AMHS Mitty Magazine: Winter 2022

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Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San José, CA 95129-1897


winter 2022



winter 2022





Archbishop Mitty Magazine



Winter 2022

20 21

20/21 Annual Report Edition




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Care for Creation Lessons in Environmental Preservation and Stewardship


Supporting Archbishop Mitty High School Memorial and Honorarium Gifts


Memorial and honorarium gifts offer an opportunity to honor a relative, friend, or a business associate. Any special occasion – birthday, anniversary, graduation, and other accomplishments – are times to remember.

The best stocks to donate are those that have increased greatly in value, particularly those producing a low yield. Donating property that has risen in value and that has been held for more than one year results in no payment of capital gains tax on the transaction. Individuals can also receive an income tax reduction for the full fair market value of the stock. Please contact Kelly Rodman, Director of Annual Giving and Special Gifts, at (408) 342-4231 for a stock transfer form and instructions.

Special Events Underwriting and sponsorship of events such as the annual Black & Gold Gala, Mitty Auction, and Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament serve to defray the school’s expenses of producing these fundraising events. Your contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. Bequests In providing for the school in a person’s estate, the donor’s lawyer should be instructed that our corporate title is “Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation of San Jose, a corporation sole, for the benefit of Archbishop Mitty High School.”

Thank you to everyone who helped make Archbishop Mitty home with gifts to the Direct Aid Fund. We are extremely grateful for the generous donations we received during the Season of Giving appeal.

At the Time of Death During the bereavement period, friends often seek an appropriate means to express sympathy. The following message in the obituary of the deceased provides an avenue to make a meaningful and thoughtful gift: Memorial gifts may be made to Archbishop Mitty High School, 5000 Mitty Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129.


Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, CA 95129 MAKE A GIFT WITH A CREDIT CARD

We accept both VISA and MasterCard as vehicles for donations. MAKE A DONATION ONLINE Click on the “Give” link. Double your gift by participating in your company’s matching gift program. Contact your Human Resources Department to see if your employer will match charitable giving. For information on any giving opportunity, please contact the Advancement Office: Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 342-4226


Dear Members of the AMHS Community: A few months ago I attended a leadership conference at a retreat center surrounded by the mighty California Redwoods. I vividly remember marveling at how spectacular and resilient these historic trees were, even after some of the most devastating wildfire seasons our state and region have ever experienced. It dawned on me that their strength is not by accident. These trees were built to withstand the elements. It is in their nature to survive. And so, too, it is no accident that Archbishop Mitty exists as it does. This community has been planted with intentionality and nurtured with the very best of Catholic education, a global mindset of service and learning, incomparable school spirit, and a whole lot of love. Our community can be seen throughout this Winter 2022 Mitty Magazine/Annual Report issue. Faculty, staff, and students are leading with faith by fully living the Catholic teaching of “Care for Creation” with their steadfast stewardship of our environment. The global reach of our community is witnessed through our virtual immersion trips and by acknowledging annual cultural traditions that celebrate the beauty of la comunidad. The unparalleled Mitty spirit is evident on the first day of Frosh orientation in the fall and felt across generations at the first home football game. And undoubtedly, the love is shown through the overwhelming generosity of so many donors, benefactors, volunteers, and sponsors who are part of the foundation of our existence. It is for these reasons and so many more that I know for sure that we are a strong and special community. So as we enter this new season, I pray you rest in knowing that our Archbishop Mitty community is built to thrive. Our soil is rich and ready for a new bloom. I hope you will continue to join me in watching how mighty we will grow. I can assure you that, just like those redwoods, it will be spectacular. May the gift of a new year fill your hearts with hope, peace, joy, and love. With deepest gratitude,

Latanya (Johnson ’92) Hilton President



Dear Friends, The term “school spirit” has come to mean many things to me over the years. In the traditional sense, we are a school full of spirit, pride of accomplishment, and strength of faith. We laud academic excellence, recognize exceptional service, cheer on our athletes, rise in ovation for our performers, and live out our faith each day. The spirit of Archbishop Mitty High School is second to none. The pages of this issue of the Mitty Magazine point to some of the many elements of spirit that permeate this special place. The spirit of stewardship directs the hands of dedicated educators who work with young people destined to be tomorrow’s leaders, passionate about saving our environment and directing the world toward a greener tomorrow. This same commitment leads others toward a re-imaging of purposeful experiences for our students, allowing them to unite in kinship with those near and far, creating impactful immersion experiences even while in the throes of a global pandemic. And that same spirit moves students, well, move. Whether running across a makeshift lacrosse field, scattering across the football field with instruments in tow, or cheering on the freshmen as they begin their new adventure in high school, the spirit moves our students to share their talents and ensure that that each new generation of Monarchs are welcomed and acknowledged for their special contributions to this place. And that spirit still calls to our alumni, who return to campus for reunions and alumni games and as parents of current students. Their continued love for their alma mater attests to the special place that this was, is, and will continue to be for so many past, current, and future Monarchs. And as we flip through the pages of the annual report, it is evident that the same spirit moves so many to share their time, talent, and treasure with our community. The ongoing support of our donors and volunteers ensures that the legacy of an Archbishop Mitty education will continue to be a reality for many young people seeking a Catholic, college preparatory education for generations to come. St. Peter reminds us in his letters to early Christians, “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the multifaceted grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10). The pages of this issue demonstrate the beauty of shared gifts among a community of people committed to the betterment of the world in which they live and grow each day. Thank you for entrusting your students with us, for your support of the good work done here each day, and for the ongoing beneficence for your alma mater. May God bless you and your families. With sincere gratitude,

Katherine Caputo Principal




winter 2022

Table of Contents CAMPUS NEWS

4 Care for Creation

Students are putting the Catholic social justice teaching “Care for Creation” into action as they consider solutions to current environmental issues. Read about how Monarchs are at work in our community.

10 Solidaridad: The Glue that Binds Us Together Monarchs in Ethics, Culture, and Justice classes gathered on campus for the school’s first virtual immersion trip last summer. Learn what made the trip a great success.

12 Scatter Band Takes the Field

They’re wacky with wind instruments… funny with flutes… and they have tubas: meet the scatter band! Read what motivates these students to perform.

14 A Space of Their Own

For more than 900 student athletes, practice was the only time they got to see classmates in person last year. Learn how the men’s lacrosse team used this time to make space for community.

Leadership In Catholic Education President Latanya Hilton Principal Katherine Caputo Associate Principal Keith Mathews Assistant Principal Jim Fallis Dean of Students Tamara Monson Chief Financial Officer Deepika Nabar Executive Director for Advancement Mason Kimont Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Patsy Vargas Chief Information Officer Eric Anderson

16 Feliz Navidad

Each year, the Archbishop Mitty community looks forward to Christmas. Read about our Latinx Student Union and some of their favorite family traditions.

18 Operation: School Spirit!

Enthusiasm and fun are hallmarks of the Monarch experience, which begins at orientation. Learn how freshmen and sophomores were welcomed to campus this school year.

Director of Admissions Katherine Wesmiller Director of Athletics Brian Eagleson Director of Campus Ministry Tim Wesmiller Director of Performing Arts Doug Santana Director of Student Activities Greg Walker Director of Communications Katie Helland

Director of Creative Services JoAnn Schilb


Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, California 95129-1897

20 Monarch Fest

24 Class Notes

21 Hall of Fame Game

27 In Remembrance

22 Alumnae Field Hockey Game

28 2020/21 Annual Report

23 Remembering Ron DeMonner

For change of address or mailing inquiries please contact Jenny Bailey in the Advancement Office:

CORRECTION: Sometimes we don’t get it right in print. In our last issue, we listed our salutatorian Anish Agrawal as a co-founder of Teach Seniors Technology. Anish is the co-founder of the Sunnyvale chapter of the charity, not the entire organization.



Students in Mrs. Fenker’s AP Environmental Science Class built ecocolumns to model self-sustaining ecosystems. Senior Caitlin Bergevin (left) took a measurement while Adarsh Ambati, Ava Casto, and Aspen Bain watched.



Care for Creation Lessons in Environmental Preservation and Stewardship By Katie Helland - Director of Communications

Senior Caitlin Bergevin took notes as her science teacher, Mrs. Janet Fenker, measured the dissolved oxygen levels of the water where a tiny fish swam at the bottom of an ecocolumn. The middle level of the column was filled with sand. On top of that, a healthy plant spilled over the edges of a recycled plastic bottle. In this system, the nutrients cycled through several layers, keeping the plant at the top and the fish at the bottom alive, and creating a self-sustaining ecosystem. “I like how we get to actually care for the plant and the fish,” Bergevin said. “It just allows us to really experiment with the things we are learning and make them more tangible.” Bergevin and the other members of her lab group, including seniors Adarsh Ambati, Aspen Bain, and Ava Casto, were working on ecocolumns as part of their AP Environmental Science Class. In science and religion classes across campus, students are putting the Catholic social justice teaching “Care for Creation” into action. Bergevin and her classmates took this message literally as they kept fish, worms, and sprouts alive. For Bergevin — and many Monarchs on campus — taking care of the environment is a calling for their generation. “Once we get to learn all the science behind what’s happening to the environment, then we can push for that in an advocacy project or different legislation,” Bergevin said. “Understanding something is the first step to trying to fix a problem.” Just a few buildings over, in Mrs. Lauren Matusich’s Ethics, Cuture, and Justice: Appalachia class, looking at how human actions impact the environment is part of the course. The Ethics, Culture, and Justice classes look at the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching — including “Care for Creation” and “Life and Dignity of the Human Person” — and explore them in the context of a region, such as California, West Virginia, and international destinations like India, Central America, and South Africa. The juniors in Mrs. Matusich’s class study the impact of coal mining in the Appalachian Mountains on people and the planet.

“Appalachia is one of the most biodiverse regions of the world,” Mrs. Matusich said. The region is also home to coal extraction, a process that leaves miners with black lung disease and destroys the environment. The course looks at rural poverty and public health, culminating in a 11-day trip to West Virginia, where Monarchs see the things that they’ve been talking about in class. Mrs. Matusich talks about “Care for Creation,” and how humans are called to be in relationship with all of God’s creation. “The starting point is the notion that all creation is sacred,” Mrs. Matusich said. “And God dwells within all creation. Everything is an opportunity to encounter God. That’s the whole sacramentality of creation. We can experience God.” It’s a topic Mrs. Matusich also explores with seniors in her Ethics, Justice, and the Environment class, which covers scientific topics, like biodiversity and climate change, as well as the correlation between human slavery and ecocide, and Franciscan Spirtuality of the Earth. Students learn to take scientific information and analyze it ethically, then reflect deeper spiritually.



“What are we trying to do?,” Mrs. Matusich asked. “The goal is developing a deep appreciation and gratitude for nature that will move us to make ethical choices about how we move forward to address the various environmental crises that we’ve created by failing to care for creation.” For students like senior Umaya Loving, the class has been a chance to reflect on her place in the world. When Loving was 4 years old, her family moved to Belize, where they lived in an earth house in the middle of the jungle.

When senior Umaya Loving (front) was four years old, her family moved to the jungle in Belize, where she developed a deep respect for biodiversity and nature. She is now part of Mrs. Matusich’s Ethics, Justice, and the Environment class.



“The earth is our home, and we live on the resources that the natural world provides, which is why it is so incredibly important to fundamentally respect, appreciate, and protect the planet,” Loving said. “Ethics, Justice, and the Environment with Mrs. Matusich is an inspiring and authentic class. It’s teaching us the important things we need to know in order to do our part to help this fight against climate change.”

“ From a Catholic perspective, we have a vision of hope. It’s the belief that things can be different, and we can make a difference. ”

Mrs. Lauren Matusich

Not far away, in science classes, Monarchs are talking about “permaculture,” or care for the earth and its people, and the importance of using a fair share of resources. It’s a concept Mrs. Janet Fenker covers in her AP Environmental Science class, where students use what they know about biology, geography, and chemistry to look at case studies in the real world. Permaculture is also taught in Mrs. Fenker’s Feeding the Future class, a semester-long science elective offered to seniors. The class covers issues in our current agricultural system, as well as what students can do to make things better. Monarchs also look at ways to maintain healthy soil and water and alternatives to the pesticides, which control insects but also harm farmworkers and wildlife. “The focus on the environment in this class is that we need to feed a lot more people,” Mrs. Fenker said. “The way in which we’ve done that in the past is not sustainable.” As part of class, Monarchs get their hands dirty, literally. Each student will study the development of corn, beans, radish, and peas, as well as various sprouts, such as kale, arugula, broccoli, and chard, which are ready to eat in under two weeks. “Students are excited about growing things!” Mrs. Fenker said. Monarchs also learn about more sustainable and humane ways to raise animals for meat. Then, they study alternative sources of protein, including bugs. An insect uses less natural resources

After noticing the ecocolumns created by classmates were often unstable, senior Kyle Hagerty built stands. He used CAD software to develop a prototype, then built the product for all of Mrs. Fenker’s classes.



They’re learning how to grow things without hurting the environment. It gives them time to observe interactions in nature and appreciate the jobs of the organisms that are there.

Mrs. Janet Fenker

than a steer and can be used to feed people around the world, providing humans with much needed protein. Mrs. Fenker lets her students sample banana bread and brownies made with cricket powder, as well as chocolate covered crickets and mealworms. “The students love these!” Mrs. Fenker said. “The chocolate takes over and they just get the crunch from the bug. They are a bit leary of the mealworms, but they’re combined with coconut and chocolate.” It’s not just in the classroom that students are learning. More than five years ago, the school started a garden with the help of the Nourishing Earth Club and detention students. Today, the garden is run by Mrs. Fenker, Mr. Mike Targgart, and the Garden Culture Club with help from Campus Ministry’s Cornerstone youth group. This summer, that garden produced more than 200 pounds of food, which went to West Valley Community Services to feed low-income or homeless families living in West San Jose, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga. Today, the garden is home to tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions, potatoes, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, pomegranates, melons, apples, persimmons, figs, oranges, and clementines. “Everything in the garden is organic,” Mrs. Fenker said. “They’re learning how to grow things without hurting the environment. It gives them time to observe interactions in nature and appreciate the jobs of the organisms that are there.”

This past summer, more than 200 pounds of produce from the school’s garden went to West Valley Community Services. The nonprofit provides food to low-income families living in West San Jose, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga.

During Freshman Day of Service, these Monarchs spent time working in the school garden. Each year, incoming students spend a day serving their community together. New friendships are formed and students share their gifts of time and talent with others.



An important part of a healthy garden is pollinators and students get to know the local bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds who make it possible to grow food on campus. Recently, members of the Garden Culture Club led Cornerstone students in harvesting fruits and vegetables, teaching them how to know when each food is ripe and where to harvest so the plant can continue to grow. The food went to West Valley Community Services where it will help sustain families who need food to put on the table. For students on campus, learning how things grow and some of the ethical issues surrounding resource management is intertwined. Caring for God’s creation isn’t something they approach from just an academic lens in their science classes. It’s something they’re exploring on an ethical level as they grow organic produce in the school garden, see mountaintop removal in West Virginia, or talk with farmworkers impacted by pesticides before advocating for better laws at the state capitol. Solving environmental issues is something some Monarchs will spend their whole lives doing as lawyers, scientists, and advocates. Mrs. Matusich hopes her students are able to wake up each morning with a sense of gratitude for God’s creation and that they’ll “enter their day walking gently,” mindful of the decisions they can make to help other people and all of creation. “The future depends on them,” Mrs. Matusich said. “Generations before them have left them a tremendous burden… From a Catholic perspective, we have a vision of hope. It’s the belief that things can be different, and we can make a difference.”

MEET A MONARCH: Adarsh Ambati ’22 Senior Adarsh Ambati is an inventor and environmental superstar. Over the years he has been featured in magazines and newspapers for his work to protect the planet. As a sophomore, he invented an affordable sprinkler system that reduces runoff in local communities. More recently, he created a noninvasive way to test amphibians for a life-threatening fungus. “In college, I plan on studying ecology and environmental science,” Ambati said. “My hope is through research and innovation, I can discover and innovate technologies to help preserve our environment for many generations to come.” Last year, Ambati won the International Eco-Hero Innovator Award from Action for Nature and was one of five finalists from across the world for the prestigious WIN-WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Youth Award. This year, he was named a Davidson Fellow and won the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes, awards that both come with $10,000 scholarships. At the heart of all Ambati does, is a passion to keep the planet green. Ambati is president of the school’s Green Team, which creates campaigns on various environmental topics, hosts guest speakers, and produces educational videos to share with the school community during morning announcements. “I joined the Green Team because I wanted to learn more about environmentalism within the Mitty community, but I soon realized that I also had the amazing opportunity to share and dispense my own green tips and strategies,” he said. In his free time, Ambati also runs Gro-STEMs, a group of high school students who teach science classes at homeless shelters and libraries across the Bay Area. To raise money for supplies, Ambati sells succulents. “Today, massive problems ranging from water shortage to climate change threaten the environment and, indirectly, all life on the planet,” he said. “Youth especially should have a vested interest in environmentalism as the destruction of the environment will affect our generation the most. If we as youth choose to ignore the problem, it will only magnify until it can no longer be solved.”





Solidaridad: The Glue that Binds Us Together By: Bea Scott - Spanish and Religious Studies Teacher & Academic Resources Coordinator

“Not again.” These words settled in with sadness once I realized in March of 2021 that, for the second year in a row, due to the pandemic, we would not be bringing students on immersion trips. I was disappointed and heartbroken. For students in Ethics, Culture and Justice classes and those signed up for co-curricular immersion trips, it was yet another disappointment after a year of missing and mourning countless opportunities. After a few conversations with Joe Connelly of the Center for Global Education and Experience, who has worked with us to plan our Central America trip since 2017, I presented the idea of a virtual immersion trip to Jamie Visser, our Immersion Coordinator, and Tim Wesmiller, our Director of Campus Ministry. The four of us worked to come up with a schedule and theme. Joe organized speakers from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, including theologians, activists, historians, artists, pastoral workers, and leaders of non-profit organizations. Because of Zoom fatigue, I was skeptical of how it would work— students in the Chapel watching the projector screen, students at home on Zoom, Joe and speakers on Zoom. Would we still be able to make connections and forge those relationships of solidarity that are so powerful on immersion trips? It would not be the same as stepping outside of our physical comfort zones and immersing ourselves in a totally different reality, having to speak a different language, deal with physical discomfort, and eat different foods. Yet, something special happened over the course of those four days. In a normal year, students often ask, “What service will we be doing on our trip?” I tell them that our trip is focused on standing with the communities we meet, listening to them, and then advocating for them upon our return. As Father Greg Boyle of the Society of Jesus, writes in his book, “Tattoos on the Heart,” the goal is “Kinship—not serving the other, but being one with the other. Jesus was not ‘a man for others’; he was one with them. There is a world of difference in that.” While there is a value in doing physical work to help others, and we encourage this in our service learning program, it is not the main focus of immersion trips. Since much of the power of the

trips comes from the seemingly small interactions that happen over the course of our time there: playing with children, going to Mass with the community, visiting the elderly, immigrants, and activists and listening to their stories, I worried that we would not be able to tap into those connections. That turned out to be an unfounded fear. The amazing passion of our presenters came through the screen and animated our students to ask excellent questions and make powerful connections. They inspired us with their example, their work with people on the margins and their challenging stories of hope and perseverance. One of our speakers, Antonio, went on vacation in Nicaragua and stayed and started Café Sonrisas where he employs blind and deaf employees. Another speaker, Gabriel, created art to protest the killings and kidnappings of protestors in Nicaragua. Madelaine, another speaker, stood up to the dictator in Nicaragua and proclaimed the names of those who had been killed in the violence of 2018. Another standout was Sister Peggy O’Neill of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, who has lived and worked in El Salvador for over 35 years. She had us say “solidaridad” aloud in Spanish and told us “Solidaridad means you become aware that people who aren’t even close to you are connected to you… Solidarity is the glue that holds us all together, that connects us.” What a gift to be able to connect virtually to this power that binds us all together. The Mitty tradition of impactful and life-changing immersion trips is alive and well and adapting to all the challenges thrown at us by viruses and changing realities in the countries we visit. Regardless of what happens in 2022, we will find creative and engaging ways to stand with our brothers and sisters around the world.



Scatter Band Takes The


By Doug Santana - Director of Performing Arts

For the Archbishop Mitty community, several traditions signal the start of the school year: Freshman Orientation, Back to School Night, and of course, varsity football games. At halftime, after the football players head to the locker room, another team takes the field. They’re wacky with wind instruments… funny with flutes… and they have tubas: The Archbishop Mitty Scatter Band! Music at varsity football games has a long history dating back to when our band director, Ms. Lauren Bevilacqua, was a student at Archbishop Mitty.

“It’s been a fun way for the band kids to be creative and to learn to work together to write and perform a completed show,” Ms. Bevilacqua said.

The process of creating this hilarious halftime entertainment occurs during the academic day in the wind ensemble playing together due to the class, where 47 musicians collaborate “We were under the direction of Mr. pandemic, everyone was to come up with concepts, write diaKimont, we sat in the stands and wore excited to get on the field logue, rehearse formations, and learn our hockey jerseys,” Ms. Bevilacqua said. music. This process takes about two to “There was a cartoon lion playing the and do our show three weeks for each field show and gets trumpet. I still have mine.” repeated four to five times during the fall semester. Ms. Bevilacqua has the Over the years, the school explored the Jessica Taddeo ’22 support of several student leaders, idea of taking the band out of the stands including instrument captains, section leaders, and the drum and onto the field. In 2016, when Ms. Bevilacqua took over the major, in making shows happen. wind ensemble class, the scatter band format was launched, and we haven’t looked back. What is a scatter band you ask? It is a “After a year and a half of not playing together due to the field show genre characterized by humor and based on a theme pandemic, everyone was excited to get on the field and do or topic. The performers “scatter,” or run haphazardly, from one our show,” said Drum Major Jessica Taddeo ’22. “The band formation to the next. This type of halftime show has become sounds so good!” iconic at certain colleges, including Stanford, Harvard, and various Ivy League schools. At Archbishop Mitty, the scatThe Archbishop Mitty scatter band has become a tradition at ter band creates a show around a topic that is connected by home football games. Each year, the program continues to grow dialogue read by a narrator. Previous shows have been and expand. So next time you enter the stands to cheer on the focused on Spirit Week or even movie themes — including one Monarchs at a home football game, instead of heading to the performance where students reenacted the famous scene from snack bar at halftime, stay in your seats and enjoy the show. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” where Indiana Jones is chased by a The scatter band will be waiting for you! giant boulder, but this time in human form on the football field!

“ After a year and a half of not





A SPACE OF THEIR OWN By Katie Helland - Director of Communications



I think we’re just really grateful for that opportunity to create space for the kids to be kids. To have a space for them to make their own rules, and hold each other accountable, and handle disputes on their own… It’s not about lacrosse. It’s about everything else that helps these kids develop as people and men who will contribute to society.

In a parking lot under the glare of construction lights, Alex Barber, a junior on of the lacrosse team, sent the ball flying past giant nets to his teammate. The sky was dark, but the smiles of the kids were bright as Coach these Monarchs did what they loved most: hang out with friends. For student athletes, like Barber, who is now a senior, sports provided community during the pandemic last year. For many, it was the only time they got to see classmates in person or to step onto their high school campus, following mornings filled with Zoom classes. “My teammates were amazing,” Barber said. “They were able to support me by giving me a sense of normalcy in the midst of one of the most odd and difficult times any of us had been through.” In a normal school year, games take place in the fall, winter, and spring. Last year, the rising number of COVID-19 cases across California meant games weren’t permitted for most of the year. When Santa Clara County finally allowed competitions in the spring —after a vaccine became available and the number of cases dropped— games usually played over three seasons were condensed into the last 13 weeks of the school year. At campuses across the state, fall sports, like football, and spring sports, like men’s lacrosse, had practice in the same month. At Archbishop Mitty, more than 900 outdoor student athletes, representing 26 sports programs, were working out at the same time.

The men’s lacrosse team took notes from elite high school and college programs and started playing box lacrosse, a game championed by hockey players in Canada when the ice dries up, in the east parking lot Mike Faby where they built the Lacrosse Training Center, or LTC. Using large nets to block off their space, they practiced technical skills in a confined space, where there was no room to be sloppy. The ball was constantly moving, which meant student athletes had to be ready to play any minute.

“You’re really giving kids the ability to make decisions, said Mike Faby, the head coach of the lacrosse team. “The more you get them to own the play and the culture — it’s beautiful. It’s magic. It’s also much more difficult to play against.” This spring, the Monarchs will be back on the field for their first normal season in two years. In addition to workouts on the field, they will be playing box lacrosse. Barber will be ready to play. So will his teammates. Getting the team back together means more fun is ahead. For Coach Faby, it’s one more chance for his student-athletes to build friendships and grow. “I think we’re just really grateful for that opportunity to create space for the kids to be kids,” Coach Faby said. “To have a space for them to make their own rules, and hold each other accountable, and handle disputes on their own… It’s not about lacrosse. It’s about everything else that helps these kids develop as people and men who will contribute to society.”

Junior Lucas Leaverton, sophomore Ryan Piert, senior Alex Barber, and junior Cole Kelly were part of the men’s lacrosse team last year. They practiced in the Lacrosse Training Center and will be back there and on the field this spring.



Feliz Navidad

from the Latinx Student Union By: Patsy Vargas - Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Each year, the Archbishop Mitty community looks forward to the holidays and the opportunity to celebrate Christmas. During this time of year, families gather together, continue traditions, and create new memories. As Catholics, we acknowledge the birth of Christ and remember this day in a special way. their iPads and draw an original Christmas tree. Gift cards Here on campus, the Latinx Student Union works directly with and other prizes are awarded to the students with the best Campus Ministry to organize a celebration for the feast day of drawings. The meeting ends with our annual group picture. Our Lady of Guadalupe, or Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, with a Mass on December 12th. In Latinx communities throughout Outside of school, many families in the Latin America and in the United States, Latin American tradition come together this day is just as important as Christmas. to make tamales in preparation for a Many families attend Mass starting at LSU students gather to grand celebration on Christmas Eve. midnight, often arriving to a colorful decorate an altar for These tamales will be eaten at the strike congregation with a mariachi band of midnight, along with other holiday la Virgen de Guadalupe playing the traditional birthday hymn treats such as buñuelos, a Mexican of “Las Mañanitas.” Though AMHS in the Chapel. dessert. Senior Abigail Hernandez’s does not host a mariachi band, LSU Poinsettias and red roses favorite part of Christmas is making students gather to decorate an altar for la Virgen de Guadalupe in the Chapel. decorate an image symbolizing tamales with her family and watching Christmas movies. For Hernandez, Poinsettias and red roses decorate an the story in which she Christmas morning is celebrated with image symbolizing the story in which Mass and the opening of presents. Senior Our Lady appeared before an Indigenous appeared before an Akzel Alfaro also enjoys Christmas person named Juan Diego in what is now Indigenous person named because it means extra time spent with considered Mexico City. Juan Diego in what is now his mom and grandma. The Christmas celebration does not considered Mexico City. Just a few days later, on New Year’s Eve, end there. At AMHS, we continue or Noche Vieja, families gather, saluting the Christmas traditions by bringing the New Year with a hug and kiss on the together the Black Student Union and cheek along with a cup of twelve grapes to be finished within Latinx Student Union. Before dismissal after a semester of the first minute of the new year to ensure a year of luck and hard work, the clubs throw their annual Christmas sweater prosperity. Some more adventurous family and friends come party! Students arrive in the Monarch Room with their with a suitcase to take for a walk around the block to assure a colorful attire and an abundance of Christmas spirit. Club well-traveled year to come. On behalf of the Latinx Student moderators provide donuts as students share their plans for Union: Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, the upcoming break with Christmas carols such as “Silent Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays! Have a safe and Night,” “This Christmas” by Donny Hathaway, and the wonderful season! popular “Feliz Navidad” by Jose Feliciano playing in the background. Students are given 15 minutes to take out



Students from the Latinx Student Union, formerly known as the LASU, were led by Monarch Monica (Lares ’99) Sharrett and Mrs. Peggy Lemak in creating this painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which hangs in the Chapel.



OPERATION: SCHOOL SPIRIT! By Greg Walker - Director of Student Activities

When the school year started, we celebrated being back on campus together again. We looked forward to putting “distance learning” behind us and getting back to normal. But, after having been away for over a full calendar year, what exactly was “normal” supposed to look like? We knew that our students had an expectation of rich traditions and spirit events, but how would we pull them off, and what needed to be different? That was our task as we entered the school year and welcomed our newest students.



Traditionally, the beginning of the school year starts with Freshman Orientation, as we welcome Monarchs to their high school experience with great enthusiasm. But this year was different because we recognized our sophomore class did not experience orientation during their first days of high school, since they started the year entirely remote. So, with the help of a group of enthusiastic seniors, we gave the Class of 2024 their own proper introduction to campus with a special orientation. Sophomores were met with the customary honking of horns and were greeted by upperclassmen holding signs as they entered our west parking lot. The day provided an opportunity for students to meet one another, understand what school was going to be like on campus, find their classrooms, and just have some fun. We made sure students were wearing masks and properly socially distanced. The students seemed to enjoy themselves and embraced their time on campus. The days following Sophomore Orientation were devoted to our freshmen, the Class of 2025, and we allowed them to transition into high school in a way that only Archbishop Mitty

can. Upperclassmen gave up their last days of summer to be Freshman Orientation leaders who helped our new students feel welcome on campus. The orientation was filled with outside gatherings, games, opportunities to meet other students, and information about what it means to be a Monarch and how that translates into our daily activities. It was wonderful to see our older students remembering their first days of high school and making sure our newest Monarchs felt taken care of and supported. From a Student Activities perspective, school spirit and enthusiasm are hallmarks of the Archbishop Mitty experience. Orientation helps new students understand and embrace this attitude starting with their very first days on campus. We want students to feel at home and confident that they made the right choice in attending Archbishop Mitty. While school spirit extends to rallies and dances — and even Spirit Week— there’s no doubt that this energy begins with the community welcoming our youngest Monarchs to their new home starting with their very first hours on campus. Welcome home, Monarchs!



Monarch Fest

The classes of 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2010, and 2011 gathered to celebrate milestone reunions during Alumni Weekend on Saturday, October 2nd. Close to 250 attendees returned to campus for Monarch Fest. The event provided an opportunity for alumni to connect with classmates, friends, and beloved faculty. Each reunion class had a designated part of campus to host a pre-celebration, including appetizers and drinks, prior to gathering in the center of campus for the main activities. The heart of campus was transformed into a celebratory space, complete with music, food trucks, beer and wine tasting, and a kids zone. Alumni also had the opportunity to walk the campus, take candid pictures at the photo booth, and stroll down memory lane with old classmates. More than a dozen current or retired faculty members joined the festivities, including AMHS President Latanya (Johnson ’92) Hilton, AMHS Principal Kate Caputo, Associate Principal Keith Mathews, Dean of Students Tamara Monson ’97, retired Physical Education Teacher, Strength and Conditioning Coach, and Head Football Coach David Brown ’71, Science Teacher Tom Motroni, ARC Coordinator, Religious Studies, and World Languages Teacher Bea Scott, Mathematics Teacher Matt Haniger ’85, and many more. Monarchs, be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s Monarch Fest: Saturday, October 1st, 2022.

Retired Physical Education Teacher, Strength and Conditioning Coach, and Head Football Coach Dave Brown ’71 and a group of alumni gathered for a quick picture while beer and wine tasting.

Members of the Class of 1981 gathered by the food trucks and reminisced over old yearbooks.

Alumni from the Class of 2011 gathered on the Elfrink Terrace to enjoy dinner with a view of campus.

President Latanya (Johnson ’92) Hilton and Executive Director for Advancement Mason Kimont caught up with Monarch Erin (O’Connor ’00) Ryan.


The Class of 1971 gathered for a picture as they celebrated their 50-year reunion.

A group of alumni celebrating their 30-year reunion couldn’t stop smiling while reminiscing about their high school years.


The annual Hall of Fame Football Game took place on Friday, October, 8th, as the Monarchs took on Bellarmine on the Father Jack Russi Field at Archbishop Mitty High School. Each year, alumni are invited back to campus for the night football game to reminisce and reconnect. For the fourth year in a row, the Athletics Department welcomed back Hall of Fame members for a pre-game reception in the Sobrato Center. The night was a great success as a large portion of the AMHS community united to cheer on the Monarchs!




1. “The Pit” cheering section was full of students and energy.



2. John Faylor ’81, AMHS President Emeritus Tim Brosnan, Dave Brown ’71, Dan Stapp ’75, Steve Koontz ’83, and Sally Brosnan stopped to take a photo. 3. Students cheered with Archie in “The Pit” during the annual night football game. 4. Hall of Fame members Larry Lorenz ’68, Jim Fitzgerald, and Steve Gera ’68 posed for a picture while reminiscing in the Sobrato Center. 5. Quarterback and junior Wills Towers threw a pass while on the run. 6. Senior Taron Thang ran with the ball under the lights.


7. Members of “The Pit” stopped for a photo on their way to the football game. 8. The AMHS dance squad, The Royals, put on a great halftime show.





On Saturday, October 2nd, alumnae joined the current varsity field hockey team for a fun scrimmage at Father Jack Russi Field. After the game, alumnae, current players, and parents enjoyed a barbecue lunch catered by Sam’s Bar-B-Que.

Alumnae and the current varsity field hockey team gathered together after the game to take a picture.

Dominique Johnston ’10 laid a block tackle on current varsity player Matilda Genevriere while Emilie (Soares ’10) Marino watched.


Alumnae snapped a picture of Casey McIntyre ’20, Nicole Johnston ’14, Dominique Johnston ’10, Emilie (Soares ’10) Marino, Jamie Garland ’07, and Aidan Byrnes ’14 before the game started.

Remembering Ron DeMonner Longtime football coach Ron DeMonner passed away last spring at the age of 79 after a battle with cancer. He was known for coaching Monarchs to be great athletes and even better people. During his years on campus, Coach DeMonner inspired many football players. “He was somebody who gave you a really great foundation, not just for football but for life… His whole persona was around the development of a team, doing your job, accepting challenges, and working as hard as you could to achieve a goal,” said Dave Brown ’71, who was part of Coach DeMonner’s first varsity football team on campus. “Aside from my father, he was the most influential man in my life.” Coach DeMonner created a philosophy for the school’s football team that stood the test of time and was used for more than three decades from 1969 through the early 2000s.

He taught Monarchs they were in control of their destiny and could meet any challenge “head on with a maximum effort to a final outcome.” This coaching philosophy proved so impactful it was adopted by the following two head coaches: Jim Williams and Dave Brown ’71. In 1998, Coach DeMonner joined the very first class of the AMHS Hall of Fame. He is survived by his wife, Karen, who taught English on campus, and three sons — Nick DeMonner, Matt DeMonner ’82, and Sean DeMonner ’85— and the many Monarchs who benefited from his coaching.




Top Golf San Jose Tuesday, February 1, 2022 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Wednesday, March 23 through Sunday, March 27, 2022

Thomas Fogarty Winery Saturday, March 26, 2022 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

For more information visit

WINTER 2022 23


Share your updates with us!


Frank’s family is currently living in Grass Valley, where they have been since 1987. He and his wife, Susan, celebrated their 50th anniversary in July. JOHN ENGLE A retired professor from the Université de Toulon, John has been following his wife around as she has done wonderful one-year stints in Washington, D.C. and Southern California. They are back in France now, splitting time between home in Marseille and a little place in Paris. John still writes a lot, most recently an article in the academic journal, Twentieth Century Literature, which was mentioned in a recent Vanity Fair piece, named “Mademoiselle from Malibu: 18th Century Pastoral Romance, H-Bombs, and the Collaborative, Intertextual Gidget.”



retired in 2015. He now spends summers in Montana, where his wife was born and still has family.


MARK LEET Last year, Mark sold his home in Woodside and bought a horse farm near Asheville, North Carolina. He spent most of his life in Cupertino, which at that time was surrounded by orchards but is now all cement and high tech companies. He and his family are now surrounded by farms and rivers again. Mark closed his San Francisco studio but is still doing photography in North Carolina. He converted his barn into another photo studio. It’s very different here, but the slower pace is intoxicating. Best of luck to all the Mitty grads in California!

Visit to add your class note!



launched a new company last year called InPhone. He is excited for this new venture. Steve also got engaged this year with plans to marry in 2022.


SUE BIRGE has been living on the Oregon coast for many years now. She is slowly approaching retirement from a very fulfilling career as an echocardiographer. She recently gathered in Montrose, Colorado, with her siblings John Birge, Peggy (Birge) Carey, Jean (Birge) Jarosz, and Mary (Birge) Arnold. Sue has a dream of learning to fly, which perhaps she will pursue when she retires. She is looking forward to the 50th reunion in a few years!



has a work optional lifestyle, where he enjoys creating income distribution strategies for people looking to retire at his small firm, Cornerstone Financial Group. He also runs an assisted living community. Craig and his wife, Margaret, have been riding around the United States on his Harley and recently enjoyed a great vacation with their daughters in Spain! Craig lives by his motto, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”! This has been another whirlwind year, and Craig is thankful to be healthy, happy, and surrounded by family.



CHUCK BLAIR moved to Bakersfield in 2019. He is a senior agent with Redfin and still coaches baseball at Bakersfield High School. He is loving life with his wife, Robyn, and their English Bulldogs, Butkus and Apollo.



fifth grade in San Ysidro, and volunteering with Baja Bound, building houses in Ensenada, Mexico. She is on the board of the Baja Educational Initiative, helping to provide scholarships for the children of local agricultural workers. This year, Nancy also published in several literary magazines and was one of the top 10 winners of the San Diego Decameron Project, which examined pandemicrelated themes in writing.







has been working with Anthony Robbins for the last 21 years as a coach and consultant. He spent eight years in Cancun, Mexico and put three kids through Catholic school. Later, Craig relocated to Orlando, Florida. He got divorced in 2020. Craig has been training in Kenpo Karate since 2016. When he is not working, he spends most of his free time riding his Harley and enjoying a good cigar.

has a new job as a regional marketing leader for Automation Anywhere. She is thoroughly enjoying being a mom to her two girls, who are eight and nine years old. Jennifer and her family were at Monarch Fest just a few months ago, where they caught up with friends and old classmates.

is in the second year of her doctorate in educational policy and evaluation at Arizona State University as a Project Include Fellowship Scholar. She is also a fellow for Leading for Change under the direction of Senator Krysten Sinema. Michelle enjoys doing volunteer work for Save Our Schools Arizona and the Special Olympics. This summer, she will be traveling to Peru with the National Education Association Foundation as a Global Learning Fellow. Michelle is also very excited to be wedding planning with her oldest daughter and celebrating college and high school graduations with her sons. Last year, she celebrated 25 years of marriage with her husband, John Capriotti.



is running a start-up company called RecallRabbit. EILEEN FRANCISCO founded the nonprofit Animal Run. Learn more about the group through their website:



celebrating her 21st wedding anniversary with her husband, Mario, next year and they’ve got Hawaii on the brain! They have three kids and proudly sent their oldest to college at the University of California, San Diego, this past fall. Jennifer made it through the pandemic by slowly building the local high school’s track and field team, where she is the assistant varsity jumps coach. The program is the largest in school history and has extended to summer and winter sessions, as well as the actual track season. Her son is a junior on the team and loves to run hurdles and pole vault. Her youngest found a love of volleyball in middle school. Jennifer can’t wait to see some old friends at their 30th reunion next year!


Since graduating from high school, Joe DeRose has graduated magna cum laude from the prestigious Berklee College of Music. He is now a performer, composer, educator, and author. Joe currently has two critically-acclaimed electric jazz CDs out with his band Joe DeRose & Amici. His latest work is a drum instructional book named “16th Note Possibilities,” which has been signed to Hudson Music. Joe performs globally and also teaches drums at The Rhythm Academy in San Jose. He educates in-person and via Zoom and is now accepting new students of all ages. Joe is also available to book for events. For more information, see Joe’s website:



The senior ASB members of the Class of 1995 posed for a picture in front of the senior poster for Spirit Week.


MARK KROENUNG is in the United States Navy as an aircrewman for the tactical helicopter, the MH-60R. He is stationed at the Helicopter Maritime Strike Weapons School Atlantic in Mayport, Florida. Mark is currently the subject matter expert for surface warfare and crew-served weapons. He is also a weapons and tactics instructor.



graduated residency in internal medicine from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in June. He started independent practice back home in the Bay Area as an attending physician/clinical hospitalist at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center Parnassus Heights. Joshua was also appointed clinical instructor for the UCSF School of Medicine where he helps oversee the training and education of resident physicians and medical students.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS Alumni Baseball Game February 26th, 11:00 a.m.

Monarch Day of Giving March 4th


A group of students from the late ’90s gathered together for a photo during a Kairos retreat.

Monarch Volunteer Day

March 5th at Garden to Table of Silicon Valley

WINTER 2022 25



On August 21st, on their one year anniversary, Katherine married the love of her life. They met on Bumble in the middle of the COVID pandemic and have seen each other every single day since. They now live in Willow Glen with their two dogs, Juno and Zuko.




recently moved back to the Bay Area and started a new position at the San Francisco -based advertising agency, Duncan Channon. MANOSAI EERABATHINI got married to his college sweetheart, Nisha Desai, in March of 2021. Manosai and Nisha celebrated the big day in Orlando, Florida, after a two-year engagement. They recently moved back to Brooklyn, New York, to start the next phase of their lives after Nisha graduated from Harvard Business School this past summer.

’13 ’15

ANAIS CARPIO and GARRETT ARRETCHE ’11 were married in Kaanapali, Maui, on June 2nd, 2021.


is in her third year of earning her doctorate in school psychology at Baylor University. She is researching youth suicide prevention and intervention, behavioral interventions for special education students, and psychometric testing batteries for educational placement.

Visit Mitty Alumni Connect

’16 ArchbishopMittyAlumni Instagram @ArchbishopMittyAlumni

recently helped the Raiders relocate to Las Vegas. She is a premium service manager for the Raiders and helped open the stadium to fans for the team’s first season in their new home.

COURTNEY WOOD JONATHAN WANG recently graduated with a doctorate in biomedical engineering from the University of Southern California.


married on August 14th, 2021.



graduated from Cornell Law School in 2021. Before that, she completed a bachelor’s degree in government and ethnicity, migration, and human rights at Harvard College. Taji now works as a law clerk at one of the top five law firms in the country.




graduated magna cum laude from Santa Clara University in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering and a minor in mathematics. Starting this fall, she will be attending the University of California, Irvine to begin her doctorate in computer science, with an emphasis on security and privacy.


graduated with distinction with a degree in aerospace engineering from the United States Naval Academy in May. He has been commissioned into the submarine community and will report to Charleston, South Carolina, to attend nuclear power school.


graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, magna cum laude, from Oregon State University in June.


Dave Brown ’71 showed his school spirit by dressing up for “Hawaii Day” during Spirit Week in 1991.



The Archbishop Mitty family requests that you join us in prayer for the following members of our community and their families. Anthony Abbate Great-uncle of Andrea Di Vittorio ’24

Yosef Geshuri Grandfather of Levana Geshuri ’25

Sam Ajam Uncle of Emma Houle ’24

David Gibson Father of Andrew Gibson ’20

Gilda Brown Aunt of Kaitlyn Springs ’21 and Quincy Springs ’23

Maureen Kubabla Grandmother of Katrina McCay ’24

Ramon Chavez Father of Chris Chavez ’24 Rosie Clayton Grandmother of Ashley Coates ’18, Taylor Coates ’20, Courtney Coates ’23, and Kenneth Holmgren ’25; Mother of Katie (Clayton ’94) Coates, Cari (Clayton ’97) Coates, and Billy Clayton ’99 Olympia Corea Great-Aunt of Rafael Morales ’23 John Cummings Uncle of Bridget Maloney ’22 and Siobham Maloney ’25 Barbara DeGroot Mother of Dan DeGroot ’73 and Great-Grandmother to Jason Switkes ’22 Steven DeGroot Son of Dan DeGroot ’73 and Great-Uncle to Jason Switkes ’22 Michelina DeLuca Grandmother of Gianna DeLuca ’25 Gloria Duncan Mother of Jason Duncan ’95 Roberts Ewing Great-uncle of Jeffrey Newman ’09 and Luke Newman ’25

Macario Manglicmot Grandfather of Mason Manglicmot ’24

Ashley Sandretto Niece of Jennifer Hull, AMHS Staff; Cousin of Jack Hull ’23 and Christian Hull ’25 Christy Sannicolas Aunt of Madison Lieu ’24 Marina Santiago Grandmother of Ethan Soria ’21 and Makenna Soria ’23

Mark McCarthy AMHS Class of ’81. Brother of Tim McCarthy ’70, Maureen (McCarthy ’72) Donohoe, Phil McCarthy ’74, Pat McCarthy ’77, Rosemary McCarthy ’79, Tom McCarthy ’83, and Ted McCarthy ’83. Uncle to Madison McCarthy ’17 and Gianna McCarthy ’20.

Barbara Santos Grandmother of Daniel Lloyd ’24

Martha Murphy Grandmother of Katie Murphy ’21 and Madeline Murphy ’25

Robert Smith Uncle of Grace Smith ’23

George Nijmeh Grandfather of George Nijmeh ’17, Julianna Nijmeh ’20, and Andrew Nijmeh ’23 Harry Paulson Grandfather of Brock Chambers ’22 Daniel Rodriguez Cousin of Joshua Lee ’24 Louisa Rodriguez Aunt of Veronica Murray ’21 and Victor Murray ’23 Allan Noe Lopez Romo Cousin of Daniel Mendoza ’24

Bill Scharrenberg Father of Will Scharrenberg, AMHS Faculty; Grandfather of Trenton Scharrenberg ’14, Kelly Scharrenberg ’15, and Monica Scharrenberg ’15

Michael Sullivan Grandfather of Amanda Vandenberg ’10, Dylan Vandenberg ’15, and Madison Vandenberg ’23 Gertrude Sutton Grandmother of Jason Sutton ’13, Ryan Sutton ’16, Megan Sutton ’24 Victor Sy Father of Eugene Sy ’92; Grandfather of Anika Sy ’20 and Jonathan Sy ’23 Geraldine Teresi Aunt of Christina Pellegrini ’24 Dennis Ward Father of Carmen Ward ’09 and Sara Ward ’14 WINTER 2022 27





Archbishop Mitty High School is grateful to all of those who contribute to the success of our mission. The individuals whose names grace the following pages serve as our partners in educating tomorrow’s leaders in the Catholic tradition. Thank you for your generous support that allows this visionary and compassionate community to thrive.


WINTER 2022 29

Administration & Governance 2020-2021 ADMINISTRATION 2020-2021

Latanya (Johnson ’92) Hilton President Katherine Caputo Principal Keith Mathews Associate Principal James Fallis Assistant Principal Tamara Monson ’97 Dean of Students Cathie Whalen Chief Financial Officer Mason Kimont Executive Director for Advancement Patsy Vargas Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Katherine Wesmiller Director of Admissions Douglas Santana Director of Performing Arts Brian Eagleson ’92 Director of Athletics Timothy Wesmiller Director of Campus Ministry Gregory Walker Director of Student Activities Eric Anderson Chief Information Officer BOARD OF REGENTS 2020-2021

Robert Allard Teresa Alvarado ’82 Jennifer Beltramo - ex officio Katherine Caputo - ex officio Kris Chellam Ryan Chew ’11 John DiNapoli Cheryl Durzy Claudia Galvan John Gilmore - President Christine Gorjanc Bob Griswold 30 ARCHBISHOP MITTY MAGAZINE

Mason Kimont - ex officio Greg Korbel ’93 Keith Mathews - ex officio Kelly McHaffie Scott Mosko Michael Mulcahy John Oosterhouse David Peraino Sruthi Ramaswami ’12 Debby Rodriguez Rob Roskopp Carol Sandman Maria Simon Ken Tersini Daniel Vaughn Maria Nash Vaughn Cathie Whalen - ex officio Nancy Yu Kristin Zanni - President Elect BOARD OF REGENTS EMERITI

Kathy Almazol Adam Anderson Rev. George Aranha James Atwell ’73 Michael Aymar Dr. Samuel Ballon, M.D. Jeff Berg Lucile Bianco† Aldo Billingslea Catherine Bernal Bloyd Mgr. J. Patrick Browne Timothy Brosnan, ex officio Mark Cabrales Dorothy Caputo† Pat Cavaney David Chang Hon. Cindy Chavez Lewis Chew Chris Citti ’76 Kerri Corley John Couch Richard Cristina Anne Crowley Mary Curtis Thomas Davis Gwen Dorcich Kathy Dunlap Richard Duquette

Kate Elfrink Tracey (Bresniker ’79) Enfantino Jack Estill Kennetha Evans Fr. Paul Fitzgerald, S.J. Ruth Fletcher Bernadine Fong Luana Freitag David Fry Rev. Andrew Garavel, S.J. Judy (Poe ’76) Goodson Sheila (Gray ’75) Gregory Joe Guerra Steve Guttman Dan Haniger ’75 Toni Heagerty Liz Hirata Kathryn Hogan George Honoré Rex Hoover, DDS Barb Ignatius Howard Ignatius Francisco Jiménez, Ph.D Debi Justice April Kawahara Paul Kimura Laura Kramar Larry LaMantia, ’71 Esq. Mary Lou Lawrence Monica Lebron ’97 Marvin G. Lewis Laura Liccardo, ’78 Esq. Michael Linney ’77 Carey Lisowski Hon. Richard Loftus Emil Lovely Mary Lyons Audrey MacLean Rev. Gerdenio Manuel, S.J. Hon. Thomas McEnery David Mewes Robert Mezzetti ’73 Esq. Hon. Norman Y. Mineta George Monk Robert Moore Joanne Moul Stephen Mullaney Joe Natoli Carol Olimpia† Cont’d

Regents Emeriti cont’d

Helen Owen Carol Parker Dr. Tekakwitha Pernambuco-Wise Erin (O’Connell ’81) Perrucci Hon. Rise Pichon Sr. Claude Power, P.B.V.M.† Ken Raasch Suanne Ramar Maria Rangel-Alarcon ’00 Rick Ridder Paige Robbins Rev. Jack Russi, S.M.† Diann Ryan John Saunders Michael Savini Lloyd Scates Dawn Schaeffer

David Schmidt Jill (Nesbitt ’95) Scotcher, Ph.D. Karen Serpa Mark Singer Michelle Smith Steve Smith Steven Speno Tanya Spirtos, M.D. Elisa Steele James Steele Tim Steele David Sugishita Thomas Sullivan† Mark Tersini Todd Teresi Ernest Thomas, M.D.† Sr. Nicki Thomas, SNJM

John Thompson Linda Tirado, Ph.D Jorge Titinger Chuck Toeniskoetter Rev. Fred Tollini, S.J.† Miel Vallejo-Brooks ’92 M.D. Pat Waite Dave Wertzberger Rick Williams Mark Woodward Ernie Yamane Cheryl Young Tim Zanni Rick Zea †Deceased




Jessica Esperanza Alva ’14 Maureen Anderson ’92 Nicolle Brown ’05 Jose Castanon ’86 Mike D’Ambrosio ’04 Kelly Estes ’08 Grace Hase ’12 Renee (Diani ’92) Huerta Nicole Johnston ’14 Amy (Choice ’86) Korb Michaela Matulich ’11 Ashley Mendez-Fijman ’93 Michelle (Kuzirian ’85) Otte Courtney (Lisowski ’12) Rousseu Jennifer Sabatino ’92 Katherine (Edgecumbe ’10) Sisson Karen Tersini ’85 Steve Tonelli ’94 Jennifer Torai ’98 James Williams ’02 Diana Wilson ’93

President ......................................................................................................... Ellen Imrisek President-Elect ..........................................................................................Amy Hasenkamp Treasurer ...............................................................................................................June Peng Corresponding Secretary ........................................................................Stephanie de Raynal Recording Secretary .........................................................................................Kerrie Utsumi Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs

Administrative Support Co-Chair ................................................................... Alisha Collier Administrative Support Co-Chair ........................................................... Laarni DeGuzman Administrative Support Co-Chair ..................................................................... Seema Mulji Administrative Support Co-Chair.....................................................................Audrey Webb Athletic Program Support Co-Chair .................................................................... Allison Fox Athletic Program Support Co-Chair ......................................................................... Joy Hart Auction Co-Chair .................................................................................Stephanie de Raynal Mailing Co-Chair...............................................................................................Anjali Babu Mailing Co-Chair............................................................................................. Jennifer Hsu Mailing Co-Chair .................................................................................................Marie Raj Parent Support Co-Chair ..................................................................................... Ban Ballou Parent Support Co-Chair ............................................................................. Nimeesha Rane Parent Support Co-Chair ............................................................................Shilpa Shanbhag Parent Support Co-Chair ............................................................................... Tiffany Sparks Past President .............................................................................................Kimberly Moore Performing Arts Support Co-Chair ............................................................. Ronnie Jacobson Performing Arts Support Co-Chair .............................................................. Michele Tolibas Performing Arts Support Co-Chair ............................................................Shamita Tripathy Social Co-Chair .................................................................................................Lynn Brown Social Co-Chair ................................................................................................ Joanne Mills Social Co-Chair .............................................................................................. Lori Zemaitis Volunteer Facilitation Chair .......................................................................Yueping Gallaher Ex Officio Members

Advancement Liaison ........................................................................................Jennifer Hull Interim President ......................................................................................Katherine Caputo



Financial Statistics 2020-2021

Table of Contents





33 Monarch Leadership Society 35 President’s Circle 37 Annual Fund

NON OPERATING BUDGET SUPPORT Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament Mitty Auction Endowment In-kind Direct Aid Appeal

$ $ $ $ $

54,000 45,400 652,000 53,500 480,000

2.2% 1.9% 26.7% 2.2% 19.6%

Total Operating Fund and Non Operating




43 Gifts From Alumni and Current Students 45 Mitty Auction 47 Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament 48 Donors to Archbishop Mitty High School

CURRENT REVENUE Tuition & Fees Student Activities Parent Pledge, Endowment Release, and Other Summer School & Summer Camps

91.9% 1.4% 5.7% 1.0%



52 Archbishop Mitty High School Heritage Circle 53 Memorials 54 Emergency Tuition Assistance Fund 54 Endowing Our Future 57 Archbishop Mitty High School Arts Society

USE OF FUNDS Salaries & Benefits Instructional Support & Student Activities Financial Aid Technology Operations & Maintenance of Plant Capital Improvements Summer School & Summer Camps

67.4% 3.4% 11.3% 4.5% 9.5% 3.3% 0.6%




57 Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition 61 Student Christian Service 65 Supporting Archbishop Mitty High School

Monarch Leadership Society The Monarch Leadership Society honors those friends of Archbishop Mitty High School who have contributed to the very foundation of the school by supporting the growth of the facilities, programs, and scholarships that make Archbishop Mitty High School what it is today. Each of these very special donors has a giving history of at least $50,000 or has made a formal commitment to the school through a planned gift or established endowment. Perhaps, even more importantly, each has invested in the lives of the students at Archbishop Mitty High School. Their support allows us to reach our goal of educating intellectually competent, faith-filled, just, respectful leaders.

Joseph Agu and Cheryl Shavers Joseph J. Albanese, Inc Bernard and Niccole Allard Ed and Kathy Almazol Darrin and Gloryvee Alves Joe Ammatuna Adam and Maureen (Loftus ’92) Anderson Jeremy and Meredith Aston Mike and Lynn† Aymar Brandon and Lisa Bain Peter and Mary Baust Mark and Barbara Beck Roger and Joanna Biros Bonnie Blackwell Kristin Braia Richard and Judy Bregante Joseph and Linda Bronson Tim and Sally Brosnan Paul Brown and Meredith Wright Brian and Theresa Bumb Mark Burns ’78 Mark and Julie Cabrales Ronald and Mary Cane Dan and Dorothy† Caputo Jacob (’92) and Robin ( Jeffers ’92) Caputo Katherine Caputo William and Susan Carter Joseph and Debra (Truhe ’88) Cassara Pat and Tami Cavaney David and Glowe Chang Kris and Evelyne Chellam Dianna and Lewis Chew Shawn and Brenda (Broadus ’84) Chizanskos Msgr. Francis Cilia Carl and Kathleen Cilker Citti’s Florist - Chris Citti (’76); Gary (’69) and Linda Citti; Gloria Citti; Justin Citti (’02); Thomas Glascott and Adrianna Citti Glascott Mike Clair and Audrey MacLean Bill and Kathy Cleary Christopher and Alisha Collier

Comerica Bank Charles and Linda Corbalis John and Tara Couch Richard and Diane Cristina Thomas and Mary Crotty Richard and Anne Crowley Mike (’04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly Timothy and Christina Deane Lawrence and Jacquelyn deAngelis Rev. Rodney DeMartini John and Melinda DiNapoli The Diocese of San Jose Steve and Gwen Dorcich James and Joan (Russell ’77) Downey Tom and Kathy Dunlap Ian and Grace Edvalson Kathy Edwards David and Janis Eggleston Elias Eleftheriades and Tanya Spirtos Wim and Kate Elfrink Environmental Systems, Inc. - Chris (’77) and Lisa (Meyer ’80) Enfantino; Eugene (’79) and Tracy (Bresniker ’79) Enfantino John and Teresa Estill Gregory and Debra Fant Mike and Anne Federwisch John and Helen Finneran Darleen Fitzgerald James Fitzgerald Michael and Ruth Fletcher Flexjet LLC Robert† and Barbara† Floyd John and Susan Fortune Michael and Mary Ellen Fox Jan Francis Dave and Shellie Fry Lisa Fry-Leese Fry’s Electronics The Carl Gellert and Ceila Berta Gellert Foundation Phillip and Cindy Gibson Jon and Krista Gieselman John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell

Eugene Golobic and Linda Dias-Golobic The Good Tidings Foundation Glenn† and Judy (Poe ’76) Goodson Brian (’74) and Sheila (Gray ’75) Gregory Tom and Pat Grennan Robert and Jenny Griswold Joe Guerra Rosalie Gummow Stephan and Wendy Guttman Matt (’85) and Julie Haniger Walt (’70) and Judy Haniger Walt† and June† Haniger Joshua (’92) and Hilary Harmssen Greg Heinrichs ’70 Jorge and Pamela Helmer Brad (’78) and Tammy Holmgren John Holton George and Marjorie Honoré Karl and Jennifer Hsu Linda Hunter Noreen Hussain Zahid Hussain Matthew (’81) and Kimberly Iden Howard and Barb Ignatius Richard and Ellen Imrisek The William G. Irwin Foundation Robert and Christine Jahncke George Jones Nancy Jones The Ken and Judith Joy Family Foundation Thornton and Pearl Jue Richard† and Debi Justice Jason Kaaha ’89 Bob Kagle and Marissa Matusich-Kagle Edward and Deborah Kaufman April Kawahara David Kawahara Jason (’04) and Ashley (Fini ’04) Khalipa Nanette Kinkade Thomas Kinkade† Steve Kottmeier and Suanne Ramar Curtis Knight Wanda Kownacki


WINTER 2022 33

Monarch Leadership Society cont’d

Scott and Joanie Kriens Therese Kunick† Theodore and Nina Lamour Robert† and Mary Lou Lawrence Rick Leese Scott and Tracy Lewis Frank and Carey Lisowski Kevin and Sheila MacLean Eric and Beth Madia Philip and Kelly Mahoney Richard and Mary Malone Jeff and Nancy Marks Nigel and Sue Marrion Allan McDonald† and Barbara McTighe Most Rev. Patrick McGrath Kevin and Katharine McLarney Tim and Mardy Meadows Dave Mewes Andrew and Joyce Miller Mary Ann Miller Thomas (’83) and Christin Miller David and Christy Mills George and Mary Monk Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Rob and Susan Moore Ernesto and Stacie Moreno Michael and Joanne Moul Stephen and Elizabeth Mullaney Mike Murphy John Naporano and E. Harden The Notre Dame Private Foundation Carol Olimpia† Gary Olimpia and Nancy HoskinsOlimpia John and Amy Oosterhouse Pacific Bay Masonry Mark and Elizabeth Page Gerry and Carol Parker Andrew and Maria Pecota Les and Nini Pelio Pepsi Bottling Group David and Kerrie Peraino Petersen Construction Co Larry Polayes and Penny Herman-Polayes Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Sr. Mary Claude Power PVBM† Ming Qu and Ling Zhang Mario and Martha Queiroz George and Sandra Quinn Kenneth and Linda Raasch Peter and Rita Redford 34 ARCHBISHOP MITTY MAGAZINE

Cary and Martha Reich Robert and Leslie (Caughran ’90) Reilly Ron and Fran Reynolds Charles and Paige Robbins Phil and Gwynne Rolla Richard and Genevieve Rolla Roof Structures, Inc Dan and Renay Rosckes Rosendin Electric, Inc Rob Roskopp and Lepa Galeb-Roskopp James and Arleen Russi Marian and Carmen Rusu John and Diann Ryan Kelly (’73) and Margaret Ryan The Martha and Philip Sanfilippo Trust Santa Cruz Bicycles Suzanne Saulman John and Rena Saunders Michael and Kristin Savini Lloyd and Sandra Scates Tom and Dawn Schaeffer David and Kathy Schmidt Stephen and Patricia Schott Randy and Eileen Scott The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Mark and Melody Singer Gerry and Michelle Smith Stephen and Jennifer Smith John A. and Susan Sobrato John M. and Timi Sobrato Jure and Michelle Šola Steven and Susan Sordello Steven and Roxanne Speno James Steele Stacey Steele Timothy and Patricia Steele

Steinberg Architects Lori Stelliga Richard Strayer Dave and Judy Sugishita TBI Construction & Construction Management, Inc. Todd and Jennifer Teresi Ken and Karen (Bryant ’85) Tersini Linda Tirado Jennifer L. Titinger Jorge Titinger Chuck and Linda Toeniskoetter John and Christine Tower David Truong and Trinh Trinh Jim and Candice Unruh Lori Vann-Mewes Mario and Cheryl Vargas Issac and Maria Nash Vaughn Fred (’72) and Anne Vernacchia Donald and Anna Waite Pat and Ginny Waite Jason and Kathryn Watson Claudia Weist The E. L. Wiegand Foundation Rick and Barbara Williams Donald and Catherine Williamson Lawrence and Paula Wong Mark and Laurie Woodward Sean and Cindy Worthington Ernest and Paula Yamane Cheng Yang and Qian Yao David† and Barbara Yeh Tim and Kristin Zanni Rick and Colette Zea Naveen and Anupama Zutshi †Deceased

President’s Circle The President’s Circle is comprised of alumni, parents of alumni, parents of current students, and friends of Archbishop Mitty High School who have made gifts of $4,000 or more during the preceding fiscal year. Many families and friends choose to continue their membership in the President’s Circle year after year in recognition of the superior achievements of the school. We salute the following members of this pace-setting group and hope that their example will serve to encourage others to invest in Archbishop Mitty High School.

