YOUR SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION Volume 2 Issue 10 October 2008
2012 What will happen?
Message From The Editor Executive Editor Amitt Parikh
Editor Prabhath P
Graphic Design Gunaji M. Parab Parikh Info Solutions P. Limited
The significance of the year 2012 has become one of the most controversial issues in spiritual, religious and New Age circles. What kinds of events will happen with the end of the famous Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012? There is too much confusion caused by the conflicting views about 2012. There are the doomsday prophets who predict the end of the world. However, some experts believe it marks only the end of an evolutionary phase and the dawning of a new spiritual cycle of evolution that could herald Heaven on Earth. Some New Agers hope to ascend to a higher dimension where only some chosen ones make the grade, while many others feel the whole planet will go through a Great Shift, a planetary transformation. Then there are questions raised about whether there would be a sudden quantum leap in evolution or a more gradual transformation in successive stages.
Published By Spiritual Science & Research Foundation
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This special issue on 2012 addresses such aspects through various views from authors who have explored the 2012 phenomenon in-depth, for enabling readers to get some insights for evolving their own understanding. Love and Light, Prabhath P
Contents 01.
The Times are Changing
By Henry Reed
2012: Exopolitics, Global Transformation
By Sol Luckman
I AM - The Awakening
By Ellaeenah
The Serpent Eating its Own Tail
By Divyaa Kummar
Integral Planetary Transformation
By Prabhath P
Towards 2012 - A Quantum Leap for the Earth
By Judy Satori
December 21, 2012: Doomsday or A New Dawn?
By Melvyn Caryl
2012:Forgetting What We Know to Know Anew
By Penney Peirce
Spiritual Poem
The Times are Changing By Henry Reed (Taken from the anthology, Future Consciousness: A 2012 Omni Reader, available at : )
“The times, they are a changin'…” sang Bob Dylan. Yet the truth of the matter is, change has been a constant, for life itself requires it. Yet, we humans, who are a part of life, have difficulty coping with change. Some paradox! What Bob really means is, these times are changing a lot. My grandmother (now in
spirit) told me how she went from riding in a horse and buggy to watching a man walk on the moon. These past decades have seen change unprecedented in recorded history. Change occurs over time, and the length of the time intervals affects what kinds of changes occur. From day to night takes a few hours, from leaves falling to flowers blooming takes a few months. Recently we have been introduced to time intervals much larger, measured in tens of thousands of years. For example, we've been aware for some time that
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we are moving from what is called the Age of Picses to the Age of Aquarius. Most notably, we hear a lot about the Galactic Convergence, which some claim also marks the change of 'Ages.' We can contemplate what kind of changes take 26,000 years! The changes represented by the movements of the stars are beyond our own personal responsibility. We didn't cause them. They are just happening, although we will have to adapt. There are other kinds of changes for which we can look to ourselves as somehow involved in the challenging changes that confront us. A comprehensive perspective on consciousness and its growth (Spiral Dynamics; McIntosh, Integral Spirituality) proposes that every stage of consciousness inherently has its own shadow side, its blind spot. This shadow consciousness creates problems. It's a matter of unintended consequences. These problems confound consciousness, because these problems cannot be solved within the same stage of consciousness that created them. Thus, the problems serve as a stimulant to a growth in consciousness, becoming a source for the evolution of consciousness, to the next stage, and then the cycle will repeat. It is kind of like when the devil is referred to as Lucifer, the light bringer. The devil creates problems that shed light upon the limitations of our current consciousness. At another level we might see the analogy of the statement, “when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade,� meaning that our consciousness has the opportunity to grow from learning from misfortune. Today we hear a lot about a world in crisis that is essentially the birth pangs of a new beginning. The changes for which we are implicated are these: 1) Globalization (The Flat Earth, by Thomas Friedman), which is making our planet smaller, more interconnected. Technological advances in transportation and communication are the main sources of this change. Job losses, displacements in cultures, invasions of competing worldviews
threatening traditional values, etc. 2) Global warming, in which the technology applied has had the unintended consequence of carbon dioxide in the air. 3) The resource pressure, oil prices going up, water shortages, food shortages, the dying off of bees and things which threaten our physical existence. These changes are not speculative, but are real, and are compounding one another. They stimulate solutions like telecommuting and going green, but many scientists wonder if these efforts will be enough soon enough. Thus we have several sources of pressure creating profound changes, or the potential for profound changes, and we have to adapt. The adaptation is along the lines of a change in consciousness. Such a change is often called a 'shift,' perhaps in response to the earlier notion of a 'pole shift,' speaking of an event on planet earth, or, in Jungian terms, an antinomia, or a change of heart, a shift in consciousness. Falling in with the idea of a 'tipping point,' there is the idea that as enough people begin to make these changes in consciousness, there will come a tipping point where even more people will make the change and things, the outer world, reality, will correspondingly shift. So there are two aspects then of change: the forces for change, and the resulting response to change, which is itself a change. Considering now the stage of consciousness that is responsible for the three global pressures referred to above, what shall we refer to? We might first look at the history of consciousness as a guide. We can look at it either in terms of the history of humanity or the biography of an individual human (phylogeny reflects biogeny?). The origins and history of consciousness (von Neumann) have two major stages, one when we were identified with our surroundings, living in a merged consciousness with
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the environment, and then a shift to the awareness of a separate, autonomous self. Some might refer to the Enlightenment and Descartes, and the idea of a duality, an inner subjectivity and an outer objectivity. Later thinkers, such as Ken Wilber, have divided up the stages in more steps, and we learn about the move from a matriarchal consciousness to a patriarchal consciousness. In many respects, the two systems are analogous, as the feminine has more of a merger feeling, and the masculine more of a separate, autonomous feeling. Another aspect of consciousness that is being blamed as the creator of our problems and the light-bringer of our evolution has been the materialistic consciousness, that the physical is real, the mental is not. Whether dualism, materialism or patriarchy, is the consciousness culprit, they seem to have similar unintended consequences and we can look ahead to how these will be superceded in the next step of evolution. Teilhard de Chardin (The Future of Man) may be one of the first to put forth the notion that consciousness evolves, and he had a future vision of where it was headed. Barbara Marx Hubbard (Emergence) is also someone noted for sounding the note of evolution before contemporary problems made evolution more on our minds, kind of like a Noah's ark, that we must evolve or die. One of the things that Hubbard stressed was that unlike previous aspects of evolution that somehow happened by the mechanical process of “survival of the fittest,” the contemporary change is more like “the survival of the wisest,” in that evolution is in our hands, is up to us, depends upon our choices, and has stimulated a lot of education, outreach, teaching, proselytizing, as if we knew that unless we could inspire many, many folks to change their consciousness, the necessary tipping point would not be reached. How are we to change? Transform? That is, what is the direction of this evolution? What will the future human be like? Where would we go to find the answer to that question, what models do we have? For example, there is the Christian model of “being
saved in Jesus,” so that when the 'rapture' comes, you'll be taken to Heaven. We can look to 'evolved' individuals, who usually were great teachers, and examine their consciousness. Richard Bucke did this years ago in his book, Cosmic Consciousness. We can look to psychological studies of human growth and actualization, studying especially how gifted people achieve even greater consciousness, or how special techniques have brought out special characteristics in consciousness, such as the study of the long-term effects of meditation. We can look to studies of anomalous experiences, such as UFO encounters and near death experiences, to see what 'forces' outside our normal perception may be contributing to a direction for growth in consciousness. As we examine each of these lines of study, and of prophecy, we can also reflect upon our own lives. What events in our own lives have led to growth? How have we learned to adapt to change? Each of us has a different growing tip, leading edge, and like Columbus and his detractors, we may long to cross the great waters, yet fear that we'll fall off the edge of the planet and drop into the realm of monsters. But the idea here is that although we may contemplate processes, forces, and cycles that are way beyond the scope of a lifetime, these are also mirrored in the little events of our own growth and life story. Thus as we begin to gain a holistic, comprehensive understanding of all that is in play, we can begin to find analogies in our own lives, and can begin to assume responsibility for aligning ourselves with the forces of evolution, both to learn how to transform gracefully, and also to help others do so. In such a way, we become prophets, using our intuition and foretaste to guide us into a path that is constructive and congruent with the growing reality. To use an analogy to better express what I mean by the value of collating this information into as compact a vision as possible, to better guide us in our efforts, suppose the factors at work pressing us for evolution are like a force trying to push a square peg through a round hole. Clearly the square peg won't
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fit. It must transform itself into roundness in order to go through. If we were to use this simple image to organize our information, we'd want to understand the nature of the force pushing on the square peg, what makes a square peg a square, why a square can't go through a round hole, what is the nature of roundness, and how can a square become round. In other words, then, taking it personally, what are your corners? What keeps them intact? How can you become more round? If I could take all the lines of thought, speculation, channeling, tradition, research and such, regarding these evolutionary factors, and express all of that with the simplicity of the square peg, round hole analogy, I think it would be a lot easier for us to connect with what's happening and initiate the needed adjustments. Of course, we'd still be faced with the question of how can we motivate the square peg and facilitate its transformation into something round. Our response to the call to change remains critical. We've looked at some of the forces at work, such as globalization, climate change, and galactic cycles. We've glanced at some of the corners of the square, such as dualism and materialism. And we've listed the many sources of information about the nature of the round thing that will emerge on the other side of the hole. There are so many expressions and aspects to the roundness that it is difficult to find a way in to them so as to organize them in as succinct an image as possible. I've maintained that it is necessary to consider many, many sources of information and guidance about the eventual roundness, and now let me share a little about why I think it is so. We might begin with looking at historical, almost archetypal, traditional propositions about the nature of the idealized (future) consciousness. Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian and Moslem traditions each have their teachings on what is the 'goal' or 'higher consciousness,' or enlightenment, that might characterize the nature of the roundness on the other side of the hole. For convenience, however, we might turn to Aldous Huxley and his research on
what he called “The Perennial Philosophy.” That refers to what all the spiritual traditions have in common, what is their essential sameness. He concluded that this common essence can be expressed in three words, “Thou art That.” There are many ways of 'unpacking' the meaning condensed in those three words. Here are a couple of equivalent expressions: The 'you' that you experience as being 'inside' and the 'world' you experience as being 'outside' are the same thing. Oneness. Perhaps you can think of others. Each alternative perhaps emphasizes a different aspect of this statement. From this essential principle comes the 'prime directive,' which we are familiar with as “The Golden Rule.” Treat others as yourself. Let's look at this prescription for a moment. Suppose everyone in the world were to suddenly follow the Golden Rule. Would that solve the problem? Would earthly resources become more evenly distributed? Would global warming cease? Would the galactic alignment cease to be relevant? I don't think that an immediate answer, either yes or no, is justified, but is worth thinking about more deeply, for I suspect that if everyone were to follow the Golden Rule tomorrow, it certainly would help things, crime rates would go down, and wars would cease, but we'd still have the challenge of the distribution of resources and how to deal with climate change. Perhaps, if we had enough time, following the Golden Rule could eventually make for a sustainable life on the planet. If we all loved one another as ourselves, certainly we would be enacting the behavioral pattern that would be similar to what we might expect from a 'Messiah' coming and creating peace upon the earth. One of the issues involved in this imaginary scenario has to do with the question of whether or not, or to what extent, you can change your consciousness by acting as if your consciousness were changed. In other words, if you were to deliberately treat everyone as yourself, would you over time, become psychic for everyone, have the mystical experience of oneness with all life? “Fake it
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until you make it” is a phrase I've associated with my experience in Alcoholics Anonymous, but I also find this same principle in the Edgar Cayce readings. He suggests that certain attitudes and emotions are more healthy and more spiritually harmonious, and that if you can't feel that way now, behave as if you do feel that way, and soon those behaviors will pull in the feelings and the raw, direct experience, i.e., the desired attitudes and emotions. I've worked with an aspect of this idea to gain entrance into a more mystical or direct experience of the spiritual axiom of “everything is perfect and happening just as is meant to happen,” an awareness that Richard Bucke found common among people who had experienced what he called 'Cosmic Consciousness.' The implication of this axiom is a feeling of gratitude for all that one experiences. A now in spirit Edgar Cayce practitioner, Everett Irion, used to counsel those who asked to write out forty times a day, “Thank you, Father.” I used to think the idea was somewhat authoritarian, like a slave who was allowed only obedience and obsequiousness. However, over the years, I have found that the practice of engendering gratitude for all my experiences has proven to be a wonderful elixir and a gateway to greater depth of understanding. I am now much enamored of William Blake's statement, “Gratitude is Heaven itself.” I could go on about this equation, and I think I've expounded on it in my book, The Intuitive Heart. Suffice it to say that although I do not go around with a smile on my face and an open heart, but I have found that the direct application of the formula does have at least a temporary effect upon my consciousness that reinforces my use of it. So, I do know that it is, in some instances, possible to fake it until you make it. But how long does it take? Some have pointed out that the difference between primary spirituality and religion, is that the former is based upon direct experience while the latter is an attempt to create patterns of behavior that are explainable and teachable to the average person who has not had the direct experience, but which
