The Monarch: May 2014

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Focus on Class of 2014 (see Focus, Page 10-11)

Serving the Archbishop Mitty Community

Volume 23 Number 5

May 2014

Have You Lived? /LWXUJLFDO 7KHPH 6RQJ +HOSV 'HILQH <HDU DW 0LWW\ By Madeleine Fernando & Emily Malig Staff Writers $V WKH \HDU RI 0LWW\ÂśV SLYRWDO ÂżIWLHWK anniversary draws to a close, the Mitty community—alumni, faculty, staff, and students DOLNH²FDQ ORRN EDFN RQ ÂżIW\ \HDUV RI LQcredible and unforgettable history. For many memorable years, the school and its supporters have created an uplifting environment that IRVWHUV FRXUDJH DQG KRSH 5HĂ€HFWLQJ XSRQ Mitty’s profound impact, members of the community can certainly say that “we lived.â€? This year’s liturgical theme song, “I Livedâ€? E\ 2QH5HSXEOLF H[SUHVVHV WKH VFKRROÂśV ÂżIW\ years of incredible growth, spreading a valuable message of unity. The liturgical theme song plays a huge part in bringing Mitty together during liturgies and other school-wide events. Selecting the SHUIHFW VRQJ FDQ EH D GLIÂżFXOW DQG WLPH FRQsuming process that requires careful thought and deliberation. Toward the end of each year, the Campus Ministry Department sends out an online form to gather song suggestions from students and staff. Potential songs are then reviewed by members of Campus Ministry and evaluated by the Liturgical Action Committee before the list is narrowed down to a few favorites. 7KH /LWXUJLFDO $FWLRQ &RPPLWWHH VWULYHV WR ÂżQG D VRQJ that encourages people to join together and sing. Not only does the liturgical theme song need to concur with Mitty’s mission as a Catholic institution, but also it must be a song of hope and meaning. After coming across the song “I Lived,â€? Mr. Tim Wesmiller was originally hesitant about the song’s lyrics. While he appreciated the quality of music, he realized that the chorus of the song could be interpreted as being individualistic or self-centered. However, he recounts, “As I shared it with others and we listened to it over and over, it became evident that the song is really about sharing hopes


to both the community as a whole as well as the students’ individual lives. As Mr. Wesmiller adds, “We are able to break open the lyrics through various people’s experiences and come to a much fuller understanding of life through one lens.â€? While “I Livedâ€? stands for unity and togetherness, the song also conveys a powerful message for many individuals of the Mitty community. For senior Jamie Landrum, “I /LYHG´ LV DQ HPRWLRQDO UHĂ€HFWLRQ RI KHU WLPH as a Monarch. 6KH UHĂ€HFWV ³¾, /LYHGÂś ZDV D UHDOO\ special song to pick for my last year here because this is the year I truly want to say, Âľ, OLYHGÂś , ORYH 0LWW\ VR PXFK DQG LWÂśV JRQQD ÂľKXUW VR EDGÂś WR OHDYH ´ For Jamie as well as for many seniors at Mitty who prepare to embark on new advenPhoto Courtesy of Kevin Gao tures, the song evokes nostalgic memories of their time at Mitty. The Mitty community joins together to sing “I Livedâ€? For Father James Okafor, “I Livedâ€? on the greatest night to be a Monarch. speaks to him in a different way; the song serves as a message of encouragement for another person rather than hopes for themselves‌ The throughout his daily life. He states, “Every line of the lyrKRSHV ÂżW VR SHUIHFWO\ ZLWK ZKDW ZH DV D 0LWW\ FRPPXQLW\ ics speaks to me in different aspects of my life. The song hope for each and every student here.â€? The song was greeted uplifts and encourages me to strive to be and do my best with enthusiastic feedback from members of the Mitty every day and to see every day as a good day God has given community, and “I Livedâ€? was quickly agreed upon for me to live fully.â€? the 2014 school year. As the school year winds down to a close and sumEach year, the chosen song gives new meaning to Mon- mer draws near, the Mitty community must once more say arch pride. The tradition of the liturgical theme song has goodbye to senior Monarchs who have called this campus lived at Mitty for over a decade. Over the years, it’s evolved their home for the past four years and prepare for a new year into a custom that represents everything the Mitty commu- ahead. With 2014 marking the momentous year of Mitty’s nity cherishes: joy, courage, and unity. The liturgical theme WK DQQLYHUVDU\ VWXGHQWV FDQ UHĂ€HFW XSRQ WKH OLWXUJLFDO song brings students of various interests and backgrounds theme song and remember the many experiences of joy, together as one voice, reminding us that we are all a part success, and triumph that have taken place throughout the of one community. Through the many liturgies and student course of the year. As the Mitty community recalls these UHĂ€HFWLRQV WKDW WDNH SODFH WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU VWXGHQWV JDLQ truly remarkable events, students, faculty, and staff alike an appreciation for the song’s meaning, which is applicable join hands to say “I lived.â€?

By Arpita Khare Staff Writer

What was once a small club that met sparingly after school is QRZ D IXOO Ă€HGJHG WHDP RI HLJKW\ students that takes up two class periods. From winning 3rd place as a school during the Santa Clara Invitational to winning 1st place during the Stanford National Invitational, the Archbishop Mitty Speech and Debate team has Ă€RXULVKHG RYHU D VSDQ RI WKUHH \HDUV ZLWK WKH KDUG ZRUN DQG SHUVHYHUDQFH RI QXPHURXV teachers and students. Through this activity, students are able to highlight a wide range of talents, such as strong speaking abilities, persuasive writing skills, and even acting. The speech events range from interpretive (acting) events such as Humorous Interpretation and Dramatic Interpretation to platform (speaking) events such as Original Oratory and Original Advocacy. Those interested in debate as well are able to try a multitude of different events that range from partner debate to solo debate to congressional style debate. If trying one or two events leaves a student wanting to try more, he or she can pursue them all. That’s exactly what senior Lindsay Carrigan, co-president, did over the course of her three years on the team. She states, “I’ve done Original Oratory, Original Advocacy, Congress, Impromptu, Dramatic Interp, Duo Interp, Oratorical Interp, and Public Forum debate. Platform speeches made me a really polished speaker, so I was a little intimidated by the idea of trying an interpretive event senior year.â€? /LQGVD\ TXDOLÂżHG WR WKH 6WDWH 7RXUQDPHQW LQ 'XR ,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ ZLWK KHU GXR SDUWQHU senior Chandler Ramirez. As tournaments—which occur year round—approach, members of the team begin to VHQVH WKH OHYHO RI H[FLWHPHQW DQG ZLOOLQJQHVV WR FRPSHWH DPRQJVW WKHP 6WDWH TXDOLÂżHU

and debate co-captain, junior Hersh Solanki UHĂ€HFWV Âł7KH EHVW SDUW RI 6SHHFK DQG 'Hbate is interacting with smart people that are not only your teammates, but soon become your friends. They push you to become better and smarter.â€? In order to get the team ready for tournaments while simultaneously reducing the level of stress or anxiety, the members of Speech and Debate form “compliment circlesâ€? EHIRUH WRXUQDPHQWV UHĂ€HFWLQJ RQ SDVW H[SHULHQFHV DQG JLIWLQJ HDFK RWKHU VPDOO JRRG luck charms. <HW RQH RI WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW EHQHÂżWV WKDW PDQ\ PHPEHUV RI WKH WHDP UHDS IURP the activity would be the broader life lessons. Speech co-captain, senior Niki Griswold, UHĂ€HFWV RQ WKH OHVVRQV VKH OHDUQHG Âł, KDYH D ZKROH QHZ DSSUHFLDWLRQ IRU WKH YDOXH RI EHLQJ DEOH WR FRPPXQLFDWH HIIHFWLYHO\ ZLWK SHRSOH , NQRZ LWÂśV D VNLOO WKDW ZLOO EHQHÂżW PH IRU WKH UHVW RI P\ OLIH , DOVR UHDOO\ YDOXH KDUG ZRUN²,ÂśYH H[SHULHQFHG ÂżUVW KDQG WKDW talent will only take you so far, and if you want to really excel you have to put in meticulous work.â€? Niki’s hard work and determination paid off this \HDU DV VKH TXDOLÂżHG IRU WKH 1DWLRQDO 7RXUQDPHQW ZLWK KHU 2ULJLQDO 2UDWRU\ in a speech built around dĂŠjĂ vu. After establishing success in numerous tournaments, the long anticipated State quals and National quals tournaments were a huge success for WKH WHDP $OO RI WKH WHDPÂśV KDUG ZRUN SDLG RII DV 0LWW\ TXDOLÂżHG VL[WHHQ SHRSOH WR WKH VWDWH WRXUQDPHQW DV ZHOO DV ÂżYH WR WKH 1DWLRQDO WRXUQDPHQW Along with eight individual event awards, the State tournament, held over spring break, resulted in Mitty being named 9th best performing school in the state and 3rd place in the local league. The National tournament, held in Kansas this June, will be highly anticipated as the whole team looks to support their WHDPPDWHV ZKR TXDOLÂżHG




Opinions ........................................4-6

FOCUS ...........................................10-11

Sports .........................................16-17

News ..............................................1-3

JUSTICE AWARENESS ................... 7-9

Arts & Entertainment................12-15

PHOTO ..........................................18-20


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$WKOHWLF 'HSDUWPHQW 5HYDPSV ZLWK D 1HZ 'LUHFWRU By Maya Ruiz Staff Writer of all sports can take strength and conditioning as a class during their off-seasons. The success of the athletic program at Mitty is not merely displayed through the number of banners hanging in Fien Gym, it is also evident in the emphasis on sportsmanship and gratitude that Mr. Scharrenberg made sure to instill in all coaches, athletes, and fans. After such admirable work and undeniable success, why is Mr. Scharrenberg stepping down now? “I would rather go out one year too soon than stick around one year too long,â€? says Mr. Scharrenberg. He is proud of the work he has done for the athletic program, but after nine years, he feels it is time for How It Began Twenty three years ago, Mr. Scharrenberg something different. Next year, he will go back to teaching, although the began his career at Mitty classes he will teach as a men’s basketball have not yet been deterFRDFK D SRVLWLRQ KH ÂżOOHG mined. for four years. During With his son, senior this time, he even had Trent Scharrenberg, the opportunity to coach graduating from Mitty then-freshman Peter and going to college Dumesnil, now a Mitty this year, and his daughsocial studies teacher. ters, juniors Monica and Mr. Scharrenberg reKelly Scharrenberg, members how once, in a becoming seniors, Mr. road game at St. Francis, Scharrenberg has plenty Mitty was down with of changes coming his under a minute to go, and Mr. Dumesnil hit a Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Scharrenberg way in the next few Mr. Will Scharrenberg conversing with baseball coach years. three-pointer to send the and former athletic director Mr. Bill Hutton. game into overtime and to ultimately lead them to a win. Where It’s Going According to Mr. Scharrenberg, “It was the Just as Mr. Bill Hutton passed the role of athbeginning of a new era for Mitty sports where we letic director to Mr. Scharrenberg nine years ago, Mr. began to win.â€? Mr. Scharrenberg went on to coach Scharrenberg will be handing off the baton to Mr. baseball for two years and women’s basketball for Josh Walker, current director of summer programs eleven years. and social studies teacher. Aside from coaching, Mr. Scharrenberg not 0U :DONHU KDV EHHQ ZRUNLQJ DW 0LWW\ IRU ÂżIWHHQ only taught US History, World History, Algebra, and years, during which he has taught various history Pre-Algebra, but also even served as assistant dean classes, been the women’s volleyball assistant coach, for two and a half years before becoming athletic been the Summer School Principal, and run the director, which was essentially a childhood dream Athletic and Enrichment Summer Camps. come true. Mr. Walker is excited to take on the new chalMr. Scharrenberg says, “When I was in school, lenge of being athletic director, as he believes that I thought that the AD had a great job and played his experiences in the various roles he has held at an important role in the Mitty have prepared him school. I started coachfor the new position. ing for him at a young He reveals that, age, and I thought I could “One of the main reado the job.â€? sons why I got into Mr. Scharrenberg teaching was to inspire had expected a lot of young people and to work when he became try to create a learning athletic director, but he experience that will push couldn’t quite know all students to think in difthat the job would entail. ferent ways, be inspired According to Printo work hard, and for cipal Tim Brosnan, “bethem to look back fonding athletic director is ly on their high school a demanding job that days. Starting in June, is comparable to runI am going to take this Mr. Will Scharrenberg with Mitty’s next Athletic Director, Mr. Josh Walker. ning an entirely different same mentality and bring school due to the large it to athletics.â€? number of off-campus coaches.â€? The role also One of his goals for next year is to work with includes coordinating games, giving advice and the school to examine the wellness of Mitty athletes leadership, and answering countless emails and and coaches. With over 60 percent of Mitty students questions. involved with athletics, Mr. Walker believes it is Mr. Scharrenberg says, “I didn’t know what to important to understand the demands placed on expect as AD, it’s a year-round job. With so many student-athletes. teams you’re giving input and working all the time.â€? The strain on coaches, particularly on-campus Thankfully, Mr. Scharrenberg has excellent coaches who teach, will be examined as well, bestaff members who work hard to help him make cause, as Mr. Walker explains, “They work awfully Mitty’s Athletic Department the best that it can be hard at both jobs and I think that we need to look at for coaches and players. what more can be done to help them.â€? Overall, Mr. Walker looks forward to continuWhat it Became ing Mr. Scharrenberg’s work by continuing to hire Major improvements to the athletic program at incredible coaches and by stressing the importance Mitty were implemented under Mr. Scharrenberg’s of athletes honoring Mitty’s mission through exemleadership. The changes include the expanded train- SODU\ EHKDYLRU RQ DQG RII WKH ÂżHOG ing program, which now has two athletic trainers While Mr. Scharrenberg will miss his position available to all athletes, and the strength and con- as athletic director, his advice to Mr. Walker is this: ditioning program, which ensures that all athletes “Go in with fresh eyes and listen to your gut.â€?

After nine years as head of the well-respected sports powerhouse that is Archbishop Mitty Athletics, Mr. Will Scharrenberg is stepping down from his position as Athletic Director. Leading the athletic program has been no easy task, as it has grown to include 67 teams, 132 coaches, and 1,100 studentathletes during his tenure. Nonetheless, one need only see the wholehearted dedication of Mitty’s coaches and athletes or look at the banners hanging in Fien Gym to know WKDW WKH DWKOHWLF SURJUDP KDV ÀRXULVKHG XQGHU WKH direction of Mr. Scharrenberg.


GOVERNMENT By Ashley Do & Jenni Sherwood News Editors The new Associated Student Body (ASB) members were elected at the end of last month. Candidates were required to attend meetings, paint a creative poster, and present a convincing speech before being elected. In the upcoming school year, ASB members will have to put aside their class allegiances and work to better the entire school community. But how well do you know your new ASB members?

Scott Raine-King President Man on Campus: “Freshman year, I was well-known as the guy with the business cards. I would hand them out to everyone in order to make a name for myself.�

Amrith Mylvara Vice President Free Time: “I love to play basketball and badminton in my free time, but I also like to dabble in writing a bit, especially for this sports blog that I run.�

Gabe Mallari Secretary Goal for ASB: “Regardless of competition between classes, I want to work to unify the school to all be one loving community.�

Matt Muller Media Coordinator Favorite Quote: “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.�— Nelson Mandela

Annie Zhang Media Coordinator Favorite Movie: “Silver Linings Playbook because the entire movie (as dark as it is sometimes) is built on the idea of rising above your lowest moment.�

Amanda Soukoulis Spirit Commissioner Life Goal: “If I could backup dance for anyone in the world, it would be BeyoncĂŠ. I would love to be D SDUW RI KHU Ă€HUFH IXQ DQG refreshing group.â€?

Jimmy Burden Spirit Commissioner Fun Fact: “I love sports and athletic competitions. My favorite sports teams are the Giants, Warriors, and Sharks. I guess you could say I like the Bay Area.�

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Retreats Revealed By Laura Galang Staff Writer

Awakenings Awakenings is the retreat designed for freshman. It follows “The Parable of Sower� and aims to promote the message of maintaining a relationship with God. This retreat introduces what a retreat is and its role of importance in developing one’s spiritual life. “Some seed fell on rich soil and produced fruit. It came up and grew and yielded thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.� — Mark 4:9

Agape Agape is centered around the Washing of Feet, dealing with the message of love. During this retreat, retreatants will actually wash each other’s feet in pursuit of analyzing their own relationships of love and learning to love their own selves. “I give you a new commandment: love one another.� — John 13:19

“The most eye opening aspect of the retreat was realizing that my classmates and I were more similar than what I had expected. The retreats helped me grow closer to my classmates—especially those I used to consider strictly as my acquaintances. These are the people I would have a class with but would never say hi to in the hallways. After the retreat we have gotten so much closer.� — Minivia Fernandes, freshman

“Agape helped me to better understand love and the many forms it takes in our lives, and I gained a more positive outlook toward life on this retreat. I also found a deeper appreciation for my friends and peers, as we all support each other on our personal journeys. The scripture passage became more than words RQ D SDJH WKH PHVVDJHV WRRN RQ D FOHDU SXUSRVH LQ WKH UHĂ HFWLRQV , HQMR\HG the masks quite a lot for how surreal the entire activity was.â€? — Ben Kim, sophomore



Quest features “The Blind Man Bartimaeus� and aims to help the retreatants search for their own quest. On this retreat, retreatants will actually go on a blind walk through a cloth labyrinth guided by a peer.


“Take courage, stand up! He is calling for you.� — Mark 10:49

“We have to celebrate and be happy, because your brother was dead, but now he is alive; he was lost, but now he has been found.� — Luke 15:32

“The retreat helped me realize how important I am to people and how I should cherish every second of my life. Despite all of the burdens holding me down, I realized that there are people here that care and love me and God is always watching. I began to think optimistically amidst the stress entailed with school.� — Allie Daniels, junior

“I greatly enjoyed Kairos. I had never been on a retreat before Kairos, but I am YHU\ JODG WKDW , ZHQW $W Ă€UVW , ZDV DSSUHKHQVLYH DERXW VKDULQJ P\ VWRU\ ZLWK other people, but the faculty and alumni leaders, as well as the students, were all very compassionate and supportive. My favorite part of the retreat was sharing stories with other students on the retreat. I was amazed by the powerful stories people shared.â€? — Matthew Coyle, senior


By Ramya Balasingam Staff Writer Junior year is typically referred to as the most stressful year of high school—with the heavy course load, the stress of standardized testing, junior prom, and of course, the idea of college looming overhead. Yet, Mitty students never cease to amaze with their dedication and passion for their hobbies amidst all of this stress. Recently, junior Fiona Chatterjee was admitted into to the American Ballet Theatre’s Summer Intensive in New York. Her accomplishment is a result of her hard work, dedication, and genuine love for ballet. )LRQDÂśV ÂżUVW VWHSV RQ KHU MRXUQH\ LQ EDOOHW VWDUWHG ZKHQ VKH ZDV MXVW VHYHQ \HDUV ROG +HU PRWKHU VLJQHG her up for ballet classes as just another activity to keep her active. )LRQDÂśV ORYH IRU WKLV DUW IRUP ZDV VSDUNHG EHFDXVH KHU ÂżUVW GDQFH teacher was “amazing;â€? she inspired and encouraged all of the asSLULQJ GDQFHUV )LRQDÂśV ÂżUVW SHUIRUPDQFH ZDV D GDQFH WR The Lion King’s “Can You Feel the Love Tonight,â€? a song whose familiarity to the young dancers contributed greatly to their excitement for this performance, and for other performances in general. As a junior here at Mitty, Fiona is able to balance her tremendous course load with the time commitment required for her ballet training. Her dance schedule includes regular dance classes six days a week, an average of two hours a time. However, with rehearsals and the added pressure of a performance, this increases WR IRXU WR ÂżYH KRXUV D VHVVLRQ $OWKRXJK )LRQD DGPLWV WKDW ³¿QGLQJ WKH EDODQFH EHWZHHQ VFKRRO DQG EDOOHW LV GHÂżQLWHO\ D FKDOOHQJH ´ she also notes that ballet performances are often “an outlet for all of the school stress [she] confronts.â€? Over the past few years, Fiona has participated in the Youth America Grand Prix—the world’s biggest ballet competition—and has performed pas de deux with her ballet school on stage. She also auditioned for—and was accepted into—the American Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive in New York. This is a unique and Photo Courtesy of Charles Dye and Otak Jump prestigious opportunity: the audition process for this intensive is Fiona dances the part of Dewdrop in the highly competitive. Over 3,000 students audition in 24 cities across Christmas production of The Nutcracker. the United States, in Toronto, Canada and Bermuda. Out of these dancers, Fiona was selected to participate in the New York summer intensive. $W WKLV SURJUDP VWXGHQWV VWD\ LQ GRUPV LQ 1HZ <RUN LQ RUGHU WR IRFXV VROHO\ RQ EDOOHW IRU ÂżYH ZHHNV 7KH New York site of this program especially focuses on technique geared toward advanced dancers ages twelve to twenty-two. The students not only practice technique, but also enjoy a comprehensive curriculum that includes exposure to American Ballet Theatre artists, history, and repertory. This program focuses on developing wellrounded dancers by exposure to a wide variety of disciplines with an emphasis on classical ballet. When asked about her plans for the future, Fiona states, “I hope to minor in dance in college, and depending on the university I attend, join a dance group as well. However, I’m not sure if I want to pursue dancing as a professional career, but rather something I am passionate about.â€? In whatever she chooses to do, there is QR GRXEW WKDW VKH ZLOO VKLQH DQG H[XGH WKH VDPH EULOOLDQFH VKH GHPRQVWUDWHV RQ WKH GDQFH Ă€RRU

8QNWOe 0WODeT #dviUQTU Mr. Mick VanValkenburg & Mr. Craig Whitt 0eYU Ashley Do, Pei-Ling Lee, Jenni Sherwood, & Sara Wiltberger 1RiPiQP Jessica Dumov, Katherine Kirst, Kaitlin Miliken, Rachita Pandya, & Sanika Puranik ,WUViEe #YaTePeUU Riya Dange, Carlisle Micallef, Manasi Patwa, & Leanna Syrimis (QEWU Meghana Killedar, Lina Lalwani, Sanjana Sarathy, & Kerri Yen #TVU 'PVeTVaiPOePV Niki Griswold, Mitch Hanson, Jisoo Kim, Kasturi Kulkarni, & Shannon Lam 5RQTVU Arjun Balasingam, Varun Chhabra, Katie Ericksen, & Pooja Patel 2JQVQ Emily Guzman, Amanda Le, Chloe Stevens, & Rachel Wakely Archbishop Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Way, San Jose, CA 95129 The Monarch is published for the students, faculty, and parents of Archbishop Mitty High School.


Opposing Viewpoints: Do We Have a Place in Politics? GENERATION WHY?

By Eric Whitehead Staff Writer If you asked me to name 10 relevant spread quickly, producing snap judgments ÂżJXUHV LQ WKH 86 JRYHUQPHQW ,ÂśG SUREDEO\ and misguided impressions. And there are throw out Barack Obama, maybe Joe Biden, barely any politicians left that haven’t had and John Boehner. Then I’d say Rob Ford, something they have said cemented, reSarah Palin, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, An- peated, or taken out context, to either slander thony Weiner, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. or praise them—to the point where we have Maybe you understand where I’m go- no idea what anyone even said. ing. If they don’t appear in the media, I’m There is a wealth gap in our country, and not paying much attention. I can probably this affects policy-making. We have a probspeak for a great deal of other young adults OHP ZLWK WKH LGHD RI JRYHUQPHQW RIÂżFLDOV and millennials when I say I am completely taking money in exchange for favors, yet disinterested with anything that goes on in this happens all the time. Take for example today’s White House. I am also unfazed by the legislation that failed to pass through the the fact that this is perhaps our future. Senate regarding stricter gun laws. Struck First of all, the political apathy our down, by paid lobbyists. People that can afgeneration holds does not stem from ignorance. As a student of the 21st century education curriculum, I learned everything there is to know about American history in AP US History during the 10th grade, like many other high school students in similar classes across the nation. I can tell you everything there is to know about Bacon’s Rebellion, the Treaty of Versailles, Common Sense and the Progressive 0RYHPHQW WHUPV WKDW ZRXOG probably leave a modern day politician gasping for answers. Also, as a citizen of the US, I enjoy my rights, like the Bill of Rights, and other various state laws. I enjoy some of the services my country provides me, like social security, subsidized foods for cheap market prices, and state parks. So why am I indifferent to politics and politicians? I have this deeply ingrained idea in my mind that no matter what I try to do, I will never have a clear voice in the government. Therefore ford to pay their way into the Senate tend to it is a waste of my time and energy to try to ÂżQG ZD\V WR EHQG SROLFLHV WKDW ZRXOG VXSSRUW pay attention. This country, I believe, has be- those people who support their campaigns, come too free. When given no guidelines or typically the most wealthy in the country. limitations for our opinions, we realize that Their argument is that they pay most of the each one of us comes up with a perspective taxes in this country, when the opposite is unlike anyone else’s. To make policies, we likely true, considering how many people have to agree on the most general of levels, DYRLG WKHLU WD[HV DQG ÂżQG HQRXJK ORRSKROHV ZKLFK SURYHV WR EH LQFUHGLEO\ GLIÂżFXOW DQG to reduce their taxes to much less. my own personal beliefs will be given little It’s a shame that when given the choice, regard. we’d rather read about some sensationalized The turn of the century and the popular- scandal that does not even affect us versus ization of the internet has helped to widen looking at and discussing actual legislative a huge generation gap between people, and change. We educate ourselves based on what as a result, the parties. This gap has been gains attention in the tabloids, and in turn, JURZLQJ IRU GHFDGHV WKH IUXJDO HOGHUV RI the media continues to churn out trashy the conservative GOP vs. the young, open- stories, which further removes the American minded liberals of the Democratic party. I public from the political sphere. dislike using the term ‘versus’ but who can So, here’s the problem: our generation think of a better word? Rare is a scenario of is far removed from the government, and our unity between the two parties, and no one political involvement has been discouraged wants to pick sides in a childish argument, to a point of near extinction. because then you become childish yourself. (VVHQWLDOO\ ZH PXVW ÂżQG D ZD\ WR JHW What’s more is media of every form back into the arena of politics, to get eduHLWKHU VKULQNV RU DPSOLÂżHV WKH DFWLRQV RI cated and get empowered, to bring back the our government to be either incredibly people—people like me and you—to all that VLJQLÂżFDQW RU PLQXVFXOH DQG XQLPSRUWDQW makes our political world tick. 7KHUH LV VR PXFK PHGLD DV ZHOO VWRULHV DUH Otherwise, when it comes time for us to being written about things before they even take hold of the government, we won’t know develop, and with the momentum they can what to do, and the generation following us gain given the viral and volatile nature of will be stuck in the same vicious cycle we social media, ideas—often wrong ones—are ÂżQG RXUVHOYHV FXUUHQWO\ LQ


By Sanika Puranik Opinions Editor Richard Vernon from The Breakfast Obamacare will soon become important as Club captures perhaps a prevailing thought PLOOHQQLDOV ZLOO VRRQ ÂżOO WKH ODUJH FRUSRUDWH among current adults: “When I get old, medical or industrial shoes of retiring baby these kids—they’re going to be running boomers. Growing up fully immersed in the age the country. Now this is the thought that wakes me up in the middle of the night. of technology, millennials are personally That when I get older, these kids are going connected to the gadgets that will presumably run this world and are familiar with the to take care of me.â€? Taking a quick glance at my desk REVWDFOHV WKH\ SUHVHQW DV ZHOO DV WKH EHQHÂżWV piled high with worksheets from freshman they bring. In terms of education, they are year and my sink piled high with dishes, I in sync with an industrial future that occurs might be tempted to agree. If I and my fel- only as a result of growing up alongside it. low millennials can’t keep our Mitty lives Thus, dipping their toes into the troubled straight, how are we expected to run the ZDWHUV RI SROLWLFV QRZ LV EHQHÂżFLDO WR VRFLety as well as to the millennials themselves, government? as pressing “adultâ€? problems become more relevant to the younger generation. Generation Y is additionally more of a melting-pot than any other current voter bracket. 36% of voters aged 18-29 identify as non-white and there were more young women than young men who voted in the 2012 elections. Having lived or seen the American Dream in action, Generation Y understands this fundamental American ideal better than anyone else and perhaps is most likely to ensure that America does not destroy it. Politico demonstrated that older voters pay less attention to candidates and candidate platforms than they do to the political party that candidate represents. It is equivalent to picking cars based on brand name rather than quality. However, in the 2012 elections, millennial voters went against that, supporting instead the Statistics and graphs depicting a lack of candidates that best supported their core civic engagement might bolster these fears, beliefs. I consider myself a civically engaged but the truth does not lie in numbers. Rather, it can be found in relative preparedness and individual. I read the news, keep up with demographics that prove that millennials legislation, and voice my opinion—if only will be more active on the political scene. at the dinner table. In my admittedly small Generation Y is far more diverse, educated, FRPPXQLW\ , VHH D FHUWDLQ SROLWLFDO ÂżUH and forward-looking politically—qualities among my peers, a readiness to take on the desperately needed as we progress toward world, even at a young age. It may be an isolated occurrence at an even more technology-driven future. According to Young Democrats of Mitty, but I hear political debates about America, approximately 46 million 18-29 Obamacare and The Dream Act among othyear olds were eligible to vote in 2012. By er bills outside every APUSH and WHAP 2015, this number is projected to constitute class. Being as immersed in technology as Ńż RI WKH QDWLRQÂśV HOHFWRUDWH E\ VKHHU QXP- we are, the news is impossible to ignore and bers, the millennials are overwhelmingly being informed becomes the norm rather LQĂ€XHQWLDO ,Q IDFW WKH \RXWK YRWH LV DOUHDG\ than the exception. I see students at speech asserting its political power. President and debate tournaments who frankly know Barack Obama captured 67% of the youth more about foreign and domestic diplomacy vote nationwide. The study claims that if than many politicians do, and I hear future Obama’s opposition, Mitt Romney, had split business leaders at DECA and FBLA who the youth vote 50-50, Romney would have express themselves with the knowledge and eloquence of leaders twice their age. found himself in the White House. As these activities and others grow in Thus, in terms of civic engagement, Generation Y is engaged and voluntarily so, student participation and membership, Genespecially as issues that affect the younger eration Y proves itself more than ready and generation move onto the political scene. willing to take on the political world. Sure, Take for example, The Dream Act, which we might be a bunch of brains, athletes, basdirectly affects college students, or Proposi- ket cases, princesses, and criminals, but if tion 8 which, if looked at through a strictly present trends and truths are any indication political lens, affects those not yet married. of what’s to come, Richard Vernon and the Seemingly less relevant issues such as rest of the world are in good hands.

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B A C K A G A I N : L E AV I N G H O M E

I handed my passport to the agent with a mustache (all Border 3DWURO DJHQWV KDYH PXVWDFKHV +H Ă€LSSHG WKURXJK LW I couldn’t tell if he was asleep or just ignoring me—his only vital sign being that of his thumb moving through the book. About KDOIZD\ LQWR P\ SDVVSRUW KH PDGH WKH ÂżUVW notable facial expression I’ve ever seen a Passport Control agent make—he raised his eyebrows, still looking down. “Well, Miss‌Krist, is it?â€? I decided, against my better judgment, WR FRUUHFW KLP QHYHU FRUUHFW D FXVWRPV RIÂżcer unless you want to be detained for hours). “No, it’s pronounced Kirst. <RX NQRZ OLNH ÂżUVW EXW ZLWK a K.â€? He was unmoved to proQRXQFH LW FRUUHFWO\ +H Ă€LFNHG my passport towards me in the VWLII WZR ÂżQJHU KROG DQG ORRNHG me square in the eye as if he was going to say something utterly profound. And then he did. “Miss Kirst, welcome home ma’am.â€? Home is one of those funny words that can’t really be described – trying to explain “homeâ€? is like trying to describe what Coca Cola tastes like. “Home is where the heart is.â€? Well, yeah, no kidding, we’ve had that sentiment hammered into our heads from our childhoods. It’s stared at us from those kitschy needlepoint pillows at our grandmothers’ houses. And as grounding and reassuring as home can be, it’s a pretty fragile concept.

By Katherine Kirst Opinions Editor

There’s a romantic notion attached to the idea of leaving home – especially as seniors decide which university to commit to. We think that by separating ourselves from our houses and our families we will experience some new sense of freedom and adventure that we could have never found back home. It’s so simple to envision living someplace new—you go tour a university for a few days and think yeah, okay, I can do this—but when the moment comes to physically leave, to detach yourself from all WKLQJV IDPLOLDU LWœV WKH PRVW GLI¿FXOW WKLQJ LQ the world. Home is a place that you’ll spend a lifetime wanting to leave until you do IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH 7KHQ UHWXUQLQJ DQG leaving again will feel impossible. You’ll cry on highways. You’ll cry sitting next to strangers on airplanes. You’ll cry when thinking about your favorite local burrito joint and wonder why you ever left at all. Your hometown will DOZD\V EH \RXU ¿UVW ORYH WKH RQH that saw you through your awkward years and loved you anyway. It’s hard to imagine leaving a part of yourself behind, especially when you plan to attend a university hundreds (or, for some of us, thousands) of miles away. But, despite this, it’s beautiful. For each of us, there comes a magical moment that turns a new city that had been just another pinpoint on a map into a place where we’ll pick up a new piece of ourselves. Distance will give you perspective. Understand from the start that leaving is going to change you—and you have to let it.

UN(DER)-PAID HEROES By Karen Liou Staff Writer When we look around we can easily VHH KRZ WKH SULYDWH VHFWRU LQÀXHQFHV RXU lives—the iPads, the apps, and much of the technology we utilize are all products created by private sector corporations. While we often talk about such companies, there is a part of our economy that is often overlooked—the public sector. Unlike the private sector, which is privately owned and driven by market competition, the public sector is owned and operated by the American government. It is composed of services such as public education, public transit, and public roads, which are funded by taxes. Though many of these jobs are the same, they have different wages and benH¿WV 3XEOLF VHFWRU HPSOR\HHV DUH XQGHUSDLG DQG UHFHLYH IHZHU EHQH¿WV WKDQ WKHLU SULYDWH sector counterparts. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states WKDW WKH DYHUDJH ¿UH¿JKWHU PDNHV annually, while the average policeman PDNHV ,Q FRQWUDVW WKH DYHUDJH private-sector advertising manager makes DQQXDOO\ It is evident that many public sector occupations are woefully underpaid— namely, everyday heroes such as teachers, SROLFHPHQ DQG ¿UH¿JKWHUV Business Insider reports that US high school teachers are paid 72% as much as all college graduates in the workforce. These public sector individuals all work to keep society functioning, yet they are undervalued and underpaid. Even worse, college students and many other prospective public sector candidates turn to private secWRU MREV GXH WR WKH LQÀH[LELOLW\ RI HQWU\ OHYHO public sector pay because public sector jobs GR QRW SURYLGH DV PXFK ¿QDQFLDO JURZWK However, public sector jobs have nonPRQHWDU\ EHQH¿WV DQG DUH SDUW RI D FUXFLDO framework that keeps America running. It is heartbreaking to know that the people who protect, educate, and serve our communities in so many different ways, may have trouble ¿QDQFLDOO\ VXSSRUWLQJ WKHLU RZQ IDPLOLHV Not only is pay an issue, but job security also acts as a deterrent steering graduates away from civil service jobs. There are cur-

rently 2.3 mil million lli l on full time workyed e by the U.S. GovG overnment—1.7% 1.7% merica cann work force,, but if the American econo economy nomy m suffers, many any will have to be lai laid a d off. Last month, h Greek public ploysted against the blic ych added to % unemploye in Greece.. If the same me ppens in Amermeruld aff ves of n workir famiout the work of public sector tor employees to ensure ca keeps p running, the he publi public ic America exist. rely recognize the people who protect ct civilians, educate future generations, work rk as officials, provide transit service, and perform other essential tasks in order to keep our communities functioning. Even though we don’t thank these individuals as often as we should, the least we can do is provide them the proper pay.

By Kushal Singh Staff Writer Stressed and exhausted after a hard day y o c c t b t d o a a lleft speechless. F Factoring the a a s Turns out, the team you were rooting ffor lost intentionally in order to maintain t s t c p Under the current draft lottery system, 14 ping-pong balls numbered 1 through 14 a c T The worst team of the fourteen is given 250 R t R h d a S favor the teams with fewer wins. In accordance with its negative connotation, tanking is unfavorable and must be eliminated. Most importantly, tanking is unfair and insulting to the fans. The NBA is a source of diversion for those who seek

to observe and enjoy a different entertain ing reality. By tanking, teams restrict fans from enjoying this athletic escapism. NBA teams need to realize that the fans drive the organizations. Sure, multi-millionaires own and fund teams, but without recognition and acceptance from a larger audience, it means nothing. Secondly, tanking tarnishes the integrity of the game and the league. Every team should play each match passionately with a 110% commitment level. Only then is it possible to measure the true quality of the league and its players. Tanking extinguishes the competitive spirit and aggressive attitude which are crucial components for the sport’s industry. A viable solution to rid tanking altogether would be to eliminate the lottery system, thereby providing each team with an equal opportunity in the draft. Doing so would abolish the strategy of intentionally losing and, hence, the incentive for weaker teams to play worse. Another potential solution would be to delve deeper into the core and penalize tanking individuals by having player performance dictate their salaries. If a player consistently manifests a subpar mindset, then his contract should be subject to accommodate their lack of effort and determination. If every player wholeheartedly competes with these motivations, then the OHDJXH ZRXOG XQTXHVWLRQDEO\ ÀRXULVK $IWHU all, a league consisting of strong-willed, aggressive, and persevering players battling other like-minded players is undoubtedly more entertaining for the fans and more IXO¿OOLQJ IRU WKH SOD\HUV

“Tanking tarnishes the integrity of the game and the league.“

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May 2014 • Opinions


By Annie Zhang Staff Writer As teenagers, we all live by the unspoken mantra: “Get good grades to go to a good college to get a well paying job.” Suddenly, it begins to seem like “A” only stands for “average,” and if you’re not a varsity athlete or ASB president, you better be an officer in each of the six different clubs you’ve joined. What happens when perfectionism becomes a reality is just short of terrifying. When every day is a mad scramble to reach the top, we consequently cling to anything that will allow us to elevate ourselves and rise above the rest. However, this perfectionist attitude is destructive not only to yourself, but also to those around you. Sure, perfectionism fosters competition, but this extreme pressure does not promote balanced lifestyles and academic integrity. In such a competitive environment, the excessive stress is unhealthy for both those who dare to compare themselves to others and those who are pressured to maintain a high level of achievement. Of course, the alternative is not exactly an easy choice. The opposite of conventional perfectionism is creative risk-taking. Risk-taking invariably means opening yourself to the possibility of failure. However, failure—the most dreaded experience for many of us—is an irreplaceable teacher of resilience. When we make mistakes, we get the chance to work our way back to success. Despite all the hard-earned perks that come with forgoing the perfectionist lifestyle, the quieting truth remains: We’ve mastered the science of always filling in the right answer but not the art of resilience.

When asked about the type of music that I listen to, I find that the easiest response is “music that is not popular here.” What I mean by that is that I count myself among the ranks of the many Americans who find themselves increasingly drawn to foreign music. It’s not that American music is “bad,” per se. Instead, foreign music possesses a novel allure. Foreign music is simply different, in style and in content, and it makes the listening experience different as a result. While some foreign music may be enjoyed for amusement—for instance South Korean artist Psy’s “Gangnam Style”—much European (and Asian) music increasingly finds a home within American playlists. Take the British band, the Arctic Monkeys, for example. They debuted in 2005 with a number one single on the U.K. charts and quickly rose to much fame in England and throughout Europe. However, the band was seldom spoken of in the States until their most recent 2013 studio album, which landed them radio play and stadium gigs at Madison Square Garden. Such is true too of other foreign bands such as Ireland’s Two Door Cinema Club and France’s indie sensation, Phoenix. Additionally, the common radio music of America describes sights considered commonplace to the people of the United States. However, when popular foreign

artists sing of life in council estates in England, as British singer-songwriter Jake Bugg does, American listeners are confronted with quite different images. People are exposed to new ways of life that are largely unknown in the US, all of which spark interest and wonder. There is a sense of worldliness that can be acquired from listening to such music. Being aware of music on a global scale and enjoying it gives American listeners a unique means of self-expression— another appealing aspect of this burgeoning source of musical enjoyment.


By Harika Janjam Staff Writer


According to the World Health Organization, the occurrence of cancer will rise 57% in the next 20 years. Almost everyone has a family member or friend that is directly affected by cancer, and with no cure in sight, cancer screening has increased in order to prevent the onset of the disease. While cancer screening may be beneficial, are we overlooking its harmful aspects in the at times false hope of protecting our health and well-being? Too often, cancer screening gives false positive results to patients who are anxiously seeking a diagnosis. For example, according to the Mayo clinic, the diagnosis of thyroid cancer has tripled in the last thirty years while the death rate has stayed the same. This inconsistency reveals that patients automatically assume that thousands of dollars in chemotherapy are necessary for small tumor-like lesions found during the screening process. Even though it is beneficial to recognize these inconspicuous tumors, is it worth treatment for a person with no family history of

By Jordan Rehbock Staff Writer

“Awkward” is a term that has become incredibly popular among kids born in the ’90s. I remember first hearing this word freshman year of high school, and it has definitely become a word that I come across on a day to day basis. per It is an adjective most often associated with a person or situation—a word synonymous with “unsocial,” “embarrassing,” or “weird.” Say you’re trying to make conversation with a cute guy in one of your classes, but all his replies come in mumbles with a pinch of disinterest. If a friend later asked how the conversation went, “awkward” would be the first word to pop into your head. Clearly, the term “awkward” comes with a negative connotation. Though these unfavorable opinions have always accompanied the word, “awkward” has now come to mean much, much more. In fact, it is undergoing a transformation into meaning something positive and playfully humorous. Take an example from pop culture: Hunger Games starlet Jennifer Lawrence. Lawrence has come to be known as one of the most down-to-earth, lovable, and….awkward actresses in showbiz. In this case, “awkward” is included in a list of positive words! At the 2013 Academy Awards, Lawrence tripped and fell as she was ascending stairs to accept an award. A blunder like this on national television would normally cause endless humiliation, but Lawrence spun it into something people would never forget—in a good way. “You guys are just standing up because you feel bad that I fell and that’s really embarrassing,” stated a smiling and laughing Lawrence during her speech. It’s easy-going and charming characters like Lawrence that remind teenagers that awkward is indeed acceptable.

By Maya Guhan Staff Writer

the disease and no outward symptoms? In addition, consider the number one cancer killer, lung cancer, which victimizes 159,260 of the 224,210 people diagnosed each year. During a trial performed by the National Lung Cancer Institute, 52,000 smokers who were older than 55 years were separated into two groups; one group was screened while the other was not. During the next 10 years, there were 87 more deaths in the unscreened group. But for every 5.4 lives saved, one person died as a result of the screening; two were put into intensive care because of complications from follow-up testing. Obviously, testing for cancer is necessary, but the patients must look to determine and weigh the risks of cancer testing by first recognizing the extensiveness of the cancer and asking several doctors and physicians for second opinions. Dr. Kenny Lin, associate professor of family medi-

cine at Georgetown University School of Medicine, points out the issue evident in cancer screening: “We treat everything like it’s going to kill you.” Instead of immediately offering potentially harmful treatment, doctors and patients need to put the risks and necessity of treatment into perspective.

Justice Awareness

Mitty Girls for Change By Roisín Slevin and Emma Graysmark Staff Writers Tuesday, April 15, was the first meeting of Mitty Girls for Change. While this name is temporary, founders Taylor McCauley, Laura Cervantes, Navya Konda, Raveena Chahal, Diana Pina, and teacher moderator Ms. Purner hope that the club is not. Throughout the hour and a half meeting, the twenty students in attendance discussed issues facing young women at Mitty and throughout the world. The meeting started with the club leaders asking why the students, mostly girls, were there. Everyone gave similar answers: they all want to see real, positive change for women in their daily lives. Even though, for now, the club is called “Mitty Girls for Change,” it is not meant to be exclusive to girls, nor does the club aim to only deal with women’s issues. The meeting opened with a showing of the Ban Bossy campaign video. Made by an organization partnered with both Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In Project” and Girl Scouts, Ban

Bossy promotes leadership among girls and works to eliminate the negative stigma associated with powerful women. The video, featuring figures like Beyonce, Jennifer Garner, and Condoleezza Rice, represents one of the many important and impactful messages Mitty Girls for Change hopes to encourage on campus. Looking ahead to next year, the soonto-be senior club leaders are already planning screenings of documentaries centered around women’s rights, poster campaigns to deal with issues of slutshaming and cultural appropriation, and even the possibility of creating a women’s resource center within the school. As the current seniors graduate, it is inspiring to see a club like this finally come to fruition. Expect to see much more of this club next fall and beyond. To learn more about Ban Bossy and the issues Mitty Girls for Change hopes to bring to light, or to receive updates on club activities, visit or email Laura Cervantes at

Help Comes in Hoops ECJ: South Africa Hosts First Shoot-A-Thon By Rasika Raghavan Staff Writer As we all begin the countdown to summer break, many students are gearing up for the various immersion trips hosted by Mitty. One of these is a three week immersion program to South Africa––a class I am currently participating in myself. In years past, students only start helping the communities they are travelling to in the summer when they arrive. This year, Cameron Korb, a member of the 2013-2014 ECJ South Africa class decided to be proactive and start helping kids in South Africa now through the South Africa Shoot-A-Thon. Cameron explains his motivation for this fundraiser: “Sports are a very big part of my life and it had become evident to me that children in South Africa do not have the same opportunities that we do in regards to sports and sporting equipment.” Combining his passion for basketball and his dedication to a charitable cause, he initiated Archbishop Mitty’s first ever Shoot-A-Thon. Cameron had been forming this idea since the beginning of the year, but only began to think through details after gaining support from his parents and his teachers, Mr. Mosunic and Mr. Kennedy. Once he had a solid plan on how to go about creating his fundraiser, he pitched the idea to

the ECJ South Africa class in February. In the weeks that followed, the class set aside time to brainstorm advertising, financial organization, fundraising provisions, and timing. Constant Shoot-A-Thon reminders were placed on social media, and door-todoor classroom visits soon followed. After reserving basketballs and the gym for 2 hours and setting up a table to receive donations and sign ups, the hard work of the South Africa class culminated in the Shoot-A-Thon on April 4. For two hours in the Mitty Gym, students, teachers, and family members came to shoot baskets, play a game of knockout, and support the players on the court. Several high schoolers and adults came out to shoot baskets and to sponsor players. Each game or event cost a mere 5 dollars to participate, and the atmosphere was both energetic and welcoming. Sponsors were also extremely generous and enthusiastic about supporting all of the players on the court. Junior Emma Cappiello remarked, “Everyone that was there had a good heart and the right intentions.” This was definitely proven through the nearly $750 donated. Needless to say, Cameron and the entire South Africa class were ecstatic. The profits from the Shoot-A-Thon will enhance the impact of the trip––both for the students and for the people they help.

Shepherding Progress Mitty’s Shepherd Club Sees Year of Success

By Eliza Kolmanovsky Staff Writer The clock reads 2:35 p.m., and students pour out of the classrooms. The long and laborious day is over, making life seem more manageable. Some students are rushing to change for practice while many others are locating their carpool. Yet a group of students can be found milling around room 410, waiting for the Shepherd meeting to begin.

Mitty students wear purple to show support for Shepherd and the LGBTQ+ community. Shepherd is a safe space for students looking to promote dignity and respect for the LGBTQ+ community. Named not only as a pastoral reference to care for the LGBTQ+ students in our communities, Shepherd is also as an allusion to Matthew Wayne Shepard. Shepard was a University of Wyoming student who, because of his sexual orientation, was tortured and left for dead on October 6, 1998. His murder brought national awareness to hate crime legislation. Previously, any crimes committed based on sexual orientation could not be prosecuted as hate crimes. The Matthew Shepard Act became a law on October 28, 2009 when President Obama signed the measure. Now, crimes committed on the basis of sexual orientation are legally considered hate crimes. People are forced to see the harassment for what it is: unacceptable hatred. Society is slowly seeing beyond the differences, but there is still a long way to go. The goal of Shepherd at Mitty is to achieve acceptance and respect for all. At meetings, Shepherd club members can be found presenting powerpoints about the lesser known letters in LGBTQ+, planning school-wide projects, or simply hanging out building community. This year Shepherd has led two major projects: LGBT Purple Spirit Day and the Spring Educational Campaign. Last semester, all Mitty students were encouraged to wear purple clothing in order to show support for the LGBTQ+ community. The sight of so many people wearing purple was an amazing display of compassion, exemplifying the kind of loving, accepting community we have at Mitty.

Mitty students sign the Shepherd pledge to “Think. Choose. Act.” The second project was focused on educating people about degrading expressions and verbal bullying. With Lent––the season of restraint––approaching, Shepherd came up with the perfect pledge: to give up misusing words such as ‘gay’ and other slurs. Using these words in the wrong context and giving them a negative connotation is harmful and derogatory, especially to young people who identify with these words. When students signed the pledge, they were also given a bracelet to remind them of their promise. On the bracelet was written, ‘Think. Choose. Act.’ Students are encouraged to think about how what they say may affect those around them, choose different words, and act by standing up against slurs––intentional or not. It is through initiatives like these that dignity and respect toward all people––regardless of sexual orientation––can be further realized on the Mitty campus and in our greater communities.

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May 2014 • Justice Awareness

Lorde of [Im]Perfection By Nikita Dandia Staff Writer In 2009, Jessica Simpson was one of Hollywood’s beauties––until she was called a “public embarrassment” for wearing denim jeans to a concert. Media and critics began spreading the word that Simpson had gained too much weight. However, Simpson later explained that her “mom jeans” made her look bigger than she actually was. To escape from the magazine racks of ridicule, Simpson joined a show called The Price of Beauty and traveled around the world on a quest to discover different cultural perceptions of “beauty.” To her surprise, she found that the greater the imperfection, the more beautiful the person. In 2014, seventeen-year-old pop star Lorde is bringing back this idea that our imperfections make us beautiful. In fact, just recently, she took a symbolic step toward fostering an anti-photoshop culture. Lorde is the same age as many upperclassmen at Mitty, but she is not your average teenager. Her single “Royals” quickly rose to No. 1 in America. She is the youngest person to get a song to the top of the charts since 1987. As teens, we are faced with social pressures to be perfect. Editing features

and filters in apps such as Instagram allow us to hide our imperfections with the click of a button. Even Snapchat, initially created to send brief, entertaining snaps to our friends––has options for filters for the couple of seconds we show our faces. In defiance of this overbearing “Photoshop culture,” Lorde Tweeted two contrasting photos of herself to her 1.3 million followers. While one photo was edited to give her flawless skin, the other was a natural photo that showed her imperfections. Asked about the photos, Lorde said that they were part of her anti-Photoshop stand, which has attracted much attention over the past couple of months. In an interview with Metro Magazine, Lorde cited Taylor Swift as the paragon of perfection: “Taylor Swift is so flawless and so unattainable. I don’t think it’s breeding anything good in young girls.” Emphasis on physical perfection––in the music industry and in society—is everywhere. Lorde continued, “I wish my favourite stars didn’t look perfect because I think fans, me included, have feelings of worthlessness. Like they’ll never be as pretty/talented/whatever, as a result of this intense photoshop culture and the endless strive for perfection.”

Cultural Controversy

In Michigan, 9-year-old Philip Stoll stumbled across a 10,000-year-old mastodon tooth when exploring near a creek. (The mastodon was an ancestral elephant.)

April 17 marked another amazing NASA breakthrough: the discovery of the first “habitable” Earth-size planet, 500 light-years away from our world.

On April 17, Brazilian police decided to end their strike for higher wages. The strike lasted 2 days and helped the police obtain “salary increases ranging from 25% to 60%,” BBC News wrote.

Lupita Nyong’o Inspires A Change of Perspective

French Ban Seen as Attack on Islam By Amulya Yerrapotu Staff Writer In an increasingly diverse world, it becomes difficult to reconcile clashing cultural standards. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the uncertainty surrounding the burqa and niqab. Four years ago, France passed a ban on clothing that obscures the face––the burqa and niqab included. The controversy following the ban has reverberated through to this day. In fact, the European Court of Human Rights is currently debating the law. France has always had a complicated relationship with religion. As a secular state, it passed a ban on wearing religious symbols in public school, effectively prohibiting Islamic head-scarves. The law was met with significant backlash. Many decried it as an attack on religious freedom. The recent burqa ban has had a similar effect. Targeting attire that conceals the face, the law forbids Muslim women from wearing burqas––garments that conceal the entire body, including the eyes––and niqabs, which conceal the entire body except for the eyes. According to The New York Times, the actual justification for the law cites safety concerns, which is perhaps a reasonable claim. Unfortunately, the actual rhetoric behind the law is far more troubling. Supporters of the law seem to think it liberat-

ing, providing freedom from oppression for Muslim women. According to The Christian Science Monitor, “in France, the ban was instituted almost solely on the basis that such clothing was oppressive to women.” This presents a glaring double standard. The French government claims that it wants to protect women from oppression, but it simultaneously dictates what they can and cannot wear. In this way, France’s ban on the burqa actively imposes the problem it is attempting to solve. By taking away a woman’s choice to wear what she wants and to express her culture, France becomes the oppressor. Thus, the burqa ban should primarily be seen as an attack on religious freedom; it denies women the choice to freely display their faith. Furthermore, the ban on the burqa correlates to racist and eurocentric attitudes. The ban actively targets Islam and purports that Islam is sexist, while ignoring the sexism that exists so blatantly in other facets of our society. Is being forced to cover one’s body worse than being forced to show it off? The answer is that both may be equally bad, simply because they involve force. True oppression is forcing someone to do something against his or her own will. It is a woman’s choice whether or not to wear a burqa. France, and all governments, must learn to respect that.

After being imprisoned in Syria for about 10 months, four French journalists were finally released on April 19. They returned home to joy and relief.

By Niharika Bhat Staff Writer Lupita Nyong’o has taken the world by storm––film critics can’t stop praising her Oscar-winning performance as the abused plantation worker Patsy in 12 Years a Slave and fashion magazines swoon over her stunning style. A 31-year-old film graduate of the Yale School of Drama, Lupita emigrated to the U.S. from Kenya to follow her dreams of acting, and she has eclipsed the international screen. However, more than Lupita’s acting abilities make her stand out from the rest of the crowd. In a speech at Essence’s 7th Annual Black Women In Hollywood luncheon, Lupita was honored with the “Best Breakthrough Performance Award.” In her speech, she mounted the stage tearfully, and began to read from a letter she had received from a fan. In it, the young girl told Lupita how she had almost resorted to using skin-bleaching creams to become lighter, but Lupita’s confidence and grace in her own dark skin had saved her from changing who she was. Lupita herself described her skin tone as “night-shaded,” and she explained how she had grown up in a world where dark skin was treated like a disease––a deformity. “I put on the TV and only saw pale skin,” she confided to the spellbound audience.

