University 2 1 University of Kansas 2 United International Business Schools 1 University of Kentucky 4 University College 1 University of Louisville 1 University of British Columbia 3 University of Maryland (College Park) 3 3 1 University of Edinburgh University of Massachusetts (Amherst) 5 University of Oxford 1 1 University of Miami 3 1 University of St. Andrews University of Michigan 5 University of Waterloo 1 University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) 6 3 York College 1 University of Mississippi 1 1 University of Missouri (Kansas City) 2 1 1 University of Montana (Missoula) University of Nevada (Las Vegas) 2 University of Nevada (Reno) 40 16 1 University of New Hampshire



Financial Statistics

Operating Fund The Annual Fund



Non-Operating Budget Support Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament Black & Gold Mitty Auction Endowment In-kind Capital Campaign Gifts Direct Aid Appeal

61,000 1.8% 89,000 2.7% 105,000 3.1% 722,000 21.5% 163,000 4.9% 321,000 9.6% 419,000 12.5%

Current Revenue

Tuition and Fees Student Activities Parent Pledge and Endowment Release Summer School and Summer Camps

84.4% 3.6% 9.9% 2.1%



Use of Funds

Salaries and Benefits 62.3% 7.1% Instructional Support and Student Activities Financial Aid 10.2% Technology 3.5% 12.1% Operations and Maintenance of Plant Capital Improvements 4.0% Summer School and Summer Camps 0.8% Total




2018 / 2019




2018 / 2019






2018 / 2019

Monarch Leadership Society The Monarch Leadership Society honors those friends of Archbishop Mitty High School who have contributed to the very foundation of the school by supporting the growth of the facilities, programs, and scholarships that make Archbishop Mitty High School what it is today. Each of these very special donors has a giving history of at least $50,000 or has made a formal commitment to the school through a planned gift or established endowment. Perhaps, even more importantly, each has invested in the lives of the students at Archbishop Mitty High School. Their support allows us to reach our goal of educating intellectually competent, faith-filled, just, respectful leaders. Joseph Agu and Cheryl Shavers Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. Robert and Niccole Allard Ed and Kathy Almazol Darrin and Gloryvee Alves Joe Ammatuna Anonymous Appian Engineering Jeremy and Meredith Aston Michael and Lynn† Aymar Mark and Barbara Beck Roger and Joanna Biros Bonnie Blackwell Kristin Braia Richard and Judy Bregante Joseph and Linda Bronson Tim and Sally Brosnan Brian and Theresa Bumb Mark Burns ‘78 Mark and Julie Cabrales Ronald and Mary Cane Dan and Dorothy† Caputo Katherine Caputo William and Susan Carter Joseph and Debra (Truhe ‘88) Cassara Pat and Tami Cavaney David and Glowe Chang Kris and Evelyne Chellam Dianna and Lewis Chew Msgr. Francis Cilia Carl and Kathleen Cilker The Citti Family Chris Citti (‘76), Gary (‘69) and Linda Citti, Gloria Citti, Justin Citti (‘02), and Thomas Glascott and Adrianna Citti Glascott Mike Clair and Audrey MacLean Bill and Kathy Cleary Christopher and Alisha Collier Comerica Bank Charles and Linda Corbalis The Corbalis Family Foundation John and Tara Couch Richard and Diane Cristina Thomas and Mary Crotty Richard and Anne Crowley Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly Mike (‘04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio

Lawrence and Jacquelyn deAngelis Rev. Rodney DeMartini John and Melinda DiNapoli The Diocese of San Jose Steve and Gwen Dorcich James and Joan (Russell ‘77) Downey Tom and Kathy Dunlap Ian and Grace Edvalson Kathy Edwards David and Janis Eggleston Elias Eleftheriades and Tanya Spirtos Wim and Kate Elfrink Environmental Systems, Inc. Chris (‘77) and Lisa (Meyer ‘80) Enfantino, Eugene (‘79) and Tracy (Bresniker ‘79) Enfantino John and Teresa Estill Gregory and Debra Fant Mike and Anne Federwisch Flexjet Bombadier John and Helen Finneran Darleen Fitzgerald James Fitzgerald Michael and Ruth Fletcher Robert and Barbara Floyd John and Susan Fortune The Mary Ellen and Michael E. Fox Family Foundation Michael and Mary Ellen Fox Jan Francis Dave and Shellie Fry Lisa Fry-Leese Fry’s Electronics The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Phillip and Cindy Gibson John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Eugene Golobic and Linda Dias-Golobic The Good Tidings Foundation Glenn† and Judy (Poe ‘76) Goodson Brian (‘74) and Sheila (Gray ‘75) Gregory Tom and Pat Grennan Robert and Jenny Griswold Joe Guerra Rosalie Gummow Stephan and Wendy Guttman Matt (‘85) and Julie Haniger

Walt (‘70) and Judy Haniger Walt† and June† Haniger Joshua (‘92) and Hilary Harmssen Greg Heinrichs ‘70 Jorge and Pamela Helmer John Holton George and Marjorie Honoré Linda Hunter Zahid and Noreen Hussain Howard and Barb Ignatius Richard and Ellen Imrisek The William G. Irwin Foundation Robert and Christine Jahncke George Jones Nancy Jones The Ken and Judith Joy Family Foundation Thornton and Pearl Jue Richard and Debi Justice Jason Kaaha ‘89 Bob Kagle and Marissa Matusich-Kagle Edward and Deborah Kaufman April Kawahara David Kawahara Nanette Kinkade Thomas Kinkade† Steve Kottmeier and Suanne Ramar Wanda Kownacki Scott and Joanie Kriens Therese Kunick† Theodore and Nina Lamour Robert† and Mary Lou Lawrence Rick Leese Scott and Tracy Lewis Frank and Carey Lisowski Kevin and Sheila MacLean Philip and Kelly Mahoney Richard and Mary Malone Jeff and Nancy Marks Nigel and Sue Marrion Allan McDonald† Most Rev. Patrick McGrath McLarney Construction Kevin and Katherine McLarney Barbara McTighe Tim and Mardy Meadows Dave Mewes Andrew and Joyce Miller




2018 / 2019

Mary Ann Miller Thomas (‘83) and Christin Miller David and Christy Mills George and Mary Monk Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Rob and Susan Moore Michael and Joanne Moul Stephen and Elizabeth Mullaney John Naporano and E. Shea Harden The Notre Dame Private Foundation Carol Olimpia† Gary Olimpia and Nancy Hoskins-Olimpia John and Amy Oosterhouse Pacific Bay Masonry Mark and Elizabeth Page Gerry and Carol Parker Andrew and Maria Pecota Les and Nini Pelio Pepsi Bottling Group David and Kerrie Peraino Petersen Construction Company Larry Polayes and Penny Herman-Polayes Sr. Mary Claude Power, PVBM† Ming Qu and Ling Zhang Mario and Martha Queiroz George and Sandra Quinn Linda and Kenneth Raasch Peter and Rita Redford Cary and Martha Reich Leslie (Caughran ‘90) and Robert Reilly Ron and Fran Reynolds Charles and Paige Robbins Gwynne and Phil Rolla Richard and Genevieve Rolla Roof Structures, Inc. Daniel and Renay Rosckes Rosendin Electric, Inc. Rob Roskopp and Lepa Galeb-Roskopp James and Arleen Russi Marian and Carmen Rusu John and Diann Ryan The Martha and Philip Sanfilippo Trust Suzanne Saulman John and Rena Saunders Michael and Kristin Savini Lloyd and Sandra Scates Tom and Dawn Schaeffer David and Kathy Schmidt Stephen and Patricia Schott The Stephen C. and Patricia A. Schott Foundation Randy and Eileen Scott The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Mark and Melody Singer Gerry and Michelle Smith Stephen and Jennifer Smith Sobrato Development Companies The Sobrato Family Foundation John A. and Susan Sobrato

John M. and Timi Sobrato Jure and Michelle Šola Steven and Roxanne Speno James Steele Stacey Steele Timothy and Patricia Steele Steinberg Architects Richard Strayer Dave and Judy Sugishita TBI Construction & Construction Management, Inc. Todd and Jennifer Teresi Linda Tirado Jennifer Titinger Jorge Titinger Chuck and Linda Toeniskoetter John and Christine Tower David Truong and Trinh Trinh The James A. Unruh Family Foundation Lori Vann-Mewes Issac Vaughn and Maria Nash Vaughn Fred (‘72) and Anne Vernacchia Donald and Anna Waite Pat and Ginny Waite Claudia Weist The E. L. Wiegand Foundation Rick and Barbara Williams Donald and Catherine Williamson Lawrence and Paula Wong Mark and Laurie Woodward David† and Barbara Yeh Rick and Colette Zea Naveen and Anu Zutshi

46 Joe Yorke ‘19 with Head Baseball Coach Brian Yocke ‘03


“Coach Yocke has been so much more to me than simply a mentor or a teacher of the game of baseball. He has truly modeled what it means to be fearless. He took over as the head baseball coach my freshman year and embraced every struggle that came our way. No matter what the circumstances were, Coach Yocke always did what he believed to be right, knowing the consequences that would come, exemplifying to me what it means to truly be fearless.”





2018 / 2019

President’s Circle The President’s Circle is comprised of alumni, parents of alumni, parents of current students, and friends of Archbishop Mitty who have made gifts of $2,000 or more during the preceding fiscal year. Many families and friends choose to continue their membership in the President’s Circle year after year in recognition of the superior achievements of the school. We salute the following members of this pace-setting group and hope that the power of their example will serve to encourage others to invest in Archbishop Mitty High School. Sean Aggarwal and Linda Lee Joseph Agu and Cheryl Shavers Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. Robert and Niccole Allard Darrin and Gloryvee Alves Jeff and Denise Alvord Krishnan Anantheswaran and Shamita Tripathy Adam and Maureen (Loftus ‘92) Anderson Eric and Christina Anderson Melanie Anstett and Lorraine Beeman Jimson and Maryhazel Apiado Apple, Inc. Applied Materials, Inc. Arcadia Development Company Art’s Sheet Metal Manufacturing Jeremy and Meredith Aston Sean and Jodi Austin Prakash and Anjali Babu Brandon and Lisa Bain Binay and Prenita Bajaj Pratheep and Esha Balasingam Ali and Ban Ballou Rao and Rajyalakshmi Balusu Giovanni and Sarka Barbarossa Peter and Mary Baust Rupen and Anar Bavishi Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Sandesh and Mamatha Bharadwaj Aldo and Renee Billingslea David and Susan Bilton Laurence and Anna Marie Boucher Christopher (‘88) and Kelly Bovone Clark and Jennifer Bowcock Cameron Bowman Brian and Maria Braren Bright Funds Kent and Sharon Brown Paul Brown and Meredith Wright Steven and Sharon Brown Curtis and Lucy Brune Craig Burrows and Betsy Upton Steven Butler and Lisa Staley-Butler Elwyn and Emily Cabebe Mark and Julie Cabrales Cadence Design Systems Brian and Doreen Cadieux John (‘01) and Katie Cane Ronald and Mary Cane

Jacob (‘92) and Robin (Jeffers ‘92) Caputo Katherine Caputo Paul and Lisa Caputo Melvin Cardozo and Annie Sequeira Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Samuel (‘86) and Adila Carlino William and Susan Carter The Carter Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Joseph and Debra (Truhe ‘88) Cassara David and Venus Cenizal David and Glowe Chang Kris and Evelyne Chellam Larry Cheng and Jean Yee Victor and Elaine Cheung Dianna and Lewis Chew Shawn and Brenda (Broadus ‘84) Chizanskos Cisco Systems, Inc. Dan and Andrea Coleman Kenneth Coleman and Caretha Evans Sean and Monica Comer Comerica Bank Kevin and Erica Connors Dean and Michelle Correa Roshan (Mehdizadeh ‘01) and Mattia Corsiglia Richard and Diane Cristina Mike (‘04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio D’Ambrosio Real Estate John and Kristi Dasher Timothy and Christina Deane Timothy De Kay ‘90 Alain and Stephanie de Raynal Manav Deshmukh and Geetanjali Paranjape James and Lynn DeVaughn Devcon Construction John and Melinda DiNapoli Steve and Gwen Dorcich Sam and Ann Doumanian James and Joan (Russell ‘77) Downey Dylan Drake John and Kristen Dryden Godfrey and Sandra D’Souza Joseph D’Souza and Shivani Govil Yuezhong Du and Jiong Peng Anuj and Priya Dua Tom and Kathy Dunlap Michael Dunne Hani and Cheryl Durzy eBay Ian and Grace Edvalson

Wim and Kate Elfrink Stephen Emond and Deborah Faryniarz Chris (‘77) and Lisa (Meyer ‘80) Enfantino Environmental Systems, Inc. Epicurean Group James Ernest ‘80 Escrip Gregory and Debra Fant Mark and Sheri Farley Mike and Anne Federwisch Stephanie Federwisch ‘07 Thomas Ferrill and Stephanie Kain Ferrill Michael and Ruth Fletcher The Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Basketball Tournament Jerrad and Terri Forman George and Mary Ann Fox Jason and Allison Fox The Mary Ellen and Michael E. Fox Family Foundation Michael and Mary Ellen Fox Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero. Tomo and Dara Galeb Galeb Paving, Inc Hari Ganesan and Hema Ramamurthy Varaprasad Gedipudi and Lakshmi Yarramaneni Jason and Jessica Geis Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera Rakesh and Shalini Ghiya Jon and Krista Gieselman John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Lawrence and Fiona Giuffre Heather Glahn Tom Gong and Julia Zhu Google Christine Gorjanc Srinivasu Gottipati and Kapila Thotakura Manimaran Govindaraju and Bharathy Manimaran Courtney Grant Daniel and Karen Greene Michael and Toni Greene Brian Gregory and Kerri Green Patricia Gregory Robert and Jenny Griswold Timothy Guarnieri and Kathleen Cote Guarnieri Stephan and Wendy Guttman




Mark Hagerty and Weijie Lu Chuck and Mary Hammers Jaesoo Han and Hee Jung Kim Matt (‘85) and Julie Haniger John and Helen Hartnett Robert and Laura Hastings Prashant and Veena Hegde Selvaraj and Vimala Henry Hewlett-Packard Company Richard (‘99) and Carolyn Holmgren George and Marjorie Honoré Karl and Jennifer Hsu Jun Huang and Lei Lian IBM Matching Grants Jon and Karen Imperato Richard and Ellen Imrisek Intel Corporation The Intel Foundation The Intuit Foundation Raju and Vasanthi Iyer Basim and Julianne Jaber Robert and Christine Jahncke Mark and Susan Jamieson Daniel Jensen and Carolyn Donlin Earl Jensen and Margaret Nolin Young Jeon and Minsuk Kim David Johnson and Amy Cooprider Johnson & Johnson Mandar and Indira Joshi Darren and May Jue Thornton and Pearl Jue Changoo and Sara Kang Elaine Kartalis Emile and Lori Khoury Dae Seung Kim and Hye Kyung Min Mansu Kim and Kiwha Seo Myeong Eop Kim and Soeun Lim Nak and Kylee Kim Yoo Joong Kim and Yong Cho-Kim Mason and Sharon Kimont Mitchitaka Kitamura and Maureen Yee The KLA Tencor Foundation Curtis Knight Neeraj and Stephanie Kochhar Sean and Dorina Kohler Bhaskar Kolla and Sridevi Kolla Joab Kong and Yuying Long Parimal and Sangeeta Kopardekar Mikhail Korolik and Katrina Mikhaylich Steve Kottmeier and Suanne Ramar John and Dana Kouretas Rick Kramer James and Sandra Kronik Matthew and Kelly Kucic Indrajit Lahiri and Vidya Rao Lam Research Lynne Lampros Edward and Denna Lao Mark and Cathy Leather Hoonki Lee and Kyunghee Kang

2018 / 2019

Mark and Susan Leonard Matthew and Monita Levy Scott and Tracy Lewis Bin Li and Hongling Cen Wei Li and Brenda Qiang Jon and Christine Linthacum Justin Liu and Waigan Chan LMT Properties Josh and Jennifer Loftus Rose Lopez Kuok Chun Lou and Ching Ngan Chan Frank and Lori Lux Xiaofeng Ma Matt and Alexa MacDonald Kevin and Sheila MacLean Eric and Beth Madia Kevin Madrigal and Alicia Silva-Madrigal Anand and Elisa Malani Steven and Michelle Maranowski Jeff and Nancy Marks Bryan and Lisa Martin Monica Martinez-Canales Brian and Lisa Matherly Francisco and Beth Matus Alexander Matyushkin and Alevtina Ivanova Glenn and Susan Mau Thomas and Magdalena Maudoux Brian Maxwell James and Erin Mazzone David and Julie (Keller ‘86) McCloskey Matthew and Leela McDonald Michael and Carolyn McDonald Thomas and Jill McEnery Dennis and Kelly McHaffie McLarney Construction, Inc. Douglas and Susan McNelly Tim and Mardy Meadows Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim Mark and Michelle Mesler Mladen Micevic and Tatjana Vlahovic Micron Technology, Inc. Microsoft Nenad and Ana Miladinovic Thomas (‘83) and Christin Miller Ryan and Joanne Mills Anurag and Manjul Mishra Jeff Mitbo and Judy Chang Phanikrishna Modali and Sujatha Kalyanam Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Rob and Susan Moore Robert and Lillian Moore Mark (‘81) and Shelly Morales Moreno and Associates, Inc. Ernesto and Stacie Moreno David and Shara Morishige Edward and Lupe Morishige Debbie Mueller Ralf Muenster and Petra Jakobskrueger Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy Stephen and Elizabeth Mullaney

48 Mike Murphy James Murray and Magali Philippoussis Mahesh and Anuradha Murthy Dan and Paula Myers Venkatesh Nagapudi and Sangeetha Mani Carmine and Stacey Napolitano John Naporano and E. Shea Harden Pravin Narwankar and Madhavi Chandrachood Servpreet and Sheilly Nayyar Netflix Toan Nguyen and Thao Tran Gary Olimpia and Nancy Hoskins-Olimpia Paulo and Filomena Oliveira John and Amy Oosterhouse Todd and Macy Otake Tapani and Kim Otala Mark and Elizabeth Page Sam and Jessica Paisley Mahendra and Heather Pakala The Parigi Family Chan Hong Park and Mi Sook Lee Dipesh and Nirupa Patel Manas Pati and Sasmita Mishra PayPal Andrew and Maria Pecota David and Kerrie Peraino Ernest Pestana The Ernest E. Pestana Charitable Foundation, Inc. John and Carin Phillips Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Michael Pordon and Toni Chiang Andrew and Alison Powell Pete and Lynn Pragastis Provident Credit Union Prudential Financial, Inc. Thomas and Elizabeth Pulchny Ming Qu and Ling Zhang Mario and Martha Queiroz George and Sandra Quinn Saravan Rajendran and Manjari Gadi Ravikumar Ramarao and Radha Venkatesh Dennis and Brooke Randall Abhijit Ray and Paramita Nath Subir Ray and Rebecca Biswas Robert and Leslie (Caughran ‘90) Reilly Alan and Ute Ren David and Marisa Riparbelli David (‘80) and Shelly Roberson Ethan and Carmela Robertson Rockwell Collins Jorge and Anne Rodriguez Jose and Susan Rodriguez Phil and Gwynne Rolla Richard and Genevieve Rolla Daniel and Renay Rosckes Rob Roskopp and Lepa Galeb-Roskopp Ron Rulkens and Linda Jiang John and Diann Ryan Kelly (‘73) and Margaret Ryan


President’s Circle Benefactors of the Year 2019 Christine and Robert Jahncke 2018 Orla McDonnell and John Gilmore 2017 Kate and Wim Elfrink 2016 Michelle and Gerry Smith 2015 Susan and John A. Sobrato 2014 Sandra and George Quinn 2013 Dianna and Lewis Chew 2012 Laurie and Mark Woodward 2011 Patricia and Stephen Schott 2010 Maria and Andrew Pecota 2009 Eileen and Randy Scott 2008 Marissa Matusich-Kagle and Bob Kagle 2007 Dorothy† and Dan Caputo 2006 Barb and Howard Ignatius 2005 Debi and Rick Justice 2004 The Waite Family 2003 Nanette and Thomas† Kinkade 2002 Diocese of San José 2001 Dawn and Tom Schaeffer 2000 Lynn† and Mike Aymar

Kathy and Tom Dunlap

1999 Carol and Gerry Parker 1998 Judy and Rich Bregante 1997 Evelyne and Kris Chellam 1996 Audrey MacLean and Mike Clair 1995 Diane and Rich Cristina 1994 Marjorie and George Honoré




2018 / 2019

Chong Tan and Clare Lee Thomas and Melissa Saggau Joseph and Lucille Tersigni Sammy and Deborah Salamon The Texas Instruments Foundation Matthew and Holly Salkeld Ashok Tiwari and Komal Sharma Sam’s Bar-B-Que Richard Tow and Pingshan Yao Brad Sandman and Tanya Jenkins John and Christine Tower Peter and Carol Sandman Truist Grace Sanfilippo Alex Truong and Grace Huang Rahul Sanghvi and Holly Daniel-Sanghvi David and Ilene Tucker Santa Clara University William Urban and Katrina Brinkman Robert (‘85) and Denise Sapien The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Sachin and Praseeda Sathaye Patrick Valencia John and Rena Saunders Issac Vaughn and Maria Nash Vaughn Michael and Kristin Savini Anthony and Melanie Ventura Lloyd and Sandra Scates Chris and Zainab Vlahopouliotis Scates Construction Anthony and Alice Volpe Jason and Tracy Scharpf Khuong and Diane Vu Theodore and JoAnn Schilb Man Vu and Ashley Nguyen Chris and Sali Schille Richard and Jane Walker Bill and Mary Jane Schmidt Hugh and Yuko Walsh David and Kathy Schmidt Jeffrey and Audrey Webb Mark and Marissa Schmidt Martyn and Fiona Webster John and Francimar Schmitt Mark and Tania Weidick Todd and Paige Schmitzer The Wells Fargo Foundation The Stephen C. and Rob Wheeler and Kerrie Utsumi Patricia A. Schott Foundation Sara (Morishige ‘96) Williams Ronald and Mary Schrotenboer Mark and Laurie Woodward Lance and Susan Scott Sean and Cynthia Worthington SDS NexGen Partners LP Jian Wu and Shuangying Huang Mark Sion and Tia Williams Sion Charlie and Hong Yang Tushar (‘89) and Kajari Shah Cheng Yang and Qian Yao Andrew Shao ‘14 Eric Yeaman Sanjay and Bhavna Sharma Erin Yeaman Scott and Danielle (Fargher ‘98) Shaw Lawrence Yee and Ava Wu Jianfeng and Wei Shen Stephen Yeh and Selena Gin The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Todd Yellin and Jennifer Copaken The Silicon Valley Community Foundation Chris Young and Bernadette Rodriguez Kenneth and Ellen Silver Dean Skelton and Claudia Galvan De Skelton Tim and Kristin Zanni Jie and Jun Zhang John M. and Timi Sobrato Fuyong Zhao and Akiko Uchida Jure and Michelle Šola Naveen and Anu Zutshi Steven and Susan Sordello Sorin Spanoche and Andrea Cosmin Errol Springs and Stacy Walsh Springs Ed Sramaty and Brigid Bannan Stanford Children’s Health - Pediatric Associates Chadwick and Pam Stearns Timothy and Patricia Steele Steinberg Hart Christopher and Karina Strangio Ying Su and Tomoko Yamura Narayanasamy Subramanian and Nirmala Balakrishnan Suresh Subramanian and Akila Suresh Paul and Audrey Suciu Ranjeet and Melissa Sudan James and Lisa Sullivan Shingo and Makiko Suzuki Eugene (‘92) and Debbie Sy Symantec Corporation Synopsys Louis and Kim Taddeo Mo Tamjidi





