CHAPTER II IBN QUTAYBAH'S REFUTATION OF ALLEGATIONS OF SOLECISM, CONTRADICTION AND AMBIGUITY IN THE VERSES OF THE QUR’ĀN A. Variant Readings in the Qur’ān There has never been any disagreement among the ‘ulamā’ that the Qur'ān was revealed in seven ah.ruf (lit., "letters"), as it was reported by many s.ah.ābah, such as „Umar, „Uthmān, Ubayy ibn Ka„b, Abū Hurayrah, „Abd Allāh ibn „Abbās, and „Abd Allāh ibn Mas„ūd1 in many h.adīths. One of these h.adīths runs as follows: [from „Umar b. al-Khat.t.āb] I heard Hishām b. H.ākim2 recite the sūra of the Furqān (25) during the lifetime of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. I listened to his recitation, and [noticed that] he was reciting according to many h.arfs in which the Messenger of God had never had me recite. I was about to grab hold of him in [the middle of his] prayer, but I waited till he had recited the final salutations. When he had finished, I seized him by his robe and said: 'Who taught you to recite the sūra which I have just heard you recite?' He said: 'The Messenger of God taught me to recite it.' I said: 'You are lying. By God, the Messenger of God himself taught me to recite this sūra which I have just heard you recite.' So I hurriedly took him to the Messenger of God and said: 'O Messenger of God, I have heard this man recite the sūra of the Furqān in h.arfs in which you never taught me to recite, and it was you yourself who taught me to recite the sūra of the Furqān.' (...) The Messenger of God said: 'Let him go, „Umar; and you Hishām, recite.' So he recited for him the recitation I had heard him recite and the Messenger of God said: 'It was sent down like that.' Then the Messenger of God said: '[Now] you recite, „Umar', and I recited it as the Messenger of God had taught me. Then the Messenger of God said: 'It was sent down like that.' Then the Messenger of God said: 'Indeed, this Qur'ān was sent down in seven h.arfs. You should recite whichever comes easily to you.'[15]3