“And when I was a teenager my self-hate grew worse, as you can imagine happens with adolescence...And then Alek Wek came on the international scene. A celebrated model, she was dark as night, everyone was talking about how beautiful she was...I felt more seen, more appreciated by the far away gatekeepers of beauty, but around me the preference for light skin prevailed.” Lupita further asserted that “what does sustain us...what is fundamentally beautiful is compassion for yourself and for those around you...I hope that you will feel the validation of your external beauty but also get to the deeper business of being beautiful inside. There is no shade in that beauty.” Her beautiful speech on creating self-love has thrust the issue of racial beauty into the limelight––for once, in a positive manner. Lupita’s grace has captivated the world, but it has also helped young girls, staring raptly at television screens and computers, to understand that true beauty cannot be measured by skin tones or race boundaries: it comes from believing in yourself. Lupita has shifted the traditional norms away from the toxic model constructed for young girls today. She is a role model for all the “little Lupitas”––as she laughingly calls her fans around the world. Her positive influence carries the momentum of change that women of color have been waiting for. Lupita’s impact has extended not only into the minds of the film industry, but the fashion industry as well. Any editorial spread will have a section on her amazing style, and the effect of her star-power has been seeping into runways as well. In the past, the black models that strut down the runway have the features of Beyoncé or Zoe Saldana––long noses, oval-shaped faces, and light skin. However, recent models like Hereith Paul, a Tanzanian native who is the face for Tom Ford’s campaign, and the Jamaican Jeneil Williams, whose dark skin has captivated the fashion world and exemplifies a changing perspective. Lupita’s amazing work has swept the stage and begun a slow trickle of social change, and we can watch in awe as she works her magic.

Justice Awareness • May 2014

Page 9

Carbon Sequestration On April 19, the U.S. launched its eighth drone strike in Yemen. There were 15 casualties, of which 12 were militants and 3 were senior al-Qaeda officials.

According to a revised statement by the Nigerian military, 14 out of 129 female students kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists have managed to escape from captivity.

Searches continue for passengers of the Sewol ferry off the coast of South Korea. Death tolls continue to rise with many more missing.

Violence swept through the Xinjiang region of China once again on January 24. The Chinese government continues to arrest people it deems “threats,” including – most recently – a professor of economics in Beijing.

New in the Locker Room Survey Reveals a Generation of Tolerance

By Sankar Srinivasan Staff Writer As high-profile professional athletes have begun to come out, the media has heralded their actions as nobly sacrificial. After all, they are putting their public images and careers at risk for the sake of revealing their true identities to society. In this way, they really are the forerunners of the growing LGBTQ+ movement. Middle school and high school are tough “rites of passage” for all teenagers, and this is even more true for LGBTQ+ youth. It is during these stages of life that bullying is the most prevalent. Many young teenagers have not had frequent interaction with people of different sexual orientations, so initial interactions––especially in places as sensitive as the locker room––can promote initial feelings of homophobia. This in itself is not evil, as we are all inherently scared of things that deviate from the norm, but such thoughts often manifest themselves in verbal abuse, physical assault, and hazing. According to a 2011 GLSEN Sports Project survey of students from grades 6-12, more than 4 in 10 students avoided locker rooms for fear of harassment. Statistics like these portray the very real pressures that LGBTQ+ athletes routinely face in the early stages of their lives. College statistics show some improvement, with over 70% of athletes expressing acceptance of gay teammates––according to a study of three Southern U.S. institutions by sociologist Eric Anderson. Thirty years ago, you wouldn’t have found many retired athletes who admitted to being gay, let alone high school athletes

with athletic careers ahead of them. Modern culture, however, is more accepting towards LGBTQ+ and minority groups in general; this is a trend that is only being hastened by public and prideful announcements from athletes such as Jason Collins (NBA), Derrick Gordon (college basketball), and Michael Sam (soon to be drafted into the NFL). As important as high-profile announcements can be, however, there is an unintended shift in public interest from supporting LGBTQ+ athletes to glorifying them. These athletes’ acts are indeed courageous, but we cannot ignore what gave them their standing in the first place: a love of the game. Asked about his historic status as the first openly-gay player in the NBA, Jason Collins responded, “Right now I’m focusing on trying to learn the plays, learning the coverages and the game plan and the assignments. So I didn’t have time to really think about history.” Ask management of the Brooklyn Nets, Collins’ current team, and they’ll tell you that the decision to sign him was nothing but a basketball-driven one. Scouts that herald Michael Sam talk about his defensive abilities, while critics fear the media exposure that follows with drafting an openly-gay football player. Overall, the reason we celebrate these athletes is because they are a perfect combination of devotion to sports and to one’s identity, especially in a society where one’s career interest often intrudes on other, more fundamental interests. With their inspiring words and abilities, we are seeing not a trend of harassment but one of acceptance in the locker rooms of 21st century America.

By Ramya Balasingam Staff Writer Analysis of ice core samples reveals that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere had ranged between 170 parts per million (ppm) and 300 ppm over the 650,000-year period that preceded the industrial revolution. At 390 ppm, the CO2 concentration today falls well outside this normal range. As the population of the planet continues to increase and more and more people participate in the industrial economy, problems posed by anthropogenic CO2 generation will only increase. Such toxic emissions can result in global warming, which is causing icebergs in the Arctic Ocean to melt. While this implication of global warming may not seem important due to the Arctic region’s tiny population, melting icebergs have global implications—including the disappearance of certain islands of the Maldives, the emergence of violent monsoons in the Bay of Bengal and disastrous tornadoes throughout the United States. Clearly, the amount of carbon emissions in the atmosphere needs to, in some way, be contained. Since CO2 emissions are closely tied to energy production and industrial activities that burn fossil fuels, any direct efforts to decrease CO2 generation will harm economic growth. The best option to combat this problem is to find cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels that emit little or no CO2. While important progress is currently being made in this area, these technologies are not expected to be economically competitive with fossil fuel-based energy for

another 50 years. In this context, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) has emerged as an attractive interim solution because it will allow energy-intensive economic activities to continue, while keeping harmful CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide sequestration is a process in which carbon dioxide emissions are captured and stored in underground aquifers. This process has been conducted on a large scale, and has been found to be successful. In fact, at Sleipner, a location in the North Sea, an important carbon mitigation exercise has been underway for about 16 years. At this site, Statoil—a large Norwegian company—has been capturing some of the carbon dioxide that it generates, and pumping it into a saline aquifer about a kilometer beneath the earth’s crust. This work has helped sequester about 10 million tons of CO2 that would otherwise have escaped into the atmosphere. However, questions have been raised about the possibility of leakage from carbon sequestration sites. After thorough statistical analysis and computational simulations, it has been determined that leakage times are measured in hundreds, or even thousands of years. Given this perspective, this is a problem we can ignore. But at the same time, questions of ethics arise, since we would be leaving a bad legacy for posterity. Hopefully, these questions will be answered in the near future when scientists and humanitarians work together to develop a deeper understanding associated with this important technology and how it can be used to benefit our planet.

Tensions Continue in Korea By Brenan Balbido Staff Writer On March 31, both North and South Korean artillery exchanged fire as the North announced that it would conduct another nuclear test in response to joint South KoreanUnited States military tests. The relationship between the North and South has ranged from tolerant to “almost at war,” and the interactions between these two countries have potentially significant consequences. At the present moment, North Korea is capable of firing nuclear weapons at many countries in East Asia. Its farthest-reaching missile could perhaps reach Alaska and parts of the Malay Islands, but it is uncertain whether or not this missile would work. North Korea has very recently been able to fire its mid-range missiles from mobile vehicles, making these missiles difficult to track and enabling North Korea to launch a surprise attack. One of the Rodong Missiles landed in the waters between North Korea and Japan. Tensions between the Koreas harm the South’s economy. Many foreign investors have become wary of the situation in the Koreas and are hesitant to invest. Even though history may suggest that North Korean threats can be dismissed, many are still worried. That may be because, as some claim, the North’s real attack on the South is a psychological one: by reducing investor confidence, the North hurts the South. Yet others claim that investor worry is justified, given the recent technological developments of the North. Nonetheless, the South needs to find a way to defend its economy. The conflict between the North and the South also directly affects Korean families. Earlier this year, the two governments agreed to allow older Koreans to reunite with relatives on the other side of the border. Continuing disputes now make it less likely that such an event will ever happen again. Beyond politics, this is the true tragedy of the Koreas. Tensions between the two countries have a net negative effect on the economy and on separated families. The case of the North and South show us how the actions and decisions of governments can directly affect innocent people. A shopkeeper may have to go out of business; the shopkeeper’s mother may never reunite with her husband in the North.

Separated families are temporarily reunited with family members in an agreement between North and South Korea.

Dear Class of 2014,


CLASS OF 2014 By Trenton Scharrenberg, Guest Writer II’ve made wonderful memories learning in class, bonding in Campus Ministry, and through everything else Mitty has to offer. But nothing has been quite like the experiences I’ve had in athletics. My four years here have been a blast! Being a member of the baseball and football programs are certainly the highlights. The greatest part of being a Monarch is the sense of community that exists in the school. I will forever be appreciative of the bonds I have formed with my teammates. It’s a special feeling knowing that a group of guys can and will do anything to reach a common goal. That type of connection makes everything fun: practice, conditioning, team dinners, and everything else we do together. Win or lose, I know there are people who will put their bodies on the line (special shout out to the offensive lineman) so that I, the quarterback, could personally be successful. Playing sports at Mitty has been an awesome experience through all the ups and downs, wins and losses, triumphs and heartbreaks. Through athletics, I have broken my bones and heard the crowd cheer my name, but mostly I have been able to swear that “I Lived.”

Campus Ministry By Rose Le, Staff Writer

For the past two years, Anamaria Falcone has volunteered for MICAH and the annual Teens for Teens Christmas Drive, which she led her senior year. For her work in the community, she was awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the California Scholarship Federation. Along with her community service, Anamaria is a member of the LIFE-Corps Team. For her, being a part of Campus Ministry is the highlight of her Mitty experience. “I’ve developed so many close relationships in my BC, and I’ve made so many memories that I will keep with me forever. Beyond that, I have learned and grown so much over this past year. I would do LIFE-Corps over and over again.” Joining the class of 2018 at Emerson College, Anamaria leaves the Mitty campus with these words: “It’s going to be tough to part with the community built through LIFE-Corps and generally every activity I’ve participated in over the years at Mitty. Hopefully, I’ll be able to bring that friendly spirit to my college next year.”

Student Government

It has been a pleasure to work with such a spirited and enthusiastic class! We are proud of all that you have accomplished and the people you have become. We know that wherever life takes you, you will be successful. Know that you will always be a part of the Mitty family and we welcome you back anytime you are in the area. Good luck!

Mrs.Hopkins and Mrs. Najlis

I can think of no better way to have spent my senior year than on student government. Depite being one of the two newbies this year, the government family welcomed me with open arms and hearts. Planning spirit week and Monarch Madness, representing my class and my school at rallies and games, and thinking of new and innovative ways to improve the school all contributed to making my senior year the best that it could be. Although I am leaving Mitty, I know that I will always have the student government family to turn to. I am truly blessed to have been part of such a wonderful organization. — Mitch Hanson, A & E Editor

Milan's Declassified School Survival Guide By Milan Samuel, Staff Writer 1. Find balance. It’s very easy to get caught up in all of the excitement that high school brings about, but you have to remember your grades are important, even freshman year. That being said, don’t completely drop your social life either. Get in the habit of managing your time—it’s an invaluable skill to have. 2. Don’t take yourself too seriously. We go to a great school, full of great people. It’s possible that you’re sitting next to a future (or current) Olympic athlete or a future TV game show contestant (this is a Morgan McLeod reference) so it’s important to remember to be humble. 3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your teachers are there to teach you. Your instructors are there to instruct you. Your educators are there to help you learn. (I said the same thing three times for emphasis). 4. Reach out to others. High school is far from easy and you’ll notice that there will be days when someone will need a friend: be that friend. One of the greatest things about Mitty is its community—use it. 5. Find what you love. If you’re going to get involved, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about, not just an activity for college apps. Try out for a sports team, audition for a play, do community service, join a food club, etc. If you can’t find something that interests you, start your own club! I’ve always personally believed that there should be a Panda Express Appreciation Club, but that might just be me. 6. Find great friends. I know high school is scary and it seems like a tough place to make friends, but trust me you will. Now this will sound cliché, but the most effective method of finding true friends is being yourself. (This means that you should not, under any circumstances, fake a heart condition). 7. Enjoy your four years at Mitty; it goes by way too quickly. One minute you’re a freshman with all of the high school’s possibilities at your fingertips (literally at your fingertips because iPads have touch screens), and the next minute you are a washed-up senior writing an advice article while eating straight out of a Nutella jar and crying/reminiscing over the past four years.


I would like to sh are one experie nce that I particu cherished: clubs. larly Personally, I fou nd the club life integral part of to be an my social life beg inning in my so year at Mitty. I jo phomore ined the Anime Club and the A cific Islanders S sian Patudent Union an d had a great tim ing and growin e learng with the clubs. The Anime Clu had that lax, wel b always coming atmosp here. In APISU, to connect with I was able new friends and gain a greater u standing and ap nderpreciation for m y culture. I also many new clubs joined like the Chess C lub, Science Fic and Newspaper tion Club, . Each of these cl ubs brought abo unique, irreplace ut its own able memories and has added to my Mitty journ making ey an unforgetta ble experience. make the most All in all, of ever y momen t you have here. Cheers. — Kenny Nguy en , Staff Writer and Focus Introduct ion Superstar

Performing Arts

By Jenny Barretto, Staff Writer I’ve been heavily involved in the shows at Mitty, both as a performer and a crew member. In my sophomore year, I played Little Red Riding Hood in Into the Woods where no one will let me live down the Thursday night show when a giant tree set piece fell on me onstage. Somehow, that experience did not scare me away from Mitty musicals. Overall, my favorite Mitty performing arts experience would have to have been stage managing Legally Blonde last fall. I got to work closely with my friends on both sides of the stage and, most importantly, Mr. K’s cute puppy Buster. One of the greatest things about backstage crew is the family environment that as we create every show, we grow very close in the little booth up at the back of the theatre. It is safe to say that I am going to miss the underclassmen on crew very much. Leaving the Kinkade Theatre is definitely a bittersweet experience, but I’m grateful for all of the great experiences.

