Keeps you updated on Lev and Leo’s Activities January 2012 Volume I Issue I
Birthday Celebration
Last month on 17th Dec LnL turned one year old !
LnL went to Mandir and came back with Garlands
Also got new Dresses (identical though) from Mommy
Winter Collection
LnL Got their first MONKEY CAPS to beat the Bangalore cold wave
Here comes the most exciting moment’s of LnL’s daily activities
Both of them were crawling since last Two months
Now they have started standing on their own
As part of their Daily Activities Exploring the World from Balcony is a major one.
QUIZ: Who is this?
All Content in this Magazine is Copyrighted by Lev (Adriraj Mitra) and Leo (Adhiraj Mitra) and may not be used in any form, in website or print media without written permission.