14. SCIENCE OF TAJWĪD (5) The Position of the sound of consonant mīm “m” )( ْم There are three positions: 1. Followed by another mīm “m”ْ )ْ(م, so that we have two mīms, namely, “mm” )(م ْـْم, and we say it in idghām as one mīm with shaddah, namely, “mm” ) ْ( ّمwith an extra “m” (or tap) to strongly indicate “the union” of the two. For example: ْ َولَ ُكمْمَّاْ َك َسب ُتمwa lakum mā kasabtun is read ْ wa lakum mmaa kasabətun ُكن ُتمْْمْسلِمِينkuntum muslimīn is read kuntum mmuslimiin Originally, there was no vowel sign like ْْولكمْماْكسبتم andكنتمْمسلمين, but in order to facilitate reading for non-Arabsْ the vowel signs are added like this ْ َولَ ُكم ْ َماْ َك َسب ُتمand this ْ ُكن ُتم ْمُسلِمِين, and the whole Qur’ān are with vowel signs. Yet, in order to read it correctly, a shaddah sign is put on the letters concerned, in this case,ْ َماand ْ مُسلِمِينand it becomes ( َّْماmmaa = mma- =mmā) and ْ( مْس ِلمِينmmuslimiin or mmuslimi-n) as seen above. If we apply this rule in English, we will stress the sound “m” when we say “room mmate,” “immmoral” and immmature. Another example where shaddah sign is added is min ladun مِن ْلَ ُدن. Since we have to read it as milladun a shaddah sign is put on the letter “l” ْ) (لand becomes “ll” )ّ(ل, namely, ْمِن ْلَّ ُدن. Therefore, we have to drop the “n” and read it milladun. (We cannot read min-lladun). 2. Followed by letter bā’ ) (ب, namely, mbْ) (مْـْب, the sound “m” becomes unclear )(إِخ َفاء, such asْارة َ ْ َترمِي ِهمْ َبح َِجtarmīhim biḥijārahْ should be read tarmiihiŋ biḥijaarah. We remember that when the sound “n” ) (نis followed by “b”ْ) ْ(بthe combined sounds become “mb” (rather than “nb”) called iqlāb (substitution), such as Canberra, rainbow and green beans (read as Camberra, raimbow and greem beans respectively), now the mb is read ŋb, such as cucumber is read cucuŋber, and you will know what