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Drapes & Windows

Wall Section Presented project has been designed through the Architecture design 3 course: “the learning environments.� Procedure of sheets declares the design process. Design started with site analysis. As first steps of the design process shaped up, researches and studies were done to understand the approaches of nowadays schools all around the world. In these studies the importance of sustainability and green buildings approach towards it stood above all the other approaches. Class as the main part of school was designed first with details and specifications demanded by both the approach and methodology. Methodology of design can be classified in the category of Metabolistic architecture, arrangement of the classes considering the structural and equipments such as plumbing and etc. Formed the overall form of the building

Architecture Final Design A House for Two Generation Elderly care center and kindergarten

While it’s unclear what kind of impact such social interaction has on children, research suggests it may come with a variety of benefits for them as well. For example, kids who have early contact with older people are less likely to view them as incompetent—and simply exposing children to positive depictions of elders makes them less likely to exhibit ageism. These intergenerational interactions also enhance children’s social and personal development.

The program was designed to counterbalance the loneliness and boredom that so often characterize life in a nursing facility. These challenges can be particularly evident in homes like the Mount, where the average age is 92 and residents are largely fragile, non-ambulatory, and in need of significant assistance. “We wanted a living, vibrant community; to make sure that this was a place where people came to live, not die.”

A House for Two Generation Elderly care center and kindergarten Architecture Model

Department of Theater & Cinema Design Architecture Model


Elevating Erie: Ideas Competition for a Biodiverse Boulevard.

Team Members: Amir Hossein Teymourtash, Nazanin Rezaei Sepideh Garivani


The creation of the Erie Canal was a paradigm shift for American progress in the 19th century, leveraging hundreds of miles of canal networks capable of generating cities out of swamps and ushering in a new era of exchange. Over a century later, what was the original Erie Canal through Central New York has been capped over with urban development and sprawl. We have an opportunity to reposition Erie as the vehicle for a globally relevant, ecologically turbocharged urban corridor. The Elevating Erie ideas competition sought proposals that considered our current global biodiversity challenges in urbanized regions by developing solutions specific to the Erie Canalway Trail along Erie Boulevard East in Syracuse NY. Entries were received from diverse disciplines providing ideas that would: + STIMULATE A HEALTHY URBAN CORRIDOR + INCREASE BIODIVERSITY, HABITAT CREATION + ESTABLISH RECREATION + PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH + DEVELOP MULTI-MODAL CONNECTIVITY The City of Syracuse and Town of DeWitt hosted the Elevating Erie Ideas Competition to identify innovative ideas that would stimulate and guide positive future development in the Town and the City. This jointly-sponsored ideas competition– made possible with funding from the New York State Department of State–invited proposals for connecting one of the most urbanized areas of the Erie Canalway Trail.


Create a bundle of various systems that include; Ecological green-way, urban agriculture, pedestrian board way, plaza and bike-path. Each system continues on their own outside but while at the branch they overlap and interact in various ways. Restructure a new canal to create a wet corridor that provides water transportation and water based recreation. Reinforce with a green network that builds on the existing neighborhood grids. The combination could change the boulevard from a “pass through� to a regional destination.

City Above the City architect’s Competition Team Members: Amirhossein Teymourtash, Nazanin Rezaei, Anahita Moslehian, Hanieh Gholami, &​​​ Sepideh Garivani​

In June 2016 we challenged architects and students of architecture from around the world to push the boundaries of modern wood building design in the urban environment. Entrants were asked to select a centrally-located building in one of the world’s most populated cities and develop an innovative wood design solution that adds density through additional floor area. Known buildings, especially buildings under threat of demolition were encouraged as sites for revitalization, new development and innovation. The results were announced on November 1st 2016.

///Paper folding mechanisms...

LIGHT MATTERS: Mashrabiya Self Study Project Location: Personal House in Yazd City, Iran Size: 1.0 m x 1.2 m

Mashrabiya is a hybrid architectural element revealing the shifting cultural, historical and political dimensions in light of cultural globalization, foregrounding thereby the notion of identity as a process of constant flux and cultural exchange. Mashrabiya is a spiritual, decorative, and functional architectural element that merges the form and function of the Islamic window screen with a conventional jalousie, taking on the materiality of local culture. In its multicultural symbolism and formal references, the project performs as a multicultural signifier connecting multiple histories and geographies into a dynamic spatial experience. The delicate Mashrabiya has offered effective protection against intense sunlight in the Middle East for several centuries. Depending on the position and the gaze of the visitors, the perception of the piece and the spatial experience changes.

