Amir Adami Master's thesis at Politecnico di Milano

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Master’s Thesis

“Child-Oriented” Architecure from the Perspective of Environmental Psychology

Student: Amirmohammad Adami

Supervisor: Prof. Alison Aurorarosa

Co-supervisor: Prof. Michele Roda

Polimi - Politecnico di Milano

June 2022

“The need to form architectural space which is not just functional but supports young children’s learning and their sense of psychological well–being and develops their spatial and bodily awareness, is fundamental.”







Psycological analysis

Educational analysis

Norwegian building

Nordic identity

Tectonics in Architecture

Initial case studeis


Case studies

Room program


Between sea and fiord




Tungenes and Tungevagen Registrations

The journey the sea

the sky

Institution of light

Illuminating the landscape

Maritime presence

The mix of scales

Sections and Surfaces

Regional Culture

History and cultural landscape


National tourist route





Site plan


Exploded plan







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Abstract Introduction

The present study is about child-oriented architecture from the perspective of environmental psychology. Due to the importance of the users of any architectural space and lack of attention of architects and being unfamiliar with the psychological characteristics of specific users, such as children. it is needed to have a proper perception of their understandings of spaces and their needs for architectural spaces specifically to them. children’s tendency to especial environmental graphic features such as light, color, and form should be studied and this research aimed at an environmental psychologically-physically design to develop children emotionally and physically.

It was suggested in designing a place for children different factors such as creating various spaces based on the children’s ages to release their energy, applying light and colors appropriate to children’s emotions in inner and outer decoration, and considering architectural criteria and standards for children, etc, should be regarded.

Keywords: architecture, child, psychology, space

Today, in architecture and urbanization, the physical design of spaces is not the only goal, but considering all human aspects of spaces has a significant effect on designing that space. In today’s architecture even improving urban structures such as highways, bridges, etc. are among the most important measures of any society. Therefore, imagery of the importance of the human factor effect on the other constructions related directly to human beings can be seen. Among them, spaces designed for children are more important than other spaces. As developing urban infrastructures to improve and develop cities towards correct and sustainable development, designing proper spaces for children who are the following generation in the community is important in directing human society toward an ideal and healthy community. Preparing and building places for children needs new thoughts and looks because children are more affected than adults by their surrounding environments. According to the experts in children’s affairs, the social, emotional, psychological, and physical growth of children is highly affected by the environment quality. Experts believed that architects should be careful enough for children’s design because the goal of designing specific environments for children, creating interesting spaces for them can grow their abilities and creativities not putting an end to their needs. Recognizing the psychologicalphysical characteristics of children to design an ideal environment for them is important because without understanding children and their needs in terms of psychology, children’s growing stages and their emotional, social,

and movement features at different ages, the designed environment can not be that much effective.


The method of the project creates a base for an academic approach and ensures a comprehensive and thorough process. as a framework project the integrated design process by Mary Ann Knudstrup is used as a method (Knudstrup, 2004) This method was developed at Alborg University to describe the iterative processes required to achieve a design outcome that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functionally and technically pleasing. By early incorporation of these themes and requirements as design parameters, a multidisciplinary design solution can be achieved. The process is divided into five phases; an iterative loop between each phase, as well as a variation in the methods applied, ensures a methodological triangulation in which various scientific theoretical methods in architecture and engineering are proposed. The project intends to take a phenomenological approach in areas where this is appropriate. “A great building must begin with the unmeasurable must go through measurable means when it is being designed and in debt and must be unmeasurable” (L.kahn)

Problem Phase

A hermeneutic document analysis establishes a framework for subsequent comprehension during this phase. The concepts of tectonic and Nordic architecture are comprehensively evaluated, to serve as a jumping-off point for the project’s future development.

Analysis Phase

Along with the problem phase, this phase sheds light on the given Constants that

serve as the project’s foundation. This phase analyzes the site, the geographical context, the cultural context, and examples of built works that address specific aspects of the project ’s objectives. The analysis employs both hermeneutic document analysis and logical studies, as well as analysis of weather data, topography, etc. since the experience of the site is of particular importance in the notion of Nordic architecture, a method for experiencing and mapping on site is developed in order to form a basis for further work in the sketch phase.

Sketch Phase

The sketch phase aims to incorporate the potentials and challenges identified in previous phases and to create bits of meaning that can provides a framework for a design. To establish a conceptual design process, a combination of analog and digital tools is used. Hand sketches and physical models are supplemented by digital representations and tools acquired during the third semester of the master of sustainable architecture and landscape design program’s course “IC Landscape Representation and Modeling.” Similarly, various methods of architectural representation, such as plan, section, perspective, and detail, are used to evaluate the designs’ qualities. Due to the fact that this is a thesis project, a particular emphasis is also puts on the ability to use immediate impressions of an idea based on intuition experience and accumulated knowledge, rather than reason and measurable qualities to select between different proposals. “I’m

actually looking for the naïve moment in the first encounter .. the first impressions, the naïve impressions, they are really genuine.”

(Zumthor, in Lousiana 2012, p66)

Synthesis Phase

The solutions studied in the Sketch phase are combined in this phase to create a unique and expressive work that incorporates as many of the potentials and visions introduced in the initial phases as possible. The atmosphere and physical experience of the building are critical, and iterative loops between the sketch and synthesis phases at all scales should facilitate and experience the final project as a ‘whole’.

Presentation Phase

During this final phase, the completed project is introduced using a variety of architectural methods considered suitable for conveying the final proposal’s atmosphere and experience. The presentation material should illustrate the project’s aesthetic, functional, and technical characteristics.

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Framework Psychological Educational Programme Place Vision

Understanding Children Perception towards Built Environment

The psychology of the environment

The psychology of the environment has been come up since 1960s in 20th century. This field of psychology is about territorial behaviors, density and crowds and environmental stress makers. It is a branch with close relation to architecture, perspective architecture and urban design (Luc, et al, 2002). The psychology of the environment can be assumed as a scientific interdisciplinarity branch studing the mutual relationships between physical environment and human’s behaviors. Considering the mutual relationship between the two elements ( environment/ behavior) is deriven from Winston Churchill’s the popular speech expressing “ we construc buildings and after the buildings we are built”.

Child definition

Child is a mature and human’s son or daughter who has not been fully grown and is an independant creature from individual features point of view put in the growth and development trend in which they have not reached to a level to be called matured but th y are originally and naturally dynamic and potentially to be developed. The child’s communication to the environment Barker, founder of “echologic psychologist” belives there is a specific relationship between physical aspects of architecture and behavior of physical-behaviory stations which expresses them with the same concepts (Mortazavi, 1988), (Young, 1990). In all alive creatures and according to the law of affecting and to be affected in the environment, the tendency to compromise the environment is

available, so that child tries to compromise with the environment in which they live. At first child tries to compromise the environment with their inner system and intelligence but since it is not possible for ever and child runs into problems and cases not appropriate with their previous experiences, they try to be in line with new experiences (Moghadam, 1987).

According to Piyage, mental capabilities that a child owns in certain age, enable them to show different emotional behaviors. In fact there is a direct relationship between child’s growth and learning. Piyage names four factors help child’s mental growth as follow:

1. Emotional feelings which are motivations for learning;

2. Physical growth which child can gradually understand more;

3. Experiences which child learns to find out for themselves;

4. Social exchange or effective interaction with others especially parents, teachers, and playmates.

To teach childeren, work with them and even love them awarness and knowing their growth stages, emotional, psychological, and social needs in different ages is essential and by complete recognition of childeren’s world and their needs, correct training in safe and rich environment appropriate with their needs can be obtained. Therefore, in this section it was tried to study childeren’s psychological features from their drawings, the effect of colours on childeren and their application in designing spaces belong to them and the environment of childeren’s lives in today’s cities.

Objectivity and subjectivity in childeren architecture

Today, the most importan issue in architecture is the identity of architecture space and understanding it by users. To achieve this goal defining and re-introducing the environment and receiving its messages are needed. To do this there are different ways including experiencing the space by which objectivities can be achieved and compare them with primairy thoughts and form them. Subjectivity is inner theories understood while objectivity is understandable phenomenons exist independently. In fact objectivity is available in dreams and has little effect on facts unless it is changed into a look through activating and predictable ways. On the pther hand, subjectivity is the fact of evry thing and dreams and fictions together can promote it. most of the people perceive objectivity easily in architecture spaces and in two beds of experimental and geometrical spaces (Falamaki, 2002). According to Piyage, child can understand the environment with specific feature through passing developing and forming mental picture in relation to basic pictures. The most importan features are:

1. Child’s feeling perception to things is ambigious and popular and is considered without any controls unless through a quick stimulus;

2. Child’s feeling perception is slow because it depends on natural motivation and the rate of outter stimulus effect on them;

3. At first, child does not trust mental faces which means they use their past expereiences less;

4. Child mixes fictions and facts, for example they believe they see something but do not lie;

5. Child’s perception is at first highly limited to place and time and if effective on environmental and cultural factors in growing childeren (Shoarinejad, 1993).

Child’s spatial perceptions

To put simply, child’s spatial perceptions is how a child see the world and understand it. The purpose of recognizing the perceptions is to find a way to strengthen child’s feeling perceptions and improve the quality of the the child. Child’s spaces should be a creative one. they can undrstand the other concepts of geometry including translucency and climatic geometry. Children in younger ages have difficulties in distinguishing different perspectives of something which is called spatial self- centralization. Piyage accidently found that this phenomenon is the first feature of child’s spatial perspective. There is the concept of place is in time in child’s imagination in younger ages as well.

