15. THE AMAZING QUR’ᾹN (1) History keeps repeating itself. Fourteen centuries ago, Khālid ibn al-Walīd under his leadership ensured the victory of the Makkkan army over the Muslim army led by the Prophet in the Battle of Uḥud in 3/625. Four years later, in 7/629 Khālid ibn al-Walīd came to Madinah and went to the Prophet and converted to Islam. Since then, he became the defender of Islam and the Prophet’s general in his campaigns due to his mastership in warfare. He was called as his epithet, “Sayf al-Islām”, “the Sword of Islam.” In our modern time we have Dr. Garry Miller who had accepted the challenge of the Qur’ān in 1977. One year later he became Muslim, the defender of the Qur’ān and a propagator of Islam worldwide. He conducted many debates, discussions, speeches, and one of his main topics is the wondrous nature of the Qur’ān as evidence of its divine origin. A person among the audience at the end of his speech about the amazing Qur’ān asked him why he used the term “amazing” for the Qur’ān instead of the “Noble” Qur’ān ) (القرآن الكريمas the title of his topic. He answered that this title “amazing” was originally from non-Muslim scholars who were amazed with the Qur’ān, although they did not believe in it as divine revelation. He said that in the Qur’ān itself this expression is found. What he meant is the following Qur’ānic verse: )1:قُل أُوحِي إِلي أن ُه استمع نفر مِن ال ِجن فقال ُوا إِنا سمِعنا قُرآ ًنا عجبًا (الجن Say (O Muhammad): “It has been revealed to me that a group jinn listened (to this Qur’an). They said: ‘Verily, we have heard a wonderful Recitation (this Qur’an)!…’” (Q. 72:1) This wonderful recitation is itself the amazing Qur’ān. Dr. Miller also said that besides “Noble” the term the “Glorious” ) (مجيدis also attributed to the Qur’ān, as mentioned by the Qur’an itself, as follows: )11-11: فِي لوح مح ُفوظ (البروج.بل هُو قُرآن م ِجيد