The Monarch: May 2013

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Focus on the Class of 2013 (see pages 8-9)

Serving the Archbishop Mitty Community

Volume 22 Number 5

May 2013

The Departure of Two Legends


By Kelvin Leong News Editor After 23 years as Associate Principal, Mr. Dick Robinson is retiring. For the Archbishop Mitty community, it is the departure of one of the school’s greatest builders who not only revised the entire academic program, but also helped transform Mitty into the premier college preparatory high school in the Bay Area. Since coming to Mitty with Principal Mr. Tim Brosnan in 1990, Mr. Robinson has overseen numerous aspects at Mitty, such as campus publications and the supervision of teachers and the counseling department. Primarily though, he works as the head of the academic program in developing the curriculum and in designing the new classes each year.

Since his arrival, the school has undergone an array of changes. Among the biggest differences Mr. Robinson has noticed is the dramatic growth of opportunities for students today. Whether that be in Campus Ministry, Performing Arts, Student Activities, or Athletics, the vast diversity of opportunities truly allows students to discover their leadership potential. We cannot, though, for a second ignore Mr. Robinson’s contributions to this, elevating Mitty, in his words, “from a good high school to the premier college preparatory high school in the Bay Area.” Reflecting on his legacy, Mr. Robinson says, “I would like people to think of me as someone who is very grateful of all that has been given. There are a lot of good educators in the world who don’t get what I got, which is this group of fantastic families, students, teachers, and fellow administrators that allowed us all as a community to have great success.” And so, as he bids farewell at the end of this school year, he leaves students and teachers alike with this advice: “It is important to be open to change—be an innovator, be someone who is willing to take a risk, and be someone who is always willing to try something new. And do all of that in trying to make your world a better place. People need leaders like that.” Almost ¿ttingly, Mr. Robinson’s career here at Archbishop Mitty should end with his own advice. Because he is, in fact, the very leader he speaks of—the innovator and the risk-taker who strove to make his world and ours a better place.

By Aneesh Akella News Editor For 13 years, Mrs. Billie King has been an integral part of the Library. Whether it be helping students locate information, facilitating technology use, or assisting students in their search for a good book, she has always been a helping hand in the library for students and faculty. This year, however, the library will be undergoing another major change: Mrs. King will be retiring. But although her career will come to a close, her legacy will continue to live on. Before coming to Mitty, Mrs. King began her experience in information research at LexisNexis, where she taught attorneys how to do online research just when the internet medium was rising in popularity. Eventually, she would work as a librarian at

Saint Andrew’s School while completing her Master’s degree. -ust as she was ¿nishing her education, a librarian position opened up at Mitty. She recalls the event, “It was perfect timing. I was very fortunate that everything fell into place.” Mitty, as it turns out, was the fortunate one. Mrs. King’s contributions to Mitty have left an indelible mark on the school’s library. When she ¿rst arrived, there were a few Macs and PCs, only one database, and a smaller library space. Yet she was already making plans about how to use the space more effectively. She realized students needed databases to prepare themselves for college. So, she started seeking vendors and performing trials with new technological eTuipment to ¿nd what databases were right for the students. In fact, what she has liked most about her job is working with students. “I loved having a classroom at the back of the library where teachers brought students in so I could help with research projects. That has been what I’ve loved most about my job.” Whatever change comes to Mrs. King’s life, she will certainly approach it with passion, drive, and an open mind. Although the school will lose a beloved faculty member and a friendly face, her legacy and her profound impact in the library can never be forgotten. ReÀecting upon her career as a librarian, Mrs. King teaches us an important life maxim: “I have always embraced change. Change opens us up to new possibilities and adventures; change toughens us up, and softens our heart.”

Japan Awaits: Mitty Auction a Success By Omid Mirfendereski & Payam Mirfendereski their prizes by the end of the evening. Staff Writers Chaired by Mrs. Kelly Rodman, the 2013 auction included a great deal of preparaKabuki robes, sake drums, bamboo trees, decorative lanterns, and violet-purple tion before it was ¿nally ready to its guests. Over 60 parent volunteers helped set up the drapes paid tribute to the Fien and MacLean Gymnasiums as Archbishop Mitty held its decorations, coordinate invitations, and run the silent auction room. An additional 35 annual auction on Saturday, April 20. Themed “Japan Awaits,” the 2013 Mitty auction Student Government representatives, National Honor Society members, and California featured hundreds of items in its live and silent auctions and hosted about 306 parents, Scholarship Federation members served the guests while selling tickets for the much alumni, and friends. anticipated Tuition Bene¿t Drawing, which would The event opened at 6 p.m. in the evening with grant a year’s free tuition to one lucky family. Mr. the silent auction in the MacLean Gymnasium. Titled Tom Evanoff, whose Evanoff Food Service catered “Bamboo Forest,” the silent auction showcased ¿ve the auction, trained the student servers, and many staff tables of items centered around ¿ve distinct themes: members and guests attended the event in costume— Sports/Mitty, Luxury, Fabulous Finds, Wine and colorful Japanese kimonos. Spirits, and Entertainment Tonight. All members of The proceeds of the auction will go to the Archthe Archbishop Mitty community could ¿nd their bishop Mitty General Endowment Fund. “This fund,” life’s calling at these tables, be it a comfy baseball in the words of Principal Tim Brosnan, “helps us mitt chair, a chiropractic care package, or a deluxe maintain our excellent programs while managing the villa at Seascape Resort. cost of tuition, thereby allowing us to make an ArchDinner was then served at 8:00, and the world bishop Mitty college preparatory education a reality famous San Jose Taiko Drummers and the Archbishop for all of our students.” Mitty Orchestra graced guests with spirited entertainAs Director of Annual Giving Mary Jane ment after the live auction began. Titled “Pagoda and Schmidt explains, the auction brought together much Pearls,” the live auction featured 12 irresistible items, of the local community for a night of service and enPhoto Courtesy of Yearbook Staff including an extravagant trip to Las Vegas on a private tertainment with Bishop McGrath from the Diocese Learjet, a fun-packed night at Monarch Madness XXIII The San Jose Taiko Drummers perform for the audience at hand. of San Jose giving grace for the evening, and many with special accommodations, and a signed, framed uniform worn by alumna Kerri community businesses providing donations and items for the event. Walsh in the London Olympics. The 2013 event was, Archbishop Mitty’s Auction Committee believes, successful The gymnasium featured a beautiful red Torii gate, and faculty member Mr. Carl in both building community and raising money for the endowment. And if you found Silva served as auctioneer for the live auction event. Results were calculated through the Japanese dishes, drinks, and decorations of the evening appealing, just wait for next advanced software, and winners in both the live and the silent auctions were noti¿ed of year’s auction!


Opposing Viewpoints:



By Maxine Patwardhan Staff Writer YOLO often promotes a brand of recklessness. People doing stupid stunts, and justifying it by saying they might as well do it now because they only have one life to live. Some people zealously believe in this type of behavior; they make YOLO their religion and “party hard,” embracing the stereotypical ethos of unruly teenagers. Those who are not YOLOites mock the entire idea, using quips like “didn’t go to the gym today #yolo.” Ultimately YOLO is associated with disregard for rules and a general sense of stupidity. And we all know stupidity attracts attention far more easily than any sort of philosophical, inspirational preaching. It comes as no surprise that the positives of YOLO are often eclipsed by its negative reputation, and these positives are essential to a full, happy life. YOLO was once a motivational campaign by Adam Mesh designed to inspire people to “take advantage of opportunities, [and] live life.” This YOLO is a resurgence of the “carpe diem” philosophy; it promotes living life without regrets—whether it’s regretting things you have done, or things you haven’t. Take me, I never thought I really enjoyed adrenaline rushes, but going white water rafting with my friends was one of the most fun things I’ve done. Likewise, half of my close friend group is pretty anti-prom, anti-normalcy, but in the end, we decided prom is just something you have to do. At ¿rst, I may not have thought that dressing up, doing my makeup and hair, and doing whatever quali¿es as dancing in high school was exactly up my alley, but now I would not trade the fun or the memories for the world. In essence, YOLO is about breaking out of your shell and stepping out of your comfort zone, so in twenty years, you can look back and say that you’ve accomplished everything you wanted to and more. There are no “what ifs?” but rather a plethora of memories and maybe a photograph or two from along the way.

By Jessica Dumov Opinions Editor

The fact that you only live once is a reason to try new things, to explore new opportunities, and to dream big and work toward accomplishing your aspirations. It means doing homework but taking time to have fun with friends or going to a concert. It means hanging out with the kids next door, instead of turning your nose up when your mom asks you to (maybe he’s a pretty cool kid and you never took the time to notice). Or for picky eaters, trying out a new crazy seemingly outlandish dish. If you haven’t tried something how do you know whether you are missing out? You might spend your entire life never tasting the wonder food that is chocolate. Get out of your house and walk around (there are sidewalks for a reason). See what your neighborhood looks like, meet people, go to the park, enjoy the California weather. Take a break from your busy, stressed out week to enjoy the world right outside your door. You really have this one life, so don’t waste it; don’t take it for granted. We live in America. We go to Mitty. We are given a thousand opportunities to make our life count. We are not going to get to relive any moment; we don’t get to go back and make our teenage years worthwhile when we are forty and wish we had either worked harder to succeed or had fun before work, and kids, and family, and the thousand pressures of adulthood arrive. There is pressure about the future; there is stress, but never forget that we are only young once, and there is a freedom to that, to have fun and do things that are pointless in the eyes of adults. I’m not suggesting that you skip school, party all day, and Àunk all your classes. But every once in a while, stop, look around, and go out and have fun (just don’t forget to wear your seat belt). Because, well, YOLO.

YOLO is one of the most commonly used acronyms today. Originally coined by the singer artist Drake, YOLO stands for “you only live once,” implying that we should live in the moment. However liberating and pleasantly intoxicating the phrase sounds at ¿rst glance, when applied to real life situations, this principle may not actually aid us in our pursuit of happiness. “Happiness is not ready made. It comes from your own actions,” says the Dalai Lama. To have true and pure instances of happiness in our lives, we must take the measures necessary to reach them. If we were to all spend our lives living in the moment, then our doctors would never have been willing to trudge through six years of medical school, and our scientists would never have spent countless decades scratching their heads, puzzling over how to conquer time in the quest for longevity that has already extended our lives by several years. Most moments of pure happiness take preparation or work to achieve. It may be true that money cannot buy happiness, but conjointly nothing in life is free. Even the simplest moments of bliss most often pop up in the midst of our busy lives. In the end though, this is not a bad thing, for how could we appreciate times of rest and relaxation without understanding the dif¿culties of hard work and fatigue? “Forever is composed of nows,” wrote Emily Dickinson. Each and every one of those nows can at times seem utterly important, especially when the present reaches a very bleak state. Sure, living in the moment sounds admirable when that moment is a good one, but what happens when that moment takes a turn for the


worse? Do we let it submerge us, suffocate us under all of its weight? One aspect of “YOLO” that most people do not take notice of is the Àip side. If we live by a mindset in which we allow every moment to have weight and let every second matter, then surely at times when we feel low, this principle will consume us. We must remind ourselves, if not for the sake of our maturity, then for that of our sanity, that living in the moment can be all “¿ne and dandy” but that when life takes a downward spiral, this instance of unhappiness is temporary, because tomorrow the sun will rise and a new day will begin. “By far the most dangerous foe we have to ¿ght is apathy—indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness,” said William Osler, the father of modern medicine. Another belief commonly associated with “YOLO” is that we should live on every whim, that life is short, so we should do whatever we want while we’re here. As an overall statement, it is true that we should follow our hearts and do as we please, but this is completely different from brushing something off by saying “Whatever. YOLO.” Isn’t that exactly the point, that we only live once? Shouldn’t we ¿nd as much meaning as we can in our lives? Embracing carelessness may give a person temporary satisfaction, but in the long run, apathy formed by all of our “whatevers” harms more than helps. We are all aware of how fast time really moves and how short life truly is, but let’s not go crazy and risk making it shorter. We must live freely but with some sense of responsibility and morality. Let us not regret what we do because “whatever” just doesn’t cut it. We do care. Yet, when we fall into sorrow, our caring ways should not hold us in that instance but instead pull us forward to the future, a place where we can always ¿nd hope. Yes, it is true that we only live once and that every second counts, but how we individually approach the precious time that we have is what matters most.

May ć Opinions


CISPA is a proposed bill that allows government agencies, i.e. the National Security Agency, military, the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, and the CIA open access to previously private personal records and information about domestic web users like you and me, stored in the databases of any website which might contain such information, like Facebook or Google. The government can solicit this information only in the event of a cyber-threat or other related affairs threatening the national security of citizens. However, this is only the bold-printed surface of CISPA, and the details are made very vague. To analyze the potential effects of this bill, picture yourself as a common user of the internet. When you sign up to use a service on a website that requires an exchange of personal information, the service will likely present you with terms of use policy––that long passage containing paragraph after paragraph of alternating capitalized and uncapitalized sentences––that most of us will simply choose to “agree” with. This policy is the service outlining what they will do with your data; more often than not, agreeing to protect your data. Essentially, CISPA will nullify those protections, because the sanctity of your information’s privacy is ruined if the government sees it. Also, under CISPA, private companies are not required to maintain anonymity, nor are they required to notify you if your information is shared. So companies could be revealing your name, address and phone number to the federal government, and you would have no knowledge of it. What they lead you to believe is that the spreading of personal information will likely not happen to you, because they are only able to lawfully collect personal data under the circumstances of cyber-threats. However, this is a caveat again: the terms “cyber-threat” and “threatening national security” are very broadly de¿ned, which means that any government of¿cial with the intention of collecting private information could very easily link any type of investigation to the jeopardy of national security. It was only last year in 2012 that the House of Representatives proposed SOPA and PIPA, two bills designed to curb internet piracy, allowing the government more room to intervene with such affairs. The bills were ultimately destroyed at the hands of over seven million signatures––amongst other widely publicized social protests––gathered in a petition lobbied by Google. If the two bills had passed, there would have been restrictions regarding what we

could use the internet for, which would directly affect internet users and large companies. CISPA, however, is supported by many large internet giants, such as Google and Facebook, because they are interested in the monitoring of online activity for the greater protection of the nation, and the trespasses upon user’s privacy do By Eric Whitehead not critiStaff Writer cally affect them—only their users. In the last two decades the internet has grown from a technological breakthrough to an essential tool used in our daily lives. As technology improves and use of the internet expands globally, rules need to be made to protect and reassure the interests of its users. I believe that legislation like CISPA will be needed in the future, because the internet helps to facilitate threats to our national security, but the legislation to combat threats needs to be reformed and presented in a way that will continue to uphold our rights already in place as citizens.


By Maya Guhan Staff Writer Every year, 50 million Americans get sick from eating unsafe food: 100,000 receive hospitalization and 3,000 face death. During a year, there is a 1 in 6 chance that you will suffer from a food-borne illness. Food surrounds us 24/7, shaping the way we think about ourselves and the way society views us. An essential part of an American’s diet is meat, especially chicken. To ultimately protect ourselves, we must understand the injustices that happen in the chicken industry and how these can come back to haunt us. Fifty billion chickens are slaughtered worldwide every year. Raising and slaughtering chickens in a factory setting where producers want to slaughter chickens to make maximum pro¿ts with maximum ef¿ciency, however, is problematic. With such goals, the chickens are usually left behind to deal with genetic manipulation, overcrowding, and disease, before being slaughtered. To make maximum pro¿ts, chickens are genetically manipulated and regularly dosed with drugs to make them grow faster and larger. The average breast of an 8-week-old chicken is seven times heavier today than it was 25 years ago. In addition, a bird that would normally weigh more than a pound at six weeks has now grown into a bird weighing four or ¿ve pounds—this would resemble a human baby being born at 24 pounds! The overgrown muscle tissue causes them to be unable to stand up; and they develop gastrointestinal and blood diseases, compounded by chronic respiratory diseases. This creates a mortality rate before being slaughtered that is 7 times higher than from laying hens in the wild. The sad part is that when chickens are given access to healthy, organic food and chemical-infested antibiotics, chickens immediately choose the antibiotics as a way to ease their pain. Also, the chickens are raised in massive, windowless sheds that hold as many as 40,000 birds each. This would be similar to having the whole Archbishop Mitty student body living in the gym! In these sheds, feces crowd the Àoors and, with thousands of chickens, sur-

vival of the ¿ttest truly comes into the play. The chickens ¿ght to have access to food and water—while some just collapse from the extra weight and disease caused by the genetic modi¿cation. Michael Specter, a longtime staff writer for The New Yorker visited a chicken shed and wrote, “I was almost knocked to the ground by the overpowering smell of feces and ammonia. The 30,000 chickens sitting in front of me were almost like statues of chickens, living in total darkness.” These chickens are crowded into ¿lthy, closed sheds contaminated with Salmonella and Camplylobacter bacteria. A USDA study found that more than 99 percent of chicken carcasses had levels of E. coli, showing fecal contamination—which ends up in our food. The overcrowding in the chicken hens, thus, not only pains the chickens but comes back to hurt our health. Because they are pushed to live in such horrible situations, their dosages of antibiotics, filled with deadly carcinogens, increase. One especially harmful material is arsenic which is used to increase chicken weight and meat pigmentation. It is also a toxic chemical that causes cancer, death in high doses, dementia, and neurological problems in humans who consume the meat. Unfortunately, more than 70 percent of all U.S. chickens raised for meat are treated with arsenic. Chickens are given nearly four times the number of antibiotics as human beings or cattle in the United States. These chemicals are found in high concentrations in their feces, which lead to fecal pollution that is disastrous to the environment. Making sure that the chicken is grown and produced safely is essential to our health and well-being. Obviously, stopping the consumption of chicken in the United States is unrealistic. Consequently, be aware of the different ways chickens are treated and take a stand to stop this injustice. At the supermarket, avoid the label: “ Free-Range” which brings images of chickens being able to roam around free in the wild, without overcrowding and disease. This label only means that the chickens are given access to this land long after they have imprinted, which basically renders the land as unsafe and useless to the chickens. Opt for labels such as “Organic” which limit the use of arti¿cial chemicals, pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics while prohibiting genetic manipulation. Also, ¿nd local food branches such as Chipotle that make sure that their meat is antibiotic-free. Be aware of the grave situations chickens face and act on your newfound knowledge to make a greater impact on the world.



Opinions ć May

BOSTON TRAGEDY: LOOKING THROUGH THE WRONG LENS By Katherine Kirst Opinions Editor There are no real answers in tragedy. The very nature of tragedy is that it’s unexpected; it creeps up on us when we’re not paying attention. One moment, we’re living and breathing and thriving, and the next moment? Bewildering pain. To say that the Boston Marathon bombings affected those only within the city is a gross understatement; by targeting one of the world’s most prestigious sporting events, the bombers attacked the entire international community. If the overall goal was to target the American family, consider the bombers the worst kinds of overachievers. They targeted the entire global population. Many of us sat and watched from afar and we were struck speechless, we were saddened. We were reminded of the capacity for evil and we were reminded of our own mortality. Perhaps the worst thing about all this is how little I care about who is responsible for the attack. I’m no better than the average person; when it was con¿rmed that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were the reported perpetrators behind the bombings, I lost sleep, and felt rage, real rage, and wanted to see them pay. But, while re-watching the events unfold, viewing the looped video of the initial blast, I found myself not caring at all who did this. And it wasn’t some zen state that made me like this, not some Gandhi-like understanding of the nature of man, not some peaceful trance where I knew these people would get their karmic comeuppance if I just believed in the balance of the universe. There was none of that. It’s almost like I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. It was some strange unearthing of that Bostonian in me—Nah, pal, you’re a coward, I’m not even going to give you

Graphic courtesy of Molly Haar

your 15 minutes. I don’t even care what your cause is, or what you believe. You killed a child of Boston. An eight year old. You hurt a lot more. Innocents. Someone, some greater deity, will take care of you, and you will pay for this. But right now, I don’t care about you. Yet for reasons I don’t understand, for days following the attacks, the bombers were all anyone could talk about. Every website, radio program, newspaper or news channel was plastered with the photos of the Tzarnaev brothers; this only brought back haunting memories of similar photos of James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, or Adam Lanza, the man responsible for the Newtown tragedy, being seared into the minds of the American people. Simply Google “Boston Bombing” on The New York Times’ website and the ¿rst article that pops up is a detailed description of each bomber. For one reason or another, our society chooses to focus on the perpetrators of a catastrophe—so much so that what heroes that rise from these tragedies, the ordinary people who perform extraordinary acts in the face of the horror the perpetrators commit, go unrecognized. In fact, Google searches for the Tsarnaev brothers outnumber almost by 20 times the searches for Carlos Arredondo, the cowboy-hatted man who rushed people to safety and medical care during the bombing (See graphic at bottom left). We rationalize that by pointing blame at a person, a group of individuals or a common belief they may share, some portion of our society’s collective conscious can begin to reconcile with the tragedy. If the Tzarnaev brothers wanted to scare us, they hit us at the right time, when Americans are particularly vulnerable. We look at Congress’ inability to pass wildly popular gun control laws and feel powerless, the product of a broken system that no longer protects us. Every Boston is an af¿rmation of cultural pessimism, an empire in slow decline. What does this ¿xation on destruction say about us? Every year, as many people are killed by their household furniture as they are by terrorism, but we’re nowhere near as concerned with the private death by an ottoman. We fear public terror, fueled as we are by footage of Newtown, Aurora, Hurricane Sandy, and the threat of North Korea. As a culture, we often focus on the extremists who are destroying the world, rather than the everyday people who are working to make it better. What I choose to care about is this: the people who ran to help. The ones who rushed to area hospitals and tried to donate blood. The journalists who refused to speculate who was to blame and calmly delivered what they knew, what had been veri¿ed. The EMTs, Boston PD, and runners who rushed onto the scene only seconds after the initial blasts to help those who were injured. Those are the names I want to know, the pictures I want to see looped on TV. Now, not even a month after the bombing, it’s time to move onward. Tragedy is an ever-changing problem with no one-size-¿ts-all solution, yet I was able to ¿nd solace in the unexpected: by watching hockey. The Boston Bruins played their ¿rst home game since the tragic explosions a mere three days after the bombing took place; Rene Rancourt, the Bruins’ customary singer of the national anthem made it through the ¿rst few bars of “The Star Spangled Banner,” before the stadium full of over ¿fteen thousand fans took over. Watching the entire TD Garden erupt into song overwhelmed me. It didn’t matter what the song was, though the overcoming of “bombs bursting in air” resonated more than it ever has. The arena could have broken out into “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” and I still would have cried. The important part was that everyone sang together, loudly and without self-consciousness. Thousands of people with little in common (except an interest in watching men sling a black disc through metal pipes) joined together to announce their solidarity in a time of despair. Because this is how the world builds again—when we remember we aren’t alone in it.

