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8. FASTING IN RAMADAN (1) The month of Ramdan is a holy month where Muslims are ordered to fast. The Prophet’s grand-father ‘Abd alMuṭṭalib who was a ḥanīf1 (a true believer) glorified this month with giving charities, feeding the needy, did taḥannuth (withdrew in seclusion, performing work of devotion) in the cave of Ḥirā’. It is said that Zayd ibn ‘Amr ibn Nufayl the uncle and half-brother of ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb did the same thing. As a ḥanīf Hishām ibn ‘Urwah from his father on the authority of his mother Asmā’ bint Abū Bakr said that she saw Zayd ibn ‘Amr as a very old man leaning his back on the Ka‘bah and saying, “O Quraysh, By Him in whose hand is the soul of Zayd, not one of you follows the religion of Abraham but I.” Then he said: “O Allah, if I knew how you wished to be worshipped I would so worship you; but I do not know.” Then he prostrated himself on the palms of his hands. Abū Usāmah narrated from Hishām that Zayd ibn ‘Amr said: “My God is the God of Abraham” and said to a person who wanted to bury his infant daughter alive, “Do not kill her, give her to me, and when she grows up, either you take her back or give her to me.” (Reported by al-Nasā’ī) It was through the influence of ‘Abd al- Muṭṭalib the Arabs in pre-Islamic Arabia also honored this month of Ramdan. They almost avoided war in this month like the four months (Rajab, Dhū‘l-Qi‘dah, Dhū ‘l-Ḥijjah, and Muḥarram) where war was prohibited.2 Following the practice of his uncle, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬also used to go to the cave Ḥirā’ doing the taḥannuth until the Archangel Gabriel came to him with the first revelation. 66 ‫ ص‬- ‫ الحزب الهاشمي‬- ‫ الدكتور سيد القمني‬. 12 ‫ الجذور التاريخية للشريعة اإلسالمية – ص‬- ‫ خليل عبد الكريم‬. The term alḥanīfiyyah )‫ (الحنيفية‬literally means ‫( ال َميْل‬inclination), technically means ‫“ ال َميْل إلَى ْال َح ِّق‬attachment to the truth”, namely the true religion of Abraham a.s. 1 2

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