Adobe Systems, Inc. Amaison Property LLC Adam and Maureen (Loftus ’92) Anderson Eric and Christina Anderson Applied Materials, Inc. Susan and Steven Sordello Sean and Jodi Austin Brandon and Lisa Bain Sean and Susan (Perry ’93) Bartlett Jeffrey Barton and Deborah Glines Peter and Mary Baust Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Douglas Beck and Kim O’Keefe Beck Christopher (’88) and Kelly Bovone Chad Bowar and Rita Patterson Clark and Jennifer Bowcock Karl and Brenda Braitberg Keith and Lynn Brown Paul Brown and Meredith Wright Curt and Lucy Brune Nafea and Lana Bshara Kristofer Bubic ’15 Gary and Amanda Butcher Elwyn and Emily Cabebe Brian and Doreen Cadieux Andrew Caine Ronald and Mary Cane Jacob (’92) and Robin ( Jeffers ’92) Caputo The Carl Gellert and Ceila Berta Gellert Foundation David and Venus Cenizal Hamesh Chawla and Juhi Jairath Kris and Evelyne Chellam Brian Chen and Vivian Tseng Jiwei Chen and Fen Zhou Dianna and Lewis Chew Craig Child and Jennifer Dickson Cisco Systems, Inc. Richard and Diane Cristina Rainer Cvillink and Ellen Paxinos Mike (’04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio Mark and Kathleen Damarillo Jeffrey Davis and Janet Anderson Alain and Stephanie de Raynal

Conall and Caroline Dempsey Manav Deshmukh and Geetanjali Paranjape Devcon Construction Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Kevin and Adrienne Dueck Hani and Cheryl Durzy Ian and Grace Edvalson Electronic Arts Chris (’77) and Lisa (Meyer ’80) Enfantino Environmental Systems, Inc. Gregory and Debra Fant Aaron and Challee Fast Mike and Anne Federwisch Kishore Fernandes and Pamela Pinto George and Mary Ann Fox Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero Bruno and Katherine Garlepp GHF Partners, Inc. Jon and Krista Gieselman John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Yitao Gong and Liangxue Zhu Srinivasu Gottipati and Kapila Thotakura Manimaran Govindaraju and Bharathy Manimaran Daniel and Karen Greene Brian Gregory and Kerri Green Patricia Gregory Robert and Jenny Griswold Stephan and Wendy Guttman Mark Hagerty and Weijie Lu Chuck and Mary Hammers Haim and Dana Helman Conor Heneghan and Sian Ferguson Greg Ho and Iris Rice Jennifer Honoré Jon Honoré Karl and Jennifer Hsu Craig Huber and Sheila Pickett IBM Matching Grants Richard and Ellen Imrisek The Intel Foundation Basim and Julianne Jaber Robert and Christine Jahncke

Mark and Susan Jamieson Steve Johnson and Veronika Sarossy Jason (’04) and Ashley (Fini ’04) Khalipa Nak and Kylee Kim Steve and Amanda Klinger Curtis Knight Joab Kong and Yuying Long Sathvik and Erica Krishnamurthy Indrajit Lahiri and Vidya Rao John and Jennifer Leach Mark and Cathy Leather Kenneth and Aer Lee Yau-Shing Lee and Fang-Yin Kuo The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Matthew and Monita Levy Wei Li and Brenda Qiang Lisa Lico Justin Liu and Waigan Chan Steven Lo and Ines Gonzalez Josh and Jennifer Loftus Kuok Chun Lou and Ching Ngan Chan Xiaofeng and Min Ma Kevin and Sheila MacLean Eric and Beth Madia Karl and Sheila Markert Jeff and Nancy Marks Aaron and Felicity Martin Bryan and Lisa Martin Razvan and Michelle Mathias Brian and Jennifer Maxwell Randy and Dawn McCahan Matthew and Leela McDonald McLarney Construction, Inc. Timothy McNally and Deborah Ball Douglas and Susan McNelly Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim Ayhan Menekshe and Martina Kocianova Menekshe Law Firm Mark and Michelle Mesler Micron Technology, Inc. Ryan† and Joanne Mills Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Ernesto and Stacie Moreno David (’90) and Claudia Morton Cont’d

WINTER 2022 35

President’s Circle cont’d

Marwan Mukhar and Evangelia Theologides Mukhar Aniruddha Mulay and Gauri Joshi Mike Murphy Venkatesh Nagapudi and Sangeetha Mani Servpreet and Sheilly Nayyar Netflix Mike Neunfinger and Sigrid Jacobsen Arden Ng and Muihoon Ong Alex Nguyen Alex and Thuy-Anh Nguyen Nvidia John and Amy Oosterhouse Todd and Macy Otake Mark and Elizabeth Page Steven and Grace Pataky Dipesh and Nirupa Patel Manas Pati and Sasmita Mishra Andrew and Maria Pecota David and Kerrie Peraino Michael Petrovich and Eleanor Stewart-Petrovich Connor and Tracy Pingree Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Andrew and Alison Powell Thomas and Elizabeth Pulchny George and Sandra Quinn Saravan Rajendran and Manjari Gadi Abhijit Ray and Paramita Nath Cary and Martha Reich Alan and Ute Ren Phil and Gwynne Rolla Richard and Genevieve Rolla John and Diann Ryan David and Sonia Sangster Sachin and Praseeda Sathaye Jason and Tracy Scharpf Theodore and JoAnn Schilb Chris and Sali Schille John and Francimar Schmitt Todd and Paige Schmitzer Aaron Schultz and Gina Argenti-Schultz Sanjay and Bhavna Sharma Mark and Ellen Silver Damien and Maria Simon John and Timi Sobrato Steven and Susan Sordello Benjamin and Katharine Spink Errol and Stacy Springs Ed Sramaty and Brigid Bannan


Benjamin Strong and Robin Navarro Strong Ranjeet and Melissa Sudan Shingo and Makiko Suzuki Chong Tan and Clare Lee John and Christine Tower Tony Tran and Traci Nguyen Andrew Trick Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis and Makrina Kartezini David and Ilene Tucker Issac and Maria Nash Vaughn Rodney and Katherine Velasco Anthony and Melanie Ventura Huibert and Tracy Verhoeven The VMware Foundation Anthony and Alice Volpe

Khuong and Diane Vu Hugh and Yuko Walsh Martyn and Fiona Webster Rob Wheeler and Kerrie Utsumi Alec and Helen Wong Sean and Cindy Worthington Peter Wu and Jennifer Lin Charlie and Hong Yang Cheng Yang and Qian Yao Eric Yeaman Qishan Yu Aaron and Elizabeth Zanetto Tim and Kristin Zanni Jie and Jun Zhang John Zhang and Kelly Li Naveen and Anupama Zutshii †Deceased

President’s Circle Benefactors of the Year 2021

Susan and Steven Sordello


Nanette and Thomas† Kinkade


Diann and John Ryan


Diocese of San Jose


Christine and Robert Jahncke


Dawn and Thomas Schaeffer


Orla McDonnell and John Gilmore


Lynn† and Mike Aymar


Kate and Wim Elfrink


Kathy and Tom Dunlap


Michelle and Gerry Smith


Carol and Gerry Parker


Susan and John A. Sobrato


Judy and Rich Bregante


Sandra and George Quinn


Evelyne and Kris Chellam


Dianna and Lewis Chew

1996 Audrey MacLean and Mike Clair


Laurie and Mark Woodward


Diane and Rich Cristina


Patricia and Stephen Schott


Marjorie and George Honoré


Maria and Andrew Pecota



Eileen and Randy Scott

2008 Marissa Matusich-Kagle and Bob Kagle 2007

Dorothy† and Dan Caputo


Barb and Howard Ignatius


Debi and Rick† Justice


The Waite Family

Jason and Kathryn Watson

Annual Fund Parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends of Archbishop Mitty High School contribute to the annual fund for many reasons. They believe in Catholic education, which is enlivened by religious and ethical values. They believe in youth and lifelong education. They believe in hope for the future, which knowledge gained through scholarship provides. Gifts to the Annual Fund help the school cover the gap between tuition and the actual cost of an Archbishop Mitty High School education by providing the resources necessary for competitive faculty salaries and academic and co-curricular programs. GIFTS FROM PARENTS OF CURRENT STUDENTS We recognize that parents already incur the cost of tuition, and we are grateful for their additional support, contribution, and investment in their children’s education. In most cases, the gifts listed represent an annual payment on each family’s four-year commitment to the Parent Pledge Program.

Jeremy and Karol Advincula Ashish and Namrata Agrawal Michael Ahn and Christine Fong Bernard and Niccole Allard Thomas and Julia Alloggiamento Ulrich and Tanja Amrhein Eric and Christina Anderson Adam and Maureen (Loftus ’92) Anderson Melanie Anstett and Lorraine Beeman Manuel Arana Manzano and Ivana Fantozzi Francisco Arriaga and Diana Alvarez Nathan Arroyo and Danicka Le George and Quetia Arzu Sean and Jodi Austin Prakash and Anjali Babu Ali and Ban Ballou Eric and Cynthia Banaag Giovanni and Sarka Barbarossa Ricardo and Tabitha Barrientos Sean and Susan (Perry ’93) Bartlett Jeffrey Barton and Deborah Glines Peter and Mary Baust Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Douglas Beck and Kim O’Keefe Beck Bradley Bereznak Aldo and Nadia Bermudez Nilesh Bhadani and Manpreet Kaur David and Susan Bilton Charles Bona and Catalina Phan Christopher (’88) and Kelly Bovone Chad Bowar and Rita Patterson Clark and Jennifer Bowcock Karl and Brenda Braitberg

Scott and Rona Brodrick David and Megan Brody Keith and Lynn Brown Paul Brown and Meredith Wright Curt and Lucy Brune Nafea and Lana Bshara Craig Burrows and Betsy Upton Gary and Amanda Butcher Brian and Sherri Butler James and Catherine Cabagbag Manuel Cabarloc and Nicholle Gutierrez-Cabarloc Elwyn and Emily Cabebe Adrian Caceres Brian and Doreen Cadieux Arnel and Elaine Calamba Russell and Mary Callahan Jose and Christine Camara Eliver and Aurelia Caparas Jacob (’92) and Robin ( Jeffers ’92) Caputo Donn and Heather (Menifee ’91) Casale Jose (’86) and Kelly Castanon David and Venus Cenizal Alexander and Flerida Cervania Srinivasa Chaganti and Supriya Madamanchi Steven Chan and Shaoyi Wang Wan-Teh Chang and Chih-Lin Kuan Vinod Chathoth and Sheema Bharathan Amol Chavarkar and Deepa Mhatre Hamesh Chawla and Juhi Jairath Tom and Leah Cheli Brian Chen and Vivian Tseng Jiwei Chen and Fen Zhou Larry Cheng and Jean Yee Kyle Cheung and Leonor Cheong Craig Child and Jennifer Dickson Jaein Choi and Eunmyung Hong Jerry and Faith Chou Peter Chu and Sherry Yu Darya Chudova Patrick and Elizabeth Clifford Dale and Debbie (Gaskell ’87) Coldiron John and Laura Cole Christopher and Alisha Collier

Lucia Conley Jordan and Beth Cookman Michael (’88) and Julie Crisafulli Antonio and Lychees Cueva Jeffrey Cui and Helen Xing Rainer Cvillink and Ellen Paxinos Mark and Kathleen Damarillo Nathan and Johanna Danes Jeffrey Davis and Janet Anderson Timothy de Kay ’90 Alain and Stephanie de Raynal Peter and Connie Decena Shawn and Ioana Delaney Conall and Caroline Dempsey Amish and Ruchibahen Desai Manav Deshmukh and Geetanjali Paranjape Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Amit and Rita Dhir Christopher and Sabrina Do Paul Dominic and Sophia Paul Rajesh Dorairajan and Uma Krishnamurthy Stephen and Aya Dowd Anuj and Priya Dua Kevin and Adrienne Dueck Michael Dueweke and Natalia Kisseleva Hani and Cheryl Durzy Ian and Grace Edvalson Martin and Dawne Edwards Damon and Lynne Ennis Vuk and Magdalena Ercegovac Aaron and Challee Fast Ben and Sarah ( Jordan ’01) Faulkner Arun Fernandes and Alvina D’Silva Kishore Fernandes and Pamela Pinto Thomas Ferrill and Stephanie Kain Ferrill Richard and Joselyn Flores Neal and Amanda (Ott ’90) Flynn Mark and Tricia Foster George and Mary Ann Fox Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero Jose Garcia and Fatima Martinez Nitin and Shilpa Garg Bruno and Katherine Garlepp


WINTER 2022 37

Annual Fund cont’d

Jesus and Claudia Gasca Jason and Jessica Geis Reiner Genevriere and Sonja Cost Anil George and Thambu Joseph Somnath Ghosh and Rupashree Dey John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Jason and Olivia Gironella Heather Glahn Alex Gluzman and Lydia Lim Sofjan Goenawan and Conie Soerjanti Jaydeep and Jyoti Gohil Mena Morgan Yitao Gong and Liangxue Zhu Srinivasu Gottipati and Kapila Thotakura Jason and Angela Govig Manimaran Govindaraju and Bharathy Manimaran Courtney Grant Pierre Greborio and Rosella De Tursi Daniel and Karen Greene Seamus and Claire Greene Brian Gregory and Kerri Green Liang Guo and Yan Yang Puneet and Namrata Gupta Ritesh and Harshwardhani Gupta Joseph and Rosella Guttadauro Mark Hagerty and Weijie Lu Robert and Rita Halbach Abhinav Halen and Sunita Joshi Chuck and Mary Hammers John and Robin (Alberto ’91) Hanahan Matt (’85) and Julie Haniger Jonathan and Patricia Harris Michael and Barbara Hayman Haim and Dana Helman Vincent Hemsley and Robin Reynolds Hemsley Conor Heneghan and Sian Ferguson Michael and Deanna Herkenrath Michael and Deanna Hilberman Greg Ho and Iris Rice Jennifer Honoré Jon Honoré Joseph and Eugenia Houle Craig Huber and Sheila Pickett Jeffrey and Carolyn Hughes Jennifer Hull Mark Hull William and Leandra (Saenz ’92) Hutton Pete Ingram-Cauchi and Natalia Mercadal Basim and Julianne Jaber

Ramji Jagannathan and Aruna Gajavalli Kannan Mark and Susan Jamieson Young Jeon and Minsuk Kim Linda Jiang Francisco (Pancho) and Lori Jimenez Steve Johnson and Veronika Sarossy Mandar and Indira Joshi Darren and May Jue Changoo and Sarah Kang Francis and Erinne Keffer Anwar Khan and Selma Vukotic Mehul and Darshita Kharidia Mandar Kher and Vaishali Jambhekar Hyong Kim and Jisook Yoon Myeongeop Kim and Soeun Lim Nak and Kylee Kim Greg and Charisma Kitchener Steve and Amanda Klinger Curtis Knight Tomai and Sylvia Knopp Robert Kolek and Jacqueline Nasser-Kolek Joab Kong and Yuying Long Damon and Amy (Choice ’86) Korb Mikhail Korolik and Katrina Mikhaylichenko Sathvik and Erica Krishnamurthy Matthew and Kelly Kucic Sanjay Kumar Maciej and Monika Kurzymski Martin Kwende and Adeline Limen-Kwende Indrajit Lahiri and Vidya Rao Juergen and Honorine Lahner Vipul Lal and Anjali Machado Daniel and Andrea Lam Martin and Catherine Larson Jeffery and Maureen Latourrette Jeff and Kate Lawrence John and Jennifer Leach Dong Lee and Hyunhwa Kim Kenneth and Aer Lee Muyoung Lee and Julie Yoo Yau-Shing Lee and Fang-Yin Kuo Wei Lei and Mei Yang Mark and Susan Leonard Matthew and Monita Levy HungChun Li and Aichi Chang Qingning Li and Wei Tang Wei Li and Brenda Qiang Allen Liang and Lin Wu

Lisa Lico Hong Lin and Ling Zhang Hsiao-Ting Lin and Hai-lei Hsu Shih-Chia Lin and Hui-Hsuan Chen Shihlun Lin and Wenchiann Liou Yiching and Wanyu Lin Jiguang Liu and Yiying Chen Justin Liu and Waigan Chan Nathan Liu and Patricia Galindo Xibin Liu and Rui Qiang William Lloyd and Claire Ando Steven Lo and Ines Gonzalez Josh and Jennifer Loftus Daniel and Cindy Lopez Grizel Lopez and Vrinda Achuthan Padmakumari Kuok Chun Lou and Ching Ngan Chan Xiaofeng and Min Ma Gary and Bernadette Macdonald Matt and Alexa Macdonald Kevin and Sheila MacLean Kevin Madrigal and Alicia Silva-Madrigal Tosanwunmi and Odiri Maku Tim and Shea Malcolm Ronell and Bodette Mallari Robert and Melissa Malley Peter and Antoinette Manta Steven and Michelle Maranowski Karl and Sheila Markert Jeff and Nancy Marks Fred and Joan Marquardt Aaron and Felicity Martin Bryan and Lisa Martin Martin and Alyse Mason Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Brian and Lisa Matherly Razvan and Michelle Mathias Craig and Michelle Matsumoto Francisco and Beth Matus Glenn and Susan Mau Thomas and Magdalena Maudoux Brian and Jennifer Maxwell Robertson and Myra Maxwell John and Tracey Maytum James and Erin Mazzone Randy and Dawn McCahan Daniel and Michelle Mccauley Bradley and Donna Mccurrie Matthew and Leela McDonald John McIntyre and Tiffany Sparks Anthony and Elizabeth McKenzie Timothy McNally and Deborah Ball



Annual Fund cont’d

Douglas and Susan McNelly Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim Pascal and Peggy Meier Joe and Thelma Mendes Ayhan Menekshe and Martina Kocianova Mark and Michelle Mesler Nenad and Ana Miladinovic Jason and Lori Miller Patrick (’81) and Heidi Miller Thomas (’83) and Christin Miller James and Lisa Mills Ryan† and Joanne Mills Sadahisa and Yoshiko Mita Phanikrishna Modali and Sujatha Kalyanam Amit Modi and Manisha Surana Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Robert and Lillian Moore Luis and Lupe Morales Ernesto and Stacie Moreno David (’90) and Claudia Morton Debbie Mueller Marwan Mukhar and Evangelia Theologides Mukhar Aniruddha Mulay and Gauri Joshi Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy Kirt and Seema (Roy ’91) Mulji James and Jeanne Murphy Mike Murphy James Murray and Magali Philippoussis Venkatesh Nagapudi and Sangeetha Mani Sreevatsa Nagarajarao and Shubha Krishnamurthy Sami and Bassima Nassar Sreekumar Natarajan and Priya Sarojini Servpreet and Sheilly Nayyar Mike Neunfinger and Sigrid Jacobsen Arden Ng and Muihoon Ong Hoang Ngo and Nga Le Alex Nguyen Thuc Nguyen and Lynh Ngo Alex and Thuy-Anh Nguyen Brian and Stana O’leary Paulo and Filomena Oliveira Todd and Macy Otake Mark and Elizabeth Page Hengcheng Pai and Chia Jung Lin Phil and Therese Papenfuss Eshwar and Shalini Parigi Tarak Parikh and Swati Jobanputra Hyunsik Park and Sunghe Kim Sang-Min Park and Young-Hye Na

Steven and Grace Pataky Dipesh and Nirupa Patel Manas Pati and Sasmita Mishra Nital and Kalindi Patwa Sergio and Sandra Pelino Joseph and Michelle Petrison Michael Petrovich and Eleanor Stewart-Petrovich Connor and Tracy Pingree Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Andrew and Alison Powell Pete and Lynn Pragastis Thomas and Elizabeth Pulchny Rene and Anna Pulido Wenhao Qiao and Chunyan Du Aravinda Radhakrishnan and Vandana Rao Marek and Jorgete Radko Vijay Raghavendra and Praneetha Manthravadi Saravan Rajendran and Manjari Gadi Ashok Raman and Sujata Ramnarayan Peter and Josephine Rando Abhijit Ray and Paramita Nath Subir Ray and Rebecca Biswas Treven and Jennifer Regala Marco and Raquel Regalado Scott and Bonnie Regan Robert and Leslie (Caughran ’90) Reilly Alan and Ute Ren Troy Riewe and Irene Tan Nancy Rocha Marcel and Diane Roche Mark (’92) and Gina Rodriguez Brian Rogoff and Renee Jacowitz Rogoff Scott Rohlfing Michael and Shannon Rossi Paul Rousseau and Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin Ron Rulkens Paul and Megan Sampson Brad Sandman and Tanya Jenkins David and Sonia Sangster Robert (’85) and Denise Sapien Sachin and Praseeda Sathaye Jason and Tracy Scharpf Theodore and JoAnn Schilb Chris and Sali Schille Stephen Schmid and Lori Pegg John and Francimar Schmitt Todd and Paige Schmitzer

Aaron Schultz and Gina Argenti-Schultz Andrea Seefeldt Setera Rajesh and Sajal Shah Santosh and Shilpa Shanbhag Sanjay and Bhavna Sharma Mark and Ellen Silver Garrett Sin and Valerie Chock Brian Smith and Kristen Abey Kevin and Kelly Smith Dorjey and Karen Solpon Steven and Susan Sordello Benjamin and Katharine Spink Errol and Stacy Springs Ed Sramaty and Brigid Bannan Ira and Stacy Stone Raymond Stovich and Linda Subia-Stovich Benjamin Strong and Robin Navarro Strong Ranjeet and Melissa Sudan Satheesh Sudarsan and Jaishree Subramania Richard and Inga Surprenant Shingo and Makiko Suzuki Karthik Swaminathan and Soundarya Sivaramakrishnan Chong Tan and Clare Lee Shakti and Indroop Thakur Hung and Amber Thang Derek and Patricia Timm Ratan and Nandini Tipirneni Hung and Loan Tran Theresa Tran Tony Tran and Traci Nguyen Andrew Trick Alex Truong and Grace Huang Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis and Makrina Kartezini David and Ilene Tucker William Urban and Katrina Brinkman Jan Van Bruaene and Estela Arbuco Daniel and Nicola Vaughn Rodney and Katherine Velasco Anthony and Melanie Ventura Christopher Vivian and Denise Alberto ’87 Anthony and Alice Volpe Khuong and Diane Vu Narayanan Vydianathan and Vidya Meenakshi Gregory Wahl and Nancy Da Silva Gregory and Laura (Florczyk ’92) Walker Cont’d WINTER 2022 39

Annual Fund cont’d

Hugh and Yuko Walsh Lei Wang Xiang Wang and Annabella Guo Xinyu Wang and Zhijie Huang Yongwei Wang and Ying Zhao Jason and Kathryn Watson Alex and Munira Webb Jeffrey and Audrey Webb Martyn and Fiona Webster Rob Wheeler and Kerrie Utsumi Blake and Rie Williams Alec and Helen Wong Philip Wong and Khim Foo-Wong Wangmyong and Youngmi Woo Sean and Cindy Worthington Jian Wu and Shuangying Huang Peter Wu and Jennifer Lin Tino Wuensche and Clare Yeh Charlie and Hong Yang Cheng Yang and Qian Yao Haitao Yang and Xiaoyu Xu Elie and Mirna Yarack Eric Yeaman Jose and Angela Yepez Qishan Yu Aaron and Elizabeth Zanetto Gang Zhang and Qing Zou Jie and Jun Zhang John Zhang and Kelly Li Fuyong Zhao and Akiko Uchida Jun Xiu Zhu and Jian Wen Zeng Bryan and Karynn Zmijewski GIFTS FROM PARENTS OF ALUMNI Annually, parents of alumni make generous contributions to the school. Archbishop Mitty High School wishes to thank those listed whose gifts provide students the opportunity for lifetime friendships and the gift of a quality, Catholic, college-preparatory education.

Jeremy and Karol Advincula Ashish and Namrata Agrawal Tarun and Ritu Ahuja David and Dianna Albert Bernard and Niccole Allard J-D and Mary Allegrucci Thomas and Julia Alloggiamento Melanie Anstett and Lorraine Beeman Claude and Anita Atencio 40 ARCHBISHOP MITTY MAGAZINE

Prakash and Anjali Babu Ali and Ban Ballou Giovanni and Sarka Barbarossa Peter and Mary Baust Rupen and Anar Bavishi Philip and Cathryn Beltran Aldo and Nadia Bermudez Charles Bona and Catalina Phan Clark and Jennifer Bowcock Karl and Brenda Braitberg Scott and Rona Brodrick Paul Brown and Meredith Wright Stephen and Marisa Brown Curt and Lucy Brune James and Maureen Burden Misha and Lisa Burich Craig Burrows and Betsy Upton Brian and Sherri Butler James and Catherine Cabagbag Brian and Doreen Cadieux Dario and Wendy Calia Jose and Christine Camara Sean and Helen Campion Ronald and Mary Cane Katherine Caputo Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Clifford (’91) and Jennifer Caroza William and Susan Carter Jose (’86) and Kelly Castanon Gregory Catcott and Lou WoodburyCatcott David and Venus Cenizal Dino and Mary Certa Alexander and Flerida Cervania David and Glowe Chang Kris and Evelyne Chellam Larry Cheng and Jean Yee Dianna and Lewis Chew Wilton and Maria Chin Steve and Christy Choate Jerry and Faith Chou Beth Cintas Dale and Debbie (Gaskell ’87) Coldiron Christopher and Alisha Collier David and Debbie Condensa Jordan and Beth Cookman Michael (’88) and Julie Crisafulli Richard and Diane Cristina Jeffrey Cui and Helen Xing John and Kristi Dasher John and Judith Davis Alain and Stephanie de Raynal

Peter and Connie Decena Vincent and Susana del Rosario Amish and Ruchibahen Desai Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Francesco and Bridget DiMambro Paul Dominic and Sophia Paul Rajesh Dorairajan and Uma Krishnamurthy Anuj and Priya Dua Ian and Grace Edvalson Martin and Dawne Edwards Mary Folzman David and Dianne Foote Mark and Tricia Foster George and Mary Ann Fox Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero Arturo Gamboa-Aldeco and Anuncia Gonzalez-Martin Nitin and Shilpa Garg Jason and Jessica Geis Reiner Genevriere and Sonja Cost John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Heather Glahn Miles and Robin Godwin Jaydeep and Jyoti Gohil Yitao Gong and Liangxue Zhu Judy (Poe ’76) Goodson Manimaran Govindaraju and Bharathy Manimaran Courtney Grant Brian Gregory and Kerri Green Joe Guerra and Rose Lopez Puneet and Namrata Gupta Jeff (’90) and Amy Gurich Robert and Rita Halbach Chuck and Mary Hammers Matt (’85) and Julie Haniger Deborah Hao Angelo Harris, Sr. Jonathan and Patricia Harris Dave (’75) and Sandra (Welch ’75) Hart Vincent Hemsley and Robin Reynolds Hemsley Scott Herhold and Sarah Janigian Kevin and Pamela Herr Mai Hoang Basim and Julianne Jaber Robert and Christine Jahncke Mark and Susan Jamieson Daniel Jensen and Carolyn Donlin Mandar and Indira Joshi Darren and May Jue


Annual Fund cont’d

Changoo and Sarah Kang Tae Kang and Moon Kim Scott and Carla Keesling Douglas Kernan and Laura Ipsen Mehul and Darshita Kharidia Carrell and Frances Killebrew Myeongeop Kim and Soeun Lim Phil (’69) and Kathy Kleinheinz Jeffrey Knight and Laura Rosso-Knight Tomai and Sylvia Knopp Damon and Amy (Choice ’86) Korb Mikhail Korolik and Katrina Mikhaylichenko John and Dana Kouretas Sathvik and Erica Krishnamurthy Matthew and Kelly Kucic David (’84) and Pamela Kurze Indrajit Lahiri and Vidya Rao Vipul Lal and Anjali Machado Daniel and Andrea Lam Richard Lang and Ling Ling Chow Craig and Ida Larsen Martin and Catherine Larson Jeffery and Maureen Latourrette Jeff and Kate Lawrence Mark and Cathy Leather Jennifer Leggett Mark and Susan Leonard Matthew and Monita Levy HungChun Li and Aichi Chang Qingning Li and Wei Tang Jon and Christine Linthacum Frank and Carey Lisowski Jiguang Liu and Yiying Chen Justin Liu and Waigan Chan Xibin Liu and Rui Qiang William Lloyd and Claire Ando Josh and Jennifer Loftus Gary and Bernadette Macdonald Kevin and Sheila MacLean Kevin Madrigal and Alicia Silva-Madrigal Tim and Shea Malcolm Ronell and Bodette Mallari Robert and Christy Marani Steven and Michelle Maranowski Jeff and Nancy Marks Rick and Jill (Bresniker ’81) Martig Bryan and Lisa Martin Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Brian and Lisa Matherly Craig and Michelle Matsumoto Mark and Lisa Matulich

Francisco and Beth Matus Glenn and Susan Mau Brian and Jennifer Maxwell Robertson and Myra Maxwell James and Erin Mazzone Michael and Carolyn McDonald Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Nona McHale John McIntyre and Tiffany Sparks Douglas and Susan McNelly Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim Pascal and Peggy Meier Nenad and Ana Miladinovic Jason and Lori Miller Thomas (’83) and Christin Miller Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Robert and Lillian Moore Frank and Alicia Morales Ernesto and Stacie Moreno Scott and Elena Mosko Debbie Mueller Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy Kirt and Seema (Roy ’91) Mulji Roberto and Susan Munne James and Jeanne Murphy John Naporano and E. Harden Peter and Eleonora Navalta Mike Neunfinger and Sigrid Jacobsen Alex Nguyen Tam Nguyen and Nau Lam Thuc Nguyen and Lynh Ngo Alex and Thuy-Anh Nguyen Paulo and Filomena Oliveira John and Amy Oosterhouse Ramesh and Roopa Pai Eshwar and Shalini Parigi Tarak Parikh and Swati Jobanputra Chan Hong Park and Mi Sook Lee Bob (’85) and Karen (Gimple ’86) Parker Robert Parks and Karen Dillon Dipesh and Nirupa Patel Nital and Kalindi Patwa David and Kerrie Peraino Joseph and Michelle Petrison Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Steve (’78) and Jan (Welch ’78) Popolizio Andrew and Alison Powell Bruce and Debra Powell Pete and Lynn Pragastis Thomas and Elizabeth Pulchny George and Sandra Quinn

Saravan Rajendran and Manjari Gadi Ashok Raman and Sujata Ramnarayan Subir Ray and Rebecca Biswas Treven and Jennifer Regala James and Jean Riparbelli William and Lori Robowski Kelly Rodman Brian and Rashmi Rodricks Jorge and Anne Rodriguez Brian Rogoff and Renee Jacowitz Rogoff Matthew and Holly Salkeld Paul and Megan Sampson Brad Sandman and Tanya Jenkins Robert (’85) and Denise Sapien Sachin and Praseeda Sathaye Jason and Tracy Scharpf Todd and Paige Schmitzer Robert (’77) and Kimberly Schriver Santosh and Shilpa Shanbhag Sanjay and Bhavna Sharma Robert and Patricia Sheehan Damien and Maria Simon Thomas Skelton and Claudia Galvan De Skelton John and Catherine Slevin Jim and Kate Slevin Kevin and Kelly Smith Gerry and Michelle Smith Stephen and Natalie Snyder James and Kelly Soares Jure and Michelle Šola Christopher Sooy Steven and Susan Sordello Mark and Leilani Spencer Errol and Stacy Springs Ed Sramaty and Brigid Bannan John and Punitha Stanislaus Ranjeet and Melissa Sudan Chong Tan and Clare Lee Fred and Ellen Tou Theresa Tran Alex Truong and Grace Huang David Truong and Trinh Trinh David and Ilene Tucker William Urban and Katrina Brinkman Issac and Maria Nash Vaughn Anthony and Alice Volpe Mark and Drew Vranicar Julian and Kandra Vu Khuong and Diane Vu Narayanan Vydianathan and Vidya Meenakshi




Annual Fund cont’d

Xiaobo Wang and Qing Ren Alex and Munira Webb Jeffrey and Audrey Webb Martyn and Fiona Webster Rob Wheeler and Kerrie Utsumi Daniel and Katherine (Florczyk ’90) Williams Sean and Cindy Worthington Jian Wu and Shuangying Huang William and Kendra Wymbs Cheng Yang and Qian Yao Barbara Yeh Jose and Angela Yepez Qishan Yu Richard Zeng and Lin Zhou Xiaodong Zhai and Rikun Tang Jie and Jun Zhang


Melinda Cox Marisa D’Amico Dylan Drake Colin Fan and Rita Chen Patricia Gregory Amanda Gross Sam and Nancy Gross Richard and Jamie Jacobson Charles and Rosemary Josey Kimberley Kerr and Jennifer Salmon Ann Lambrecht Bernard LeRoy and Josie Mazor Marco Magarelli Seung and Lisa Park John and Timi Sobrato

Phuoc Thang Arturo Gonzalez and Catalina Tirado-Gonzalez Wilfredo and Patsy Vargas Ethan Welsh Tim and Kristin Zanni The Imagine Campaign provided funding for the John A. and Susan Sobrato Science and Student Life Center. This building, which opened in January 2017, offers expanded facilities in support of the Science Department, Student Activities, and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program.

Gonzalo and Antonia Burgara Mason and Sharon Kimont

Leave a Lasting Legacy Become a Member of the Heritage Circle

The Archbishop Mitty Heritage Circle is comprised of alumni, parents of students and alumni, and friends who have made provision for the school by means of a planned gift. To become a member, simply advise the Advancement Office of your intention to make a gift to the school in your will or living trust. If you would like more information on making a legacy gift, please contact the Advancement Office at (408) 342-4260. In providing for the school in a will, trust, or other vehicle of planned gift, pleased be advised that our corporate title is “Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation of San Jose,” a corporation sole, for the benefit of Archbishop Mitty High School.


Gifts from Alumni and Current Students All Archbishop Mitty High School students benefit from the altruism of the men and women who came before them. Alumni understand the value of the Archbishop Mitty High School experience perhaps better than anyone, and the ongoing support of the alumni community is critical to the school’s continued success. On March 5, 2021, we held the fourth annual Monarch Day of Giving, raising $22,000 with 35 classes represented. Next year’s Monarch Day of Giving will be on March 4, 2022, the day after Monarch Madness, and in the spirit of the Madness, friendly competition will be encouraged between graduating classes. Thank you to the alumni who gave so generously during the 2020-2021 school year.



Steve Gera

Eileen (Curran) Block Michael Glazzy Scot Graham Rosemary McCarthy Alice Medeiros David Vachon


Phil Kleinheinz CLASS OF 1970

Robert Freitas Tim McCarthy CLASS OF 1971

Glen Smith CLASS OF 1973

Steve Pirotta Robert Watkins CLASS OF 1974


William Benak, Jr. David Roberson CLASS OF 1981

John Faylor Robert Gribbin Jill (Bresniker) Martig Patrick Miller

Carlo Ettare Lynn White




Dave Hart Sandra (Welch) Hart John Hill

Thomas Miller


Judy (Poe) Goodson William Minnery Chris Nelson Michele (La Rocca) Nelson CLASS OF 1977

Joan (Russell) Downey Chris Enfantino Jennifer (Murphy) Morrical Robert Schriver CLASS OF 1978

Jan (Welch) Popolizio Steve Popolizio

Joseph Martinez


Brenda (Broadus) Chizanskos David Kurze Michael Potter CLASS OF 1985

Matt Haniger Bob Parker Candace Plevyak Robert Sapien Ryan Seto Karen (Bryant) Tersini CLASS OF 1986

Jose Castanon Amy (Choice) Korb Karen (Gimple) Parker

Amy Louise (Costello) Rose CLASS OF 1987

Denise Alberto Debbie (Gaskell) Coldiron CLASS OF 1988

Christopher Bovone Michael Crisafulli Susan Crisham Julie (Benetti) Hackett Kristen (Geib) Van Sickle CLASS OF 1990

Timothy de Kay Amanda (Ott) Flynn Jeff Gurich Shirley (Mamuyac) Mata David Morton, Jr. Leslie (Caughran) Reilly Katherine (Florczyk) Williams CLASS OF 1991

Clifford Caroza Heather (Menifee) Casale Tracy (Yamamoto) Falco Robin (Alberto) Hanahan Marc Hartley Patrick Herrington Seema (Roy) Mulji CLASS OF 1992

Maureen (Loftus) Anderson Jacob Caputo Robin ( Jeffers) Caputo Leandra (Saenz) Hutton Mark Rodriguez, Jr. Paul Vaccaro Miel Vallejo-Brooks Laura (Florczyk) Walker Cont’d

WINTER 2022 43

Gifts cont’d CLASS OF 1993



Susan (Perry) Bartlett Janine (Gill) Hartley Gregory Korbel and Jill Korbel Ernie Sedillo

Steven Cary Alia (McCaffrey) Kele Bryan Moriarty Michael Vachon

Claire Cecilio Paige Martig Rebecca Toy



Amy (Goerges) Giachetti Justine (Giacomini) Mobeck

Mike D’Ambrosio Ashley (Fini) Khalipa Jason Khalipa

Ian Aguilar Jessica Alva Aidan Byrnes Nicole Johnston Marquel Love Jose Navarro Cruz Caleb Sexton Conner Sexton Ted Young


Justina Williams CLASS OF 1996

Jeanine Giacomini CLASS OF 1997

Julie Ann (Gillespie) Hedrick CLASS OF 1998

Trisha Mae Coyoca Joe Denzel Mary (Holt) Pustejovsky Terrence Williams


Megan (Pitzen) King Jacqueline (Bahue) Person CLASS OF 2006

Jason Adam Gray A. Benjamin Gringeri Kayla (Farrell) Monk Patrick Monk Grant Zamudio CLASS OF 2007



Kristofer Bubic Aukai Ng CLASS OF 2017

Daniel Rohde Jonathan Vu Janelle Wilson

Lauren (Sherburne) Kiedrowski Ryann (Cooper) Mazzucos

Ayeetin Azah Desiray Johnston Johanna Pfeiffer Nicole Santo Katie Scally




Jason Meduri Janice (Meduri) Vachon Daniel Wieland

Joelle May Nario Ashley (Seymour) Zmuda

Mia Napolitano


Matthew Cerone Montina Filice Christine (Connolly) Henninger


Kimberly (Martin) Boettner Jesse Boulton Roshan (Mehdizadeh) Corsiglia Sarah ( Jordan) Faulkner Sean Roukema CLASS OF 2002

Katherine (Frise) Epidendio Nick Epidendio Lindsey (Sherburne) Little Christine (Brady) Oliver Jason Oliver Anthony Villalba Breann (Robowski) Yu




Katherine Edgecumbe Dominique Johnston Kaitlyn McNicholas CLASS OF 2011

Ryan Chew Natalie Nguyen CLASS OF 2012

Megan Linney Christopher Loosg


Hana DeGuzman Maria Carolina Nome

Mitty Auction On Saturday, April 24, 2021, Mr. Doug Santana and Mr. Carl Silva hosted a fun and entertaining live auction online on the AMHS Live YouTube Channel. The event capped off a four-day online auction. A Fund-A-Need appeal was made to support Archbishop Mitty High School’s Direct Aid program, which assists the school in distributing more than $5 million in financial aid.


AJ Tutoring Alice’s Restaurant Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Anonymous Aqui Cal-Mex Bella James BSN Sports The Cake Works Children’s Musical Theatre of San Jose Citti’s Florist Classic Car Wash Club Sport San Jose Coconut’s Fish Cafe Costco Creative Partner Crow’s Nest David Enrique Photography Devine Cheese & Wine Drawn2Art Economic Driving School Education Unlimited ELVTD MVMT Emma’s Delights Giorgio’s Italian Food and Pizzeria Golfland USA Good Vibes on the Water The Hakone Foundation Hiller Aviation Institute Hobee’s California Restaurants House Family Vineyards J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines Joe Escobar Diamonds Joseph George Wines Joseph Phelps Vineyards Peter D. Kiryakos, DDS Krave Fitness Leslie Guarascio Photography Lunardi’s Markets San Jose Lux Bus America Mann Lake Ltd. Merit Educational Consultants Oak & Rye Palo Alto Players The Pasta Market

Perrucci Family Vineyard Pet People of Los Gatos Pizza My Heart Planet Granite Rock Climbing Gym Pruneridge Golf Club Responsible Lee LLC Safeway San Francisco Giants San Jose Giants San Jose Sharks Santa Clara Swim Club Saso High School Prep Scott’s Cheap Flights Silver Creek Valley Country Club Sirius Dog Training Smart Running with Joe Sanders Storrs Winery and Vineyards Susan J. Weiand Photography Susie Cakes Tectonic Coffee Co. Total Wine & More Trader Joe’s Tsing Tao Restaurant Vardy’s Jewelers Vena’s Skin and Body Treatments The Walt Disney Family Museum Winter Lodge Zanotto’s AUCTION INDIVIDUAL DONORS

John and Rosemary Beahm Keith and Lynn Brown Manuel Cabarloc and Nicholle Gutierrez-Cabarloc Russell and Mary Callahan Dianna and Lewis Chew Thomas and Vian Davis Alain and Stephanie de Raynal Hana DeGuzman ’18 Harold and Laarni DeGuzman Shawn and Ioana Delaney Anthony and Julie DeMaria Christopher and Sheryl Domingue Yuezhong Du and Jiong Peng Hani and Cheryl Durzy Richard and Moira Edelman

Wim and Kate Elfrink George and Mary Ann Fox Jason and Allison Fox David and Andrea Gibson Jon and Karen Imperato Richard and Ellen Imrisek Kenneth and Aer Lee Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Jacqueline (Bahue ’05) Person Alan and Ute Ren Michael and Shannon Rossi Ronald and Mary Schrotenboer Damien and Maria Simon Richard and Inga Surprenant John and Rosemary Tebaldi Robert (’73) and Judy Watkins AUCTION UNDERWRITERS

Anonymous FUND-A-NEED

Francisco Arriaga and Diana Alvarez Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Douglas Beck and Kim O’Keefe Beck Katherine Caputo Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Kris and Evelyne Chellam Dianna and Lewis Chew Ryan Chew ’11 Patrick and Elizabeth Clifford Christopher and Alisha Collier David and Debbie Condensa Rajesh Dorairajan and Uma Krishnamurthy Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Jeffrey and Carolyn Hughes Pete Ingram-Cauchi and Natalia Mercadal Intuit Foundation Richard and Jamie Jacobson Daniel Jensen and Carolyn Donlin Darren and May Jue Francis and Erinne Keffer Gregory (’93) and Jill Korbel


WINTER 2022 45

Mitty Auction cont’d

Jon and Christine Linthacum Jeff Marks and Nancy Yu Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Nona McHale Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim Ayhan Menekshe and Martina Kocianova Microsoft

Ryan† and Joanne Mills Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy John and Amy Oosterhouse Bob (’85) and Karen (Gimple ’86) Parker David and Kerrie Peraino Connor and Tracy Pingree Damien and Maria Simon Richard and Inga Surprenant

Wilfredo and Patsy Vargas Daniel and Nicola Vaughn Issac and Maria Nash Vaughn Jason and Kathryn Watson Philip Wong and Khim Foo-Wong Tim and Kristin Zanni †Deceased




Top Golf San Jose Tuesday, February 1, 2022 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Wednesday, March 23 through Sunday, March 27, 2022

Thomas Fogarty Winery Saturday, March 26, 2022 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

For more information visit


Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament The 33rd Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament was held on May 3rd, 2021 at Cinnabar Hills Golf Course. The number of golfers was scaled back in order to maintain social distancing throughout the course, and while this year’s tournament was different from years past, we rallied together to create an enjoyable day. All proceeds from this event benefited the AMHS Alumni Scholarship Endowment, which will help provide book scholarships to deserving young men and women at Archbishop Mitty High School. 2021 ALUMNI & FRIENDS TOURNAMENT PLANNING COMMITTEE

Joe Asunsolo ’85 Paul Behan ’82 Robert Blickenstaff ’71 Claudine Campbell Michael Campbell Lawrence Cargnoni Donn Casale Kathy Cote Guarnieri Tim de Kay ’90 Jim Downey Chris Enfantino ’77 Bernard Galvan Steve Gera ’68 Tanya Hiraki Matty Hrncir Renee (Diani ’92) Huerta Nicole Johnston ’14 Daniel Juliano Rachel Juliano ’14 Dana Kelly Megan Koivun Lisa Leaverton Lucas Liu Alvaro Mata Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Jennifer Mazzuca John McIntyre Kim Moore Lillian Moore Ernie Moreno Sheryl Murdock Ray Nasmeh Monica Perez Laura Pesavento Scott Polhemus Mike Putz ’71 Beatriz Quezada Carmela Robertson Ethan Robertson Jennifer Sabatino ’92 Brett Schuster Mike Shum

Roseanne (Lipari ’87) Smith Wendy Tjaden Ken Toyama Dave Vachon ’79 Marguerite Vachon Michael Vachon ’03 Matt Vernooy Kay Woodard Cindy Worthington Karynn Zmijewski

David (’80) and Shelly Roberson David (’79) and Marguerite Vachon HOLE SPONSORS

Environmental Systems, Inc.

Audio Video Installation & Design Campbell’s Towing Pat and Jim Cargnoni Corporate Sign Systems Joann Parrott Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy Corporation Quezada State Farm Agency John Saunders ’98 and Family



Richard and Diane Cristina Devcon Construction Robert and Christine Jahncke

Bill Benak David (’79) and Marguerite Vachon


Armitage Wines Michael Campbell and Claudine Sarkis-Campbell David and Venus Cenizal Gordon Biersch Brewing Company Timothy Guarnieri and Kathleen Cote Guarnieri J. Greg and Dana Kelly Sean and Cindy Worthington Bryan and Karynn Zmijewski


Art’s Sheet Metal Mfg. Rydquist Realty Group - David and Venus Cenizal John Faylor ’81 Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. Kevin and Sheila McLean McLarney Construction, Inc. TJG Mission Critical Realty BIRDIE SPONSORS


James and Joan (Russell ’77) Downey David Schultheis - Specialty AC Products PAR SPONSORS

Kris and Evelyne Chellam Liquid Gardens, Inc. Anand and Anupama Singh PREMIUM HOLE SPONSORS

Christine (’17) & Caitlyn (’19) Cargnoni Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Mike (’04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio Pirotta Financial Services Redwood Electric Group, Inc.

WINTER 2022 47

Donors to Archbishop Mitty High School Yuezhong Du and Jiong Peng Hani and Cheryl Durzy Through our individual gifts of time, Economic Driving School talent, and treasure, we as a community Richard and Moira Edelman are providing our students with the best Education Unlimited college preparatory experience imaginable. Wim and Kate Elfrink Each year, Archbishop Mitty High School ELVTD MVMT receives tangible gifts of personal property, Emma’s Delights equipment, and services, which add to the George and Mary Ann Fox quality of life at the school. Jason and Allison Fox A special thanks to the in-kind donors David and Andrea Gibson who have made gifts during the 2020-2021 Giorgio’s Italian Food and Pizzeria school year. Golfland USA Good Vibes on the Water AJ Tutoring Gordon Biersch Brewing Company Alice’s Restaurant Timothy Guarnieri and Kathleen Cote Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Guarnieri Aqui Cal-Mex The Hakone Foundation Armitage Wines Hiller Aviation Institute John and Rosemary Beahm Hobee’s California Restaurants Bella James House Family Vineyards Bill Benak Jon and Karen Imperato Keith and Lynn Brown Richard and Ellen Imrisek BSN Sports J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines Manuel Cabarloc and Nicholle Joe Escobar Diamonds Gutierrez-Cabarloc Joseph George Wines The Cake Works Joseph Phelps Vineyards Russell and Mary Callahan J Greg and Dana Kelly Michael Campbell and Claudine Peter D. Kiryakos, DDS Sarkis-Campbell Krave Fitness David and Venus Cenizal Kenneth and Aer Lee Dianna and Lewis Chew Leslie Guarascio Photography Children’s Musical Theatre of San Jose Lunardi’s Markets San Jose Citti’s Florist Lux Bus America Classic Car Wash Mann Lake Ltd. Club Sport San Jose Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Coconut’s Fish Cafe Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Costco Merit Educational Consultants Creative Partner Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Crow’s Nest Oak & Rye David Enrique Photography Palo Alto Players Thomas and Vian Davis The Pasta Market Alain and Stephanie de Raynal Perrucci Family Vineyard Hana DeGuzman ’18 Jacqueline (Bahue ’05) Person Harold and Laarni DeGuzman Pet People of Los Gatos Shawn and Ioana Delaney Pizza My Heart Anthony and Julie DeMaria Planet Granite Rock Climbing Gym Devine Cheese & Wine Pruneridge Golf Club Christopher and Sheryl Domingue Alan and Ute Ren Drawn2Art IN-KIND GIFTS


Responsible Lee LLC Michael and Shannon Rossi Safeway San Francisco Giants San Jose Giants San Jose Sharks Santa Clara Swim Club Saso High School Prep Ronald and Mary Schrotenboer Scott’s Cheap Flights Silver Creek Valley Country Club Damien and Maria Simon Sirius Dog Training Smart Running with Joe Sanders Storrs Winery and Vineyards Richard and Inga Surprenant Susan J. Weiand Photography Susie Cakes John and Rosemary Tebaldi Tectonic Coffee Co. Total Wine & More Trader Joe’s Tsing Tao Restaurant David (’79) and Marguerite Vachon Vardy’s Jewelers Vena’s Skin and Body Treatments The Walt Disney Family Museum Robert (’73) and Judy Watkins Winter Lodge Sean and Cindy Worthington Zanotto’s Bryan and Karynn Zmijewski


Donors cont’d DIRECT AID GIFTS Direct aid donations are used in the same year that they are received and directly benefit families who are in the most need of assistance. Archbishop Mitty High School is committed to providing an enriched education to all deserving students who seek it. For many, our direct aid program is the only avenue for them to attend Archbishop Mitty High School. A special thanks to the direct aid donors who made gifts during the 2020-2021 school year.

Jeremy and Karol Advincula Michael Ahn and Christine Fong Tarun and Ritu Ahuja David and Dianna Albert Bernard and Niccole Allard J-D and Mary Allegrucci Jessica Alva ’14 Ulrich and Tanja Amrhein Manuel Arana Manzano and Ivana Fantozzi Francisco Arriaga and Diana Alvarez Nathan Arroyo and Danicka Le George and Quetia Arzu Claude and Anita Atencio Ayeetin Azah ’07 Eric and Cynthia Banaag Giovanni and Sarka Barbarossa Ricardo and Tabitha Barrientos Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Douglas Beck and Kim O’Keefe Beck Philip and Cathryn Beltran Bradley Bereznak Aldo and Nadia Bermudez Nilesh Bhadani and Manpreet Kaur David and Susan Bilton Travis and Kimberly (Martin ’01) Boettner Charles Bona and Catalina Phan Jesse (’01) and Emily Boulton Edward Brooks and Miel VallejoBrooks ’92 Keith and Lynn Brown Stephen and Marisa Brown Curt and Lucy Brune James and Maureen Burden Misha and Lisa Burich Brian and Sherri Butler James and Catherine Cabagbag

Manuel Cabarloc and Nicholle Gutierrez-Cabarloc Dario and Wendy Calia Russell and Mary Callahan Sean and Helen Campion Eliver and Aurelia Caparas Jake (’92) and Robin ( Jeffers ’92) Caputo Katherine Caputo Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni William and Susan Carter The Carter Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Steven Cary (’03) and Sean McBride Jose (’86) and Kelly Castanon Gregory Catcott and Lou WoodburyCatcott David and Venus Cenizal Dino and Mary Certa Alexander and Flerida Cervania Srinivasa Chaganti and Supriya Madamanchi Steven Chan and Shaoyi Wang David and Glowe Chang Amol Chavarkar and Deepa Mhatre Tom and Leah Cheli Kris and Evelyne Chellam Larry Cheng and Jean Yee Kyle Cheung and Leonor Cheong Dianna and Lewis Chew Ryan Chew ’11 Wilton and Maria Chin Steve and Christy Choate Peter Chu and Sherry Yu Darya Chudova Beth Cintas Cisco Systems, Inc. Patrick and Elizabeth Clifford Dale and Debbie (Gaskell ’87) Coldiron John and Laura Cole Christopher and Alisha Collier David and Debbie Condensa Mattia and Roshan (Mehdizadeh ’01) Corsiglia Melinda Cox Trisha Mae Coyoca ’98 Richard and Diane Cristina Rainer Cvillink and Ellen Paxinos Marisa D’Amico Mark and Kathleen Damarillo John and Kristi Dasher John and Judith Davis Alain and Stephanie de Raynal

Vincent and Susana del Rosario Shawn and Ioana Delaney Joe Denzel ’98 Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Francesco and Bridget DiMambro Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Paul Dominic and Sophia Paul Rajesh Dorairajan and Uma Krishnamurthy Stephen and Aya Dowd Dylan Drake Michael Dueweke and Natalia Kisseleva Katherine Edgecumbe ’10 Vuk and Magdalena Ercegovac Mike and Tracy (Yamamoto ’91) Falco Colin Fan and Rita Chen Ben and Sarah ( Jordan ’01) Faulkner Thomas Ferrill and Stephanie Kain Ferrill Montina Filice ’09 Richard and Joselyn Flores Neal and Amanda (Ott ’90) Flynn Mary Folzman David and Dianne Foote Mark and Tricia Foster Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero Arturo Gamboa-Aldeco and Anuncia Gonzalez-Martin Jose Garcia and Fatima Martinez Bruno and Katherine Garlepp Jesus and Claudia Gasca Somnath Ghosh and Rupashree Dey Steve and Amy (Goerges ’94) Giachetti Jeanine Giacomini ’96 John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Jason and Olivia Gironella Heather Glahn Alex Gluzman and Lydia Lim Miles and Robin Godwin Mena Morgan Judy (Poe ’76) Goodson Jason and Angela Govig Graduway Jason Adam Gray ’06 Seamus and Claire Greene A. Benjamin Gringeri ’06 Amanda Gross Sam and Nancy Gross Joe Guerra and Rose Lopez Liang Guo and Yan Yang Abhinav Halen and Sunita Joshi Matt (’85) and Julie Haniger Angelo Harris, Sr.


WINTER 2022 49

Donors cont’d

Dave (’75) and Sandra (Welch ’75) Hart Marc (’91) and Janine (Gill ’93) Hartley Vincent Hemsley and Robin Reynolds Hemsley Scott Herhold and Sarah Janigian Kevin and Pamela Herr Michael and Deanna Hilberman Mai Hoang Joseph and Eugenia Houle Jeffrey and Carolyn Hughes William and Leandra (Saenz ’92) Hutton HY Floor and Gameline Painting Inc. Pete Ingram-Cauchi and Natalia Mercadal The Intel Foundation The Intuit Foundation Ramji Jagannathan and Aruna Gajavalli Kannan Robert and Christine Jahncke Daniel Jensen and Carolyn Donlin Young Jeon and Minsuk Kim Desiray Johnston ’07 Nicole Johnston ’14 Charles and Rosemary Josey Darren and May Jue Tae Kang and Moon Kim Scott and Carla Keesling Francis and Erinne Keffer Kendra Scott Douglas Kernan and Laura Ipsen Eli and Lauren (Sherburne ’99) Kiedrowski Carrell and Frances Killebrew Phil (’69) and Kathy Kleinheinz Jeffrey Knight and Laura Rosso-Knight Robert Kolek and Jacqueline Nasser-Kolek Damon and Amy (Choice ’86) Korb Gregory (’93) and Jill Korbel Sanjay Kumar David (’84) and Pamela Kurze Maciej and Monika Kurzymski Richard Lang and Ling Ling Chow Craig and Ida Larsen Martin and Catherine Larson Kenneth and Aer Lee Muyoung Lee and Julie Yoo Jennifer Leggett The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Mark and Susan Leonard Bernard LeRoy and Josie Mazor Qingning Li and Wei Tang Allen Liang and Lin Wu Hong Lin and Ling Zhang Shih-Chia Lin and Hui-Hsuan Chen 50 ARCHBISHOP MITTY MAGAZINE

Shihlun Lin and Wenchiann Liou Megan Linney ’12 Jon and Christine Linthacum Frank and Carey Lisowski Bryan and Lindsey (Sherburne ’02) Little Jiguang Liu and Yiying Chen Nathan Liu and Patricia Galindo Daniel and Cindy Lopez Grizel Lopez and Vrinda Achuthan Padmakumari Gary and Bernadette Macdonald Kevin and Sheila MacLean Kevin Madrigal and Alicia Silva-Madrigal Marco Magarelli Ronell and Bodette Mallari Robert and Christy Marani Jeff Marks and Nancy Yu Rick and Jill (Bresniker ’81) Martig Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Mark and Lisa Matulich Glenn and Susan Mau Thomas and Magdalena Maudoux Robertson and Myra Maxwell Daniel and Michelle McCauley Michael and Carolyn McDonald Dennis and Kelly McHaffie Nona McHale Anthony and Elizabeth McKenzie Douglas and Susan McNelly Alice Medeiros ’79 Gary Meeker and Gladys Lim Joe and Thelma Mendes Ayhan Menekshe and Martina Kocianova Microsoft Jason and Lori Miller Ryan† and Joanne Mills Craig and Justine (Giacomini ’94) Mobeck Patrick (’06) and Kayla (Farrell ’06) Monk Frank and Alicia Morales Luis and Lupe Morales Ernesto and Stacie Moreno Bryan Moriarty ’03 David (’90) and Claudia Morton Scott and Elena Mosko Debbie Mueller Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy Kirt and Seema (Roy ’91) Mulji Roberto and Susan Munne James and Jeanne Murphy James Murray and Magali Philippoussis Venkatesh Nagapudi and Sangeetha Mani

Sreevatsa Nagarajarao and Shubha Krishnamurthy John Naporano and E. Harden Joelle May Nario ’08 Sami and Bassima Nassar Peter and Eleonora Navalta Jose Navarro Cruz ’14 NetScout Systems, Inc. Hoang Ngo and Nga Le Tam Nguyen and Nau Lam Nvidia Brian and Stana O’Leary Richard and Kristin O’Leary Paulo and Filomena Oliveira John and Amy Oosterhouse Todd and Macy Otake Ramesh and Roopa Pai Phil and Therese Papenfuss Eshwar and Shalini Parigi Chan Hong Park and Mi Sook Lee Hyunsik Park and Sunghe Kim Sang-Min Park and Young-Hye Na Seung and Lisa Park Bob (’85) and Karen (Gimple ’86) Parker Robert Parks and Karen Dillon Nital and Kalindi Patwa Sergio and Sandra Pelino David and Kerrie Peraino PG&E Connor and Tracy Pingree Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli Steve (’78) and Jan (Welch ’78) Popolizio Bruce and Debra Powell Pete and Lynn Pragastis Mary Pustejovsky ’98 Wenhao Qiao and Chunyan Du George and Sandra Quinn Aravinda Radhakrishnan and Vandana Rao Marek and Jorgete Radko Vijay Raghavendra and Praneetha Manthravadi Peter and Josephine Rando Subir Ray and Rebecca Biswas Treven and Jennifer Regala Troy Riewe and Irene Tan James and Jean Riparbelli William and Lori Robowski Nancy Rocha Marcel and Diane Roche Kelly Rodman Cont’d

Donors cont’d

Brian and Rashmi Rodricks Mark (’92) and Gina Rodriguez Daniel Rohde ’17 Scott Rohlfing Brad Sandman and Tanya Jenkins Nicole Santo ’07 Robert (’85) and Denise Sapien Stephen Schmid and Lori Pegg Todd and Paige Schmitzer Andrea Seefeldt Setera Robert and Patricia Sheehan Damien and Maria Simon Thomas Skelton and Claudia Galvan De Skelton Jim and Kate Slevin Glen Smith ’71 Gerry and Michelle Smith James and Kelly Soares John and Timi Sobrato Jure and Michelle Šola Dorjey and Karen Solpon Christopher Sooy Mark and Leilani Spencer Splunk John and Punitha Stanislaus Ira and Stacy Stone Raymond Stovich and Linda Subia-Stovich Richard and Inga Surprenant Karthik Swaminathan and Soundarya Sivaramakrishnan Synopsys Chong Tan and Clare Lee Shakti and Indroop Thakur Hung and Amber Thang Phuoc Thang Derek and Patricia Timm Fred and Ellen Tou Theresa Tran Tony Tran and Traci Nguyen Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis and Makrina Kartezini Jan Van Bruaene and Estela Arbuco Wilfredo and Patsy Vargas Daniel and Nicola Vaughn Issac and Maria Nash Vaughn Rodney and Katherine Velasco Christopher Vivian and Denise Alberto ’87 Mark and Drew Vranicar Julian and Kandra Vu

Narayanan Vydianathan and Vidya Meenakshi Lei Wang Xiang Wang and Annabella Guo Jason and Kathryn Watson Alex and Munira Webb Ethan Welsh Justina Williams ’95 Daniel and Katherine (Florczyk ’90) Williams Terrence Williams ’98 Janelle Wilson ’17 Philip Wong and Khim Foo-Wong Tino Wuensche and Clare Yeh William and Kendra Wymbs Barbara Yeh Jason and Breann (Robowski ’02) Yu Grant Zamudio ’06 Tim and Kristin Zanni Richard Zeng and Lin Zhou Xiaodong Zhai and Rikun Tang Fuyong Zhao and Akiko Uchida Jun Xiu Zhu and Jian Wen Zeng Bryan and Karynn Zmijewski Paul and Ashley (Seymour ’08) Zmuda BUSINESSES, CORPORATIONS, AND FOUNDATIONS Archbishop Mitty High School is grateful to the businesses, corporations, and foundations who generously supported the school with financial contributions during the 2020-2021 school year.

