A Night Visit to the Library Laser printing, 15 x 21 cm, 16p. Edition of 30. Andante, 2011. $ 16.00
zwart, black, noir, schwarz, preto Pochoir, 14 x 14 cm, 20 p. Signed edition of 14. Andante, 2011. U$ 30.00
Specimen Book Ink jet printed, 15 x 21 cm, 8p. Signed edition of 20. Andante, 2011. $ 16.00
Can we recognize a book by it’s silhouette? After Endre Tót’s book, “A Night Visit to the National Gallery”, this book shows only the silhouette of some of my favorite artist’s books. There are multiple readings, based on the relationship of forms, based on the selection of titles, and in the relationship established between the forms and their corresponding captions.
Printed in white over black paper, each page has a different ink bottle, taken from vintage posters or from a photographies. The title is a text usually found in ink bottles, with the name of the colour in more than one language.
Group of images from the history of writing: the mythic inventor of chinese characters, the symbol of a renaissance typographer, fantastic animals associated with the writing and the patron demon of scribes are shown here, like in an old bestiary.
Projeto para uma Pintura (Project for a painting) Rubberstamps, 13.5 x 10 cm, 16p. Edition of 30. Andante, 2011. U$ 6.00
Historia Natural (Natural History) Ink jet printed, 14 x 18 cm, 32p. Signed edition of 10. Andante, 2011. $ 32.00
Elogio da Mão (In praise of hands) Laser printing, 21 x 18 cm, 16p. Signed edition of 30. Andante, 2011. $ 16.00
This book is made only with rubber stamps, with reproductions of brushworks from Roy Lichtenstein’s paintings, along with another brushworks found in posters and old catalogues.
The letterforms are arranged in drawings resembling chinese paintings of branches with flowers and fruits.
The hands shown in this book are taken from various sources: an old egyptian wall drawing, a japanese woodcut, a detail from an El Greco’s painting, some vintage posters, the Mercator’s Calligraphy Handbook (1540) and an engraving from “The Art of Writing”, an illustration from Diderot’s Encyclopedia. Also available at
to be released in 2012
As Façanhas de Um Jovem Dom Juan (The adventures of a young Dom Juan). Offset, 16 x 11.5 cm. 240 p. Edition of 300. Andante, 2010. U$ 16.00 Erotic drawings with tipographic elements, within a visual narrative. It’s a love poem without words.
O livro dos seres imaginários (The book of imaginary beings) Letterpress on Canson Edition 250g 17 sheets in an envelope, 21.5 x 28 cm each. Signed edition of 100. Andante, 2011. U$ 80.00
50 Caracteres (50 Characters) offset, 48 pages, accordion fold. Cloth covered slipcase. Edition of 700. Andante, 2012. U$ 12.00
After an expedition to libraries in the city of Santos (SP), in search of wonders described by the British consul Sir Richard Burton who lived there, fifteen unknown creatures were found in the pages of an encyclopedia, in an article about masks. Under the guise of capital letters, now they are part of a continuation of Borges’ manual of zoology. This edition shows no text, just gray areas along with the capitular letters.
Each page shows a different face made with letters and numbers.
Books by Amir Brito Cadôr, Andante editions - Belo Horizonte/MG - Brasil Orders can be made via paypal: