Architecture Portfolio | Jan 2021

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Ami rEbr ahi mi an 09/ 02/ 1993 Lund,Sweden ( +46)0760277116 Ibel i ev et hatAr chi t ect ur ei sal anguage wi t hwhi chIcanex pr essmydesi r eand passi on f orcr eat i v i t y and i nnov at i on needed t o addr ess hamuni t y ’ s bot h pr esentandf ut ur eneeds.

01 I nt r oduct i on

Emai l Li nkedi n I ssuu I nst agr am

Gr eenCor r i dor

Al l ey

Sk at eboar dPi t

Local Gr eenSpace

Par k i ngRamp

Ent er ance

I nnerY ar d

Ent er anceY ar d

I s omet r i cv i ew 33

Academi c/Ar chi t ect ur alTechnol ogy

EncodedSt er eot omyWor k s hop Sp r i n g2 0 1 9 h-Jul y28t h Dat e:Jun25t .Al iAndaj iGar mar oodi Super vi ser :Dr i andaj i @yahoo. com Emai l :al zanehEskandar i ,Pour i aBani adam Tut er s:Far

Assi sst ant s:RezaFat t ahi ,SepehrFar zaneh erofExcel l encei nAr chi t ect ur alTechnol ogy( CEAT) Hel d By:Cent ver si t yOfTehr an-Facul t yOfFi neAr t s Locat i on:Uni t i ci pent/Desi gner Posi t i on:Par gn,Model i ng,Gr aphi csDesi gn,Document at i on Responsi bi l i t y:ConceptDesi

Encoded St er eot omywasa4weekwor kshop f ocused ondesi gni ngf r eef or mf uni cul arshel lst r uct ur esbasedonThr ustNet wor k Anal ysi s( TNA)and di gi t al l y gener at i ng t he t essel l at ed vaul twi t h di gi t alf abr i cat i on met hodsbyusi ng 5 axi sCNC hot wi r ecut t i ng machi ne.


35 I nt r o

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