MItty Magazine Winter 2012

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Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Inside this Issue



Leadership in Catholic Education Principal Tim Brosnan Associate Principal Dick Robinson Assistant Principal Keith Mathews Assistant Principal Kate Caputo Chief Financial Officer Jorge Helmer Executive Director of Advancement Angela Kelly Athletic Director Will Scharrenberg Dean of Students Jim Fallis

Celebrating the




Director of Campus Ministry Tim Wesmiller Director of Performing Arts

Mason Kimont Director of Student Activities Greg Walker Director of Publications Luie Lopez

Change of address or mailing inquiries are handled through the Advancement Office at: 408-252-3923 Winter 2012

Alumni News Advancement News In Remembrance

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From the Principal Outreach Upcoming Alumni Events

AMHS Publications Department 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, California 95129-1897 408-342-4201

Campus News

Archbishop Mitty Magazine is printed by Bluewater Printing Services, Inc. and is published three times a year for the families and friends of Archbishop Mitty High School. Questions, suggestions, or items of interest should be directed to the Archbishop Mitty Publications Office at the address below.

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About the Cover

AMHS celebrates Advent and Christmas across the campus and throughout the community. 1

From the Principal 2

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Campus News

Six String on my Back

Got a By Amie Jan

With the addition of the Schott Music Center last January, the opportunity to expand the music program was fulfilled this fall.


uitar 1 is a class geared towards beginners with no musical experience but is open to students of all grade levels and experience. The class was added due to growing interest from the student body. Previously, the only existing ensembles that include guitarists were Exodus and Jazz Band. Director of Performing Arts Mason Kimont explained, “We wanted to offer a music class where students would have the opportunity to be introduced to the fundamentals of music theory and performance without necessarily having any prior experience on any instrument. By adding this class we hope to encourage those musicians (or prospective musicians) who do not play orchestral or band instruments to learn and make music.” The guitar is not only a fun instrument to play, but because the learning curve is not quite as steep compared to many other instruments, it can be gratifying for the students to make music right away. Additionally, the guitar is an instrument that crosses many genres of music - classical, jazz, rock, funk, folk, just to name a few. Thus, it can attract a variety of students with diverse musical interests.

“The beginners in this class have made amazing progress. I moved at about a quarter of the pace these guys are going when I first learned.”–John Serrano ’13 The course curriculum for Guitar 1 covers the fundamentals of how to play the guitar and basic music theory, including how to read rhythm and notes on a music staff - skills that are easily transferrable to many other instruments. Most popular music only requires a few basic chords, so students are able to play many songs within the first few weeks. Students also choose a famous guitar player to research and introduce to the class, giving them an opportunity to learn about influential guitarists across many different genres of music. Although the class is not a performing ensemble, in-class recitals give students the opportunity to work in small groups, choosing the songs that they wanted to learn, arranging them to make them their own, and then tackling the sometimes daunting task of performing in front of a group. Winter 2012

Technology has played a large role in the guitar class, especially with the integration of iPads this year. Students are using their iPads on a daily basis, using apps to tune their guitar and read digital sheet music. Most students in the class are freshmen who began the class with little to no experience with the guitar. Others had some experience, but of those, almost all were self-taught. Junior David Ticzon said, “I had already been playing guitar before I took this class, but I learned some new things, reinforced good habits, and met some really nice people.” Senior John Serrano, also having had prior experience with the guitar, commended his classmates, “The beginners in this class have made amazing progress. I moved at about a quarter of the pace these guys are going when I first learned.” Guitar 1 class is a one-semester class and is the only guitar class offered this year. After taking this class, students would be eligible to take Guitar 2 next year, which will cover more advanced playing techniques as well as a deeper understanding of music theory. This program is sure to blossom, and its growth is limitless. 3

Campus News 4

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Campus News

Archbishop Mitty’s

★ CHINA ImmersionTrip

By Megan Walker, Religious Studies

Just one day after school let out last summer, 25 Archbishop Mitty students and five of their teachers embarked on Archbishop Mitty’s inaugural China immersion trip. Students spent the next 16 days teaching English to seventh-graders at a school for migrant worker children in Beijing, planting trees at the Engebei ecological restoration project on the edge of the Gobi desert in Inner Mongolia, and examining global business development at Cisco offices in Shanghai and the BD Biosciences facility in Suzhou.


enior Sarah Tsou describes the experience: “This past summer, I participated in the inaugural AMHS ECJ: China immersion trip, where, as a class of 25 with five brilliant chaperones, we embarked on an unforgettable journey throughout China, from Beijing to Inner Mongolia to Shanghai.

Chinese kids that we visited. Our experience taught us that we should build up a better world, instead of turning away from others simply because we initially feared that our outward appearances made us incompatible.” When they weren’t busy working, the group had the opportunity to tour Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, visit the Great Wall, and spend a night in a yurt, immersed in traditional Mongolian culture.