///Thefolded paper screen with cuts gives shade and protection from the hot summer sun.` Personal House in Yazd City, Iran

In this project the folded paper screen with cuts gives shade and protection from the hot summer sun of Yazd city where people were able to adapt to very hard climate condition through millenniums, while allowing the cool air from the courtyard to flow through. During the daytime, high walls around a courtyard means that much of the surface of the courtyard remains shaded. Thus, the courtyard, especially when planted with trees and when it features a water pool (a common element) effectively maintains a comfortable, shaded, and humid micro-climate. The designs of the latticework are usually with smaller opening in the bottom part and larger openings in the higher parts, hence causing the draft to be fast above the head and slow in lower parts. This provides a significant amount of air moving in the room without causing it to be uncomfortable. ///Paper folding mechanisms...

light shader

heat cool air flow

///3D diagram

///Light in Iranian architecture

///Paper shader and the windcatcher- YAZD city

Parametric design is increasing the need for variation, much of which goes unbuilt because of traditional construction methods’ failure to adapt to new digital technologies, Because it is easy to produce, the fabric allows users to create many shapes without having to cast a unique mold every time they produce a new shape. This lends itself well to parametric design, where dramatic forms can be achieved by digitally altering a set of variables at the design stage.

FABRIC CAST Self Study Project

Material: Concrete, Wood (frame), Cement base Concrete, Lycra. Team Members: A.H. Teymourtash M. Nassirinia D.Sanagostar

We see Fabric Forms as one of many ways to bridge that gap... It allows us to create compound curvature out of a cast object that would otherwise be destroyed when rigid form work is removed. It is also, according to the designers, a more sustainable alternative that would reduce labor and material costs, as well as being faster than traditional construction methods. Traditional casting methods are both labor intensive and unsustainable.

Plywood formwork is often stripped and discarded after concrete has cured. Once the concrete is set, the fabric is then stripped away, leaving minimal waste. The pieces take approximately 45 minutes to harden. ///The resulting shape was sanded back to make a functional side table or stool.

///Above: the two patterned membranes of rubber are sewn together on an industrial sewing machine.

FABRIC CAST PROJECT is a project rooted in materials research and applications for new methods of elastic formwork casting derived from minimal surface algorithmic geometries. Traditional casting methods are both labor intensive and unsustainable,This method could provide the industry with a flexible tool for realizing parametric design. STEP 1





///Parametric design steps- Rhino+ Grasshopper

/// An alternative to casting concrete in fabric is to use fabric that is actually impregnated with concrete. This achieves a different aesthetic and has not yet been used to create load-bearing building structures. /// A plaster, water mix is poured into the tightly stitched Lycra pattern and left to set.

The stitched sheets of Lycra are fixed to wooden frames constructed of scrap material. These textured fabric canvasses are then pulled taut and fixed to wooden frames before being filled with plaster.

Arduino Solar Tracker Shader The delicate, movable photo voltaic modules can be mounted onto a lightweight structure on the building envelope. Thus, they are suited for both restoration and new construction projects. Their reduced weight also allows them to be installed in places not suited for conventional solar systems. However, the modules are not only lightweight and flexible, they are rather multi functional. Aside from energy production, they offer shading and daylight control for the interior as well as individual adjustments to the view by the occupant. The facade is also equipped to store energy: In the case of excess energy, the excess is transformed into pressurised air, which can be stored and used to adjust the movable modules at a later stage, for example in bad weather when no energy is generated. The facade features a varied, dynamic appearance with modules continuously reacting to changes in their environment.


The Arduino Uno is a micro controller board based on the ATmega328 (data-sheet). It has 14 digital input output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the micro controller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.

PROGRAMMING AND FLOWCHART The following project is sectionalized in 3 stages comprising of an input stage where the input is taken from the two sensors i.e. LDR and Hall Effect sensor. A controller part receives the signal from sensors and gives command and last stage is the driving unit that contains Servo motor used to position the solar shader which designed with origami technique that can easily fold and reflect to light.