THE KOREA THAT CRIED WOLF By Kaitlin Milliken Opinions Editor Not-so-breaking news: the communist nation, North Korea, has declared war on the United States of America. Why the lack of surprise? Shouldn’t we be concerned about national security? Shouldn’t we tread carefully as our country walks the thin line dividing international tension and nuclear war? Violence of any sort is a valid cause for alarm. The threat of bloodshed—especially mass bloodshed caused by new, destructive technology—certainly worries me. However, North Korea has issued so many threats in the past that have never been acted upon that it is doubtful that this declaration of war will be any different. The country itself follows a cyclical pattern of acting up to extort money from other countries and satisfy economic need. In short, create a commotion, threaten one of the world’s current superpowers, create enough of a scare to attract the attention of the American government. Thereafter, turn to “diplomacy”; wait for America to offer concessions and monetary aid. With the money in hand, politely agree to put away the dangerous missiles. Wait for a year or two, then issue another threat when funds run out. Under this model, a declaration of war is akin to a cry for attention and a sign of ¿nancial struggle. A tangible nuclear war is unlikely to occur, especially when North

Korea is to a small degree dependent on the United States for food aid. Furthermore, North Korean nuclear technology is still under developed. The country’s weaponry has become more advanced with the passage of time, but as of now, North Korea is only a minor threat to American safety. The country has a history of largely unsuccessful missile launches. Capable of producing projectiles for short and medium range use, the country has worked to increase the range of their armaments. The results: sending a missile over Japan in 1998, and the failed launches of two rockets. Success has only occurred recently, as North Korea sent a small satellite into orbit this past December. The launch serves as a display of potential, as North Korea could one day forge a missile capable of reaching and causing signi¿cant damage to America. At this very moment, however, the country lacks the capability to directly cause harm to American soil. North Korean nuclear weapons, though progressing, are still years behind America’s. According to The New York Times, North Korea’s most recent, and largest, nuclear test was “estimated to be less powerful than the ¿rst bomb the United States dropped on Hiroshima…in 1945.” Over 65 years behind in the development of arms, North Korean military would come into conÀict with other, more advanced nations, should they act upon

their declaration of war. If North Korea chose to attack South Korea, Japan, or other nations in close proximity, the United States would likely employ missile interception technology to prevent some damage. Currently, there is an Aegis equip ship off the Korean coast that is capable of intercepting malicious nuclear attacks. Not only is America itself unlikely to be harmed by an attention-seeking cry for war, but countries in the most danger enjoy a fairly comfortable degree of safety created by a large technological gap. If anything, North Korea should be wary of its actions, since the country depends largely on annual aid from foreign powers. By stepping out of line, they risk angering the powers that enable them. Currently the United States is following a policy of strategic patience, which withholds negotiations and offers of aid until they display “positive, constructive behavior.” The US is not the only world power that is chastising

North Korea like a young child: China, long time giver of funds and support, is enacting new sanctions to keep the country in order. Restrictions on travel, banking, and trade have been implemented for the ¿rst time in years. A North Korea without the ¿nancial means to function is a minor threat—if a threat at all. In need of funds, underdeveloped, and bound by its dependence to other countries, North Korea is not in the position to act upon a threat of nuclear war. So don’t worry, my fellow Americans, if our country is destined for destruction, it is unlikely North Korea will be the cause.

Arts & Entertainment SPOTLIGHT ON SENIORS Kirstin Jackson By Emily Malig Staff Writer

Danny Shafazand By AnnaLiese Burich A&E Editor

How did you decide what you wanted to do screenwriting?

What made you want to become a DJ? When did you start?

I’d always really been interested in writing, and I was part of the Creative Writing Club, but I didn’t know what type of writing I wanted to do. I mean, I did poetry and wrote a novel. But I ¿nally decided that the most accessible media is movies and television, and I wanted some way to reach people with my writing.

I started after visiting my dad’s nightclubs when I was in the 6th grade. I would always see the best DJs and how they would make the crowd go crazy and that made me want to be one as well. I always loved music so it quickly became my passion. What kind of jobs do you get?

What kind of events does the Creative Writing Club host? We’ve had a few writing contests, and we got a group together a while ago to go to San Francisco for a slam. Poetry slams are my favorite. We weren’t sure what to expect last year when we started it, but a lot of people ended up coming, and it was a hit. I was so immensely proud to be able to say I helped make that and that I helped be a part of that in general. What genres do you tend to write in? I call myself a young adult ¿ction writer. You can write a piece of literature that’s not the most important or eloquently worded, but they read it and love it. You get such an intense fan base, and I think the young adult age is the point in people’s lives when they begin to form their opinions and push for social change; they are the future. I want to be that person who can write something that youngsters can understand and feel passionate about. Do you have any advice for Mitty students or aspiring writers? Don’t be afraid of failing, or of what other people are going to think about your work. You often miss so much because you’re worried about the possibilities of what someone might think. Honestly if your friends are gonna say, “Oh, you’re a writer? Like, wow, that’s cool,” then whatever. And don’t let people hold you back from that because you’ll ¿nd that once you really let yourself try new things, you’re gonna ¿nd that one thing you really love.

Matt Raasch By Mitch Hanson Staff Writer How long have you been DJing? What got you started? I started DJing about 4 years ago, and I started producing about 2 years ago. I have always liked different kinds of electronic music, so I decided, why not, and started mixing and producing songs as a hobby. I’ve been DJing and producing ever since. Why do you enjoy DJing? I enjoy DJing because it’s fun to mix a collection of my favorite tracks: it really brings my own sort of music to life. Also, it’s really cool to get to play different shows around the Bay Area and meet a bunch of new and different people through DJing; every show is a new experience, and I love gaining experience. What’s your favorite type of music to play while DJing and why? I’m a big fan of dubstep, progressive-house, and electro music. They’re fun to listen to and they mix well.

I do a lot of gigs at nightclubs, schools, and also a lot of private parties (especially birthdays) and corporate events. What do you love most about your job? I love that it never feels like I’m working. I’m doing what I’m truly passionate about and I always get an adrenaline rush when the crowd goes crazy when I play a popular song. I also love the fact that I meet so many people through it. People from every background and every work environment go out to nightclubs, so the opportunity to make connections is endless. DJing for celebrities is a plus too. Do you want to pursue it in the future? I de¿nitely want to pursue DJing in the future. I’m still going to go to Santa Clara University to get a business degree, but I’m most likely always going to be involved with entertainment, and hopefully open a nightclub of my own sometime in the future. How has being a DJ shaped your time at Mitty? Being a DJ has de¿nitely changed my experience at Mitty. For starters, I met a bunch of people by DJing parties throughout freshman and sophomore year. In addition, I became close with Mr. Walker and everyone in Student Activities by DJing the school dances. I feel like I socialized much more because of it.

Danika Tatangsurja By Ryan Ballard Staff Writer How did you develop an interest in theatre tech? I have a bit of a fascination for the manner in which people walk, and deckhands do this thing called “walking with purpose,” which is exactly what it sounds like. If done properly, this results in a brisk, focused, almost oblivious perambulation. I wanted to be that deliberate, which is a little evocative of my metaphysical search for purpose in life, but there you go. That said, the plethora of liability concerns in, say, carpentry and electrics, tend to elevate minimum ages of involvement, so aside from some romps about the Sunnyvale Community Players’ set shop, I only got my start in tech theatre after I came to Mitty. What is it like to be behind the scenes? While I do think technicians are in the habit of calling themselves under-appreciated, I derive a very personal satisfaction from my work “behind the scenes,” as it were. If I needed an audience’s adulation, I would be an actor. What are the different types of jobs you’ve assumed as a techie?

Do you have any DJing idols? Yeah, quite a few: Getter, 50 Carrot, Eptic, JPhelpz, Datsik, =omboy, Ganja White Night, Avicii, Tommy Trash, and, of course, the amazing Swedish House Ma¿a.

In and out of Mitty, I’ve been a carpenter, electrician, deck crewmember, sound operator, production grunt, followspot operator, board operator, assistant stage manager, and lighting designer. What is something people don’t know about tech crew?

Do you see yourself DJing as a career in the future? No, I wouldn’t necessarily say that I want to do it as a career; as much as I enjoy DJing, it’s really just a hobby of mine.

Our names, ha! (Seriously, though... sometimes I’ll go backstage and people will assume I’m a lost audience member, albeit an emo one if I’m in my show blacks.)


May ć Arts 'ntertainOent

Out with the New, In with the Old By Monica Love Staff Writer

Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes a whole batch of new movies, such as Pixar’s Monsters University and Man of Steel. But instead of watching something new this summer, why not try watching something old? Older movies are often dismissed and not given the attention that they still deserve. Just because a movie was not made in the last few years does not mean that it is not good or worth seeing. Here is a list of a few timeless classics that you should check out this summer. Give these movies a chance this summer, and you might be pleasantly surprised as you ¿nd yourself enjoying one of them. Many of them can be found streaming on NetÀix. Rebel Without a Cause Many teenagers will be able to relate to the themes of feeling like an outcast and feeling estranged from your parents in the 1955 coming of age classic Rebel Without a Cause. Featuring the legendary James Dean in his iconic role, this movie tells the story of a new boy in town trying to ¿nd his place in his new high school while making friends and enemies along the way. Directed by Nicholas Ray and starring James Dean, Natalie Wood, and Sal Mineo. Another good coming of age movie to check out is Splendor In the Grass, which also stars Natalie Wood. It is about a high school couple whose breakup drives the girl ¿rst to madness, but then to eventual maturity. Psycho If you love horror movies, then the 1960 movie Psycho is just for you. It features the infamous shower murder scene that led the actress portraying the murder victim to have a lifelong fear of showers. Keep in mind while you watch it that “we all go a little mad sometimes.” Directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock and starring Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, and John Gavin.

Some Like it Hot The hilarious 1959 comedy Some Like It Hot will be sure to make you laugh as you watch two male musicians Àee the ma¿a by dressing up as women and performing in an all-female band. Complications arise as one of them falls in love with the band’s lead singer, Sugar, played by the iconic Marilyn Monroe, while the other is romantically pursued by a middle-aged male millionaire. Classic comedy, combined with raunchy themes, make for timeless family fun. Directed by Billy Wilder and starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon.

Gone With the Wind Gone With the Wind, which is 238 minutes long, is a great movie to watch on a day when you have nothing else to do. This epic tells the story of the young Southern belle Scarlett O’Hara as she lives through the Civil War and Reconstruction and has a turbulent love affair with Rhett Butler. Directed by Victor Fleming and starring Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Olivia de Havilland, and Leslie Howard.

Roman Holiday When you were a kid, some of the movies you might have watched were about princesses going off on lifechanging adventures. Roman Holiday brings that type of storyline back into your life as you watch Princess Ann take a day off from her royal duties to explore the Eternal City and ¿nd love along the way. Directed by William Wyler and starring Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck, and Eddie Albert. Another movie starring Audrey Hepburn that is her less-known masterpiece is Charade, a hilarious movie about a widower who is being pursued by several men who are after a fortune her late husband stole. This convoluted mystery thriller is one of Audrey’s best and is sure to make you laugh out loud. Casablanca Beloved by many, Casablanca is a must-see for everyone. Widely considered one of the greatest movies of all time, it has a nice blend of tragic romance and subtle comedy against the serious backdrop of World War II. Directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, and Paul Henreid.

Striving to Honor, refusing to forget By Niki Griswold Staff Writer

Art has always been one of the ultimate forms of self-expression. Everything from dance to painting to singing to architecture is representative of an experience the creator wants to convey. Art has the ability to display complex emotions in a much greater intensity than can be conveyed in words, leading creative expression to become a popular and prominent form of therapy. But art has become much more than just individual expression. Its ability to unify and evoke emotion makes it the ideal method of commemorating and mourning great loss. In the face of the tragedies our society has experienced, architecture in particular has become the most therapeutic response that allows people to honor the lives lost but move on to a brighter future. The World War II, Vietnam War, and Korean War memorials in Washington, D.C. not only depict critical events in our nation’s past, but provide a place for survivors, family members of those lost, and all other observers to reminisce and feel a sense of unity as a country through a shared history. The memorial at Columbine along with the 9/11 memorial in New York City are powerful reminders of

the pain and loss endured, but also the unfailing resilience of a people refusing to be knocked down. In response to the recent Sandy Hook shooting, a number of individuals have also taken it upon themselves to focus their grief into creativity, resulting in various

works of art including the work of one woman who created greeting cards for each victim that are now being mass distributed, and the stunning two tone sketches by a man in memory of the pain of that fateful day. Artist Henry Avignon recently opened the Newtown collection exhibit in an art gallery in Rochester, NY, featuring separate pieces for each victim. Soon to be sent to Newtown, Connecticut, the exhibit serves as a mourning site for friends, family, and touched observers. Even the site of the recent Boston marathon bombing has become home to an unof¿cial and temporary memorial as visitors and runners place American Àags, personalized and decorated crosses, pictures, and Àowers at the location of the bombing, in a beautiful and heart-wrenching collage of love and respect for those taken from the world too soon. Despite feeling powerless as acts of violence continue to occur, art allows us to realize that what we do control is our response to the acts of hatred. As we strive to honor and refuse to forget, we end up with magni¿cent forms of beauty that allow us to do just that.

Arts 'ntertainOent ć May


Monarch Critics The %roods By Sindhu Giri Staff Writer

The Croods follows the eccentric family of cavemen Croods on their adventure as they leave the safety of their cave and wander into the unknown in the search of a new home. One young and curious cavegirl Crood, Eep, yearns to break free of the family ancestral cave, but her overprotective father, Grug, warns her to “never not to be afraid” and that “new things” threaten their survival. Following a light source outside, Eep meets a caveboy named Guy who explains to Eep his theory that the world is going to “end” and that he wants Eep to come with him. Guy’s prophecy of world destruction comes true, and an earthquake crushes their cave to pieces. Climbing above the ruins, the Croods’ quest to ¿nd a new cave begins. Guy soon catches up with the Croods, and his innovative efforts to help the family are rejected by the closed-minded clan; but luckily, Guy’s intelligence and ideas are soon valued when he rescues the Croods out of several sticky situations.

The Croods want to follow Guy to his “Tomorrow” even though Grug is resistant at ¿rst. Soon, the entire Croods family and Guy ¿nd shelter by successfully crossing a ravine and reaching “Tomorrow.” Even though The Croods may rely on a predictable plot line, the central message of “Carpe Diem,” a theme that can sometimes be lost in today’s fast paced society, is illustrated in an understandable way. The Croods teaches you to take risks beyond your comfort zone, and how to come up with innovative ideas in times of change. The relationship between Grug and Eep is completely relatable even in our modern era; Eep, the daughter, yearns to experience the wonders beyond the safety of her cave while her father only wants to keep the entire family safe and protected. The Àirtation between Guy and Eep also does not please the overprotective father, which is relatable to adolescents. The various adventures of the Croods are entertaining; overall, The Croods offers comedy, romance, and heart-warming friendship.

O0 (ire or 70D'4 (ire! By Harika Janjam Staff Writer

The widely enjoyed MTV Movie Awards aired on April 14, averaging a viewer count of 3.8 million. Of course, none of these awards shows simply pass by without some sort of controversy occurring, and this year proved to be no exception. America’s beloved Selena Gomez, surprisingly, is the center of the hysteria—but should she be blamed for sparking said hysteria? Gomez recently came out with a new single, “Come and Get It.” The song, in my opinion, is certainly laudable due to the fact that it’s fresh, unique, and diverse compared to Gomez’s previous musical work. The track features the dispersed, stuttered chant of an unknown Indian singer, as well as a unique drumming style. Although its opening beats may be reminiscent of those of a hookah bar, there is no doubt that this is, quite simply, a good song. It is catchy, it has been receiving much radio time, and it is certainly a step outside of the box for the pop princess. Gomez debuted her new work live at the MTV Movie Awards with a creative and whimsical performance, featuring an

introduction from Kim Kardashian, seductive choreography, and the color red. The subject of controversy, however, was that Gomez wore an Indian cultural bindi symbol on her forehead as a part of her performance attire. Critics and spokespersons stated that since the bindi is an ancient Hindu tradition and has religious signi¿cance, Gomez has no right whatsoever to wear it. “It is not meant to be thrown around loosely for seductive effects... Selena should apologize and then she should get acquainted with the basics of world religions,” stated Rajan =ed of the Universal Society of Hinduism. Conversely, other Indians believe that this controversy was blown out of proportion. People should be welcomed to take part in and promote another culture. Although the bindi originated as a religious symbol, this is no longer the way in which some modern day Indians have been using it. The bindi has now become an accessory, a way to enhance the face. This was Selena’s pure intention as well. Given her intentions, she should not have been criticized for using a bindi in this manner.

In a Nutshell

By Nicole Rejer Staff Writer

By Elexis Breitbart Staff Writer

By Meghana Killedar Staff Writer

By Camille Contreras Staff Writer

From the beginnings of “Sometime Around Midnight” to the more recent “Changing,” The Airborne Toxic Event, or TATE, has always seemed to capture the essence of alternative rock. However, the band has recently forgotten the song-writing skills that ¿rst brought them so much major success. “Timeless,” a single off the new album, Such Hot Blood, is a trend in the wrong direction, with a heartless chorus and tiring lyrics. TATE also seems to have lost a piece of their own personality and originality in this album, as “True Love” and “Bride and Groom” fall Àat when we listen closer. Throughout the whole album, the writing does not impress, and the lyrical repetition truly backfires. “Such Hot Blood had great potential as an album, and the songs are truly composed beautifully; however, the monotonous lyrics, which fall far from what all of us were expecting, steal the album’s only chance to be truly poignant and memorable.

Oliver or “Olly” Murs has recently released his brand new album “Right Place Right Time,” which is a fusion of R&B and pop music. Olly is another British cutie taking the iTunes charts by storm with innumerable fangirls swooning over his beautiful voice, perfect hair, and cute style. Even though his album is reminiscent of One Direction, as it features many upbeat songs, such as “Army of Two,” with a few slow songs perfectly placed throughout, such as “Hand on Heart.” His dance music beats are infused with soulful lyrics that come together to form a perfect album, which has been on repeat for me for the past few weeks. Of course, the most famous is the poppy “Troublemaker,” which, featuring a verse from Flo Rida, has been dominating the radio for months. Olly Murs seems to enjoy his newfound status as a pop star after coming in second on The X Factor UK in 2009, and he may on track to become the next Bruno Mars.

Despite being aesthetically appealing in both cinematography and cast, crime drama The Place Beyond the Pines ultimately has viewers leaving the theater unsatis¿ed. The story follows motorcycle stuntman Luke Glanton (Ryan Gosling) as he begins robbing banks in order to support an ex-Àing (Eva Mendes) and infant son. Peppered with tense action scenes, the narrative also contains tender moments that reveal the true theme of this movie: the bond between father and son. The ¿lm completely draws you into the brilliantly portrayed dysfunctional lives of its characters although the plot sometimes meanders into predictable territory. Well-shot and well-planned, The Place Beyond the Pines is an ambitious, thought-provoking ¿lm that just can’t con sistently maintain its haunting atmosphere. (Disclaimer: This film contains scenes of Ryan Gosling playing with babies and puppies. Watch at your own risk).

It’s been said that baseball is America’s favorite pastime, and 42 is no exception. Voted one of the best movies of 2013, 42, named after the only retired jersey number in baseball, is about the man who wore that jersey and changed the history of baseball forever: Jackie Robinson. 42 details the journey that Robinson (Chadwick Boseman) takes as the ¿rst black man in pro baseball. Harrison Ford proves he’s still got it with a fantastic performance as the faith¿lled and determined Brooklyn Dodgers’ owner Branch Rickey, who brings Robinson up to the big leagues. Robinson struggles with the hatred of those who still wanted segregation, but at the end of the day he has the guts to ¿ght his way to the top. Inspirational, beautiful, and, above all, respectful of its subject’s legacy, this film is a must see. So even if you aren’t a baseball fan, take your family and friends out to the movies, buy some peanuts and Cracker Jack, and see 42!

