1 minute read

The Sunrise, Madison Lin

Standing on the beach A girl stood Looking at the sunset The glowing rays bringing warmth.

As the light shone Her eyes sparkled As the waves flowed She took in the view Wondering how small she seemed.

Looking at the large horizons Thinking about how her life would pass In the single blink of an eye How her thoughts Her friends Her family Herself

Would all become history How her possessions Her memories Her life as she knows it Would disappear.

But staring at the startling brightness Of the setting sun She thought of the love The happiness The joy Of living And smiled. At the start of dawn A boy stood Looking out at the sunrise Taking in the colors of the sky Breathing in the scent of the sea.

As birds flew above As waves crashed against the shore He thought.

He thought of the water And the way it shone He thought of the vast sea And how far it would go.

Straining his eyes For a glimpse of land He imagined someone Standing on the other side’s sand Having the same thoughts The same wants The same feeling of longing The longing for a friend.

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