Adobe Systems, Inc. Allstate Amaison Property LLC Applied Materials, Inc. Art’s Sheet Metal Mfg. Bright Funds Broadcom California Scholarship Federation, Inc. The Carl Gellert and Ceila Berta Gellert Foundation The Carter Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Clariant Corporation Country Club Villa Properties D’Ambrosio Family Foundation Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc. Devcon Construction

Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Electronic Arts Environmental Systems, Inc. Equinix, Inc. Fulcrum Builders, Inc. GHF Partners, Inc. Graduway HY Floor and Gameline Painting Inc. IBM Matching Grants The Intel Foundation The Intuit Foundation Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. Kendra Scott The KLA Tencor Foundation The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation LinkedIn Liquid Gardens, Inc. Lux Manufacturing, Inc. Major League Baseball Players Trust Mayuri Products, Inc. McLarney Construction, Inc. Menekshe Law Firm Micron Technology, Inc. Microsoft Netflix NetScout Systems, Inc. Norton LifeLock Nvidia PayPal PG&E Pirotta Financial Services Protected Profits Insurance Services, Inc. Prudential Financial, Inc. Redwood Electric Group, Inc. Sordello Family Foundation Splunk State Farm Companies Foundation Synopsys TJG Mission Critical Realty VISA, Inc. The VMware Foundation



MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Many corporations support private secondary education by matching a donor’s gift, often as much as two or three times the original contribution. A special thanks to those companies that matched gifts contributed by Archbishop Mitty High School donors during the 2020-2021 school year.

Adobe Systems, Inc. Allstate Applied Materials, Inc. Bright Funds

Broadcom Matching Gift Program Cisco Systems, Inc. Clariant Corporation Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Electronic Arts Equinix, Inc. IBM Matching Grants The Intel Foundation Intuit, Inc. The KLA Tencor Foundation LinkedIn Major League Baseball Players Trust Micron Technology, Inc.

Microsoft Netflix NetScout Systems, Inc. Norton LifeLock Nvidia PayPal PG&E Prudential Financial, Inc. Splunk State Farm Companies Foundation Synopsys VISA, Inc. The VMware Foundation

Archbishop Mitty High School Heritage Circle The Archbishop Mitty Heritage Circle consists of alumni, parents of alumni, current parents and friends of Archbishop Mitty High School, who have made provision for the school by means of a planned gift. These very special donors help to secure the financial future of Archbishop Mitty through their will or estate documents. A portion of their estate will be set aside for a special fund that will generate much needed support for our programs and scholarships. This unique giving vehicle is the greatest of all gifts as it allows future Monarchs to enjoy the superior Catholic college preparatory education that Archbishop Mitty students and alumni have experienced.

The following is a list of individuals who have made the school aware of such a provision as of June 30, 2021.

Arthur and Denise Adams Bonnie Blackwell Mark Burns ’78 Jake (’92) and Robin ( Jeffers ’92) Caputo Gregory Lawrence Chesson† Robert and Suzanne Curthoys Lawrence and Jacquelyn deAngelis Joseph† and Joyce Denzel Tom and Kathy Dunlap


Michael and Mary Ellen Fox Joe Guerra Evelyn Heagerty† R. Andy and Louise Helland Howard and Barb Ignatius Richard† and Debi Justice Kevin and Michelle (Lisk ’86) Kelly Steve Kottmeier and Suanne Ramar Michael (’77) and Annette Linney Kevin and Eileen Madej Richard Moore and Juliette Bettencourt Dale and Lyn Nesbitt Gerry and Carol Parker

Stephen Prater ’72 Glenn and Pamela Reitsma Cindy Relfe ’77† Richard and Genevieve Rolla The Martha and Philip Sanfilippo Trust John and Mary Ann Sorci Fred and Ellen Tou John and Christine Tower Roxanne (Stringari ’74) Vane Michael and Virginia Whelan †Deceased

Memorials In Memory of Dr. Jack Bowcock

In Memory of Catherine Malone ’76

Charles and Rosemary Josey

Eric Purviance and Rosemary McCarthy ’79

In Memory of Shelby Brewer ’96

Martin and Cheryl Brewer

In Memory of Fr. Jim Mifsud

Steve (’68) and Linda Gera

In Memory of Arturo Cenizal

David and Venus Cenizal Amanda Gross Sam and Nancy Gross Marco Magarelli Seung and Lisa Park

In Memory of Ruth Nolan

Lloyd and Sandra Scates In Memory of Katie Reich

Casey and Jennie O’Connor Cary and Martha Reich

In Memory of Ron DeMonner

In Memory of Ernie Rothlin

Bernard LeRoy and Josie Mazor

Lloyd and Sandra Scates

In Memory of Dee Felicetta

In Memory of Fr. Jack Russi

Susan Crisham ’88

Steve (’68) and Linda Gera

In Memory of Dan Fitzgerald

In Memory of James and Erma Schriver

Robert (’70) and Carole Freitas Steve (’68) and Linda Gera Tim McCarthy ’70

Robert (’77) and Kimberly Schriver In Memory of Amparo Tirado

In Memory of Tony and Billie Ingrassia

Mike and Anne Federwisch

Arturo Gonzalez and Catalina Tirado-Gonzalez

In Memory of Dominic C. Vargas ’15 Andrew Caine Tom Caine Don and Marci Fernandez Edwin Gonzalez Kim Kirkorian Kerry Lenihan Baz Timothy Luzader Genevieve Mansfield Roberto and Susan Munne Steven and Casey Robertson Michael and Marnie Rohde Robert (’85) and Denise Sapien Sean and Erin Silva Christine Valenzuela Mario and Cheryl Vargas Tim and Katherine Wesmiller Lynn Zetterquist In Memory of Bill Walpole

Lloyd and Sandra Scates In Memory of Roger and Marge Wells

Robert (’77) and Kimberly Schriver

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” John 14:1-3

WINTER 2022 53

Emergency Tuition Assistance Fund To help families get back on their feet, Archbishop Mitty launched the Monarchs Helping Monarchs Campaign. Mitty families came together to ensure that present and future students can call Archbishop Mitty their home, regardless of financial situations negatively affected by the pandemic. In the most urgent of times, Archbishop Mitty asked the community to support the Emergency Tuition Assistance Fund, which helped meet immediate needs as well as other unanticipated need in the future. Thanks to generous donors, we raised more than $300,000 to support students in need.

Wilton and Maria Chin The Carl Gellert and Ceila Berta Gellert Foundation Jonathan and Patricia Harris Intuit, Inc. Richard and Jamie Jacobson

Kimberley Kerr and Jennifer Salmon Jeff and Maureen La Tourrette Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Microsoft Constantine Polychronopoulos and Aikaterini Gardeli

Robert (’77) and Kimberly Schriver Sordello Family Foundation Arturo Gonzalez and Catalina Tirado-Gonzalez The VMware Foundation

Endowing Our Future An endowment fund is the restricted capital that provides a permanent source of income for Archbishop Mitty High School. The principal is invested in a disciplined manner, and the earnings and investment appreciation are channeled back into the fund. This allows the endowment to grow over time and become a source of long-term support that can be maintained permanently. Endowments provide much needed funding for families who might not otherwise be able to afford a Catholic college preparatory education; they also provide funding for the programs and services from which all Archbishop Mitty High School students benefit. We continue our fundraising towards “endowing our future” after successfully achieving the $20 million goal of The Campaign for Archbishop Mitty last year. There are three types of endowment funds at Archbishop Mitty High School: Scholarship Endowment Fund Investment earnings from this fund provide financial assistance to students with demonstrated financial need. Named scholarship opportunities begin with an initial gift of $10,000 or more, and a scholarship is considered fully funded (providing the median AMHS financial aid award) when it reaches $50,000. Program Endowment Fund Investment earnings from this fund assist curricular and co-curricular programs at Archbishop Mitty High School. Named program endowment opportunities begin with a gift of $10,000. The amount required to fully fund program endowments varies, depending on the operating budget of each program. General Endowment Fund Investment earnings from this fund supplement the school’s annual operating budget, helping to offset the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a student at Archbishop Mitty High School. Named general endowment opportunities begin with a gift of $10,000. Those wishing to take part in The Campaign for Archbishop Mitty High School by establishing their own endowment or by contributing to existing endowments at any giving level should contact Mason Kimont, Executive Director for Advancement, at (408) 342-4260. THE LOUKAS ANGELO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP


Jessica Alva ’14 Aidan Byrnes ’14 Donn and Heather (Menifee ’91) Casale Mike Potter (’84) and Cindy Chavez Ricardo Choy Morey and Elizabeth Velando Nunez Luca Fasoli and Stella Matarrese John and Helen Finneran Mary Folzman

Michael (’79) and Cathy Glazzy Scot Graham ’79 Michael and Julie (Benetti ’88) Hackett Brett and Christine (Connolly ’09) Henninger IBM Matching Grants Megan (Pitzen ’05) King Phil (’69) and Kathy Kleinheinz Damon and Amy (Choice ’86) Korb Steven and Anna Lentz Lloyd and Julie Martin John and Louise McKeon Dan and Patty Medaglia Michael and Joanne Moul

Natalie Nguyen ’11 Mike Potter (’84) and Cindy Chavez Katie Scally ’07 Kristen (Geib ’88) Van Sickle Anthony Villalba ’02 Daniel and Lori Wedge Justina Williams ’95 Barbara Yeh ARCHBISHOP MITTY ATHLETICS PROGRAM ENDOWMENT

Ian Aguilar ’14 Sean and Susan (Perry ’93) Bartlett Kristofer Bubic ’15 Cont’d


Endowing Our Future cont’d

Cisco Systems, Inc. Daniel Cohen Scot Graham ’79 Robert (’81) and Melanie Gribbin Matt (’85) and Julie Haniger Desiray Johnston ’07 Nicole Johnston ’14 Marquel Love ’14 Major League Baseball Players Trust Keith and Ryann (Cooper ’99) Mazzuco Nona McHale Joe and Thelma Mendes Jason (’02) and Christine (Brady ’02) Oliver Alphonse Onyeagwas Johanna Pfeiffer ’07 Evan Richter Sean Roukema ’01 Conner Sexton ’14 Mark and Drew Vranicar Ted Young ’14 ARCHBISHOP MITTY CAMPUS MINISTRY PROGRAM ENDOWMENT

Adobe Systems, Inc. Steve and Eileen (Curran ’79) Block Katherine Caputo Dianna and Lewis Chew Kim Crawford Sam and Ann Doumanian Katherine Edgecumbe ’10 Nick (’02) and Katherine (Frise ’02) Epidendio Carlo (’74) and Julie Ettare Patricia Filice Steve and Amy (Goerges ’94) Giachetti Lois Hurd Nicole Johnston ’14 Nicholas and Molly Lecheler Kevin and Sheila MacLean Joseph Martinez ’82 Scott and Vicky McCall Microsoft David and Denise Morrone Jennifer (Murphy ’77) Murphy-Morrical Joey and Diemay Nagase Mia Napolitano ’19 Chris (’86) and Michele (La Rocca ’86) Nelson Maria Carolina Nome ’18 Audrey Ostrowski-Gallagher Bob (’85) and Karen (Gimple ’86) Parker

Michael and Whitney Parker Hamid and Katherine Rahnema Caleb Sexton ’14 Sorin Spanoche and Andrea Cosmin Jon and Nehemia Umene Mario and Cheryl Vargas Lynn White ’74 Daniel Wieland ’00 ARCHBISHOP MITTY GENERAL ENDOWMENT

Martin and Cheryl Brewer Susan Crisham ’88 John and Kirsten Dryden John and Helen Finneran Jeanine Giacomini ’96 Scot Graham ’79 Lance and Julie Ann (Gillespie ’97) Hedrick Patrick (’91) and Jennifer Herrington Kenneth and Aer Lee Joey and Diemay Nagase Brian and Lisa Pauken Charles Wise and Candace Plevyak (’85) Sean Roukema ’01 Todd Smith and Victoria Melendez-Smith Hieu Tran and Christine Nguyen Huibert and Tracy Verhoeven Christopher Visico ARCHBISHOP MITTY HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP

Jeff and Kate Lawrence Mary Lou Lawrence Errol and Stacy Springs ARCHBISHOP MITTY PERFORMING ARTS ENDOWMENT

Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Patrick and Elizabeth Clifford Paul and Patti Decena Scot Graham ’79 Haim and Dana Helman The Intuit Foundation Alia (McCaffrey ’03) Kele Ben Kleiber Sang-Joon and Jung Ah Lee Sarath Lingala and Sridevi Antervedipalem Ryan† and Joanne Mills Edgar Nidome and Danielle Williams Kevin and Carole Payne

PayPal Charles Purdy and Molly McDonald The VMware Foundation ARCHBISHOP MITTY STUDENT ACTIVITIES ENDOWMENT

Douglas Beck and Kim O’Keefe Beck Ryan Chew ’11 Steve and Amy (Goerges ’94) Giachetti Dominique Johnston ’10 Gregory and Irene Johnston Marquel Love ’14 Keith and Ryann (Cooper ’99) Mazzuco Kaitlyn McNicholas ’10 Austin Mohn Aukai Ng ’15 Alphonse Onyeagwas Ramesh and Roopa Pai Nital and Kalindi Patwa Paul Vaccaro ’92 Jonathan Vu ’17 THE BAIN FAMILY ENDOWMENT




Jake (’92) and Robin ( Jeffers ’92) Caputo Katherine Caputo CRISTINA FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP

Richard and Diane Cristina D’AMBROSIO FAMILY ENDOWMENT




John and Diann Ryan Cont’d WINTER 2022 55

Endowing Our Future cont’d

Jan Francis

John and Christine Tower



Genevieve Mansfield Roberto and Susan Munne Steven and Casey Robertson Michael and Marnie Rohde Robert (’85) and Denise Sapien Sean and Erin Silva Christine Valenzuela Mario and Cheryl Vargas Tim and Katherine Wesmiller Lynn Zetterquist

John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell

Gregory and Debra Fant





Robert and Jenny Griswold

John and Amy Oosterhouse




Jason and Kathryn Watson

Stephan and Wendy Guttman

Mark and Elizabeth Page






Robert (’70) and Carole Freitas Steve (’68) and Linda Gera Tim McCarthy ’70

Barbara McTighe


Casey and Jennie O’Connor Cary and Martha Reich



Andrew and Maria Pecota



Apple, Inc. Karl and Jennifer Hsu

David and Kerrie Peraino


Lloyd and Sandra Scates

Richard and Ellen Imrisek




Richard and Genevieve Rolla

Phil and Gwynne Rolla



Steve (’68) and Linda Gera

Jason (’04) and Ashley (Fini ’04) Khalipa



Michael and Joanne Moul

Allstate Eric and Beth Madia Tony and Lucy Madia CATHERINE MALONE ’76 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP

Eric Purviance and Rosemary McCarthy ’79 THE MARKS FAMILY ENDOWMENT


McLarney Construction, Inc. 56 ARCHBISHOP MITTY MAGAZINE



Andrew Caine Tom Caine Don and Marci Fernandez Edwin Gonzalez Kim Kirkorian Kerry Lenihan Baz Timothy Luzader

Naveen and Anupama Zutshi

For a complete listing of all endowments please visit

Archbishop Mitty High School Arts Society The Arts Society supports the nationally acclaimed Archbishop Mitty High School Performing Arts Department. Donors may acknowledge student experiences and performances by becoming a member. Special member incentives, receptions, and events throughout the year celebrate the generosity of Arts Society members.


Daniel Caputo and Family Andrew and Maria Pecota Stephen and Patricia Schott Mark and Laurie Woodward CHAIRMAN CIRCLE

Brian and Theresa Bumb Steve and Gwen Dorcich Andrew and Joyce Miller DIRECTOR CIRCLE

Michael and Doreen Arnold Misha and Lisa Burich David and Glowe Chang Gregory Lawrence Chesson† Dianna and Lewis Chew

The Citti Family - Chris Citti (’76), Gary (’69) and Linda Citti, Gloria Citti, Justin Citti (’02), and Thomas Glascott and Adrianna Citti Glascott Richard and Diane Cristina James and Joan (Russell ’77) Downey Mike and Anne Federwisch Michael and Ruth Fletcher Marla Kramer Rick Kramer Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Rob and Susan Moore Randy and Eileen Scott Sheathing Technologies Inc. - Larry Polayes and Penny Herman-Polayes Hemantharaju Subbanna and Srividhya Gopalan The Valley Foundation


Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson PATRON

Haim and Dana Helman Ryan† and Joanne Mills FRIEND

Patrick and Elizabeth Clifford Paul and Patti Decena Alia (McCaffrey ’03) Kele Sarath Lingala and Sridevi Antervedipalem Edgar Nidome and Danielle Williams Kevin and Carole Payne Charles Purdy and Molly McDonald †Deceased

Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition Brother Herman J. Fien was a dedicated Marianist who devoted his entire life to God by teaching and serving others. From 1964 until his death in 1977, Brother Fien taught modern language at Archbishop Mitty High School. He worked tirelessly with the parents at Archbishop Mitty High School, particularly the volunteers, who gave of themselves in an effort to build community and spirit. Each year since his passing, the volunteers of Archbishop Mitty High School are honored in his name for their selfless dedication of time and energy on behalf of the school community. We are blessed with exceptionally dedicated men and women who, like Brother Fien, continue to give generously of their time and talents, without which we could not offer an Archbishop Mitty High School education. Their example of service and care is volunteering at its best. VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR


Maria Nash Vaughn ALUMNI OF THE YEAR

Alexander Okafor ’05 VOLUNTEERS

Sudheer Abdul Salam and Zulnurain Ayesha Syeda Parul and Piyush Agarwal

Anuj Aggarwal and Meena Gupta Sean Aggarwal and Linda Lee Kamal Ali and Mary Liu Bernard and Niccole Allard Jessica Alva ’14 Theresa Alvarado Srinivas Ambati and Uma Kottali Krishnan Anantheswaran and Shamita Tripathy Adam and Maureen (Loftus ’92) Anderson Peter and Keesha Arnst Muhammad Aslam and Asma Jaleel Joseph (’85) and Valerie Asunsolo

Anand and Radha Athreya Biju Babu and Rejitha Biju Prakash and Anjali Babu Ali and Ban Ballou Subba and Lakshmi Balusu Eric and Cynthia Banaag Giovanni and Sarka Barbarossa Christopher and Kelly Barbazette J.K. and Terese Barbeau Paul Bayon and Ronnie Jacobson Paul (’82) and Teresa (Mitchell ’84) Behan John and Jennifer Beltramo Sathyabodha and Soumya Belur Sami Ben Makhlouf and Lamia Megdiche Cont’d

WINTER 2022 57

Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition cont’d

Jeffrey and Carol Berg Chris and Lani Bergevin David and Ann Beymer Nilesh Bhadani and Manpreet Kaur Sandesh and Mamatha Bharadwaj Nikhil Bhat and Anuprita Oak Raja Dhanunjaya Bhupatiraju Prashant Billore and Arundhati Sakalle David and Susan Bilton Robert (’71) and Lisa Blickenstaff Brad Boardman and Florence Fuller Jovanah Bonilla Aloke and Yamini Bordia Jonathan Borst ’15 Robert and Kathy Bourland Christopher (’88) and Kelly Bovone Clark and Jennifer Bowcock Karl and Brenda Braitberg Rafael and Michal Brenner Scott and Rona Brodrick Keith and Lynn Brown Nicolle Brown ’05 Steve and Allyson Burke Brian and Sherri Butler Jose and Christine Camara Michael Campbell and Claudine Sarkis-Campbell Katherine Caputo Melvin Cardozo and Annie Sequeira Lawrence and Kathleen Cargnoni Samuel (’86) and Adila Carlino Donn and Heather (Menifee ’91) Casale Jose (’86) and Kelly Castanon Isabel Cebedo ’20 Vinod Chathoth and Sheema Bharathan Sridhar and Shanthi Chatradhi Frank Chau and Annie Butte Hamesh Chawla and Juhi Jairath Kris and Evelyne Chellam Jian Chen and Dana Ye Kyle Cheung and Leonor Cheong Ryan Chew ’11 Amardeep Chhatwal and Mamta Narain Sabrina Choy-Velando ’20 Tom Chuang and Tiffany Thompson Luke and Megan Clisbee Christopher and Alisha Collier Jeffrey Cui and Helen Xing Ilenia Cuna Mike (’04) and Maggie D’Ambrosio Marisa D’Amico Mark and Kathleen Damarillo 58 ARCHBISHOP MITTY MAGAZINE

Jeffrey Davis and Janet Anderson Thomas and Vian Davis Timothy (’90) de Kay Alain and Stephanie de Raynal Harold and Laarni DeGuzman Brendan and Moira Delumpa Tapomoy and Shyamopriya Dey Pedro and Candida Diaz John and Melinda DiNapoli Christopher and Sheryl Domingue Sanjiv and Mitul Doshi James and Joan (Russell ’77) Downey Yuezhong Du and Jiong Peng Anuj and Priya Dua Hani and Cheryl Durzy Katherine Edgecumbe ’10 Chris (’77) and Lisa (Meyer ’80) Enfantino Kelly Estes ’08 Arun Fernandes and Alvina DSilva Francisco Fernando and Pamela Serrano Thomas Ferrill and Stephanie Kain Ferrill Greg and Ashley (Mendez ’93) Fijman Luca Filiz ’20 Zachary Flynn ’24 Jason and Allison Fox Frederick and Jennifer Fusilero Nigel and Yueping Gallaher Bernard Galvan and Michelle Lilley Nitin and Shilpa Garg Reiner Genevriere and Sonja Cost Steve (’68) and Linda Gera Richard Geruson and Nanette Fondas John Gilmore and Orla McDonnell Christine Gorjanc Srinivasu Gottipati and Kapila Thotakura Gaurishankar Govindaraju Pankaj Goyal and Namrata Gupta John and Jennifer Grady Robert and Jenny Griswold Gregory Gruber and Jill Krafts Timothy Guarnieri and Kathleen Cote Guarnieri Puneet and Namrata Gupta Tommy and Rebecca Hanson Jocelyn Hart Jeremy Hartman and Sharon O’Mara Grace Hase ’12 Michael and Amy Hasenkamp Robert and Laura Hastings Selvaraj and Vimala Henry David and Kelly Herz

Craig and Tanya Hiraki Sudhir Hirudayaraj and Beula Vincent Greg Ho and Iris Rice Philip Ho and Grace Yip Mai Hoang Milan and Matty Hrncir Karl and Jennifer Hsu Pichang Hsu and Shuling Peng Eric and Renee (Diani ’92) Huerta Jeffrey and Carolyn Hughes Jennifer Hull Mark Hull Raymond and Leslie Hutchings Jon and Karen Imperato Richard and Ellen Imrisek Pete Ingram-Cauchi and Natalia Mercadal Niraj and Geeta Jaiswal Dipak Javiya and Sonia Singh Yan Jing Paulraj and Mary Johnson Steve Johnson and Veronika Sarossy Nicole Johnston ’14 Mandar and Indira Joshi Darren and May Jue Daniel and Dawn Juliano Rachel Juliano ’14 Vamshidhar Kandalla and Sruthi Srinath Changoo and Sarah Kang Nagesh and Chitra Kanumury Zhi Ke and Qing Zhao Francis and Erinne Keffer J Greg and Dana Kelly Arun and Ruchira Khanna Mandar Kher and Vaishali Jambhekar Nak and Kylee Kim Mason Kimont Bindu Kodali Sean and Dorina Kohler George and Meghan Koivun Isabella Kolek ’22 Joab Kong and Yuying Long Parimal and Sangeeta Kopardekar Damon and Amy (Choice ’86) Korb Gregory (’93) and Jill Korbel Mikhail Korolik and Katrina Mikhaylichenko Roland and Barbara Krause Doug and Lisa Kreider Christopher Kunzmann and Maureen Miller Michelle Kuzirian ’85 John and Jennifer Leach


Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition cont’d

Marcus and Lisa Leaverton Chris Ledger Eric and Yoon K. Lee Hoonki Lee and Kyunghee Kang Kenneth and Aer Lee Yong-Won and Hwajin Lee Mark and Susan Leonard Michel Lespinasse and Vivian Cheung Weidong Li and Hui Shen Craig and Lindy Lim Mark Lin and Seow Ling Ong Megan Linney ’12 David Liu and Huan Jiang Lucas and Bianca Liu Nathan Liu and Patricia Galindo Xibin Liu and Rui Qiang Steven Lo and Ines Gonzalez Jesus and Julisa Lomeli Fred and Matty Lopez Leah Lopez ’20 Jerry and Patricia Louderback Roger Louie Xiaofeng and Min Ma Bhoomaiah and Vanajamala Macherla Eric and Beth Madia Rakesh Maheshwari Rambabu and Srivasavi Manchkanti Steven and Michelle Maranowski Amit and Pallavi Mardikar Jeff Marks and Nancy Yu Aaron and Felicity Martin Bryan and Lisa Martin Sabrina Martinez Alvaro and Shirley (Mamuyac ’90) Mata Keith and Judy Mathews Craig and Michelle Matsumoto Michaela Matulich ’11 Jennifer Mazzuca Bradley and Donna McCurrie Dennis and Kelly McHaffie John McIntyre and Tiffany Sparks Anthony and Elizabeth McKenzie Paul and Kathleen McNulty Dermot and Catherine Mee Pascal and Peggy Meier Satish Menon and Bijula Balan Ryan† and Joanne Mills Mohammad and Fatemeh Mirzamaani Amit Modi and Manisha Surana Jeffrey and Kimberly Moore Robert and Lillian Moore

Jess (’79) and Teresa (Alvarado ’82) Moreles Ernesto and Stacie Moreno Scott and Elena Mosko Edward Mueller and Pamela Hurley Mueller Ralf Muenster and Petra Jakobskrueger Michael and Kimberly Mulcahy Kirt and Seema (Roy ’91) Mulji Daniela Mundt Karuppusami Muniappan and Nirmaladevi Kulandaivelu David and Sheryl Murdock Sreevatsa Nagarajarao and Shubha Krishnamurthy Rajeev Nair and Aneesha Panicker Shehzaad and Shazia Nakhoda Anjani Nandan and Kusum Rai R.J. Nasmeh and Jinaye Conley-Nasmeh Brian Ng and Linda Dong Christopher Ngan and Ivy Cheung Christine Nguyen Gia Nguyen and Duong Hoang Peter Nguyen and Tiffany Tran Brett and Virginia Nicoletti Edgar Nidome and Danielle Williams John and Kathy Nunes Geoffrey and Chizoba Nwosu Alexander Okafor ’05 John and Amy Oosterhouse Michelle Otte Phil and Therese Papenfuss Radu and Toni Parastie Michael (’69) and April Pardini Eshwar and Shalini Parigi Tarak Parikh and Swati Jobanputra Younghee Park and Youna Choi Hilario and Janheen Pascual Tejal and Rohini Patel Nital and Kalindi Patwa Gabriel and Lorina Paun Ronald and Niamh Pellegrini David and Kerrie Peraino Andres and Monica Perez Gabriel and Holly Perez Dale and Laura Pesavento Doug Pohorski and Jill Boehme Scott and Megan Polhemus Pete and Lynn Pragastis Michael (’71) and Julie Putz Mario and Beatriz Quezada Aravinda Radhakrishnan and Vandana Rao

Joseph and Marie Raj Saravan Rajendran and Manjari Gadi Ashok Raman and Sujata Ramnarayan Sankar Ramanathan and Srividhya Nagarajan Sruthi Ramaswami ’12 Yogesh and Nimeesha Rane Subir Ray and Rebecca Biswas Fetaiaki Reed Taiakitika Reed ’24 Treven and Jennifer Regala Scott and Bonnie Regan Kim Reynolds and Vicki Martin Mike and Beth Ricci Ethan and Carmela Robertson Shawna Rodgers ’10 Elton and Anna (Garcia ’91) Rodriguez Ken and Debby Rodriguez Mark (’92) and Gina Rodriguez Felipe and Erleen Rosendo Rob Roskopp and Lepa Galeb-Roskopp Kolby (’11) and Courtney (Lisowski ’12) Rousseu Emmanuel and Christina Ruiz Ron Rulkens Jekwan Ryu and Seungmin Lee Jennifer Sabatino ’92 Thomas and Melissa Saggau Peter and Carol Sandman Louie and Denise Sanguinetti Robert (’85) and Denise Sapien Sachin and Praseeda Sathaye Carlos and Kimberly Sauceda Jason and Tracy Scharpf Aaron Schultz and Gina Argenti-Schultz Brett Schuster and Kathy Dydynski Lance and Susan Scott Robert and Alice Scritzky Andrea Seefeldt Setera Muneem and Nikhat Shaik Santosh and Shilpa Shanbhag Kevin and Yangyi Shao Robyn Shearin Barry and Kelly Shoemake Mike Shum Vijay and Beena Simha Damien and Maria Simon Jude Simon (’09) and Miel Wilson Kondal and Neelima Singireddy Thomas Skelton and Claudia Galvan De Skelton Jennifer Smart ’99 Cont’d

WINTER 2022 59

Brother Fien Volunteer Recognition cont’d

Brian Smith and Kristen Abey Jason and Roseanne (Lipari ’87) Smith Todd Smith and Victoria Melendez-Smith Randall Som and Kazuko Shintani Steven and Susan Sordello Errol and Stacy Springs Sundararajan and Uma Sriram Keith and Tricia Stephens Kenneth and Denise Stineman Michael (’82) and Lea Stivaletti Benjamin Strong and Robin Navarro Strong Carole Such Richard and Inga Surprenant Pradeep Suryanarayan and Aparna Vora Bijal and Minal Sutaria Ron and Michele Sutton Karthik Swaminathan and Soundarya Sivaramakrishnan Louis and Kim Taddeo Chong Tan and Clare Lee Sandra Tan Don and Kat Tanaka Vikrant and Reshma Tawade Ken and Karen (Bryant ’85) Tersini Marco and Wendy Tjaden Rolando and Michele Tolibas Stephen (’94) and Adriana Tonelli


Jennifer (Tan ’98) Torai Saeed Totonchi and Leila Saberi Kenneth Toyama Theresa Tran Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis and Makrina Kartezini William Urban and Katrina Brinkman David (’79) and Marguerite Vachon Michael (’03) and Janice (Meduri ’00) Vachon Arun and Tabassum Vaidyanath Sridhar Vakada and Soujanya Vissamsetti Jan Van Bruaene and Estela Arbuco Yvonne Vargas Daniel and Nicola Vaughn Issac and Maria Nash Vaughn Ronald and Shiela-Marie Ventura Matthew and Mary Ann Vernooy Douglas and Nancy Vierra Nilus Vincent and Devasena Rajamohan Bart and Kim Vostermans Khuong and Diane Vu Ashley Watson ’11 Timothy and Carin Watson Jeffrey and Audrey Webb Martyn and Fiona Webster Greg Werthman and Sabrina Fraker-Werthman Cathlyn Whalen

Rob Wheeler and Kerrie Utsumi Randy and Mona Whitney Daniel and Katherine (Florczyk ’90) Williams James and Pamela Williams Chris and Diana (Summy-Hunt ’93) Wilson Ralph and Kay Woodward Sean and Cindy Worthington Tino Wuensche and Clare Yeh Sam and Mitsi Yamagiwa Charlie and Hong Yang Erin Yeaman Todd Yellin and Jennifer Copaken Kevin Youkilis and Julie Brady Chris Young and Bernadette Rodriguez Seungho Yum and Myunghee Lee Tim and Kristin Zanni Stephen and Mary Zanon Jay Zaveri and Avani Tolia Tim and Lori Zemaitis Jun Xiu Zhu and Jian Wen Zeng Bryan and Karynn Zmijewski Mike and Kathy Zybura


Student Christian Service The Service Learning Program exists to provide students with the opportunity to offer witness to their strong commitment to Christian values through service to the community. Each student is required to complete a minimum of 10 hours each year during their freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years. Through service, students fulfill their potential to be intellectually competent, just, faith-filled, respectful leaders as they serve others and work to bring justice to all God’s children. We are grateful to the following organizations, which are some of the many groups that hosted Archbishop Mitty High School students this year.

A Better Chance Rescue Abrahamic Alliance Academy of Music and Arts for Special Education Acterra African-American Community Service Agency Aimusic School Allied Auto Works Almaden Health and Rehabilitation Center Almaden Valley Tutoring Almaden Youth Musicians American Cancer Society American Civil Liberties Union American Red Cross American Youth Soccer Organization Animal Assisted Happiness Antiochian Orthodox Church Of The Reedemer Art Helps Hearts Atria Almaden Aura Tek Consultancy Baker Elementary School Batman of San Jose Be My Eyes Be the Change Foundation Be the Match Bello Ensemble Belmont Village Senior Living Bethel Church of San Jose Bill Wilson Center BioCurious Lab Bluebird Montessori Childcare Center Bookshare Booksin Elementary Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Club Boys Team Charity Briarwood Little League Bridging Tech Brighter Beginnings Broadway By The Bay Cake4Kids

California Club Baseball California Tamil Academy Camden Community Center Campbell Community Center Campbell Library Campbell Little League Cancer Care Institute Cards of Care Care at Home Carlton Senior Living San Jose Castro and Hipona Dental Cathedral of Faith Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Catholic Community of Pleasanton Center for Farmworker Families Chaboya Middle School Charles Street Gardens Children’s Musical Theater of San Jose Children’s Health Council Children’s Recovery Center Chinmaya Mission Christian Youth Theater Summer Camp Christmas in the Park Church of the Ascension City of Campbell City of San Jose City of Santa Clara City Team Color A Smile Comfort Hands Healthcare Congregation Sinai ConnectED Developmental Therapies Connecting Futures Now Cookies for Caregivers Costa Rica International Cultural Youth Exchange Costal Cleanup Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc. Dartmouth Middle School Design Your Careers Destination: Home Diocese of San Jose - Layette Program Discovery Charter School

Down Town Streets Team East Bay Youth Cricket Association East Side Elders Easterbrook Discovery School EduMate El Camino Hospital Eldercare Elevate the Future Empower & Excel ENGin Enlighten Enrichment School Episcopal Community Services San Francisco EqOpTech Evergreen Community Center Everyday Angels Family Giving Tree Family Supportive Housing Firesource Fit4Grit Academy Five Wounds Portuguese National Church Florin Marica Tennis Academy Food Allergy Research & Education Forest Hill Elementary School Foster Care to Success Friends of Children With Special Needs GenAZN GenerationUP George Mark Children’s House Georgia Travis Center Gifts for Seniors Girl Scouts of America Girls With Impact Good Karma Bikes Good Samaritan Hospital Good Samaritans of Silicon Valley Grace Church of Evergreen Greenpeace Habitat for Humanity ReStore Habitat Youth Leaders Hand in Hand Hansarang Korean School Harwood Hills Farm Hays-Porter School




Student Christian Service cont’d

HiCoding Club Hillbrook School Holy Cross Parish Holy Family School Holy Spirit Parish Emergency Shelter Holy Spirit School Homesteaders 4-H Hongyun Art School Hoops 4 Girls Hope Hearted Hope Services Hope’s Corner Hopebox House of Hope Humane Society Silicon Valley Hunger at Home Hwarang Youth Foundation Ignation Solidarity Network Incarcerated People Project Innovative Therapy Services InnVision Interns 4-Good iStart Valley Ivymax Philanthropy Jaime Harrison for US Senate Campaign 2020 Jewish Community Center Jewish Family Services Joyful Ringers JW House Kaiser Permanente Hospital KalaAwishkar Bharatnatyam Dance School Kara Tutoring Kardz for Kidz Knit For Kids Knit-A-Square Knots of Love Korean American Community Service Lantern League Leaders and Readers Learn Care Share Learn To Be Learning Pathways Legacy Community Church Letter of Love Life Target LifeMoves Lincoln Glen Manor Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen Logos Christian Fellowship Food Bank Love For Our Elders 62 ARCHBISHOP MITTY MAGAZINE

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Lupus Foundation of America Luther Burbank School Mariner Heath Care Martha’s Kitchen Max Rhymes Foundation Meals on Wheels Mission [24] Mission to Education Moreland Middle School Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church Muindi Foundation Music Haven MVLA Service League of Boys National Charity League Neighbors Helping Neighbors of San Mateo County New Ballet School New Look Institute Wigs for Kids Nor*Cal Elite All-Stars North South Foundation Norwood Creek Elementary School Oak Grove School District - Special Education Ocean Speedway Old Orchard School One Step Closer - Calero Ranch Stables OnesProsper Operation Freedom Paws Operation Gratitude Operation: Care and Comfort Our City Forest Our Lady of Lebanon Our Lady of Peace Church & Shrine PALLSS Parisi House on the Hill Peekaboxes PEL Learning Center of Milpitas Pets in Need Phoenix Volleyball School Pivotal Police Activities League Project Access Resource Center Project Code Foundation Project Linus Project Safety Net Prusch Farms Park Foundation Pumpkin Letters Quarantutors Queen of Apostles School Regional Medical Center

Rishi Kumar for Congress Campaign 2020 River Glen School River of Life - Christian Church River of Life - Food Pantry RJ Fisher Middle School Robotics For All Rotary International Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Community Service Sacred Heart Nativity School Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School Saint Anthony Foundation Saint Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodoz Church Saint Brother Albert Chmielowski Polish Mission Saint Catherine of Alexandria Church Saint Christopher Parish Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Saint George and Saint Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church Saint James the Apostle Catholic Church Saint Joseph Catholic Church Saint Joseph of Cupertino Parish Saint Joseph’s Family Center Saint Justin Parish Saint Justin School Saint Lawrence Elementary and Middle School Saint Lawrence Parish Saint Leo The Great School Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Saint Mary School Saint Nicholas and Saint William Catholic Parish Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Saint Timothy’s Lutheran Church Saint Victor School Saint Vincent de Paul Santa Clara County Salvation Army Samaritan House - Family Kitchen San Francisco Japanese School San Jose Korean Presbyterian Church San Jose Municipal Rose Garden San Jose Public Libary San Miguel Elementary School Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters Santa Clara Parents Nursery School Cont’d

Student Christian Service cont’d

Santa Clara Parks & Recreation Department Santa Clara Unified School District Family Resource Center Santa Cruz County SC Pro Soccer Second Harvest Food Bank Self-Realization Fellowship: Los Gatos Center Sewa International Sewing 4 Good Shining Stars Sikh Gurdwara San Jose Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority Silicon Valley Education Foundation Silicon Valley Korean School Silicon Valley Sports Silver Creek Sportsplex Sirious Baseball Foundation SJV Tutoring Program Sky Ensemble Sleeping Bag for the Homeless of Silicon Valley Smithsonian Museum Transcription Center Somerset Senior Living SoundPost Youth Foundation South Bay Community Church South Bay Dance Center Special Olympics Northern California StandUp for Kids - Silicon Valley Star Kids Starting Arts Steindorf STEAM School STEM Enrichment Youth STEM Power to Learn Stratford School Student Cultural Exchange Sunday Friends Sunny Youth Club Sunnyvale Community Center Sunnyvale Community Theater Sunrise Senior Living Tama Veterinary Hospital TAP program Team NorCal Lacrosse Tech Museum Technovation Teens Give Temple Emanuel Terraces of Los Gatos - Senior Living The Medica Zone

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration ThetaHacks TianMu Education Foundation Tiny Paws Pug Rescue To The Limit Maths Todd Dissly Athletics Toys For Tots Tri-City Volunteers Food Bank TSA - National Explosives Detection Canine Team Program Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Upper Floor Studio US Holocaust Memorial Museum Vacation Bible School Valley Sports Camp Veggielution Venture Christian Chruch Via Services West Camp Village Harvest Village House VITAS Healthcare VoteCupertino VT Seva Walden West Summer Camp West Valley Community Services West Valley Middle School Willow Glen Community Center Willow Glen Convalescent Hospital XIOS Strength & Conditioning Yellowstone National Park YMCA Youth for Climate Justice YouthXYouth Zoological Society of London

The whole student body logged 37,275 Service Learning hours.

WINTER 2022 63


Supporting Archbishop Mitty High School Memorial and Honorarium Gifts


Memorial and honorarium gifts offer an opportunity to honor a relative, friend, or a business associate. Any special occasion – birthday, anniversary, graduation, and other accomplishments – are times to remember.

The best stocks to donate are those that have increased greatly in value, particularly those producing a low yield. Donating property that has risen in value and that has been held for more than one year results in no payment of capital gains tax on the transaction. Individuals can also receive an income tax reduction for the full fair market value of the stock. Please contact Kelly Rodman, Director of Annual Giving and Special Gifts, at (408) 342-4231 for a stock transfer form and instructions.

Special Events Underwriting and sponsorship of events such as the annual Black & Gold Gala, Mitty Auction, and Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament serve to defray the school’s expenses of producing these fundraising events. Your contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. Bequests In providing for the school in a person’s estate, the donor’s lawyer should be instructed that our corporate title is “Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation of San Jose, a corporation sole, for the benefit of Archbishop Mitty High School.”

Thank you to everyone who helped make Archbishop Mitty home with gifts to the Direct Aid Fund. We are extremely grateful for the generous donations we received during the Season of Giving appeal.

At the Time of Death During the bereavement period, friends often seek an appropriate means to express sympathy. The following message in the obituary of the deceased provides an avenue to make a meaningful and thoughtful gift: Memorial gifts may be made to Archbishop Mitty High School, 5000 Mitty Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129.


Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, CA 95129 MAKE A GIFT WITH A CREDIT CARD

We accept both VISA and MasterCard as vehicles for donations. MAKE A DONATION ONLINE Click on the “Give” link. Double your gift by participating in your company’s matching gift program. Contact your Human Resources Department to see if your employer will match charitable giving. For information on any giving opportunity, please contact the Advancement Office: Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 342-4226

Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Avenue San José, CA 95129-1897


winter 2022



winter 2022





Archbishop Mitty Magazine



Winter 2022

20 21

20/21 Annual Report Edition




SAVE THE DATE­­– MONDAY, MAY 2, 2022 CINNABAR HILLS GOLF CLUB For more information, visit, email, or call (408) 342-4360.

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