would guide that average person toward a lifestyle that was congruent or harmonious with the direct experience, with the expectation that the person would become more available to the experience, or at least not engage in behaviors that would block having the direct experience. Those with the direct experience need no rules, or religion, because acting spontaneously from the direct experience, their behaviors are consistent with that experience - it is only natural. I suspect, then, that following behavioral guidelines, such as the Golden Rule, even though it is an expression of the state of consciousness toward which we may be headed, will be insufficient. We need remedial experiences to help us change our perception of reality. Well, one such methodology has been around for a long, long time: meditation. OK, let's look at meditation for a moment. We've seen from the Maharishi effect, that if enough people are meditating in a city, the crime rate goes down. Many studies on that. OK, so let's get more and more people meditating. No more crime, wars cease. Again, will that be sufficient to ease the square peg into a roundness, or will the forces at work crush that peg before it can dissolve its corners through meditation? Again, the words of PMH Atwater come to mind, that we should not be lazy in our thinking but realize the immensity of the forces at work and the challenge falling upon us. Let's not, in the name of the 'Law of Attraction' ignore the perils out of fear that paying attention to them will draw them to us. Not that I can't see the merits of that law. Let me share with you an actual experience that shows how I put that law into a balanced perspective. I was taking a course in 'tracking,' a process derived from the study of indigenous peoples. In one phase, we were told about how a person could 'disappear' in the environment, not being detected by those hunting for the person, through an act of consciousness. I had an intuition as to this possibility and on one of our field excursions during this training, I managed to leave the group undetected, went around and ahead of the group's path, and then laid myself down on the
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ground less than six feet from the path. I then began to meditate, and did so especially with regard to simply relaxing and doing nothing to 'hide' or even acknowledge the upcoming presence of the folks in the group. The best way I can explain that is to suggest that you imagine what it must be like to attempt to sit in front of a group of people who are staring at you, close your eyes, and allow yourself to fall asleep in front of them. To do so you have to become totally indifferent to their presence. And sure enough, as I lay there on the ground in that frame of mind, they all walked past me without seeing me at all. I've also had dreams where I was fearing someone coming after me, and I sensed in the dream how my fear of that someone drew that person to me. So I'm familiar with the underlying feelings that give rise to the Law of Attraction. However, I think there is a difference between dwelling upon or fearing the coming changes, on the one hand, and being mindful of the changes as a motivation for action. “All we have to fear is fear itself,” has a lot of truth in this arena, but it is not saying to ignore the challenges, just not to fear them, as the fear will paralyse us and in that way keep us in the path of what we fear. Studies of those who survive or don't survive catastrophes support this type of thinking. So I believe we do better by being fully aware of the gravity of the situation, in all its details, but being aware in a way that informs us to the nature of the forces so as to guide us into the kind of changes these forces are pushing us toward. Enough said on that subject. Now let's return to the task of finding our way through all the different aspects of the 'roundness' that seems to be the outcome of this period of transformation. How can we organize, simplify, coalesce, or otherwise shrink down to a manageable essence of the goal without oversimplifying or getting into the complacency that simply following a single principle like the Golden Rule will solve the problem? One approach to this puzzle comes from the study of 'memes.' Wikipedia is a good source for some overview information, and I learned that
'meme,' rhymes with genes (which was the idea behind the name) and is informational DNA. Now in biology, DNA determines what happens, it's a blueprint with the ability to direct the action. Memes are informational equivalents, ideas that spread, ideas that direct action, ideas that shape how we experience things. Of course, archetypes are behind the memes. We've looked at the archetype of the apocalypse, and now, to consider memes that this archetype creates, here's one good example: “love is letting go of fear.” This is an idea that is spreading. It is an idea that affects how we see things and how we behave. It is an idea that has apocalyptic aspects, as in transformation. In other words, we are moving from a fear based consciousness to a love based consciousness and it is quite an upsetting revolution. Anyway, as I explored the idea of memes, it led me to the work of Clare Graves. Like Maslow, who developed the “hierarchy of needs,” from eating to self-transcendence, Graves developed a hierarchical scheme regarding evolution of human consciousness. His basic idea is that humans work out a solution to one set of problems facing existence, arriving at a new level, discovering a new set of problems, solve them, move to a new level, new challenges etc. You can see what he is talking about in today's news: technology has solved a lot of problems for us, but now we realize it has created its own problems and we are trying to solve them, requiring us to grow in consciousness. Graves' levels of existence (published in 1970) begin with six subsistence levels: the physical survival mode of consciousness, which he calls the 'automatic' level of existence. The 'tribalistic' level provides some safety to existence. The third level is 'ego-centric,' having to do with when we developed self-awareness. The fourth is the 'saintly' level, where we achieve everlasting peace of mind - most of us have not achieved that level yet. The fifth level is the 'materialistic' level, where we have finally conquered the physical universe so that no one has want for anything. We're working on that. The sixth subsistence level he calls the 'sociocentric' or
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learning how to get along with one another. Then, the first 'being' level, beyond subsistence, he calls the 'cognitive' level, where we restore 'viability to a disordered world.' The seventh level, of which he says we've not yet seen many examples, he calls the 'experientialistic,' which involves “accepting existential dichotomies.” That kind of consciousness would be a real quantum leap from what we typically experience today. I suspect that is nothing less than an actual transformation of consciousness, one where the strategy of perception and the organizing of experiential data are completely different from what they are now. Research on long time meditators show that their brains react differently to stimuli than new or nonmeditators. Perhaps this fact is a clue to what's ahead in these changing times. I don't think following the Golden Rule, in itself, will be enough. We're going to have some kind of metamorphosis in consciousness so that we actually experience the 'other' as ourselves, which will require an entirely new orientation of consciousness to the dream of the material world.
© Henry Reed, all rights reserved Henry Reed, Ph.D. is Director of the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies at Atlantic University. Author of several books and scholarly articles, Henry lives with his wife on a goat ranch in the Blue Ridge mountains.
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2012: Exopolitics, Global Transformation and Personal Empowerment By Sol Luckman Exopolitics is a wide-ranging and often controversial field of inquiry that has gained momentum throughout the world in recent decades. Arguably, based on overwhelming cross-cultural
evidence dating back thousands of years, the phenomenon of exopolitics is as old as human history itself. A leading proponent of the study of extraterrestrial intervention in earthly affairs, Dr.
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Michael Salla, has defined exopolitics as “the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life.” In Salla's definition, exopolitics “focuses on the political implications of an extraterrestrial presence known to clandestine quasi-governmental entities that keep knowledge of this presence secret” from the masses. Those researching and reporting on exopolitics do so with a wide range of more or less obvious agendas, from outright skepticism to scholarly curiosity to starry-eyed, new-age channelings heralding immanent 'contact' with entities arriving on spaceships to 'save' humanity. I am no skeptic of extraterrestrial existence and even involvement in human affairs, but I do question the wisdom of the clouds of glory or fleets of UFOs, for our personal and collective salvation. I am well aware that to question the 'exopoliticsas-savior' agenda is tantamount to heresy among many believers in and proponents of 'messianic' extraterrestrial intervention in terrestrial affairs, for whom such a belief is often held with truly religious zeal. I would be remiss, however, if I failed to point out what seems quite obvious: such projection onto yet another 'rescuer' represents a perpetuation of the very 'victim consciousness' we, as individuals and as a species, are striving to move beyond. In other words, exopolitics can easily and naturally morph into an exercise in personal disempowerment, severely curtailing our ability to adopt unity consciousness and unconditional love that honor divinity in all things I have studied the profound - and in my opinion, unparalleled - body of 'extraterrestrial' teachings known as The Law of One extensively and feel that, based on this material, contact on a mass scale is not likely to be the objective of those extraterrestrials who desire to serve humanity. The 'social memory complex' known as Ra described itself in 1981 through renowned trance channel Carla Rueckert as “an humble astronaut” and member of the
Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator - an alliance of higher-dimensional beings (some of whom we can think of as our 'future selves') with a number of duties, one of which being to protect Earth (through a type of quarantine) during our Shift from the third to the fourth dimension. In 2005 I wrote extensively about this Shift, that by many indications is poised to occur very soon during the 2011-13 window, in my book Conscious Healing, where I drew on the meticulous and intellectually satisfying research of renowned author and psychic David Wilcock, who has substantiated - unambiguously and scientifically many elements of The Law of One, including the upcoming dimensional Shift, called by Ra Harvest and known in the Christian tradition as Ascension. In The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation, Wilcock and co-author Wynn Free first publicized the 'Energetic Engine of Evolution,' which owing to its importance in explaining the 'ener-genetic' transformation now taking place on a global scale, I will briefly recapitulate here. Citing the work of numerous respected researchers, Wilcock outlines a model that unites a variety of disciplines and provides some critical missing elements to the evolutionary picture. In Wilcock's words, this groundbreaking model “suggests that humanity is on the verge of a near-spontaneous metamorphosis into a more highly evolved state of consciousness.” Basing his analysis on the increasingly popular notion that Darwinian evolutionary theory is 'extinct,' Wilcock observes that the “probabilities that DNA could evolve by 'random mutation' are so minute as to be utterly laughable.” Greatly surpassing the reach of the 'gradualist' theory of evolution, which certainly occurs as environmental adaptation, the fossil record makes it abundantly clear that species regularly evolve in previously inexplicable leaps and bounds, leapfrogging what
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would seem from a Darwinian perspective to be necessary evolutionary phases. Atop a long list of species whose evolution has baffled science is the human species. Although for many decades a 'missing link' has been assumed to exist based on unproven Darwinian presumptions, scientists have never managed to find it. “When we consider that the size of the brain literally doubled between that of humanity's apparent ancestors and ourselves, with no evidence of a smooth transformation whatsoever,” writes Wilcock, “we see a spontaneous evolution of the creatures on Earth.” One scientist associated with National Geographic, studying the complex bone carvings from 70,000 B.C.E. found at Blombos Cave in South Africa, concluded that behavioral evolution reflects physical development - an important observation meaning that (to cite Wilcock) “spontaneous evolution is not simply physiological, but consciousness-related …When a new bodily form has emerged, consciousness changes appear to occur.” Physicist Amit Goswami, author of The SelfAware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World, advances a parallel theory of evolution in which consciousness is primary and matter is secondary. Goswami similarly points out that natural selection simply cannot account for significant changes in the complexity of systems - as in, from primate to human. “Instead,” writes Goswami, such changes “show the quantum leap of a creative consciousness choosing among many simultaneous potential variations.” On a related note, human language, as pointed out by wellknown linguist Noam Chomsky, clearly does not exhibit a linear development from animal to human speech patterns. “This poses a problem for the biologist,” concedes Chomsky, “since, if true, it is an example of a true emergence.” Such an 'emergence,' or virtually spontaneous transformation of a species, or Harvest, is a hallmark of Ra's cosmology as articulated in The Law of One,
in which souls evolve through dimensions or 'densities' from so-called inanimate matter, to animals, to humans, to what might be described as 'angelic' incarnations in higher dimensions of existence. A central point here is that such evolutionary leaps are indeed leaps, and typically occur within a single generation. Ra states, “Those who, finishing a cycle of experience, demonstrate … understanding … will be separated by their own choice into” an appropriate and comfortable dimension of experience. “All are harvested regardless of their progress, for [by this time] the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for … lower levels of vibration.” As indicated by both The Ra Material and the Mayan calendar, rather than in fits and starts, such evolutionary fast-forwards of physiology and consciousness appear to happen in systematized, predictable cycles. Ra points out that in the third dimension of experience, Harvest occurs three times, once every 25,000 years, with those sufficiently evolved in consciousness “making the grade,” as it were, to gain admission to Fourth Density. Fascinatingly, the Mayan calendar can be interpreted to map out a 26,000-year cycle - one, like Ra's model, that ends in a few short years around 2012. Theorizing a 'harmonic relationship' between the 26,000-year Mayan calendar and 26-millionyear period between extinctions/evolutionary leaps in the fossil record, Wilcock notes that all terrestrial species have suddenly evolved, or metamorphosed, every 26 million years - making a compelling case for “an outside energetic influence that operates in a regular, cyclic fashion.” To understand what outside energetic influence is responsible for these regular evolutionary revolutions, it is necessary to touch on the concept of torsion energy, universal creative consciousness or in Ra's terminology - “intelligent energy,” a subject I elaborate on in considerable detail in Conscious
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Healing. Some writers, notably Barbara Hand Clow, have focused attention on something called the Photon Band, which can be envisioned as a torsionwave 'light lattice' connecting Earth via our sun to the Core of our galaxy that serves as a guiding data communication network for human as well as planetary evolution. Such an understanding of the universal communication network is deeply 'shamanic,' underpinning the majority of the world's native wisdom traditions, as well as my own form of energy healing called the Regenetics Method. Wilcock's impressive body of research indicates that something very much like a Photon Band exists as lines of intelligent, higher-dimensional torsion radiation emanating from Galactic Center. Both Wilcock and Clow envision the Photon Band as tracing figure-eights throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. It appears from Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev's research involving aether that such looping 'zero point' energy based on the phi ratio (1.6180339) is, among other things, directly responsible for our spiral experience of time.