Arts & Entertainment Sam I Am: free Verse, free Spirit

A prominent member of the Creative Writing Club, junior Sam Martin earned high praise from audience members at the 3rd Annual Poetry Reading last month. The poem below was not the poem she read at the poetry slam, but rather her successful submission for the Stanford Summer Institute Creative Writing Program. You may also recognize Sam from her recognition at the April All-School Assembly for winning the Silver Medal in Poetry at the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition, where she performed this poem in addition to two others. Sam will be traveling to the renowned Carnegie Hall in New York City this summer to receive her award and be recognized for her achievement.

Beyond the Usual 1,000 Words She spits out free verse as if she was born to wax poetic, her cradle cries staccato bursts of rhythm and tone. Sketching city skylines with words, her mouth becomes a camera—capturing photographs of places she's never been and people she’s never met. Like water, she shifts from steam to liquid to ice, shedding different personalities like old winter jackets only to step into evening gowns sewn with resplendent fabrics of fiction. She is the starving artist performing in a dingy café, she is the familiar birdsong on a dewy spring morning, she is the ashes drifting from the end of a cigarette, she is the man holding a cardboard sign on the corner of 3rd Street. She’s got unfinished sentences for fingers and a personality like the 1920s, a voice like smooth jazz blanketing the streets of New Orleans. Kiss her with a paragraph and she’ll respond with a novel, for her mouth is a pen and your lips the paper. And, God, she remembers you all sunscreen slicked and bright eyed and hair glimmering like copper. Telling you she was caught between feeling like a bird in flight and a screen door slamming, dicing up her heart like a tomato in her grandmother's habanero salsa. She spits out free verse as if she was born to wax poetic, she’s got prose for bones and ink pumping through her veins.

A&E: When did you begin writing poetry and what inspired you to start? SM: Though I can’t pinpoint an exact time when I began writing poetry, I think I consciously began writing poetry when I was in middle school, mainly because my English teacher at the time spent two months teaching a poetry unit. She had us read poems by Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, and Maya Angelou, to name a few. She encouraged us to experiment with different forms of poetry for homework, and I always had fun completing those assignments. A&E: What inspires your poems? : My poems can be inspired by anything from social issues to something that’s happened in my life. I usually like to write about the dynamics of relationships between people because writing forces me to consider what I think about, what others think about, and why we do what we do. I guess you could say I’m interested in describing the complexities of human interaction. A&E: What is your personal process for creating poetry? : I don’t have a process for writing poetry. Sometimes I’ll come up with a line I like, and I’ll jot it down somewhere. After that, I usually write around that line until I have something that resembles a poem. Then I edit—a lot. A&E: What does your poetry mean to you? : I’m not the most eloquent when I speak aloud, so poetry allows me to organize, process, and structure what I want to say. Writing in general is incredibly cathartic, and it lets me express myself. It gives me the opportunity to tell stories and create. A&E: What do you hope readers can gain from reading your poems? : I aspire to inspire. I hope people can relate to what I have to say. I want them to be able to connect to a certain phrase, or feel empowered and self-assured. These days it’s as if people are defined by numbers because of Facebook friends, Instagram likes, Twitter followers, and test scores. Everyone is obligated to know that their worth isn’t based upon numbers. People aren’t told how amazing they are often enough, and I want to be someone who reminds them that they’re valued more than they think. A&E: Now that you’ve had incredible success with your poetry, how do you plan to move forward? : The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards was actually the first writing contest I’ve ever entered, and even when I submitted my work I never expected to win anything. Before that, no one but a few of my friends had ever read my writing because I was so self-conscious about it. Earning an award has definitely given me more confidence in my writing, and I’m thinking about entering more contests, or sending my work to literary magazines. I’ll always be writing for myself, though. A&E: Do you have any favorite poets, or poets that have influenced your writing? : One of my favorite poets is Meggie Royer, author of “Survival Songs” and “Healing Old Wounds With New Stitches.” A lot of my inspiration comes from her, as well as Lora Mathis. I Wrote This for You by Pleasefindthis is one of my favorite poetry books. Interview conducted by A&E Editor Niki Griswold

arts and guilty entertainment

Upcoming Events June





A common refrain in room 603 during newspaper layout sessions is “Go big or go home.” With three of your four glamorous A&E editors graduating, we deemed it necessary to showcase to the world not People’s top media items, but our favorite guilty pleasures. We Bought a Zoo: This has been one of my favorite movies ever since I saw it two years ago, and whenever I watch it, I cry. Every. Single. Time. I totally lose it and sob my eyes out at the same scene every time I watch it. Fuzzy crocs: I was mildly horrified when I received a black pair of fuzzy crocs for Christmas from my cousins in Minnesota five years ago, complete with the little rubber decorations to stick in the holes and further my humiliation. But I would be lying if I said they did not immediately become my favorite household slippers, worn to this day. National Treasure: All I really have to say about this movie is that if it is on television, I don’t care what I am doing, who I am with, or where I am going, I will drop everything and watch it. I guess it’s something about Nick Cage stealing the Declaration of Independance that awakens the inner history nerd within me. Sometimes, when I’m bored, I’ll go to the Netflix for Kids section and watch the old animated Jackie Chan Adventures series. Rugrats Go Wild: This Rugrats-The Wild Thornberrys crossover should’ve had more commercial success, but alas, it is just one step short of “iconic.” “Life is a Highway” by Rascal Flatts: To deny the superiority of the Cars soundtrack version of this song would be blasphemous. In addition to my Celine Dion phase at the age of 10, I harbored a country phrase around the same time. One thing led to another, and I was jamming to Sheryl Crow and Rascal Flatts on this soundtrack. Sometimes, I watch music videos of the Jonas Brothers, sing their songs out loud, and pretend they haven’t broken up yet. I tend to give some amazing renditions of “Lovebug,” “When You Look Me in the Eyes,” and “Burnin’ Up.” Sometimes I also pretend Nick Jonas is my boyfriend, but that’s another story. When I was 10, I went to a Barry Manilow concert with my mom— and loved it. Barry’s greatest hits CD was a “must-have” on family road trips, before we moved on to greater things (i.e. One Direction and Michael Buble). However, “Copacobana” is still my jam even to this day.

6/2: Kelis at the Fillmore 6/2 6/3: Lady Gaga at the SAP Center 6/6: One Republic and The Script at Shoreline Amphitheater 6/15: Lady Antebellum at Shoreline Amphitheater 6/21: Vans Warped Tour at Shoreline Amphitheater 6/28:: Robyn and Royksopp at the Bill Graham Civic Audito Auditorium

July 7/1: Queen & Adam Lambert at the SAP Center 7/2: Cher at the SAP Center 7/11: New Order at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium 7/25: The Neighbourhood at the Fox Theater 7/26: Journey at Shoreline Amphitheater 7/30: Arcade Fire at the Shoreline Amphitheater

Arts & Entertainment • May 2014

Page 13

Missing These Movies Would Be A Sin(ema)

A Series of Unfortunate ENDS By Winni Cherukuri Staff Writer

By Nicole Rejer Staff Writer


22 Jump Street

o all the 21 Jump Street fans out there... your dreams have been answered! Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, as officers Jenko and Schmidt, make their epic return to another undercover mission, except this time, they’re going to college. However, as they slowly trickle into their new and separate groups, their relationship is threatened, and these freshmen are forced to really “man up.” Perfect for a group outing with friends, this is definitely the movie to see if you’re ready to laugh hard and have a good time. aleficent portrays the other side of Sleeping Beauty that hasn’t always been told, the tale of the hurt villain who turns out not to be truly evil, but turned evil by a ruthless betrayal. And as Aurora, the famous cursed princess grows older, she is the only one who holds the key to melting the witch’s heart. This movie could go both ways, but we have to give Disney credit for being able to spin off a new movie from a 1964 classic, and the fact that Angelina Jolie, a Hollywood A-lister, stars in the movie. If you’re a fan of modern Walt Disney twists, as well as Jolie, this is your best bet for a good night out.


ith the “not-famous” Shia Labeouf out of the picture, it is up to Mark Wahlberg to carry the Transformers series to success this time, the movie being the fourth installment in its franchise. The film takes place four years after the invasion of Chicago, and is the first to feature the Dinobots. Although a completely new cast in a sequel is often cause for concern, I have no doubt that Wahlberg will be able to execute his role perfectly, as he has done before in movies such as The Departed and The Fighter. Are you an action buff with a taste for some sci-fi? Then this is your best pick.

The Fault in Our Stars

Transformers 4: Age of Extinction




ohn Green managed to capture an entire generation and catapult himself to fame with this novel, and I have no doubt that the movie will be able to capture the charm and emotion that the story entails. The story follows Hazel and Gus, two teenagers with cancer, through their miraculous and heartwarming journey together. Shailene Woodley (Hazel), has proved herself a rising to star to watch with her latest film, Divergent, so I’m excited to see her play a role in which the character is more vulnerable. If you loved the book, or even if you’re just into teen romances played out on the big screen, this movie is the one for you.

What A

Ous World By Siddharth Kulkarni Staff Writer

KEVIN FEIGE is a busy, busy man. To be a movie producer is no easy job. But to have to keep track of 14 movies at the same time, when some of them are on the verge of release and others haven’t even started production? To manage all that, one needs to be very, very skilled at planning. Luckily for him, Feige, the mastermind behind the silver screen behemoth that is Marvel Studios, is a planner like no other. On a wall in his office, Feige has a map of Marvel Studios films scheduled to release over the next decade and a half, looking for all the world like a blueprint for world domination. And in a way, it kind of is. Marvel’s films, nine in total, are part of the most lucrative franchise still running in Hollywood, and have grossed over $6.1 billion worldwide. Like Marvel’s villain Juggernaut, the series just seems to keep on going, suffering no diminishing returns or losses in income, while still churning out reliable hits that are popular with critics and fans alike. Movie franchises are the name of the game in Hollywood nowadays, with 7 of the 10 highest grossing movies of all time being part of a series. But perhaps no franchise is as extensive or unique as Marvel’s very own Cinematic Universe, which is comprised of Marvel movies that feature characters that Marvel Studios owns the rights to. Perhaps uniquely among movie franchises, every single movie can be considered a crossover of sorts, as all the movies take place in a shared universe, with characters from one movie appearing in another. With the release of 2012’s The Avengers, Marvel completed their “Phase One” for their movies, part of a three part plan that has Marvel Studios mapping out films till the year 2028. But Marvel wouldn’t have gotten to their position today without several canny decisions. Marvel movies had been coming out regularly since the success of 2000’s X-Men and 2002’s Spider-Man, but the problem was, Marvel itself owned none of those properties. Instead, hoping to gain a foothold in the movie industry, Marvel’s most beloved characters were licensed and sold away; a decision that Marvel Studios is probably still kicking itself over today, with Sony Pictures and Fox Entertainment loathe to relinquish the rights to Spiderman and the X-Men, respectively. But in 2008, Marvel Studios took a leap of faith and released their first independent film: Iron Man. Not many expected the movie to be successful; Iron Man was a B-list superhero at best, whom most moviegoers probably couldn’t name. But the naysayers were proved wrong when Iron Man proceeded to make $5.85 million at the box office. Marvel’s next gamble was on 2012’s The Avengers. Bringing together several characters from separate film universes into one crossover was a move that not many (disregarding outliers like Alien vs. Predator) had attempted before.

Series finales are rarely a happy occasion for loyal viewers of any television show, but the pain is always slightly eased when the show ends on a good note. Unfortunately, not all producers prefer ending their run in a pleasant way and instead choose to throw one final curveball in the last minutes of the series. This technique is seldom appreciated by fans who, after spending years of their lives following a show, feel like one final jaw-dropping surprise undermines everything that the series had worked towards. One prime and very recent example of this was the completely heartbreaking How I Met Your Mother finale. (Editor’s note: In case you couldn’t tell, there are spoilers ahead.) After nine years of hilarious jokes and sentimental moments, the acclaimed show decided to end its run not by telling viewers how the main character, Ted, met his wife, but by essentially saying that Ted settles for his wife when his actual love, Robin, is unavailable. Naturally, people were outraged that this was how one of their favorite shows was going to conclude; nearly a decade of great character evolution ultimately resulted in everyone returning to their old ways. In comparison, another show that had an equally successful nineyear run, The Office, concluded in a really heartwarming way with the marriage of a beloved couple, Dwight and Angela. This ending effectively highlighted each character’s development, instead of completely debasing it, by emphasizing everyone’s transformation from scrappy young employees to successful parents and business people. These two finales elicited completely different responses from viewers, which brings up the question of whether it is better to end a show in a completely expected way as a means of ending a long journey, or by throwing in one final, unexpected surprise. Some of the most successful television shows such as Friends, Desperate Housewives, and 30 Rock have all concluded with either a confession of love or a wedding, which fans generally appreciate because it feels like everything has come full circle. On the other hand, shows like Lost and Dexter ended terribly and are widely considered as some of the worst series finales due to their complete betrayal of the show. Ultimately, with so much riding on a series finale, it is certainly hard to find a universally satisfying ending. But as history shows, it is always better to leave a show on a pleasant note in order to please the loyal fans that have stuck with a series until the end.

The film ended up being the third highest grossing movie of all time. The latest shot in the dark is Guardians of the Galaxy, a comedy themed film that features a team of relatively obscure misfit characters whose comics aren’t widely read even among comic book fans. With nine movies out and fourteen more planned, the Marvel Cinematic Universe now has more “episodes” than many TV shows. Feige has revealed that Marvel knows exactly when they will begin production, start filming, and eventually release all fourteen of the films in production. Marvel also seems to be expanding its audience to living rooms, with the advent of their TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, directed by Avengers director Joss Whedon (who started out directing TV shows, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly). While not as critically acclaimed as his other work, the show has an extremely dedicated fan-base and special effects worthy of a movie (after all, it is on a movie budget). Marvel Studios also has four TV shows based upon heroes Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones lined up for direct release on Netflix, after which all four characters will appear in the crossover series The Defenders. However, is this formula actually working? The box office numbers scream yes, but for how long can Marvel coast on their success? Certainly it helps that each movie has a different cast and director, giving each film more autonomy than movies in a series usually have. But even the James Bond franchise, an example of a perennial Hollywood hit if there ever was one, has had its up and downs. Will the sheer force of time wear out Marvel? After all, by 2028, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, and Marvel’s leading men, will be 44, 46, and 63, respectively. And audiences will tire of anything if they see it enough times, no matter how perfect, so how soon will they shrug off a decidedly imperfect franchise like Marvel’s? After all, despite critical acclaim for many of the films, Marvel has produced their fair share of stinkers, like 2008’s The Incredible Hulk and 2010’s Iron Man 2. And the storytelling has often been criticized as rote and repetitive, with similar plot points in multiple movies, though this is something Marvel has actively been trying to counteract, advertising Captain America: The First Avenger as a World War II film, Thor: The Dark World as a fantasy epic, Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a political thriller, and Guardians of the Galaxy as a comedy. It seems only time with tell whether Marvel’s long-term planning will pay off. “It’s like looking through the Hubble telescope,” says Feige. “You go, ‘What’s happening back there? I can sort of see it.’” And so while it seems that Marvel’s movie-making machine might eventually be reduced to running on fumes, perhaps the creative juices of Marvel’s crack team of actors, directors, writers, and, of course, producers can keep the franchise running not just into the next decade, but for several decades to come.

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May 2014 • Arts & Entertainment

By Anamaria Falcone Staff Writer Cult classic: “Any film that has a cult following; the term is not easily defined and can be applied to a wide variety of films.” Wow, thanks Wikipedia. Let me give you a better definition, one more relatable: a cult classic is a film with a loyal fanbase. A movie with highly quotable lines and iconic scenes. Something you can see over and over again and still laugh and cry at the same moments throughout the film. At this point you’re probably thinking that cult movies are generally “good” movies, but this is not always the case. Cult movies are rarely box office smashes—they’re generally films that are initially overlooked, but experience revival years after they’re released. Many people run to the archives when they grow tired of “mainstream” movie smashes, and when they find that “hidden gem,” that movie spreads like wildfire through those who wish to counteract popular culture. Ironically, many cult movies become so popular through the counterculture that they end up reaching other demographics. Thus, the movie that gained popularity for being unpopular suddenly finds itself being, well, popular. Reactions to cult movies from loyal fans greatly vary; the enjoyment of cult movies depends on the movie and what you can do with it. For example, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is known as a midnight cult movie: a movie that doesn’t play well to the general public, but appeals to a group of people willing to see it over and over again in smaller theaters. Donnie Darko reveals its cultish qualities in its general concept of time travel, which certain fans actually believe in. No, seriously, there are websites dedicated to the theory of time travel presented in the film. And then you have a movie like Mean Girls, from which, let’s be honest, practically everyone can recite at least three iconic lines. “She doesn't even go here!”, “On Wednesdays, we wear pink,” and of course “You go, Glen Coco!” Dubbing a film a cult classic is one of the highest honors in the movie industry, in my opinion at least. I mean, sure, most cult movies don't make much money in the beginning and typically don't get enough credit from critics, but they’re memorable. Isn’t that more important than the glory of having a soulless box office smash? And just think, those horrible films (you know which ones I’m talking about) could be the next cult hits in a decade or so. Funny how being unpopular pays off in the long run. With cult films at least.

tpump, pump, pump it up

By Lauren Dang Staff Writer

If you’re a pearl milk tea (PMT) fanatic like myself, then there’s no doubt that you've heard of the hype surrounding the PMT franchise Tpumps. The unique appeal of Tpumps is the freedom it offers in the customization of drinks. From size to sweetness (and even toppings!) the menu is tailored to match each individual’s preference with a wide range of 27 flavors to choose from. To make their tea, they use Torani’s syrup and Coffee Mate Creamer, so I wasn’t expecting much of an actual tea flavor. Before my first visit, I shied away from Yelp reviews so I could form my own opinion, and prepared for the typical (and infamous) 45-minute wait. Surprisingly, I was in and out of there in under 15 minutes on a Saturday afternoon. For a first-timer like me, the wait was pretty useful to decide on an order because the amount of options was overwhelming. I settled for two different drinks to explore the wide scope of options, and ordered one litchi pomegranate green tea with light sweetness and honey boba and one almond green milk tea with honey boba. While the drinks were

bird is the word

By Shayne Jones Staff Writer Ah, social media. It all seems like fun and games when you start scrolling through your feed and laugh at all of the hilarious tweets—until one of them is about you. At that point, this is war, and you impulsively tweet back trying to defend yourself. However, you aren’t tweeting at your attacker directly. In fact, he or she may not even know you had caught on to their little underhanded slap. Yep, you’re subtweeting. Subtweeting is a bittersweet thing. One can use it for good or for evil, and it’s completely up to them. Let’s say a girl likes a boy, or vice versa, but he/she doesn’t want to actually tell them directly. Problem solved, they can simply vent their feelings without attaching a name to them, and any embarrassment will be alleviated immediately.

However, subtweeting can be used in the same way to vent negative feelings that you have for someone, and if they catch on, it can all quickly go south. It’s a strange phenomenon that didn’t exist in Twitter’s early years, but instead has grown as teens migrated from Facebook statuses to tweets in the past year or two.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve done it before. I’m not gonna lie, Twitter fights do entertain me. But is all of this really necessary? Tweeting about someone has the potential to really hurt their feelings, and it is pretty much the same thing as talking behind their back to someone else. Sure, anonymity is an easy shield to hide behind, but it doesn’t benefit you in any way. Rumors and gossip have a tendency to catch on really fast. If it goes too far, people start to really take these things to heart, and it affects them in ways that you wouldn’t expect from innocent tweeting. If I’ll leave you with anything, here it is: think before you tweet, because that little birdie can’t be trusted.

deliciously fun and refreshing, I could not actually taste any tea, as it tasted more like juice or flavored water. On the other hand, the boba was really good—by far the best I have ever had. Tpumps is definitely a great place to hang out with friends and grab a couple drinks, but not the best place if you're looking for tea with a stronger taste, as offered at cafes like Fantasia or Quickly’s. Curious about what other Monarchs had to say about Tpumps, I decided to get the opinions of some Mitty students. Although many frequent Tpumps-goers love to experiment with all the different options Tpumps offers through their ultimate drink customization, most have a favorite or usual order. Freshman Katherine Cervania loves “to be spontaneous and try different flavors all the time, but so far [her] favorite flavor is kiwi strawberry.” Due to the wildly successful opening of the Cupertino branch, Tpumps’s reputation is also largely characterized by an unavoidably long line. So, is Tpumps worth the wait? According to freshman Ashley DelaCruz, “I guess it’s worth the wait especially if it’s your first time going. I normally go after school when the line isn’t long, and I wait at the most 20 minutes.” But with the inevitable wait and abundance of PMT cafes in the area, what make Tpumps special? Katherine responds, “There are a lot of milk tea places in the Cupertino area like Verde Tea, Quickly, Cafe LatTea, and Fantasia, but Tpumps has a lot more flavors that you can combine to come up with your own drink. You can visit Tpumps plenty of times and still be able to try something new”—something that Ashley says “not many PMT places offer in the Bay Area.”

Arts & Entertainment • May 2014

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Monarch Critics

Craving Summer

Neon Bushes

By Kristyna Otto Staff Writer

By Troy Contreras Staff Writer

Predicted to be the next big band of the decade, Australian band 5 Seconds of Summer is already making their mark on the music scene. The band consists of four members: 17-year-old guitarist Luke Hemmings, 18-year-old guitarist Michael Clifford, 18-year-old bassist Calum Hood, and 19-year old drummer Ashton Irwin. All four boys sing, but Luke is considered the lead vocalist. 5sos—pronounced “5 sauce,” not “5 S-O-S”—came into existence when Calum, Luke, and Michael started to post videos of covers on Luke’s YouTube channel, hemmo1996. After receiving a lot of attention, the boys decided they needed a drummer and invited Ashton to join the band. Their biggest debut was opening for British boy band One Direction for their worldwide tour, so a majority of the 5SOS Fam—the name given to their fans, signifying that the fandom is a family—are also Directioners. Despite their friendship with the boy band, 5SOS has a different sound in regards to their music. Although they are both pop artists, 5SOS is pop punk whilst One Direction is just pop. In fact, most of 5 Seconds of Summer’s music has been influenced by

bands like All Time Low and Blink-182. 5 Seconds of Summer’s new EP She Looks So Perfect has already proven to be a smash success. The EP has a total of four songs: “She Looks So Perfect,” “Heartache on the Big Screen,” “The Only Reason,” and a cover of “What I Like About You.” Buy the hard copy version, and you will get the bonus song “Disconnected”—a song about getting away from the digital distractions in life to be with that special someone. If I could describe their EP in three words, it would be energetic, lively, and fun—and their upbeat music reflects the band’s upbeat personality as well. These Aussies released their first official single “She Looks So Perfect” this March, shooting to #1 and #2 on the charts in the UK and US, respectively. But despite their incredible success, my favorite aspect of the band is their dedication to their fans. Every day, 5SOS uses social media, such as Twitter, to connect with fans and allow us to be a part of their story. This is only the beginning for 5 Seconds of Summer, and I look forward to seeing where they will go in the future.

It is unfortunate that the previous two albums by Neon Trees, Habits and Picture Show failed to establish a concrete sound for them; however their newest album, Pop Psychology is like nothing heard before. Unlike its predecessors, Pop Psychology brings out all of the greatest elements of Neon Trees and packs it into an 11-track journey of lead singer Tyler Glenn’s road to self-discovery. Glenn recently arose in the news for coming out as gay, and even though the album’s songs “Living in Another World” and “First Things First” may be about Glenn’s sexuality, he leaves interpretation open to make his music relatable to anyone searching to discover who they are or what they wish to become. This is the first Neon Trees album I have listened to all the way through and I personally enjoyed every track. It is clear that Neon Trees has found its sound and can only be described as awesome. This album clearly highlights the

band’s evolution and growth, making it their best work yet. The album is well-balanced, with its fair share of upbeat tracks, including radio single “Sleeping With a Friend,” and slower and emotionally filled tracks like “Voices in the Halls” that will fit anyone’s taste in pop-rock music. Pop Psychology is likely the best Neon Trees album yet and deserves a listen through from pop and alternative listeners alike. It encompasses all of the great aspects of the band as well as their evolution from their last two albums. It is truly unfortunate that most music listeners’ knowledge of the band is confined to previous hits “Animal” and “Everybody Talks” because the true potential of the band lies in the hidden songs of their albums. For anyone who enjoyed their hit singles or is looking to discover new music, I highly recommend Pop Psychology, and its timely release will surely help it find its way on to many summer playlists.

In a Nutshell

By Lauren Belotti Staff Writer

By Klara Barbarossa Staff Writer

By Shannon Lam A&E Editor

By Ben Kim Staff Writer

Electronic rock band Breathe Carolina most commonly recognized by their hit single “Blackout” dropped a brand new album, Savages, which reached the #1 spot on the billboard charts for Dance/Electronic albums last month. The album features 11 unreleased tracks and is described as “very futuristic” by the duo, as well as their fans. David Schmitt of the band hopes that listeners “feel like they are part of the band when they are done listening to it.” Incorporating new sounds that were rarely used by the band before led to their shift from an electronic rock band to more of an electronic alternative group. Most of the beat drops are relatively basic and amateur, a definite disappointment for many listeners including myself. While I appreciate their risk-taking, I feel the electronic beats overpower the strong vocals and mask the meaning behind each song. I would give the album a 5/10 rating.

You probably know her as the woman whose “milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.” Kelis, singer and certified chef, has recently cooked up an appetizing and wholesome album symbolically titled Food. Returning to her R&B roots after experimenting with electronic dance music in her last album, Kelis reinvents herself with a more jazzy and sophisticated sound. Her rich, raspy, and beautiful voice adds signature soulfulness to each song. With the thumping rhythm and energetic horns, some songs such as “Jerk Ribs” evoke an uncontrollable craving to dance. Sadly, of the 13 songs, only a few are really memorable, as the rest seem to blend together. Unlike her songs “Milkshake” and “Bossy” from her previous albums, most of the songs are not as catchy. Although these new songs are far more intimate and poetic, the Food that Kelis serves might be too mature for my taste.

When I first heard of Iggy Azalea, I instantly became a fan. Her music pumped me up for anything, whether it was getting some homework done or pursuing my own professional rap career in the shower. Unfortunately, Iggy’s new album, The New Classic, does not live up to its hype. I was looking forward to hearing more catchy songs like her hit single, “Fancy,” and was disappointed when many songs fell flat. All of her songs from her previous EP, Change Your Life, such as “Work,” reappear on this album, and are sadly the strongest points of her new record. One exception is new song “Impossible is Nothing.” It could be a hit, with its motivational lyrics and memorable rhythm, but it is overpowered by others such as “New Chick” and “Don’t Need Y’all” that are quite forgettable, with weak beats. While this is not a terrible album, it is still somewhat of a disappointment. With too many old songs, The New Classic is ironically not that new anymore.

Following the Despicable Me soundtrack, Hans Zimmer and Pharrell Williams return for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. The film score itself is solid, and I expect no less from Zimmer. His unique instrumentations combine a traditional orchestra with creepy whispering and electronic elements. Unfortunately, the bonus tracks are not up to par. The lead single “It’s On Again” starts off strong, hyping the listener with heavy guitar and a strong rap from Kendrick Lamar, but it changes after 30 seconds, leaving you with only a bored Alicia Keys singing over a trite composition. The dull chorus is uninspired, as is Pharrell’s own “Here,” a by-the-numbers love song with cheesy lyrics to match. Other songs such as “That’s My Man” by Liz and “Song of Zula” by Phosphorescent are repetitive and unlistenable, and “Electro Remix” is messy. Perhaps Zimmer himself should have dropped a few bars.