2018 / 2019

Annual Fund Parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends of Archbishop Mitty High School contribute to the Annual Fund for many reasons. They believe in Catholic education enlivened by religious and ethical values. They believe in youth and in lifelong education. They believe in hope for the future, which knowledge gained through scholarship provides. Gifts to the Annual Fund help the school cover the gap between tuition and the actual cost of an Archbishop Mitty education by providing the resources necessary for competitive faculty salaries and academic and cocurricular programs. Gifts from Parents of Current Students We recognize that parents already incur the cost of tuition, and we are grateful for their additional support, contribution, and investment in their children’s education. In most cases, the gifts listed represent an annual payment on each family’s four-year commitment to the Parent Pledge Program. Brian and Amanda Aberg Michael and Kristine Achkar Jeremy and Karol Advincula Ernest and Imee Afanador Anuj (‘86) and Vanita Aggarwal Sean Aggarwal and Linda Lee Ashish and Namrata Agrawal Brian and Kristine Ahern The Alekseyeva Family Kamal Ali and Mary Liu Robert and Niccole Allard Thomas and Julia Alloggiamento Darrin and Gloryvee Alves Michael and Stacy (Leigh ‘90) Amicarelli Samer and Erika Amireh Krishnan Anantheswaran and Shamita Tripathy Adam and Maureen (Loftus ‘92) Anderson Melanie Anstett and Lorraine Beeman George and Clara Antone Jimson and Maryhazel Apiado Steven and Florence Arcolino Hurst Arthur Muhammad Aslam and Asma Jaleel Kenneth and Sandra Asplund Jeremy and Meredith Aston David and Elizabeth Aurelio Sean and Jodi Austin Peter and Tassia Babalis Biju and Rejitha Babu Prakash and Anjali Babu Edgardo and Imelda Bagis Yitao and Cindy Bai Brandon and Lisa Bain Binay and Prenita Bajaj Pratheep and Esha Balasingam Ali and Ban Ballou Rao and Rajyalakshmi Balusu Giovanni and Sarka Barbarossa Peter and Mary Baust Rupen and Anar Bavishi Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson

Paul (‘82) and Teresa (Mitchell ‘84) Behan Philipp and Kathleen Beisel Curtis and Aurelia Bell Sami Ben Makhlouf and Lamia Megdiche Sandesh and Mamatha Bharadwaj Prashant Billore and Arundhati Sakalle David and Susan Bilton Satish Biradar and Jayashree Gatade Russell Biswell and Tonja Chi Burch Boehner and Debbie Rishel Charles Bona and Catalina Phan Christopher (‘88) and Kelly Bovone Clark and Jennifer Bowcock Cameron Bowman Anthony (‘71) and Sue Bozzini Brian and Maria Braren Rafael and Michal Brenner Kent and Sharon Brown Paul Brown and Meredith Wright Curtis and Lucy Brune Steve and Allyson Burke Donald and Denise Burns Craig Burrows and Betsy Upton Raymond and Patricia Burton Michael and Deborah Butler Steven Butler and Lisa Staley-Butler James and Catherine Cabagbag Elwyn and Emily Cabebe Adrian Caceres Demitri Cacoyannis and Lisa Gillmor Brian and Doreen Cadieux John and Roberta Caldwell Jose and Christine Camara Paul and Lisa Caputo Melvin Cardozo and Annie Sequeira Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Samuel (‘86) and Adila Carlino Cliff (‘91) and Jennifer Caroza Christopher and Deborah Casey Joseph and Debra (Truhe ‘88) Cassara Jose (‘86) and Kelly Castanon David and Venus Cenizal Alexander and Flerida Cervania Robert and Nina Chan Jason and Kristin Chancey Satyadeep Chandrashekar and Anitha Sreenivasa Murthy Wan-Teh Chang and Chih-Lin Kuan Vinod Chathoth and Sheema Bharathan Amol Chavarkar and Deepa Mhatre Brian Chen and Vivian Tseng

Jinqiu Chen and Ye Jin Larry Cheng and Jean Yee Victor and Elaine Cheung Amardeep Chhatwal and Mamta Narain Jerry and Faith Chou Wen Kung Chu and Bih-Jiun Sun Van Co and Carolyn Nguyen Dale and Debbie (Gaskell ‘87) Coldiron Dan and Andrea Coleman Christopher and Alisha Collier Sean and Monica Comer David and Debbie Condensa Mitchell and Joan Conner John and Heidi (Burke ‘84) Conti Jordan and Beth Cookman Dean and Michelle Correa Mark and Sharon Cosentino Kyle and Lisa Coulter Pierre-Yves and Christine Couteau Michael (‘88) and Julie Crisafulli Jeffrey Cui and Helen Xing Mark Culton and Brenda Kantarian Culton Martin (‘82) and Kelly Dale Nitin and Neena Dandia John and Kristi Dasher Ian and Kelli Davis Timothy and Christina Deane Deric and Jennifer DeBenedetti Peter and Connie Decena Harold and Laarni DeGuzman Alain and Stephanie de Raynal Amish and Ruchibahen Desai Manav Deshmukh and Geetanjali Paranjape Pete Destefano ‘95 James and Lynn DeVaughn John and Julie Dillon Matt and Donna DiLorenzo John and Melinda DiNapoli Paul Dominic and Sophia Paul Rajesh Dorairajan and Uma Krishnamurthy Sam and Ann Doumanian Godfrey and Sandra D’Souza Joseph D’Souza and Shivani Govil Yuezhong Du and Jiong Peng Anuj and Priya Dua Walt and Lisa Duflock Hani and Cheryl Durzy Richard and Moira Edelman Ian and Grace Edvalson Martin and Dawne Edwards Charles and Kerry Elliott


Stephen Emond and Deborah Faryniarz Michael and Lorraine Ereno Javier Espinosa and Samantha Urata Brigid Feeney-Sherry Thomas Ferrill and Stephanie Kain Ferrill Ferda and Isabel Filiz Joseph and Sara FitzGerald Kim (Cotton ‘89) Fleury Ruben and Emily Fong Jerrad and Terri Forman Mark and Tricia Foster Dennis Fox George and Mary Ann Fox Jason and Allison Fox Monica Fox Richard and Marnie Francisco Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero Robert and Judy Gadbois Indrajit Gajendran and Lan Tong Tomo and Dara Galeb Nigel and Yueping Gallaher Bernard Galvan and Michelle Lilley-Galvan Arturo Gamboa-Aldeco and Anuncia Gonzalez-Martin Hari Ganesan and Hema Ramamurthy Renier and Jane Garcia Ted and Lisa Garvey Varaprasad Gedipudi and Lakshmi Yarramaneni Jason and Jessica Geis Reiner Genevriere and Sonja Cost Rakesh and Shalini Ghiya Jon and Krista Gieselman Christopher and Hilary Gill John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Lawrence and Fiona Giuffre Heather Glahn Sofjan Goenawan and Conie Soerjanti Tom Gong and Julia Zhu Venkatesh Gopinath and Shoba Krishnan Srinivasu Gottipati and Kapila Thotakura Manimaran Govindaraju and Bharathy Manimaran John and Jennifer Grady Scot Graham ‘79 Noland and Lisa Granberry Courtney Grant Daniel and Karen Greene Michael and Toni Greene Brian Gregory and Kerri Green Matthew and Meggen Gregory Robert (‘81) and Melanie Gribbin Robert and Jenny Griswold Timothy Guarnieri and Kathleen Cote Guarnieri George and Vanessa Guerra Pankaj and Archana Gupta Puneet and Namrata Gupta Jeffrey (‘90) and Amy Gurich Joseph and Rosella Guttadauro


Stephan and Wendy Guttman Mark Hagerty and Weijie Lu Kevin (‘91) and Jennifer (Ehle ‘92) Haggerty Robert and Rita Halbach Chuck and Mary Hammers Ben Han and Helen Wong Jaesoo Han and Hee Jung Kim John and Robin (Alberto ‘91) Hanahan Matt (‘85) and Julie Haniger Deborah Hao Donald (‘84) and Leslie Harris Jocelyn Hart John and Helen Hartnett Robert and Laura Hastings Prashant and Veena Hegde David Hegeman and Tracie Tunnell Vincent Hemsley and Robin Reynolds Hemsley Selvaraj and Vimala Henry Eddie and Machelle Hernandez Michael and Deanna Hilberman Mark and Maria Hirotsuka Mai Hoang John and Dina Holst Mark and Diane Houde Lawrence and Dena House Brian and Aida Howell Karl and Jennifer Hsu Jun Huang and Lei Lian Eric Huerta and Renee Diani-Huerta Hilton and Regan Hunt Jon and Karen Imperato Richard and Ellen Imrisek Fandi and Michelle Ingah Raju and Vasanthi Iyer Basim and Julianne Jaber Thomas and Shelli Jacobs Arun and Aleta Jaiswal Mark and Susan Jamieson Tomas and Mirka Janus Daniel Jensen and Carolyn Donlin Earl Jensen and Margaret Nolin Young Jeon and Minsuk Kim David Johnson and Amy Cooprider Jeffrey and Cristine (Velez ‘86) Johnston C. Burk and Vivienne Jordan Mandar and Indira Joshi Joseph Juan and Peggy Lee Desi and Reyna Judilla Darren and May Jue Frank and Cathleen Kalcic Changoo and Sarah Kang Nagesh and Chitra Kanumury Amar and Aditi Kapadia Kamal Kapadia Elaine Kartalis David and Lorin Kennedy Robert and Marcia Kennedy Emile and Lori Khoury Dae Seung Kim and Hye Kyung Min Eric Kim and Kay Chung Jang Ho Kim and Youngsook Seo



2018 / 2019

Kirk and Nicole Kim Mansu Kim and Kiwha Seo Myeong Eop Kim and Soeun Lim Nak and Kylee Kim Yoo Joong Kim and Yong Cho-Kim Mitchitaka Kitamura and Maureen Yee Curtis Knight Tomai and Sylvia Knopp Neeraj and Stephanie Kochhar Michael Koehler and Deborah Hall Sean and Dorina Kohler Robert Kolek and Jacqueline Nasser-Kolek Bhaskar Kolla and Sridevi Kolla Joab Kong and Yuying Long Steve Koontz ‘83 Parimal and Sangeeta Kopardekar David Koplos and Judith Hood-Koplos Mikhail Korolik and Katrina Mikhaylich John and Dana Kouretas Marla Kramer Rick Kramer Sathvik and Erica Krishnamurthy James and Sandra Kronik Matthew and Kelly Kucic Stephan and Kristi Kuehn Nishit and Suparna Kumar Subbu and Shilpa Kuttetira Indrajit Lahiri and Vidya Rao James Lai and Florence Li Vipul Lal and Anjali Machado Daniel and Andrea Lam Joseph and Annemarie Lampo David and Romina Langub Edward and Denna Lao Jeffrey and Maureen LaTourrette Jeff and Kate Lawrence Derek and Cherie Lawson Mark and Cathy Leather Chris and Amy Ledger Hoonki Lee and Kyunghee Kang Ryan Dominique and Daniella Lee Herschel Lelaind Steven and Anna Lentz Mark and Susan Leonard Matthew and Monita Levy Bin Li and Hongling Cen HungChun Li and Aichi Chang Wei Li and Brenda Qiang Hsiao-Ting Lin and Hai-lei Hsu Hung-Mao Lin and Shuhua Yu Kelly and Cathy Linn Jon and Christine Linthacum Frank Liu and Wendy Xie Jiguang Liu and Yiying Chen Justin Liu and Waigan Chan Xibin Liu and Rui Qiang Josh and Jennifer Loftus John Longthon and Jennifer Nakata Rose Lopez Kuok Chun Lou and Ching Ngan Chan Frank and Lori Lux




2018 / 2019

Xiaofeng Ma Ted Macauley and Julie Pfaff Matt and Alexa MacDonald Kevin and Sheila MacLean Kevin Madrigal and Alicia Silva-Madrigal Philip and Kelly Mahoney Deepinder Makhni and Leann Cherkasky Makhni David and Eileen Malandrino Anand and Elisa Malani Tim and Shea Malcolm Robert and Melissa Malley Steven and Michelle Maranowski Jason and Rebecca Marinshaw Jeff and Nancy Marks Christopher Marshall and Rachel Prabhu Ramachandran and Suba Marti Bryan and Lisa Martin Monica Martinez-Canales Martin and Alyse Mason Alvaro and Shirley Mata Brian and Lisa Matherly Craig and Michelle Matsumoto Francisco and Beth Matus Alexander Matyushkin and Alevtina Ivanova Glenn and Susan Mau Thomas and Magdalena Maudoux Brian Maxwell James and Erin Mazzone Scott and Vicky McCall Thomas (‘83) and Maria McCarthy Michael and Denise McCombie Matthew and Leela McDonald Michael and Carolyn McDonald Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Daniel McHale ‘90 Layla McHale John McIntyre and Tiffany Sparks Todd and Whitney McNair Douglas and Susan McNelly Dermot and Catherine Mee Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim William and Randi (Ratra ‘89) Melo Mark and Michelle Mesler Mladen Micevic and Tatjana Vlahovic Nenad and Ana Miladinovic Thomas (‘83) and Christin Miller James and Lisa Mills Ryan and Joanne Mills Anurag and Manjul Mishra Sadahisa and Yoshiko Mita Jeff Mitbo and Judy Chang Phanikrishna Modali and Sujatha Kalyanam Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Robert and Lillian Moore Mark (‘81) and Shelly Morales Ernesto and Stacie Moreno David and Shara Morishige Scott and Elena Mosko Debbie Mueller Edward Mueller and Pamela Hurley Mueller

Ralf Muenster and Petra Jakobskrueger Aniruddha Mulay and Gauri Joshi Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy Kirt and Seema (Roy ‘91) Mulji James and Jeanne Murphy Mike Murphy James Murray and Magali Philippoussis Mahesh and Anuradha Murthy Dan and Paula Myers Venkatesh Nagapudi and Sangeetha Mani Sreevatsa Nagarajarao and Shubha Krishnamurthy Ferenc and Michelle Nagy Carmine and Stacey Napolitano John Naporano and E. Shea Harden Robert and Tricia Nardone Pravin Narwankar and Madhavi Chandrachood Sreekumar Natarajan and Priya Sarojini Thangam Natarajan and Akila Annamalai Servpreet and Sheilly Nayyar Daryl and Tracy Nees Mike Neunfinger and Sigrid Jacobsen Christopher Ngan and Ivy Cheung Hoang Ngo and Nga Le Chau and Dana Nguyen Gia Nguyen and Duong Hoang Joseph and Chanya Nguyen Thuc Nguyen and Lynh Ngo Toan Nguyen and Thao Tran Gabriel and Michelle Nijmeh Fred and Nanette Nopwaskey Angelo Nunes and Angela Maldonado-Nunes Sean and Tammy O’Carroll Scott and Kimberly Olechowski Scott and Mary Oligher Paulo and Filomena Oliveira Todd and Macy Otake Tapani and Kim Otala Chris Padden and Kristin Brennan Mark and Elizabeth Page Hengcheng Pai and Chia Jung Lin William and Susan (Shelgren ‘83) Paparotti The Parigi Family Tarak Parikh and Swati Jobanputra Chan Hong Park and Mi Sook Lee June Park and Hye-Yeon Yoon Mun Kyu Park and Soyoung Shin Younghee Park and Youna Choi Dipesh and Nirupa Patel Manishkumar and Kayuri Patel Manas Pati and Sasmita Mishra Jitendra and Sangita Patil Nital and Kalindi Patwa David and Kerrie Peraino Adam Perez and Michele Kelley Dale and Laura Pesavento Joseph and Michelle Petrison Richard and Stacie Pittenger Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Senthil and Bhuvanambigai Ponnuswamy Michael Pordon and Toni Chiang

52 Andrew and Alison Powell Kevin (‘83) and Natalie Powell Vinay Prabhu and Priya Mascarenhas Pete and Lynn Pragastis Mark Prazer and Amal Zarou Prazer Roger and Christina Princeau Thomas and Elizabeth Pulchny Charles Purdy and Molly McDonald Ming Qu and Ling Zhang Joseph and Rosalva Quinonez Mark Radovic and Monica (‘91) Dittrich-Radovic Vijay Raghavendra and Praneetha Manthravadi Ramesh Ragineni and Rashmi Srinivasan Saravan Rajendran and Manjari Gadi Ashok Raman and Sujata Ramnarayan Sankar Ramanathan and Srividhya Nagarajan Ravikumar Ramarao and Radha Venkatesh Roger and Estela Ramirez Yogesh and Nimeesha Rane Abhijit Ray and Paramita Nath Subir Ray and Rebecca Biswas Treven and Jennifer Regala Alan and Ute Ren Kim Reynolds and Vicki Martin Mike and Beth Ricci Gary Richman and Marci Schwartz Gregory and Lisa Riggs David (‘80) and Shelly Roberson Ethan and Carmela Robertson Steven and Cassandra Robertson Mendel Robles and Jean Manipud-Robles Jorge and Anne Rodriguez Jose and Susan Rodriguez Joseph and Julie Rogers Brian Rogoff and Renee Jacowitz Rogoff Michael and Marnie Rohde Phil and Gwynne Rolla Daniel and Renay Rosckes John and Sheela Rowles Brian Ruf and Marnie MacMillan Ron Rulkens and Linda Jiang Gregory and Maria Rusboldt Ridley and Shannon Ruth John (‘89) and Lisa Ryan John and Martina Sachs Thomas and Melissa Saggau Sammy and Deborah Salamon Parviz Sales and Dolat Bolandi Matthew and Holly Salkeld Paul and Megan Sampson Brad Sandman and Tanya Jenkins Peter and Carol Sandman Rahul Sanghvi and Holly Daniel-Sanghvi Jennifer Sant’Anna Robert (‘85) and Denise Sapien Sachin and Praseeda Sathaye John and Shannon Saunders Michael and Kristin Savini Jason and Tracy Scharpf Theodore and JoAnn Schilb Chris and Sali Schille


Eshan Gupta ‘19 with Mathematics Teachers Bill Abb and Ron Nicoletti

“Growing up, I never considered myself a math-oriented student. However, after being placed in Mr. Nicoletti’s Algebra 2/ Trigonometry Class my freshman year, I learned that math is an art in itself. Each question I tackled, whether in Mr. Nicoletti’s or in Mr. Abb’s Calculus AB/BC classes, became a process, that although at first looked difficult, soon became invigorating. With the help of Mr. Nicoletti and Mr. Abb, I understood that you pick apart a problem to begin it and put it back together to solve it. It is with their guidance and methodical teaching that I became less fearful and more excited for that next math question that I had to tackle.”



Mark and Marissa Schmidt John and Francimar Schmitt Todd and Paige Schmitzer Brett Schuster and Kathy Dydynski Greg Scott and Elizabeth Brinkman Lance and Susan Scott Tony and Ana Sebastian Rajesh and Sajal Shah Tushar (‘89) and Kajari Shah Santosh and Shilpa Shanbhag Sanjay and Bhavna Sharma Jianfeng and Wei Shen Steve Sherry Steve and Leslie Sifferman Kenneth and Ellen Silver Thomas and Melissa Sims Jitendra and Seema Singh Mark Sion and Tia Williams Sion Jason and Roseanne (Lipari ‘87) Smith Kevin and Kelly Smith Stephen and Natalie Snyder Jae Won Song and Hye Won Kim Steven and Susan Sordello Erwin and Monet Soria Sorin Spanoche and Andrea Cosmin David Specht and Robyn Yorke Errol Springs and Stacy Walsh Springs Ed Sramaty and Brigid Bannan Jeff and Erin State Chadwick and Pam Stearns Mark Stevenson ‘87 Michael (‘82) and Lea Stivaletti Lee and Tracy Story Dimitrios and Noreen Styliadis Ying Su and Tomoko Yamura Narayanasamy Subramanian and Nirmala Balakrishnan Suresh Subramanian and Akila Suresh Ranjeet and Melissa Sudan James and Lisa Sullivan Jeff and Jill Sundquist Shingo and Makiko Suzuki Jonathan and Renee Switkes Eugene (‘92) and Debbie Sy Zoltan (‘78) and Jeanne (Verschuur ‘81) Szoboszlay Ariel and Jennifer Tabangcura Louis and Kim Taddeo John and Jennifer Talia Chong Tan and Clare Lee Jiuwang Tang and Min Liu Lewis and Ann-Marie Tecson Sreeni and Radhika Tellakula Don and J. Tena Chris and Lynn Teresi Ken and Karen Tersini Christopher and Heidi Thomas Clayton and Nancy Thompson Andy and Helen Tillmann Ratan and Nandini Tipirneni Ashok Tiwari and Komal Sharma Anthony Ton and HoangYen Le Richard Tow and Pingshan Yao


2018 / 2019

Hieu Tran and Christine Nguyen Theresa Tran Huehoang Trang Alex Truong and Grace Huang David and Ilene Tucker Srinath Unnikrishnan and Deepa Menon William Urban and Katrina Brinkman Adrian (‘85) and Jennifer Valdez Rick and Christie Valdez Patrick Valencia Jan Van Bruaene and Estela Arbuco Pradeep Vashishtha and Richa Upadhyay Matthew and Belinda Vaughan Issac Vaughn and Maria Nash Vaughn John and Christin Veargason Matthew and Mary Ann Vernooy Jim Veroulis Chris and Zainab Vlahopouliotis Nelson and Michele Voelker Anthony and Alice Volpe Khuong and Diane Vu Man Vu and Ashley Nguyen Greg and Laurie (Florczyk ‘92) Walker Josh and Shelly Walker Hugo and Yuko Walsh Xiaobo Wang and Qing Ren Jeffrey and Audrey Webb William and Shelley Webb Martyn and Fiona Webster Mark and Tania Weidick Kurt Weiner and Lisa Lampros Rob Wheeler and Kerrie Utsumi Randy and Mona Whitney Zaw Win and Khin Aye John and Michelle Wissig Philip Wong and Khim Foo-Wong Wangmyong and Youngmi Woo Sean and Cynthia Worthington Jian Wu and Shuangying Huang Jun Xiao and Yunxia Yang Robert and Victoria Yagmourian Charlie and Hong Yang Cheng Yang and Qian Yao Jena Yankovich Eric Yeaman Erin Yeaman Lawrence Yee and Ava Wu Stephen Yeh and Selena Gin Todd Yellin and Jennifer Copaken Jose and Angela Yepez Chris Young and Bernadette Rodriguez Dean and Jennifer Young Arturo Zacarias and Cristina Velarde Xiaolin Zang and Mingye Chen Guanlin Zhang and Zhuozi Ye Jianmin Zhang and Yi Li Jie and Jun Zhang Weiqiang Zhang and Bing Li Fuyong Zhao and Akiko Uchida Naveen and Anu Zutshi Mike and Kathy Zybura