From Book One on the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing: The Photon Band & Black Road. It takes 225 million Earth years for the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete rotation through the Photon Band, which is believed to be a birth cycle for our galaxy. The Black Road, a Mesoamerican phrase for a type of wormhole, can be conceptualized as simultaneously an astrophysical and genetic
alignment with Galactic Center that engenders a Shift in consciousness and physiology. This same energy, as I will share momentarily, also directly creates our DNA and imprints its inherent phi ratio on practically all of nature's systems, from the way our hair swirls atop our heads, to the growth patterns of leaves on plants, to the unmistakable shape of many seashells. As Geoff Ward observes in Spirals: The Pattern of Existence, “The spiral is the sign of the eternal, creative, unifying and organising force or principle at work in the universe, and especially of the ongoing creation of consciousness. It is a divine mark on nature, what may be termed God's personal signature on the cosmos, the Great Architect's own autograph - from the cradles of stars and planets in the awesome spiral arms of galaxies to the beautiful double helix structure of the DNA molecule [...] As the spiral seems to be integral to physical growth, so it is also the symbolic pattern of human spiritual growth ... [T]he spiral is as much part of our 'cultural' DNA as it is part of our biological DNA [...] Indeed, I have come to realise that 'spirality' - the condition of being spiral - and 'reality' are almost interchangeable terms.� Recalling Kozyrev's aether theories, fellow Russian scientist Sergey Smelyakov's research demonstrates that the harmonic vibrations of phi, also called the Golden Mean and Fibonacci sequence, perfectly inform the fabric of space-time. Mathematically, the Photon Band appears to be structured on phi, producing set galactic intervals the Mayans were obviously aware of when constructing their uncannily accurate calendar and which Ra describes as occurring in virtually clocklike fashion. The Golden Mean further precisely defines the mathematical relationship between 'above' and 'below.' The DNA molecule itself is minutely structured on phi, measuring 34 x 21 angstroms for each full helical spiral. Smelyakov's The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan Factor convincingly affirms that Earth
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connects to Galactic Center via our solar system in a harmonic fashion he calls 'Solar-planetary Synchronism,' a vibratory relationship based on the Golden Mean. In an article entitled The Ultimate Secret of the Mayan Calendar, Wilcock cites Smelyakov's article, writing that this study helps explain the end of the Mayan calendar in geometric terms as an “infinitely-converging end point” in which time appears to 'collapse.' This is because time as we experience it follows the imploding spirals of phi like a finger tracing the involutions of a conch shell to its center. History thus does not technically repeat itself; it is more like climbing a spiral staircase - one with pronounced evolutionary changes in consciousness and body types as we ascend from floor to floor. Torsion energy spiraling as the Photon Band from the creative consciousness at the center of our universe - what Ra calls 'Intelligent Infinity' or the 'Logos'- is Wilcock's Energetic Engine of Evolution. Because of its curvilinear form, the Photon Band comprises swaths of lesser and greater density of torsion waves manifesting as higher-dimensional light. As our solar system orbits periodically into galactic areas characterized by greater density of torsion waves (i.e. greater light or consciousness), which it is now doing, life on our planet, including the living organism that is Earth, is intelligently stimulated to evolve in phenomenal ways physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The ancient Hindus were similarly aware of the ener-genetic connection between Galactic Center and DNA, as well as of the many cycles of time ending around 2012, employing the term somvarta to indicate the intelligent waves of Core energy responsible for the spontaneous evolution of species. A salient point in the developmental model I am sketching here is that evolution of species is not driven by material, but by metaphysical energy, or consciousness, of a spiraling - what I call transgenetic - nature. Swedish Biologist Carl Johan Calleman reaches precisely the same conclusion in
The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, cautioning “against a narrow interpretation of the term cyclical. The Mayan calendar describes evolutionary rather than strictly cyclical processes, so history is more like a spiral of evolution, in which similar types of events are favored at certain points in the cycle.” Calleman is quick to clarify that the “results of these cyclical bursts of creativity are never identical; a repetition of identical cycles does not generate evolution. History is rather a process resulting from stepwise increasing levels of consciousness.” Reading between the lines, the experienced student of the Mayan calendar will hear in Calleman's words a critique of interpretations of the Mayan calendar as purely a measurement of revolving astronomical cycles - the type of reading given to the Mayan calendar by John Major Jenkins, for example. Instead, Calleman's Mayan calendar is, first and foremost, a map of the evolution of consciousness. Driving home his point, Calleman elaborates that “endlessly repeated identical astronomical cycles could never explain the evolution of consciousness.” On the subject of embracing the Mayan calendar as a spiritual map with a clearly defined teleological focus, Calleman writes, “If today we are to embrace a worldview in which consciousness is more important than matter, we … need to base our timekeeping on the nonphysical, invisible reality [that gives rise to reality] rather than on the physical.” Although to the best of my knowledge Calleman is not consciously drawing on The Ra Material, his interpretation of the Mayan calendar is exceedingly consistent on numerous points with Ra's cosmology- and indeed, constitutes a further validation of the latter (in which the “body [the physical] is a creature of the mind”). Certainly, Calleman's central theme, like Ra's, is unity. Ra explicitly describes how our movement into the next density will have the effect of removing the veil in the mind that currently separates human from divine consciousness. In parallel fashion, Calleman writes
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of the end of the Mayan calendar, “No longer will there be an experience of separation between human beings and God. If we do not experience ourselves as gods, we will, at the very least, experience ourselves fully as the manifestations of the Divine that we truly are.” In humans, as I observed back in 2005, evolutionary activation occurs as torsion waves stimulate “jumping DNA” (mobile genetic units that Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock termed transposons) to rewrite the genetic code - a phenomenon supported by a great deal of scientific evidence. Bruce Lipton's research in epigenetics, as detailed in The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles, unambiguously demonstrates that cells possess the ability to reprogram their own DNA, with tangible physical results, when environmentally prompted. Dr. Lipton hypothesizes that such rewriting, which is typically favorable to the organism (an important point), accounts for the vast majority of evolutionary (trans)mutation. In a similar vein, in a study entitled Retrotransposons as Engines of Human Bodily Transformation, biochemist Colm Kelleher discusses the subject of radical genetic metamorphosis as a result of what he terms a 'transposition burst.' “If one were to hypothesize a transmutation of the human body,” writes Dr. Kelleher, it “would be necessary to orchestrate a change, cell by cell, involving the simultaneous silencing of hundreds of genes and the activation of a different set of hundreds more.” Concludes Kelleher, a “transposition burst is a plausible mechanism at the DNA/RNA level that could accomplish such a genome wide change … that eventually results in transformation of the human body.” In much recent literature on the subject, the transfigured body Kelleher envisions has been called the lightbody. Mounting evidence clearly shows that the lightbody is not merely an esoteric
fantasy but, at the very least, a bio-spiritual possibility. Many ancient peoples, in fact, believed that to survive and thrive through the Galactic Alignment that is now occurring, one must be willing and able to develop a lightbody - which, according to Ra, is precisely what occurs, for those who have sufficiently prepared themselves, during the dimensional transition to Fourth Density. Throughout the centuries the lightbody has been called by many names. Other historical names for the lightbody include the 'Diamond Body' and 'Jade Body' (Taoism), the 'Merkabah' (Kabala), the 'Adamantine Body' (Tantra), the 'Glorified Body' (Christianity), 'Holy Flesh' (Catholicism), the ' S u p e r c o n d u c t i v e B o d y ' ( Ve d a n t a ) , t h e 'Supercelestial Body' (Sufism), the 'Radiant Body' (Neo-Platonism), the 'Immortal Body' (Hermeticism), the 'Body of Bliss' (Kriya Yoga), the 'Perfect Body' (Mithraism), and the 'Golden Body' (Emerald Tablets). According to author and researcher Sai Grafio, who contributed to the foregoing list, the Tibetan Buddhist tradition is the only ancient tradition that actually refers to our ascensional vehicle as the lightbody. It goes almost without saying that the building of any kind of body, 'natural' or 'supernatural,' is accomplished by way of life's building block, DNA, in one form or another. With great prescience in the mid-Twentieth Century, Indian philosopher and holy man Sri Aurobindo referred to the lightbody as the 'Divine Body,' explaining that it “is indeed as a result of our evolution that we arrive at the possibility of this transformation … Here a slow and tardy change need no longer be the law or manner of our evolution; it will be only so to a greater or lesser extent so long as a mental ignorance clings and hampers our ascent” (italics mine). In the Bible, the lightbody is referred to as the 'Spiritual Body' and the 'Wedding Garment.' The resurrection and glorification of the body is a central dogma of the Catholic Church, which maintains detailed records of lightbody activations in its strict
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records used in the canonization process for saints. Perhaps the most famous biblical passage that appears to describe the transformation of the human body into a lightbody occurs in Saint Paul's epistle I Corinthians 15:39-44: “ All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.” In the words of James Redfield, Michael Murphy and Sylvia Timbers in God and the Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution, we “can begin to picture bodily changes that might accompany the further development of our greater attributes, supposing: first, that esoteric accounts of bodily transformation, though frequently fanciful, reflect actual developments of physical structures as yet unrecognized by science; second, that supernormal capacities, like their normal counterparts, require distinctive types of supporting structure and process; and third, that we can extrapolate from physiological changes already revealed by modern research in imagining bodily developments required for high-level change.” God and the Evolving Universe is a thoughtful and scholarly study of planetary evolution and human potential whose focus - perhaps surprising
for a National Bestseller - turns out to be 'luminous embodiment.’ Wilcock concludes that the human species, much like caterpillars entering metamorphosis, is currently “being programmed by the galactic center to become more advanced while … still here in our bodies.” This is made possible because the “DNA molecule is like a programmable piece of hardware … so that if you change the energy wave that moves through it, the jumping DNA will encode it into a completely different form.” Thus it is entirely possible that “as we move into increasingly 'intelligent' zones of energy in the galaxy, the DNA energy patterns for the creatures on the planet are all upgraded, and the mutations occur so rapidly - well within one lifetime - that no 'transitional' fossils exist.” In 2007 Wilcock expounded on the idea that DNA is actually a wave form in his blog: “For years now we've been saying DNA is a wave - spiraling 'nonliving' material together into a molecule. Now there's proof! A huge validation has just been handed to us from the annals of mainstream science, 'discovering' something we'd already know - and published - since 2001. Loose inorganic materials can spontaneously and intelligently spiral together to form DNA …in the cold emptiness of space! One DNA molecule is as complex as an entire encyclopedia - so without a higher, organized intelligence guiding the process, we really cannot explain this.” The research Wilcock is referencing involved controlled experiments in which DNA literally formed out of a hermetically sealed container basically, a vacuum - when exposed to human consciousness, or torsion waves. “DNA is a physical materialization of what torsion-waves look like at the tiniest level,” he writes. “Don't forget we are dealing with intelligent energy … This, of course, strongly suggests that life could form spontaneously from inert 'nonliving' material.” In 2006 NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope
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discovered some of life's basic ingredients in the dust spiraling around a developing star. These gaseous ingredients - precursors to DNA and protein - were detected in the star's terrestrial planet zone, where rocky planets such as Earth are believed to originate. The findings represent the first time that these gases, acetylene and hydrogen cyanide, have been found in a terrestrial planet zone other than our own. Caltech's Dr. Geoffrey Blake pointed out that if “you add hydrogen cyanide, acetylene and water together in a test tube and give them an appropriate surface on which to be concentrated and react, you'll get a slew of organic compounds including amino acids and a DNA purine base called adenine.” “This infant system might look a lot like ours did billions of years ago, before life arose on Earth,” commented Fred Lahuis of Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands and the Dutch space research institute called SRON. Lahuis and his colleagues were surprised to discover the organic (carboncontaining) gases encircling a star called IRS 46 in the Ophiuchus or 'Serpent Bearer' constellation approximately 375 light-years from Earth. It seems hardly coincidental that Ophiuchus, which is an occulted thirteenth zodiacal sign symbolizing, among other things, DNA in the form of one or sometimes two coiling snakes similar to the Greek figure of Laocoön, is located (from Earth's perspective) almost on top of Galactic Center (Ra's life-producing Logos). Writing on the subject of 2012 in Galactic Alignment: The Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions, John Major Jenkins explains that Ophiuchus was a key player in the cosmology of Mithraism, the influential cult of the ancient Persian god Mithras who was associated with the sun, representing the “soul's passage through the galactic gateways that open during eras of galactic alignment.” Also in 2006, staff writer Bjorn Carey for reported on a new study revealing that magnetic “forces at the center of the galaxy [had]
twisted a nebula into the shape of DNA. The double helix shape is commonly seen inside living organisms, but this is the first time it has been observed in the cosmos.” “Nobody has ever seen anything like that before in the cosmic realm,” said the study's lead author, Mark Morris of UCLA. “Most nebulae are either spiral galaxies full of stars or formless amorphous conglomerations of dust and gas - space weather. What we see indicates a high degree of order.” “The DNA nebula is about 80 light-years long,” reported Carey, and “about 300 light-years from the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.” Carey goes on to explain that the “recipe for a DNA nebula is strict but simple. It requires a strong magnetic field, a rotating body, and a nebulous cloud of material positioned just right. Massive central black holes are the best sources for both the strong magnetic field and rotating body, and since most large galaxies have them, Morris expects DNA-like nebula may be common throughout the universe.” .