Softball Takes the Lead Baseball Brings the Heat By Samantha Baker Staff Writer Coming off of a WCAL league title last year, the varsity softball team is a force to be reckoned with. Currently, the Monarchs are first in the league with a nearly flawless 21-1 record and are ranked third in the nation by MaxPreps. At the beginning of the season, the softball team played in the Liverpool Stampede TourPhoto courtesy of Mr. Luie Lopez nament. McKinsey Thorpe, a Junior Maddie Kim drives the ball. sophomore, says that the Monarchs “saw some good teams trying to knock us out of the tournament.” They faced tough competitors throughout, but they ended the tournament victoriously with a 5-0 record. As the championship banners and trophies pile up, others teams are looking for the chance to defeat the Monarchs and show the league that they are as fierce as our Mitty softball team. Thankfully, these hardworking girls are not going to let that happen. They have put in hours of practice and preparation throughout the season. Stephanie Kristo, a junior, asserts that “virtually every game we play this year has been and will be a challenge. Because our team is very good, we always have a target on our backs and other teams always play their best game to try to beat us.” Many of these girls have been playing softball since they were in kindergarten, and next year some of the seniors, such as Jazmyn Jackson, Katarina Pance, Anissa Bonilla, and Amanda Shore, will fulfill their dream of playing the sport they love in college. Lindsey Goubeaux, a sophomore, talks about how she first got into softball at a young age: “My mom put me into softball because she played D1. It was her passion and she wanted to pass that down to me, hoping that I would develop a love for the game and make great memories like she did.” These girls have practically had a glove in their hands since they could walk. Of course, no team could be as successful as the Monarchs without a great practice regimen. For example, senior Amanda Shore, says that “the ‘Mitty drill’ includes a series of focused footwork and glove work that we do everyday to practice the most basic and necessary skills. We sprint from base to base doing this as well, so it includes conditioning.” Additionally, the girls get great practice from playing the game “21.” Shore also explains how this drill is played: “Coach Yocke hits balls at us as if it is a real game, until we complete a whole game (21 outs) without any errors. Once we make an error, we have to start completely over—we’ve definitely had two outs in the 7th inning and had to start over.” The Monarchs definitely have plenty of offense, but the team’s defense is what often seals the win. Danielle Bowers says that “we have focused a lot on our defense this season because defense can win and lose games for us. It is very important to support our pitcher working hard for us.” This defensive emphasis goes hand in hand with the fundamentals of the game that are so crucial for every player. Varsity Head Coach Brian Yocke describes the importance of practicing to “working a lot on fundamentals, like we do every year! A lot of individual drills, both defensively as well as working on our swings off the tee. We believe in the process, and the fundamentals are a big part of that process.”

By Amrith Mylvara Staff Writer It’s telling that the comparisons have stopped. When the Archbishop Mitty baseball team threw its first pitch of the 2014 season, with a lights-out pitching staff and deadly offense, everyone rushed to predict and determine what would happen to the Monarchs over the course of the year. A second-place finish to MaxPreps’ preseason Photo courtesy of Mr. Luie Lopez National #1 Saint Francis in the Senior Casey Anderson makes solid contact. loaded WCAL was a popular choice, but so was a third, fourth or even fifth-place finish behind Valley Christian, Serra, and Bellarmine. At the beginning of the season, no one knew what exactly to expect of the Monarchs. And put it together they have. The Monarchs have blazed through non-league and league play alike, posting a 17-5 record so far overall, with two non league games remaining and three WCAL games and a 8-3 record in league play at press time. With marquee wins over Saint Francis, Bellarmine, and Serra, the Monarchs sit in second place in the West Catholic Athletic League standings, ranked 2nd in the Bay Area according to the San Jose Mercury News, and ranked 2nd in Northern California according to Prep2Prep. com. The Monarchs are also currently ranked #20 in the state according to Cal Hi Sports. With eyes aimed at a title to finish out their careers, seniors Luke Rasmussen and Chris Zapata, among others, have stepped up at the plate. Luke is leading the WCAL with a .429 average, and Chris has fifteen hits and nine runs batted in. Junior Kris Bubic emphasizes that “Baseball is a team sport. Every player has a role on the team and can do something to help the team win. Execution also involves team members, and we cannot have the kind of success we want if everyone does not execute. Our energy and intensity is team-driven. If one player is down, we are all down. But we work hard in order to pick each other up and do what good teammates do. We all buy in to our coaches’ philosophies and work together to find a way to win each day.” The Monarchs’ afternoon matinee against the rival Lancers on April 4 lasted into the night. Eleven innings later, the Monarchs had won, behind the stellar pitching of Stanfordbound junior Kris Bubic (0.91 Earned Run Average, 3 wins) threw six innings and senior CJ Romero (2.27 ERA, 7 wins), who shut down the Lancers down the stretch. Junior Brooks Allen ended that game over three hours after it had started with a single in the bottom of the eleventh to the cheers of a raucous crowd and a mob that erupted from the team bench. The Monarchs continued their success on April 8 when they put away Serra easily with a 14-6 final. They followed this up with a 4-0 shutout of Riordan before suffering a close 1-0 loss to Bellarmine. However, they were able to bounce back with three dominant non-league victories at the Boras Invitational in Sacramento. The team beat Grant 8-2 with a stellar performance from Romero, who pitched a complete game while the Monarchs piled on runs. Following this, the Monarchs beat Rio Americano 8-1 and Davis 8-4 the following day, keeping a solid 16-5 overall record, which they upped to 17-5 with a 12-0 victory over Sacred Heart Cathedral when three Monarch pitchers combined to no-hit the Irish. Bubic, Kyle McBerry, and Josh Chestnut combined for the no-hitter.

Swimming and Diving Make a Splash 131-18 win over Sacred Heart Cathedral. They are led by juniors Justin Read and Jordan By Sanjay Raman Vega, two key members of the team. Staff Writer The Monarchs are looking to improve upon their standing from last year and possibly The weather is heating up, which means that it is time for the Monarch Swimmers and Divers to hit the water! After impressive 2nd and 3rd place finishes in WCAL and finish in the top 15 in the CCS meet. Despite the team’s unfortunate defeat against Saint Francis, Vega was able to secure CCS respectively, the Monarch women are likely to achieve even more. So far, they have produced a 5-0 record, including an impressive 106-80 victory over an impressive win in the 200 Individual Medley with a time of 2:01.23. According to Read, “Our toughest opponent in Presentation and a 103-83 win over rival Saint Francis, WCAL is undoubtedly Bellarmine. Bellarmine is which is currently in second place in WCAL at 3-1. undefeated and is likely to win to repeat a section The women are led by junior Sarah Shimomura, championship. Despite this tough competition, swimwhose goal is “to go to nationals this summer and ming is a sport about personal growth, so we really just make the youth Olympic team for the United States.” need to focus on ourselves and how we are improving She finished 3rd in both the 200 yard and 500 yard individually and as a team.” freestyle at CCS last year. Often overlooked is the small yet talented DivAlso leading the team are senior Marie-Pierre ing Team, which has only 9 members and is led by Delisle, who finished 3rd in the 100 yard butterfly, and Stephanie Kerkeles, a sophomore who finished 9th sophomore Morganne MacKennan, who finished 3rd last year at CCS as a freshman. in the 100 yard butterfly and helped the team finish According to junior Sol Kim, the best part about 3rd overall in the CCS meet. being on the team is the sense of encouragement and With some of the top individual performers in support that each member provides to the other. She Northern California, the team is looking to build off comments, “When someone performs an impressive their impressive finish to last year and hopefully win dive, everyone cheers them on.” both WCAL and CCS. AMHS Swimming and Diving has a bright future Meanwhile, the Mitty Men’s team bounced back Photo courtesy of Mr. Luie Lopez that no doubt includes more CCS titles. from a rough 1-4 start to the year, with an impressive Freshman Joyce Lin churns out a powerful butterfly

Sports • May 2014

Page 17

Badminton Smashes Expectations By Justine Marlin Staff Writers The spring sports season is definitely the busiest season of the year, featuring ten programs filled with Mitty athletes. Of these ten sports, it is time to put the spotlight on badminton, a program where recognition is long overdue. The badminton program has also contributed to the many championships that our Mitty athletes have brought home in the last five years. Competing in the Blossom Valley Athletic League (BVAL), instead of the usual West Catholic Athletic League (WCAL), our badminton team has successfully brought home the BVAL championship in 2009 and 2011. Throughout these past years, the young players have all gained experience, setting Mitty up for success in years to come. This season the team is currently in third place with only three losses. Senior Brian Lin, the team’s number one singles player, has only lost one match the entire year He explains that the team has been “working hard every day not only to try to become a better team but also to be a

Men’s Volleyball

By Brian Consiglio and Allex Weil Staff Writers Men’s Lacrosse is cradling many wins thus far this season. The year kicked off to a great 13-5 takedown against Scott’s Valley, and as junior attacker Michael Cerone puts it, this game was the “highlight of the season so far. It started a 5 game win streak going forward and sent our season in the right direction.” The Monarchs have put their best foot forward, in both offense and defense, and have seen great improvement in the transition game of rides and clears. This team has poured out their blood, sweat, and maybe a few tears from junior defender Blaise Demaree, who contributed with his brutal, unyielding defense in a 16-8 victory over Palma. Blaise selflessly attributes the key to their success to “having great seniors leaders that push us to work hard.” One of these outstanding seniors is Connor Sexton, an athletic midfielder and leader of the team, who will be playing lacrosse for Whittier College next year.

By Chaitanya Pedada and Jorge Rodriguez Staff Writers The Archbishop Mitty Men’s Volleyball team is continuing to have a solid season. Currently in third place in the WCAL division, the Monarchs have been extremely successful. The Monarchs have built off of wins against opponents from Galileo, Mills, and Lincoln High School to an even 14-14 record. Along the way, they have had impressive victories over non-league Granite Bay and league member Sacred Heart Cathedral. Coach Will Yuen says the key to the team’s success has been their versatility and depth in their roster, including seniors Evan Saito, Eller Juco, Eric Graven, and Ian Aguilar. Heading into the latter part of the season the Monarchs have been on a roll racking up wins both at home and away. Their recent victories include a 3-0 win against Saint Ignatius, and a 3-1 win against Bellarmine, the league’s number two seed. Sophomore libero Christian Vu believes that the wins “boost our self-confidence and momentum going into the playoffs.”

Photo courtesy of SportsWurlz

Senior Cameron Chien readies for a backhand.

The outstanding success of this team can also be accredited to Coach Wade Tam, who is back for his second year as varsity head coach with a strong core of returning varsity players. The April 12 Saturday night win at Palma under the lights boosted momentum headed into the homestretch of the season. “We don’t respond or retaliate with the cheap shots and trash talking of opponents, opposing coaches, fans, or, even, parents,” says Tam. “We must stay composed and focus on one thing—winning—and not worry about the shenanigans and “extracurriculars” that occur during a game.” That level of focus was certainly required as the team headed into a Thurday Night showdown with the Los Gatos Wildcats. Mikey Cerone scored 5 goals, both Sextons, Connor and Caleb contributed on offense and defense, and the Monarchs prevailed after several ties and lead changes with a big nonleague victory!

As a team they have made great strides but they realize that there is still a long road ahead and need to maximize their strengths in hitting from seniors Ian Aguilar and Eric Graven along with junior Tommy Baumel. Sophomore Philip Brazelton comments, “Our team chemistry continues to build, and each player is making his adjustments to help the team become more successful.” With many new additions, this team has truly molded into a tough competitor as the season has progressed. The Monarchs look to end their season on a high note and get above .500 as they enter the WCAL playoffs. Despite a tough loss against Mountain View on April 29, the Monarchs look to rebound prior to the playoffs. They will have played their final regular season match against Valley Christian by the time this paper goes to press, and will start their WCAL run on Tuesday, May 6. The team seeks to defend their WCAL, CCS, and NorCal titles. Doing this will be no easy task, but the Monarchs definitely have the will and versatility to accomplish it.

Photo courtesy of SportsWurlz

Senior Evan Saito goes for the spike.

The Sports Year in Photos By Arjun Balasingam Sports Editor

Men’s Lacrosse

Photo courtesy of Tanner Haas

Senior Tanner Haas looks to pass.

team with a better attitude.” This hard work has obviously led to the team’s success this year. Each player on the team is crucial to success, including the JV members. In fact, head coach Mr. Will Vargas says that “JV players provide much needed support during practice and in substitution roles,” and this help has been extremely beneficial to the team. The team has had a strong showing throughout this season so far, and that will only continue in seasons to come. Our Monarchs have worked extremely hard over the past few years, allowing badminton to become yet another great team among Mitty’s sixty-seven athletic teams. Coach Vargas shares his hopes for “the entire Mitty community to recognize and appreciate our team’s effort.” These Monarchs have put in the hours during practices and games, and are now ready for our school to notice them! Come out and support our Monarchs on Tuesday, May 13 against Mt. Pleasant for one of their last home games and as they move onto divisional finals starting May 21.

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May 2014 • Photography

Aditya Gunda

Maddie Jones

Monarch Photography

Megan Baggett

Nathan Earnshaw

Skyler Russ

Photography • May 2014

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Rachel Wakley

Amanda Le

Connor Peterson

“We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.” -LeeAnn Taylor

Aditya Gunda

Photography • May 2014

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Experience is everything By Lea Kreck, Class of 2014

“These pictures are meant to represent each model’s personality through color and brushstroke. I was inspired mostly by an understanding of color theory, and how colors–and color combinations–evoke mental and emotional responses. My hope was that someone who may have never met the models in the photographs could grasp a very clear understanding of each model’s character, and how I as both the models’ friend and an artist visualize their souls–as dilettante as that may sound. The photographs are not as much related to transformation as they are to exposure. The purpose of the project was not to change or insinuate change in the person, rather it was meant to create an innate understanding of each model’s character visually. Experience is everything. Having gained more experience in photography has definitely made me more conscious of my stylistic choices and allowed me to take on projects which require more premeditative contemplation than walking down my street and snapping a picture of a flower or cloud. I have found that my work has gained more of a personal style which makes my pictures unique to me and my view of the world.” —Lea

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