Drawn by Morgan Czeropski Staff Artist

By Aaron Gordon To be a Mitty athlete is an incredible honor, as well as a heavy burden.

Mitty allows me to do this under the brightest of lights,

As you walk into the gymnasium and see all the banners on the roof,

and on the highest of stages.

you realize that you are a part of a successful program.


As an athlete, seeing all of this success motivates me to perform to the


best of my abilities. It teaches me how to be a leader,

I credit Mitty, and the athletics program, for my growth as a person,

and also how to be humble at the same time.

and will use what I learned here

Not only am I representing myself, but I am representing everything

through my future endeavors and beyond.

I am proud of – my school, the faculty, my classmates, and my family.

By Sarah Tsou By Lindseyy Scheller Sch hell elller le We all know it—Mitty’s academics are rigorous. Simple as that. From the pages upon pages of cheat sheets we’ve compiled for Biology Honors class to cramming last-minute for that test we may or may not have forgotten about (we’ve all been through that one before‌), we’ve all experienced those sleepless nights and stressful days‌and yet also the euphoria and joy and wonder that come when all the hard work pays off. There’s really no better feeling than that, in any arena— athletics, performing arts, academics, or student activities. Last year, during my junior year, I was crazy enough to take a total of 6 AP classes—and I was WHUULÀHG $W OHDVW LQ WKH EHJLQQLQJ %XW RQFH , VWDUWHG WKLV LQFUHGLEOH DUGXRXV \HW XOWLPDWHO\ ZRUWKZKLOH DQG IXOÀOOLQJ HQGHDYRU , UHDOL]HG WKDW ZLWK WKH DPRXQW RI VXSSRUW WKDW ZDV DYDLODEOH WR me, I didn’t need to be scared. Never will I forget the many long hours spent in the science lab during 6th period, as I (along with a few of my classmates with the same off-period) reviewed tests, worked on chemistry labs, and otherwise bombarded Ms. Theresa Hannon with questions concerning various VFLHQWLÀF FRQFHSWV 5HVRXUFHV DUH UHDGLO\ DYDLODEOH³WKH OLEUDU\ WKH VFLHQFH PDWK ODEV³EXW PRUH than that, Mitty is special for the people here, the community that has successfully raised academics WR WKH KLJK FDOLEHU WKH\ DUH 7KHUH DUH WKH DPD]LQJ WHDFKHUV ZKR VDFULÀFH KRXUV XSRQ KRXUV RXWVLGH of the classroom, meeting with students, clarifying concepts, and doing all those small, yet ultimately vital things simply out of their genuine desire to help students in any way they can. And then there are students, our fellow classmates whose insights inspire us, and whose questions force us to think differently, to delve deeper. My four years have been incredibly busy and characterized by not just a little sleep-deprivation, but nonetheless I have discovered myself in an environment where everyday I am imbued with more and more knowledge, and everyday I am able WR JURZ LQ FRQÀGHQFH DQG ZLVGRP /RRNLQJ EDFN QRZ RQ P\ IRXU \HDUV DW 0LWW\ , FDQ VD\ ZLWK FRPSOHWH FRQÀGHQFH WKDW , KDYH UHFHLYHG a top-notch, superb education, one that will stay with me even as I move onto college and life beyond. Beyond simple concepts and facts, I have learned to think critically and deeply, to question and delve and dig for answers and understanding. It is here that I have learned skills for life.

Three years ago, I entered Mitty wondering what part of the community I would ďŹ nd myself belonging to. Mitty does a fantastic job of integrating students into the community through clubs, student activities, sports, performing arts, Spirit Week, Monarch Madness, academics, mics, and other undertakings; yet, without Campus ampus Ministry, this school would never have ave become the family that I now know and cherish. After four years, Campus Ministry becomes that small voice in the back of our heads, encouraging us to embrace this school wholeheartedly. It’s like our conscience, teaching us how to build a community on campus through retreats, where each year we take little steps, opening up to others while discovering whoo we are. Beyond the Mitty community, Campus Ministry teaches us of a family beyond d our school h l walls, through community service and immersion programs. Going on ECJ China was an indescribable and unique experience as we overcame language barriers and connected with people half-way around the world. We found family everywhere as we traveled through

the Forbidden City, hiked the daunting Great Wall, and ran in the grasslands of Mongolia. I saw my new family and home through the faces of the elementary kids at Yu Xing, middle schoolers at the Dandelion school, high school students in Shanghai, S anghai, aand the many other faces Sh of China. Up until senior year I was Up learning l what family and ccommunity meant thanks tto Campus Ministry. And as my last year came into view, I joined LIFE Emmaus Corp, where my Mitty experience was truly deďŹ ned. As I became incredibly closer with my own classmates at wi each eaac Base Community night annd clo o and closer to all other classes as a whole, whho ho I felt so in tune with the thh community. Leading retreats, giving reections, and nurturing this environment enabled me to apply what I had learned. I, among many LIFE Emmaus members, became that voice in the back of other peoples’ heads, encouraging them to allow this community to deďŹ ne their Mitty experience.

By Andrea Modugno

The curse of ’13...We had all heard the myth. The Class of ’13 had lived its harsh reality one too many times. We started losing hope, sinking against the force of the curse. This “curse� had begun to take its toll not only the senior class, but also on the student representatives who had vowed to lead their peers through thick and thin, no matter the circumstances. The reps had all taken on the daunting task as class leaders, understanding the stakes. So we worked for you guys. The senior reps, as every representative on student government does, invested countless hours into a cause that will never be truly understood or rivaled by a neighboring school. Monarch Madness is truly “the greatest night to be a monarch� because it embodies every aspect of Mitty in one event. It challenges the class to come and work together as one. In the past, this was not the Class of ’13s strong suit, and this hurt us...but it never stopped us. Every year we would come back a little stronger and that much more impressive. But this year? This was our year. We came to Monarch Madness as one unified class; there was no doubt about it. The Class of ’13 has truly found their identity within each other, and no trophy or score sheet can beat that reward. Though finally achieving our rightful ranking in Monarch Madness was a great experience for our class, the true accomplishment was realizing our ability to do something great when we stand together. And though we have to part within these next couple weeks, I can confidently say that the Class of ’13 will not be forgotten at Mitty.

By Brianna Bajar If home is where the heart is, Archbishop Mitty is my home and Student Government is my family. I have had the pleasure of being on Student Government for the past four years as a class representative and now, as ASB Secretary. Each year brings something different with new members and experiences; however, I can easily say that this year has been my favorite by far. We have something called “gov love� in our community. Gov love is that feeling of being a proud parent when watching the other classes excel, hearing students laugh at their inside jokes, and stopping to say hello to fellow student government members in the hallway. It is a feeling of acceptance and support that cannot be matched by any other organization here at school. This year in particular had an unparalleled amount of gov love. It has had the most familial atmosphere that I have experienced, and I have never been part of such a tight knit group. These students that I have had the opportunity to work with truly make this school special with their charisma, hard work, and leadership. Their high energy and enthusiasm has made my senior year the best experience possible, as I have watched everyone evolve into a true family. Although being part of ASB this year meant severing ties to my class, it gave me the opportunity to have the whole school in mind and grow closer to all of the classes. Student government has been the greatest part of my high school experience and I would not change a minute of it. When I’m at school, I am home, thanks to the student government family.

It has truly been a privilege to be your class moderators for the past four years. It’s been a lot of fun, and we’ve learned so much from everyone whom we’ve been fortunate enough to interact with. Each year, we’ve witnessed just how hard your awesome class reps have worked! From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Fresh Prince of Bel Air, you proudly owned your freshman spirit. Who could forget Michael Abad doing the “Carleton Danceâ€? during the Monarch Madness performance or Jared Matusich driving the “Fresh Princeâ€? across the dance Ă€oor in the our make-shift taxi cab? As sophomores, you took on the challenge of recreating Pocahontas, and you did your very best and united the class in a sea of red. During Monarch Madness junior year, you showed the true athletic strength of the class when dominating in various games. There is no disputing you’ve had your fair share of losses and adversity to overcome. For many of you, we know you will take the lessons learned from these experiences and put it to good use as you navigate the ebbs and Ă€ows of your future college endeavors. Choosing The Great Gatsby as your Monarch Madness theme this year seemed to bring us luck. Your vision was realized as the weeks of preparation passed and the night had Âżnally come. The evening of March 8, 2013 is one we will never forget. We will especially remember the announcement made around 9:50 p.m. proclaiming the Class of 2013 to be the winner of Monarch Madness! To see seniors rush the Ă€oor with tears and cheers of joy really embodied the spirit of your class and made the victory that much sweeter. As your moderators, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to journey with you during your time as a Monarch. Thanks for your patience in putting up with us! Because of your dedication and determination, we, along with Archbishop Mitty High School community, will never forget the Class of 2013. We wish you the best of luck as you start a new chapter of your lives and hope you never forget your Monarch Pride.

Ms. Kaltsas & Mr. Mosunic

By Christina Moore Mitty’s performing arts department has had a huge effect on my life since freshman year, when I performed in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and was a part of Drama 1 with Mr. Santana. That year, I got to work with some of the most talented and hilarious people I have ever met in my entire 18 years of life. Inspired by them, as well as my own desire to perform, I have since become a part of jazz choir, the sketch comedy team, Exodus, and multiple plays and musicals. Although my days got significantly longer (45 minutes before and after school Monday-Thursday plus the loss of an off period, and rehearsal till after dark, but who’s counting?), I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunities Mitty has given me. The performing arts department opened their figurative arms to me and literally took all of my free time, but it was definitely worth it. I found a place to fit in and a place that let me do what I am passionate about. I don’t think any other school even has a rock band, so that in itself is pretty awesome. Because of my time spent in the theater and the music center, I have not only become good at what I do, but I’ve found a ton of people who share my same passions and sense of humor (a rarity). The last four years have been long, stressful, and busy as hell, but because of my involvement in the performing arts department, they were also extremely fun. I wouldn’t change anything about my high school experience; I’m going to miss it so much!