Geometric formulation

Date: 8-9 March, 2017 Director: Dr. Maziar Asefi Assistant: Reza Salehi, Amin Masoomzade



The need for a deplorable/fold able structure has existed for many years; this appeared ever since people came across the necessity of moving from a place to another to find more appropriate environments to live in. Lightweight, small and compact structures such as tents, tepees and yurts always seemed more satisfactory to them. Therefore, it can be seen that the concept of fold able/deployable structures is not new. Among the many studies of structures, the great Renaissance thinker and artist, Leonardo da Vinci has a sketch of a simple planar deployable mechanism. Three-dimensional structures of this type were first developed by Spanish engineer Emilio Perez Pinero as in Chilton. The work of Pinero was sadly curtailed due to his untimely death. However, in later years his ideas were taken up and further developed by Ziegler, Calatrava, Valcarcel, Rosenfeld Connor, Shan.

Foldalbe structures have two different applications, for terrestrial uses and also for outer space purposes. Some important applications are as follows: Emergency shelters, bridges, buildings and shelters in remote sites, temporary protective covers, replaceable warehouses, lightweight camping and recreational structures, antennas and towers, greenhouses, other agricultural, military, social, cultural, industrial and space applications.

Deployable structures can be grouped into two categories, surface structures that consist of 2-D building modules, and strut structures in which the basic modules are 1-D bars with truss or beam action. In compatible structures, there is no stress and residual strain in folded state, during deployment and deployed state. These types of structures behaves as mechanisms in all states, so it is essential to add other elements for stabling the structure. In incompatible structures there is no stress in folded state, but during deployment and in the deployed configuration, residual stress and curved members are developed. Therefore, there is no need to add other elements for stabling the structures. A scissor-like element, called Duplet, consists of two elements, named uniplets. in general, there are two types of duplets, regular and irregular duplets. Regular duplets are rectangular and irregular ones are trapezoidal. Using trapezoidal duplets in two directions results in a dome, and the rectangular ones in two directions results in a flat structure.

///Flat foldable structure in the folded and fully deployed configurations

Irregular duplet

Regualr duplet

/// Using trapezoidal duplets in two directions results in a dome and its special connection for changeable foldable dome structure.

///Regular & Irregular duplets

///Barrel vault with circular curvature

A loop assembly is formed of at least three scissors-pairs, at least two of the pairs comprising two identical rigid angulated strut elements, each having a central and two terminal pivot points with centers which do not lie in a straight line, each strut

being pivotally joined to the other of its pair by their central pivot points. The terminal pivot points of each of the scissors-pairs are pivotally joined to the terminal pivot points of the adjacent pair such that both scissors-pairs lie essentially in the same plane.


INTRO As a result of the hand-made assemblage, the finished parametric wall differs from the initial drawings, but we believe, Digital fabrication provides an excessive degree of precision, yet to some extent this precision is not necessarily visible to the human eye. On the other hand, whereas digital technology can be a luxury in the building industry, handmade construction method opens parametric design to a larger section of society.

Date: 29-30 April, 2017 Director: Alireza Mashhadi Mirza Location: Bafq, Yazd, Iran Size: 1.2 m X2.4 m Team Members: A.H. Teymourtash,

M.Nassirinia, A.S. Pakseresht, A.Sedegheian Z.Abbasi, M.Beikeian, F.Mansori F.Shoja,

Bricks have been used in the construction industry as a building medium for millennial. Distinct patterns of bricks depict the unique aesthetic intentions found in Roman, Gothic and Islamic architecture. In contemporary practice, the use of digital tools in design has enabled methodologies for creating new forms in architecture. CAD and BIM systems provide new opportunities for designers to create parametric objects for building form generation. In masonry design, there exists an inherent contradiction between traditional patterns in brick design, which are formal and prescribed, and the potential for new patterns generated using design scripting. In addition, current tools do not provide interactive techniques for the design of the brickwork patterns in a way that changes of the pattern can be managed parametrically while being mapped to the brick wall in real time. An interactive technique can help to inform and influence the design process, by providing constant feedback on the constructive aspects of the proposed brick pattern and its geometry.

