Issue No. 1
Vol. No. 1
June-December, 2012
I HAVE BEEN CYBER BULLIED. Jeanne Isabelle of Tabaco National High School shares her experiences on being cyber bullied by a man she does not know on facebook on a local pressconference.
Mayor Luistro prefers no FB “Having no facebook is my preference!” More than 300, 945, 600 Filipinos or 30% of the population are now connected to facebook making themselves more free to express what they want to say. “I dont believe that our freedoms are not absolute, my freedom ends when I infringe upon the freedom of others”, Tabaco City Mayor Krisel Cielo Lagman-Luistro said in a press conference. “Also, the freedom of expression is not absolute, it ends when it infringes the freedom of
others”, she continued. “Honestly, I do not have a facebook account. It is my choice to have no account because I value my privacy. The moment that I’ve posted my pictures in the internet, it is not already mine, the public already owns it.”, Mayor Luistro said. Based on my further research and interviews to the public, most of them mentioned facebook as one of the major cause of cyber bullying and other related violations. As a part of the Cybercrime
DepEd turn to online apps
Connecting 600,000 teachers, staffs and administrators over the archipelago to the common electronic mail (e-mail) and helping them to communicate easily, the Department of Education (DepEd) moved the department on to utilize Google applications for Education. This 21st century approach of having computers or internet as one of their primary needs for educations, it has been a good choice for the DepEd to take advantage of it since that an estimated 29 million Filipinos are already online using shared or mobile devices. Launched by DepEd Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro
FSC, this would allow DepEd to join over 16 million teachers and students worldwide who are already using Google applications for education. “Engaging an e-mail or webmail service will address many of these communication and collaboration challenges. With this collaboration with google, we will significantly reduce our information technology costs”, said Deped Assistant Secretary Reynaldo Laguda. Google Applications allows schools to give Google communication and collaboration applications to the entire education community for free. (Justin Timberlake)
Prevention Act of 2012, they’ve made a way on securing the accounts of the facebook users. Mayor Luistro said that even if her daughter has an fb account and a cellphone she has no intent on looking at the property of her daughter because she belives that she has raised her well.(Albert I HAVE NO FACEBOOK!. Mayor Luistro states that the only thing Einstein) people need self regulation.
Cyberbullying discussed in local confab To address legal issues concerning online interactions in the Philippines, the Republic Act No. 10175 also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 was passed into law on September 12, 2012. During the pres conference held on February 7, 2013 at the Tabaco National High School, a girl, Jeanne Isabelle Bilasano, shared her experiences from being cyberbullied and being harassed online. The law improved the state’s recognition of cyber bullying, cyber sex and other criminal violations done on the internet as a major concern here in the Philippines. Attaining free, easy and intelligible access to exchange access to exchange the delivery of information and the need to protect the integrity and availability of information and data stored, they are making
sure that they are aware of the importance of providing an environment conducive to the development, acceleration and rational application and exploitation of information and communications and technology (ICT). Meanwhile, several government websites has been hacked by unknown people including the official website Philippine National Police (PNP) to be firstly hacked, Department of Health (DOH) and other websites. Websites of Local Government Unit (LGU) like the official account of Tabaco City that was hacked for three days and some minor changes were done and Legazpi City that every bits of informations were changed. Because of this, it has been strongly proved how this law would be helpful to this society especially for the people who
are violated in the internet. In connection with the implementation of the law, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and PNP is responsible for the effective enforcement of the provisions of this act. Regular reports from computer or technology crime division units of PNP or NBI will be submitted to ensure that the technical nature of cybercrime and its prevention is given focus and considering the procedures involved for international cooperation and law enforcement authorities. Republic Act No. 10175 was the first law in the Philippines for computer crimes. The Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 or the Republic Act No. 8792 was just a law for the regulation of computer related activities but not cyber crimes. (Lady Gaga)
Vol. 1 * Issue No. 1 June- December, 2012
Media Ethics
The upcoming 2nd automated election created vast rumors. Not only in the congress and senate but also the youth has something to say. And this is what they say… 1.) I guess the upcoming 2nd automated election is going to be successful since most of the voters are youth and are digital literate 2.) I guess it will be successful of what we are expected since the digital technology users already oriented on what are the flows these automated election. They may have the knowledge to manipulate this process of election. 3.) I don’t know what will happen in the 2nd automated election. But I’m expecting some troubles are going to happen since we all know that this PCOS Machine is very stubborn. 4.) I’m expecting this election to be better than the 1st automated election 5.) The 2nd automated election is a bit interesting. Interesting in a way that we will now use high class of technology in choosing our leaders. In relation with the youth we should be aware and be vigilant even though we are now using this kind of technology in elections. The burden of responsibility for this 2nd automated election is not only for the people who will vote for our next leaders but also to the youth that will be the leaders in the future. Leaders are not born, they are made. Youth will be the next leaders in the coming years and it is their obligation to be part of this important event, the event that will change the future.