2hotography ć May


Through the Lens

Monarch Photography


May ć 2hotography


Conceptual Photography



a type of photography that illustrates an idea




Justice Awareness Profiles in Justice

Guantanamo Bay


Spotlight on Graciela Marez Brianna Mims Staff Writer Although Archbishop Mitty's Christian Service requirement has been changed from 25 hours to 20 hours, students like sophomore Graciela Marez continue to go above and beyond in their service work. Graciela donates her time to San Jose's Regional Medical Center . What various tasks does Graciela’s service consist of and why does she continue to volunteer here? Some of the various tasks Graciela participates in at San Jose's Regional Medical Center are "helping discharge patients, directing visitors, and assisting nurses." However, as a junior ambassador, she organizes schedules and shifts, helps fundraise, and accomplishes other tasks. She explains, "I chose to do this service because I've always wanted to go into the medical ¿eld and get a feel for the environment." Graciela sees volunteering at the Center as an opportunity to experience and explore the mechanics for a future career. Additionally, she ¿nds that she is given a chance to develop better communication skills as well as exercise her enthusiasm for interacting with new people including those who work at the Center, its visitors, and the patients staying there. What is one of Graciela’s most memorable experiences volunteering at the Medical Center? Graciela says, "my favorite and most memorable experiences are ones that involve hands-on experiences, ones which help me learn about the medical ¿eld and myself as a person. Although there are several examples, one that really stands out to me is when I had to watch a nurse give a young patient stitches. I've never had a problem with blood, but who knew watching the whole process would make me woozy?" Despite her uneasiness, she explains that continuing to volunteer is what helped her successfully overcome that anxiety. "Now to just overcome spiders," she jokes. How does Graciela think she has made an impact with her work, and why? Graciela is aware that her work not only has an impact on herself through her experiences, but also on those she helps and serves at the Center. "I think I make an impact when I volunteer—especially in the emergency room—because I assist anyone and everyone who needs me. Nurses often thank me for reducing the stress in the waiting room because loved ones can get pretty cranky after several hours of waiting. About 90% of my time assisting in the emergency room involves assisting visitors ¿nd who they are looking for or keeping the atmosphere relaxed. I always ¿nd myself assisting the nurses somehow, and I think that makes their lives easier as well as the patients'."

M.A.P. Corner Mitty Advocacy Project Update Brianna Mims Staff Writer The end of the school year is fast approaching, and Mitty’s Advocacy Project has accomplished so much within the year. From the Youth Advocacy Leadership Conference taking place on the Mitty campus to Catholic Youth Advocacy Day in Sacramento, MAP has made sure to remain the voice of the voiceless in the issues of human traf¿cking, teen homelessness, the environment, jail center systems, education budget cuts, gun control, and immigration. As a result of all their hard work and success, they plan on celebrating with a BB4 where the elections to determine next year’s of¿cers will also take place. Do not be fooled, however. MAP’s efforts towards justice do not just end there, and they will continue to ¿nd and build opportunities to create a just world and help eliminate the disparities within it.

Manasi Patwa Staff Writer As members of a democratic country, we believe in extending constitutional rights to all individuals, regardless of social class or gender. Those rights are often suspended in a time of crisis or war—just as they were following the 9/11 attacks—for suspects of major crimes. Prisoners being held for a crime against the United States are often deprived of certain rights in the name of national security. But to what extent should these rights be diminished? And what if those prisoners have been cleared of all wrongdoing? Guantanamo Bay, a section of the United States naval base at the east end of Cuba, has been reserved for suspected terrorists and militants since the inception of the War on Terror. Long cited by critics and human rights activists as a breach of human rights and, since 2002, revealed as a site which included the use of torture, Guantanamo stands as a source of shame for many. In 2009, immediately following taking of¿ce, President Obama vowed to have the facility closed within a year. Yet, in 2013, little has changed. As a protest against their unjust captivity and conditions, detainees at Guantanamo have begun “Hunger Strikes.” The “Hunger Strikes” ¿rst surfaced in 2005; the peak that year was eighty-¿ve hunger strikers. Since then, the number of these strikers has Àuctuated, with only ten recorded in 2008. But since February of this year, the 2013 “Hunger Strike” has gained signi¿cant momentum, with approximately 97 of the 166 remaining inmates participating. Clearly, a majority of detainees have decided to join the movement.

In a hunger strike, the detainees refuse to eat as a means of de¿ance against the facility and its of¿cials. However, even as the strikes continue, there is hardly any response to their demands. According to the detainees, torture by interrogators was once commonplace. Due to such conditions, many of the inmates have developed chronic mental disorders. Additionally, during these current strikes, detainees are being “forcefed” with tubes delivering food to their stomachs; inmates describe such this process as brutal, painful, and dehumanizing. Perhaps most signi¿cant of all, the majority of the remaining detainees are being kept without any formal charge or allegation, and, in fact, a total of eighty-seven have been cleared and approved for release. The problem is Americans don’t want these innocent former captives on their soil. Shaker Aamer was mistakenly picked up by U.S. troops in 2002, but has yet to be charged with any crime. Following years of torture, he was “cleared for release” in 2007. Yet he remains in Guantanamo. Such inmates have not received of¿cial charges, and some, like Aamer, have the right to leave Guantanamo Bay legally. Hopeful “prisoners” looked to President Obama’s 2009 promise as their future. But the fact that the movement for change has decelerated spurned another bout of despair for inmates. The number of inmates being released each year has slowed to just four, and it is unlikely that the number will increase in the present year. The United States of America has long been cited as the keeper of democratic principles. Yet, at Guantanamo Bay, one sees that conditions blatantly defy fundamental human rights.

Unsung Heroes of America 7KH :DU &RQWLQXHV DW +RPH Leanna Syrimis Staff Writer Most would agree that the men and women of the United States Armed Forces are the courageous heroes who sacri¿ce their jobs, their families and even their lives to protect the freedom and sovereignty of America and her allies. Though they may ¿ght for an honorable cause, far too many of these brave warriors are killed, missing, or taken prisoner. Scores of families are torn apart by the loss of a child, sibling, parent, or relative in the line of duty. Others must wait in agony, month after month, praying that their loved ones may return home. But what actually happens after these veterans return home? Unfortunately, veterans who are no longer on active duty are to some degree swept under the rug by society. After having fought valiantly on the battle¿eld, these veterans must combat a myriad of struggles on the home front as they reintegrate into civilian society. Homelessness is a chronic problem among veterans: the Departments of Housing and Ur-

ban Development estimated that approximately 63,000 veterans were homeless on a single night in 2012. Unemployment also poses an obstacle for veterans attempting to return to civilian life. In February of 2013, over 770,000 veterans found themselves out of work, either temporarily or chronically. Equally shocking are the incidents of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder and other mental health issues among veterans. Additionally, the suicide rates among veterans are surprisingly high. Sadly, many veterans do not have access to proper health care, and thus their conditions and symptoms go untreated. While there are many organizations such as the Veterans in Progress program, the Veterans Justice Outreach Initiative, and the Veterans Health Administration that promote positive change and aid for veterans, it is not enough. As President Obama proclaims, “Our men and women in uniform must always be treated as what they are: America’s most precious resource.”

ApriN ć Justice Awareness


Branching Out to the Community This Summer Nikita Dandia Staff writer This school year was tough, with the juggling act of classes, activities, friends, and family I, like many students, completely forgot about completing my Christian Service hours and left them to the last minute. I was cramming in a couple hours each day just so that I could ¿nish the twenty-hour requirement. Sadly, it was more of a chore to ¿nish than actually being meaningful! With the end of the school year just around the corner, what

If you like working with children you can tutor, coach, or work at any Vacation Bible School! When you were in 5th grade, many of you went to Walden West. Well now you can volunteer and be a counselor during the summer there. During summer you can work one week at Wild Things, Day Camp, and Core Crew for a total of three weeks!

are your plans for summer? How about ¿nishing those Christian Service hours? With our busy lives it’s sometimes hard to ¿nd time to volunteer and give to others. But this summer provides a unique opportunity to give your time and energy to those who truly need it. The right match can help you ¿nd friends, reach out to the community, and learn new skills. There are numerous places where you can volunteer!

But if working with kids is just not your thing, how about doing some hospital work? Many students for the past several years have been working at hospitals such as Good Samaritan, O’Connor Hospital or the San Jose Regional Medical Center. Volunteers provide comfort and enhance the patient experience. In addition, students can gain valuable ¿rst-hand experience working in a hospital setting. This is an especially valuable experience for those who plan to pursue medical careers.

How many of you are animal lovers? There are multiple agencies that care for animals and habitats and keep our environment clean and healthy. Find an animal shelter near you and submit a service proposal to get that agency approved.

Summer is a great time to get all those hours done! On the Christian Service Website there are numerous pre-approved agencies that you can choose from that range from a working with the elderly to fundraising. You can also submit a service proposal for any new agency.

Mitty Financial Aid 3URJUDP &RQWLQXHV WR ([SDQG

Real Victims of North Korea Sankar Srinivasan Staff Writer North Korea has been portrayed in several recent headlines as a whining child of a nation, attempting to assert itself through its nuclear arsenal. As a result of mounting tensions on the Korean peninsula as well as increasing nuclear belligerence, the US has backed multiple UN sanctions aimed at punishing North Korea for its failure to comply with international policies. But no question has plagued the minds of Americans as much as this one: can North Korean missiles reach US territories? This question has come into increasing relevance as nuclear programs under Kim Jong Un’s rule have seen relatively unprecedented levels of success. Add to that a stockpile of Soviet-modi¿ed weapons and there is a seemingly valid threat occupying America’s mind. However, if anyone is to be actually concerned with North Korea’s budding nuclear threats, it is a North Korean. Food shortages and famine have been a de¿ning characteristic of North Korea’s history, due to the collectivized agricultural system and its inef¿ciencies. As many as one in every four North Korean children reportedly suffer from chronic malnutrition, and North Korea is doing little to nothing about it. There was hope that the change in leadership from King Jong Il to his son Kim Jong Un

would result in humanitarian reforms, but that hope was quickly dashed after Kim Jong Un stated that “the ¿rst, second, and third priorities are to strengthen the military.” Ultimately, the government elite are directing the full weight of North Korean struggles on the common people. Food aid during the infamous famine of the 1990s— when food shortages were so bad that reports of cannibalism surfaced—is no longer readily available. On top of that, hundreds of thousands of North Koreans are rotting away in gulags (work camps) where meals consist of meager rations of corn and gruel, prompting political prisoners to consume stray rats for survival. The government punishes further “dissidence” by classifying the population into three different classes based on observed political loyalty, a system that is extremely discriminating as it punishes the “hostile” and “wavering” classes by limiting their access to food and resources in general. Overall, the biggest threat North Korea poses is to itself. Our fear of missiles that can barely scale the Paci¿c is a mere pittance compared to the fear North Koreans should have of the authoritarian regime and their shaky futures. North Korea in its entirety is not the enemy—its government is. The way we can achieve peace on the Korean peninsula is to ensure North Koreans are fed and liberate them from Kim Jong Un and his oppressive regime.