Exploring spatial relations

Piyage studied the exploration of spatial relations by childeren. He called this relations as “Spontaneous Geometry”. An infant child has no certain perception from the spatial relations or different shapes first. Child along with their growth and connection with the environment and working gets familiare with different geometric things and simulates them. In categorizing geometry it is divided into three main categoties: climatic geometry talking about shapes and angles; translucency

geometry talking about perspective issues and finally topologic geometry talking about vicinity and integration concepts. Piyage through a simple experiment found that childeren develop geometric concepts in reverse chronological order of their discoveries (Mahdizadeh, 2006). He found that that when children dominate the concepts of topologic geometry, they can undrstand the other concepts of geometry including translucency and climatic geometry. talking about shapes and angles;

Spatial ownership

The need to own a space in child is a fundamnetal need and is seen in all ages. The attractiveness of different spaces at home or school determined by various devices are by the fact that they are trying to possess them.

Children of all ages are at home or school in an attempt to own a part of space. Each child asks their own rooms. At schools many children are unhappy for not having their own spaces. They prefer smaller and more intimate spaces. When the play area is diverse and full of signs and symptoms, it is easier to determine the scope for the child.

Child’s senses and perceptions growth in the environment

In a child’s room, all cases including lighting, temperature, color, safety and hygiene should be regulated and controlled. Thus creating a favorable environment in terms of health and environmental monitoring, is necessary. As mentioned, in general, most children make contact with the environment through the senses. In the first years of growing, two main

tools of the child’s cognitive change into visual and tactile senses. In these years changes in light and color and sounds features that child is constantly dealing with them, is very important and the diversity of audio visual stimuli has been demonstrated (Mahdizadeh, 2006). A new space wil be defined for the child by their growth and development. The space’s play space is the most important and stable element in the child’s development of creativity and imagination. It can be said that child learns the life experiences along with playing. In designing environments for children their needs should be considered carefully. For example, children have very different needs during the day and night. Space in which they spend at night should give them a sense of peace and security while space in which they spend in their daily lives should be full of variety and excitement and give them different skills. In all spaces designed for children, color and light play important roles. These two factors, if were well used, could bring them calm, friendly and at the same time dynamic and funny environment. In general, the most basic and important principle in designing a space for children, considering their needs and interests are prior to determined standards. The perfect environment could guarantee the chil’s coach efforts to provide a quiet, loving and healthy life for children.

Children’s games and drawings

Children are directly experienced the space when trying to perceive them and even the try to symbolisze the environment. These

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symbols and all the activities and actions of their behavior are aids to get the best possible situation. Children show the symbols in their games and drawings best, in other words, children’s game is their efforts to touch and feel and cotrol the world and become familiar with it (Behroozfar, 2001).

Objectivity and subjectivity in children

architecture (childish games)

Given the importance of the games, the game space should meet needs child’s needs in all areas of development, physical growth, cognitive, social and emotional fields. In asimple classification, child’s needs and desires to variety of games can be classified in each age group:

Children ages 6-8: During this period, children have a strong desire to work full mobility and high physical activities which help to organize and develop their physical skills.

Children ages 6-8: In these ages they are classified into groups without supervision by approaching adolescence time and younger children tends to increase or show off their power and stability and physical harmony in a team and through holding sports matches.

On one hand from the field of psychological perception games are classified into three categories and classes: training or skill games, symbolic games and regular games (Piyage, & Inhalder, 1992). Designers also classify children’s games from the perspective of a variety of physical activities and needs and application environments in the following groups:

a) Games with high physical activity such as jumping, running, cycling, crawl, climbing.

b) Innovative games such as playing with sand, plants, grass, water, sand and clay;

c) Intuitive games, such as tactile, visual, sound and smell experiences;

d) Games in solitude and silence: social gaming spaces should be separated from individual games.

Children’s play space

Playing leads child to the growth of the social context of the child’s personality. They should follow social issues and legal rules in group games. Various games have different effects on the child’s emotional growth.

In action games, children are developed learn self-developement, self- satisfaction, self-esteem, acceptance of rules, sense of adventure, art, patience, awareness and selfcontrol. Spontaneous games promote a sense of freedom, power, defense of individual rights, the ability to inhibit the growth of their aggression in children. structural games raise accuracy and stamina to children. That’s why good design and good planning of playgrounds, creates children various possibilities for achieving various objectives (Piyage, & Inhalder, 1992). Game spaces like any other spaces designed for children, are better to have features as follow:

• Have soft surfaces;

• Are directly connected with bedrooms;

• Create the sense of happiness and excitement;

• Have amusing and soothing colours.

Childish drawings

Another category of children’s symbolism and

their mental imagery from the environment is formed in their drawings. children’s painting takes shape. Drawing and doodling and basically any activities could represent a form of primitive art and one of the more creative play because it provides the ability to abstract perception and mental complex states. Children’s drawings for his development in the diagnosis of recognizing objects and the distinction between them have two contradictory features: 1. Are weak to express some elements visible is not important for them. 2. bring elements that are important, but not visible (Ferrari, 1991).

Childish drawings

Another category of children’s symbolism and their mental imagery from the environment is formed in their drawings. children’s painting takes shape. Drawing and doodling and basically any activities could represent a form of primitive art and one of the more creative play because it provides the ability to abstract perception and mental complex states. Children’s drawings for his development in the diagnosis of recognizing objects and the distinction between them have two contradictory features: 1. Are weak to express some elements visible is not important for them. 2. bring elements that are important, but not visible (Ferrari, 1991).

Features of special spaces for children (tips on children architecture design)

Environment designed for children should include the following spaces:

1. Natural spaces such as trees and water and live creatures which form the most basic and important space for the children;

2. Open spaces and wide spaces in which children could run freedomly and release their internal energy.

3. Road spaces, roads before the presence of cars were children’s main play ground. They are places in which children meet each other and a network which connects various spaces together;

4. Spaces for adventure, these spaces are filled with complexity that strengthen children’s power of imagination due to being in this environment;

5. Play structure spaces are spaces designed with game structure and children’s games and playing become important in them. The spaces are known as playground (Mahdizadeh, 2006).

Classifying the quality criteria for childcentered environment

Elements forming the space can be divided into the following categories, and finally to look at them from the perspective of a child:

• Organizing;

• Time and route;

• Part and the whole;

• Form;

• Coordination, scale and ...;

• Light;

• Colour;

• Signs.

The impact of environmental conditions(brightness)

Light is one of the architectural principles to provide visual comfort space that its psychological effects in humans are different. Researches have proven that natural and transparent light has positive impact on children’s senses based on children’s point of view these spaces are friendly and joyful.

1. Good and proper lighting in spaces causes increased Children’s appetites;

2. Accuracy and concentration increase and eye health and vision ability are preserved and prevents nervous exhaustion.

3. Create variety and space emphasis. Since children’s adoption to tolerate stress and exhastion is less, sharp contrast from the lighting, whether artificial or natural, which causes fatigue and stress should be avoided.

As a result, soft light equitability about children’s spaces seem desirable.

The effect of colors on children and its application in designing their own spaces

From the aesthetics aspect, creating a favorable and attractive landscape spaces can prevent the anguish and depression in humans. In this regard, the use of paint and a nice painting and coordination as well as timely and measured contrast between the colors in public spaces are remarkable and creates a sense of peace and joy in the viewer. It is clear that these effects in children are more and more important. On the other hand, in psychological studies of children by analyzing their paintings, valuable conclusions regarding the use of color by the

child, the link between flowers and children’s imagination, the prospect of developing the use of color and symbolic aspects of any colors and combination of colors in the paintings of children, have been obtained (Shaterian, 2008). Although, the pleasure of watching a color is due to the nature of human aesthetics. But it rarely happens to react the color of a paiting while standing next to them. Because the value of a art work is more in tune and deliberate contrast between the different colors used in it. This is similar to the phenomenon of music that combines different set of sounds, smooth or strident tone to be heard. The designers of spaces specific to children cannot be indifferent with valuable and important conclusions in recognizing colors and their impacts on children (Alaghbandrad, 2002). The predominance of color and form Most children under school age, the the ages between 3 to 6 years show strong interest to colors, but at the age of 7 to 9 years pay attention to forms, and this interest is maximized at age 9 years old. As the child grows up, the tendency to nature and form are increased. But in a survey, about 10 percent of pre elementary children have shown that they tend to dominate the form to the colors. Children who overcome a form more than the colors in terms of IQ are more clever than alleged color groups. But some theorists believe that ingenuity and creativity are more in alleged color groups. Studies on documents related to children in relation to the colors showed, the color orange, and then red and pink are favorite colors for children between

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the ages of 3 to 6 years old. According to Alshler, applying colors with awarness and knowelege of its relationship with the child’s life excietement is concluded that red color is superior color for children and overally for children act based on their emotions. As they become older and are able to control their feelings, they get interested in cold colors. Researches showed that red color has two contrasting features: first the feeling of affection and love, and the second induces a sense of attack and hatness because red colors are closely associated with very intense feelings. Blue is associated with emotional control. Researchers have found that children are also interested in brown. However, scientists have discovered the fact that children who have a tendency towards blue, may have very severe emotions in some cases that modify it or change its direction (14).

The predominance of color and form

Most children under school age, the the ages between 3 to 6 years show strong interest to colors, but at the age of 7 to 9 years pay attention to forms, and this interest is maximized at age 9 years old. As the child grows up, the tendency to nature and form are increased. But in a survey, about 10 percent of pre elementary children have shown that they tend to dominate the form to the colors. Children who overcome a form more than the colors in terms of IQ are more clever than alleged color groups. But some theorists believe that ingenuity and creativity are more in alleged color groups. Studies on documents related to children in relation to the colors

showed, the color orange, and then red and pink are favorite colors for children between the ages of 3 to 6 years old. According to Alshler, applying colors with awarness and knowelege of its relationship with the child’s life excietement is concluded that red color is superior color for children and overally for children act based on their emotions. As they become older and are able to control their feelings, they get interested in cold colors. Researches showed that red color has two contrasting features: first the feeling of affection and love, and the second induces a sense of attack and hatness because red colors are closely associated with very intense feelings. Blue is associated with emotional control. Researchers have found that children are also interested in brown. However, scientists have discovered the fact that children who have a tendency towards blue, may have very severe emotions in some cases that modify it or change its direction (14).


Excited emotions

Imaginery-creative imagination


Innovation and complexity

The place of use

Child’s play space

Entrance emphasis points and pausing space


Suggests the status of rejecting

Softness and comfort

Comfort and mobility

Children love the spaces


Angular and broken forms



warm color and stimulating Passion and love, sincerity

Energizing and stimulating color indicating Love and romance

Expresses the sense of relief - represents peace, security and order-expresses the feeling of sorrow, introspection and isolation in some people

Warm and happy color- stimulating thought- making eyes bored more than other colors

Cool color and a symbol of nature - represents peace, happiness, health and jealousy, gaining the ability to read

The most spiritual color represents harmony between reason and emotion and border between spirituality and materialism

How to use it in spaces

Using it in the environments of game, show and sport

For Educational spaces in elementary school – due to the prevention of drowsiness and lethargy in children ... lively, invigorating, warm peace of the children

Its combination with other colors and use it in the space of rest

It is better to use the color with combination with other colors inclasses and educational spaces

To make interior decoration happy and bright

For decorating studying rooms, educational spaces and a place needs consentration.

Pale violet spectrum in space and educational environment, gives peace and happiness. as a result it can be used practical and craft classes.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Color Red Orange Pink Blue Yellow Green Purple
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Form Irregular forms
Concave form Static
Soft and arched form
horizontally Expanded form
Table 2: Psychology of colors and how to use them in spaces Table 1: Psychology of forms and how to use them in spaces


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Framework psychological Educational Programme Place Vision

Montessori method is a theoretical educational method on which the design proposal is based on. Italy’s first female doctor, Maria Montessori developed the Montessori teaching method as a tool, to change society and to help people to have a better life.

Educational approach

She was a doctor scientist who observed children to see how they developed. Shop serve the behavior and a spotted that the children were playing with the bread at meals, making little balls. It was the manipulation of the bread that made her think that if the children have something to play with, they may develop better skills. So she developed the learning materials which are kind of foundation of the Montessori legacy today.

The key aspects of her philosophy are the facts that the children learn by doing values of the Montessori approach are in following the child, so she believed that children have the capacity of teaching themselves. This makes her method fundamentally different from the other. YouTube 2014 excellent BBC documentary on this great Italian pedagogue. Included in the series extraordinary women”. She found ouch that’s concentration is the key in Child learning, so the environment should be prepared in such a way to foster the concentration of the child.

In Montessori method teachers are not standing in front of and giving the lecture, they are not in charge every minute of the day. Teachers are guides, so they are not teaching the child as much as assisting the child in teaching itself by introducing new concepts and giving the tools to discover the knowledge on its own.

The environment is set up in a way the teachers can observe and take a step back. Children are coming in the kindergarten and the teacher is the one who presents a range of activities from which children are choosing.

It is the way how the child learns to be in charge of his own learning. There is freedom with responsibilities. Another way of saying is that there is choice with limits. The choices and limits are coming from the adults in the classroom. The adult redirects the child if it is not doing right or introduces something new if this is the writing that needs to happen at that time.

Children in Montessori classroom are having uninterpreted access to the materials for three hours and they are playing and doing till they finish. Montessori materials are selfcorrecting. They are carefully sequenced so that each activity has order and a logical process to follow. these allow children to organize their thinking and problem-solving skills in a clear way and to absorb their knowledge to their senses.

Mixed age space is a Montessori typical approach in child education. It is more like a family, University atmosphere where are mixed age children (3-6) are staying together. This promotes better work and cooperation.

It is a way how a child becomes available and interested in further knowledge gaining.

It is not just mental learning, it is not just memorizing, it is hands on, it is Visual. Putting all these together, children learn deeper and longer-lasting. Montessori methods include life skills that children are practicing at young ages. they relied on using Montessori materials which are organized in five curriculum areas

Practical life


Language Math

Cultural YouTube (2012) teachers TV- the Montessori method.

Practical life activities

Practical Life activities help the child develop coordination, concentration, a sense of personal independence, and a sense of order. Through the exercises of Practical Life, the child develops the self-confidence and attention essential for mastery of the other more advanced areas of the Montessori classroom.The creativity and imagination of the teacher will determine many of the activities in this area of the program. The teacher keeps in mind that the main purpose of this work is the coordination of the senses, brain, and muscles.

Categories of practical life activities:

• Care of the person

Hand washing, Shoe polishing, Using a napkin, Packing and emptying a lunchbox, Blowing one’s nose, Dressing frames to learn how to button, buckle, snap, tie bows, and lace shoes

• Care of the environment

Squeezing a sponge,Washing a table,Sweeping the floor, Pouring grains, water, juice, Polishing brass or silver, Opening and closing doors, Washing and drying dishes, Arranging flowers, Using tools, Peeling and cutting vegetables and fruits, Using scissors

• Grace and courtesy Greeting someone, Offering someone/ something, Making introductions, Manners at refreshment time, Acting as host, Passing objects politely, Shaking hands.

• Control of moment

Walking the line or balance beam to practice

body coordination and control. The Silence Game in which the children practice using their will power to make the silence. Montessori primary guide. (2011) practical life.

Sensorial activities

The Sensorial area consists of materials that educate and refine the child’s senses. The child learns to recognize similarities and differences, to discriminate between similar objects; to grade similar objects. Qualities discriminated with the visual sense are size, shape, and color; A primary purpose of the Sensorial Exercises is that “the child train himself to observe, that he be led to make comparisons between objects, to form judgements, to reason and to decide” (Dr. Maria Montessori in Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook).

Categories of Sensorial activities:

• Visual sense wooden cylinders, square prisms, cubes, color tablets, geometric plane, and solid figures, with names such as the Constructive Triangles, the Binomial Cube, the Trinomial Cube, the Geometric Cabinet.

• Tactile Sense boards and tablets with varying grades of sandpaper, sets of fabrics with different textures, tablets with different weights, and metal cylinders filled with water of different temperatures.

• Baric Sense

Baric tablets

• Thermic Sense

Thermic bottles

• Auditory sense

Sound boxes, bell

• Olfactory sense

Smelling jar

• Gustatory sense

Tasting bottle

• Stereognostic Sense which is a tactile-muscular experience in identifying various geometric solids and everyday objects with the combination of touching and holding (feeling) with the child’s eyes either closed or blindfolded.Montessori primary guide (2011) sensorial life.

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Montessori method
Materials and Curriculum areas

Language activities

Language activities help a child to draw into an articulate person, able to communicate with his feelings well-formed sentences and in writing.

Categories of language activities:

• Oral language

Oral language exercises, enrichment of vocabulary, language training

• Written language

Written language exercises, graphic symbols, sound games, sandpaper letters, movable alphabet, Metal insets

• Handwriting

Introduction, preparations, chalkboards, sorting symbols, writing on paper, upper and lower case letters, Capital letters, periods, commas and question marks, transcription, spelling, scripts, creative writing

• Reading analysis

Language summary Montessori primary guide. (2011) language.

Math activities

Activities are carried through materials, which help the child to explore arithmetic. They are medical exercises are grouped and their realization happens sequentially or parallel.

Categories of language activities:

• Numbers through Ten

• Number rods and cards

• Spindle boxes

• Concept of zero

• Cards and counters

• Memory game

• Decimal System

• Introduction to quantity

• Symbols

• Formation of numbers

• Changing

• Addition

• Multiplication

• Subtraction

• Division

• Stamp game

• Dot game

• Word problems

• Linear and skip counting

Teens quantity, teens: symbol, tens: association, linear counting, skip counting, Number roll

• Tables of arithmetic

Addition snake game, Strip board exercises, addition strip board, addition charts, subtraction snake game, subtraction chart, multiplication bead, multiplication chart, multiplication board, do Unit division board, division charts

• Passage to abstractiona

Small bead frame, wooden hierarchical material, large bead frame, racks and tubes.

Montessori primary guides (2011) math.

Cultural activities

Every cultural Path has a sensorial base for the child. From the base, the child will be offered specific activities in each of the path of culture. Thus allows the child to become a participating and contributing member of his society. The four basic groups of work allow child to sufficiently construct himself in his culture. The cultural work is given so the child has the keys to function in his culture.

Categories of cultural activities:

• Art

• Music and dance

• Geography

• History

• Biological science

• Physical science

Montessori primary guide. (2011) cultural activities.

Among Enzo Mari’s vast product range, Il Posto dei Giochi and his carefully considered bookcase set-up for Danese with cardboard walls and transparent plastic shelves represents a vision of space as a non-static and ever-changing entity.

Having studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, the modernist designer, artist and theorist, drew inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement and his interest in radical politics where he went on to design undeniably influential yet, everyday objects with the intention of allowing people to create their own and use his objects freely, challenging the idea that good design is a privilege for the wealthy. Allowing wider public access to great design was always at the core of his work, which was achieved by being cautious of material choices whilst providing excellent quality of product at an affordable price. The wide spanning nature of his designs further contributed to his varied and long-lasting career allowing him to connect with more of the population through his designs than only a select few

Mari’s 1967, mid-century modern design entitled, Il Posto dei Giochi was originally intended for children to provide a place to play but also offers a decorative and practical function as a sculptural room divider for adults. The 3m long piece is made up of 10 corrugated cardboard panels with simplistic silk-screened graphics. The vagueness surrounding the intended use of the project allows for the player to invent his or her new

rules each time they play. For example, the yellow circles could symbolise a sun, the blue waves a sea and the brick wall a house but it’s up to the player to invent their own fantasies amongst the screens.

