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1. Allah’s Justice and Compassion (30 May, 2003)

Brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah says in the Qur‟an:

―And We shall set up balances of justice on the Day of Resurrection, then none will be dealt with unjustly in anything. And if there be the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it. And sufficient are We to take account.‖ (Q. 21:47)

Abdullah Yusuf Ali‟s commentary on this verse is this: “What is meant is that when Allah takes account, His accounting will be perfect: there will be no flaw in it, as there may be in earthly accountants, who require other people‟s help in some matters of account which they do not understand for want of knowledge of that particular department they are dealing with. Allah‟s knowledge is perfect, and therefore His justice will be perfect also; for He will not fail to take into account all the most intangible things that determine conduct and character.”

In this verse the term

is in plural rather than the singular

meaning “balance” or “scale”. Different persons have different

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