Words will never be enough to describe the whirlwind of emotions I experienced, and still experience today, when I think back on our trip–the Each evening, the group gathered When they weren’t busy after deep satisfaction of assisting in the our communal dinner of tradiworking, the group had tional Chinese dishes and spent the reforestation efforts of Engebei; the warmth of connection, as I chatted the opportunity to tour evening in prayer, reflection, and diawith locals and grew ever closer to Tiananmen Square and logue about the day’s experiences. my wonderful class; and most of all, the Forbidden City, visit Senior Anirudh Ramesh added, “I the inexplicable joy of working with the Great Wall, and was able to form a sense of camathe children of the Dandelion School, spend a night in a yurt, raderie volunteering with sons and daughters of China’s migrant immersed in traditional not only through my classmates but the people workers who, despite their hardMongolian culture. around me. As students of Archbishop ships, still thrive in their studies, Mitty, we are truly blessed to have undergone such an never losing their innocence and wonder. I would not hesitate to go back again–so inspirational and so life-changing was experience.” this experience that I will never, ever forget these amazing Senior Lindsey Scheller summed up the group’s experi18 days for as long as I live.” ence, “Immersing oneself in other cultures through books Whether they were digging irrigation ditches under the is nothing in comparison to living in the culture day by day. desert sun; debating the social benefits of globalization in ECJ China enabled us students to experience extremes of high-rise, high-tech corporate offices; or teaching children social classes in China, and to fully grasp the adversities to sing Over the Rainbow on a dusty asphalt playground; they confront in daily life. We made connections with a the students approached every task with enthusiasm and variety of Chinese citizens ranging from middle school compassionate hearts. Senior Jeemin Kwon said, “We migrant children to adults working towards the prevention learned the value of hard work in the Gobi desert, the of desertification, and every single one of them left an imprint value of perseverance in the Dandelion School, as well as that will forever encourage Archbishop Mitty students to the value of culture in the windswept grasslands of Inner go beyond for the sake of humanity.” Mongolia. China is about a diverse patchwork within one country, and I am so blessed to have explored it with my own tight-knit community.” Senior David Mace described, “The trip to China allowed us to see that behind the mask of cultural differences, we are one and the same with the Winter 2012

As senior Kathryn Dover said, “The trip was life-changing. I was able to broaden my horizons, and I now think globally and understand how the rest of the world lives. It will be an experience I will carry with me for the rest of my life.” 5

Campus News 6

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Campus News

By Greg Walker Director of Student Activities



Every school year starts the same. We deliver the message to seniors that as a class, they set the tone for the school year. Seniors tend to embrace the joy of completing their final year of high school with the realization that they have grown up and matured more than any group on campus. The hope is that these feelings manifest into actions of gratitude, appreciation, and unity, all the while making a positive path for all other classes.


hrough the course of the school year, Freshman Orientation, rallies, dances, Spirit Week, AMBA JAMBA, Monarch Madness, are just a few of the events that are put on by Student Activities for Archbishop Mitty students. It seems that as the weeks change, there’s something new happening on our campus. Our mission is to create a family environment for our student body.

Senior Sarah Lewis reflected on her time here at Archbishop Mitty as she began her final semester. “Take a look at our campus during Spirit Week or come to the Civic Center during Monarch Madness. Stand in the middle of our cheering section during a basketball game and witness what true Monarch Pride feels like. I can promise you that you will instantly feel like you belong to something much bigger than just a high school. You will feel like you are a part of a family.”

This feeling of camaraderie and togetherness transcends to our faculty as well. Math teacher Matt DePalma ’03 has been a coach for our golf program, a class and club moderator, performed in rallies, and is definitely a favorite among current students. “For me, Archbishop Mitty has always been about the people. I think that's what brought me (and brings others) back to teach. I’ve made a lot of great friends here, both as a student and now as a teacher.”

Our community embraces the belief that no matter who you are, or what class you represent, that unity and community are most important. That’s why after every rally, every game, we sing the school alma mater together in unison.

The Student Activities Office is also a gathering place for students. At anytime, it’s not uncommon to find students studying, playing board games, listening to music, or even sleeping on a couch. We encourage students to share the space, while being respectful of others. Our community embraces the belief that no matter who you are, or what class you represent, that unity and community are most important. That’s why after every rally, every game, we sing the school alma mater together in Winter 2012

unison. No matter how hard we compete, we’re one school–all together, all the time.

Freshman Christian Vu has already begun to embrace our culture of energy and spirit. “My experience at Archbishop Mitty has to be one of the most memorable experiences of my early life. I can brag about how Mitty’s spirit out-yells and out-lasts any other cheering section because I am one of the leaders of The Pit. And one quality that makes Mitty stand out from all other schools is its willingness to be one whole community.”

Archbishop Mitty is a place where students spend plenty of time. Sometimes students spend more time here than at their homes. I’d like to think that outside of practice time and rehearsals, our students simply love it here. It’s a second home for them. And we are happy that they look forward to spending that time with their closest friends–their AMHS family.


Campus News By J.T. Hanley Sports Information Director

"The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching" – Anson Dorrance, Head Women's Soccer Coach, University of North Carolina ➞


Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Campus News

➾ When visitors of the Brother Fein Gym


look up, they’re greeted with a ceiling full of championship banners that bear testament to the success of our athletic program. The question most often asked about that success is, “How does Mitty do it?” To be sure, Monarch teams over the years have been blessed with plenty talented student-athletes and dedicated coaches. But over the past four years, there’s been another “secret ingredient” that’s been added to that winning recipe.

ormer head football coach Dave Brown now heads up our Strength and Conditioning program, and he has seen the amazing effect that it’s had in helping propel our players and teams to even higher levels of performance. “When our kids see that they’re able to do things that they couldn’t do before, it improves their self-confidence,” said Brown. “They feel good about themselves because they know that they’re physically superior and that builds self-confidence.”

and Conditioning, I didn’t really think it was necessary. I thought runners just need to run. But the lifting helped me to strengthen and tone my arms, which is important for running form, and the quickness and sprint work helped me to become faster.” Rintala, who’s taken “S&C” since her sophomore year, believes that the results are easy to see. “We have physical testing in the class at the beginning and the end of each semester, and I could definitely see a big difference in my scores after taking the class.”