In 1969, Mari created playful setups for Danese with cardboard and transparent plastic, which challenged the idea of associating these materials with transitory goods and objects of immediate consumption. Mari, together with his rethinking of the word ‘disposable’ relating to a lack of quality and a poor sustainability consciousness, worked to slowly replace this perception by helping the public shift to a new environmental awareness and new practices in use and production processes. Mari’s cardboard are each based on various compositions of modules with simple geometries which together create complex forms for the division of space and support the display of products.

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Il Posto dei Giochi by Enzo Mari

When Mari created his first children’s game — a wooden zoo puzzle designed in 1956 — he was ahead of all current developments in designs for children. Not surprisingly, he takes a constant interest in child psychology; children’s natural disposition to grasp clear images and the elementary forms and unsophisticated message that distinguish Mari’s style cast a fitting light on his vocation to naturalise industrial forms.

He was also able to discover and set new rules in his “games”. Indeed, this distinguishes all Mari’s work; he invents both the devices and their rules and then locks these devices into a certain type of conduct rather than a certain type of consumption. His latest work, Il Posto dei Giochi [The Place of Games], is the first known indoor and portable play-place for children, more a space than an object and designed to encourage the development of their identification processes. As ever, Mari suggests a way to operate through the object. Mari proposes a method. All his actions and suggestions are firstly fully produced in the means identified to solve a specific problem and then globally in the method that shapes the different results. When interviewed about the meaning of his objects, Mari recently replied: “I hope that each time the meaning is that of the object in question.” So, let us try to pinpoint the various works presented by Mari.

Animals. The goose, wolf, bear etc. are standard images. This is one of Mari’s most meaningful studies and he developed their semantic worth starting from the wooden zoo

and his 1965 Fable Game, but here the images are no longer inspired by child psychology, just psychology. The fable is eliminated in favour of formal essence, in keeping with the didactic intention always present in Mari’s work.

Gambling is very serious business

Gambling was a very serious matter for Enzo Mari. As he tells in his book “25 ways to drive a nail”, when children ignore a game it is because it does not correspond to their level of praxis-theory. In practice, it’s either too simple for their age or it’s too complicated. This is because the child does not play to pass the time but to learn. Games must therefore be designed to stimulate the imagination of the little ones and help them understand the world.

How 16 animals are made

Enzo Mari makes the first pieces of 16 animals by hand for his children. The starting point is a whole wooden board from which the master thinks of obtaining the silhouettes of the animals, separating them with a saw. The animals are 3 cm thick so they can also stand upright. In this way, children can use the figures not only to compose the puzzle, but also to create a kind of small theater and thus become budding directors.

Theoretical references

In the theory of performative regionalism, the local culture is an important part of the place. this chapter seeks to create a brief overview of the culture of the region as well as the history and the economy up today. secondly, a chapter investigating three areas of aquaculture, navigation at Sea, and Maritime industries creates an overview of the three main subjects which are to be focused on the exhibition at the Maritime Center of knowledge.

First produced by Danese in 1965, Il gioco delle favole / The Fable Game, is made up of interlocking illustrations populated by animals, plants, and objects, which can be assembled and disassembled by inventing infinite stories.

It’s not a book to read or to leaf through but to make, unmake and build up: a never ending adventure, played and invented anew each time by the endless possibilities at hand. The animal and vegetable pieces fit together in Enzo Mari’s inimitably elegant style to make a framework that become a means to create an “architectural canvas” on which to exercise the imagination of children and adults.

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16 Animali by Enzo Mari Il gioco delle favole by Enzo Mari

To achieve a common ground of understanding and a starting point for the project, the concepts of Nordic and tectonic are proposed, discussed, and a location is taken. Case studies are provided to demonstrate what these themes may generate in terms of built forms.

Norwegian building

Since the project is based in Norway, an understanding of local building traditions and social values requires an understanding of the Norwegian perspective on the Nordic tradition.

Sverre Fehn

As a long-time admirer of a Norwegian architect who has made extraordinary contributions to what is commonly referred to as Nordic architecture, the following is based on interviews with S. Fehn and aims to highlight some of the possibilities for building in Norway.

Relation to nature

In Norway, wild nature is the norm, in contrast to many other parts of Europe, where the majority of trees are almost certainly manmade. The Norwegians have come to take this for granted. When constructing a new house, the site is frequently cleared and cultivated first, followed by the start of the project. Fehn emphasises the interrelations of nature and man, as well as nature and architecture. In Norway, the relationship between nature and man is dynamic. It is based on escapism and the way Norwegians enjoy using nature through activities such as skiing, hiking, and climbing. The beauty in this tradition is not nature itself, but the interaction between nature and man.

According to Fehn, the relationship between man-made objects, architecture, and nature has not been highly developed in the Norwegian tradition. There is a strong tradition in Japan for cultivating and creating an aesthetic

relationship between architecture and nature. According to Fehn, nature has been raised to philosophy in this culture. It might be the way openings frame specific views of nature or the way you come down into the ground architecturally. According to Fehn, the Norwegian architectural culture is not nearly as sophisticated. It is more straightforward and less philosophical, partly because Norway has spent the majority of its existence as a poor country.

Additionally, Fehn mentions a trend fostered by Norway’s urbanization and modernization. Whereas the majority of people used to be farmers, fishermen or worked in other ways that relied on nature, Norway’s modern relationship with nature has degraded to an aesthetic rather than a practical one. People have lost their sense of nature’s practical uses, and as a result, aesthetic appreciation has supplanted practicality.

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Nordic identity

Nordic architecture as a style has gained international attention on several occasions, with leaders such as Aalto and Utzon making their architectural impact on the world.

in 2012, an exhibition at Louisiana showcased and discussed how a Nordic architecture and identity can be defined in the globalized world of today.

Genius Loci and critical regionalism

In 1979 the Norwegian architect Christian Norberg Schultz introduced the notion of “genius Luci”. a sense of place, as a reaction towards the international style represented in modernism. it represents an architectural focus on place and geography, and puts the architects in the role as the interpreter of place is seen as an objective constant which will reveal its secrets and richness to us if we open up and listen to its spirit. later he especially emphasizes the role of light as crucial in the north. he speaks of a space of moods created by the lights of the Nordic countries. (Norbeck Schultz 1996)(Louisiana 2012)

Kenneth Frampton introduces the concept of “place form” around the same time as the theory of critical regionalism. It is stated that the language of architecture used to create an extends should use local materials and construction techniques. Stating that the language of the architecture to create a extends should make use of the local materials and construction techniques this theory puts more emphasis on the role of the architect as someone who is stages the quality of a

place for human perception (Louisiana 2012).

Alvar Aalto is a crucial figure in the contacts, for whom Frampton wrote an entire chapter in his book “modern architecture - a critical history.” Additionally, as a pivotal figure in the development of the Nordic architectural style, he meets architecture with a very humane approach”. “to make architecture more human means it better architecture, and it means and functionalism much larger than the merely technical one. This goal can be accomplished by architectural methods - by the creation and combination of different technical things in such a way that they will provide for the human being the most harmonious life” (by Aalto in Frampton 2007 p.199)


In 2007, Frampton published an addition to the previously mentioned book in which he attempts to categorise recent architectural trends into six categories, with materialism as a strong representation in the works of Peter Zumthor and to a minor extent, Herzog & de Meuron. Zumthor, who is frequently mentioned as working within the context of the place-specific, with an emphasis on local material and traditions, is frequently associated with the Nordic tradition, despite his Swiss nationality. Frampton says: “Irrespective of whether they happen to be used as cladding or as a structural form, traditional materials such as brick, stone, and wood or cultural constructs whose implicit significance may readily be associated with a particular landscape, national character or ethical value”. (Frampton 2007 p.370) and

materials are appreciated for the qualities they represent … rather than their inherent physical qualities” (morovansky in Frampton 2007,p370)

Architecture reflecting society

A characteristic of Nordic architecture that is frequently cited is its reflection of a society with a fairly flat hierarchy between citizens and institutions. Kjetil traedal Thorsen of Snohetta, one of Norway’s most successful architects in recent years, asserts that: “the best and most popular architecture always has elements of sound social democratic ideology; buildings should be as public as possible. in my view, the ideal is a building with many different entrances and unlimited accessibility, like a park. I’m talking here about the horizontally of architecture, about generosity. openness towards the users. public buildings take up a lot of space, and so they should” (Carlsen 2010 p.97).

Nordic identity

In opposition to the critical rationalism and play thinking of Norberg-Schulz. A new notion of performative regionalism by Barbara Allen appears, this theory States that place is a result of its culture as well as geography. Alan defines culture as the interaction between humans and landscape in an ongoing process of experience. this means that humans are the center of the stage, and the place appears as a social construct. (Louisiana 2012 p.42).

In the modern world of globalization, a constant sampling and borrowing from other

cultures are Taking Place. As an antithesis to globalization and intensified focus on identity, the Local, and a connection to nature has been part of making the Nordic popular again. in relation to this architecture can be an important carrier of identity (Louisiana 2012) ”… maybe the question of identity comes down to distinctiveness; that something is recognizable, has character, and is a bit different from something else. … I think there is a character in good architecture. it creates a place, the place that you can relate to, and this produces identity.” (Zumthor in Louisiana 2012 p.72).