Arjun Balasingam Staff Writer Archbishop Mitty High School just welcomed its incoming class of 2017. This year, to reach out to more families throughout the community, the Financial Aid Of¿ce—under the leadership of the school’s Chief Financial Of¿cer, Mr. Jorge Helmer—expanded its offerings. Under the current plan, student applications are reviewed solely on merit (their family and ¿nancial backgrounds are not considered). Families interested in ¿nancial aid additionally complete separate ¿nancial aid packages, which are evaluated by a third party, the Private School Aid Service (PSAS), which then submits a recommended list of quali¿ed students for ¿nancial aid to the school. A separate committee at school also reviews all of the applications meticulously and compares their evaluations with those of PSAS. Archbishop Mitty does its very best to accommodate as many applications as possible. Initially, the Strategic Plan provided ¿nancial aid that amounted to less than 5% of the school’s revenue. This year, the Financial Aid Of¿ce has allocated about 10.6% of the school’s revenue to ¿nancial aid. This equates to approximately $3 million in aid and covers about 370 Mitty families (22% of families at Mitty).

Over the last ¿ve years, the Financial Aid Of¿ce has worked to expand the resources it offers. For instance, the ¿nancial aid package now covers not only tuition, but also textbooks, calculators, and other school supplies. One of the most recent additions has included the funding of bus passes for students who have limited resources for transportation. Additionally, the Financial Aid program has helped fund extracurricular expenses including co-curricular immersion trips and Ethics, Culture, and Justice (ECJ) classes. As Mr. Helmer states, “Mitty is trying to replicate the same experience for all students regardless of their income level, so that they can make the best of their Mitty experience, by attending retreats and immersion trips and participating on sports teams.” The Financial Aid program has evolved tremendously in the last few years. In addition to expanding the financial aid budget, Mitty has begun to fund secondary expenses as well. Moreover, Mitty’s ¿nancial aid program is not limited to a speci¿c community in the greater Bay Area; rather, it is open to all families that demonstrate a need for ¿nancial assistance, in the hopes of delivering a top-tier high school experience to all students, regardless of their background.

Career at a Glance Compiled by Sports Editors

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Aaron Gordon: NBA Aspirations Mitty head coach Tim Kennedy said, “He spoils us with what By Cameron Schott he’s able to do on the court – just being able to make plays – but Sports Editor Archbishop Mitty has had many talented athletes walk it doesn’t surprise me after seeing him for the last four years. He does this over and over again in practice and in games. through its halls over the years. All, of course, remember Kerri Walsh-Jennings, the three- Everybody’s seen it. He just Âżnds a way to win. He has that time consecutive gold medalist in Olympics Beach Volleyball, competitiveness where he’s not going to let his team lose. It’s and Brandi Chastain, the Olympic gold medalist soccer player. been nice to have him on the team.â€? Even opposing coaches respect Gordon’s game. Earlier Now, senior Aaron Gordon looks to add to this historic this season, when asked how to contain Gordon, Salesian alumni list by making his mark in the NBA. “I wanted to reach the NBA ever since I’ve started bas- head coach Bill Mellis said, “I have no idea. It’s not going to ketball,â€? said Gordon. “I’ve always wanted to see the arena for be one person, it’s going to take our entire defensive scheme to contain him.â€? my Âżrst NBA game.â€? With his ridiculous athleticism and versatility, many NBA Gordon’s career at Mitty has ended, but it will be remembered as one of the most decorated high school resumes in scouts already project Gordon to be a top-10 pick in the NBA Northern California since Jason Kidd graduated from St. Joseph Draft; however, a rule change made eight years ago prevented prospects from entering the draft Notre Dame High School in 1992. out of high school. Some accomplishments for As a result, Gordon will Gordon include being a two-time be headed to play at the Unistate champion, a two-time Calversity of Arizona next season. High Sports Player of the Year, and The Wildcats are coming off of the Âżrst three-time West Catholic a Sweet 16 appearance in the Athletic League Player of the Year NCAA tournament, but Gordon in the history of the league. hopes to build on the success. As a sophomore, Gordon “The team is a perfect Âżt for helped bring home Mitty’s Âżrst state me,â€? Gordon added. “There’s a championship after a 17 point, 21 regreat coach, great facilities, and bound performance in the CIF State a great shooting program.â€? Division II title game in which the Gordon chose the Wildcats Monarchs defeated Summit-Fontana over numerous other programs in a thrilling 53-50 win. vying for his commitment. He He returned to the title game his ultimately chose Arizona over junior season and scored 33 points a narrowed list of Kentucky, and had 20 rebounds in a 78-57 vicOregon, and Washington. tory over La Costa Canyon. Then in “It was a really tedious his senior season, Gordon put up 22 task,â€? Gordon said of the recruitpoints and 20 rebounds in his Âżnal game in a Monarch uniform, but fell Photo courtesy of ProImage ing process. “I was getting calls everyday from multiple people short in the Âżrst ever CIF State Open Senior Aaron Gordon slices through the defense. asking where I was going and Division championship to Mater Dei. “It was very memorable,â€? Gordon said of his time at Mitty. every time I had to say, ‘I don’t know yet.’ I’m glad it’s over.â€? It’s no secret that Gordon comes from a basketball family. “The amount of basketball I learned is priceless. To bring the school the Âżrst two state wins means a lot and it brings a new His dad, Ed Gordon, played basketball at San Diego State. His older brother, Drew, graduated from Mitty in 2008, went on to expectation for the school to uphold.â€? Gordon has become a YouTube sensation with his elec- become a stellar player at New Mexico, and is currently playtrifying dunks and videos. Many compare him to Los Angeles ing professionally in Italy. His older sister, Liz, graduated from Clippers forward Blake GrifÂżn. However, Gordon tries to Mitty in 2010 and is currently playing at Harvard. Gordon has fond memories of the backyard battles with model his game after a different Los Angeles great and former his family. Laker, Magic Johnson. “The competitive level was crazy,â€? he said. “We’d get out “I try to model my basketball ethic after Magic Johnson because he breaks the mold as the cliche basketball player,â€? there at noon and wouldn’t come back in until the sun went said Gordon. “Usually when you’re 6’9â€? you’re supposed down or someone got too mad to keep playing.â€? With an exceptional high school career in the books, to play in the post, but Magic showed me that you can play Gordon hopes to continue his success into college and eventuanywhere you want.â€? Gordon was a four-year starter for the Monarchs and his ally the NBA. We look forward to following his career as he contributions will not soon be forgotten. Earlier in the season, prepares for the next level.

Men’s Volleyball Captures Program’s First Ever WCAL Title By Cameron Schott Sports Editor The Men’s Volleyball team has put together the best season in Mitty history and are far from Âżnished. With a West Catholic Athletic League regular season and playoff title already in the bag, the Monarchs now look forward to CCS and Northern California play. The Monarchs currently hold a 25-5 overall record and have only dropped 23 sets in the entire season, outscoring opponents 71-23. This domination led to a 12-1 record in WCAL play and the Âżrst regular season and playoff banners in school history. “We have a really balanced team,â€? said senior Tanner Vinson. “Every player knows what their job is and how to get it done. If we work together and are playing well I don’t think there’s a team that can beat us.â€? Mitty’s season was highlighted by defeating rival Bellarmine for the Âżrst time in school history. Not only did the Monarchs beat them, they swept the season series with three victories. “Bellarmine has always been our rival in volleyball, so to take the regular season title and the league championship in our senior year was great,â€? Vinson continued. “We’ve beat them three times this year and I’m sure we’ll see them again in CCS playoffs.â€?

Perhaps the most important win this season was over Bellarmine in the WCAL championship. After dropping the Âżrst set, Mitty roared back to defeat the Bells in a 26-28, 28-26, 25-19, 25-16 win.

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Tanner Vinson earned a WCAL First-Team Selection.

“The WCAL championship game was a really close match,â€? Vinson added. “Bell was able to take the Âżrst set off us but we settled down and played our game and took the next three.â€? The Monarchs also had a successful showing when they played in the Tournament of Champions in Santa Barbara against some of the best teams in California. After a Âżrst round victory over San Marcos, Mitty was forced to play top-seeded Mira Costa. The Monarchs put up a respectable performance, losing to the eventual champions, 3-2. Mitty eventaully captured Âżfth place in the tournament. “I feel that the trip was a great experience for our team because it proved that we could compete with any team,â€? said WCAL Player of the Year Adrian Williams. “It is always good to get a chance to play other teams, especially from Southern California, so we can improve our game.â€? Now, Mitty looks forward to the CCS playoffs and the newly implemented Northern California playoffs. With an experienced, senior-laden team, the Monarchs are poised for a deep postseason run. “My expectations are set very high,â€? Williams said. “I don’t see any reason why we cannot or should not be able to win CCS and NorCals. I am deÂżnitely looking forward to these next few weeks of highly competitive volleyball.â€?

May ć Sports



Mitty Storms Through Regular Season By Brian Consiglio Staff Writer The Women’s Softball team ¿nished the regular season with a perfect 25-0 record, winning all 12 of their league games to continue what’s become a tradition of domination. Their undefeated record has gained state and national recognition, as the Monarchs are ranked 5th in the nation and 5th in California as of May 3. Success, of course, is nothing new to the softball program. The Monarchs have won a stunning 37 straight games over the last two seasons. Furthermore, this is not even their ¿rst undefeated season. The Monarchs went a perfect 32-0 back in 2008. Behind the team’s tradition of excellence is “the desire, the unity, and the one common goal that brings us to the ¿eld every single day to play the game we love,” according to sophomore center ¿elder Haley Wymbs. “Our record and stats look great, but in terms of leaving a lasting Mitty legacy, there are so many traits we all show everyday that cannot be measured by a statistic.” The Monarchs ended the season on a tear and concluded their regular season campaign with three consecutive shutouts. Following a 10-0 dismantling mantling of Notre Dame Belmont, Senior Mitty crushed cross-town rival St. Francis 11-0. ng a Junior Jazmyn Jackson led the way with two hits, including Catherine home run, as well as 3 RBIs and 2 runs scored. Calloway On an emotional Senior Day to wrap up the season on May ay us 2, the Monarchs used lockdown pitching to defeat the St. Ignatius Wildcats 5-0. plete game Sophomore Desiree Severance delivered a 7-inning complete shutout, collecting 11 strikeouts while limiting the Wildcats to only 3 hits. Offensively, sophomore Maddie Kim starred and went 2 for 3 with a triple and home run. She also drove in a run and scored two runss of her own. Beyond strong individual performances, the Monarchs have excelled throughout the season because of their resilience and incredible team eam chemistry. “Our team is known for our high energy,” says sophomore Megan Nordin. “Whether it’s our ¿rst run of the game, or our tenth run of the game, me, we cheer just as loud. We don’t lower our heads when we are down, but take that hat as more of a reason to get pumped.” ng talent, The Monarchs are chasing history behind a roster full of young veteran leadership, and as Nordin points out, enthusiasm. With all these in hand, the team looks to continue their early success en route to WCAL and CCS playoff titles.

TracM Seniors By Stephen Kwok and David Mace Sports Editors

“We don’t lower our heads when we are down, but take that as more of a reason to get pumped”

Baseball Sweeps Serra Padres

Senior Molly Haar

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College: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Personal Records:

1600 Meters: 5:04.61 3200 Meters: 11:04.62

Personal Accomplishments:

2011 WCAL Finals: 1600 Meters 6th Place 2013 CCS Top 8: 1600 Meters 6th Place 2013 West Coast Relays: 3200 Meters 2nd Place


“What I think helped our team win the league championship is that we all love team success just as much as personal success. When we are out there competing, we give it our all, knowing that we do not just do it for ourselves, but for every other girl on the team and for our coaches.”

By Jorge Rodriguez Staff Writer

The Archbishop Mitty Men’s Baseball Team is at it again. n. The Monarchs t, have improved continue to do it with timely offense and pitching, and as a result, their home record to 11-3 and their league record to 7-7. dan, the Mon-After tough losses to St. Francis and at Archbishop Riordan, ainst Serra, 6-4. archs persevered through a much-needed win on May 23 against The Monarchs were able to rally for two runs in the top of the ninth, and were able to seal the deal when senior Davis Messer came in for some nice relief pitching. He provided the Monarchs with 3 2/3 innings, striking out ¿ve and allowing only a single unearned run. He helped limit the potent Serra lineup to almost three runs below their average, allowing the Monarchs to come together at the right time and get it done. “I just do whatever I can to keep my team in the game and give us a chance to win,” Messer said after the victory. “This team never qui quits, no matter what struggles we go through. We are a unit and are always there for each other. We may lose a couple here and there, o effort.” but it’s not because of our Senior Mona Lately, the Monarchs have exhibited this great effort. Mitty held off Kyle Cath the Sacred Heart Cathedral Irish, 3-2, with the help of their always reliable Led by pitching. Coach Bill Hutton, the Monarchs have assembled a balanced Wright reliab starters and timely hitting to earn a number of key team, using reliable wins throughout the season. With a 2.4 2.41 overall ERA, their pitching has been too much for opponents and has kept the Monarchs in games even when the offense is having trou trouble producing. Some st standouts at the plate thus far have been senior in¿elder Erd Spencer Erdman and junior in¿elder Luke Rasmussen. Erdman has led the Mo Monarchs with an impressive .368 average and 28 hits, me not to mention 14 runs driven in, while Rasmussen has gotten on base w with a solid .310 average and an on-base percentage of .50 almost .500. These key contributors to the Monarch order have led the M narch offe Mo Monarch offense night in and night out. After overcoming much adversity aand learning valuable lessons about teamwork throughth season, the Monarchs are poised to continue their out the ear early success and have the potential to make noise in the p postseason.

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Senior Matthew Wong College: Claremont McKenna

Personal Records:

Long Jump: 23’ 6.75 Triple Jump: 46’ 9.00

Personal Accomplishments:

2012 State Meet Long Jump 16 Place 2012 State Meet Triple Jump 20th Place 2013 CCS Top 8 Triple Jump & Long Jump 1st Place 2013 State Rankings Long Jump 9th Place


“People are so shocked when I tell them my passion is jumping. It’s only until after they watch that they understand why. It doesn’t really make sense to say someone plays track, so I’m just gonna say I jump it.”

News ć May


STUDENTS CENTE(RED) Riya Dange & Sarah Tsou

By Sara Wiltberger & Katie Ericksen to the pursuit of success,” and Riya has certainly achieved that success. Staff Writers Senior Sarah Tsou strives for success in her speeches as well, competing in public Public speaking is listed as most Americans’ number one fear—not death, not loneli- speaking both as a member of Mitty’s very own Speech and Debate Team (of which she ness, not even the Chemistry test you might have to take next week. At Mitty, we have is also co-president), and also outside of school in various competitions held by the MD4 many talented and con¿dent students who excel at the formidable task of public speaking. Lions Clubs of America. Last year, Sarah became one of the ¿rst Mitty competitors to Senior Sarah Tsou and Sophomore Riya Dange are the cream of the crop. They are not the qualify to the California State Speech Championships, placing 7th in the state in Exposiaverage American who stumbles in front of large crowds, but rather they show poise, grace tory Speaking. She came back this year with a purpose. and superb rhetoric when giving a speech. This year, she has turned her main focus towards the As co-president of the Mitty Speech and Debate Lions Club Student Speaker Contest. Every competitor team—which is only two years old—Riya Dange, must write and deliver a speech, answering the question, sophomore and orator extraordinaire, is a force to be “How do we create and keep jobs in America?” reckoned with in the world of Speech and Debate. Since Along with the help of Mr. Carl Silva, Mrs. Anne December, Riya and the team have been bringing home Nowell, and Mrs. Lauren Matusich, she has won every honors and awards, but a more recent win on April 6 competition thus far (which includes a not too shabby opened new doors for Riya, when she placed second in monetary award of $4,500), the most recent being the the CFL National 4uali¿er for Congressional Debate. District Level Competition. On May 19, she will comThis means that while most of us Mitty students will pete in the Area Level Competition, and from there, be basking in the sun and catching up on all the sleep lost she hopes to travel on to the State Level Competition. during the school year, Riya will kick off her summer Although she only began competitively speaking in intense preparation for the National Championships last year, Sarah has realized speech as a great love of in Birmingham, Alabama, held on June 16-21. If Riya hers, stating, “There is something about the thrill and wins, she will be among the most esteemed high school joy and adrenaline of speaking in front of crowds that orators in the country. excites me. When I stand before the audience, speaking Within the realm of Speech and Debate, Riya about something that I truly care about, and I am able participates in not only Congressional Debate, but also to elicit a response from the audience—there is really Impromptu and Humorous Interpretation. While the latno better feeling in the world.” Riya (left) and Sarah (right) display their trophies during ter two events require less preparation, in Congressional Interestingly, unlike Riya, Sarah has not been acthe Speech and Debate showcase. Debate the orator is expected to be extremely familiar tively involved in speaking since grade school, but rather with eight different bills. This requires extensive research, but Riya is diligent, calling upon simply tried out for Speech and Debate “on a whim” and has adored it ever since, all the her speech mantra, “Wherever a good work ethic is present, success will generally follow.” while enjoying herself and receiving distinguished honors. She expresses that Speech is Of course, this sort of dedication stems from a long-held passion. Riya admits, “As a an outlet with which she can express her personal opinions and passions. child, I actually enjoyed the infamous poetry recitations we had to perform every Friday. Both Sarah and Riya shows the true qualities of a Monarch: con¿dence, perseverIn addition, I always got a thrill out of being onstage, in school plays and the like.” ance, astuteness, but most importantly valor. They found a passion, pursued it, and have A conversation with Riya about Speech and Debate will, undoubtedly, reveal her achieved great success, proving that although the Speech and Debate program is new and intense love for the activity. Ultimately, she says, “[Speech and Debate] has shown me not yet widely known, devoted Monarchs have the capacity to accomplish anything they just how competitive I am and also the heights that one can reach if one sets one’s mind put their minds to—no matter how daunting a task it is.

The Power of Poetry

By Veronica Marquez & E. Maya Ruiz Staff Writers Creativity was buzzing in the air on the Thursday afternoon of April 18: the day the Creative Writing Club hosted its Second Annual Poetry Reading and Slam in only their third year of existence. Making the event possible was not easy though; club of¿cers listened to over 50 auditions before choosing 20 poets. Thanks to the dedication of these few judges, the helpful guidance of club moderators Ms. Xan Roberti and Ms. Kendra Hoffman-Curry, and the support of Mitty peers who attended the event, the Poetry Reading and Slam was a great success. As the Creative Writing Club set up, an excited energy ¿lled the theater. Poets—some of them nail-bitingly nervous, others completely cool—rehearsed their poems. A few sources of music (including Ms. Roberti’s beatboxing mic test) fed the lively mood. Opening time for the Reading and Slam approached. Audience members poured into the theater and found seats next to friends. Eventually, the time came for the poets to step up onto the stage and share a piece of themselves with the audience. One by one, poets held the room with a wonderful wave of expressive diction. Passionate, inspiring, and even bitter words, took shape in rebellious odes, romantic rhyme schemes, and expressive free-verses. Each poet glowed in the light of self-expression. They quickened their voices at peaks of emotion and enunciated severely deliberate statements. Some even impressively owned the stage as they stepped away from the podium, moving freely as they recited. All the poets were welcomed with a roar of snaps and cheers from the audience. Topics ranged from family frusPhoto Courtesy of Veronica Marquez trations, to relationships, to sexual Members of the Creative Writing Club attend the identity, to life in general. Mitty poets Second Annual Poetry Reading and Slam exempli¿ed great courage as they spoke about topics close to them, showing that poetry is personal and can reveal much about the speaker. As freshman poet Emily Malig commented, “Many people think that poetry is this abstract thing and we have to be really deep to be good at it, when that’s not really the case. We’re all deep and meaningful in our own ways. That’s what poetry’s all about: just storytelling, sharing different ideas, and learning about different people.” Speaking of her goals for the poetry reading and slam this year, Club President Kirstin Jackson said, “I want to be able to showcase the talent of the kids at Mitty because I think a lot of times we hear about the kids in theater and in sports, but we don’t hear about those in writing as often. And I just really want them to have an opportunity to be heard.” This mission was accomplished: students had an opportunity to be heard. Club Of¿cer Laura Cervantes expressed pride in the event’s success by boasting, “I’m so proud that this event was so popular. I think Mitty needs more events like this—events that foster creativity, and the humanities.” Overall, the poetry night was a huge hit on the Mitty Campus. Students from all grades came out to show support for Mitty’s poets, and the poets themselves found ful¿llment in reading and wonder in hearing others.

Volume Number Advisors Mr. Mick VanValkenburg & Mr. Craig Whitt News Aneesh Akella, Ashley Do, Kelvin Leong, & Kevin Tran Opinions Jessica Dumov, Nina Ge, Katherine Kirst, & Kaitlin Milliken Arts & Entertainment AnnaLiese Burich, Bella DiLisio Chitra Marti, & Jisoo Kim Focus Piyali Banerjee, Kanako Shimizu, & Puja Subramaniam Justice Awareness Elena Georgieva, Jeemin Kwon, Carlisle Micallef, & Katrina Vokt Sports Erik Chu, Stephen Kwok, David Mace, & Cameron Schott Photo Emily Guzman, Brian Nguyen, & Rachel Wakley Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Way, San Jose, CA 95129 The Monarch is published for the students, faculty, and parents of Archbishop Mitty High School.

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