DNA Nebula. Image courtesy of NASA. As co-developer of a technique of activating DNA using torsion waves of sound and light to invite an influx of healing energy from Galactic Center, it is very gratifying that scientific discoveries suggesting that the center of our galaxy does indeed intelligently give rise to the stuff of life are occurring with great regularity. Equally gratifying is that the
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'wave-based genome theory' of Dr. Peter Gariaev, what Dr. Leonard Horowitz has termed 'electrogenetics' and my partner Leigh and I call 'Regenetics,' also has met with further empirical substantiation. Wilcock is quick to bring the discussion of the 'DNA wave' that is in a profound sense 'spoken' into being by Galactic Center, as I detail in Conscious Healing, back to the Shift or Harvest: “DNA itself is a resonantly-tuned antenna for the 'consciousness field,' and our entire Solar System is experiencing an energetic charge-up that our own fossil record suggests will have a spontaneous evolutionary impact on our DNA ... triggering the 'Ascension' or 'Golden Age' so many prophetic traditions have spoken of.” Even with such paradigm-shattering information relative to DNA widely available on the Internet and via such books as my own, not only does mainstream genetic science continue to miss the boat by focusing on biochemistry; a preponderance of the interpretations of the 2011-13 'singularity' remain stubbornly - given the overwhelming evidence that species evolve spontaneously - gradualist. The gradualist way of thinking, although nuanced in its particular expressions, follows a general pattern of proposing that somehow humanity is to be transformed, and our current difficulties transcended, through external political and/or social means over a period of a few years, decades, or centuries. Ra makes it abundantly clear, however, that the Harvest is neither gradual, political, nor of any truly external agency (if not that of pure Intelligent Infinity) whatsoever - being an internal evaluation of the self by the self. And now, as touched on above, leading-edge scientific discoveries are beginning to lend strong support to just such a radical possibility, or probability. One distinguishing aspect of The Law of One, an aspect many still heavily entrenched in dualistic thinking have difficulty grasping, is that there are two equally viable evolutionary paths available to
humans at this space-time nexus: the Path of Service to Others and the Path of Service to Self. The philosophy presented in The Law of One, in which everyone and everything in existence are seen as part of a single identity, that of the One Infinite Creator, “blinks neither at the light nor the darkness,” writes Ra, “but is available for service to others and service to self.” To a significant degree, the difficulty in embracing and living this philosophy for us as humans stems from the fact that our third-density 'illusion,' to use Ra's word, is all about polarization. In fact, polarization, or making the 'Choice' to serve others or serve the self as a spiritual path, is the principal lesson to be gained in the third dimension, where we are to learn the importance of love (either focused on others or the self) in order to move to the next level. This ultimately 'unitive' philosophy, in one fell swoop, once and for all does away with notions of good and evil and moves one quite beyond dualistic thinking centered on right and wrong. Such wholesale dissolution of the old familiar boundaries between the acceptable and the condemnable is a hard pill for many today to swallow. Yet it is precisely this unity consciousness, founded in unconditional love, that is our one and only springboard into the next stage of our individual and collective evolution: the Fourth Density, the Density of Compassion or Understanding, in which not only our minds but our bodies change dramatically - and that in virtually an instant, as plausibly and scientifically explained above in a manner that is consistent with The Ra Material, at the moment of Harvest. Wilcock has written a helpful article that, in my opinion, goes a long way toward debunking the gradualist interpretation of the Shift entitled 2012: The Facts. He cites Ra, who describes Harvest thus: “the movement over the boundary [between densities] is … that of discrete placement of vibratory level.” Wilcock's telling commentary
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follows: “DISCRETE PLACEMENT. Discrete means 'separate and distinct.' A quantum leap. [Ra also says] that there is a 'boundary' that we move over. When is the boundary? 2011-2013. DISCRETE MEANS 'SPONTANEOUS.'” Many people at this historical crossroads are facing two related stumbling blocks relative to traversing the 2012 'boundary.' First, mired in materialistic lives and values, they experience difficulty letting go of their third-density 'reality,' which, ironically, is really just an illusion - what the ancient Hindus called maya. Second, many find it extremely difficult, if not completely impossible, to release judgment and see their perceived enemies or oppressors with all the unconditional love worthy of the self. Barbara Marciniak, who writes a great deal about exopolitics - indeed, whose channeled books are inherently 'exopolitical' - cautions that things are extremely unlikely to be as they appear during the 'Nanosecond' leading up to 2012, and that discernment has never been more vital than during these potentially confusing times if we are to stay on our individualized 'path of empowerment.' On the subject of continuously vilifying Earth's 'oppressors,' the Illuminati or 'Anunnaki,' as so many have done and continue to do, Marciniak's Pleiadian sources state point-blank that such a focus, which almost automatically detracts from one's own allimportant Now, is likely to be misplaced as well as misleading. “You are Family of Light [Path of Service to Others] and Family of Dark [Path of Service to Self] simultaneously existing here, supporting and allowing each other to play out your own dramas,” the Pleiadians state from a highly 'Law of One' viewpoint in Family of Light. “Family of Light, do not worry about Family of Dark, for they will take care of themselves. The more you worry, the more likely you will end up at their reunion [Negative Harvest] in 2012. Actually it would not be such a bad thing; you would find that they are similar to you. Do
you think Family of Dark worries whether they will end up at your reunion? They cannot even conceive of it.” The choice for most individuals inclined to worry and anxiety concerning 2012, where there is any consciousness of the impending Shift at all, is to choose a gradualist interpretation of the movement of history while either 1) pointing the finger at or assigning messianic roles to perceived Others (both forms of disempowerment) or 2) stubbornly and fearfully maintaining the status quo. Both of these actions, or nonactions, let it be noted, lead nowhere in an evolutionary sense; and such people more than likely will be faced, as Ra stresses throughout The Law of One, with the prospect of repeating Third Density in the hope of finally learning the liberating lessons of love. By now I trust that most readers understand that an exopolitical solution to our world's ostensible troubles in which humanity is rescued by outside intervention in a massive deus ex machina, from the point of view of The Law of One, is neither necessary nor desirable. As I will explain in a moment, it is also not permissible. Extraterrestrial global mediation of a physically present nature during these times of crisis and opportunity is not necessary because the dimensional transition is already well underway and will proceed whether anyone is here to experience it or not. While through various spiritual practices it is possible - and even advisable - for us to integrate this Shift gracefully and help others do the same, no external agency is required for it to occur. In any case, as Ra explains, the transition into Fourth Density is far, far beyond anything that conceivably could be achieved through war or peace, a change in government or an overhaul of the world banking system, grassroots community-building or green technologies. In the words of Terrence McKenna, developer of Timewave Zero theory, in which with no conscious knowledge of the Mayan calendar the year 2012 was
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envisioned as the 'final time,' we are approaching a “necessary singularity, a domain or an event in which the ordinary laws of physics do not function [and in which we exit] one set of laws that are conditioning existence … into another radically different set of laws. The universe is seen as a series of compartmentalized eras or epochs whose laws are quite different from one another, with transitions from one epoch to another occurring with unexpected suddenness.” By indications too numerous to detail and only suggestively touched on in this essay, we are, in fact, approaching a fundamental, quantum Shift in the very nature of reality, in which even as I write these words the physical laws of the universe (including those governing the expression of our physical vehicles) are transforming. Many of my fellow energy workers in the field of nonlocal medicine - in which healings often happen before they happen, so to speak, as I describe and explain in Conscious Healing - know this experientially. And now, slowly but surely, the scientific community is coming around to the same awareness of the mutable nature of what were heretofore considered nature's immutable laws. In the words of biologist Rupert Sheldrake in The Presence of the Past, the “assumption that the laws of nature are eternal” actually stems from early Christian influence on the scientific method that was developed in the Seventeenth Century. “Perhaps the laws of nature have actually evolved along with nature itself, and perhaps they are still evolving?” wonders Sheldrake. “Or perhaps they are not laws at all” but are “more like habits?” Another forward-thinking scientist on a similar wavelength is physicist Lee Smolin. In The Life of the Cosmos Smolin writes that the “idea that the laws of nature are immutable and absolute … might be as much the result of contingent and historical circumstances as they are reflections of some eternal, transcendent logic.” His intriguing alternative to this fixed viewpoint is 'cosmological natural selection,' where black holes grant access
(possibly via 'white holes') into different areas in the multiverse where cosmological conditions are at least somewhat different. The student of The Ra Material should have no trouble seeing how this is an uncannily accurate description of the creation of new 'octaves' of existence after the evolutionary potentials of the previous octave have been explored and integrated. As an interesting aside, rumors of a third DNA strand, many centered on a purportedly behindclosed-doors meeting of geneticists in Mexico City in 1995, have been circulating for years. Spectacular as these rumors may sound, they are anecdotally supported by reports that Watson and Crick, DNA's 'discoverers,' found additional protein material alongside the so-called double helix as far back as the 1950s, leading some to speak of 'evolutionary debris' in a manner reminiscent of mainstream genetics' myopic dismissal of 'junk' DNA - a move now increasingly acknowledged even by many scientists as an historic oversight. From Book One on the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing: From Biology to Triology. The above illustration shows how a third strand of DNA might interface with and modify the existing double helix. Both as a possible biological reality and as a metaphor for activating the latent intelligence in potential DNA, the triple helix is genetically consistent with the movement away from a binary or dualistic 'operating system' in favor of a trinitized or 'trinary' code capable of engendering an evolutionary Shift into unity consciousness. Note how the geometry of three strands naturally produces interlocking
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tetrahedral shapes suggestive of molecular merkabahs. The generally accepted notion that DNA in its present form is a universal molecule actually finds little support when we examine the activity of DNA itself. DNA is continuously changing, mutating. To claim that it is impossible for DNA to morph into another molecule represents an empiricist bias based on so-called immutable facts (that the DNA molecule has been around a long time in more or less the same configuration, for instance) which are called into question by, among other scientific discoveries, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the logic-defying realization that we create our reality by observing it. To focus solely on DNA as a biochemical phenomenon, as mainstream genetic science does, is in essence to put the cart before the horse. In a profound sense DNA is the result of Spirit's descent into matter. As Wilcock's research clearly demonstrates, behind the DNA molecule exists a template of energy or consciousness that directs the formation of organisms at the level of DNA. Change this energy template, alter this consciousness, and we potentially transform organic expression. The inability of science to cure many very curable diseases through the biochemical route is proof negative that biochemistry is merely the tip of the iceberg of being. On the other hand, the ability of DNA activation to address many of these very same conditions points us in a direction of great promise. Moreover, if it is indeed true that a transformation is occurring not only in human consciousness but in universal consciousness, as many ancient wisdom traditions maintain for our historical moment, then such a microcosmic change in our genetic program would in theory be supported by the change occurring in the macrocosm. Of course, the opposite is also true, since the hermetic principle “As Above, So Below” can, and must, be read the other way as well: “So Below, As Above.” In the theoretical case of radical genetic
(trans)mutation from two to three rungs of DNA, we are still looking at a single molecule of life. There is simply (or not so simply) the addition of a third rung requiring a reconfiguring of the manner in which base pairs of nucleotides (protein bases) attach to the rungs. This might occur through a large-scale genetic rearrangement as described in Kelleher's article above and look something like the quite obviously extraterrestrial Triple Helix configuration shown in the crop circle below.
Triple Helix Crop Circle. As opposed to thought-provoking 'teasers' like crop circles, exopolitical contact on a mass scale, from Ra's vantage, is not only unnecessary; it is ultimately highly undesirable. Full disclosure would constitute, from the perspective of the Path of Service to Others in higher dimensions, “truth with proof,” as opposed to “truth without proof,” and thus infringe on free will and the pivotal Choice between positive and negative paths we are all here to make. From previous incarnative experience on Earth, as well as repeated observation of the deleterious effects of alien interference in earthly affairs, Ra speaks of truth with proof (which would include contact or disclosure) as an infringement on free will - one which almost inevitably has the unintended effect of eroding the basic human desire to seek and search for the truth that is so critical to polarization and evolution. In the simple yet profound words (that can be directly applied to this discussion) of Ken Carey in The Starseed Trilogy, “No lasting change is ever
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wrought from without.” In many ways very much in keeping with The Ra Material, Carey's focus is at all times on 'posthistorical,' as opposed to 'historical,' solutions (of which exopolitics would be, although extravagant, simply another example in a long line of botched attempts to “save the world”). “A moment is coming after which nothing will ever again be thought of as it was before, a metahistorical moment, an event simultaneously alpha and omega to your species,” explains Carey. Although the above quote may sound to some like a description of contact, properly speaking, as any student of Carey knows, it is merely contact with the true and authentic self. “You who still slumber beneath the spell of matter, look beyond the descriptions of reality given by those who seek to lead you from without. Open to the living information of the life force that rises within you. This information is alive; it is the only guidance you require.” Once again, the similarities between this viewpoint and that of Ra are striking. On a related subject, that of healing, Ra states, “The healer does not heal [but is] a channel for intelligent energy which offers an opportunity to a [being] that it might heal itself.” Virtually no external agency of change, other than ultimately self-directed 'catalyst' (evolutionary experience), is condoned at this late stage of the game in The Law of One in 'service' to those on the Path of Service to Others - as such external agency, again from the experience and observation of Ra, would violate the First Distortion, free will, and ultimately do more harm than good. If The Law of One does indeed represent an accurate cosmology, which I believe it does far more than it does not, recognition that our Higher Selves and related higher-dimensional beings on the 'positive path' have adopted a mostly 'hands-off' policy rules out the possibility of an exopolitical solution being extended by the Confederation to which the Ra 'social memory complex' purportedly
belongs. Indeed, in The Ra Material we learn that the Council that governs the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator does not allow large-scale “breaking of quarantine” with respect to Earth, although, admittedly, for other reasons with origins in free will there “is a certain amount of landing taking place. Some are the entities known … as the group of Orion.” Ra elaborates that “the socalled Orion group calls itself to conquest” by heeding the call of certain individuals (the Illuminati or Anunnaki) who “vibrate in resonance with their own vibrational complex.” The nature of this 'call' is thus described: the Orion group follows “the Law of One observing free will. Contact is made with those who call. Those [on Earth receiving this call] disseminate the attitudes and philosophy of their understanding of the Law of One which is service to self. These become the elite. Through these, the attempt begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the [people on the planet] are enslaved by their free will.” From the above information we can make three important observations. One, and most importantly, any form of enslavement is a function of free will on both the part of the enslaver and enslaved. Victim consciousness, in any of its insidious expressions, is thus an abdication of free will. Second, although there are occasional 'ships' or higher-dimensional beings who manage to slip through Earth's quarantine, the latter is quite sufficient to protect the planet from any true extraterrestrial 'invasion.' And third, any widespread contact, were this somehow to take place, would almost certainly not be initiated by the service-to-others-oriented Confederation but by the Orion group, or another group with visions not of liberation but conquest. While there may be a great deal of media scare tactics involving such theoretical contact that might seem to be initiated by the Orion group in an attempt to dissuade the public from embracing contact by the Confederation, with discernment surely we can
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affirm that there is an equal amount - often embedded in the most disturbing of such material of media veneration of our extraterrestrial 'masters.' As always with the Path of Service to Self, the idea is not to encourage love of our 'gods,' but to shock and awe the masses into giving away their power. Discernment and self-honesty here are paramount for the true spiritual seeker. The Choice what to believe and how to act on our beliefs, as always, is ours. My belief is that exopolitics is not only not a solution - at best, it is a distraction from our own necessary spiritual preparation for Harvest; at worst, it is a trap to keep us from finding the limitless power that resides in love and becoming harvestable. As Gandhi put it so eloquently, rather than expect someone else to make our world right, we must accept responsibility for being the change we wish to see in the world.
© Sol Luckman, all rights reserved Sol Luckman is author of the internationally acclaimed 'Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method' and the 'Beginner's Luke Series' of novels, editor of the popular free ezine 'DNA Monthly,' and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. His articles on the Regenetics Method have appeared in numerous print and online venues and 'Nexus New Times' called 'Conscious Healing,' which also received a five-star endorsement from the Midwest Book Review and was recently translated into its third language, a “paradigmreworking book” that introduces a “revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being.”
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I AM - The Awakening, the Awakened and the Awakener By Ellaeenah L o rd S a n a n d a a n d Cosmic Mother Goddess Jointly Channeled by Ellaeenah, 9/8/2008
Dearest Beloved, There is much fear and apprehension about what is considered by most to be an 'event.' This is certainly not what it is - it is not an event, it is not a single occurrence, or an overnight happening. In fact, 2012 has already begun!!! It began many long years ago, when 2012 was a haze on your mental horizon. It started when humanity took a leap of faith and translated the heart's true
desire into action. A critical mass of human consciousness was reached in 1998 that turned the course of events for the new millennium as they were charted out by older energies. Humanity awoke the Cosmic Goddess lying dormant in the heart, by a process of self-love and self-awareness. This transmuted enough slow-vibratory energy to permit a great surge of empowering golden liquid light to flood the Earth's energy matrix, and begin the work of transmutation of the Universal Ray 4. This work was finally completed last year when the Ray shifted its global significance from THE RAY OF HARMONY THROUGH CONFLICT to act as THE RAY OF UNIVERSAL BEAUTY, ART AND
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MUSIC (though on a personal level it will still continue to work in its earlier energies for those embodied souls who seek to complete the experiences they need). It is incorrect to view 2012 as a fixed date. It was not meant to be read in that context. It is to be viewed as an approximate time when the Earth's energies are to undergo one of the most radical shifts that the Earth has seen in over 5000 years. Much has been spoken, beloved one, of the Mayan Calendar coming to an end, and thus prophesying the end of the Earth. Such views are not only ignorant, but very dangerous. Let us explain this better so that all can appreciate the gravity of their thoughts and beliefs. 2012 can be viewed as the Time of the Sorceress - a time when your intentions and beliefs manifest as reality with a quickness and accuracy that can be dangerous if your beliefs are negative and fearfilled, and sublime if your intentions are filled with joy and the power of life eternal. You question, our most beloved one, why we use the word 'sorceress.' We do so for it will be the feminine energies that will be the arrow-head guiding all of humanity to their magical home. Yes, it is time, for all to discard beliefs about male supremacy, and to strongly strive to eradicate the abuse of the feminine by the masculine. Now let us turn our attention back to the Mayan Calendar. The reason why the powerfully insightful Mayans were unable to see beyond 2012, was because there were no energies present to read into. The Mayans have never predicted that the Earth would come to an end; they had merely said that there were no energies to read, and this has been misunderstood. The truth is that the energies of the Earth will be what humanity will release by then, and after. The energies being released at present are sensitive and emotionally fine. Yes, of course, beloved one, we are aware of the harsh relationships that prevail widely, often disrupting the peace of people and places. We are also aware of the harshness of the chemical releases into the environment and energy grid of the Earth. But, we
view these as the last battle put up by the losing egodriven persona as humanity moves forward with sure steps towards 2009, The Year of Right Human Relations. Before we move away from the subject of this controversial calendar, we urge all those who read this, to spread the word of Right Belief and Right Attitude, for it is this that will convert into the energies of Right Action, making 2012 a manifested reality of human consciousness!! It is time for all of humanity to come out of the closet and to BE who they really are. Social conditioning and environmental expectations have long burdened humanity. This has to be released for the liberating awakening of 2012. Acceptance of differences is the need of the hour. What also needs urgent redefinition is the word 'abundance.' Several books and films and talks of manifestation restrict themselves to fulfillment of material desires, focusing strongly on that car, that home, that physical relationship. Abundance cannot be equated and quantified in money terms or in terms of shortlived illusory happiness. Remember, most beloved, what we have often reiterated. Happiness always has an opposing feeling - sorrow; joy is an inner state that cannot be opposed - IT IS. Abundance is the final rung on the ladder of Joy. You have to be joyous to be abundant!! It is as simple as that. Joy is a state of receiving with open arms all that the NOW has to offer, knowing full well that the NOW holds within it the potential of the future, which will be an exact replication of your reaction/response to the NOW. JOY is an acronym, not a word by itself, it means Just Open Yourself. 2012 holds within it the potential of abundance as more and more of humanity is gaining consciousness of this at a deep level of its awareness. This potential will be unleashed as reality when consciousness reaches critical mass and descends into the realms of tangibility. 2012 is not going to be money-directed, money-ruled, money-led. Economic resources will concede the driver's seat to spiritual resources. To prepare itself for this, humanity has chosen to be weaned away from its
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dependence on the economic resources, and thus the following few years will see reduction, on a global level, of food, water, oil, electricity and so on, so that humanity's awareness of its spiritual powers can be awakened to frame a new thought system that is not dependent on such resources. Once the new thought system has concretized into the cellular structure of all, the economic balance will be 'miraculously' set right. Before, any of our beloved readers, jump to conclusions that this is divine retribution for sins, let us repeat that this is humanity's choice as a way of being weaned away from unhealthy dependence and restricted focus on materiality. Enlightenment is the knowingness that there is no sin. There are choices that lead to smooth growth, and choices that lead to a difficult path to growth. How can a choice be condemned as a sin? It never has and it never will be, by the White Brotherhood. This shift from the material to the spiritual, and from the scientific to the spiritually-scientific, will result in radical modifications in relationships, as each human being is given the freedom to stand for what they believe without fear of contempt, scorn and annihilation. This will be a period of transformation that has not been witnessed in thousands of years of your Earth time. The enormity of the blessings received by humanity cannot be conjured in your mind's reality because you still hold, en masse, a belief that you are less than GOD. Important doors are being opened for you more often than you know, each energy gateway releasing golden opportunities for 'collapse' and 'reconstruction.' Do not react in fear to these magnificent changes in your life. Yes, the inner child will tend to go into a space of defensiveness, but many are skilled in the art of healing themselves, and can reach their Christ Consciousness with not much effort. Be compassionate to self as it struggles through its arrogance and habit of abuse of power. Many of the learned teachers, who regularly reach out to many through their knowledge, are still entrapped in the grip of intellectual arrogance and boastfulness and thus cannot completely tap into
their Christed Beingness. This is also a part of their journey, and their experiences will one day come in useful when they guide others. Listen to the words spoken by children, especially those born in and after 2007 for they know the reality that you are still grasping to understand. Children born in and after 1990 have come as heralds and opened the doors for the Masters that have already been born, and for the large numbers that will birth in 2009 and later. Worry and apprehension will create nonproductive energies which will need to be transmuted before the golden age can dawn. Spread the word of a joyful and easy move into the future. It is NOT fraught with fearful events as you have been led to believe by those who wish to control you through fear. Learn to create sacred spaces within you, where you can, each day, sacrifice your unneeded energies, and heal the Earth. Beloveds, though we commend the efforts of those who conduct periodical Earth healings, we tell you that these are of little use unless they are first preceded by personal release that is not only talked of, but honestly practised. You are the EARTH; why not use your time more effectively in healing yourself? It naturally translates to the Earth. The Universal Ray 4 is of paramount importance as the Arts of music, dance, sculpture, art, poetry, and literature initially provide cathartic healing, and then go on to reveal the magical alchemical process that is to follow. These Arts, directed by Ray 4, will reveal the future through the forms they create, as more and more will be divinely inspired and guided by wisdom and knowingness that will amaze them at first, and will be joyously accepted as part of their divine natures when the initial thrill has worn off. This ray will open up channels of receptivity in the physical and the etheric structure that at present lie dormant, and are being gently awakened by cosmic processes. The focus on Right Human Relations in 2009 is vital as it lays the foundation of unconditional,