The methodology uses scripting techniques to achieve interactive design of brickworks in real-time. In order to demonstrate the tool, we need a platform to visualize 3D bricks where the position of each brick can be accessed individually. Each block needs to be rotated with a specific angle to contribute to the overall pattern. The foundation platform for the application is Rhinoceros and the Grasshopper plug-in. Also, a sketching tool is required where we can create images interactively to drive the desired pattern.

/// Bafq city palm tree bark pattern

Yaw rotation of a brick

Yaw is a rotation that is an aviation term for this particular rotation around one of the Euler axes (i.e. yaw axis) and in this context is a rotation around the vertical axis through a masonry unit. This specific method of brickwork can be found in contemporary buildings.

/// Bafq city palm tree bark pattern mapped to the brick wall


The design process and fabrication looks into the parametric techniques that can be applied to create different kinds of patterns on brick walls. It discusses a methodology for an interactive brickwork design within generative techniques. By integrating data between two computational platforms – the first based on image analysis and the second on parametric modeling, we demonstrate a methodology and application that can generate interactive arbitrary patterns and map it to the brick wall in real-time.


/// Brick wall model with palm stem pattern mapped to it Brick row B-13 Brick row A-15

Digital Painting... Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques (such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc.) are applied by means of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus, and software. I work with Microsoft Surface Pro 4 & Samsung note 5 sketchbook, Corel Painter, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Digital painting is a type of digital art but it is not computer-generated art, in that it does not involve the computer automatically generating an image from mathematical models created by the artist. In digital painting, the artist uses painting techniques to create the image directly on the computer. Digital painting is also distinct from digital manipulation of photographs, in that it is an original construction from scratch . While photographic elements may be incorporated into digital paintings, they are not the primary basis or source for them. In some of my images, I use no photographic elements at all. My images are the result of conceptualizing an idea and then implementing that concept as a digital file from one or more original elements that I acquire or create, primarily with a pen tablet, a digital camera or scanner and software tools.

TABRIZ Jewelry design exhibition

The 1st jewelry design competition Mashhad- IRAN

Quasi crystals Ring

TABRIZ- IRAN September2017

June 2014

1st place of first stage of Jewelery design competition

Mashhad- IRAN

June 2014

Islamic architects and mathematicians were creating quasi-crystalline patterns some 500 years before similar patterns were described in the West, sets of special tiles developed around the 13th century allowed artisans to use complex mathematics to create the fantastic geometric patterns that adorn mosques, palaces and other buildings in the Muslim world.

Quasi Ring Render

Grasshopper Coding

Automotive design V e h i c l e

g r a p h i c s

Automotive design is a set of typically non-professional vocations or occupations involved in the development of the appearance, and to some extent the ergonomics, of motor vehicles or more specifically road vehicles. This most commonly refers to automobiles but also refers to motorcycles, trucks, buses, coaches, and vans. Side view

Top view

Automotive design in this context is primarily concerned with developing the visual appearance or aesthetics of the vehicle, though it is also involved in the creation of the product concept. Automotive design is practiced by designers who may have an art background and a degree in industrial design or transportation design.

The stylist responsible for the design of the exterior of the vehicle develops the proportions, shape, and surfaces of the vehicle. Exterior design is first done by a series of digital or manual drawings. Progressively, drawings that are more detailed are executed and approved by appropriate layers of management.

Super Sport Type Side View

The Riot of Hair...


Improvisation drawing Improvisation can be thought of as an “on the spot” or “off the cuff” spontaneous moment of sudden inventiveness that can just come to mind, body and spirit as an inspiration. No preparation or training is needed. However, improvisation in any life or art form, can occur more often if it is practiced as a way of encouraging creative behavior. That practice includes learning to use one’s intuition, as well as learning a technical understanding of the necessary skills and concerns within the domain in which one is improvising. This can result in the invention of new thought patterns, new practices, new structures or symbols, and/or new ways to act.

It’s true that when you are drawing or painting you often are in a Zen-like state of being. Unaware of your surroundings. Being one with your art work. In such a situation its easy to lose yourself completely. But you still have to keep your mind sharp and alert. Your hand may flow and do it’s things, but your mind has to be conscious and correcting the hand where necessary.

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