Coach Brown has been involved with the development and growth of the Strength and Conditioning Program since its inception back in the 2006. He, along with AMHS principal Mr. Tim Brosnan, envisioned a state-of-the-art athletic training facility that would combine top quality equipment with cutting edge training methods. Brown has personally overseen the design of both the physical space (located in the Caputo Weight Room under the football stadium) and the development and implementation of the course curriculum.

Fellow senior Daniel Mosco echoed that sentiment. A captain on the Monarch football team, Mosco has gained both athletically and mentally from the “S&C” program. “I saw my own numbers go up and it gave me a (huge) sense of self-confidence,” said Daniel. “It makes you feel like you can do anything out on the field because of what you accomplished in the weight room.” He also learned to become more conscious of his body’s own needs through the course. “We paid attention to how we felt, like soreness the day after a big lift. We’d tell our coaches and they’d give us feedback on how to deal with it and recover properly.”

Student-athletes began taking the first “S&C” classes during the 20082009 school year, with an emphasis placed on teaching proper training technique and form for producing stronger, better-conditioned Monarchs. With 23 athletic programs, that’s no small challenge. Said Brown, “Our program has to be multi-athletic and comprehensive. We’re building athletes.” During the first two years of the program, there was one level of S&C course, then “Advanced S&C” course was added in the fall of 2010. Those early days were a learning curve for everyone involved. Coaches had to be educated about the specific methods of the program, and studentathletes needed to be convinced about the benefits of adding something new to their schedules. As Brown put it, “… we found that there was a lot of culture we had to change.” Senior Olivia Rintala, a member of the cross-country and track teams, was one of those early converts. “When I first started Strength Winter 2012

As the Strength & Conditioning Program continues to evolve, coach Brown believes that helping student-athletes improve those types of self-analysis skills is the next logical progression. He envisions helping teach kids “to understand and improve their body awareness.” Brown wants individuals to take their basic prescribed workout and ask themselves, ”What do I need and what do I need to do to get it?” “I want to teach the kids about the science of training,” said Brown. “I want them to make decisions. I want them to understand, this is how I do it.” With Coach Dave Brown at the helm, the “Strength & Conditioning Program at Archbishop Mitty High School will continue to produce student-athletes who are more athletic, smarter, and better prepared for years to come. That’s great news for Monarch fans, and bad news for those who have to play against them. 9

Feature 10

Archbishop Mitty Magazine


A Holiday Look at Archbishop Mitty


he Archbishop Mitty family, much like your families, has a whole sack full of Christmas traditions. These traditions range from the silly to the spiritual to the sentimental. In this special edition of the Archbishop Mitty Magazine, we invite our alumni to relive some of these beloved traditions and the rest of you to enjoy a little peek inside the holiday hallways of AMHS.

Upon returning from Thanksgiving break each year, our students enter the front doors and encounter the very large Advent wreath that adorns the foyer—a visible reminder that we have, indeed, entered into a special time. From that day until the last final before Christmas break, we sing, we pray, we laugh, we serve, we celebrate—all in the name of Emmanuel, God with us. For those of us who have been here more than a few years, we anticipate these events, much like a kid on Christmas Eve. May the stories on the next few pages add joy and meaning to your Advent and Christmas seasons. ➺

Winter 2012


Feature 12

Archbishop Mitty Magazine


By Tim Wesmiller Director of Campus Ministry

tudents, faculty and staff worked closely together during Advent to create rich and meaningful liturgies to celebrate what Christmas season is truly about: Emmanuel, God with us. In celebration of the third week of Advent, the entire school gathered to reflect on how we as a community can “give birth” to Jesus’ presence in our world. The liturgy concluded with a challenge posed to the entire community: How can we, like Mary, respond to God’s invitation to “give birth” to hope and light in the world?

The longing and anticipation for the coming of Christ, which characterizes the season of Advent, took on new meaning for the students at Archbishop Mitty High School this year. During this liturgical season, students were eager to make Jesus’ presence a reality in their own local community. Through the school’s annual Food Drive, benefitting Second Harvest Food Bank, students filled 44 barrels to the brim with nonperishable food items in an attempt to help reduce hunger in the Silicon Valley. In addition to the ongoing work students do to promote justice within the wider community, students also took time during this Advent season to look inward and focus on developing a stronger school community. With the help of many priests within the Diocese, students celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation during student-led prayer services.


Advent in Campus Ministry

Teens for

Teens F

or five years, Archbishop Mitty High School’s California Scholarship Federation (CSF) members have been involved with a Christmas Drive for teenagers in our area called “Teens for Teens.” “Teens for Teens” is one of the few organizations in the Bay Area that collects gifts for teenagers. Many other groups collect for babies, young children, and families, so the “Teens for Teens” drive provides valuable resources to an often forgotten group of young adults. This year, Archbishop Mitty families donated over $5,000 in gift cards and gifts to “Teens for Teens.” On December 8th, 15 student volunteers met with other community volunteers and made the gift bags that will be distributed to Sacred Heart Community Center, Bill Wilson Center, EHC Lifebuilders, and other organizations in our area. By the end of the season, 1,350 gift bags will be made. 900 gift bags were given to Sacred Heart, and the rest were distributed among the other organizations. Junior Anamaria Falcone commented, “It's sad to think that other teens can’t enjoy the holidays like we do, that a Starbuck's card or a Jamba Juice card makes a big difference. It’s something many of us can take for granted.”

Our students are not alone in their generosity of time, talent, and treasure during this season of giving. The faculty and staff took a few hours out of their well-deserved weekend to volunteer at Sacred Heart Community Center on Saturday, December 15th. They were a few of many volunteers who helped Sacred Heart assemble 3,200 food boxes for needy families. It was a great opportunity to find meaning in the holiday season and spend some quality time with friends and colleagues.

Winter 2012


Feature 14

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

By Mason Kimont Director of Performing Arts


hen Andy Williams performed “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, I think he might have been on to something. Christmas season is probably my favorite time of the year in the Department of Performing Arts. Every day the Music Center is filled with the sound of Christmas music, and I can’t help but hum along. Ask any student, and they’ll tell you that performing music at Christmas is one of the many memorable experiences from participating in the program at Archbishop Mitty.

This Christmas season was celebrated in a few different ways in the Department of Performing Arts. First and foremost were the concerts that the music program put on in early December. With the growth of the department, we now require two concerts so that each group has ample opportunity to perform. The first concert featured the Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Vocal Ensemble, and the Jazz Choir, followed two days later by a concert featuring the Orchestra, Concert Choir, Exodus, and the Jazz Band. Whether attending one or both concerts, the audience was treated to the sounds of the season in many different styles.


The Sounds of Christmas

There is no better way to enjoy Christmas than being outside enjoying music from the season. It’s become tradition for two Mitty groups to try and bring the Christmas spirit to both the campus and the community. Once again Jazz in the AM (our jazz band) picked one morning in December to welcome students, faculty and staff to campus with the music they’ve been practicing for Christmas. The Concert Choir also selected a night to go caroling throughout the surrounding community.

Our biggest celebration of Christmas has blossomed in downtown San Jose. For close to ten years now, our groups have taken over a Friday night at Christmas in the Park, and that tradition continued this year. The Jazz Choir, Jazz in the AM, and Exodus each took part in entertaining friends and guests with Christmas tunes for two hours in the middle of Christmas in the Park. It is truly my favorite evening of the year. I love being in the middle of Christmas in the Park with my family, enjoying Christmas music, and catching up with alumni who have come back to see what Mitty’s Department of Performing Arts has been up to. Christmas is a joyous season around Archbishop Mitty, and hopefully you too were able to enjoy at least a little of that joy.

One of my favorite things about the two concerts was that the audience could hear the Nutcracker Suite played by our orchestra the same night they heard Gordon Goodwin’s arrangement of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!” played by Jazz in the AM. Both are classic tunes heard during the Christmas season, but the styles could not be any farther apart. Two days after the second Christmas Concert, our dance program performed their annual Winter Dance Recital. And while every dance was not Christmas related, the audience was definitely treated to Christmas music throughout the recital. And, the celebration of the season didn’t end there.

Winter 2012


Feature 16

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

By Greg Walker Director of Student Activities


hristmas is always a special time of year for Archbishop Mitty, and Student Activities tries to spread the “warm and fuzzies” to our entire community. This season officially started when our ASB members visited a local tree farm and picked out a tree for the office. This year, our tree (appropriately named Douglas Jarrard) provided the visual appeal and smell of Christmas for all students. Once the tree was purchased, our Student Government members took an evening to decorate the campus. Ribbons, lights, images of nutcrackers, and a warm fireplace were on display to bring the campus a look and feel of the holiday season.

The decorating party also allowed for each member of Student Government to create his or her own stocking, which was stuffed with gifts during our annual Secret Santa gift exchange. The week ended with a Student Government dinner, where students exchanged “white elephant” gifts and had the opportunity to discover their Secret Santa and to give thanks.


An ASB Christmas

Christmas in the Park

Tree Decorating A

rchbishop Mitty High School starts to celebrate Christmas six months early— with the Christmas in the Park tree-decorating program. In early June, approximately twenty students volunteered fifty hours to create ornaments and surrounding decorations for a theme tree, which was set up and decorated in downtown San Jose’s annual high school tree decorating competition in November. The process began with choosing a theme and creating prototype ornaments, which must be waterproof and sturdy enough to be exposed to the elements for several weeks. Students divided themselves into groups and took over specific elements, such as designing and creating the tree top ornament or building the large papiér mache sculptures. This year’s tree was a “Coral Reef” theme and was on display at Christmas in the Park throughout the holiday season.

But, the fun didn’t stop there. Our ASB students solicited wishes from all of our students, which created the framework for our Christmas rally, during which students and faculty received presents from Santa and Mrs. Claus. The only way someone received a present was for someone else to wish for it. Presents were not only distributed during the rally, but ASB students acted as elves and delivered wishes to classrooms throughout the day. The annual holiday celebration culminated with our Christmas Dance in downtown San Jose, where students enjoyed Christmas in the Park before dancing the night away. All in all, we in Student Government fully embraced the Christmas season and brought that spirit to our entire community.

Winter 2012


Alumni News

Todd Cronin Toral ’86 is a partner at DLA Piper, LLP (US), the

Alumni Bits and Pieces

largest law firm in the world. Todd is married to Kris and they have one son, Bennett. The family lives at Montclair Village in Oakland. A few members from the class of 1986 participated in the Tough Mudder at Northstar in Lake Tahoe on September 22, 2012. Team Club Mud included: Ron Cauchi, Justin Reilly, Robert

McAlavey, Mike Gabbani, Tiffany Broyles, Jose Castanon, Lisa Sheredy, and Scott Sullivan, with Deirdre Kelly as the photographer. Go Monarchs!

The ’60s John Engle ’68 graduated from Occidental College and received a Ph.D. in English at UCLA. John taught for a while in the United States but has been living in the south of France for the last 30 years. After years directing two different study abroad programs, he took a position as a professor at the Universiité du Sud Toulon-Var. John has written a lot on 20th century literature, education, cultural communication, cinema, etc. John’s son Liam is a 30-year-old filmmaker in Paris. This summer, John and his son are planning a road trip to the Santa Clara Valley.

The ’70s Mark Burns ’78 received the Archbishop Mitty Alumni of the Year Award for 2011. He was recently elected to a fifth term as President of PRDS - Contracts and Forms for Silicon Valley Residential Real Estate. The position involves managing a Board of Directors that oversees the operations of the company (PRDS) that publishes (print and internet) all the forms for The Silicon Valley Association of Realtors® and The San Mateo County Association of Realtors®. Mark also just completed 15 years as a Director for the California Association of Realtors® and was included in the Top 100 agents for Coldwell Banker Northern California for 2011. Mark spent a few days at the Musee D’Orsay, the Louvre, and The Cathedral at Chartres last winter. He went to the Cathedral to see the incredible artifacts and the 2,000 year-old Veil of Mary.

Jennifer Sundquist ’88 has a one-year-old daughter, Scarlett Sundquist Papillon Rankine.

The ’90s Patricia (Barton ’92) Harrold was selected as one of Training Magazine’s 2012 Top Young Trainers in recognition of demonstrated career progression in an accelerated time frame, proven success in meeting a difficult training challenge, development of innovative training solutions, consistently producing training results, and strategically aligning all training programs with business objectives.

Sara Traw ’92 and her fiancé Nicholas are expanding their business, Ascension Home Automation & Theater Design, and opening a showroom in the heart of San Francisco's Design District. The showroom opened its doors on December 3, 2012. Nova (Dague ’93) Jiménez and Tomás Jiménez ’94 welcomed their son, Marcel Oreste, on October 3, 2012. Nova and Tomás also have a two-year-old son, Orlando Ramón.

Jason Duncan ’95 completed his CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter) designation. He attended the conferment ceremony in Washington, DC in September. John Ballon ’96 was named one of the top 40 advisors under 40 for the NAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors). He currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife.

The ’80s Cynthia (Blair ’80) Sorci and husband Michael Sorci ’80 have three children: Jarred, 27, Chiarra, 17 and Edenn, 13. Michael and brother John Sorci ’79 opened Sorci Pharmacy in Los Gatos. The pharmacy celebrated its third anniversary. John and wife Jo have two daughters: Natalia, 16 and Jiana, 14.

John Faylor ’81 is married to Meg Faylor and they have five children together: Jacqueline, Mitchell, Grant, Vincent, and baby Jordyn just turned two. John is finishing his 23rd year in residential real estate. Darcy (King ’84) Tilgner is currently on staff at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Georgia in the children’s ministry. 18

Share your updates with us!

Visit to add your own class notes and read more about your classmates! Archbishop Mitty Magazine

son, Cam William Santos, on July 9, 2012. He was born at 6:43 p.m. and weighed three pounds, 15 ounces. Cam joins his dad, Matthew, and his brother, Cade, in their family.

Jeff McMillan ’96 has been working as a professional illustrator since 2004. Jeff has done paintings and illustrations for magazines, books, album covers, concert posters and t-shirt designs for the surf and skate industry. His website is:

TJ Romano ’96 and Marie (Spink ’96) Romano would like to announce the newest addition to their family, Samantha Marie. Born in April, she was welcomed by her big sisters Ella (4) and Katie (2). TJ and Marie were married at the Santa Clara Mission in 2003 and currently live in Spokane, Washington. Amalia (Vasconi ’99) De La Rosa and husband Nino welcomed their first son, Evo Antone De La Rosa, on May 10, 2012. Evo was 7 pounds, 0.7 ounces and 19 inches.

The 2Ks Megan Berki ’00 is recently engaged and is planning a wedding for April 2013!

Misha Chellam ’00 and his wife are back in the Bay Area after five years abroad. Misha is running the Founder Institute in the Bay Area, the world’s largest idea-stage accelerator program (for tech startups). His wife attends Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Stefanie (Wong ’00) Drew has a new job at California State University at Northridge as an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department.

Jennifer Moffat ’01 graduated from Harvard University with her Master’s Degree and has recently relocated back to the Bay Area.

Angela (Morrish ’03) Chung and her husband Evan Chung welcomed their beautiful baby boy, Jacob Andrew Chung into the world on August 12, 2012.

and William Watje ’11. Beth and Andrew are currently living in Portland, Oregon and Beth loves her new teaching role at La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

Nicholas Bruno ’09 completed the US Army Leadership Development and Training Course at Fort Lewis, Washington to qualify to commission as an officer in the US Army. Nicholas ranked in the top 10% of the nation’s nearly 5,000 officer candidates for graduation in 2013 and is a Distinguished Military Graduate. Due to his ranking in the nation, Nicholas received his first branch choice and will commission on May 15, 2013 as an Armor Officer in the US Army. As of September 29, 2012, Nicholas became engaged to Ms. Moriah Mosher of White Post, Virginia. Nicholas will graduate in May 2013 with degrees in International Studies and Political Science and Modern Languages and Cultures with an emphasis in German. Archit Kulkarni ’11 is currently a Knaster-McWilliams scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, pursuing a double major in mathematics and computer science. Archit was recently part of a three-member team that placed second in the Mathematical Association of America’s William Lowell Putnam Competition, the premier mathematics contest for undergraduate students. His team placed ahead of MIT, Stanford and CalTech. It was CMU’s highest showing at the competition in 73 years. The CMU Department of Mathematical Sciences in the Mellon College of Science will receive $20,000 for the second place finish and each team member will receive $800. Archit was also among the top one hundred students with his individual score.

Correction: The Summer 2012 Graduation Issue inadvertently omitted Brandon McMahan ’12 from the Archbishop Mitty certificates listing for mathematics on page 14.


Angela (Gulino ’04) Ver Poeg and her husband, Tom Ver Ploeg, welcomed their first child, Jameson Engel, on July 17, 2012.

Elizabeth Campi ’06 is happy to announce her engagement to Steve Powers. The couple is planning an October 2013 wedding at their church in Mill Valley.


Emily Cassie ’07 is starting her second year teaching high school history in Earle, Arkansas as part of the Teach for America program. Earle High School has a student body of 200. She currently resides in Forrest City, Arkansas.


Beth (Watje ’08) Elliott, is overjoyed to announce her recent marriage this past June to her husband Andrew Elliott. Wonderful Mitty alumni in the wedding party included Carolyn Blumenson ’08, Jenny Weiss ’08, Hana Silverstein ’08, Winter 2012

Mail To: AMHS Advancement Office, 5000 Mitty Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129-1897 E-Mail To:


Alumni News

Erin (Ray ’96) Santos would like to announce the birth of her

Alumni News



Events Saturday, January 26th Athletic Hall of Fame Induction and Dinner Aymar Events Center

The class of 2007 celebrated their five year reunion at Britannia Arms in downtown San Jose on Friday, July 20, 2012.

Saturday, April 6th Alumni Baseball Game - Bill Barone Field Monday, May 6th 25th Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament Cinnabar Hills Golf Club Check out for more details on all of these upcoming events and more!

Sarah Roth, Brian Witt, and Emily Motroni smile for the camera.


Chris Devon and his guest catch up with Johnette Besseling and Allyse Wicks before grabbing a beverage.

Brooke Serio, Hannah O’Leary, and Johanna Pfeiffer pose for snapshot.

Kevin Borge, Ronald Camposanto, Mai-Huong Tran, Melanie Lomotan, Johnny Hechema and Jonathan Mercado arrive in style.

Members of the Class of 2007 gather for a group photo!

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

A future Monarch shows off her colors and Archbishop Mitty pride!





Pat Malley, Travis Choate ’06, Grant Zamudio ’06, Mike Fennell ’06, Blake Zamudio ’08, Jason Triggas ’05 and Jeff Iwanaga ’07 gather for a photo at half time.

Winter 2012

Riley Burge, daughter of alumna and current AMHS staff member Colleen (Loftus ’90) Burge, has fun with the football toss.


Summer Stallman with husband Mike ’92 and their son Parker enjoy the BBQ before the football game.


riday, October 5, 2012 was a great night for all alumni who visited their alma mater. The annual “Under the Lights” football game and alumni BBQ had a special section for alumni that featured plenty of goodies for the kids and front row seating for the football games versus Bellarmine.

Rhasaan (Hicks ’92) Wilson and husband Marty ready to take their twin boys Ian (left) and Payton (right) out to the alumni section to watch the game on Fr. Jack Russi Field.


Alumni News



Reunions2012 The classes of 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2002 came back to their alma mater to celebrate their reunions on Saturday, October 6, 2012.

<< The Class of 1982 had a blast reminiscing about their time spent at Archbishop Mitty!

<< The Class of 1992 was well represented.

The Class of 2002 is all smiles for their 10 year reunion.


Alumni News



Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Alumni News << The Class of 1987 cut up the dance floor all night long!

<< Dresden Loafman with husband Chris ’72, Brenda DiPietro with husband Fred ’72, and Steve Camarlinghi ’72 gather during the cocktail hour.

<< Sylvia (Guel ’87) Ruiz, Sandra (Esparza ’87) Macdonald and Brenda (Streu ’87) Bueno reconnect before dinner and dancing begin.

<< Erin (Stapp ’02) Skarbek, Jennifer Fong ’02, Janelle (Rodas ’02) Harris, Breann Robowski ’02 and Kiely Schmidt ’02 smile for the camera.

<< A group of ’82 graduates enjoy their night catching up.


Jim Marsh and Karimah Tennyson-Marsh ’92 visit with Principal Tim Brosnan and wife Sally.

Winter 2012



By Patsy Mireles World Languages Faculty and Outreach Coordinator

The Genesis Outreach Program Launches

“I Camp AM” T

he Genesis Outreach Program is proud to announce “I AM” camp, a new and exciting educational opportunity for African American seventh graders. In partnership with Jack and Jill of America Inc., a non-profit organization focused on youth development, The Genesis Outreach Program will offer “I AM” Camp. Beginning June 2013, Bay Area African American students will be given the unique opportunity to cultivate pride, develop the necessary skills to be leaders, and be exposed to the possibility of higher education. This program will look to mirror the five years of success with the Romero Institute, the leadership program for high-achieving Latino students. Directed by Greg Walker, (moderator of our African American Student Union), this three-day camp will focus on student leadership development, cultural identity and awareness, and role modeling with successful students, mentors and leaders in the valley. Students will hear from Archbishop Mitty alumni


regarding their own experience in leadership, the professional world, and beyond. Participants will have the opportunity to gain exposure to the characteristics and qualities of leaders, then participate in exercises to explore how they can develop those attributes within themselves.

The summer camp is only the beginning of this incredible program. After the initial kick off dinner in the Aymar Events Center, over the course of the three days, students will participate in fun ice breakers, and will visit the Museum of African Diaspora and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Foundation located in San Francisco. Students will engage in discussions with alumni of color and directly interact with Archbishop Mitty students who are actively involved with the on cam-

pus affinity group, African American Student Union (AASU). The summer camp is only the beginning of this incredible program. After their participation in June, members of “I AM” Camp will attend subsequent individual days during the academic school year. These events include field trips to local college campuses and culturally inspired events, which will allow seventh graders to maintain communication with their Archbishop Mitty mentor. Given the focus of The Genesis Outreach Program to support students of color, “I AM” Camp will undoubtedly provide mentors with ongoing leadership roles, program participants exposure to various facets of African American culture, and alumni with the opportunity to reconnect with their alma mater. Anyone interested in the “I AM” camp should contact The Genesis Outreach Program directly at or (408) 342-4381

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Monarch Leadership Society

embers of the Archbishop Mitty Monarch Leadership Society gathered for the annual scholarship dinner on September 27, 2012. The Monarch Leadership Society honors parents, alumni, and friends who have contributed to the school by supporting facilities, programs, and scholarships that make Archbishop Mitty High School the outstanding school it is today.