In opposition to the traditional understanding of Nordic architecture as something that subordinates to its place, the table has suddenly been turned, and the architecture can now be an important player in defining the place as its identity. architecture has the potential to frame an exhibit time and culture, and be at Constance in a dynamic globalized world. as Zumthor describes its architecture must be “a tribute to the landscape” rather than merely subordinate to it. (Zumthor in Louisiana 2012 p.69)

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Tectonics in architecture

The notion of tectonics originates from the Greek word ‘tekton’ meaning carpenter or builder ( It is a term that has been widely discussed in architectural theory for over a century, with numerous definitions. The following section discusses an essential approach to tectonics and how it can be incorporated into a project to ensure architectural unity between the three pillars of architecture defined by Vitruvius: firmitas, utilitas, and venustas—that is, it must be solid, useful, and beautiful.

Semper and Frampton

In 1851 Gottfried Semper published the essay “ Die vier Elemente der Baukunst”. It takes a newly discovered Caribbean hut as an ethnographic basis from which to deduce the four primordial elements of all building cultures. These were: (1) the elevated podium or earthwork on which the hut rested; (2) the framework and the roof which provided the basic shelter. (3) the woven infill wall, which protected the hut from elements; and final; (4) the heart, which was not only the source of heat and food and focus of social intercourse but also the symbolic societal core, presaging the eventual emergence of a spiritual and civic for (Frampton 2007)

Frampton also emphasises the relationship between roofwork and earthwork as a conceptual framework for analysing architectural works.

Frampton himself has written about tectonics as well, and has defined the need for authenticity in the built environment. he emphasizes how the building is first and

foremost a construction, and only later and abstract discourse based on surface, volume, and plan. to Frampton, a building must, to be truly tectonic, utilize the expressive potential of the construction technic rather than simply reveal it. (Frampton 2001)

Frascari and the art of joining

In terms of construction technique, the interesting and challenging point at which things meet frequently occurs. where the column connects to the beam and the beam connects to the post. Additionally, where solid construction meets filigree construction and where materials overlap, Marco Frascari wrote an essay and the art of joining in 1984 in which he states: “Details are much more than subordinates elements; they can be regarded as the minimal units of signification in the architectural production of meanings “ (Frascari 1984 p.23). As such, the detail can tell a story, or ‘tale,’ about the building as a whole by providing as the recognisable pattern within a building volume that typically serves a variety of different functions, whether at home, school, or museum, etc. Additionally, he argues that details are more than physical construction: “in architecture, feeling a handrail, walking up steps or between walls, turning a corner, and noting the setting of a beam in the wall, are coordinated elements of a visual and tactile sensation. …” (Frascari,p7, 1984)

This way of defining the detail as the minimal units in an architectural production of meaning, but also an important part of how one experiences is the atmosphere of the spaces is

intriguing. If one defines the atmosphere as the bodily feeling which is the result of all the senses, including visual, tactile, auditive, and are there sensory recordings (Pallasmaa 2012). Then the details, Materials, and these transitions become essential in the way architecture affects human beings.

Tectonics in the 21st century

Today’s building industry has made the process of construction significantly more complicated than it was in 1851, when Semper formulated his theories. Today a larger variety of professions, from architects to engineers, and specialized craftsmen make the process even more complicated. likewise, the owner or developer is rarely a single person and often has advisers of their own. on top of this, materials and construction techniques are becoming ever more specific and optimized for different purposes, requiring a specialized craftsman and engineering knowledge. (Beim 2004)

This process places an ongoing challenge on architects as creators of meaning and concept. To be successful and to see the design ideas through from concept to completed project, the architect must now have a broad knowledge of a variety of fields in addition to his specialised knowledge; this is especially true when the tectonic vision as well as other architectural concepts are involved. Closer collaboration and mutual interest between architects and engineers may be a solution for preserving architectural intents and tectonic visions throughout the process.. advancements in technology should potentially also

offer new and more approachable ways of designing while meeting demands of energy consumption, structural firmness, and so on. Ultimately more integrated design process is desirable if the initial intentions shall be relevant throughout the process, in the later years’ new digital technologies of designing and fabrication have again raised the discussion of what tectonics can be and whether these new tools offer the way of thinking tectonics. in this project, the digital tools will be incorporated as a part of the integrated design process. this will enable the tectonics of the structure to be visualized by ensuring correct dimensions and likewise in the continuous development of the architectural expression. these tools enable one to work integrated with the structure and help visualize atmospheres, which the tectonic expressions must support and be part of creating, atmospheres which should essentially end up providing the architecture with an identity of its own.

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Initial Case studies

Aldo van Eyck, a Dutch architect in the era of modern architecture after the second world war in the category of structuralism, which had quite influenced the world of architecture at that time. Born in 1918 from a father who works as a philosopher and poet, he received architectural education from ETH Zurich and worked professionally since 1946. Apart from being an architect, he was also a professor who taught at Delft University of Technology [1].

Pastoor van Ars Church by Aldo van Eyck

Theory of Aldo van Eyck ldo van Eyck was dubbed the ‘Humanist Rebellion’ because the concept of thought which was contrary to the architectural concept of the era which he called a ‘mechanist’, when housing construction was carried out on a large scale to pursue the target of ‘fulfilling housing needs’ by means of repetition of design, like a printing machine [2].

Aldo van Eyck’s concept of thought in his architectural work was influenced by his travel to several countries, Indonesia, Africa, the Far East, Mediterranean, New Mexico, and Scandinavia [3]. His admiration for the architectural philosophy of Nusantara, when he visited Nias and became acquainted with the concept of traditional Nias house architecture that contained noble values and was always associated with the macrocosm and microcosm realm, about the essence and culture where humans and their natural environment become actors and formers of space and mass [4].

In philosophy, there is a value of identity and the meaning of locality where it is located. The architect became the recipient of the responsibility that received the mandate from the Ruler - ontology, in contrast to the Western concept which adheres to the notion that architecture is the work of the artist to overcome a state of his environment by using existing tools and materials [5].

This meeting with Eastern philosophy gave birth to several architectural theories, among others, the in betweening, oervorm and the Twin Phenomena which are used as the basis

of Aldo van Eyck’s design in work [6].

The concept refers to Martin Buber’s philosophy of ‘Ich und Du’ and is translated in this theory as ‘space between’ namely that between two conflicting polarities in a true entity there is always space that can ‘bring together’ the same transitional space important with both polarities. Space is a transition between ‘inside and outside’ meetings, ‘out and in ‘, up and down’, as illustrated in figure 3


– ancient form

The works of Aldo van Eyck always use pure geometric shapes like circles, squares and triangles, according to tribal society, the circle shape is centered on power above (macrocosm), and the square forms represent space for humans (microcosm) [2].

c. The Twin Phenomena

Theories that discuss the interrelationships between entities will be meaningful if there are other entities, which are referred to as ambivalent relationships - in a situation there will be contradicting relationships, for example there is no big without small or nothing inside without outside. This theory discusses identity and the relationship between place and occasion. The twin phenomena gives about two types of orientation those are, people seated concentrically in a hollow, gazing inwards towards the centre, and people seated concentrically on a hill gazing outwards towards the horizon as shown in figure 4.

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Identity of Location

The project in Den Haag, Netherlands, used a concrete structural system and massive facades and fewer windows has finished in natural stone. The site location is on the edge of the highway and near the canal riverside with flat contoured which used as part of the exterior landscaping scenery, figure 10.

The choice of geometric shapes with horizontal scale and proportion play to distinguish the function of the altar (sacral), worship space (transition) and exterior landscape (profane), and vertically with volume processing and height in the mass, ceiling and floor arrangement as a marker of building functions worship of the Pastoor van Ars Church.

The uniqueness of the altar which divides the two Nave rooms in anticipation of the increased in the number of congregations still can use in the provisions of the Catholic church worship procedures, with circulation patterns, lighting and ceiling height that create a certain atmosphere.

c. The use of exposed concrete material confirms geometric shapes of square and cylinder, massive and closed in response to climate and weather challenges.

Finding :

Western architecture can only use symbolic archipelago architectural philosophy, but location identity becomes a marker in the form and building material where western architecture is a protection, while archipelago architecture is a reflection [8].

Embodying radical yet humane ideas about the potential of architecture to shape social and pedagogical interaction, Hans Scharoun’s 1970s primary school at Marl came close to demolition, but is now being restored to accommodate a new use as a music school, in a programme that engages and resonates with the architect’s original design intentions

Scharoun’s radical concept envisaged a school articulated as a series of diverse individually shaped elements strung together like houses in a village and linked by a street-like interior. Not only was this intended to give the rooms separate identities closely related to their functions, but also to develop in the pupils a high degree of territorial identity. There were even theories about why classrooms for differently aged pupils should have different shapes and colours. A specific site was envisaged for this prototype, but no budget was forthcoming so nothing was ever built. However, Scharoun’s design soon became the milestone for extreme specificity in architectural thinking that it has remained ever since.

As he put it at the opening: ‘Since children are so impressionable in their early years, a rich childhood can be the foundation for a whole life. Education is not just the development of intellectual capabilities, not just the achievement of particular knowledge and abilities: it is a process which allows the bringing together and developing of all faculties. Therefore learning must be in harmony with the child’s growth and

development, and the school, like the home, must stand as evidence that the earth is a good place to dwell.’1

The idea of the Klassenwohnung (classroomflat) as the second home for the child which had been developed for Lünen was repeated, again with clerestory-lit main teaching space, annexe, external teaching space and cloakrooms, the Klassenwohnungen strung together along a generous Gruppenraum which could be used for activities shared between them.

As with the first school project for Darmstadt, the classrooms were differentiated in relation to the ages of children between Unterstufe, Mittelstufe and Oberstufe, each given its own group territory, though the eldest had the least identifiable territory, being intended to possess the whole. The classes in their different wings fed into an irregular street-like foyer surrounding the central assembly hall and theatre which gave the school its heart. Here not only assemblies and teaching events were to be held, but also films, plays and concerts, making it a cultural centre for the whole area in the evenings.

Changes in site level were exploited in directional steps offering the kind of spatial punctuation found in all Scharoun’s later work, and guiding the visitor through. Most of the school remained single-storey, daylight being admitted throughout, and also through tiny planted courtyards. Even the auditorium offered daylit conditions with a big window

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and tubular rooflights closable by rotating shutters like butterfly valves. Marl School by Hans Scharoun

In 2007 Paris saw the completion of the Quartier Masséna, a district consisting of 17 urban blocks, a park (Jardins Grands Moulins Abbé Pierre) and a number of transformed existing buildings (Bibliothèque des Grands Moulins, Université Paris Diderot and artists’ breeding ground Les Frigos) on its left bank.

Quartier Masséna Paris by Christian de Portzamparc

In his master plan Christian de Portzamparc used the principle of the îlot ouvert (Open Block) to organize dwellings and work spaces and to provide residents with a rich, collective outdoor space. The îlot ouvert is best described as a frag- mented closed building block. Rather than forming a single urban volume, the building mass of an îlot ouvert is distributed over a number of buildings that in turn comprise different volumes of varying height and form. The collective outdoor space is accessed via patios in – and openings between – the buildings, which are closed off from the public street by fencing that follows the building line of the urban block.

The îlot ouvert directly to the north of the university buildings demonstrates what block fragmentation can do for the dwelling and work space ratio. Here, four architects have designed four buildings, one on each corner of the urban block. The architects used the design freedom provided them to design totally different buildings. They each chose their own access and building typology, determined the assembly of the volumes and the material palette, and established how functions are organized at the building level. The way the volumes relate to their surroundings at ground level is also different.

This elaboration of this urban block shows that the typology of the îlot ouvert allows a separation of dwelling and work spaces and a more intense use of the shared inner courtyard. Residents can enter the inner courtyard from all directions and, by this vestibule extérieur, find their way to their homes and to the back

entrances of the work spaces and businesses. From the street, the shops and offices are just as easily accessible to non-residents as those in a closed block. Thus, the îlot ouvert successfully mediates between the different users of the city.

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The Allmannajuvet zinc mines are a disused mining works in Sauda. The mines were in operation from 1881 to 1899. During these years a total of 12,000 tonnes of zinc ore were extracted. Today, the mining area is a museum. The plain buildings in the gorge are designed in an industrial construction style to embody the story of the mines. Some of the mining galleries will be made accessible for guided tours.

The exterior support system consists of creosote impregnated laminated wood. The exterior walls of the building consist of 18 mm plywood sheets and jute burlap, coated with a German acrylic material (PMMA). The interior walls have been painted in a dark colour to resemble a gallery. The foundation work of the museum building and the café building, with its high demands for precision, is some of the most demanding work carried out in Norway.

n the summer of 2011, Steilneset Memorial in Vardø was opened. The attraction was a collaboration between Zumthor, artist Louise Bourgeois and historian Liv Helene Willumsen. While Steilneset was raised in memory of the people in Finnmark who fell victim to the government’s witchcraft persecutions in the 1600s, Allmannajuvet emerges as a monument of the mining operation and the miners’ life of hardship in the late 1800s.

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Allmannajuvet Zinc Mine Museum / Peter Zumthor

Kindergarten Enneberg / Architekt Andreas Gruber

The focus was on a long-term concept, from the point of view of the future user. The purpose was to create child-friendly spaces, light-flooded, which allows kids to learn with playful games. The flexibility and livability of the classrooms, the scale, and proportions, as well as the accessibility, have a basic role in the project. The focus was also to create more sheltered and reserved places so-called “retreat places”.

Thermal bricks, plaster, and natural wood surfaces were the main materials used. The pattern of the facade reflects the playful nature of the children. Moreover, the colorful concept gives the building a playful character. The different heights and distances of the windows focus on the surrounding alpine landscape.

The wide frames of the windows are thought of as part of the architectural concept. They characterize the rooms and they can be used as sitting places or play areas. In order to encourage the children’s creativity, bespoke furniture was designed in collaboration with interior designers from > MarchGut <. These are special educational modules that can be moved freely around the rooms and satisfy the children’s primary needs.

The educational modules are made of solid wood and the interior surfaces are covered with user-friendly surfaces, in their children can freely develop their senses and abilities.

Taika Kindergarten / OOPEAA

Despite the relatively large number of children served, Taika manages to offer a home-like scale. Taika provides daycare for 225 children between ages of one and seven as well as a place of work for 50 staff members. Taika also serves families with parents with shift work schedules offering overnight care for a rotating group of 200 children with a maximum of 60 children spending the night in the kindergarten at a time. This means that all overnight childcare offered by the City of Seinäjoki to its residents is now gathered under one roof. Also the offices of the regional directors of early education services are now all in one place in the Taika building supporting their work as a team of coordinators of regional services.

Taking its cue from the Ostrobotnian traditional barn in the open field, Taika is shaped like a large barn. Yet, it is colorful and full of light, and its star-shaped plan serves to provide rhythm and to create a sense of a home like scale. With its flexibly adapting naptime spaces, its highly practical foyer areas equipped to deal with the challenges brought along by the Nordic weather and the high demands it poses on handling children’s outdoor clothing, as well as the pockets of loosely separated outdoor areas each with its own porch to provide shelter from rain and to serve children of different age groups, the Taika Kindergarten is a great example of the contemporary Nordic approach to the design of kindergarten buildings.

The star-shaped plan offers an efficient and flexible organization of space. The spaces in the building are divided into six independent home base areas that each house two groups of children. There are altogether 12 groups of 1820 children of different ages. Each home base area has its own entrance providing direct access from the yard. The home base areas have large windows facing the yard and giving the building lots of light and air. The space is organized in a playful rhythm of alternating sheltered nooks and open areas and the interior spaces and their furnishings are color-coded so that each age group has its own identifiable color and its own section of the building helping the children orient themselves when moving around in the building.

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Vilhelmsro Skole / BIG

The following case studies seek to find potential and alternative methods for designing kindergarten spaces. Though the projects vary in scope, they all provide insight into the land-use problem through the organizing functions, thinking materials, special experiences, and so on. The observations can be used as potentials and inspirations during the design phase.

an academic facility which focuses their curriculum on nature and sustainability in asminderoed, denmark. taking the undulating hillside of the site as a point of departure, the design features a series of bands which pleat and crisscross to merge with the surrounding topography.

the oscillating roofline is experienced from both the inside and the outside. outdoor green terraces and courtyard spaces are generated in between buildings. though all one-storey, the alternating peaks and ceiling heights allow natural daylight to stream into every class room. the sod makeup facilitates passive energy measures such as mitigating heat island effect, acting as thermal mass and evaporative cooling qualities. rain water runoff is reduced, collected and stored for non-potable usage. cross-ventilation is also encouraged through operable windows and overlapping openings.

Room Program

The kindergarten is intended for 100 children. They are organized in six groups, composed out of 4 preschoolers groups, 1 infant group and 1 toddler group. One preschooler group has a capacity starting from 16 to 22 children, so range of 64 to 88 kids aged between 3-7 years old are playing and being taught in four playrooms. The youngest ones in the infant group, aged 0-1, are 14 in one playroom and toddler group which count 16 kids aged between 1-3 years are in another playrooms. They are separated from the mixed age groups in separate playrooms, where to teachers and two assistants are looking after them. This building provides space for 100 children shared by 6 Montessori trained teachers help by 6 assistants. The administration staff is composed of Director, consultant office worker, accounting, administrator, and archiver. The service working team is composed of janitor who maintainers the building. To cleaning persons, and employees working in the kitchen, three chef and three pre-cooked persons with responsibility for dishwashing and garbage area.

Infants/0-1/ Toddlers/1-3/ Preschoolers/3-7/



Child area

Children toilets

Library with group rooms

Visitor reception including wardeobe and toilets

Cafe with own kitchen

Office and Staff room

Wardrobe and Staff toilets

Goods reception and storage

Technical room




Front Playground

Back Playground

Area in m2 Notes

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Function Educational facilities Reading units Public functions Private functions Outdoor and landscape


A comprehensive introduction to the geography, climate, culture, and identity of the site at which the kindergarten is to be situated.

Between see and fiord

The west coast of Norway is one of the longest national coastlines in the world. It stretches from Egersund in the south and to well above the polar circle to the north. several places large fiords cut into the landscape, Among others the UNESCO heritage protected fiords of Naeroyfiord and Geirangerfirod. Boknafiord is the southernmost of the big fiords and is situated in the county of Rogaland. ( 2015a)


Rogaland is situated on the south end part of the west coast. it is a county characterized by a mountainous landscape towards the north and eastern parts, the large flatlands, much similar to the Danish landscape with beaches, lighthouses, and agriculture towards the west. Stavanger is the main city of the region and together with sandness, it represents a population of more than 200,000 inhabitants making Rogaland one of the most urbanized regions of Norway. (destination-rogaland. com)

At the northern tip of Jahren, flatland along the coast south of the Boknafjord inlet, the site is situated some 15 km north of Stavanger, Where the sea meets the fiord.