F r l e a p t a P S k c c i reen h T and a The whirling of the gears inside the rectangular portals reverberates in the cold night. It was cold, so cold, but I didn’t feel the slightest coldness of the night. Thick dust covered my entire body. I’ve been sitting here for several years and yet my master never pays the slightest attention to me. I know I’m just a mere book, nothing but a book!
Justin Bieber With continuing disputes on various ethical concerns both in actual life and in social media, it has been quite clear that people have never been true masters at capturing the essence of the word “ethics.” The widespread use of the World Wide Web has indeed been greatly beneficial in various ways. Its great importance in modern-day living cannot be stressed enough. From making communication from across different continents possible in a span of a single second to being able to acquire huge amounts of information with a single click is nothing short of a technological miracle. People have stretched their limits. The boundaries that existed years ago have been pushed farther away till media freedom has become as casual as walking. People have pushed boundaries, yes… but they must never forget them. Indeed, the casual use of the so-called internet and the popular social media has strengthened the voice of civilians, but at the same time it has also made them weaker. It has made them susceptible to harsh attacks by people who believe themselves to be ungoverned by things as basic as ethics. This problem has become so widespread that, eventually, people have gone to the extent of seeking legal protection. In the Philippines alone, President Aquino has tried to enforce a law that affects internet-use on a nationwide scale. This, however, has obviously caused quite uproar and was eventually discontinued. Like a pre-school student learning the alphabet before reading, “ethics” must also start at the very basic part of what we know today as social media: Campus Journalists. Campus journalists represent the great population of the internet users: Youth. Being both influential and easily influenced gives them the power to either revolutionize or destroy the social network. But they are faced with a troublesome dilemma. For even after years of using the social network, standard ethics have never actually been established. Thus, campus journalists, probably the most avid users of both the network and the media, try to blindly grasp its true concept. At present, both the web and the media are held only by one glue, one reminder, one guideline: Respect. Respect for both ours and other people’s space. But with the way things are going, even that may no longer be enough. Worst case scenario is it may even cease to exist. What’s the best course of action? The answer is definition. Definitions are important. We have to define “media ethics.”
The world is undergoing a digital revolution, a worldwide transformation turning humankind into manufacturers, as well as end users of the media content. In the 21st century, social media become one of the most influential foundations for news updates and information through systems that facilitate human communication including the social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc). However, this realism must be fully absorbed and the people should face questions about their social status, role, duties and rights as members of the social world. Social media are social programs which facilitates human communication. According to internet surveys and statistics, social media has leave behind pornography as the no. 1 social activity on the web. Moreover, using these media also requires great care. The greater the technological power, the greater the responsibility demanded. On the other hand, many people are still not aware of their responsibilities as producers and manufacturers of media content. Take for example the uncontrolled bullying in these social networking sites. The U.S Cyber bullying Statistics for 2011 shows that 42% are bullied online, 35% are threatened online and 21 % received mean/ threatening emails and text messages. In addition to this, Ryan Halligan, a 14 year-old student in Canada committed suicide due to cyber bullying. The Philippines is also experiencing the same thing. That’s why; the legislators passed the controversial “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012” to protect the rights of every netizens in the country. Take the case of Paula Jaime Salvosa, the victim of the “AMALAYER” video. Most are quick to judge her actions without knowing the details around why she raised her voice at the lady security guard. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter were created to bridge the gap between people. However, they have been an ideal, virtual playground for cyber bullies. According to a survey conducted by Cyber bullying Research Center, 30% of the students ages 11-18 were cyber bullied at some point in their lives. In the Philippines, The National Crime Prevention Center stated that over 60% of the teenagers with internet access have reported being bullied online on 2011. Cyber bullying here in the Philippines does not get much attention as there are no official reported cases about it. But, just because it remains unreported doesn’t mean that it is not really happening. Interviews with local high school students show that youth are aware that cyber bullying is a serious issue. The discernment for responsible utilization of these social media is still going on. As a user of these social media services, what the content of these sites would be on our own control. However, we should be more aware on what could be considered as inappropriate content. Just like the campaign of one of the TV programs about the issue, “Think before you click”.
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“Achhooo!!!” I sneezed so hard as the particles of the dust enter my nose. I’ve been suffering from this sickness ever since. Then my high tech-self stared at me. It was a cod stare. Then the room grew dark as the night enveloped the whole room. I stared at my high-tech self. He was asleep. The electricity that wakes him up is on leave. The room is suffering from block out It has been long years since our master replaced me as his companion with that rectangular portal that has the ability to glow in the dark. I’ve been replaced by the computer. I know I’m not as good as the computer. I know I can’t show different photos from time to time. But I know I’m better. I’m a mere book that doesn’t need the tickling electricity to wake me up. All I need is your hands that will gently flip my pages and read my emotions and belief. All I need is the understanding of my master. The year 2012 was the year of the beginning of the paperless era. It is the revolution of the e-papers or the electronic papers. In this year the e-book is widely known in the land. Most students are using e-books instead of the natural
books. They say that it is more suitable to use especially that they are using laptops and others in their school. E-books are the electrical books that can be downloaded from the internet. E-books can have any topics you want. Also the searching of a certain topic is not that hard. Just open the browser then type the topic in the search bar and click search. But even though most of the students love e-book, the oldies or the adult are against this. Why? Because according to them students who are using e-book are prone to the deadly UV Rays, and other radiations. Also the radiations can destroy the eyes of the user. That’s why they prefer the old books with flipping pages than the electronic books. E-Books really is a great help in our studies, and so is the normal books. E-book is somewhat can affect our health, normal books cannot. But whether we choose e-book or normal book, it all still depends on us on how we shall use it It is obvious that e-book is a product of technology that we have embraced. Let’s use it properly in different ways. Love e-book, don’t set aside normal book.
“In an ideal world, we don’t need law to regulate ourselves…all we need is ourselves to regulate us” -Mayor KriselCieloLagman-Luistro 2000 was the era of the continuous expansion of the technology. It was the epoch of great change in the lifestyle of every individual. It is the year of change in science in morality. It is the year of making a choice. Our country these days is slowly being embraced and is embracing back the technology. Wherever you set your eyes on you’ll notice that almost everyone is digital literate. Everything is being manipulated by technology. We are moving and breathing in world of technology. And together with the change in our environment, our feature in life also changed. Our aspect in identifying what’s right and wrong has also changed. We see the wrong thing as the right one, and the right one as the wrong one. We begin to search for more freedom. We build world that is ideal. The world which is the internet. Inside this world, people abused the freedom that is limited to each and every one. They became blind and didn’t see the lines drawn. And because of that the law makers of the land created a law that will manipulate the disordered state inside the internet. It is the law known s the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. But do we really need a law so that we will be able to see the line and limitations. Do we really need a certain law that will manipulate our every move for us to act disciplined all the time. No! With or without law, we can manipulate everything. We don’t need some law to control us, or a law that will tell us what to act. All we need is our self to regulate us. All we need is self-regulation. As what the beloved mayor of the city of love, she said that we don’t need law to regulate us; all we need is ourselves to regulate us. She also said that ethics truly changed, and the decision of picking what’s wrong from right all depends on us. “Even though without law, I can regulate myself”, Mayor Luistro said during the press conference. Our world will continue to change, and our aspects will change as well. We don’t need laws to manipulate us, all we need is self-discipline in regulating us.