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undying love for all, recognizing them as reflections of the One Spirit. You are wise beings, and are aware that relationship shifts can be difficult to go through when you resist the move from the external to the internal. But, beloveds, be strong. We assure you that you are stronger than you think you are, and if you do not resist the inevitable, you will witness a most happy outcome. 'Right Human Relations' exhorts you to understand the significance of interdependence. Asking others for help, in the fullness of understanding and acknowledgement of your power, is not the same as dependence which arises from an inner place of powerlessness. Interdependence furthers equality and oneness; dependence encourages power abuse. Being strongly independent, too, is not a sign of personal power, but an aggressive denial of the lack of it. The cleansing of the Earth will come through water, and we urge you to use this elixir of life with more profound awareness of its healing abilities. Each day fill 6 litres of water and infuse each litre with an energy that you wish to experience more profoundly. Drink this water through the day, and witness the changes that will come about in your life. This will make you believe that you CAN what you WILL. 08/08/08 was the beginning of the end. The past must now be released so that the new energies that flood the Earth matrix from today can be smoothly assimilated into your grids. The first of these stirrings will be experienced in the region of the heart, and those who resist these will feel uncomfortable physical sensations. Surrender to the process of the emotional clearance that accelerates now, and do not castigate yourself for over-reacting to situations. This is a natural part of the process. As the emotional body is liberated from its burdens, the mental body will be enlightened, and will begin to recall even more spiritual truths than it has access to at present. This will unleash in you a boldness that will prod you into being adventurous as you leap from rung to rung of your ascension.
The physical manifestation that will be most acutely experienced in 2012 (and we repeat again that this does not refer to an exact date) is a slowing down of life. Beloveds, you are scurrying from task to task like mice running from the axe. The fast pace of your current lives often leaves you breathless and empty, as you have no time to replenish yourselves with enriching prana. Question what you are running towards or away from. What reality is it based upon? And though life will slow down, creativity will increase in leaps and bounds, and new projects of a social and global nature will be birthed as 2012 opens the gateways of Divine Wisdom to be freely accessed by all, thereby removing the spiritual arrogance of those who believe that they hold a golden key given to just a few. A true teacher is not one who demands attention and respect, but one who can embrace the ignorant and slow. This enhanced creativity will sharpen perception, intuition and insight, and clarify the intentions so that all are truly aware of why they desire a manifestation. These intentions will shift from personal good to the larger good of all, and will be driven by a passion fueled by the GOD within. The coming years are a detoxification process of mind and body, to bring in the environment of unconditional love of 2012. The years of seeming deep conflict and unrest will culminate in a true and abiding peace for all. Inner wisdom will be trusted, and appearances will begin to lose their hold over the world. Selfishness of emotion and possession will be replaced by sharing. No demands will be made; all inner commands will be heeded. Of course, all of this will happen gradually, in cycles of creation and rest. The Earth will be replenished with all the minerals that she has lost, and will become whole and rich again. Soul will blossom and will know its strength and power in a manner that will end aggression and war. 2012 is not an year, it is a numerological representation of the new dawn. Beloveds, this is no time for impatience and frustration. The fruit is sweetest when it slowly ripens upon the tree of life. Beloved one, we remind
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you of the words you had read a short while ago, but which were written by a visionary whose power has been matched by very few: “I think that by 2012 you will have people that are enlightened (open, honest, caring, loving, united to the divine) and those that still seek humanity's lower natures (suffering, misery, hate, separation from the divine), but at least the scale may be tipping more toward enlightened.” Hermes Trismegistus. 2012, Beloved ALL, is COMING HOME. Before we depart, we join the Cosmic Enlightenment Council and the White Brotherhood in commending all of humanity for its devotion to ascension and its tenacity in times when the spiritual connection seemed to be at its most fragile. We embrace you in our hearts, for you, our beloveds, you are the masters that walk the Earth today and in 2012.
© Ellaeenah, all rights reserved Ellaeenah is an intuitive spiritual facilitator, teacher, writer and life counselor whose practical insights into Ancient Wisdom have empowered innumerable people. Her work extends into the realms of the Spirit-Psyche, such that life is directed by consciousness of thought, word and feeling, to bring about self-empowerment through complete recall of one's Godhood.
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The Serpent Eating its Own Tail The Sum Total of 2012 By Divyaa Kummar All that makes up any event is inherent in its moment of inception; thus you can be in its seeming beginning, middle or end but see the whole circle for what it is. In this awareness, each moment is complete unto itself. Let's use words to go beyond the words: “Two Thousand and Twelve!” For there are many articles, writings and channellings, which explain 2012 beautifully, and instead of adding to what is already adequately explained, let me reach you more subliminally.
‘Christ' refers to the sum total of its consciousness as does say 'Buddha,' 'Jainism' or 'Osho' refer to all that encompasses them. These names, like ours, are only labels pointing to all that makes up each of us from the so-called beginning to the current moment and our future potentials! They are symbols distinguishing different strands within consciousness and pointing to a certain beingness or set of experiences within a larger reality. In this way, 2012 can be best understood as the symbol or 'name' or public face of what's currently happening within consciousness, especially human consciousness! Similarly, the significance of Independence Day,
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Election Day or even your wedding (or birth) day lies not in the mere date or event itself; for they too are only markers referring to a far vaster process which begins long before, and continues long after! And in this way too '2012' can be better understood as a symbol of a sum larger than its parts, describing a shifting human consciousness and in that including its 'past' as the steps, the 'present' as what's currently happening and its 'future' possibilities! With this deeply within you, read not, speak not and think not of 2012 as a particular year or event but of what's happening within consciousness as a whole - indeed see within it the story of human consciousness itself! For 'Humanity' is but one more beautiful experience through which Spirit chooses to explore, express and revel in Itself - call it a journey, game or adventure within consciousness! This foray can be described in many ways: The game of separation and ignorance; the tangible material experience of All That Is; the journey of individuation from Self to self and back; the grand theme park of the universe called duality or the graduate school of Mastery! And in all these analogical descriptions we can glimpse the '2012 factor,' which is indeed encoded into its very 'big bang' beginning, as that aspect of the game when its seeming separation and ignorance will be in its dissipating stages; as that aspect of the material experience which once wholly explored, enjoyed and fulfilled ( through the eras of art and science and technology) will seek expression beyond itself; as that in-built feature in its vehicle called the ego, which having developed from a rusty car to a super model taking consciousness as far as it chooses to go through it, will be ready to surrender its individuation and steering wheel to the overall consciousness from which it arose! It is that phase of the journey when all human beings gear themselves for their Masters degree; and humanity gears itself to unveil a new theme park where its diversity is not synonymous with conflict but with the beauty of its myriad aspects functioning in harmony! Oneness enjoying its different aspects! Each 'one' in sync and
'at-one-ment' with the 'other'! Each unique aspect 'in love' with the other aspects - harmony indeed! The specialty of the human plane where differences add to oneness like different notes making up a love song, and different strokes creating a masterpiece beauty indeed! Symbols don't define or explain as much as point beyond themselves to what cannot be adequately expressed in the familiar words of our language. So allow the languages of symbols, be it the word '2012' or mythology to unfurl their secrets deep within you. We have all heard the story of Adam and Eve, their fall from grace, and banishment from the Garden of Eden. Yet at a deeper level, mythology and its tales are encoded to be understood in different ways through the consciousness that hears them. And the expanding consciousness of 2012 does not see this 'chapter' of its larger story as sin or punishment anymore, but as that 'beginning' of its 'current' adventure in time and space where the donning of the veils is not a punishment enforced by a higher power but viewed as veils of mystery, learning and play willfully chosen for their very experience! It speaks of the love, power and creativity of the human consciousness, its complete self assurance in choosing to go seemingly so far from itself in Self exploration - as the only way for All That Is to be 'more'! The 'apple' (the yang aspect of consciousness and thus called Adam's apple!) when cut as a fruit shows up a five pointed star embedded in its very centre, symbolic of the material plane that the yin (prakriti) aspect of Its consciousness chooses to further experience, express and expand the whole through! The dance Shakti does for her Shiva! The mirror through which Shiva enjoys Self! The tree of knowledge on which this divine (or should I say very brave!) desire grew implies that the 'knowledge' we all seek so ardently is paradoxically the very origin of what we call 'ignorance;' and the 'mind' that we all applaud so ardently is, as the offshoot of this venture, the origin of separation! They arise only as tools for this play within consciousness and thus once they have done their work, both knowledge and
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mind must be transcended into the pure beingness from which they arose, just like your game board and counter serve no purpose once the game has been played! Finally, its much maligned serpent (symbolizing the inherent vibration within consciousness - the infinite and eternal 'beingness' of Itself in myriad ways) tempts not as much as whispers that it will keep all of this intact within human consciousness for it to arise (the kundalini) as the game plays itself out. The symbol of the snake eating its tail represents the 2012 message well for they both show you the full circle - how the end and middle (all stages) of any experience within consciousness is always encoded into its beginning and visible for those who choose to see! And at a more prosaic level, '2012' represents that turning point within this larger circle, when what might have appeared as hazy probabilities in the earlier stages is now palpably real! The orgasm has begun but yet to climax! So use '2012' as a symbol of the vaster consciousness it represents! View the microcosm of your reality through its macrocosmic lens! Use its larger picture to see humanity in its pristine glory! Know that its past, however checkered it may seem has perfectly served its purpose in the larger game plan. Glimpse through it your past, present and future as Gods having an adventure! Know you are safe at 'home' even while seemingly out on a limb! Know that there is nothing you need to do to become Creator for we already are (and wholly enjoying our creation); become aware that pure consciousness is our very fabric and the freedom we all seek our very nature. Know that liberation and enlightenment is not something out there for some special chosen ones in some distant future but the very part of our beingness in the consciousness of 2012. Hear its message that karma is not punishment for deeds done, but aspects of the whole that each chooses to explore and expand for the whole! Know that blue prints and destinies are planned from complete freewill - freewill of an order that you can perhaps not even imagine in your limited
understanding of free will; know that this 'planning' is not done in some 'past' into which you are locked, but done moment to moment in connection with all that makes 'you'. Know that desire is not a dirty word but the life force within consciousness, Divine Will indeed, which keeps the game, journey, adventure and exploration going! And as the game itself evolves, so will its desires expand, evolve and transcend themselves - so seek not to cut short or suppress what you have chosen to do for the whole; for in their completion will 'your' 2012 be more apparent to you; in their completion will 'you' graduate as Master, in their completion will you inaugurate 'your' Heaven on Earth theme park and 'your' 2012 be in the Now instead of some future date! Many have already touched what '2012' (and beyond) implies. So tap into and further contribute to its critical mass! Now let's view the same through another symbolic language - the language of numerology! Just like an understanding of the 'roots' from which words are derived opens up their deeper meaning, understanding the finer nuances of '2012's numbers can help us understand it better! For numbers are not merely symbolic of the qualities and potencies they usually describe, but at a deeper level - when viewed sequentially (especially from 0 to 9) - they tell the story of human consciousness! And by understanding what 5 implies in this story, as 2012 totals 5, not only does the above exploration of what '2012' is all about become more obvious, but we also get a reference point, an orientation as to where '2012' consciousness stands in the larger story it describes! 5 symbolizes a phase of critical change and transformation within consciousness - that phase which follows the consciousness of number 4 where it has reached an initial peak in its material experience. Thus 5 plays out as that aspect of mankind, which seeks to be 'more' than all that it already is; to explore self beyond the corporeal experience that it has so beautifully created and enjoyed; to move beyond the four elements and all