2018 / 2019

Gifts from Parents of Alumni Annually, parents of alumni make generous contributions to the school. Archbishop Mitty wishes to thank those listed whose gifts provide students the opportunity for lifetime friendships and the gift of a quality Catholic, college-preparatory education. William and Terri Abb Ernest and Imee Afanador Anuj (‘86) and Vanita Aggarwal Joseph Agu and Cheryl Shavers J-D and Mary Allegrucci Jeff and Denise Alvord Samer and Erika Amireh Krishnan Anantheswaran and Shamita Tripathy Joseph Antuzzi ‘68 Steven and Florence Arcolino Rick and Cindy Armer Joseph and Simona Asunsolo Claude and Anita Atencio Prakash and Anjali Babu Edgardo and Imelda Bagis Pratheep and Esha Balasingam Rao and Rajyalakshmi Balusu William (‘71) and Michelle Battaglia William and Jill Baumel Ken and Linda Bearie Terry and Annette Bechtol Curtis and Aurelia Bell Bill (‘80) and Laura Benak Victorio and Vickie Bernardino Paul and Grace Biagini Jamie Biebel Aldo and Renee Billingslea Don and Maria Blankenship Lawrence and Margaret Blecka Steve and Eileen (Curran ‘79) Block Anthony (‘71) and Sue Bozzini Margaret Bradley Karl and Brenda Braitberg Kevin and Karen Brazelton Randy and Carla Breunling Tim and Sally Brosnan David (‘71) and Adrianne (Van Dyk ‘73) Brown Kent and Sharon Brown Steven and Sharon Brown Kerry Bruce Gregory and Ann Bucher James and Maureen Burden Michael and Deborah Butler Steven Butler and Lisa Staley-Butler Therese Button John Byers William and Annette Byrnes Mark and Julie Cabrales Demitri Cacoyannis and Lisa Gillmor Michael and Corinne Caldera John and Roberta Caldwell Toni and Kim Caldwell Jose and Christine Camara

Ronald and Mary Cane Katherine Caputo Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Samuel and Virginia Carlino Betty Carmody William and Susan Carter Guillermo and Elvy Casanova Joseph and Debra (Truhe ‘88) Cassara Joe and Norma Castellano Gregory Catcott and Lou Woodburycatcott Roy and Myriam Caudill Dino and Mary Certa Robert and Nina Chan David and Glowe Chang Kris and Evelyne Chellam Jinqiu Chen and Ye Jin Wenn Chen and Yuying Lee Dianna and Lewis Chew Shawn and Brenda (Broadus ‘84) Chizanskos Graham and Patrice Chloupek Wen Kung Chu and Bih-Jiun Sun John Cintas Mike Clair and Audrey MacLean Van Co and Carolyn Nguyen Daniel and Teresa Coil Dale and Debbie (Gaskell ‘87) Coldiron Paul and Linda Cole Christopher and Alisha Collier Robert and Julia Collins David and Debbie Condensa Mitchell and Joan Conner Joseph and Mary Connolly Stephen and Leticia Connors John and Heidi (Burke ‘84) Conti Daniel and Starr Contreras John and Arlene Cordell Howard and Kerri Corley Dean and Michelle Correa Mark and Michele Costanza William (‘74) and Sandy Cotton Pierre-Yves and Christine Couteau Bryan and Joia Cox Frank and Anna Crimi Michael (‘88) and Julie Crisafulli Richard and Diane Cristina Jeff (‘74) and Joni Cronin Albert and Marlene Cukar Christophe and Christine Culine Donald and Martha Curtis Afarin Daftari Martin (‘82) and Kelly Dale Nitin and Neena Dandia John and Judith Davis Tim and Jennifer Deal Timothy and Christina Deane Michael and Cynthia DeCecco Paul and Patti Decena Harold and Laarni DeGuzman Xavier (‘79) and Brenda De La Rocha Mark and Tamara De Mattei Ron and Karen DeMonner Steve and Laura DeNatale

Trueman and LaJuanda Denny James and Lynn DeVaughn Maria DeVincenzi-Novak Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Ken and Kristin Dickens Joseph and Kristin (Lundblade ‘85) Dickens Matt and Donna DiLorenzo John and Melinda DiNapoli Paul Dominic and Sophia Paul Steve and Gwen Dorcich Richard and Genine Dowd James and Joan (Russell ‘77) Downey Daniel and Carolyn Doyle Steven and Maia Dreyer Timothy Dugan and Lorna Tsuda Judith Dunfield Tom and Kathy Dunlap Steven and Nina Duquette Richard and Moira Edelman Gordon and Marilyn Egan Wim and Kate Elfrink Chris (‘77) and Lisa (Meyer ‘80) Enfantino Richard (‘68) and Darlyne Esparza Albert and Elizabeth Evans Kevin (‘79) and Dhelia Fahrner Mark and Sheri Farley John Faylor ‘81 Mike and Anne Federwisch Wilson and Josefina Felipe Don and Marci Fernandez John and Shirley Figone Ferda and Isabel Filiz John and Helen Finneran Michael and Ruth Fletcher Kim (Cotton ‘89) Fleury Emelina Flores Dale Flowers and Michele Fuller Paul and Jane Folena Mary Folzman Herbert and Bernadine Fong David and Dianne Foote Lydia Forero Anthony and Dorothy Foti George and Mary Ann Fox Jason and Allison Fox John and Linda Foxcroft Jan Francis Ernie and Elizabeth Gabriel Indrajit Gajendran and Lan Tong Nigel and Yueping Gallaher Carolee Gannon Michael and Monica Garcia Ted and Lisa Garvey James and Shelly Garza James and Kim Gavin Reiner Genevriere and Sonja Cost Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera Jon and Krista Gieselman John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Daniel and Jill Gisi Heather Glahn Michael and Lisa Glazzy


Yitao (Tom) Gong and Liangxue (Julia) Zhu Christopher and Sheri Good Glenn† and Judy (Poe ‘76) Goodson Venkatesh Gopinath and Shoba Krishnan Christine Gorjanc David and Kari Goularte Stephen and Carol Grady Scot Graham ‘79 Noland and Lisa Granberry David and Antoinette Gray Benjamin and Marilou Gregorio Robert and Jenny Griswold Vincente and Emma Guel Joe Guerra Pankaj and Archana Gupta Stephan and Wendy Guttman Ben Han and Helen Wong Deborah Hao Raymond and Sharon Hashimoto Robert and Laura Hastings John and Toni Heagerty Alan and Renee (Anderson ‘77) Heinbaugh Jorge and Pamela Helmer Scott Herhold and Sarah Janigian Keith and Joanne Hipsher Paul and Kathryn Hogan Steven and Brenda Hogue John and Dina Holst George and Marjorie Honoré Charles Horn and Harriet Harvey-Horn Jim and Rita Horner Brian and Aida Howell Lois Hurd Thomas and Shelli Jacobs Jennifer Jacobson Robert and Christine Jahncke Mark and Susan Jamieson Jay Jaso Pradeep and Sobha Javangula Francisco and Laura Jiménez Aaron (‘91) and Allyson (Olimpia ‘91) Johnson Peter and Sandra Jordan Frank and Cathleen Kalcic Amar and Aditi Kapadia Scott and Carla Keesling Patrick and Sonia Kennedy Mehul and Darshita Kharidia Emile and Lori Khoury Carrell and Frances Killebrew Kirk and Nicole Kim Keith and Melanie Kirmse Phil (‘69) and Kathy Kleinheinz Steve Koontz ‘83 Damon and Amy (Choice ‘86) Korb Mikhail Korolik and Katrina Mikhaylich Steve Kottmeier and Suanne Ramar John and Dana Kouretas Marla Kramer Rick Kramer Stephan and Kristi Kuehn Nishit and Suparna Kumar Darrell and Susan Kupka Michael and Katherine Kuzirian Ronald La France and Melissa Greene


Mark and Kareen Lambert Tim and Lisa Lambert Joseph and Annemarie Lampo Richard Lang and Ling Ling Chow Derek and Cherie Lawson Mark and Cathy Leather Jennifer Leggett Herschel Lelaind David and Denise Lewinski Laura Lewis Scott and Tracy Lewis Hung-Mao Lin and Shuhua Yu Kelly Linn and Cathy Avila-Linn Neil (‘78) and Julie Linney Jon and Christine Linthacum Frank and Carey Lisowski William Lloyd and Claire Ando Richard and Karen Loftus John Longthon and Jennifer Nakata Gerardo and Selena Lopez Rose Lopez Robert and Dena Lucas John and Jane Lueder Frank and Lori Lux Kevin and Sheila MacLean Jason and Rebecca Marinshaw Ramachandran and Suba Marti Rick and Jill (Bresniker ‘81) Martig Joe Martinez Joseph Martinez ‘82 Manoj and Rekha Mathew Mark and Lisa Matulich Francisco and Beth Matus Luke and Lauren Matusich Glenn and Susan Mau Larry and Susan Mayer Larry McAdams and Cindy Sedey Thomas (‘83) and Maria McCarthy Scott and Dorene McClung James and Marilyn McCoun Thomas and Jill McEnery Daniel McHale ‘90 John and Louise McKeon Barbara McTighe Tim and Mardy Meadows Daniel and Patty Medaglia Johnny Melero and Yvette Casada Anthony and Tulin Melton Ronald and Ruth Merino Thomas (‘83) and Christin Miller James and Florence Mills Dragan Milosavljevic and Gordana Mrkailo-Milosavljevic Jeff Mitbo and Judy Chang Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Rob and Susan Moore Robert and Lillian Moore Tom and Becky Moore Mark (‘81) and Shelly Morales Marti Mordecai Ernesto and Stacie Moreno Robert Moreno Edward and Lupe Morishige Joan Moser



2018 / 2019

Scott and Elena Mosko John Mosunic Michael and Joanne Moul Patrick (‘73) and Annette Mulcaire Stephen and Elizabeth Mullaney David and Sheryl Murdock Michael Murray Randall and Charlotte Murray Thangam Natarajan and Akila Annamalai Michael (‘84) and Valerie Ng Hong Nguyen and Mary Hoang Joseph and Chanya Nguyen Carl Nielsen Gabriel and Micheline Nijmeh Sean and Tammy O’Carroll Gary Olimpia and Nancy Hoskins-Olimpia Paulo and Filomena Oliveira James and Someng Olsen John and Amy Oosterhouse Juan Carlos and Barbara (Dieckman ‘99) Orellana Erick and Angela Ortega Audrey Ostrowski-Gallagher Katherine Oven Mahendra and Heather Pakala Martin and Sarah Palka Robert (‘85) and Karen (Gimple ‘86) Parker Robert Parks and Karen Dillon Nital and Kalindi Patwa Brian and Lisa Pauken Andrew and Maria Pecota Robert and Barbara Pedersen Harold and Valerie Pestana John and Carin Phillips Michael and Mary Pierce Steve (‘78) and Jan (Welch ‘78) Popolizio Consuelo Porras Kevin (‘83) and Natalie Powell Mark and Ellen Powers Pete and Lynn Pragastis Wayne and Mary Ann Prescott Roger and Christina Princeau Mario and Martha Queiroz George and Sandra Quinn Hamid and Katherine Rahnema Tony and Elvira Rambac Treven and Jennifer Regala Mike and Beth Ricci Ronald and Sherrie Richter Claudia Rico David and Marisa Riparbelli James and Jean Riparbelli David (‘80) and Shelly Roberson James and Kim Roberts Michael (‘68) and Robyn Robertson Steven and Cassandra Robertson William and Lori Robowski Ivan and Diane Roca John† and Kelly Rodman Jorge and Anne Rodriguez Brian Rogoff and Renee Jacowitz Rogoff Michael and Marnie Rohde Rob Roskopp and Lepa Galeb-Roskopp Victor and Carlene Rousseu John and Sheela Rowles





2018 / 2019

Gregory and Maria Rusboldt John and Diann Ryan John (‘89) and Lisa Ryan Kelly (‘73) and Margaret Ryan Nathan and Lori Saito Parviz Sales and Dolat Bolandi Matthew and Holly Salkeld James Samuels and LiLinda Carta-Samuels Rita Sanchez Rahul Sanghvi and Holly Daniel-Sanghvi Rorin and Maria Santamaria Jennifer Sant’Anna James and Armida Santos Robert (‘85) and Denise Sapien John and Rena Saunders Michael and Kristin Savini Lloyd and Sandra Scates William and Julie Scharrenberg Bill and Mary Jane Schmidt David and Kathy Schmidt Todd and Paige Schmitzer Ronald and Mary Schrotenboer Greg Scott and Elizabeth Brinkman Nancy Schaffer Robert and Patricia Sheehan Raymond and Terri Silva Damien and Maria Simon Dean Skelton and Claudia Galvan De Skelton Richard and Deborah Slater Jim and Kate Slevin Jason and Roseanne (Lipari ‘87) Smith James and Kelly Soares Jure and Michelle Šola Christopher Sooy George and Lorraine Sousa Michael and Debra Speckman Scott Stanelle and Maureen Selvage-Stanelle Dan (‘75) and Kathy (Enfantino ‘76) Stapp Timothy and Patricia Steele Don and Henrietta Stevenson Don (‘83) and Janet (Corsiglia ‘82) Stevenson Mark Stevenson ‘87 Philip and Betsy Strong Suresh Subramanian and Akila Suresh Zoltan (‘78) and Jeanne (Verschuur ‘81) Szoboszlay Ariel and Jennifer Tabangcura Oscar and Gilda Tayo Lewis and Ann-Marie Tecson Regga and Almaz Tekeste Sreeni and Radhika Tellakula Paul Thielemann Christopher and Heidi Thomas Andy and Helen Tillmann Joe and Eleonora Tomasello Don and Ida Tonelli Gaspar Torregroza ‘82 Fred and Ellen Tou John and Christine Tower Hieu Tran and Christine Nguyen Huehoang Trang Bill (‘68) and Carol Trujillo David Truong and Trinh Trinh Glenn and Theresa Tsukamoto David and Ilene Tucker

David (‘79) and Marguerite Vachon Adrian (‘85) and Jennifer Valdez Roxanne (Stringari ‘74) Vane Mario and Cheryl Vargas Jim Veroulis Stephen and Louise Vitale Mark and Drew Vranicar Julian and Kandra Vu James and Victoria Wallace Jeff (‘76) and Silvia Walsh Robert (‘73) and Judy Watkins Randall Watts Daniel and Lori Wedge Kurt Weiner and Lisa Lampros Steve (‘72) and Ruth (Polen ‘73) Welch Richard and Mary Wendt Richard and Jody Wheeler Melvin White and Jane Cody-White Mark and Regina Wiepking Ric and Denise Williams Richard and Leah Willson James (‘77) and Charisse Wollbrinck Nathan Wong and Karen Brighton Mark and Laurie Woodward Thomas Wuerz and Shelly Schoo Ted and Ann Wyess Jun Xiao and Yunxia Yang Danis and Mary Yadegar Robert and Victoria Yagmourian Lawrence Yee and Ava Wu Barbara Yeh Jose and Angela Yepez Dean and Jennifer Young Clarence and Sandra Younger Francis and Mylyn Yutangco Mark and Dawn Zamudio Rick and Colette Zea Jie and Jun Zhang Deceased

Gifts from Grandparents Archbishop Mitty is especially grateful to the grandparents of our students and alumni for their contributions. Bernard and Sheila Bannan Margaret Bradley Anthony Branco Gilbert and Marilyn Bray Patricia Cargnoni Betty Carmody Henry and Madeline Clarke Kenneth Coleman and Caretha Evans Robert and Joan Cowan Robert and Dee Crawford Frank and Anna Crimi Michael Dunne Leona Fails John and Shirley Figone Patricia Flanagan Lydia Forero Michael and Mary Ellen Fox Christina Garcia Yvonne Gaydon Robert and Therese Geise David and Antoinette Gray Catherine Gregg Patricia Gregory Beverly Insull Thornton and Pearl Jue Frank and Ruth Ann Juliano Patricia Kelley Lucille Kendrick Ernest and Lillian Konnyu Joseph and Diane Kucich Diane La France Ann Lambrecht Joe Martinez Rich and Judy Milano Manuel and Mary Morgado Edward and Lupe Morishige Fred and Virginia Olenak Gary Olimpia and Nancy Hoskins-Olimpia Thakorbhai and Manjulaben Patel John and Teresa Petrak Claudia Rico William and Marilyn Rodman Richard and Genevieve Rolla Jerry and Wanda Rose Don and Henrietta Stevenson Frank and Mary Tavolacci Joseph and Lucille Tersigni Richard and Jane Walker Margarete Werner John and Mary Kay Williams


Sophia Scott ‘19 with Director of Campus Ministry Tim Wesmiller




2018 / 2019

The Imagine Campaign The Imagine Campaign provided funding for the John A. and Susan Sobrato Science and Student Life Center. This building, which opened in January 2017, offers expanded facilities in support of the Science Department, Student Activities, and the Outreach Program.

“Mitty’s diverse and inclusive community, built through faith development and school spirit, has fostered the creation of memories that have impacted me personally and spiritually. I have been inspired to step out of my comfort zone and pursue what I am passionate about, becoming the best version of myself. My Ethics, Culture, Justice: India course and immersion trip and working with Mr. Wesmiller as a member of LIFE Corps have helped me to grow in my relationship with God while also shining God’s light onto the people I interact with. Going to India and seeing first-hand the work that will help people there set a fire in my heart to help bring positive change to that area in the future.”

William and Terri Abb Stacie Allen Prakash and Anjali Babu Ali and Ban Ballou Rao and Rajyalakshmi Balusu Kevin and Karen Brazelton Tim and Sally Brosnan Gonzalo and Antonia Burgara Elaine Calamba Katherine Caputo Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Joseph and Debra (Truhe ‘88) Cassara Robert and Nina Chan David and Glowe Chang Kris and Evelyne Chellam Michael and Theresa Cooper Karen Cruz Deric and Jennifer DeBenedetti Michael and Cynthia DeCecco Daniel and Carolyn Doyle Steven and Nina Duquette Tom and Janet Fenker The Mary Ellen and Michael E. Fox Family Foundation Michael and Mary Ellen Fox John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Lance and Julie Ann (Gillespie ‘97) Hedrick Kory and Shelley Hopkins Charles Horn and Harriet Harvey-Horn Peter and Sandra Jordan Patrick Kennedy Tim and Maria Kennedy Mason and Sharon Kimont Richard and Alice Kwan Edward and Denna Lao Mark and Cathy Leather Evans and Gina Leung HungChun Li and Aichi Chang Richard and Karen Loftus Gerardo and Selena Lopez Rose Lopez Eric and Beth Madia Brian and Lisa Matherly Luke and Lauren Matusich Larry McAdams and Cindy Sedey Thomas (‘83) and Christin Miller Sidney and Donna Minor Rob and Susan Moore John Mosunic

Mike Neunfinger and Sigrid Jacobsen Guillermo and Betsy Portillo William and Lori Robowski Douglas and Elizabeth Santana John and Rena Saunders Matt and Kristy Savage William and Julie Scharrenberg The Stephen C. and Patricia A. Schott Foundation Ronald and Mary Schrotenboer Carl Silva Jim and Kate Slevin James and Kelly Soares Steinberg Hart Daniel (‘71) and Cindi Stringari David (‘70) and Cathy Stringari Michael and Lisa Targgart Roxanne (Stringari ‘74) Vane Greg and Laura (Florczyk ‘92) Walker Josh and Shelly Walker Tim and Katherine Wesmiller Craig Whitt and Alisa Guglielmo Justina Williams ‘95 Trevor Wilson ‘98





2018 / 2019

Gifts from Alumni and Current Students All Archbishop Mitty High School students benefit from the altruism of the men and women who came before them. Alumni understand the value of the Archbishop Mitty experience perhaps better than anyone, and the ongoing support of the alumni community is critical to the school’s continued success. On March 8, 2019, we held the third annual Monarch Day of Giving, raising over $60,000 with 47 classes represented. Next year’s Monarch Day of Giving will be on March 6, 2020, the day after Monarch Madness, and in the spirit of the Madness, friendly competition will be encouraged between graduating classes. Thank you to the alumni who gave so generously during the 2018-2019 school year. Class of 1968

Class of 1972

Richard Agnoletti Joseph Antuzzi, Jr. Kenneth Battaglia Gary Blickenstaff Ralf Cebrian Raymond Copeland Steve DiSalvo Joe Donohoe Richard Esparza Rick Fanciullo Steve Gera Raymond Gruba Stephen Joesten Larry Lorenz Joe Mazzola Jim McNamee Tim Muller Kevin Murphy Frank Pfaffinger Michael Robertson Mike Rodriguez Frank Schleifer Douglas Snyder Thomas Sobieralski Joe Sorci Bill Trujillo Rich Wilde Roger Winslow

John Laramie Mike Pena Steve Welch

Class of 1969 Phillip Farrell Patrick Kelly Phil Kleinheinz Albert Odio Patrick Pierce Class of 1970 Robert Freitas Tim McCarthy Dan Mount David Stringari Class of 1971 William Battaglia Anthony Bozzini David Brown Daniel Stringari

Class of 1973 Adrianne (Van Dyk) Brown Mike Gill Jim Massung Patrick Mulcaire Leticia Ojeda Connie (Turner) Prudden Karen (Mathews) Radau Kelly Ryan Christopher Waters Robert Watkins Ruth (Polen) Welch Class of 1974 William Cotton Jeff Cronin Roxanne (Stringari) Vane Class of 1975 Dan Stapp Class of 1976 Linda (Chapman) Babcock Judy (Poe) Goodson Kathleen (Enfantino) Stapp Jeff Walsh Class of 1977 Joan (Russell) Downey Chris Enfantino Renee (Anderson) Heinbaugh Michele (Formico) Lewis James Wollbrinck Class of 1978 Richard Bean Mark Burns Patrick Hubbell Laura Liccardo Neil Linney Thomas McEfee Tony Oddo Teresa (Calleja) Peifer

Jan (Welch) Popolizio Steve Popolizio Maureen (Clark) Routt Bill Sitzenstatter Zoltan Szoboszlay Margaret Wilkinson Gregory Zoffman Class of 1979 Carol Attanasio-Bose Eileen (Curran) Block Xavier De La Rocha Kevin Fahrner Scot Graham Alice Medeiros Kelly Neal David Reik David Vachon Class of 1980 Bill Benak Lisa (Meyer) Enfantino James Ernest David Roberson David Smith Class of 1981 John Faylor Robert Gribbin Corina (Sapien) Heiser Jill (Bresniker) Martig Patrick Miller Mark Morales Jeanne (Verschuur) Szoboszlay Class of 1982 Paul Behan Martin Dale Joseph Martinez Michael Saso Janet (Corsiglia) Stevenson Michael Stivaletti Gaspar Torregroza Class of 1983 Robin Kay Byrne Anthony DeMattei Elisabeth Dowdle-Anchondo