Vol. 1 * Issue No. 1 June- December, 2012
Law Bre athing in an Artific ial Wor ld
It was dark. The whirling gears of the rectangular portal are reverberating in the wet foggy night. Yes I shall decide. Stay in this world full of deafening silence of chaos, or simply click open the rectangular portals that will teleport I from the real world to the ideal world-the cyberspace? Ever since the digital portals or the personal computers and its relatives like the touchpad, laptops, cellphone, iPod, and others are given permission to breathe and move in the green planet called Earth, the lifestyle of the humans slowly changed. Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, and others don’t use paper in making their reports, project proposals, and contracts; insteadthey use Microsoft word and send it via e-mail.They don’t use manila papers and cartolinas for visual aids, just click open the digital portal and open Microsoft Power Point and viola, visual aid done as easy as a pie. And Earth little by little journeyed its path to the paperless epoch. And together with these changes, an artificial yet ideal world was created by the genius Earthlings. This ideal world is very similar with our real world. It has shopping centers where we can shop anytime of the day like the and the This world has videoke bar like the, cinemas, cartoon network and most of all, this ideal world has an artificial world in it. It is the civic we Earthlings known as the Facebook, twitter, yahoo mail, and others. And because of that the settlers in the cyber world worried so much and return in the real world. Now both worlds are in a pandemonium state. So the law makers of the real world finally agreed that the artificial world also needs a hero, a guardian that will serve as a hero and a watcher at the same time. Last June 4-5, 2012, the savior of the cyber space was given the permission to wander and look for the fraud trolls in the cyberspace. The hero was formally named as the Republic Act No.10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. The hero Cybercrime Prevention created a big gasp of relief to those who suffered under the bullying of the fraud trolls, and fear to the fraud trolls and to those who are planning to become the apprentice of this trolls. Cybercrime Prevention Act focuses on the crimes committed inside the Cyberspace like the cybersex, cyber bullying, identity theft, libel, illegal access to data and many more cyber offenses. The hero’s main concern is to deliver the trolls behind the screen into their rightful thrown which is the located behind the jail bars, and to secure the safety of those who are troubledof what other trolls might do. The birthday of the hero give the internet users a sigh of relief. It also gives the settlers in the cyberspace a warning if ever they cross the line. This hero sets the limitation of what we must say and do. But even though the two worlds are now being manipulated by the law, we can’t still deny that there’s no such place in this world that doesn’t have any rule and regulations. Even our very own room has rules to be followed right? Living in a world being controlled by a law is not that bad. Let’s just keep in mind that this world will not be beautiful without villains being chased by the power of the law. Life will be plain like a cracker without taste. Now please excuse me as I enter the portal that will teleport myself in to the cyberspace. I’m neither nervous nor anxious. I know I’ll be safe there.
Donaire outpunches Vazquez
A Knot Between the Punches If losses would be the basis of life, Many “Pacman” Pacquiao could have been by dead by now. But still, it’s good he’s living the life he lived during his flourishing years yet it’s very sad, some Filipinos dig a grave for him. It was just this December 8 when his downfall poked its head out its hole, the eight-division champion, the pound-for-pound king, the undefeated knelt before his greatest rival Juan Manuel “Dynamita” Marquez in the sixth round. After such loss, many grieved but many also rejoiced. And it’s sad to think that Filipinos belonged to both. On December 11, the house was further divided. Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire seized win over Jeorge Arce in the third round, knocking him down in every round. So, there emerge those who rejoiced for him. But those who grieved for Pacman hasn’t gone yet, as well as those who rejoice for his loss. And the case that one emerged loser while one emerged as the winner, gave rise to comparison of the two. In the Pound-for-Pound Ranking, Donaire leapt to rank 5 whereas Pacquiao was in a sleep fall from the King to rank 6. His “Kababayan” is just right atop his name on the list, and that stirred everything into a complex whirl of criticisms and praises. So if losses would again be the basis of life, Donaire could have been on top of everything since it was his fourth fight and fourth win for the year 2012 without losing. Criticisms, vulgar and deep-stabbing, hit the former poundfor-pound king. Many compared him to the victorious Filipino Flash, many even called for a battle and many even demanded that he quit boxing and focus on his leadership and preaching. But winners never quit and quitters never win. He never quits so he’s a winner. It was just bad and wrong that we favor someone because he holds success in his hands and shares it with us but when loss is engulfing him, we can’t resist receiving the share. Now, with the fates of the two boxers woven into a knot, the country exhibits various emotions regarding the issue, some rejoice for both, we will continue to judge someone with losses as basis, instead of the wins, we will never experience a bright world since we look at the negative side of things. Negative things give rise to its kind. The world would be a mass of black and white if we count that were evaded instead of those that touched.
Spattering challenger Wilfredo Vazquez with rigid hooks and sending him to the floor in the ninth round, Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire retained his WBO Junior Featherweight belt after seizing a split decision victory in their 12th-round in the 122pound division held at Alamo Dome, San Antonio, Texas on April 2012. Watched by over a thousand boxing fantasies cheering at event, both displayed their firm build immediately in the first round as they countered each other attacks successfully fire flickered between the two as they turned aggressive sending rigid head and body shots. As the rivals stirred into heat in the second round, the Puerto Rican boxer launched a devastating right hook that sent his
opponent to the floor but goes up right away. But the resilient Filipino Flash was not to relinquish proving his might as he nailed his foe to the corner by pummeling him with body shots, and dodging his attacks in the next two consecutive rounds. Though injured when Vazquez hit his cheek with a drastic headshot in the fifth round, Donaire returned with counterpunches. After exchanging blows, Vazquez launched body shots most landing on his opponent finally tugging the sixth and seventh end to his side. Yet the Filipino boxer came back in the ninth round letting loose an auspicious rigid hook that sent his opponent down and the spectators up on their feet. On the next rounds, both
boxers boasted their remorseless executions not letting the other prevail and the contender being trapped in the defenders swift attacks struggled to keep pace but failed and though he executed a number of successful punches, he drowned in loss as the other copped victory leaving him no chance as the game terminated. Scores were 115-112, 117110, 117-110, the last two favoring the Filipino Flash. Donaire is undefeated for nearly 10 years, pronounced to be a 4-year time world champion whereas Vazquez lost to Jorge Arce in his recent fight. Before his fight, the former had 27 wins with 18 knock-outs and one loss; while the latter has 21 wins with 17 knockouts, a loss and a draw.(Arnel Pineda)
ON THE ACT. “The Filipino Flash” Nonito Donaire releases a punch as the rivals displayed a red hot war held at Almadome, San Antonio, Texas.
In and Out of the Ring
Brave. Witty. Supreme. These three words are actually inadequate to describe a champion as Nonito Donaire. For such an undefeated boxer, he is more than what his punches given anyone. Born to an elite family and living in General Santos City, since his younger years, he has been engaged in boxing. He was an Olympian boxer but unfortunately found no success in it. But as determined as he is now, he never gave up boxing and perseverance is presently lifting him to his aspirations, to be a champion. Now 30 years old, he was pronounced as the 2012 Boxer of the Year, presently undefeated for almost ten years and fifth in the Pound-forPound Ranking. Reasons for this, as many say, are his strength, speed and wit, which are all natural attributes of a brave Filipino. Many issues challenged his credibility as a boxer and even his personal life, but he was never
injured by them. He was a really tough boxer and a tough person. They were just weak jabs that he gracefully dodged. Life is a boxing ring, worse is that there’s no limit for the number of players but the worst is you can be hit anywhere by anything. If you don’t have the courage to set foot on it, to go rough-and-tumble with the others and the endurance and wit to resist and evade their attacks, you’d only be a fish out of the water, a fish living a dead life. If we take the Filipino flash as an example, live the life he lives exempting his boxing profession but rather taking it the other way, if we’d be determined, strong and smart enough we will win every challenge in life just like him winning four fights in a row for year 2012. We will only be successful if we will be good fighters in and out of any battlefield, like Donaire in and out of the ring.