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Tungenes is situated around 15 km- a 20-minute drive north of Stavanger. Today the place is intact with a small Vilas, a marina for recreational sailors and local fishermen, and a lighthouse towards the Sea. The existing lighthouse was built in 1862 and was operational until 1984 - when a larger more modern lighthouse was built on the rock in the middle of the inlet to boknafjord. Today the lighthouse functions as a small museum and place of cultural heritage. The area is very affected by the weather. on stormy days people often come here to experience the forces of nature. This site is situated between the marina and the sea and involves the demolishing of two existing boards adjacent to the site. This site connects the story of how man has cultivated nature in this region.

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Following James corner’s theory, mappings are created to provide an overview of the surrounding areas and the site itself. The mappings shed light on a variety of issues and potential pitfalls associated with planning and, later, concept development.

Infrastructure Museums and cultural institutions Industrial harbours and marinas

The area of Stavanger and sandness is very populated to many other parts of coastal Norway. together the urban area of Stavanger and Sandness makes up 203.771 people (ssb. no). a Highway runs along the edge of the cities, and a new tunnel is under construction connecting under the inlet of Boknafjord and further up the coast towards Bergen.

People are most likely to arrive at the museum by car, and park the nearby parking lot since the highway is only about 3 km away from the site.

1. Tungenes lighthouse is a cultural hub, with small exhibitions and events, but other museums in the region tell the same story.

2. Vistnestunet, 19th Century Farm. Part of the jaer-Museum, a place where visitors can experience a traditional farming culture.

3. Museums and collections in Stavanger:

4. Stavanger Maritime Museum

5. Norwegian petroleum museum

6. Valbergtaarnet & Vektermuseet

7. Archaeological Museum of Stavanger

8. Breidablikk

9. Norwegian canned foods Museum

10. Norwegian geographical museum

11. Ledaal Museum

12. Telecommunication Museum

13. Missionary Museum

14. Stavanger School Museum

Rogaland Museum of Fine Arts

Coastal culture collection in Tananger

with its urban areas and industrial importance, the region of Stavanger has a high degree of connection to the sea. the many islands in the fiord and along the coast make this an area very many people own boats. The larger industrial harbors services many industries, from passenger ferries to Denmark and Bergen, to goods transport and oil Industry, related business.

Along the coastline in 6.3 km, hiking path. apart from the nature hikers can experience some cultural places of interest along the route. (

1. Gun positions from world War two

2. Burial mound

3. Toilet

4. Parking

5. Bus stop

6. Golf club

7. Campsite

8. Beach

The lighthouse functions today as a cultural house with a variety of activities. an exhibition shows the life of the attendant and his family in the 1930s. furthermore, there’s a small café. a burial mound is placed close to the Light House, this is one of many found along the coast of Rogaland, from the first Norwegian settlements.

The marina is home to around 20-30 private boats.

A new parking lot is planned near the marina by the main access road.

The site is located on the field behind some of the existing houses, between the marina and the sea.

As part of the task, the program states construction made below 3 m above sea level can be subject to floating, due to rough weather, surge, and generally increasing water levels. (Program 2014)

Investigations show that a severe increase in the water level can hit some of the existing houses around the site.

44 45
Local Hiking path- Tungeneset Points of interest 3 metre flooding datum


The climate has a lot to say about how we built-in and perceive a place. Weather affects us on a physical as well as a psychological level, and it is part of characterizing the customs of our culture whether it is grounded in an extreme or milder climate.


The length of the day at Stavanger Airport, Sola varies extremely over the course of the year. In 2022, the shortest day is December 21, with 6 hours, 13 minutes of daylight; the longest day is June 21, with 18 hours, 28 minutes of daylight. (


The wind is defining feature in the landscape, the average daily wind speed varies between 4 and 5 m/s (gentle breeze) with the highpoints in January. at the same time the average daily maximum is 9 m/s and on January 13th. the direction of the wind changes between the seasons, from dominantly North-NorthWestern in the summer, to South-SouthEastern in the rest of the year. apart from this, there is generally more Wind coming from the Ocean towards the west than the mountains and Fiords towards the east. (weatherspark. com)

Clouds with the sky and the sea as dominant natural features, the texture of the sky becomes truly important. with ‘mostly cloudy’ and ‘partly cloudy’ as the main types of cloud cover, Counting for over 50% of the time, the changing skies are very important aspects of the experience of the place. (weatherspark. com)


Situated right at the sea, the region has a mild human temperature climate with warm summers and no dry season. due to the proximity to the sea, the winters are milder than most other places in Norway, and the temperatures are more constant. (


Compared to many other parts of Norway, snow is not a big factor in this coastal region. with a maximum probability of snow on the ground on January 1st being 19% maximum average snow depth (when there’s snow on the ground) being 8.3 cm on January 7th the snow cannot be said to be a defining climate factor. (


There is a significant increase in precipitation during the late summer and through the autumn. While the spring is relatively dry in comparison. the number of rainy days per month reflects the rainfall of the given months, and the precipitation is mostly categorized as moderate rain maxing out at almost 18 days of rain in November. during winters small amounts of snow are also possible. (

Solar Energy

This section discusses the total daily incident shortwave solar energy reaching the surface of the ground over a wide area, taking full account of seasonal variations in the length of the day, the elevation of the Sun above the horizon, and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric constituents. Shortwave radiation includes visible light and ultraviolet radiation.

The average daily incident shortwave solar energy experiences extreme seasonal variation over the course of the year.

The brighter period of the year lasts for 3.0 months, from May 6 to August 7, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter above 5.0 kWh. The brightest month of the year at Stavanger Airport, Sola is June, with an average of 6.1 kWh.

The darker period of the year lasts for 4.5 months, from October 15 to March 1, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter below 1.4 kWh. The darkest month of the year at Stavanger Airport, Sola is December, with an average of 0.2 kWh. (

46 47
Daylight Wind Clouds Temperatures Snowfall Precipitation Solar Energy

Tungenes and Tungevagen

The tip of jaeren.

The illustration below depicts the typical movement through the sea from right to left. Along the coast, from the parking lot, towards the lighthouse.

Lighthouse Fields

The lighthouse itself is a popular tourist attraction and serves as a historic beacon in the sea. Beyond the lighthouse on the southern coast, the wind and the rocks dominate the landscape.

This part of the landscape represents the typical landscape of jaeren. Small fields in the cultural landscape which has been cultivated for thousands of years. the stone fences are built over time from stones collected from the fields and are used to separate the lands and

keep the cattle in place. (gurandsrud 2015). This is where the site is, with the fiords towards the north-east. on this stretch of the path the wind is not quite as dominant, it is the light sound of waves and the sound of gravel path under one’s feet which is in focus.


The small gathering of houses by the marina is the first building still visitors meet when approaching the place. these dwellings are simple wooden houses, all painted white and with a pitched roof. these houses are typical for the region, where you are almost always

able to see small settlements in the hilly landscape.


One arrives at Tungenes by car or a bus. in the near future the parking lot will be expanded and a new bike path from Randaberg will be completed.

48 49


Arriving and moving along the path, one encounters different buildings and landscapes, some of which will be removed before the completion of the center.

The journey

The walk along this part of the coast is very accessible compared to further along to tungenes walk where there is no path and one has to climb fences and jump on the rocks across little streams. In this section, the sea, the sky, and the winds are the main elements adding to the bodily experience. walking on the edge between the rock and the fields, one is closely connected to the two elements which man has been cultivating and harvesting from in this region for ages.

50 51

The sea

The sea here has a certain darkness to it. when the waves hit the rock, they turn black and shiny, One can see how deep the waters of these fiords are and which great powers they possess. The sound of waves is a constant backdrop for the atmosphere of the site. it adds a distinctive calmness to the place in near these forces of nature.

The sky

The sky is the second most influential element in the place. the horizon here is wide and deep, and with the sunset over the ocean, it adds an aspect of greatness to the place. the cloud formations are constantly changing and with it the mood and light affects the experience of the surroundings.

52 53

Institution of light

Tungenes lighthouse is both culturally and historically the most prominent building in the area now. while it is not operative, it is the exhibition, café, and occasional concerts that attract an audience. furthermore, the artist can apply to get a small room for a period of time, to go there for inspiration and a calm place to focus. despite the lights not being on, the whites volumes stand out and have all the light of their own in this scenic coastal landscape.

54 55

Illuminating the landscape

The vertical wooden façade cladding is seen everywhere in the region. the classic jaerhouse was built like this. a small wooden house with a pitched roof and two small additions in the end, typically made of stone, which guides the winds over the house and minimizes draught inside the house. the white color really makes the building stand out in the landscape, and the arrangements of the small windows add to the village atmosphere.

56 57

Maritime presence

Just at the top of Tungenes, all ship traffic going in and out of the fiord is visually present. this means that large vessels carrying everything from cargo to Cars and passengers pass by just of the shoreline. the presence underlines the connection between the cultural landscape on land as well as off-shore.

58 59

The mix of scales

In Stavanger and the region in general there is a presence of different industries and infrastructure programs which can be categorized as mega-scale. the contrast is especially evident in Stavanger where all the small wooden houses are present in close proximity with these elements. These contrasts of scale are parts of creating an image of a lively industrial cities rather than a small town and reflects the spirit of the region.

60 61

Section and surfaces

Sections through the side give an understanding of the topology. below the surface texture and the different zones creates an image of the transitions in the landscape.

62 63
Rock New lighthouse Lighthouse Grass Path Site Site Sea Rock Path Path Marina

Regional culture

In the theory of performative regionalism, the local culture is an important part of the place. this chapter seeks to create a brief overview of the culture of the region as well as the history and the economy up today. secondly, a chapter investigating three areas of aquaculture, navigation at Sea, and Maritime industries creates an overview of the three main subjects which are to be focused on the exhibition at the Maritime Center of knowledge.