Members have made combined gifts to the school of over $50,000 or have made a formal commitment for an established endowment or planned gift. Donors are honored each year at the Monarch Leadership Society dinner where they are able to enjoy some time with the students who benefit from their ongoing support. The featured speakers for the evening were Julia Rodriquez ’13, and alumnus Sam Kang ’01. Both spoke of the significance of their education, and an appreciation for those generous benefactors who have made it possible for them to attend Archbishop Mitty. Archbishop Mitty ASB co-presidents Allison Aggarwal ‘13 and Scott Mills ‘13 served as the hosts and Masters of Ceremonies for the evening. Principal Tim Brosnan concluded the evening with inspirational remarks on moments that matter and thanking our generous donors and benefactors.


Alumnus Paul Mifsud ’88 and his wife Micheyl (Nolan ’16), now AMHS parents, attend the dinner representing the Fr. Jim Mifsud Memorial Scholarship.


Winter 2012

(left to right) Rob Moore, AMHS Principal Tim Brosnan, Sally Brosnan and Suki Moore smile for the camera before dinner. Suki and Rob are the parents of Dallas’09, Madison ’12 and current student Devon ’14. Sally and Tim Brosnan are the parents of AMHS alums Casey ’00 and Ali Merino ’03.

AMHS benefactors and alumni parents Maria and Andy Pecota (Melissa ’05 and Mark ’08) enjoy the evening.



Senior Julia Rodriquez was one of the evening’s featured speakers

Jim Fitzgerald, representing the Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship, chats with alumni parents John Saunders (Joanne ’98) and John Ryan (Claire ’95)



Board of Regent member Mark Cabrales and his wife Julie (Casey ’12), attend the event.






he Black and Gold Gala was held on November 17, 2012 at the Fairmont Hotel in San José. The student performance this year included performances from the Archbishop Mitty Jazz Band, Exodus and Archbishop Mitty Royals dance team members. The Vegas-themed show included a hilarious video, written by talented Archbishop Mitty faculty members Carl Silva and Doug Santana, and produced by alumnus Adam Lopiccolo ’08. The video included Oscar-worthy performances by AMHS Principal Tim Brosnan, and faculty members Mason Kimont, Doug Santana, and Carl Silva. Cameo appearances were made by soccer star Brandi Chastain ’86 and Tim Kennedy, AMHS Men’s Varsity basketball coach. Comedian, actor and entertainer, Sinbad, returned to the Black and Gold stage for a second time and did not disappoint! His “hit ’em in the face” style of comedy kept the audience laughing for his entire sixty-minute performance.

Throughout the evening, guests were treated to student entertainment. Over forty students performed on the Black

Rick Williams, President-Elect of the Board of Regents, his wife Barb (left) and AMHS Vice-Principal Kate Caputo visit during the Principal’s Reception for event underwriters.


and Gold stage. Members of the Pardon My French improv team greeted guests with impersonations of some of Vegas’s biggest headliners. The Archbishop Mitty Jazz Choir Kind of Blue, sang to guests in the Market Street foyer. The Archbishop Mitty Board of Regents hosted the evening, under the leadership of board member Gwen Dorcich. Thank you to the Black and Gold committee members for their dedication and hard work and sincere appreciation to the event underwriters for their generosity and support. Proceeds from the event support the Archbishop Mitty General Endowment Fund, ensuring accessibility of an Archbishop Mitty education for students now and in the future.

SAVE THE DATE – Black and Gold Gala – November 2, 2013. Contact Sarah Janigian in the Advancement Office at (408) 342-4224 for underwriting opportunities and how you can help.

The Cavaney Family; Pat, Tami and Kendra ’11 pose with the evening’s featured entertainer Sinbad

Alumni parents Judy and Dave Sugishita look forward to the Black and Gold Gala. Dave is a Regent Emeriti. Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Advancement Student entertainers from the Pardon My French Improv group greeted guests.

Vocalists from the Jazz Choir Kind of Blue entertained the audience during the cocktail reception

AMHS Principal Tim Brosnan addresses the audience, and thanks them for their generosity and ongoing support.

AMHS parents Wim and Kate Elfrink take in all the Black and Gold festivities. Kate is a new member of the Board of Regents.

The Citti family enjoyed all the Black and Gold festivities. Those pictured include: Back Row (left to right) Thomas Glascott ’11, Thomas Glascott, Chris Citti ’76, Justin Citti ’02 Front Row (left to right) John Thomas, Adrianna Citti Glascott, Gloria Citti and Christina Citti ‘04

Student performers from The Jazz Band, Exodus, and The Royals dance team displayed some amazing talent and brought the house to their feet for several ovations.

The audience had a enjoyable evening that included an outstanding student performance and video starring our talented AMHS faculty.

Winter 2012

Event Chairperson Gwen Dorcich and her husband Steve get a chance to relax and enjoy the evening.

Sinbad returned to the Black and Gold stage and did not disappoint the packed ballroom at the Fairmont Hotel.

Mark Woodward (aka Elvis) and his twin brother Mike Woodward enjoy the post show music and dancing.

Students who staffed the registration table welcoming guests were (left to right) Samatha Swenor, Jessica Ferguson, Danielle Fishler, D’Andree Galipeau and Kalyn Simon

Sheila and Kevin MacLean hosted a group of friends who included (left to right) Marte and Linda Formico, Sheila and Kevin MacLean, Esther Nazaroz, Frank Weigel, Mollie and Steve Schott, and Karin Napier.




Valerie Aipui

Jerome Levy

Ewa Van der Coghen

Aunt of Mikeila Forney ‘16

Grandfather of Jacob Isaacs ‘16

Grandmother of Scott Redford ‘14

Kirsten Anderson ‘90

Budnie Mahadeo

Lucille Vok


Great-grandmother of Harrison Deal ‘15

Great-grandmother of Anna Schaefer ‘16

Robert Lee Armack

Carmen G. Martinez

Scott Wininger ‘86

Step-grandfather of Connor Arretche ‘14


Grandmother of Romelo Casanave ‘15

Mother of Yolanda Garcia (AMHS Staff), Rosie Taft (AMHS Staff), Selena Lopez (AMHS Staff), Grandmother of Anna (Garcia ‘91) Rodriguez, Ralph Garcia Jr. ‘94, Marty Taft Jr. ‘97, Amber (Taft ‘99) Loanzon, Michael Tangney ‘02, Katrina (Lopez ‘03) Montano, Dana Taft ‘03, Rachel Tangney ‘05, Gerardo Lopez ‘11 and Great-grandmother of Julia Rodriguez ‘13

Maria DeLuna

Steve McEntee

Great-aunt of Evan Lopez ‘16

Uncle of Brianna McEntee ‘15

Anthony DePalma

William L. McKinnon

Father of Matt DePalma ’03 (AMHS Faculty)

Grandfather of Kary McKinnon ‘13 and Colin McKinnon ‘16

Shamoon Beitsayad Great-uncle of Vivien Yadegar ‘07 and Akadina Yadegar ‘13

Jackierene Clark

Sarah Frantz Great-aunt of Kelsey Squarcia ‘15

Michael Moffat

Morris Goodson

Father of Jennifer Moffat ‘01, Brian Moffat ‘03 and Matthew Moffat ‘06

Father-in-law of Judy (Poe ’76) Goodson, Grandfather of Adam Goodson ’07, Ethan Goodson ’16 and Natalie Goodson ’16

Emma Natividad

Dorothy Grant

Anh Nguyen

Grandmother of Jacob Grant ‘12 and McKenzie Grant ‘16

Grandfather of Vincent Pham ‘14

Grandmother of Adrienne Ocampo ‘15

Gilberto Nunes Irene Gotelli

Grandfather of Dillon Nunes ‘13

Great-grandmother of Armando Romero ‘16

Ben Panconi Jason Heath Uncle of Isabella DiLisio ‘13

Grandfather of Anne Panconi ‘13 and Danielle Panconi ‘15

Barbara Hill

Tony Reyes

Mother of Monique (Hill ’73) Casper, John Hill ’75 and Mark Hill ‘76

Uncle of Olivia Rintala ‘13 and John Rintala ‘16

Vivian Sachino Marie-Liesse Lassauzet Mother of Marguerite Metzger ‘12 and Louis Metzger ‘14

Great-grandmother of Haley Wymbs ‘15 and Jessica Wymbs ‘16

Tninh Thao Yen-Chi Le

Grandmother of Kevin Tran ‘13

Aunt of Ryan Le ‘16

Diane Thomas Van Lepore Great-uncle of Leah Bacon ‘14


Mother of Cara (Thomas ‘83) Saich, Will Thomas ‘85 and Aunt of Jackie (Alfonso ‘79) McMorrow

Archbishop Mitty Magazine

Archives This photo survives from day s gone by at Archbishop Mit ty. Can you tell us anything abo ut this picture? Do you know these people? If you can enlighten us, we’d love to learn the mysteries of this image. Email us in the Alumni Departm ent at

Here is a sample response to our query about the picture in the last issue (left): “The photo was taken at a Mitty Retreat for Juniors and Seniors –I believe in the year 1973 at Rio del Mar –rented house for weekend retreat from Friday evening to Sunday noon.

Photo From Our Last Issue:

Photos are as follows: Fr. Roland Bunda – back row leading the retreat for the weekend. Sr. Anna Huth, Marianist sister – first row on the right Bro. Tom Redmond, Marianist brother and Mitty alum, ’71 First row and center of photo Bro. Richard – novice in the Marianist; first row on left Maureen Gray – next to Fr. Roland Doug Fine – third row from left to right # 6 Brian Ramona – third row left to right # 4 Maggie Hubbard – third row from left to right # 3 Daniel Morgan – second row from left to right # 1 Bro. Richard – former Marianist from Walla Walla, Washington –first row from left to right # 1

PHOTO taken by Sr. Barbara Buckley; Daughter of St. Vincent dePaul from O’Conner Hospital in San Jose.” - Fr. Roland Bunda, S.M. Pastor - St Anthony Parish Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii

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Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Way San José, CA 95129-1897

Leave a Lasting Legacy Become a Member of the Heritage Circle


he Archbishop Mitty Heritage Circle is comprised of alumni, parents of students and alumni, and friends who have made provision for the school by means of a planned gift. To become a member, simply advise the Advancement Office of your intention to make a gift to the school in your will or living trust. If you would like more information on making a legacy gift, please contact the Advancement Office at (408) 342-4224. In providing for the school in a will, trust or other vehicle of planned gift, pleased be advised that our corporate title is “Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation of San Jose,” a corporation sole, for the benefit of Archbishop Mitty High School.

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