Thelma (Fonseca) Formosa Denise (Hough) Giotta Steve Koontz Mary (Linney) Mantor Ted McCarthy Thomas McCarthy Thomas Miller Thomas Nomof Susan (Shelgren) Paparotti Kevin Powell Robinette Rodoni Clark Saxberg Bob Schill Suzanne (Meister) Schill Don Stevenson David Summers James Walson Class of 1984 Teresa (Mitchell) Behan Brenda (Broadus) Chizanskos Heidi (Burke) Conti Donald Harris Michael Ng Jonathan Perez Mike Potter Jeff Silver Class of 1985 Joseph Asunsolo Chris Cavanaugh Kristin (Lundblade) Dickens Matt Haniger Mike Mercado Robert Parker Robert Sapien Ryan Seto Karen (Bryant) Tersini Adrian Valdez Class of 1986 Anuj Aggarwal Samuel Carlino Jose Castanon Cristine (Velez) Johnston Amy (Choice) Korb Julie (Keller) McCloskey Karen (Gimple) Parker


Class of 1987 Denise Alberto James Bojorquez Debbie (Gaskell) Coldiron Roseanne (Lipari) Smith Stephen Sousa Mark Stevenson Class of 1988 Christopher Bovone Debra (Truhe) Cassara Michael Crisafulli Susan Crisham James D’Anna Denise (Genna) Davey Charles Emerson Julie (Benetti) Hackett Jessica Johannes Vince Mauldin Barry McRay John Messier Richard Norona Cindy (Trotter) Ponciano David Prosenko Patrick Smith Todd Smith Paula (de Carbonel) Thomas Kristen (Geib) Van Sickle Maritza (Estrada) Wedum Class of 1989 Susan (Kabanek) Bishop Michelle (Morales) Capriotti Kim Cotton Paul Fischer Jennifer (Renfroe) McRay Randi (Ratra) Melo Daniel Olimpia John Ryan Tushar Shah Class of 1990 Stacy (Leigh) Amicarelli Timothy De Kay Amanda (Ott) Flynn Jeffrey Gurich Ben Jennings Mark Luna Shirley (Mamuyac) Mata Dan McHale Leslie (Caughran) Reilly Class of 1991 Cliff Caroza Heather (Menifee) Casale Monica Dittrich-Radovic Tracy (Yamamoto) Falco Kevin Haggerty


Robin (Alberto) Hanahan Patrick Herrington Aaron Johnson Allyson (Olimpia) Johnson Seema (Roy) Mulji Brian Nall Class of 1992 Khaled Al-Dada Maureen (Loftus) Anderson Jacob Caputo Robin (Jeffers) Caputo Jennifer (Ehle) Haggerty Latanya (Johnson) Hilton Leandra (Saenz) Hutton Brian Nelson Sean Nelson Mark Rodriguez Jennifer (Campisi) Sabatino Eugene Sy Paul Vaccaro Miel Vallejo-Brooks Laura (Florczyk) Walker Class of 1993 Thomas Byrne Ben Caputo Katherine (Morton) Ciciarelli Joshua Ferrante Ashley (Mendez) Fijman Nova (Dague) Jimenez Jodi (Hunter) Kokoletsos Scott Marconi Elizabeth (Santos) Rubi Thomas Scala Julie (Norbutas) Schneider Scott Silva Jamie Wrieden Amy Young Class of 1994 Dalane Bollinger Peter Carlino Lisa (Serpa) Ciardella Peter Dumesnil Amy (Goerges) Giachetti Tomas Jimenez Justine (Giacomini) Mobeck Matt Williams Class of 1995 Rosemary (Mangosing) Baker Pete Destefano Randall Swanson Justina Williams Class of 1996 Mollie (Arken) Dilbeck Jeanine Giacomini Sara (Morishige) Williams



2018 / 2019

Class of 1997 Karyn Cilker Derek Fitzpatrick Maxwell Goodhart Tania Goulart Julie Ann (Gillespie) Hedrick Monica Lebron Class of 1998 Genevieve (Guy) Altwer Laura (Vizzusi) Anstett Julie Barton Lark (Robertson) Bolten William Byrnes Velia Dance Yessica Elliott Christi (Temple) Farinha Katherine Garcia Lauren (Saunders) Graham Shannon (Amstrup) Holleman Abegael (Autry) Jakey Whitney (Stock) Janssen Amanda (Spencer) La Marca Marcus Martinez Michael McBride Lindsey (Sarn) Mizerek Christina (Wills) Montalvo Christina (Stover) Morgan Yvette (Cunha) Naas Justin Nikbakhsh-Tali Mary (Holt) Pustejovsky Kevin Quetano Kelly (Walsh) Rauber Swati Sharma Danielle (Fargher) Shaw Jeff Sparrer Mary Stuart Kim Stubbe Christina Wai Julie Watts Terrence Williams Trevor Wilson Class of 1999 Shayan Alam Mario Barragan Kymberly (Schmidt) Christman Richard Holmgren Lauren (Sherburne) Kiedrowski Barbara (Dieckman) Orellana Class of 2000 Juaune Armon Jennifer Ferrari Christina (Furtado) Holguin Jason Meduri Gabriela Olivares Janice (Meduri) Vachon





2018 / 2019

Class of 2001

Class of 2008

Class of 2011

Eric Battiato Melissa (Kelly) Battiato Kimberly (Martin) Boettner John Cane Roshan (Mehdizadeh) Corsiglia Marissa (Bataille) Daly Chett Garcia

Candace (Stanley) Aguilera Mark Anderson Sofia Andrade Mark Aochi Jennifer Baldwin Timothy Boucher Scott Cauble Patrick Chamberlin Edward Costa Daniel Friedenbach Kathryn Galli Ketelsen Megan Hanley Lauren Helm Jacqueline (Rose) Howe Ryan Johnson Emma Kelsey Victoria Ketell Adam Lopiccolo Shwetha Mariadassou Leigh Mason Audrey Matusich Joelle May Nario Laura (Corbalis) Quiambao Ariana Raftopoulos Stephanie Roca Michelle Salah Michelle Sanfilippo Jennifer Scharre Sam Tedesco Matthew Tye Amy (Bettencourt) Wegener Eric Wegener Ashley Woodworth Ashley (Seymour) Zmuda

Ryan Chew Jacqueline Dorman Shannon King Natalie Nguyen Jeremiah Sumagit Kyle Toth Brandon White Brent Younger

Class of 2009

Leah Miller

Kevin Atkins Matthew Cerone Nicholas Corgan Taylor Crawford Patrick Downey Montina Filice Michael Hart Katherine Helland Christine (Connolly) Henninger Logan Lambert Justin Mogannam John Schmidt Taylor (Smith) Jarvis

Class of 2018

Class of 2002 Corinne (Jarrett) Enos Katherine (Frise) Epidendio Nick Epidendio Christine (Brady) Oliver Jason Oliver Meghan Snelham Anthony Villalba Class of 2003 Mike Boulton Michelle (Sloan) Buckley Steven Cary Scott Keyser Bryan Moriarty Ryan Seay Liz (Pelzel) Tynan Michael Vachon Derek van den Abeelen Veronica (Morales) van den Abeelen Class of 2004 Nicole (Afflerback) Alise Mike D’Ambrosio Ashley (Fini) Khalipa Jason Khalipa Christopher Norton Class of 2005 Megan (Pitzen) King Jason Triggas Christina Vasquez Class of 2006 Jacqueline Bowker Evan Brown Katherine (Wandry) Christensen Lacey Gera Jessica (Giron) Martinez Kayla (Farrell) Monk Patrick Monk Chelsea (Armer) Pagan Kelly (Schmidt) Peters Grant Zamudio Class of 2007 Ayeetin Azah Stephanie Federwisch Katherine Fleury

Class of 2010 Alexander Balog Paul Contreras Katherine Edgecumbe David Finneran Kaitlyn McNicholas Miyuki Navarrete Maya Raman Samuel Tomlitz

Class of 2012 Megan Linney Sruthi Ramaswami Alyssa Tou Class of 2014 Jessica Alva Katy Guttman Lauren Horstkamp Maxim Napadiy Julianna Rodman Andrew Shao Shirin Tooloee Erin Tou Class of 2015 Philip Zeng Class of 2016 Noah Fletcher Jennifer Good Leanicia Jones Anthony Rodman Jared Schmitzer Class of 2017

Hailey Bruce Alexander Dickens Caroline Dickens Paris Fox Alvin Phan Class of 2019 Aashish Achanta Olivia N. Adame Tushar Agashe Nicole Arcolino Jessica Badham Dana Bagis Reilly Barber Matthew James Brennan Joshua Butler Ashley Comerer Kate Conaway Trisha Dinh Mason Fleury Ljeposava Galeb

Dominic Haggerty Elisa Horta Madison Koehler Emily Kramer Maximillian Lam Sean Mahoney Aadhithya Manimaran Ania McNicholas Camela Mataele Kaitlyn Matherly Sisley Morishige Taylor Naporano Jonny Nguyen Alexander Nijmeh Emily Isabella Ordonez Tiina Otala Arjun Pamidi Kajal Patel Maya K. Raman Malavika Ramarao Alyssa Regua Erin Roeckl Ryan Schmitzer Ayush Shelvankar Benjamin Shih Savanna Smith Claire Urban Alan Ureno-Gallegos Audrey VanValkenburg Bryce Worthington Anna Wymbs Justin Zenk Class of 2020 Niccola Bozzini Class of 2021 Alaina Valdez Class of 2022 Veer Doshi Zachary Schmitzer


Tiina Otala ‘19 with Science Teacher and Robotics Moderator Chris Fairley


Executive Producers

Friends of Mitty

Richard and Diane Cristina

Chris (‘88) and Kelly Bovone Leona Fails Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, S.J. Desi and Reyna Judilla Nagesh and Chitra Kanumury Mary Lyons Eileen Malandrino Jeff and Nancy Marks Monica Martinez-Canales Servpreet and Sheilly Nayyar Brian Rogoff and Renee Jacowitz Rogoff Margarete Werner John and Mary Kay Williams Erin Yeaman Todd Yellin and Jennifer Copaken Dean and Jennifer Young

Directors Steve and Gwen Dorcich Joseph and Lucille Tersigni

Associate Directors Arcadia Development Company Wim and Kate Elfrink Michael and Ruth Fletcher Mike and Mary Ellen Fox, Sr. Steven and Susan Sordello

Casting Directors

The volume of my voice is still a work in progress, but I’m facing that challenge fearlessly now thanks to Mr. Fairley.”

2018 / 2019

The 27th Annual Black & Gold Gala was held on November 3, 2018. Over 800 guests enjoyed great food and entertainment at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose. As has become the custom, the evening’s student performers included Kind of Blue, Exodus, Pardon My French, Jazz in the AM, and The Royals, who served as an opening act for the evening’s star performer, Jay Leno. Funds raised benefitted the school’s general endowment fund.

Robert and Christine Jahncke Kevin and Sheila MacLean Rob Roskopp and Lepa Galeb-Roskopp

In our many robotics design reviews, I began to be brave in the face of rejection and realized that I can’t take criticism of an idea as a personal insult.


Black & Gold Gala

Associate Producers

“During my freshman year, I was comfortable staying quiet. I kept to the back of the class. I avoided expressing my opinion as people just couldn’t hear me. Mr. Fairley wouldn’t allow me to hide in my silence. Through his constant reminders to speak up, he taught me that it isn’t problematic to convey my thoughts, but it is problematic if those thoughts are uninformed. I learned to defend my decisions with evidence and organization.


Adam and Maureen (Loftus ‘92) Anderson Kris and Evelyne Chellam Dianna and Lewis Chew John and Melinda DiNapoli Steve Kottmeier and Suanne Ramar Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy John and Amy Oosterhouse Grace Sanfilippo Tim and Kristin Zanni

Patrons Jeff and Kimberly Moore Daniel and Renay Rosckes

Contributors David and Kerrie Peraino Isaac Vaughn and Maria Nash Vaughn

Supporters Karl and Brenda Braitberg Mark and Julie Cabrales Ben (‘93) and Emily Caputo Jacob (‘92) and Robin (Jeffers ‘92) Caputo Katherine Caputo John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Carey and Frank Lisowski Patrick (‘81) and Heidi Miller John and Rena Saunders

In-Kind Donors A Catered Affair Citti’s Florist The Pasta Market

Advertisers The Caputo Family A Catered Affair Citti’s Florist Clos LaChance Vineyards Comerica Bank Mike D’Ambrosio ‘04 De Mattei Construction Inc. John Faylor ‘81 Kelly McHaffie Murray Dental Care National Mailing Service, Inc. The Party Helpers The Pasta Market David (‘80) and Shelly Roberson Santa Clara University Silicon Valley Property Management Group Stanford Children’s Health -- Pediatric Associates Stanford Health Care, Dr. Kevin Haggerty ‘91 Tuxedo Fashions




2018 / 2019





2018 / 2019

Mitty Auction The Mitty Auction returned to the Mitty campus, invoking the appropriate theme of “There’s No Place Like Home.” Over 250 people wandered the yellow brick road as they bid on items ranging from weekend getaways to wine to family excursions. A Fund-A-Need appeal was made during the evening which specifically supports the Archbishop Mitty financial aid program and provides immediate aid for deserving students. Proceeds from the Mitty Auction benefit the school’s general endowment fund. Save the date for the Mitty Auction 2020, which will be held on March 14, 2020. Auction Business Donors 3 Steves Winery Academy of Fencing Masters AJ Tutoring Alexander Bohlen Alexander’s Steakhouse All Natural Day Spa Allied Auto Works Almaden Valley Country Club AMHS Advancement Office AMHS Athletic Department AMHS Campus Ministry Office AMHS Performing Arts Department AMHS Student Activities Office Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Archbishop Mitty Parent Association Aqui Cal-Mex Art Brand Studios - Thomas Kinkade Atelier Salon Aver Family Vineyards Bay Area Glass Institute BDCE Concrete Beach Blanket Babylon Bella James The Berkeley Rep BJ’s Brewhouse Blick Art Materials Bloomsters The Blue Door Boulder Creek Golf & Country Club The Broad, Los Angeles BSN Sports/Nike Buck’s of Woodside Burrell School Vineyards and Winery Byington Winery California Palace of the Legion of Honor A Catered Affair CBS Television Distribution Cheesecake Factory Inc. The Children’s Discovery Museum Children’s Musical Theater of San Jose Chipotle Mexican Grill Cinnabar Hills Golf Course Citti’s Florist Classic Car Wash Clos LaChance Winery Club Sport San Jose Comartin Cellars Community School of Music and Arts Cooper-Garrod Estates Vineyards Croga CrossFit Crow’s Nest

Cucina Bambini CuriOdyssey CYW Photography The Dancing Cat Lounge Denovo Wines Destination Smiles Discretion Brewing Dishdash Restaurant Dorcich Family Vineyards Drawn2Art E&J Gallo Winery Economic Driving School Education Unlimited Electronic Arts Erik’s DeliCafe Excel Test Prep The Exploratorium The Fairmont Hotel San Jose The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco Forbes Mills Steakhouse Forthright Oyster Bar and Kitchen Frankie, Johnnie, & Luigi Too! Galileo Learning Gilroy Gardens Golfland USA Gordon Biersch Brewing Company Great Hair Rocks Guglielmo Winery The Hakone Foundation Hapa’s Brewing Company Happy Hollow Park and Zoo Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Lake Tahoe Harrah’s and Harveys Lake Tahoe Henry’s Hi-Life Herff-Jones Hero Ranch Kitchen Hiller Aviation Institute Hobee’s California Restaurants iD Tech Camps The Inn at Saratoga In-N-Out Burger International Food Bazaar Joseph George Fine Wines Kayak Connection Kendra Scott, Santana Row Jeff B. Kwong, D.D.S,. M.S.D. Kyoto Palace Lagunitas Brewing Company Laser Away, Santana Row The Law Office of Kelly McHaffie Lazy Dog Restaurant Lifetouch Photography Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot

Livenup Lunardi’s Market Maggiano’s Little Italy Mann Lake Ltd. Mansion at Yount Ridge Marine Science Institute Merit Educational Consultants Merola Opera Program Michael Merrill Design Studio Moaning Caverns Adventure Park Mount Hermon Adventures Mountain Camp Woodside Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts Oakland Athletics Baseball Oakland Zoo Off the Wall Soccer Arena Soccer Centers, Inc. Olla Cocina O’Neill Yacht Charters Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. - Eric Schulkin Orchard City Kitchen Oriental Trading Company Paper Source The Party Helpers The Pasta Market Perrucci Family Vineyard Philz Coffee Pizza My Heart Planet Granite Rock Climbing Gym Plantronics, Inc. Plaza Dental Group Premier Pilates Pruneridge Golf Club Ridge Vineyards Rubio’s Coastal Inspired Fresh Mexican Food Sam’s Bar-B-Que San Francisco 49ers San Francisco Giants San Francisco Museum of Modern Art San Francisco Zoological Society San Jose Barracuda San Jose Giants San Jose Sharks San Pedro Square Market Saso High School Prep Savannah-Chanelle Vineyards SCU Presents, Santa Clara University Seymour Marine Discovery Center Shadowbrook Restaurant Silicon Valley Dental Experience Silver Creek Valley Country Club Skinspirit Skincare Clinic & Spa Solar4America Ice Sonoma Canopy Tours





2018 / 2019

Sonoma Raceway Soquel Vineyards Starlite Ballroom Steamers Grillhouse Steve & Kate’s Camp Storrs Winery and Vineyards Strike Brewing Company Susan J. Weiand Photography SusieCakes Sweet Honey Dessert Sweet Pea Prints Sylvan Learning Center Symphony Silicon Valley Tabard Theatre The Table Tahoe Donner Association Testarossa Winery Tony & Alba’s Pizza Total Wine & More Trader Joe’s Market Center Trader Joe’s Westgate Tsing Tao Restaurant Tuxedo Fashions Valencia Howard Photography Vena’s Skin and Body Treatments Vintage Wine Merchants Wine Road Northern Sonoma County Winter Lodge Yount Ridge Cellars Zanotto’s Family Market ZD Wines LLC

Auction Individual Donors Thomas and Christina Aitchison J-D and Mary Allegrucci Krishnan Anantheswaran and Shamita Tripathy Anonymous The Barber Family John and Rosemary Beahm Neil Becker and Pam Chun Robert (‘71) and Lisa Blickenstaff Elwyn and Emily Cabebe Dario and Wendy Calia Paul and Lisa Caputo Clara Carrasco Brandi Chastain ‘86 Dianna and Lewis Chew Shelley Davis Gordon Kevin and Joanne Dowdy Yuezhong Du and Jiong Peng Hani and Cheryl Durzy Stephen Emond and Deborah Faryniarz Gregory and Debra Fant Nigel and Yueping Gallaher Daniel and Jill Gisi Aaron Gordon ‘13 Christine Gorjanc Mike and Deanna Herkenrath Herbert and Karen Klaas Jon and Christine Linthacum Phil and Kelly Mahoney Liz Maloney Matthew Marani ‘16 Thomas and Claire Martell

Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Scott and Elena Mosko Edward Mueller and Pamela Hurley Mueller Eddie Mui and Selina Tan Bill and Brenda Murphy Daryl and Tracy Nees Jim and Someng Olsen Yuezhong and Jiong Peng Paulina Perrucci ‘07 George and Sandra Quinn Peter and Carol Sandman Nicole M. Santo ‘07 Carter Skeath Clayton and Nancy Thompson Jeffrey and Jacqueline Tobin Chris and Zainab Vlahopouliotis Nelson and Michelle Voelker Pat and Ginny Waite Robert (‘73) and Judy Watkins Mark and Laurie Woodward Tim and Kristin Zanni

Auction Underwriters Anonymous Bernard and Sheila Bannan The Barber Family Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Clara Carrasco Kris and Evelyne Chellam Sean and Monica Comer Dave and Debbie Condensa Michael (‘88) and Julie Crisafulli Richard and Moira Edelman Steve Emond and Deborah Faryniarz Leona Fails Michael and Mary Ellen Fox Jill and Dan Gisi Christine Gorjanc Ray and Sharon Hashimoto Jorge and Pam Helmer Scott Herhold and Sarah Janigian Richard and Ellen Imrisek, Jr. Lucille Kendrick Chris and Carolyn Koehle Robert Kolek and Jacqueline Nasser-Kolek Joseph and Diane Kucich Darrell and Sue Kupka Mike and Stacey Leuzze Rose Lopez Mary Lyons Phil and Kelly Mahoney Chris and Nancy Moore Jeff and Kimberly Moore Debbie Mueller Fred and Virginia Olenak John and Amy Oosterhouse Wayne and Mary Ann Prescott Bill and Mary Jane Schmidt Ron and Mary Schrotenboer Shirley Tam Clayton and Nancy Thompson Joe and Eleonora Tomasello Margarete Werner Tim and Katherine Wesmiller

John R. and Mary Kay Williams Philip Wong and Khim Foo-Wong Mark and Laurie Woodward Todd Yellin and Jennifer Copaken Tim and Kristin Zanni

Fund-a-Need Michael and Kristine Achkar Sean Aggarwal and Linda Lee Robert and Niccole Allard Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Tim and Sally Brosnan Gary and Amanda Butcher Elwyn and Emily Cabebe Mark and Julie Cabrales John and Roberta Caldwell Katherine Caputo Paul and Lisa Caputo Kris and Evelyne Chellam Dianna and Lewis Chew Daniel and Kymberly (Schmidt ‘99) Christman Kenneth Coleman and Caretha Evans David and Debbie Condensa Kyle and Lisa Coulter Richard and Moira Edelman Donald (‘84) and Leslie Harris Scott Herhold and Sarah Janigian Mark and Susan Jamieson Mason and Sharon Kimont Kevin and Sheila MacLean Eric and Beth Madia Steven and Michelle Maranowski Jeff and Nancy Marks Randy and Dawn McCahan Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Rob and Susan Moore Scott and Elena Mosko Debbie Mueller Stephen and Elizabeth Mullaney Mike Murphy John and Amy Oosterhouse David and Kerrie Peraino Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Wayne and Mary Ann Prescott Mario and Beatriz Quezada Jose and Susan Rodriguez Michael and Marnie Rohde Bill and Mary Jane Schmidt Ronald and Mary Schrotenboer Jim and Kate Slevin Jeff and Erin State Clayton and Nancy Thompson Andy and Helen Tillmann Joe and Eleonora Tomasello Mario and Cheryl Vargas Issac Vaughn and Maria Nash Vaughn Chris and Zainab Vlahopouliotis Jeffrey and Audrey Webb Philip Wong and Khim Foo-Wong Mark and Laurie Woodward William and Mary Young





2018 / 2019

Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament The 31st Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament was held on May 6, 2019 at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club. The weather and company made for a great day, as over 190 golfers representing 24 graduating classes hit the links. The event raised in excess of $62,000, with proceeds benefiting the Archbishop Mitty Alumni Scholarship Endowment, which currently exceeds $2,100,000 and provides book scholarships to deserving young men and women at Archbishop Mitty.

2019 Alumni & Friends Tournament Planning Committee Denise Alberto ‘87 Joseph Asunsolo ‘85 Paul Behan ‘82 Robert Blickenstaff ‘71 Larry Cargnoni Brenda (Broadus ‘84) Chizanskos Shawn Chizanskos Kathy Cote Guarnieri Kelly Dale Marty Dale ‘82 Steve Dodge Jim Downey Chris Enfantino ‘77 Bernard Galvan Steve Gera ‘68 Tanya Hiraki Matty Hrncir Daniel Juliano Lillian Moore Ernesto Moreno Sheryl Murdock Ray Nasmeh Scott Oligher Dave Parrott ‘78† Monica Perez Mike Putz Carmela Robertson Ethan Robertson Brett Schuster Mike Shum Roseanne (Lipari ‘87) Smith Lee Story Ken Toyama Glenn Tsukamoto Dave Vachon ‘79 Marguerite Vachon Michael Vachon ‘03 Matt Vernooy Cindy Worthington Hong Yang

Premier Tournament Sponsor Environmental Systems, Inc.

Tournament Sponsors Devcon Construction The Downey Family The Jahncke Family

Ace Sponsors Moreno & Associates, Inc. Provident Credit Union

Eagle Sponsors Art’s Sheet Metal The Guarnieri Family Joseph J. Albanese – Dan McHale ‘90 The MacLean Family Roof Structures

Birdie Sponsors MRC Smart Technologies Promex Talisman Network, Inc. Trane Company

Par Sponsors Mark Burns ‘78 Jennifer Campisi ‘92 Mike D’Ambrosio ‘04 Dan Caputo Company Roseanne (Lipari ‘87) Smith and Family

Premium Hole Sponsors Aspiriant Buchanan & Reed, Inc. Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Classic Glass The Gera Family – Steve ‘68, Lisa ‘05, Lacey ‘06, and Lainey ‘08 The Jacobs Family The Tsukamoto Family – Kevin ‘11 and Ryan ‘14

Hole Sponsors 2mPowerU Tutoring Gina (Asunsolo ‘88) Mertz and JoJo Asunsolo ‘85 The Baumel Family Boston Private Bank Campo Di Bocce of Los Gatos Pat and Jim Cargnoni The Casey Family - Raquel ‘22, Camille ‘23, Vanessa ‘25, and Christopher ‘28 The Dale Family - Steve ‘73, Bob ‘75, Sharon ‘76, Marty ‘82, Dave ‘85, Marina ‘98, Kaylah ‘18, and Conlan ‘20 The Kleinheinz Family - Phil ‘69 The Matus Family – Jacob ‘15, Nicholas ‘15, Ethan ‘18, and Daniel ‘21 The McClung Family – Kelsey ‘13 and Kendall ‘15 Michael Ng ‘84 Old Castle Infrastructure Dr. Brant Pedersen - Positive Motion Chiropractic





2018 / 2019

Save the DATE

MAY4 2020 32nd Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club, San Jose Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy Corporation Pirotta Financial Services Rise and Shine Solar Joanne Saunders ‘98 and Family Marion & Rocky† Vachon

General Donations Apple Google

Hole-In-One Sponsors A/J Golf Car Center – Dave Vachon ‘79 Toyota Sunnyvale

In-Kind Sponsors Beach Hut Deli Buffalo Wild Wings Busch Vending Cloud9Limo & Transportation Bernard Galvan, Intero Real Estate Services Gordon Biersch Little Miss Cupcake Moreno & Associates, Inc. Neto’s Sausage Company Sam’s Bar-B-Que San Jose Country Club SignsNow Silicon Valley Dental Excellence

Raffle Donors Ace Hardware Aldo’s Ristorante & Bar Almaden Valley Athletic Club Asadero BBQ Santa Clara Auburn Country Club Aqui Cal-Mex Blue Rock BBQ Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos Capers Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Shawn and Brenda (Broadus ‘84) Chizanskos Cinnabar Hills Golf Club Clos LaChance Winery Kathy Cote Guarnieri Martin (‘82) and Kelly Dale diModa Salon Chris (‘77) and Lisa (Meyer ’80) Enfantino Environmental Systems Inc.

Bernard Galvan Steve Gera ‘68 Giorgio’s Italian Food and Pizzeria Golf Galaxy Joseph George Wine Shop Phil Kleinheinz ’69 LB Steak Lona Brewing Co. Los Gatos Meats & Smokehouse Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association Malibu Wine Safaris Mama Mia’s Italian Cuisine The Mitty Auction 2019 Sheryl Murdock Palermo Italian Restaurant Paintball Tickets Pearl Nails The Perez Family Pruneridge Golf Club Rancho Murrieta Golf Club Ristorante Fratello Ethan and Carmela Robertson Brett Schuster and Kathy Dydynski Mike Shum Siena Bistro Silicon Valley Dental Excellence Silver Creek Valley Country Club Sorelle Italian Bistro Sushi Zono Testarossa Winery Trail Dust BBQ Glenn and Theresa Tsukamoto Uncorked of Saratoga David (‘79) and Marguerite Vachon The Villages Golf and Country Club Sean and Cindy Worthington †






2018 / 2019

Donors to Archbishop Mitty In-Kind Gifts Through our individual gifts of time, talent, and treasure, we as a community are providing our students with the best college preparatory experience imaginable. Each year, Archbishop Mitty receives tangible gifts of personal property, equipment, and services, which add to the quality of life at the school. A special thanks to the In-Kind donors who have made gifts during the 2018-2019 school year. 3 Steves Winery Academy of Fencing Masters Thomas and Christina Aitchison AJ Tutoring Aldo’s Alexander Bohlen Alexander’s Steakhouse All Natural Day Spa J-D and Mary Allegrucci Allied Auto Works Almaden Country Club Almaden Valley Athletic Club Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Krishnan Anantheswaran and Shamita Tripathy Aqui Cal-Mex Archbishop Mitty Parent Association Atelier Salon Auburn Country Club Aver Family Vineyards Bay Area Glass Institute BDCE Concrete Beach Blanket Babylon John and Rosemary Beahm Neil Becker and Pamela Chun Bella James Berkeley Repertory Theatre BJ’s Brewhouse Blick Art Materials Robert (‘71) and Lisa Blickenstaff Bloomsters The Blue Door Blue Rock BBQ Boulder Creek Golf & Country Club The Broad BSN Sports Buck’s of Woodside Burrell School Vineyards and Winery Byington Winery Elwyn and Emily Cabebe Dario and Wendy Calia California Palace of the Legion of Honor Capers Eat & Drink Paul and Lisa Caputo

Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Clara Carrasco A Catered Affair CBS Television Distribution Brandi Chastain ‘86 Cheesecake Factory, Inc. Dianna and Lewis Chew The Children’s Discovery Museum Children’s Musical Theatre of San Jose Chipotle Mexican Grill Cinnabar Hills Golf Course Citti’s Florist Classic Car Wash Clos LaChance Winery Club Sport San Jose Comartin Cellars Community School of Music and Arts Cooper-Garrod Estates Vineyards Croga CrossFit Crow’s Nest Cucina Bambini CuriOdyssey CYW Photography Martin (‘82) and Kelly Dale The Dancing Cat Lounge Destination Smiles Discretion Brewing Dishdash Restaurant Steve and Gwen Dorcich Kevin and Joanne Dowdy Drawn2Art Yuezhong Du and Jiong Peng Hani and Cheryl Durzy E&J Gallo Winery Economic Driving School Education Unlimited Electronic Arts Stephen Emond and Deborah Faryniarz Environmental Systems, Inc. Erik’s DeliCafe Excel Test Prep The Exploratorium Gregory and Debra Fant The Fairmont Hotel San Jose Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco Forbes Mill Steakhouse Forthright Oyster Bar and Kitchen Fulfillment Systems Inc. Galileo Learning Nigel and Yueping Gallaher Bernard Galvan and Michelle Lilley-Galvan Gilroy Gardens Giorgio’s Italian Food and Pizzeria Golf Galaxy Golfland USA Aaron Gordon ‘13 Christine Gorjanc

Great Hair Rocks Guglielmo Winery The Hakone Foundation Hapa’s Brewing Company Happy Hollow Park and Zoo Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Lake Tahoe Harrah’s and Harveys Lake Tahoe Henry’s Hi-Life Herff Jones Mike and Deanna Herkenrath Hero Ranch Kitchen Hiller Aviation Institute Hobee’s California Restaurants iD Tech Camps The Inn at Saratoga In-N-Out Burger International Food Bazaar Joseph George Wines Kayak Connection Kendra Scott Herbert and Karen Klaas Kyoto Palace Lagunitas Brewing Company Laser Away The Law Office of Kelly McHaffie Lazy Dog Restaurant LB Steak Jon and Christine Linthacum Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot Loma Brewing Los Gatos Meats Lunardi’s Market Maggiano’s Little Italy Philip and Kelly Mahoney Malibu Wine Safaris Mama Mia’s Mann Lake Ltd. Mansion at Yount Ridge Matthew Marani ‘16 The Marine Science Institute Thomas and Claire Martell Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Merit Educational Consultants Merola Opera Program Michael Merrill Design Studio Moaning Caverns Adventure Park Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Scott and Elena Mosko Mount Hermon Adventures Mountain Camp Woodside Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts Debbie Mueller Edward Mueller and Pamela Hurley Mueller Eddie Mui and Selina Tan David and Sheryl Murdock Mike Murphy Daryl and Tracy Nees




2018 / 2019

NORCAL Heating and Cooling, Inc. Oakland Athletics Baseball Oakland Zoo Off the Wall Soccer Arena Soccer Centers, Inc. Olla Cocina James and Someng Olsen O’Neill Yacht Company Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. Orchard City Kitchen Oriental Trading Company Paintballtickets.com Palermo Italian Restaurant The Paper Source The Party Helpers The Pasta Market Pearl Nails Andres and Monica Perez Paulina Perrucci ‘07 Perrucci Family Vineyard Philz Coffee Pizza My Heart Planet Granite Rock Climbing Gym Plantronics, Inc. Plaza Dental Group Premier Pilates of Los Gatos Wayne and Mary Ann Prescott Prestige Portraits by LifeTouch Pruneridge Golf Club George and Sandra Quinn Ashok Raman and Sujata Ramnarayan Riddell Institutional Ridge Vineyards Ristorante Fratello Rubio’s Coastal Grill Sam’s Bar-B-Que The San Francisco 49er Foundation San Francisco Giants San Francisco Museum of Modern Art San Francisco Zoological Society San Jose Barracuda San Jose Sharks San Pedro Square Market Peter and Carol Sandman Santa Clara University Nicole Santo ‘07 Saso High School Prep Savannah-Chanelle Vineyards Brett Schuster and Kathy Dydynski Seymour Marine Discovery Center Shadowbrook Silicon Valley Dental Experience Silver Creek Valley Country Club Carter Skeath Skinspirit Skincare Clinic & Spa Jan Skuba Solar4America Ice Sonoma Canopy Tours

Sonoma Raceway Soquel Vineyards Sorelle Starlite Ballroom Steamers Grillhouse Steve & Kate’s Camp Storrs Winery and Vineyards Strike Brewing Company Susan J. Weiand Photography Sushi Zono SusieCakes Sweet Honey Dessert Sweet Pea Prints Sylvan Learning Center Symphony Silicon Valley The Tabard Theatre The Table Willow Glen Tahoe Donner Association Testarossa Winery ThomasKinkade.com Clayton and Nancy Thompson Jeffrey and Jacqueline Tobin Tony & Alba’s Pizza Total Wine & More Trader Joe’s - Market Center Trader Joe’s - Westgate West Trail Dust BBQ Tsing Tao Restaurant Glenn and Theresa Tsukamoto Tuxedo Fashions Uncorked Srinath Unnikrishnan and Deepa Menon David (‘79) and Marguerite Vachon Valencia Howard Photography Vena’s Skin and Body Treatments The Villages Golf and Country Club Vintage Wine Merchants Chris and Zainab Vlahopouliotis Nelson and Michele Voelker Pat and Ginny Waite Robert (‘73) and Judy Watkins Wine Road - Northern Sonoma County Winter Lodge Mark and Laurie Woodward Yount Ridge Cellars Tim and Kristin Zanni Zanotto’s ZD Wines LLC


Direct Aid Gifts Direct aid donations are used in the same year that they are received and directly benefit families who are in most need of assistance. Archbishop Mitty is committed to providing an enriched education to all deserving students who seek it. For many, our Direct Aid program is the only avenue for them to attend Archbishop Mitty. A special thanks to the Direct Aid donors who made gifts during the 2018-2019 school year. Thomas† and Clara Adams Ernest and Imee Afanador Ed and Kathy Almazol Jessica Alva ‘14 Apple, Inc. Jeremy and Meredith Aston Joseph and Simona Asunsolo Travis and Kimberly (Martin ‘01) Boettner James Bojorquez ‘87 Charles Bona and Catalina Phan Jacqueline Bowker ‘06 Gilbert and Marilyn Bray Randy and Carla Breunling Bright Funds Edward Brooks and Miel Vallejo-Brooks ‘92 Burdick Painting James and Catherine Cabagbag John (‘01) and Katie Cane John and Michelle (Morales ‘89) Capriotti Peter (‘94) and Jennifer Carlino William and Susan Carter The Carter Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Donn and Heather (Menifee ‘91) Casale Roy and Myriam Caudill Dino and Mary Certa Jinqiu Chen and Ye Jin Larry Cheng and Jean Yee Dianna and Lewis Chew Ryan Chew ‘11 John Cintas Cisco Systems, Inc. Dale and Debbie (Gaskell ‘87) Coldiron Paul and Linda Cole Joseph and Mary Connolly Stephen and Leticia Connors John and Heidi (Burke ‘84) Conti Nicholas Corgan ‘09 Mark and Sharon Cosentino Bryan and Joia Cox Michael (‘88) and Julie Crisafulli Christophe and Christine Culine Donald and Martha Curtis Mike (‘04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio John and Judith Davis Tim and Jennifer Deal


Timothy De Kay ‘90 Maria DeVincenzi-Novak Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Mollie (Arken ‘96) Dilbeck Timothy Dugan and Lorna Tsuda Epicurean Group Albert and Elizabeth Evans Jennifer Ferrari ‘00 Greg (‘93) and Ashley Fijman Montina Filice ‘09 John and Helen Finneran Noah Fletcher ‘16 Emelina Flores Mary Folzman Ruben and Emily Fong Dennis Fox Renier and Jane Garcia James and Kim Gavin Steve and Amy (Goerges ‘94) Giachetti Jeanine Giacomini ‘96 Christopher and Hilary Gill Heather Glahn Christopher and Sheri Good Maxwell Goodhart ‘97 Glenn† and Judy (Poe ‘76) Goodson Google Stephen and Carol Grady Scot Graham ‘79 Matthew and Meggen Gregory Robert (‘81) and Melanie Gribbin Michael and Julie (Benetti ‘88) Hackett Jocelyn Hart John and Helen Hartnett Julie Ann (Gillespie ‘97) Hedrick David Hegeman and Tracie Tunnell Lauren Helm ‘08 Patrick (‘91) and Jennifer Herrington Mai Hoang Christina (Furtado ‘00) Holguin Mark and Diane Houde Lois Hurd HY Floor and Gameline Intel Corporation Ben (‘90) and Robyn Jennings Daniel Jensen and Carolyn Donlin Francisco and Laura Jiménez David Johnson and Amy Cooprider Mehul and Darshita Kharidia Carrell and Frances Killebrew Keith and Melanie Kirmse Phil (‘69) and Kathy Kleinheinz Damon and Amy (Choice ‘86) Korb John and Dana Kouretas Michael and Katherine Kuzirian Ronald La France and Melissa Greene Tim and Lisa Lambert Joseph and Annemarie Lampo Richard Lang and Ling Ling Chow Monica Lebron ‘97 Jennifer Leggett David and Denise Lewinski


Laura Lewis Scott and Tracy Lewis Laura Liccardo ‘78 Armando and Ada Lujan Ted Macauley and Julie Pfaff Eric and Beth Madia Jeanne Marcucci Christopher Marshall and Rachel Prabhu Rick and Jill (Bresniker ‘81) Martig Joseph Martinez ‘82 Alvaro and Shirley Mata Manoj and Rekha Mathew Thomas (‘83) and Maria McCarthy David and Julie (Keller ‘86) McCloskey James and Marilyn McCoun Matt and Leela McDonald Thomas and Jill McEnery Kaitlyn McNicholas ‘10 William and Randi (Ratra ‘89) Melo Thomas (‘83) and Christin Miller Craig and Justine (Giacomini ‘94) Mobeck Patrick (‘06) and Kayla (Farrell ‘06) Monk Marti Mordecai Ernesto and Stacie Moreno Edward and Lupe Morishige Michael and Joanne Moul Kirt and Seema (Roy ‘91) Mulji James and Jeanne Murphy Kathleen Murray Christopher Ngan and Ivy Cheung Hoang Ngo and Nga Le Gia Nguyen and Duong Hoang Thuc Nguyen and Lynh Ngo Juan Carlos and Barbara (Dieckman ‘99) Orellana Erick and Angela Ortega June Park and Hye-Yeon Yoon Robert Parks and Karen Dillon Nital and Kalindi Patwa Mike Pena ‘72 Dale and Laura Pesavento Ernest Pestana The Ernest E. Pestana Charitable Foundation, Inc. Robert and Kelly (Schmidt ‘06) Peters Alvin Phan ‘18 John and Carin Phillips Patrick (‘69) and Patricia Pierce Davy and Cindy (Trotter ‘88) Ponciano Steve (‘78) and Jan (Welch ‘78) Popolizio Mike Potter (‘84) and Cindy Chavez Vinay Prabhu and Priya Mascarenhas Pete and Lynn Pragastis Mary Pustejovsky ‘98 Ming Qu and Ling Zhang George and Sandra Quinn Tony and Elvira Rambac Ronald and Sherrie Richter Ivan and Diane Roca Joseph and Julie Rogers Daniel and Renay Rosckes



2018 / 2019

Rob Roskopp and Lepa Galeb-Roskopp Kelly (‘73) and Margaret Ryan Salesforce.com Foundation Rorin and Maria Santamaria Lloyd and Sandra Scates Scates Construction Scott and Danielle (Fargher ‘98) Shaw Robert and Patricia Sheehan The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Steve and Leslie Sifferman Thomas and Melissa Sims Jim and Kate Slevin David Smith ‘80 John M. and Timi Sobrato Jure and Michelle Šola Christopher Sooy Erwin and Monet Soria Scott Stanelle and Maureen Selvage-Stanelle Mark Stevenson ‘87 Michael (‘82) and Lea Stivaletti Zoltan (‘78) and Jeanne (Verschuur ‘81) Szoboszlay Regga and Almaz Tekeste Paul Thielemann Gaspar Torregroza ‘82 Alyssa Tou ‘12 Erin Tou ‘14 Fred and Ellen Tou David Truong and Trinh Trinh Srinath Unnikrishnan and Deepa Menon Adrian (‘85) and Jennifer Valdez Patrick Valencia Kristen (Geib ‘88) Van Sickle Verizon Foundation Anthony Villalba ‘02 Stephen and Louise Vitale Christopher Vivian and Denise Alberto ‘87 Julian and Kandra Vu Workday, Inc. Ted and Ann Wyess Barbara Yeh Todd Yellin and Jennifer Copaken Francis and Mylyn Yutangco Grant Zamudio ‘06 Philip Zeng ‘15 Paul and Ashley (Seymour ‘08) Zmuda Mike and Kathy Zybura Deceased




2018 / 2019

Businesses, Corporations, and Foundations Archbishop Mitty is grateful to the businesses, corporations, and foundations who generously supported the school with financial contributions during the 2018-2019 school year. Adobe Systems, Inc. Allied Auto Works All Stars Helping Kids American Leak Detection Apple, Inc. Applied Materials, Inc. Arcadia Development Co. ARM, Inc. Art’s Sheet Metal Manufacturing Aspiriant Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Bright Funds Broadcom Burdick Painting Cadence Design Systems Campo di Bocce Citrix Systems Silicon Valley Comerica Bank Community Health Charities D’Ambrosio Real Estate Dan Caputo Company The Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Basketball Tournament The Dance Affair Deloitte De Mattei Construction, Inc. Devcon Construction DocuSign, Inc. eBay Electronic Arts Enterprise Trust & Investment Company Environmental Systems, Inc. Epicurean Group Equinix, Inc. eScrip The Mary Ellen and Michael E. Fox Family Foundation Fulcrum Builders, Inc. Galeb Paving, Inc. Google Hewlett-Packard Company High Speed Dental Service HY Floor and Gameline IBM Matching Grants Intel Corporation The Intel Foundation The Intuit Foundation The Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Johnson & Johnson Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. Juniper Networks Kaiser Permanente The KLA Tencor Foundation

Lam Research LinkedIn LMT Properties McLarney Construction, Inc. Micron Technology, Inc. Microsoft Moreno and Associates, Inc. National Mailing Services, Inc. Netflix NetScout Systems, Inc. Nvidia Oath, Inc. Oldcastle Infrastructure The Omidyar Group Oracle Pacific Helix Distributing The Party Helpers PayPal The Ernest E. Pestana Charitable Foundation, Inc. Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy Corporation PG&E Pirotta Financial Services PJL Management LLC Promex Industries, Inc. Provident Credit Union Prudential Financial, Inc. Rise and Shine Solar Rockwell Collins Rovi Guides, Inc. Salesforce.com Foundation Sam’s Bar-B-Que Samsung Electronics North America Santa Clara University The Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association Scates Construction The Stephen C. and Patricia A. Schott Foundation SDS NexGen Partners LP Shirley Tam, A Professional Law Corporation The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation The Silicon Valley Community Foundation Specialty A/C Products, Inc. Stanford Children’s Health - Pediatric Associates Steinberg Hart Summit Uniform Corporation Symantec Corporation Synopsys Talisman Network The Texas Instruments Foundation Truist Tuxedo Fashions Verizon Foundation VISA, Inc. The VMware Foundation The Wells Fargo Foundation Workday, Inc.

70 Matching Gift Companies Many corporations support private secondary education by matching a donor’s gift, often as much as two or three times the original contribution. A special thanks to those companies that matched gifts contributed by Archbishop MItty donors during the 20182019 school year. Adobe Systems, Inc. Apple, Inc. Applied Materials, Inc. ARM, Inc. Bright Funds Broadcom Cadence Design Systems Citrix Systems Silicon Valley Deloitte DocuSign, Inc. eBay Electronic Arts Equinix, Inc. Google Hewlett-Packard Company IBM Matching Grants Intel Corporation The Intel Foundation The Intuit Foundation Johnson & Johnson Juniper Networks Kaiser Permanente Lam Research LinkedIn Micron Technology, Inc. Microsoft Netflix NetScout Systems, Inc. Nvidia Oath, Inc. The Omidyar Group Oracle PayPal PG&E Prudential Financial, Inc. Rockwell Collins Rovi Guides, Inc. Salesforce.com Foundation Samsung Electronics North America Symantec Corporation Synopsys The Texas Instruments Foundation Verizon Foundation VISA, Inc. The VMware Foundation The Wells Fargo Foundation Workday, Inc.


Joseph Vaughn ‘19 with Head Football Coach Sione Ta’ufo’ou




2018 / 2019

Archbishop Mitty Heritage Circle The Archbishop Mitty Heritage Circle is comprised of alumni, parents of current students, parents of alumni, and friends of Archbishop Mitty High School who have made a provision for the school by means of a planned gift. These special donors help to secure the financial future of Archbishop Mitty by taking steps, through their wills or estate documents, to create family and individual endowments. A portion of their estate will be set aside for a special fund that will generate much needed financing for Archbishop Mitty programs and scholarships. This unique giving vehicle is the greatest of all gifts as it allows many future Monarchs to enjoy the superior Catholic college preparatory education. The following is a list of individuals who have made the school aware of such a provision as of June 30, 2019.

“The athletic program at Archbishop Mitty provided me with opportunities to build lifelong friendships as well as develop who I am as a person. The life skills I learned from my coaches taught me how to be a leader. This community of coaches, teammates, and friends will help me continue to develop into the man I want to be as I move on to college and beyond.”

Arthur and Denise Adams Bonnie Blackwell Mark Burns ‘78 Jacob (‘92) and Robin (Jeffers ‘92) Caputo Robert and Suzanne Curthoys Lawrence and Jacquelyn deAngelis Joseph† and Joyce Denzel Tom and Kathy Dunlap Michael and Mary Ellen Fox Joe Guerra Evelyn Heagerty† R. Andy and Louise Helland Barb and Howard Ignatius Richard and Debi Justice Kevin and Michelle (Lisk ‘86) Kelly Steve Kottmeier and Suanne Ramar Michael (‘77) and Annette Linney Kevin and Eileen Madej Richard Moore and Juliette Bettencourt Dale and Lyn Nesbitt Gerry and Carol Parker Stephen Prater ‘72 Glenn and Pamela Reitsma Cindy Relfe ‘77† Richard and Genevieve Rolla The Martha and Philip Sanfilippo Trust John and Mary Ann Sorci The Syncopation Trust John and Christine Tower Roxanne (Stringari ‘74) Vane Michael and Virginia Whelan Deceased





2018 / 2019


Corporate Internship Program

In Memory of Loukas Angelo Issac Vaughn and Maria Nash Vaughn

The Corporate Internship Program offers a unique opportunity for Archbishop Mitty students to gain valuable experience in corporate and professional workplaces throughout Silicon Valley.

In Memory of Clara Bruni Gilbert and Marilyn Bray Cindy Henry In Memory of Eva and George Figone John and Diann Ryan In Memory of George Figone John and Diann Ryan In Memory of Dan Fitzgerald The Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Basketball Tournament Robert (‘70) and Carole Freitas Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera Tim McCarthy ‘70 In Memory of Joe Francis Jan Francis In Memory of Katie Hatch-Reich Casey and Jennie O’Connor In Memory of Melissa Rose Heagerty Enterprise Trust on behalf of Evelyn Heagerty† John and Toni Heagerty In Memory of Stacia Hunter ‘90 Gregory and Jodi (Hunter ‘93) Kokoletsos In Memory of Stephen J. Keller Phil and Gwynne Rolla In Memory of Derek Korbel Kimberley Kerr and Jennifer Salmon Michael and Lisa Targgart Richard and Jane Walker In Memory of Fr. Jim Mifsud Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera In Memory of Brian Raschke Scates Construction In Memory of John Rodman Joseph Dermer Yvonne Gaydon Sam Hageman Sam and Jessica Paisley William and Marilyn Rodman Elaine Rodriguez In Memory of Fr. Jack Russi Marian Cauchi Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera In Memory of Erna Trinkler Scates Construction In Memory of Dominic C. Vargas ‘15 Mario and Cheryl Vargas Danis and Mary Yadegar In Memory of Pete Zumstein Scates Construction

Created in 1998 under the leadership and guidance of the AMHS Board of Regents, this program is designed to provide educational opportunities outside of the traditional classroom. Since 1998, over 50 Silicon Valley companies have participated in this program, and over 475 students have benefitted from the superb work experience. Corporate participants for 2018-2019 included: Abhi Photographer AP+I Automobuild BCCI Construction Bittner Dental Chicago Title Finnegan Law Montalvo Silicon Valley Properties Steinberg Architects Ventura Hersey Law We are grateful for your support of Archbishop Mitty High School. The internship program provides students a means of financial support and important experiences to enhance their college resumes.





2018 / 2019

Endowing Our Future An endowment fund is the restricted capital that provides a permanent source of income for Archbishop Mitty High School. The principal is invested in a disciplined manner, and the earnings and investment appreciation are channeled back into the fund. This allows the endowment to grow over time and become a source of long-term support that can be maintained permanently. Endowments provide much needed funding for families who might not otherwise be able to afford a Catholic college preparatory education; they also provide funding for the programs and services from which all Archbishop Mitty students benefit. We continue our fundraising towards “endowing our future” as we work to successfully achieve the $20 million goal of The Campaign for Archbishop Mitty. There are three types of endowment funds at Archbishop Mitty: Scholarship Endowment Fund Investment earnings from this fund provide financial assistance to students with demonstrated financial need. Named scholarship opportunities begin with a gift of $10,000 or more, and a scholarship is considered fully funded (providing the median AMHS financial aid award) when it reaches $50,000. Program Endowment Fund Investment earnings from this fund assist curricular and co-curricular programs at Archbishop Mitty. Named program endowment opportunities begin with a gift of $10,000. The amount required to fully fund program endowments varies, depending on the operating budget of each program. General Endowment Fund Investment earnings from this fund supplement the school’s annual operating budget, helping to offset the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a student at Archbishop Mitty. Named general endowment opportunities begin with a gift of $10,000. Those wishing to take part in The Campaign for Archbishop Mitty by establishing their own endowment or by contributing to existing endowments at any giving level should contact Mason Kimont, Executive Director for Advancement, at (408) 342-4260. The Agu Family Endowment Joseph Agu and Cheryl Shavers Niccole and Robert Allard Family Scholarship Niccole and Robert Allard The Darrin and Gloryvee Alves Scholarship Joseph Agu and Cheryl Shavers The Loukas Angelo Memorial Scholarship Issac Vaughn and Maria Nash Vaughn Archbishop Mitty Alumni Scholarship Aashish Achanta ‘19 Olivia Adame ‘19 Tushar Agashe ‘19 Adam and Maureen (Loftus ‘92) Anderson Apple, Inc. Nicole Arcolino ‘19 Henry and Carol (Attanasio ‘79) Attanasio-Bose Ayeetin Azah ‘07 Michael and Linda (Chapman ‘76) Babcock Jessica Badham ‘19 Dana Bagis ‘19 Reilly Barber ‘19 Sami Ben Makhlouf and Lamia Megdiche Dalane Bollinger ‘94 Matthew James Brennan ‘19 Joshua Butler ‘19 Steven Cary (‘03) and Sean McBride Gregory Catcott and Lou Woodburycatcott Nick and Lisa (Serpa ‘94) Ciardella Ashley Comerer ‘19 Kate Conaway ‘19 Jeff (‘74) and Joni Cronin Maria DeVincenzi-Novak

Trisha Dinh ‘19 Katherine Edgecumbe ‘10 Mike and Tracy (Yamamoto ‘91) Falco Colin Fan and Rita Chen Mason Fleury ‘19 Dale Flowers and Michele Fuller Neal and Amanda (Ott ‘90) Flynn Ljeposava Galeb ‘19 Jennifer Good ‘16 Google Dominic Haggerty ‘19 Alan and Renee (Anderson ‘77) Heinbaugh Richard and Corina (Sapien ‘81) Heiser Brett and Christine (Connolly ‘09) Henninger Cindy Henry Elisa Horta ‘19 Kim Hurley Jan Jaso Jay Jaso Pradeep and Sobha Javangula Patrick Kelly ‘69 Eli and Lauren (Sherburne ‘99) Kiedrowski Megan (Pitzen ‘05) King Phil (‘69) and Kathy Kleinheinz Madison Koehler ‘19 Rucha Kopardekar ‘19 Emily Kramer ‘19 Maximillian Lam ‘19 Tobin Lehman Steven and Anna Lentz Kevin Madrigal and Alicia Silva-Madrigal Sean Mahoney ‘19 Aadhithya Manimaran ‘19 Jose and Jessica (Giron ‘06) Martinez Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ‘90) Mata Camela Mataele ‘19

Kaitlyn Matherly ‘19 John and Louise McKeon Ania McNicholas ‘19 Daniel and Patty Medaglia Sisley Morishige ‘19 Michael and Joanne Moul Taylor Naporano ‘19 Andrew Nguyen ‘19 Jonny Nguyen ‘19 Alexander Nijmeh ‘19 Emily Noronha ‘19 Emily Isabella Ordonez ‘19 Juan Carlos and Barbara (Dieckman ‘99) Orellana Tiina Otala ‘19 Martin and Sarah Palka Arjun Pamidi ‘19 Kajal Patel ‘19 Mike Potter (‘84) and Cindy Chavez Kevin Quetano ‘98 Ashok Raman and Sujata Ramnarayan Maya K. Raman ‘19 Maya Raman ‘10 Malavika Ramarao ‘19 Narahari Rao ‘19 Alyssa Regua ‘19 Steven and Cassandra Robertson Stephanie Roca ‘08 Erin Roeckl ‘19 Carrie Rule Ayush Shelvankar ‘19 Benjamin Shih ‘19 Savanna Smith ‘19 Meghan Snelham ‘02 Philip and Betsy Strong Synopsys





2018 / 2019

Liz (Pelzel ‘03) Tynan Claire Urban ‘19 Alan Ureno-Gallegos ‘19 Audrey VanValkenburg ‘19 Christina Vasquez ‘05 Daniel and Lori Wedge Matt (‘94) and Andrea Williams Sara (Morishige ‘96) Williams Bryce Worthington ‘19 Anna Wymbs ‘19 Justin Zenk ‘19 Archbishop Mitty Athletics Program Endowment Mark Aochi ‘08 Rick and Cindy Armer Alexander Balog ‘10 James Bojorquez ‘87 Bright Funds Todd Bruce John (‘01) and Katie Cane Jacob (‘92) and Robin (Jeffers ‘92) Caputo Jose (‘86) and Kelly Castanon Cisco Systems, Inc. Dale and Debbie (Gaskell ‘87) Coldiron Mike (‘04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio Derek Fitzpatrick (‘97) and Heidi Boverman Paris Fox ‘18 Nigel and Yueping Gallaher Scot Graham ‘79 Robert (‘81) and Melanie Gribbin Matt (‘85) and Julie Haniger Michael Hart ‘09 John and Helen Hartnett Leanicia Jones ‘16 Steve Koontz ‘83 Stephan and Kristi Kuehn Steven and Anna Lentz David and Denise Lewinski Jon and Christine Linthacum Rick and Jill (Bresniker ‘81) Martig Patrick (‘81) and Heidi Miller Thomas (‘83) and Christin Miller Robert and Tricia Nardone Miyuki Navarrete ‘10 Joseph and Chanya Nguyen Nick and Chelsea (Armer ‘06) Pagan Robert and Kelly (Schmidt ‘06) Peters David Prosenko ‘88 Mark Rodriguez ‘92 Jerry and Wanda Rose Jessica Rose Tami Rose Gregory and Maria Rusboldt Jennifer Sant’Anna Kathy and David Schmidt Stephen (‘87) and Patricia Sousa Michael (‘82) and Lea Stivaletti Gaspar Torregroza ‘82 Mark and Drew Vranicar Jeff (‘76) and Silvia Walsh Steve (‘72) and Ruth (Polen ‘73) Welch Brent Younger ‘11

Archbishop Mitty Campus Ministry Program Endowment William (‘71) and Michelle Battaglia Ken and Linda Bearie Terry and Annette Bechtol Victorio and Vicky Bernardino Don and Maria Blankenship Lawrence and Margaret Blecka Steve and Eileen (Curran ‘79) Block Margaret Bradley Anthony Branco Gilbert and Marilyn Bray James and Maureen Burden Therese Button William and Annette Byrnes John and Roberta Caldwell Katherine Caputo Peter (‘94) and Jennifer Carlino Betty Carmody Guillermo and Elvy Casanova Joe and Norma Castellano Henry and Madeline Clarke Daniel and Teresa Coil Robert and Julia Collins John and Arlene Cordell Robert and Joan Cowan Frank and Anna Crimi Michael (‘88) and Julie Crisafulli Albert and Marlene Cukar Christophe and Christine Culine Michael and Kathryn Di Leo Judith Dunfield Gordon and Marilyn Egan Nick (‘02) and Katherine (Frise ‘02) Epidendio Wilson and Josefina Felipe Jennifer Ferrari ‘00 John and Shirley Figone Patricia Flanagan Emelina Flores Paul and Jane Folena Herbert and Bernadine Fong Lydia Forero Anthony and Dorothy Foti John and Linda Foxcroft Ernie and Elizabeth Gabriel Carolee Gannon Christina Garcia Michael and Monica Garcia James and Shelly Garza Robert and Therese Geise Steve and Amy (Goerges ‘94) Giachetti Michael and Lisa Glazzy Stephen and Carol Grady David and Antoinette Gray Catherine Gregg Benjamin and Marilou Gregorio Vincente and Emma Guel Brett and Christine (Connolly ‘09) Henninger Beverly Insull Frank and Ruth Ann Juliano Scott and Carla Keesling Patricia Kelley

Ernest and Lillian Konnyu John and Dana Kouretas Diane La France Mark and Kareen Lambert Ann Lambrecht Kelly Lin and Cathy Avila-Linn Megan Linney ‘12 Robert and Dena Lucas John and Jane Lueder David and Eileen Malandrino Joe Martinez Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ‘90) Mata Larry and Susan Mayer Tim and Mardy Meadows Anthony and Tulin Melton Ronald and Ruth Merino Rich and Judy Milano James and Florence Mills Manuel and Mary Morgado Joan Moser Michael Murray Hong Nguyen and Mary Hoang Natalie Nguyen ‘11 Carl Nielsen Tyler Olea Fred and Virginia Olenak Gary Olimpia and Nancy Hoskins-Olimpia Audrey Ostrowski-Gallagher John and Teresa Petrak Michael and Mary Pierce Consuelo Porras Ariana Raftopoulos ‘08 Hamid and Katherine Rahnema Anthony Rodman ‘16 John† and Kelly Rodman Rita Sanchez James and Amida Santos Ryan Schmitzer Robert and Patricia Sheehan Richard and Deborah Slater George and Lorraine Sousa Sorin Spanoche and Andrea Cosmin Don and Henrietta Stevenson Don (‘83) and Janet (Corsiglia ‘82) Stevenson Frank and Mary Tavolacci Oscar and Gilda Tayo Don and Ida Tonelli Huehoang Trang Alaina Valdez James and Victoria Wallace Steve (‘72) and Ruth (Polen ‘73) Welch Richard and Mary Wendt Thomas Wuerz and Shelly Schoo Robert and Victoria Yagmourian Archbishop Mitty Faculty and Staff Scholarship Steven and Nina Duquette Mark and Regina Wiepking Archbishop Mitty General Endowment Adam and Maureen (Loftus ‘92) Anderson Sam and Marissa (Bataille ‘01) Daly Alexander Dickens ‘18

75 Caroline Dickens ‘18 Joseph and Kristin (Lundblade ‘85) Dickens DocuSign Inc. eScrip Yvonne Gaydon Sam Hageman Robert and Christine Jahncke Damon and Amy (Choice ‘86) Korb Laura Liccardo ‘78 William and Randi (Ratra ‘89) Melo Patrick (‘06) and Kayla (Farrell ‘06) Monk Joelle May Nario ‘08 Christopher Norton ‘04 Sam and Jessica Paisley James and Jean Riparbelli William and Marilyn Rodman Elaine Rodriguez Todd and Paige Schmitzer Mark Stevenson ‘87 Zoltan (‘78) and Jeanne (Verschuur ‘81) Szoboszlay Theresa Tran Derek (‘03) and Veronica (Morales ‘03) van den Abeelen Justin and Karyn (Cilker ‘97) Warner Brent Younger ‘11 Archbishop Mitty High School Scholarship Peter and Tassia Babalis Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Robert and Joan Cowan Matt and Donna DiLorenzo Stephen Emond and Deborah Faryniarz Google Manimaran Govindaraju and Bharathy Manimaran Scot Graham ‘79 Pankaj and Archana Gupta Eric and Julie Heale Juniper Networks Kirk and Nicole Kim Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Carmine and Stacey Napolitano Subir Ray and Rebecca Biswas Tony and Ana Sebastian Jitendra and Seema Singh Jan Van Bruaene and Estela Arbuco Archbishop Mitty Performing Arts Endowment Marcelo and Genevieve (Guy ‘98) Altwer Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Scott and Susan (Kabanek ‘89) Bishop Mark Burns ‘78 Mike Clair and Audrey MacLean Bryan and Joia Cox Paul and Patti Decena Timothy De Kay ‘90 Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Enterprise Trust & Investment Company Mike and Anne Federwisch Greg (‘93) and Ashley Fijman Paul Fischer ‘89 Scot Graham ‘79




2018 / 2019

Deborah Hao Evelyn Heagerty† John and Toni Heagerty The Intuit Foundation Jennifer Leggett Jon and Christine Linthacum John Longthon and Jennifer Nakata Adam Lopiccolo ‘08 Leah Miller ‘17 Bryan Moriarty ‘03 Jason (‘02) and Christine (Brady ‘02) Oliver Robert (‘85) and Karen (Gimple ‘86) Parker Harold and Valerie Pestana Tuxedo Fashions Christopher and Denise (Alberto ‘87) Vivian Nathan Wong and Karen Brighton Archbishop Mitty Student Activities Program Endowment Shayan (‘99) and Shazia Alam Erik and Rosemary (Mangosing ‘95) Baker Rao and Rajyalakshmi Balusu Hailey Bruce ‘18 Kerry Bruce James and Maureen Burden Dianna and Lewis Chew Ryan Chew ‘11 Nicholas Corgan ‘09 Steve and Laura DeNatale Todd and Corinne (Jarrett ‘02) Enos Tania Goulart ‘97 Scot Graham ‘79 Christina (Furtado ‘00) Holguin Logan Lambert ‘09 Herschel Lelaind Kelly Linn and Cathy Avila-Lin Kaitlyn McNicholas ‘10 Kirt and Seema (Roy ‘91) Mulji Nital and Kalindi Patwa Roger and Christina Princeau Julianna Rodman ‘14 John† and Kelly Rodman Jared Schmitzer ‘16 Zachary Schmitzer ‘22 Daniel (‘71) and Cindi Stringari David (‘70) and Cathy Stringari Roxanne (Stringari ‘74) Vane Gary Braia Kairos Program Endowment Chris (‘85) and Sarah Cavanaugh Katherine Oven Rovi Guides, Inc. Dorothy and Dan Caputo Family Scholarship Katherine Caputo D’Ambrosio Family Endowment Mike (‘04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio D’Ambrosio Real Estate




2018 / 2019

Dunlap Family Scholarship

The Moitozo-Tower Family Endowment

Tom and Kathy Dunlap

John and Christine Tower

The Edvalson Family Endowment

The Monarch Scholarship Endowment

Ian and Grace Edvalson

Gregory and Debra Fant

76 Jackson Walker ‘19 with Director of Student Activities Greg Walker

Eva and George Figone Memorial Scholarship The Mullaney Family Endowment John and Diann Ryan

Stephen and Elizabeth Mullaney

Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship

Naporano STEM Development Endowment

The Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Basketball Tournament Robert (‘70) and Carole Freitas Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera Tim McCarthy ‘70

John Naporano and E. Shea Harden

The Ruth and Michael Fletcher Family Endowment

Mark and Elizabeth Page

Michael and Ruth Fletcher Joe Francis Memorial Athletic Endowment Jan Francis The Guttman Family Endowment Apple, Inc. Stephan and Wendy Guttman Katie Hatch Reich Memorial Scholarship Casey and Jennie O’Connor Stacia Hunter ‘90 Memorial Scholarship Gregory and Jodi (Hunter ‘93) Kokoletsos The Imrisek Family Endowment Richard and Ellen Imrisek The Jue Family Scholarship Darren and May Jue Thornton and Pearl Jue The Stephen J. Keller Memorial Scholarship Phil and Gwynne Rolla The Derek Korbel Memorial Scholarship

Oosterhouse Family Scholarship John and Amy Oosterhouse The Page Family Foundation Endowment Maria and Andy Pecota Family Scholarship Andrew and Maria Pecota The Peraino Family Endowment David and Kerrie Peraino The Queiroz Family Endowment Google Mario and Martha Queiroz Brian Raschke Memorial Scholarship Scates Construction Leslie and Rob Reilly Family Scholarship Apple, Inc. Leslie (Caughran ‘90) and Robert Reilly Richard and Genevieve Rolla Scholarship Richard and Genevieve Rolla Fr. Jack Russi, S.M. Memorial Scholarship Marian Cauchi Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera The Dominic C. Vargas ‘15 Memorial Scholarship

Kimberley Kerr and Jennifer Salmon Michael and Lisa Targgart Richard and Jane Walker

All Stars Helping Kids Mario and Cheryl Vargas Danis and Mary Yadegar

The Marks Family Endowment

The Zutshi Family Endowment

Jeff and Nancy Marks McLarney Scholarship Endowment

Naveen and Anu Zutshi †


McLarney Construction, Inc. McTighe Scholarship Barbara McTighe MerJer MD Endowment Jeremy and Meredith Aston Michael Dunne Fr. Jim Mifsud, S.M. Memorial Scholarship Steve (‘68) and Linda Gera

For a complete listing of all endowments please visit www.mitty.com/advancement

“Mr. Walker encouraged me to be fearless in a multitude of ways. Because of him, I will never be ashamed or apologetic for who I am. I will unabashedly show off my spirit and my dedication. He is one of the reasons that I proudly cheered until my lungs burst at Mitty games. He is one of the reasons I stood in front of thousands of people at Monarch Madness and danced, despite having no rhythmic talent whatsoever. He taught me that there is no excuse to not be a leader in every aspect of my life. He taught me to be fearless and that it’s okay to be me.”


Jin-Hee Lee ‘19 with Choral Director Erin Simon




2018 / 2019

Archbishop Mitty Arts Society The Arts Society supports the nationally acclaimed Archbishop Mitty High School Performing Arts Department. Donors may acknowledge student experiences and performances by becoming a member. Special member incentives, receptions, and events throughout the year celebrate the generosity of Arts Society members. Leadership Circle

Patron Circle

Daniel Caputo and Family Andrew and Maria Pecota Stephen and Patricia Schott Mark and Laurie Woodward

Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson

Chairman Circle Brian and Theresa Bumb Steve and Gwen Dorcich Andrew and Joyce Miller Director Circle

“Mitty taught me the importance of hard work. The academic standards at Mitty pushed me to put in nothing but my best work, shaping me into a more dedicated student. My teachers, like Mrs. Simon, showed me the perfect balance of discipline and care. She pushed me to go above and beyond in my learning, while always checking in on my well-being. The members of the Department of Performing Arts are passionate, caring, and multi-talented. The sense of community and support that I felt during these four years has been incredible.”

Michael and Doreen Arnold Misha and Lisa Burich David and Glowe Chang Dianna and Lewis Chew The Citti Family– Chris Citti (‘76), Gary (‘69) and Linda Citti, Gloria Citti, Justin Citti (‘02), and Thomas Glascott and Adrianna Citti Glascott Richard and Diane Cristina James and Joan (Russell ‘77) Downey Mike and Anne Federwisch Michael and Ruth Fletcher Marla Kramer Rick Kramer Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Rob and Susan Moore Randy and Eileen Scott Sheathing Technologies Inc.– Larry Polayes and Penny Herman-Polayes The Valley Foundation

Benefactor Circle Timothy De Kay ‘90 Evelyn Heagerty† The Intuit Foundation Associate Circle John and Toni Heagerty John Longthon and Jennifer Nakata Friend Circle Marcelo and Genevieve (Guy ‘98) Altwer Mark Burns ‘78 Mike Clair and Audrey MacLean Bryan and Joia Cox Paul and Patti Decena Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Scot Graham ‘79 Deborah Hao Robert (‘85) and Karen (Gimple ‘86) Parker Harold and Valerie Pestana Tuxedo Fashions Christopher and Denise (Alberto ‘87) Vivian Nathan Wong and Karen Brighton Deceased




2018 / 2019


Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition Brother Herman J. Fien was a dedicated Marianist who devoted his entire life to God by teaching and serving others. From 1964 until his death in 1977, Brother Fien taught Modern Language at Archbishop Mitty High School. He worked tirelessly with the parents at Archbishop Mitty, particularly the volunteers, who gave of themselves in an effort to build community and spirit. Each year since his passing, the volunteers of Archbishop Mitty are honored in his name for their selfless dedication of time and energy on behalf of the school community. We are blessed with exceptionally dedicated men and women who, like Brother Fien, gave generously of their time and talents, without which we could not offer an Archbishop Mitty High School education. Their example of service and caring is volunteerism and education at its best. Brother Fien Volunteer of the Year:

Marla Kramer

Alumni Parents of the Year:

Someng and James Olsen

Alumni of the Year:

Jude Simon ‘09

Kristen Abey and Brian Smith Vani and Jeffrey (‘88) Aboud Anagha and Ravindra Agashe Vanita and Anuj (‘86) Aggarwal Namrata and Ashish Agrawal Darlene and Raymund Aguirre Norma Aguirre Indrani and Manoj Ahluwalia Dana Al-Azzeh and Naser Awad Niccole and Robert Allard Sheila and Phillip Amaya Stacy (Leigh ‘90) and Michael Amicarelli Erika and Samer Amireh Priyanka and Manishkumar Ankola Clara and George Antone Maria and Mac Apodaca Estela Arbuco and Jan Van Bruaene Florence and Steven Arcolino Muhammad Aslam Melanie and Manish Asnani Sandra and Kenneth Asplund Meredith and Jeremy Aston Radha and Anand Athreya Anjali and Prakash Babu Rejitha and Biju Babu Dana Bagis Prenita and Binay Bajaj Jasmeet Bakshi and Deep Singh Nirmala Balakrishnan and Narayanasamy Subramanian Esha and Pratheep Balasingam Ban and Ali Ballou Philip Baltar ‘03 Bharati and Nagaraju Bandaru Kelly and Christopher Barbazette Claudia and Kevin Bariteau Mary and Maged Barsoum Raja Dhanunjaya Bhupatiraju Anju Batra and Prabal Bhutani Teresa (Mitchell ‘84) and Paul (‘82) Behan Kathleen and Philipp Beisel Jennifer and John Beltramo

Tony Beltran Soumya and Sathyabodha Belur Lani and Chris Bergevin Ann and David Beymer Mamatha and Sandesh Bharadwaj Sheema Bharathan and Vinod Chathoth Binita and Nimish Bhatt Fe and Charito Biala Renee and Aldo Billingslea Naina and Rajeev Bishnoi Lisa and Robert (‘71) Blickenstaff Monica Boccabella Dolat Bolandi and Parviz Sales Deepa and Shankar Bora Jennifer and Clark Bowcock Cameron Bowman Catherine Brady ‘07 Karen and Daniel (‘69) Brady Michal and Rafael Brenner Katrina Brinkman and William Urban Rona and Scott Brodrick Amy Browne Allyson and Steve Burke Laura and Alfred Buzo Susan and Richard Cabael Catherine and James Cabagbag Emily and Elwyn Cabebe Julie and Mark Cabrales Maricela and Antonio Cabrera Wendy Cai and Roger Luo Cori and Sean Caldwell Roberta and John Caldwell Christine and Jose Camara Katherine and John Canfield Aurelia and Eliver Caparas Kathleen and Lawrence Cargnoni Gloria Esther Carmona Clara Carrasco Wendy and A. J. Carvalho Deborah and Christopher Casey Ivy and Sandy Casuga Laura Cervantes Vazquez ‘15

Nina and Robert Chan Kristin and Jason Chancey Aichi Chang and HungChun Li Ker-Yin and Nen-Chong Chang Lilah Chang and Daniel Dewey Shanthi and Sridhar Chatradhi Evelyne and Kris Chellam Mingye Chen and Xiaolin Zang Leann Cherkasky Makhni and Deepinder Makhni Chi-Pei Cherng and David Chao Kim and Larry Cherniss Ivy Cheung and Christopher Ngan Denise Chew and Lyall Chun Dianna and Lewis Chew Dongrui Chi and Zhinan Zhou Brenda (Broadus ‘84) and Shawn Chizanskos Travis Choate ‘06 Caitlin Cintas ‘07 Megan and Luke Clisbee Andrea and Dan Coleman Alisha and Christopher Collier Monica and Sean Comer Debbie and David Condensa Jinaye Conley-Nasmeh and R.J. Nasmeh Beth and Jordan Cookman Amy Cooprider and David Johnson Julie Cordova Theresa (Giardina ‘93) and Erube (‘92) Corral Michelle and Dean Correa Sharon and Mark Cosentino Kathleen Cote Guarnieri and Timothy Guarnieri Leticia Cowan and Greg Smestad Lara Criss Kelly and Martin (‘82) Dale Neena and Nitin Dandia Holly Daniel-Sanghvi and Rahul Sanghvi Vian and Michael Davis Laarni and Harold DeGuzman Theresa and Elizalde DeLeon Stephanie and Alain de Raynal Deena Desai and Ioane Ifo Hashanthi De Silva Perera and Chari Perera


Vaji and Sanjaya Dharmasena Sangeeta and Rakesh Dhoopar Melinda and John DiNapoli Jenny Ding and Guangji Shen Minh-Chau Dinh and Tien Pham Monica (‘91) Dittrich-Radovic and Mark Radovic Diem Chau Doan Merribeth and Steven Dodge Sheryl and Christopher Domingue Carolyn Donlin and Daniel Jensen Ann and Sam Doumanian Kathleen and James Downey Diane and Al Drewke Priya and Anuj Dua Lisa and Walt Duflock Cheryl and Hani Durzy Kathy Dydynski and Brett Schuster Moira and Richard Edelman Lisa (Meyer ‘80) and Chris (‘77) Enfantino Leslie and John Ericksen Angie Esparza-Zaitz and Brian Zaitz Stephanie Federwisch ‘07 Brigid Feeney-Sherry David Figone ‘80 Isabel and Ferda Filiz Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, S.J. Sara and Joseph FitzGerald Ruth and Michael Fletcher Thelma Fe Floresca Charlotte and Douglas Fong Denise and Daniel Fortes Allison and Jason Fox Mary Ann and George Fox Jennifer and Frederick Fusilero Manjari Gadi and Saravan Rajendran Lepa Galeb-Roskopp and Rob Roskopp Yueping and Nigel Gallaher Claudia Galvan De Skelton and Dean Skelton Annette Garcia Carlos Garcia Shilpa and Nitin Garg Claudia and Jesus Gasca Jayashree Gatade and Satish Biradar Anju Gaur and Mahesh Sanganeria Kim and James Gavin Selamawit Gebremariam and Damtew Ayele Linda and Steve (‘68) Gera Lalitta Ghandikota and Madhu Chinthakunta Shalini and Rakesh Ghiya Jeanine Giacomini ‘96 Olivia Gieselman Hilary and Christopher Gill Jill and Daniel Gisi Karolina and Jan Gorgolewski Christine Gorjanc Noelle and Brad Goubeaux Shivani Govil and Joseph D’Souza Jennifer and John Grady Patricia Graham Lisa and Noland Granberry Courtney Grant Toni and Michael Greene


Jenny and Robert Griswold Vanessa and George Guerra Archana and Pankaj Gupta Meena Gupta and Anuj Aggarwal Namrata Gupta and Pankaj Goyal Namrata and Puneet Gupta Sunita and Sanjay Gupta Rita and Robert Halbach Robin (Alberto ‘91) and John Hanahan Deborah Hao Paige and Nolan Harding Jocelyn Hart Amy and Michael Hasenkamp Kelley and Karl Hawkins Tanya and Craig Hiraki Maria and Mark Hirotsuka Heidi and Steve Hisey Duong Hoang and Gia Nguyen Mai Hoang Kim Hoffman and Jeff Stilwill Janet and Ronald Horta Dena and Lawrence House Aida and Brian Howell Matty and Milan Hrncir Jennifer and Karl C. Hsu Reneé (Diani ‘92) and Eric Huerta Lei Huo and Yujie Zhu Pamela Hurley Mueller and Edward Mueller Ellen and Richard Imrisek Andrea and Joe Isaacs Julianne and Basim Jaber Shelli and Thomas Jacobs Ronnie Jacobson and Paul Bayon Renee Jacowitz Rogoff and Brian Rogoff Sudhir Jain Geeta and Niraj Jaiswal Asma Jaleel and Muhammad Aslam Mirka and Tomas Janus Tanya Jenkins and Brad Sandman Linda Jiang and Ron Rulkens Ye Jin and Jinqiu Chen Yoonhee and Innjune Jo Swati Jobanputra and Tarak Parikh Grace and Clifton Johnson Mary and Paulraj Johnson Mary Rose and Gabriel Jordan Indira and Mandar Joshi Rukma and Vikram Joshi Reyna and Desi Judilla May and Darren Jue Dawn and Daniel Juliano Hyunjung Kang and Sungkil Hwang Kyunghee Kang and Hoonki Lee Sarah and Changoo Kang Chitra and Nagesh Kanumury Aditi and Amar Kapadia Arcelia and Sanjay Kapoor Punita and Vijay Karani Susan Kato and Robert Miyahara Nazila and Alireza Kaviani Loni Keller Christine Kelly ‘12



2018 / 2019

Barkha and Mahesh Keswani Ruchira and Arun Khanna Aparna and Amit Khare Abha and Vivek Killedar Byul Kim and Kwang Sik Park Hee Jung Kim and Jaesoo Han Kylee and Nak Kim Moon Kim and Tae Kang Pamela and Scott Kliewer Melinda and Gregory Knepp Eunhee Ko and Myungsun Kim Stephanie and Neeraj Kochhar Paulette and Frederick Koehler Dorina and Sean Kohler Santha and Venkat Konda Uma Kottali and Srinivas Ambati Jill Krafts and Gregory Gruber Marla Kramer Barbara and Roland Krause Erica and Sathvik Krishnamurthy Chih-Lin Kuan and Wan-Teh Chang Kristi and Stephan Kuehn Sarika and Nitin Kumar Antoniette and Stephen Lam Nau Lam and Tam Nguyen Lisa and Tim Lambert Lynne Lampros Jennifer Lanier Denna and Edward Lao Cecilia and Edward Larmore Maureen and Jeffery LaTourrette Colleen and Andrew Lavery Kate and Jeff Lawrence Christina Le and Anhkiet Phan Amy and Chris Ledger Clara Lee and Chong Tan Daniella and Ryan Dominique Lee Joanna Lee and David Dornblaser Linda Lee and Sean Aggarwal Mi Sook Lee and Chan Hong Park Myunghee Lee and Seungho Yum Jennifer Leggett Susan and Mark Leonard Stacey and Mike Leuzze Michelle Lilley-Galvan and Bernard Galvan Cristina and Peter Lim Gladys Lim and Gary Meeker Lindy and Craig Lim Liyen and Minghua Lin Christine and Jon Linthacum Christopher Loos ‘12 Matty and Fred Lopez Yesenia Lopez Linda and Emil Lovely Susana Lui-Sun and Johnney Sun Lisa and Gerald Luiz Lupe Luna Mary Lyons Xiaofeng Ma Orla MacLean Marnie MacMillan and Brian Ruf Kelly and Philip Mahoney





2018 / 2019

Eileen and David Malandrino Bodette and Ronell Mallari Melissa and Robert Malley Liz and John Maloney Srivasavi and Rambabu Manchkanti Bharathy Manimaran and Manimaran Govindaraju Praneetha Manthravadi and Vijay Raghavendra Michelle and Steven Maranowski Rebecca and Jason Marinshaw Janis and Terry Marshall Esho and David Martin Vicki Martin and Kim Reynolds Kathleen Martinelli April and Ron Mason Kaitlyn Matherly Lisa and Brian Matherly Michelle and Craig Matsumoto Ethan Matus ‘18 Leena and Ashutosh Mauskar Ingrid and Patrick McCann Leela and Matt McDonald Molly McDonald and Charles Purdy Amanda M. McDonell ‘04 Orla McDonnell and John Gilmore Kelly and Dennis McHaffie Elizabeth McKenzie and Anthony McKenzie Katherine and Joseph McKinley Ken McKnight Niko and Matt Meadors Catherine and Dermot Mee Lamia Megdiche and Sami Ben Makhlouf Peggy and Pascal Meier Brooke and Mark Mendoza Mira and Marc Ian Mercado Jennifer and Noah Merritt Jody and Paul Merritt Katrina Mikhaylich and Mikhail Korolik Breck Milde Joanne and Ryan Mills Fatemeh and Mohammad Mirzamaani Ruchika and Vinay Mishra Lisa and Mike Mitchell Joanne and James Mollerus Kimberly and Jeffrey Moore Fany Moran Jenina and Brandon Moreno Stacie and Ernesto Moreno Denise and David Morrone Elena and Scott Mosko Therese and Robert Moss Pauline and Dan Mount Kimberly and Michael Mulcahy Seema (Roy ‘91) and Kirt Mulji Elizabeth and Stephen Mullaney Sheryl and David Murdock Charlotte and Randall Murray Pritam Murudkar and Rajesh Upalekar Srividhya Nagarajan and Sankar Ramanathan Mary Lynn and Marco Nakashima Jennifer Nakata and John Longthon Shazia and Shehzaad Nakhoda Sangeeta and Suneet Nandwani

Mamta Narain and Amardeep Chhatwal Samyuktha and Girish Narayan Jacqueline Nasser-Kolek and Robert Kolek Maria and Samuel Navarrete Sheilly and Servpreet Nayyar Diana Nazari Tracy and Daryl Nees Christine and Christian Nerb Christine Nguyen Christine Nguyen and Hieu Tran Kimngan Nguyen and Ashwath Shridhar Trinh Nguyen and Tuan Tran Virginia and Brett Nicoletti Nanette and Fred Nopwaskey Valerie and Austin Noronha Anuprita Oak and Nikhil Bhat Chandra Oania-Hopkins and John Hopkins Mary and Scott Oligher Filomena and Paulo Oliveira Christine (Brady ‘02) and Jason (‘02) Oliver Someng and James Olsen Amy and John Oosterhouse Angela and Erick Ortega Gillian Ortega ‘18 Gwyneth Ortega ‘18 Karen and Michael Pardini Shalini and Eshwar Parigi Mona and Kushal Patel Nirupa and Dipesh Patel Rohini and Tejal Patel Kalindi and Nital Patwa Rosita Patwardhan Jiong Peng and Yuezhong Du Shuling Peng and Pichang Hsu Michele Kelley and Adam Perez Mary Jane and Rick Perez Monica and Andres Perez Laura and Dale Pesavento Valerie and Harold Pestana Kimberly and Elliott Peters Skylar and Lissa Phoenix Stacie and Richard Pittenger Matthew Pleva ‘11 Cindy (Trotter ‘88) and Davy Ponciano Bhuvanambigai and Senthil Ponnuswamy Mamatha and Prabhakar Pooskur Patricia and Joaquin Portugal Rachel Prabhu and Christopher Marshall Lynn and Pete Pragastis Laura Presley Julie and Michael (‘71) Putz Rowena and Alexander Radich Devasena Rajamohan and Nilus Vincent Sruthi Ramaswami ‘12 Anna and Ruben Ramos Nimeesha and Yogesh Rane Udhaya Rao and Vardarajan Chandru Vidya Rao and Indrajit Lahiri Rima and Raman Ravi Robert Regan Ute and Alan Ren Beth and Mike Ricci

Pearl Rios Monica and Roberto Rivera Carmela and Ethan Robertson Anne and Jorge Rodriguez Bernadette Rodriguez and Chris Young Debby and Ken Rodriguez Susan and Jose Rodriguez Tina and Bradford Rogers Corina and Anthony Rojo Valerie and Paul Rokes Yeny Rosales Renay and Daniel Rosckes Erleen and Felipe Rosendo Dawn and Mark (‘87) Ryan Lisa and John (‘89) Ryan Jennifer Sabatino Monica and Anthony Saenz Besaint and Jagdeep Sahni Holly and Matthew Salkeld Anna and Jason Salonga Megan and Paul Sampson Darlene Sanchez Carol and Peter Sandman Vicki and David Sapp JoAnn and Theodore Schilb Mary and Ronald Schrotenboer Susan and Lance Scott Maureen Selvage-Stanelle and Scott Stanelle Annie Sequeira and Melvin Cardozo Muniba and Muhammad Shaikh Shilpa and Santosh Shanbhag Yangyi and Kevin Shao Cheryl Shavers and Joseph Agu Wei and Jianfeng Shen Amita and Pinakin Sheth Goretti and Lawrence Shifman Kazuko Shintani and Randall Som Mike Shum Beena and Vijay Simha Paula and Harsono Simka Elizabeth and Steve Simoni Melissa and Thomas Sims Kondal and Neelu Singireddy Ann and William Skeet Michelle (Alexander ‘85) and Larry Smith Roseanne (Lipari ‘87) and Jason Smith Natalie and Stephen Snyder Susan and Steven Sordello Ethan Soria Tiffany Sparks and John McIntyre Sruthi Srinath and Vamshidhar Kandalla Rashmi Srinivasan and Ramesh Ragineni Dawn and Eric Stafford Lisa Staley-Butler and Steven Butler Erin and Jeff State Elisa and Alan Steele Tracy and Lee Story Melissa and Ranjeet Sudan Akila Suresh and Suresh Subramanian Suma Suresh and Suresh Vegesna Minal and Bijal Sutaria Kim and Louis Taddeo


Jennifer and John Talia Maria Wilma and Ringo Tamayo Akaash Tawade ‘17 Ann-Marie and Lewis Tecson Liam Tecson ‘18 Etsegenet Teferi and Getayalew Tegene Shirley and Jose Telebrico Terry and Mark Tersini Mihret Tesfaye and Teklu Aklilu Niyati and Kuntal Thakore Demisha and James Thomas Nancy and Clayton Thompson Tiffany Thompson and Tom Chuang Kapila Thotakura and Srinivasu Gottipati Nandini and Ratan K. Tipirneni Paola Toschi and Paolo Sandri Mary (Neves ‘85) and Todd Townzen Kenneth Toyama Shamita Tripathy and Krishnan Anantheswaran Wei Tsai and Kit Sharma Theresa and Glenn Tsukamoto Betsy Upton and Craig Burrows Ana Ureno Kerrie Utsumi and Rob Wheeler Marguerite and David (‘79) Vachon Tabassum and Arun Vaidyanath Christie and Rick Valdez Jennifer and Adrian (‘85) Valdez Sunitha and Sunil Vallamkonda Yvonne Vargas Purnima and Sanjiv Varma Maria Nash Vaughn and Issac Vaughn Elizabeth Velando and Ricardo Choy Elizabeth Velazquez and Jose Huchim Radha Venkatesh and Ravikumar Ramarao Melanie and Anthony Ventura Mary Ann and Matthew Vernooy Cheryl Vicencio and Nomer Rios Soujanya Vissamsetti and Sridhar Vakada Denise (Alberto ‘87) and Christopher Vivian Zainab and Chris Vlahopouliotis Michele and Nelson Voelker Nidhi and Dinesh Vohra Aparna Vora and Pradeep Suryanarayan Heena Vora and Mukund Ramaratnam Lily Wang and Albert Huang Sherry and Wilson Wang P.J. and Donald Watson Munira and W. Alex Webb Christoph Werres Mona and Randy Whitney Theresa and John Whitney Viviane and Galen Wong Hyunjoo and Jonathan Woo Youngmi and Wangmyong Woo Cynthia and Sean Worthington Ava Wu and Lawrence Yee Haley Wymbs ‘15 Kendra and William Wymbs Hong Xiang and Wei Deng Helen Xing and Jeffrey Cui Victoria and Robert Yagmourian


Tomoko Yamura and Ying Su Hong and Charlie Yang Rui Yang and SengYong Yep Qian Yao and Cheng Yang Erin Yeaman Ava Yee Jean Yee and Larry Cheng Bhavani and Venkatesh Yerrapotu Hye-Yeon Yoon and June Park Robyn Yorke and David Specht Cheryl Young Christopher Young Kristin and Tim Zanni Lori and Timothy Zemaitis Jian Wen Zeng and Jun Xiu Zhu Vivian Zeng and Eric Ai Susan and Carlos Zertuche



2018 / 2019

Student Christian Service The Christian Service program exists to provide students with the opportunity to offer witness to their strong commitment to Christian values through service to the community. Each student is required to complete a minimum of twenty hours each year during their freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years. Through service, students fulfill their potential to be intellectually competent, just, faith-filled, respectful leaders as they serve others and work to bring justice to all God’s children. We are grateful to the following organizations that hosted Archbishop Mitty students this year. Aarti Foundation Abilities United Able People Foundation Abode Services Sunrise Village Homeless Shelter Academy of Music and Arts for Special Education Achieve Kids Acterra Adaptive Ice Hockey at San Jose Ice Center Adventures Cross Country (ARCC) Aegis Living African American Community Service Agency Agents of Change for Congressman Ro Khanna AIDS Resources, Information, and Services (ARIS) AiMusic School Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous Alateen All for Good - Operation Care and Comfort All Stars Helping Kids Alliance for Healthcare in Africa Alliance of Youth Leaders Almaden Community Center Almaden Country Day School Almaden Health and Rehabilitation Almaden Hills UMC Warming Center Almaden Youth Counseling Alta Vista Elementary School AMASE American Cancer Society American Legion American Red Cross American Wheat Mission Amethod Public Schools AMIGOS de las Americas Amigos for Christ Amigos for Guadalupe Amor Ministries Anchor Psychology Angel Love Angel Tree Foundation Angels on Stage




2018 / 2019

Animal Assisted Happiness Anne Darling Elementary School Arbor View Adult Family Home Artism Creativity Center As Children Blossom Therapy Center Ashoka Youth Venture Assyrian Aid Society of America Athletes with Disabilities (AWD) Atria Sunnyvale Atria Willow Glen Audacity August Boeger Middle School Autism Spectrum Research Alliance Avenidas Senior Center AYSO AYSO VIP Soccer Bagby Elementary School Baker Elementary School Bantay Bata Voices Bascom Public Library BASICS Bay Area Movement Bay Area Rescue Mission Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative (BAWSI) Bay Area Youth Music Society (BAYMS) Bay Club BBYO Beautiful Day Bellerose Convalescent Hospital Belmont Village Senior Living Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area BioCurious Blessings in a Backpack Blossom Hill Elementary School Blue Hills Elementary School Books 4 Children Booksin Elementary School Boy Scouts of America Boy Scouts of America, Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council B.O.K. Ranch Boy Scouts of America Troop 170 Boys and Girls Club Boys and Girls Club - Levin Clubhouse Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula Boys and Girls Club - Smythe Clubhouse Boys Team Charity Breakthrough Silicon Valley Briarwood Extended Care Bridge Builders Buddies The Bridge School Brook Knoll Elementary School Brookdale Senior Living Brookside Club of Saratoga Brookside Day Camp Cake4Kids California Native Garden Foundation California Province of the Society of Jesus California Real Estate Management California Riding Academy California Tamil Academy Cambrian Park Little League

Cambrian Valley Youth Football Camden Community Center Camp Campbell Science Camp Camp Costanoan Via Rehabilitation Services Camp Edmo Camp Fire Camp Gan Israel Camp Hi-Sierra Camp Imagineerz Camp Joy Gardens Camp Krem - Camping Unlimited Camp Shalom Camp Wastahi Campbell Christian School Campbell Community Center Campbell Girls Fastpitch Softball Campbell Little League Campbell Rotary Club Campbell Village Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church Capitol Dance Company Carb DM Care at Home Caring Hearts Carlton Elementary School Carlton Plaza of San Jose Carlton Senior Living San Jose Carolyn Clark Casa de Clara Catholic Worker Castillero Middle School Castlemont Elementary School Catch a Z Foundation Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph Cathedral of Faith Catholic Academy of Sunnyvale Catholic Charities John XXIII Catholic Charities Main Office Catholic Charities San Francisco Catholic Charities Santa Clara County Catholic Youth Advocacy Day CCIC LIFE Center for Social Dynamics Center for Spiritual Enlightenment Central Coast Kids and Families Central Valley Youth Soccer League Chaboya Middle School Chandler Tripp School Chaparral Ranch Charity Cars For Kids Chetana HEAL Children’s Village - India Children’s Discovery Center of Northern California Children’s Discovery Museum Children’s Musical Theater San Jose Children’s Recovery Center Chinmaya Mission Christa McAuliffe Elementary School Christian Student Missions Christmas in the Park Church of the Ascension Church of the Redeemer Parish City of Campbell

82 City of Campbell Recreation Department City of Eastport City of Fremont Recreational Services City of San Jose Housing Department City of San Jose Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services Office of Therapeutic Services City of Sunnyvale Leaders-in-Training City Team Ministries City Year Club Dust Club Rotario de Portoviejo del Valle Colista’s Daycare Comfort Care Home Community Association for Rehabilitation Community Seva Community Solutions Community United San Jose The Compassionate Heart Cycle Computer History Museum Congregation Sinai Connexpedition Conquest Summer Camp CONTACT Helpline Convent of the Holy Names Corinthian House Retirement Home Council of Goodness Country Lane Elementary School Court Vision Classics Creative Learning Center Crescent Medical Center Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High School Crossing the Bridge Cupertino Community Services Cupertino High School Learning Center Cupertino Language Immersion Program Cupertino Library Foundation Cupertino Middle School Cypress Manor Residential Care Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc. Dance Academy USA Danny’s Farm Davis Law Foundation of Music Daybreak III De Anza Cupertino Aquatics Decathlon Sports Club Delphi Academy Destination Science Diocese of San Jose Confirmation Conference Discovery Charter School Diverse Minds Doggie Protective Services (DPS) Rescue Don Callejon School DOXA Dream in DaLiangShan Dreampower Horsemanship Dress for Success Duc Vien Temple Dynamix Club Eagles Hall East Valley Church Sports Camp East Valley YMCA


Easterbrook Discovery School Eastside Neighborhood Center Eastwood Leadership Camp Ecumenical Hunger Program EHC Life Builders El Camino Hospital Emmanuel Baptist Church/GO Ministry Empoder Empower & Excel EMQ Program Uplift (Eastfield Ming Quong) Camden Teen Center Enlighten Chinese School and Summer Camp Enlighten Enrichment School Entreamigos Eufrazia School of Ballet Evergreen Area Sports for Youth Evergreen Barbershop Evergreen Community Center Evergreen Elementary School Evergreen School District Evergreen Valley Regency Evergreen Village Square Library Extended School Year Volunteer Program Family Giving Tree Family Supportive Housing Federation of Indo Americans The Fencing Center of San Jose Filipino Youth Coalition FIRST Lego League The First Tee of Silicon Valley Fischer Middle School Five Wounds Portuguese National Church Fletcher Middle School Food Justice Program Food Not Bombs Santa Cruz Foothill Preschool Creative Learning Center Forest Hill Elementary School The Forum Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types Fountain of Life Worship Center Freedom House Charity Fremont Main Library Fremont Police Department French American School of the Silicon Valley Friends Hand-in-Hand Friends of Children with Special Needs Friends of Guadalupe Friends of the Library Friends Outside Friendship Circle Front Door Ministry Frost Elementary School Full Circle Farm Funda Ção FÉ E Alegria Do Brazil Furry Friends Furry Friends Rescue Future Farmers of America Galileo Educational Services Gardner Children’s Center Gardner Community Center Garrods Stables GateWay City Church


The George Mark Children’s House George V. LeyVa Middle School Georgia Travis Center German Red Cross Gforce Gilroy Senior Center Girl Scouts of Northern California Girl Scouts of Northern California Troop #60255 Girl Scouts of Northern California Troop #61976 Glankler Early Learning Center Glide Memorial Global Computer Literacy Global Dental Relief Global Leadership Adventures Global Organization of Youth Cultural Ambassadors Golden State Youth Orchestra Good Karma Bikes Good Samaritan Hospital Goodwill of Silicon Valley Goss Elementary School Grace Chinese Baptist Church Grace Community Center Grant Cuesta Sub-Acute and Rehabilitation Center Grassroots Ecology The Grateful Garment Project Green Pastures, Inc. Grupo Volver A Vivir AA Guadalupe River Park Conservancy Guiding Light Project and Church Ha’a Hula/Te Reva Otea Manu Habitat for Humanity ReStore Hacienda Science Magnet Elementary School Hanchett Park House Hands on Bay Area Happy Hollow Zoo Happy Valley Home Haven Family House Shelter Network Hawkins Enterprises Head Start of Santa Clara County Heal Children’s Village Help One Child Herbert Hoover Middle School Hi5 Youth Foundation Hicklebee’s Teen Advisory Board Hidden Villa Hillbrook School Hiller Aviation Museum Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA Holy Cross Parish Holy Cross School Holy Family Parish Holy Family School Holy Name Society Holy Spirit Parish Holy Spirit School Home First Homeless Shelter HomeAid



2018 / 2019

Hongyun Art School Hope Box HOPE Rehabilitation Services HOPE Rehabilitation Services 10th Street HOPE Rehabilitation Services Alfred Street HOPE Rehabilitation Services Mountain View HOPE Rehabilitation Services Whittier Horace Mann Elementary School House of Hope Humane Society of Silicon Valley Hyde Middle School Ida Price Middle School Immanuel Lutheran Church In Our Unity Inclusive World Independent Peer Socialization Training Program for Children and Adults with Autism India Community Center Inn at Chateau Gardens InnVision International China Concern Ivymax Philanthropy Ivymax Public Health Group Jackson’s Son Rise Program Jacob’s Buddies League Adaptive Sports Program J’adore Jain Center of California (JCNC) Jake’s Wish Dog Rescue Jeanne d’Arc Manor Jeanne R. Meadows Elementary School Jewish Community Center Special Needs Jewish Family Services Los Gatos José Valdés Math Institute Joyful Ringers Jubilee Monuments Corporation Just Slough It Just4Kicks Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JRDF) JW House KAINOS Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Katherine R. Smith Elementary School Kathryn Hughes Elementary School Kids Embracing Hope Kids For Christ of Boulder Creek Community Church Kipp Heartwood Academy Kiwanis Pueblo de San Jose Korean Emmanuel Presbyterian Church Lakewood Elementary School Lasallian Foundation Layette Program League of United Latin American Citizens League of Volunteers Leaps and Bounds Parent Center Let’s Play in Spanish Let’s Play Chess Leukemia & Lymphoma Society LGBT Youth Space San Jose LGSUHSD CBI Program Life Services Alternative




2018 / 2019

LifeMoves LifeMoves Palo Alto Lighthouse Project Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Glen Manor Lions Blind Center Lions Club of America West San Jose/Campbell Little Heroes San Jose Live Oak Adult Day Services Live Oak Senior Nutrition Center Loaves and Fishes Family Kitchen Logicure Global Incorporated Logos Christian Fellowship Food Bank Los Gatos Calvary Church Los Gatos Farms Los Gatos Meadows Los Gatos NJB Los Gatos Parent Nursery School Los Gatos Recreational Center Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Luther Burbank School Lutheran Border Concerns Lynhaven Elementary School Lytton Gardens MACSA Adult Day Healthcare Center MACSA Youth Services Magical Bridge Playground Make a Birthday Wish Manor Care Manuel De Vargas Elementary School Marianist Retirement Center Marine Corps League Marine Science Institute Marshall Lane Elementary School Martha’s Kitchen Masonic Homes of California Meals on Wheels Mekane Rama at St. Gabriel Church Menlo Park Presbyterian Church Merced County Community Action Agency Merrill Gardens Merryhill Elementary School Mid-Peninsula Support Network for Battered Women MidPen Media Center Milpitas Food Pantry Milpitas Library Mission Network Programs Mission Skilled Nursing and Subacute Center Montalvo Arts Center Monte Vista Christian School Monticello Academy Moreland Challenger Baseball Moreland Educational Foundation Moreland Little League Moreland Middle School Morgan Autism Center Moriumius Most Holy Trinity Church Most Holy Trinity School Mount Pleasant Nursing Center Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz

Mountain View Day Worker Center Muscular Dystrophy Association MUSE Muslim Community Association Nanoseed Narika National Alopecia Areata Foundation National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy National Charity League National Geographic of Kona, Hawaii National Parkinson’s Foundation Nestledown New Ballet School New Beginnings Christian Community Newark Library Next Level Flag Football Next Step Ministries Nijjar Evergreen Group Home Nike Animal Resource Foundation Nikki’s Childcare NorCal Elite All Stars North South Foundation Northern California Chinese Culture Athletic Federation Northern California Speedskating Association Northside Branch Library Northwest Haiti Christian Mission Norwood Creek Elementary School Noteworthy Nourishing Earth O’Connor Hospital Okaigan Dojo Olinder Elementary School One School at a Time One Step Closer - Calero Ranch Stables Operation Care and Comfort Opportunity Center Orfelinato Hogar San José de Malambo Organization of Special Needs Families Oshman Family Jewish Community Center Our City Forest Our Daily Bread Our Lady of Fatima Villa Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of La Vang Parish Our Lady of Peace Religious Education Our Lady Star of the Sea p1440 Pacific Gardens Pacific Hills Manor Pacific Piano School Pal Cadets Palo Alto Basketball Clinics Palo Alto Medical Foundation Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Hospital Parents Helping Parents Parisi House on the Hill Parkview Nursing Center Pawsitive Connections PayPal Opportunity Hack PEACH Foundation Peninsula Volunteers

84 People to People Persian Zoroastrian Organization Peter Burnett Middle School Peterson Middle School Phoenix Volleyball School Playful People Productions Playing at Learning Pledge to Humanity Ponderosa Elementary School Pony People Portuguese Athletic Club Pragnya Prerna Presentation Center Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Program for Students with Developmental Disabilities Progressive Missionary Baptist Church Project Inspire Project Linus Project Mexico Protection of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church Queen of Apostles Parish Queen of Apostles School Quito Little League RAFT Rahima Foundation Rapid Run Middle School Reaching and Inspiring Success through Education Reaching Out at Cathedral of Faith Reading Partners Rebuilding Together Redwood City 49ers Redwood City Football Organization Redwood Family House Regard Regency of Evergreen Valley Regional Medical Center Residencia Universitaria Atuel Resurge International Resurrection Catholic School Rita Ledesma School River Glen School River of Life Christian Church Riverwood Grove Children Summer Program Roaring Camp Railroads Rolling Hills Middle School Romero Summer Program Ronald McDonald House Roosevelt Community Center Rotary Club of San Jose Fish Day Royal Family Kids Rubicon Children’s Center Sacred Heart Community Services Sacred Heart Jesuit Center Sacred Heart Nativity School Sacred Heart Parish Sadhu Vaswani Mission SAKALA Sakura Gardens Villa Salvation Army Salvation Army Hospitality House


Sam H. Lawson Middle School Samaritan House Family Kitchen San Francisco City Impact San Francisco Democratic Party San Francisco Marin Food Bank San Jose American Little League San Jose Chinese Cultural Center San Jose Chinese School San Jose Christian Alliance Church San Jose Christian School San Jose City Council San Jose Family Shelter San Jose Fire Department San Jose Khalsa School San Jose Korean Presbyterian Church San Jose Municipal Golf Course San Jose Public Library San Jose Public Library - Cambrian Branch San Jose Public Library - Edenvale Branch San Jose Public Library - Evergreen Branch San Jose Public Library - West Valley Branch San Jose Women’s Club San Jose Youth Advocacy Council San Jose Youth Symphony Sankara Nethralaya Santa Clara Carmelite Monastery Santa Clara County Foster Care Santa Clara County Library Saratoga Branch Santa Clara County Parks Junior Ranger Program Santa Clara County Teen Interfaith Council Santa Clara Diving Santa Clara Library Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Leader-in-Training Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Youth Activity Center Santa Clara Senior Center Santa Clara Swim Club Santa Clara Therapeutic Recreational Services Santa Clara University Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Santa Clara Valley Japanese Christian Church Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Santa Clara Youth Commission Santa Cruz Bible Church Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School Santa Cruz Homeless Garden Project Santa Maria Urban Ministry Santa Teresa Children’s Center Santa Teresa Junior Golf Club Santoor Ashram SarahCare Saratoga Library Saratoga Retirement Community Saratoga Springs Day Camp Saratoga Subacute Children’s Hospital Saratoga Union School District Music


Program Saratoga Youth Commission Sartorette Elementary School Save Our Shores Save the Bay Scholars Academy SCHS ‘80 Feeding Program Science Matters 4 Kids Camp Scotts Valley Girls Softball Scribbles and Giggles SCUSD Family Resource Center SCUSD Parent Resource Center Second Harvest Food Bank Sedgwick Elementary School Self-Realization Fellowship at Los Gatos Center Sensation Nation Services for Brain Injury Seven Trees Community Center S.F.V. Lodge Sharks Ice Shindig Sai Darbar Temple Shining Stars Respite Shire House Inc. Shoe String Theatre Shots for Success Soccer Camp Sierra Service Project Sikh Gurdwara San Jose Silicon Valley Community United Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity Silicon Valley Korean School Silicon Valley Urban Debate League Silicon Valley Youth Orchestra Silver Creek Academy Silver Creek Sportsplex Silver Oak Elementary School Sisters of the Holy Name Convent Six-Fifty Lacrosse Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation SKCharities Sky Ensemble Skylar Hadden School Skyline Healthcare Center SNAP Somerset Living Home SoundPost Youth Foundation South Bay Assistive Services South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition South Bay Community Church South Bay Dance Center South Valley Chiefs South Valley Fish Pantry Southwest YMCA Special Olympics Special Olympics of Northern California Special Olympics of Santa Clara County Squash Drive St. Andrew Episcopal School St. Anthony of Padua Dining Room St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church St. Brother Albert Chmielowski Church



2018 / 2019

St. Catherine of Alexandria Church St. Catherine of Alexandria School St. Christopher Parish St. Christopher School St. Clare School St. Elizabeth Parish St. Elizabeth’s Day Home St. Frances Cabrini Parish St. Frances Cabrini School St. Francis of Assisi ECHO Junior High Ministry St. Francis of Assisi Parish St. Francis Soup Kitchen St. George and St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church St. James the Apostle Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John Vianney School St. John Vianney Parish St. Joseph Catholic Church Capitola St. Joseph Cupertino Parish St. Joseph Cupertino School St. Joseph Fremont Parish St. Joseph the Worker Center St. Joseph Family Center St. Julie Parish St. Julie Tijuana Ministry Program St. Justin Parish St. Justin School St. Lawrence Confirmation Program St. Lawrence Elementary and Middle School St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish St. Leo School St. Louise Regional Hospital St. Lucy Parish St. Maria Goretti Parish St. Martin of Tours Parish St. Martin of Tours School St. Mary School Los Gatos St. Mary Parish Los Gatos St. Mary School Gilroy St. Michael Serbian Orthodox Church St. Nicholas Catholic School St. Patrick School St. Paul Episcopal School St. Sava Serbian School St. Simon School St. Thomas Aquinas Parish St. Timothy Mexico Mission Trip St. Victor Parish St. Victor School St. Vincent de Paul Society Stanford Taekwondo Starting Arts Steindorff STEAM School Sterling Dance Theatre Stratford School Student Corps Student Cultural Exchange Program Students for Society Study Steer Success




2018 / 2019

Summer BUG Club Sunday Friends Sunny View Bay Area Retirement Community Sunnyside Gardens Retirement Home Sunnyvale Alliance Soccer Club Sunnyvale CERT Sunnyvale Community Center Sunnyvale Metro Little League Sunnyvale Parks and Recreation Sunnyvale Youth Basketball League Sunrise Park Central Sunrise Senior Living Sutter Health Medical Foundation Sylvia Cassell Elementary School TAM Foundation TAP Program Teach Seniors Technology Team NorCal Lacrosse The Tech Museum of Innovation Technovation Teen Kitchen Project teensreach Terraces of Los Gatos Convalescent Home Terrell Elementary School Third Street Community Center TianMu Education Foundation Tijuana Mission Ministries Tim Tebow Foundation Timpany Center Tom Matsumoto Math Enrichment Travel for Teens Tri-City Homeless Coalition (Sunrise Village) Tri-City Volunteers Food Bank Tri-City Youth Group Trinity Infant and Child Care Center Tude’s School of Dance Twisted Monkey Performance Club Tzu Chi Foundation Umpja Track Club Union Middle School United States Youth Volleyball League Unity Care Group Urban Plunge Usha Kiran Charitable Trust Vacation Bible School Valle Monte League Valley Churches United Missions Valley Pines Retirement Inn Valley Sports Camp Valley Village Vasavi Seva Foundation Vasona Creek Healthcare Center Vedanta Society Veggielution Venture Christian Church Veterans Sportsman Alliance Via Services West Camp Vibha Villa Fontana Retirement Community Villa Siena Senior Living Community Village Harvest

Village House Village Square Library Vintage Senior Living at Silver Creek Vista Manor Vitas Healthcare Vovinam Walden West Walking Tree Travel Washington Elementary School Washington Hospital W.A.T.C.H. Women and Children Housing WCEO Summer Camp West Gate Church West Kids Camp Westmont Independent Living Facility West Valley Branch Public Library West Valley Community Services West Valley Middle School West Valley Presbyterian Church Westgate Church Westwind 4-H Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley William Regnart Elementary School Williams Elementary School Willow Glen Children’s Theatre Willow Glen Community Center Willow Glen Convalescent Hospital Willow Glen Little League Willow Glen UMC Village House Shelter Woodlands Healthcare Center Working Partnerships USA World Cup Soccer Camps and Clinics World Teachers Trust YES Reading YMCA YMCA Kids Corner YMCA Southwest Young Life Capernaum Youth Center at Starbird Park Youth Science Institute Youth for Understanding Youth Works Yu-Ai Kai YWCA Zen Center of Sunnyvale

86 Haley Jones ‘19 with Mathematics Teacher and Head Women’s Basketball Coach Sue Phillips ‘86

“During my time at Mitty, I definitely learned from success, but mostly from setbacks, which helped me be more fearless. Whenever we didn’t achieve what we wanted to as a team, it gave us more motivation to make it happen the next time around, and it fueled our fire to go even harder during practice so that we wouldn’t have to feel that way again. My best high school memories occurred alongside my Mitty teammates. They are among my best friends on and off the court. We accomplished so many things that many could never dream of, and we did it all for each other. These bonds of friendship will last a lifetime.”





2018 / 2019

Supporting Archbishop Mitty High School Memorial and Honorarium Gifts Memorial and honorarium gifts offer an opportunity to honor a relative, friend, or a business associate. Any special occasion – birthday, anniversary, graduation, and other accomplishments – are times to remember. Special Events Underwriting and sponsorship of events such as the annual Black & Gold Gala, Mitty Auction, and Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament serve to defray the school’s expenses of producing these fundraising events. Your contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. Bequests In providing for the school in a person’s estate, the donor’s lawyer should be instructed that our corporate title is “Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation of San Jose, a corporation sole, for the benefit of Archbishop Mitty High School.” Securities The best stocks to donate are those that have increased greatly in value, particularly those producing a low yield. Donating property that has risen in value and that has been held for more than one year results in no payment of capital gains tax on the transaction. Individuals can also receive an income tax reduction for the full fair market value of the stock. Please contact the Advancement Office at (408) 342-4226 for a stock transfer form and instructions. At the Time of Death During the bereavement period, friends often seek an appropriate means to express sympathy. The following message in the o bituary of the deceased provides an avenue to make a meaningful and thoughtful gift: Memorial gifts may be made to Archbishop Mitty High School, 5000 Mitty Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129. How Can I Give? Mail or drop off a check Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, CA 95129 Make a gift with a credit card We accept both VISA and MasterCard as vehicles for donations. Make a donation online www.mitty.com Click on the “Give” link. Double your gift by participating in your company’s matching gift program Contact your Human Resources Department to see if you or your spouse’s employer will match your charitable giving. For information on any giving opportunity, please contact the Advancement Office Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 252-3923 (office)




2018 / 2019

hail to the black and gold sons and daughters all. rise to serve, forever bold, united by god’s call. raise your voices and proclaim, loyalty and pride. praise the one that bears the name archbishop mitty high!





2018 / 2019

ARCHBISHOP MITTY HIGH SCHOOL 5000 MitTy AVENUE, San JOse, CA 95129 TELephone: 408.252.6610 www.MITTY.COM

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