19. ASBĀB AL-WURŪD The Muslim scholar Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691751/1292-1349) said that the root of every bid‘ah (innovation) and deviation in Islam is misunderstanding what Allah and His Messenger had intended; it is even the source of every mistake in the principles and branches of religion, especially if it is accompanied with bad intention." Allah said in the Qur’ān that He had perfected Islam, had completed His Favour upon us, and had chosen for us Islam as our religion (Q. 5:3). However, many Muslims still do not fully understand the meanings and the laws derived from it. Muslim scholars have different levels of understanding its meanings and these laws, as nobody knows it entirely except Allah. Allah gives different levels of knowledge and wisdom to His servants, and this is Allah’s Wisdom, so that they have to learn from each other, and come to mutual understanding and agreement. Among the Prophet’s companions some of them who were more knowledgeable than the others or who had better quality than the others: the most knowledgeable on farā’iḍ (the law of inheritance) was Zayd ibn Thābit, the most knowledgeable on the reading of the Qur’ān was Ubayy ibn Ka‘b, on what is ḥalāl (legal, permitted) and on what is ḥarām (illegal, prohibited) was Mu‘ādh ibn Jabal, on the interpretation of the Qur’ān was ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbās, the most compassionate towards the Muslims was Abū Bakr, the most strict on Allah’s command was ‘Umar, the most shy was ‘Uthmān, and it was reported that the most knowledgeable on judicial decision was ‘Alī, whereas the amīn al-ummah (the trusty of the community) was Abū ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrāḥ. Among the importance science in understanding the ḥadīth is ( أَسْ َبابُ وُ ر ُْو ِد ْال َح ِديْثthe reasons for the mentioning the ḥadīth), or simply called asbab al-wurūd. There are many benefits of knowing it, among which are as follows: 1. Understanding the motive of the ḥadīth, such as: