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SucceSS iS Never FiNal aNd Failure iS Never Fatal

Qualities Of a Motivational Speaker.

aFter watchiNg Some oF iNSpiriNg SpeakerS i came to kNow FollowiNg diFFereNt qualitieS that help a motivatioNal Speaker to have aN impact oN hiS audieNce.

• FreShNeSS • autheNticity • BalaNce • empathy • kNowledge

FreShNeSS The quality that gives a ZING to any talk. Freshness allows a speaker to be unique, spontaneous and memorable.

autheNticity The most important quality is the ability to be yourself. Your authenticity connects to your audience’s humanity and allows them to also be authentic. This is the quality that transforms public speaking from “technically very good” to “WOW”.

BalaNce The ability to judge which information goes in and which stays out, in order to take your audience on an incredible journey thorough your public speaking.

empathy An inspiring speaker always starts from the perspective of their audience, which makes him unique.


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