History and cultural landscape

Before 1963

Flatlands along the coast named jaern, was home to some of the first settlements in Norway. hundreds of crave mounds date back up to 3000 years, and some findings are far older as well. ( Stavanger, as the main city has its establishing dates in 1125, with the completion of the Stavanger cathedral. the agricultural landscape here was important to the church and the bishop and remains a significant sector to this day. from the mid-1800s lighthouses were built all along the coast of jaeren as part of a plan to improve navigation in the area, very many sandbanks make it difficult to navigate. ( Kvassheim as the last one was finished in 1912. Furthermore, the fishing industry and maritime industries such as shipbuilding and sail making were predominant industries in Stavanger. (

Stavanger and the region have experienced a long history of economic booms and recessions in the first half of the 20th century the fishing industry and shipping industry was at a high point, and canning of these products, especially herring, made the city the canon capital of Norway. this is reflected in the museum in Stavanger today ( on the 9th April 1940, the Germans attacked Stavanger airport as the first attack on Norway. by the end of the day the Germans had taken over the city. after some resistance from the AirForce. the evidence of the German occupation is still visible today along the coast of jaern. where many gun positions were built by the Germans

to protect them from an invasion from Britain. (

The oil boom

In 1965 agreements of borders in the north sea were established between Norway, Britain, and Denmark, and the hunt for oil began. after some discussion, Stavanger was appointed to be the capital of the oil industry in Norway, and after finding oil in 1969 a reformation of the Norwegian society began (

The rich cousin

In the Scandinavian context, Norway stands out. where Denmark and Sweden, to a large degree, operate with free markets. Norway has embraced a kind of state capitalism since the end of World War II. with its abundant natural resources, the strategy has been owning stock majorities in most of the major companies, and a large public sector accounting for 52% of GDP has been built up over the years. With 30% of revenue coming from oil the government had through the years, kept the social democratic spirit, and established the world’s largest wealth fund, which is the purpose of preparing Norway for post-oileconomy. the fund accounts for 1% of all the world stocks. despite this wealth, Norway has a great focus on human rights and has not developed inhumane cities dominated I told buildings as in many places where oil wealth is large. the focus of the oil industry in the later years has been on developing technologies, and knowledge for deep-sea drilling. expertise for which the demand is

booming internationally. (

Other industries

The same strategy of developing knowledge in the industrially based sectors has been applied to the fish farming industry among others. in this case, the expertise is exported to countries such as chile. In general, entrepreneurship is encouraged. “the government is promoting your business is true body such as innovation Norway and universities science parks” (

Stavenger today

While Norway is trying to move away from an economy based on oil, Stavanger remains the oil capital. the largest company in Scandinavia, Statoil, has its headquarters here as well as thousands of other companies related to the oil industry. several of them are internationally based, and where 11% of Norwegian were born outside of Norway, 20% of the population in Stavanger is. (Stavanger.

The region is still referred to as Norway’s food region, due to the agriculture and seafood. Every year the largest food festival in Scandinavia attracts more than 200,000 visitors to Stavanger and the region. (www.

Education National tourist route of jaeren

With a general level of education reflecting that the other bigger cities in Norway, Stavanger had 40% in 2012 who attended higher education. (statistikk.stavanger.

Also in the educational sector oil economy has made an impact. “the oil sector is monopolizing the nation’s technical talent. with more than 50,000 engineers currently being employed offshore” (

Specifically for Stavanger, the newly announced cuts in oil-sector jobs will hit both manuals as well as highly specialized labor, and as a result other servicing sectors as well.

(Skarsaune 2015)

Therefore, this region, in particular, could very well emphasize the need for spreading the risk. using the same strategy as the government does when it seeks to support innovation and development in a wide variety of sectors, the Maritime center of knowledge can be part of the position in the Maritime industries in Morrisville and natural educational situation.

Furthermore, the need for expertise in the sciences and ways to encourage young people to study science, are a constant in many countries, including Norway. (

The 18 national tourists and routes of Norway are famous for featuring the most scenic natural landscapes Norway has to offer. for most people, this recalls views of mountaintops and deep fiords, but the national tourist route of jaeren is different. The route stretches along the coast for 41 km between Ogna and Bore at the southern part of jaeren. The landscape here features high skies, wide horizons, and an endless sea. The weather and light are constantly changing and Sandy beaches and dunes are the dominant coastal nature. The climate is mild year-round and the beaches are popular for swimming in the summertime. the many lighthouses from the 1800s tell a story about life at sea and the dangers connected to sailing these waters. (

And potential lies in connecting this story of the relationship between the cultural landscape of jaeren, and the cultural landscape which is the Norwegian sea. the Maritimes center of knowledge, though not right on the national tourist route, could be a part of the experience while showcasing the possibilities which are below the surface of the ocean.

64 65



A Nordic way of thinking architecture has been investigated and a definition sought. Building in a Nordic context, one is adding to a long tradition of place thinking, traditionally the Nordic was inaugurated as a countermovement to the non-regional modernism, And defined by its relation to place. The Nordic countries were especially signified by their changes in quality of natural light, and architecture said to reflect the flat hierarchy of society. In the later years, a Nordic identity and the methods of place thinking have been challenged by younger architects. where place used to be seen as a result of the natural scenery and geography, today a more comprehensive understanding has been introduced. culture and the ever-changing landscape of human interactions and cultural exchange is part of what makes a place, and these places are the humans in a much more central role than before.

Another quality that has been said to be significant for Nordic architects among others is the ability to design with is an honest technique clarity. tectonics can be understood as the concept of connecting the structurally stable with the beautiful, and as such it puts a lot of responsibility on architects to know how materials work and how buildings are built today. In a building industry where solutions and demands are becoming ever more specific and specialized, this creates a need for thinking in integrated design solutions new digital tools and a closer collaboration between disciplines can be part of the answer to how we can maintain concepts, ideas, and

tectonic regions throughout the design, and building process.


The site is situated in Tungenes, between the Norwegian sea and the inlet of Boknafjord on the west coast of Norway. Tungenes features a few villas, a Marina, and a Hairitage lighthouse from the 1800s. the main feature of the site is its proximity to water, and the forces of nature which are evident as one walks along the coast.

the lighthouse like many other buildings in the region is a white wooden building. these buildings seem to stand out in the landscape with a light of their own. the region is signified by cultural landscape fields, hills, and Stone fences, which tells about the agricultural tradition.

The culture of the region is characterized by a long history of agriculture and maritime industries. Stavanger has experienced a history of economic booms and recessions and has been the center of the Norwegian oil economy since the 1960s. this has had an impact on the culture, but not to the extent as seen in many other countries which experience a sudden growth in wealth. Norway has successfully been using its wealth to build a society of its social-democratic Scandinavian values and using the funds to empower developments in other sectors.

a long history of agriculture and maritime industries. Stavanger has experienced a history of economic booms and recessions and has been the center of the Norwegian oil economy since the 1960s. this has had an impact on the

culture, but not to the extent as seen in many other countries which experience a sudden growth in wealth. Norway has successfully been using its wealth to build a society of its social-democratic Scandinavian values and using the funds to empower developments in other sectors.

66 67


The new design in Tunegenes shall provide and frame variety of activities. as a kindergarten it shall let the children submerged into a world of educating and entertaining information. It shall encourage discovery and learning through participating, and create an atmosphere where children feel that they can explore freely, move around and take part in the activities.

The architecture can teleport the visiter into another world, by its means of using architectural features such as spatial organization, transitions, daylight, Materials, and the structure. This should emphasize a variety of atmospheres that can be experienced beyond purely visual sensation.

The building must seem accessible and inviting and offer experiences outside opening hours as well as within. Local nature, and climate, should be emphasized and incorporated as potentials for creating a place and an identity for the building.

68 69
70 71
Ideation Concept Siteplan Elevation Explodedplan Plan Section collage

Concept Diagram

72 73 Masterplan
Program 3. Educational
1. Program (Conventional School Building)
70 x 50 m2 site Superpose a grid and divide it into 6 equal parts Create three courtyards and three educational regions Follow the order of grid for the educational regions Create the desired circulation and perspectives Create different spaces with multiple functions
74 75 Plan Dining Sport Music Library area Home area Administration staff Creative area Playground Restroom Entrance 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 11
Site plan
76 77 First Level 0 Second Level +1 Third Level +2 Wooden structure Curved roof Exploded plan
78 79 Elevation North View East View Section c’ d d’ c
c-c’ d-d’
80 81
82 83 Section a b’ b a’
South View Elevation West View


Unfortunately,due to neglecting the users in designing architectural spaces especially spaces for children,it is needed to pay attention to the children’s psychological features and different stages of their growth as well as the stages of their psychological development and their perception of spaces to get closer to their childish world and their views to spaces and based on the children’s psychological condition and specific age appropriate spaces to be designed and it is suggested to regard the following points in the following design:

1. Sex of the subjects;

2. Age of the subjects;

3. Creating spaces based on children’s age and releasing energy;

4. Using light and colors appropriate to children in interior and exterior decoration;

5. Using bright and stimulating colors (for example, red, yellow, orange) in interior spaces that need a greater mobility and using softer colors (blue, green. Pink) in spaces that require mental focus and creativity;

6. Using architectural forms appropriate to children;

7. Using various open spaces that stimulate the sense of curiosity in children as well as releasing energy;

8. Considering the principales and standards of children architecture;

9. Using spaces that crete the sense of belonging to a space;

10. Establishing spaces in which children feel secure and fearless.

84 85


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