5 Valuable Tips to Protect your Online Privacy 1) Protect your personal information The boom of social networks has brought a new internet user behavior. You can share your opinion online about a book, movie or TV show, even the dish being consumed at that moment in a restaurant. Apps like Twitter and Facebook also allow you to share your exact location on the network. And then you can live the great danger. An attacker can use information from your routine to plan a kidnapping, for example. So be careful with everything you published on the networks. And be sure to avoid sharing phone number, address and bank account information in an open, if necessary, choose inbox and other means of private messages. It is crucial to have online privacy protection idea.
Learn to maintain your privacy 2) How to Protect your privacy in Social Media If you use sites like Facebook or Twitter, manage their privacy settings so that anyone not see your information, you can also approve all the people who follow you. Some people also use a slightly different name in social media, reversing the order of the surname, for example. 3) Use one Internet connection secure, private Use a reliable, secure network at home and at work. Be very careful when using public networks and free Wi-Fi. If you have a Wi-Fi network at home, remember to set a different password from that defined by your router manufacturer, then you help enhance the security of your network against intruders and improve your online privacy protection. Also, when browsing your online banking sites, make sure that the web address at the top of your browser begins with "https", ie, your visit to the site has been encrypted and is secure. 4) How to Protect Your Privacy with the help of Programs Have a good privacy protector is extremely important to maintain your privacy and prevent hacker attacks and leakage of their information. The Amigabit PowerBooster provides a reliable way to keep your data safe program, while optimizing your navigation. This program can help you clean up the cache, cookies, history, browser records, Window's temp folder, run history, network password, search history, recent documents, etc. Using the Protect
Privacy of Amigabit PowerBooster is a security guarantee. 5) Understand which applications are accessing your information When you download apps, make sure you know what information they will need to access (for example, some will ask if you want to access your contact list or your Facebook account). Suddenly, one facing to edit photos request access to your email or contacts, app wary and choose "no."