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7 Ways of Building good relationships for leaders
Our considerable portion of 24 hours is spent at workplace dealing with different people from diverse backgrounds having different values, attitudes, culture and beliefs. Despite of these differences, a leader needs to build rapport with people in order to be happy and successful. Building healthy relationship has a considerable impact on your work and productivity. So, let us see some of the ways in which you can foster positive healthy relationship so that others feel motivated and connected with you as a person and would always like you to be around them.
Be Professional Doing your job sincerely, being punctual, dressing appropriately, taking care not to disturb others with loud talk and inappropriate use of mobile are signs of professionalism. One should also take care not indulge in gossiping and also not to mix personal and professional life. This would lay the foundation for positive relationships at the workplace.
Treat your colleagues cordially At the workplace, and everywhere else, always let the other person have at least as much respect and value as you give to yourself, if not more. Put simply, it means, everyone should be treated cordially. Since you would like your opinion to be heard you should also listen to the other person’s opinion. If you disagree and are absolutely certain that you have to vocalize your opinion then you should do it in an agreeable manner.
Be Cooperative Helping your colleagues when they need your help is as much of a help to them as it is to yourself. You not only help them but at same time you cement the bond between you two. Helping someone in need could start a great relationship or even make an existing relationship better. Therefore, one should heartily welcome such opportunities. However, due care should be taken to not let one’s own work suffer on this account and nor should people be allowed to take undue advantage.
Be Open At the workplace, one should always project an open attitude with colleagues. Communication, no doubt, is a two-way thing, yet one should never hesitate to initiate it. Keeping communication lines open makes work flow easier, besides raising everyone’s spirits. Meaningful chit-chat, shared lunches, and occasional laughs are a few ways of initiating great relationships.
Judge Gently You need to realize that nobody in the world is perfect. Each one of you brings to the workplace some degree of imperfection in some or the other area. Therefore, instead of criticizing someone harshly it would be better to try to put across your point out gently as something between you two only. It is normal that your colleagues will make mistakes; try to resolve them rather than highlighting them. Would you not expect them to do the same with your faults? That is more like using tact and responding rather than reacting.
Talk it out Do you have a continuous problem with someone? Is there is someone in your office with whom you find it challenging to deal with? If your life at work is being harmed by a difficult relationship, then you can take the initiative and arrange a convenient time and place to talk with that person. It is possible that in the short term you may not wish to do this but in the long term, it could have measurable benefits to your relationship and subsequent interactions
Be Watchful The last on the list is the advice to carefully be watchful. That is because relationships also need to be nurtured. It is important to be watchful of the behaviour trends emanating from the daily interactions and the role your reaction plays. This way you would be in a position to take corrective actions to keep the relationships on track.
Thus, by bearing in mind that you alone can work upon and control your words and actions, your behavior with respect to others will help in developing a healthy YOU. If you fail to deal well with others, you will fail to be successful in achieving the desired from the workplace. After all, the world looks up to leaders who believe in the power of influence and not authority.
lots of thanks to all.