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that is 'known' in search of the indefinable quintessence - call it ether, akasha or spirit! Thus the new frontier is called the 5th dimension where consciousness will be the buzz word! Thus is it a pathway only! And therein lies the challenge of 5 for it is not only a phase of transformation, but also the tremendous change that allows transformation to be! So come conjure with me the complexity of number 5 consciousnesses as it begins to move beyond the grounded, physical, safe and stable 4 experience! Conjure the disruption it entails in breaking free of all that is not required anymore; conjure the tumult it's refusal to stagnate may cause on planet Earth; for whether you perceive it as unsettling or challenging - destruction or release - 5's destiny is in this moving forth towards its higher and finer beingness that is coming in! Note: at 5 its 'yet' to come in. It hasn't 'already' happened and thus 5 is the consciousness of living in the Now, for where it seeks to take you will only 'be' at 6, which is the consciousness of a higher material expression - love, beauty and harmony, often referred to as the Heaven on Earth consciousness! At 7, consciousnesses goes through an even bigger or deeper change, towards an even higher experience on planet Earth - the cosmic order of 8, peaking only in 9 to begin the game or adventure afresh thereafter to what? Nobody knows, for that completed consciousness will decide its next adventure! Of course, when viewed in-depth all digits play their part. 1 represents yang energy and 2 represents yin energy, and thus 2012, which is embraced within two 2s highlights the role of the Divine Feminine! The first 2 is followed by the infinite power of zero, which allows the new 1 and 2 to arise in unity! Mythologically, we can trace the beginning of this aspect of '2012' all the way to Draupadi's haran (disrobing in the Indian epic Mahabharat!). For in retrospect, we can see it as that symbolic catalyst within consciousness to end its experience of yang supremacy, and allow the rising of its yin beingness, towards the ultimate equality, merger, and oneness of both its yin and yang aspects, visible only in the
distant 2000's! At the very deepest levels of understanding, consciousness always steps into its games to direct them as it chooses! This is where true 'free will' and 'pre-ordained' become synonymous! This is also the meaning behind our mythological 'avatars' coming to Earth to end the conflict of adharma and dharma - when higher consciousness, not involved in the game, enters the consciousness within the game to keep it on track with its Divine will or Dharma! Dharma means its Divine nature. Adharma does not mean evil as much as that aspect of separation and ignorance that Spirit is 'not', but chooses to enter into briefly, in Divine Play! The language of Tarot tells the same '2012' story through its beautiful archetypes, from the Fool, the pure spirit jumping into to play the human game, going through all the archetypes of ignorance, separation, knowledge and reunion to the World card symbolizing the wholly raised kundalini of the divine human (esoterically known as the Adam Kadmon) - spirit and human as one - willfully experiencing an exalted plane in full spirit connection! The Magician card 1 and the High priestess card 2 reveal the yin/yang aspect of consciousness inherent in all that appears as physical and the journey through their seeming duality into their ultimate oneness! The Hangman card 12 also has a message: 12 is the number of measure within time and space -12 inches makes a foot, 12 zodiacs measure the sky, 12 hours make a day or night, 12 months make a year. And the hangman is about stepping out of this 'time' into the surrender of the Now and where it takes you, into a complete reversal of all that has been so far! Judgment card 20 shows that the goal of 2012 - the reawakening or rebirth of the new human consciousness - is encoded into its beginning! The serpent eating its tail! The first archetype of 5, the Hierophant, speaks about constant upgradation and higher consciousness needing to be accessed through the 'Word' (be it spoken, written, heard from outside or within) so that each one can reach the second archetype of 5, the Temperance card, which
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portrays 5 consciousness at it best - as that human being, who having found that 'quintessence', merged its yin yang aspects, and gone beyond the seeming dualities of this plane, has transformed self through this alchemy, to move into a finely blended Higher Self and its higher experience in the Now! The image on this card shows an angelic being with a human face; with one foot in the unconscious beingness of spirit, and the other foot on terra firma and its conscious experience! With an added touch many card users don't observe - the wings are so large that they cannot be contained within the card! Hinting at what? So come beloveds, use the symbol of '2012' optimally - access your hierophants, resist not the changes any transformation must bring; feel its alchemy within you (hence around you) and enable self and thus human consciousness to fly into its next 'chapter,' for 2012 is not some grand finale but the beginning of a new phase which in a deeper sense began at the beginning of time (and space) itself! In ending I will quote from an earlier article of mine: “There is much talk about a change in worldwide consciousness ushering in a new dimension; but it must be understood that this new dimension is not some mumbo jumbo mystical plane that will descend from the skies - it only implies a critical mass of humans thinking the '2012' way and thus ushering in an enhanced dimension to live in. In layman terms, each of us makes the world a better place! Remember we don't exist 'in' a dimension; our consciousness 'is' the dimension! So yes, set your inner radios to the '2012 frequency' and turn up the volume of 'more than the hundredth human' humming “Don't worry, Be happy”! Look for your own personal symptoms of an expanding consciousness! Do you suddenly feel a sense of “all is well with me and my world”? Do you find a lack of interest in conflict? Do you find yourself unable to blame, judge and condemn quite as much? Has brooding on some nebulous past given way to looking ahead at exciting possibilities instead? Are you having sudden feelings of connectedness with
love meaning more than your relationship with a lover, child or dog? Are you smiling a whole lot more? Don't think you have gone cuckoo! It's the 2012 consciousness and even as you tap into it, it will become more tangibly yours!”
© Divyaa Kummar, all rights reserved Divyaa Kummar, from Mumbai, India, is a spiritual facilitator reaching out through discourses, writings, tarot workshops, personal energy sessions, and meditation groups blending ancient dhyana and tantra techniques with a more current approach.
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Integral Planetary Transformation By Prabhath P Will the year 2012, mark the end of the Earth? The pathless path of Integral Gaia Yoga doesn't believe in the end of the Earth. There are varying views about what is going to happen in 2012, presented by experts and scholars, depending on the traditions or spiritual practices they follow. Here my aim is to express the understanding of 2012 from an integral perspective in the context of what Integral Gaia Yoga envisions for Earth and her beings. I will also discuss other views and how they differ or agree with the vision of Integral Gaia Yoga.
The Evolutionary Shift There are some doomsday prophets who take the end of the Mayan calendar literally as the end of the world itself, which is a rather narrow view that has little validity. Some others see the shift in 2012 as a
time when a few chosen ones will leave the Earth behind to enter into what they believe to be a higher dimension. This view stems from the concept that Earth is a lower vibration and not Divine. It also seems to be a New Age version of the Christian evangelist dream of Rapture when Earth is left behind. Then there are those who feel that a planetary transformation will take place, but still look at the material or physical aspect of the Universe as illusion or inferior than what they view as non-physical Spirit. Most ascensionist perspectives subscribe to the concept that humanity is the crown of creation - the most advanced species on Earth. Our Earth is not an inanimate rock that spins around the Sun as the materialists would have us believe. This planet is not a low form of existence that should be left behind to escape into some ethereal dimensions or a far away Heaven either as
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some spiritualists assert. Earth is a living Being, a Divine superconsciousness with physical, psychic and spiritual dimensions - Gaia. Though it was the scientist James Lovelock who created the scientific hypothesis, which sees Earth as a self-organising super organism, and named it after the Greek Earth Goddess Gaia, it is not a new idea at all. And Lovelock's hypothesis, which remains within the scientific rationalist paradigm's limitations, doesn't see Earth as a sentient consciousness, because that is far beyond the comfort zone of conventional scientific dogma. The awareness of Earth as a Divine superconsciousness, existed on this planet in ancient times in many cultures before the patriarchal social and religious structures emerged. In ancient India, Earth was revered as a Goddess - Bhoomi Devi. The ancient Indian integral Tantric understanding acknowledges the Earth, the Sun, the physical Universes, the non-physical dimensions and the Transcendental Emptiness as equally real aspects of an infinite, integral and multidimensional Ultimate Reality. All the infinite dimensions of reality can be accessed through Gaia consciousness and Heaven can manifest right here on Earth. The Divine is omnipresent and even the rocks, rivers, oceans and the sand are the material expressions of the Divine consciousness. Integral Gaia Yoga does not subscribe to the theory that humanity is the most advanced species on Earth. All species on Earth are considered as equally important to the whole, with the unique abilities of each species adding value to the interconnected collective consciousness of the planet. At least some scientists are discovering, despite their anthropocentric hubris about the imagined superiority of humanity, that even animals and birds are sentient. Ancient legends of many cultures have taken the view that the other species of Earth are beings with self-awareness. Many people consider dolphins as psychically and spiritually superconscious. Stories of dolphins rescuing and
healing human beings abound. In fact, most non-human creatures of Earth are more intimately connected to the planetary consciousness than human beings, who have lost their intimate connection to Gaia due to the rationalist denial of Gaia consciousness and the spiritualist focus on 'higher' dimensions. The hardened scientific rationalism that sees Earth as inanimate, and the conventional religious/spiritual systems that dismiss Earth as low existence or as illusion, arose as the byproducts of the patriarchal suppression and subjugation of the Divine Feminine, women and integral spiritual traditions that revered Earth as a Divine manifestation. Most popular perspectives on 2012 are based on the material/spiritual duality and the belief that liberation from the supposedly 'low' vibration of matter is necessary for an evolutionary transformation. This is a reaction to the materialist fundamentalism that rejects the existence of all nonphysical dimensions. The integral vision sees both Spirit and Matter as unique and very real expressions of the same integral and multidimensional Ultimate Reality. The physical Universes are not illusions, but real manifestations of the unbounded Being - Being in Form. The only illusion is the divisive tendency of the human mind that considers humanity to be superior and also divides the all-pervading Divinity into supposedly low and high dimensions or vibrations. Integral Gaia Yoga follows the view that the Divine consciousness has equally real aspects like the formless Transcendental Emptiness and the infinite physical and non-physical dimensions of the manifested Cosmos. This integral perspective bridges the artificial duality of the exclusively materialist and spiritualist perspectives. Instead of taking an 'either/or' approach (either Matter or Spirit), Integral Gaia Yoga aims for a 'both/and' integral multidimensional approach (both Spirit and Matter as unique expressions of the same Divine). Merely going 'up' into higher dimensions is not an
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integral evolution, but a lopsided evolution. An integral transformation requires a simultaneous heightening, widening and deepening of consciousness, which the purely ascensionist approaches ignore. David Abram, a cultural ecologist and philosopher, in his article The Perceptual Implications of Gaia, points out how the obsession with other dimensions without accepting the reality of Gaia consciousness in which we are immersed, makes human evolution incomplete: “If our senses, our perceptions, and our whole manner of thinking have taken shape in reciprocal co-evolution and communion with a coherent living biosphere, then in all probability it is our own Earth whose traces we actually discover in our most abstract investigations of quantum and astronomical spaces, the living Earth peering back at us through all our equations. For until we have recognized perceptually our organic embeddedness in the collective life of the biosphere - until we have realigned our thoughts with our senses and our embodied situation - any perception of other worlds must remain hopelessly distorted. The theoretical discourse of our time has largely alienated us from the world of our everyday senses, while accustoming us to speak casually of the most far-flung realities. Thus other galaxies, 'black holes,' the birth of the universe, the origins of space and of time, all seem quite matter-of-fact phenomena easily encompassed by the marvelous human mind. But Gaia , as a reality that encompasses us, a phenomenon we are immediately in and of, suggests the inconsistency of such blackboard abstractions. Gaia is no mere formula - it is our own body, our flesh and our blood, the wind blowing past our ears and the hawks wheeling overhead. Understood thus with the senses, recognized from within, Gaia is far vaster, far more mysterious and eternal than anything we may ever hope to fathom.” According to the ecopsychologist Dr. Michael J.
Cohen, we, and all of nature, are built of attraction bonds that hold atoms and the world together. In us, at least 53 of these bonds register emotionally and spiritually as 'biophilia', a binding, 53-sense love of nature. Our nature-disconnected ways de-energize biophilia out of our awareness. We instead believe we have only five senses. Writes Cohen, “During the eons before humanity walked on Planet Earth, the natural world and its spirit, - an attraction to support life in balance that some call green spirit - thrived and grew in the non-polluting ways of nature's selfcorrecting perfection and restorative powers.” The 53 natural attraction senses are nothing but the manifestations of this green spirit. Unfortunately, both the rationalist materialism that views Earth as inanimate, and the spiritual/religious traditions that focus on otherworldly dimensions alone, have contributed to humanity's disconnection from the Spirit of the Earth. Any ascension that aims to disconnect from the Earth consciousness and move into a supposedly 'higher dimension' separate from Earth, will only be an incomplete transformation, because in a truly integral transformation, the consciousness must encompass all the dimensions including material and non-material. If we take the integral view that everything is Divine, there is nothing to escape from or escape into. If everything is Divine, matter is also Divine and not an illusion, because the Divine cannot be an illusion. When we confine ourselves to either the material dimension or the non-physical dimension, our experience actually becomes impoverished and compartmentalised. When spiritualists long for escaping from the spell of matter condemning matter as mere illusion, they are making the same mistake of the materialists who reject non-material levels of reality as illusion. Instead, the aim should be to experience all dimensions, physical and non-physical, equally at the same time. In fact, the Gaia consciousness could be the portal that connects us to the Galactic consciousness, the consciousness of all the Universes in the Multiverse and the Transcendental
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formless Emptiness. The idea of a leap happening specifically on an exact date and year cannot be seen as entirely accurate. A quantum leaps is possible, which could look like a sudden leap, but might have been under preparation silently beneath the surface for a long duration. Rather than a complete shift happening overnight in 2012 itself, it could mark just the beginning of a more intensive cycle of evolutionary transformation, which has been brewing for quite a long time. An overemphasis on linear time like the exact date or year does not take into account the fact that evolutionary shifts can happen in non-linear ways also. It is possible that some people who focus on ascension will manifest a lightbody and enter into ethereal dimensions in 2012 leaving behind others. But that doesn't mean a complete and integral transformation of the whole planet. It doesn't result in an integral transformation even for those who develop a lightbody either. Many traditions, both western and eastern, which talk about the lightbody, see it as a non-physical body that is free from matter. Such views are influenced by the questionable idea that matter is illusion. Authentic ancient integral Tantric traditions have considered the body as having many dimensions including material and subtle. Integral Gaia Yoga seeks an integral transformation of the body that will not confine the body to either material or non-physical dimensions. Instead, the aim is to manifest a multidimensional and integral body that exists simultaneously at the material and non-material levels, enabling the transformed being to experience all the dimensions of reality in an integral and multidimensional way, which the conventional lightbody is incapable of.
because some people manifesting lightbody and forming higher dimensional enclaves inaccessible to others, cannot be an integral shift. 2012 could be one of the many turning points in the ever-expanding journey of evolution. However, it may not be a great idea to hype up 2012 as the greatest milestone. The evolutionary transformation will continue and the real Great Shift could come only later when an integral planetary transformation, which leaves no one behind and integrates all the material and nonphysical dimensions, happens to manifest Heaven on Earth.
Š Prabhath P, all rights reserved Prabhath P is a writer, editor, integral intuitive consultant, artist and holistic healer based in India. He is now developing Integral Gaia Yoga for integral, individual and collective Enlightenment.
Ultimately, an Integral Enlightenment requires a comprehensive, integral and multidimensional evolutionary transformation of not just humanity, but all the beings of Earth and the planetary consciousness as a whole. Such a vast transformation may not happen instantly in 2012
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Towards 2012 A Quantum Leap for the Earth - A Giant Leap for Mankind By Judy Satori We a r e l i v i n g i n extraordinary times. The earth is being prepared for a massive transformation, an evolutionary and energetic upgrade that will alter the destiny of the earth and its place among the stars. As human beings, we are being invited to raise our consciousness and vibration along with the earth and enter a new Golden Age. This 'new beginning' for earth has long been predicted by the Spiritual Elders of many cultures and many tens of thousands of people are now aware that energy change is occurring on the earth. We've heard that this change to the earth's electromagnetic field will propel the earth into a
faster pulsating energy pattern, the fifth dimension and that this 'shift of the ages' is expected to take place on 21 December 2012. What does this mean and how exactly are we being prepared? I am a telepathic and energy channel for Spirit and like many thousands of people right now on the planet I am helping to carry out a Divine plan for the earth's shift to higher dimensional consciousness, fashioned not by any person on earth, but by the higher forces of intelligent design - God. I have been prepared by Spirit to transmit energy words of new creation directly into the DNA template and cells of the body. The very rapid 'light language' streaming automatically out of my mouth is precisely calibrated to clear karmic miasms, the energy
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distortion in the body's energy fields; to realign the body's energy circuits and ease ascension symptoms. Most importantly, it will now begin to bring through the coding sequences of sound and light that will alter the cells of the human body and the DNA. These energy 'words' will trigger molecular change at a DNA and atomic level and prepare the physical body for life in the new faster vibratory environment of the fifth dimension. I began my Spiritual preparation as a conduit for energy in 1997. My 'training' has seen me working step by step with many beings of light, but it is information from the Elohim, the creator aspect of God that I wish to share with you through the pages of this E-magazine. I am told that in the coming four years, there will be much change upon the earth. As the earth grids are increasingly bombarded by sonar pulsations coming into the earth's atmosphere from deep space, many changes will occur. The changes will be to the earth, but will affect the consciousness and physical body of people as we are energetically tied into earth vibration. Indeed, the electromagnetic energy field of the earth is a macro replica of the energy field of man. The earth has twelve energy meridians with acupuncture points where the lines of light cross just as in the human body. Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, catalytic energy from deep space has been striking the Great Central Sun of our galaxy and the sun of our solar system. Every planet in our solar system has been undergoing global warming, the magnetic poles of the earth appear to be reversing and we have all experienced strange weather patterns termed by scientists as 'space weather.' The earth is undoubtedly being prepared for an energy shift of major proportions. I am told that the plan is for the earth to 'shift' over three days or 72 hours into a new angle of torque rotation and so spin into a new rotational pattern. This new rotational pattern will create a change in earth's vibration and is
synonymous with being encapsulated within a faster pulsating envelope of light or electromagnetic field. At this time, we really cannot predict what is ahead as the energy changes from moment to moment. As human beings we can contribute to a more graceful transition for the earth as every thought we think and action that we take has an effect. The more we hold thoughts of peace and love in our consciousness, the easier earth's transition will be as our energy affects the earth and vice versa. In the coming four years, the bombardment of sound and light waves from deep space will rapidly increase. From October 2008, massive sonar waves will bombard earth. These electromagnetic pulses could be compared with the birth pains of a woman in labor. Their purpose is to create a torsion effect at the north and south poles and begin to spin the matrix layer of the earth into a new vibratory pattern. This spiraling energy is the same as the DNA and will create changes to the DNA of all living things upon the earth as we and all life on the earth is entrained to earth vibration. From October this year, the Elohim will begin to transmit energy through planetary axiatonal lines; feeder lines of light from the programming center of this galaxy in Orion that pulls energy through the earth's acupuncture points and so into the earth grids, the 12 meridian channels surrounding the earth. This influx of energy is likely to cause some land change and upheaval but it is a necessary part of the preparation for a new beginning. The bombardment of the earth with faster and faster pulsating cosmic frequencies is beginning to create a slight torsion effect on the energy fields surrounding the earth and on the matrix layer of the earth itself. This is rather like a spinning top appearing to elongate and become elliptical. I am told that in 2008 and 2009, people may experience a number of 'ascension symptoms' as the physical body goes through its own clearing and preparation along with the earth. Such symptoms may include changes in weight as the cells of the
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body puff up and become more elliptical in shape just like the earth; pressure on the organs of elimination, the kidneys and digestive system and itching skin and skin disorders. Energy surges through the physical body are also causing the heart to speed up. Many people may experience unexplained heart palpitations, while the recalibration of the circulatory system can cause dizziness and fatigue. A change from linear time to cosmic time also affects the body and so can upset the normal biorhythms. Many people will wake in the night and find it hard to sleep. The human body is really a microcosm within a macrocosm (earth). The earth is a microcosm within a macrocosm (our solar system), our solar system is a microcosm within a macrocosm (the galaxy). Everything is energy and all energy is interlinked. Ancient cultures were aware that every 25,920 years the earth aligns itself directly with the center of our Milky Way galaxy as it completes the great circular arc in the heavens known as the precession of the equinoxes. 2012 is the completion of the Annus Magnus or great sidereal year and the beginning of a new age. At this time the Gods literally walk the earth and humanity is advanced into higher consciousness and spiritual awareness. My spiritual guides said this, “You are in the end times, but remember every ending is also an opportunity for a new beginning. The new beginning for the earth will not be without some birth pain, but the child of the new day that is dawning is a child of light, of peace and of plenty for all upon the earth.”
© Judy Satori, all rights reserved Judy Satori is a New Zealander, but lives for much of the year in the United States. She works together with Spirit to transmit the energy words of new creation. Many free audio energy activations and MP3 downloads to help people through earth's ascension process are available on her website.
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December 21, 2012 Doomsday or A New Dawn? By Melvyn Caryl The Internet is rife with dire predictions of events that are supposed to happen at the end of the Mayan Calendar, December 21, 2012. Is this so? Or is there another explanation that all those of ancients missed? Do you wish to get depressed and wallow in panic like what happened to so many as December 31st 2000 approached? If you wish to know the truth that Zeb and Zarna bring to us regarding this, read on. First of all, what is it? Besides the end of the Mayan Calendar, it is the end of the Astrological Age of Pisces. Thus, we are in “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.� If you
were young in the late 60's and early 70's you may recall this song as part of the then controversial hit play 'Hair.' Many of us were 'New Agers' way back then, 40 years too soon. Every few thousand years, our planet passes from one Astrological age to another. So what occurred last time, approximately 40 years after the beginning of the Julian calendar, January 1st, 0000? There were wars and rumors of wars and strife between spiritual leaders just as there are now. During the transition into the Piscean age, the spiritual message changed from the freedom of spirituality to the dogma of religions. The first was (spirituality) created by God to help us know the freedom they gave. The second was (religion) created by men for control of not only people's minds, money and women, but also the world.
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Zeb and Zarna tell us, “Know the past and you will know the future.” So what is occurring now as the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius approaches? Exactly the same thing as did 2000 years ago. Judging by our recorded history, it is a reasonable assumption that at each change of an age similar events have occurred. Let us speak of two that we know about. One from recorded history, the other 6000 years ago - The Temple of the Valley of the Moon from information channeled. Let's review what occurred approximately 2000 years ago. What was happening, and what changed? For one thing, Rome ruled the world so to speak. It conquered people's governments, overthrew their kingdoms and replaced them with a puppet government that was subservient to Rome. Old religions were destroyed and replaced by the Holy Roman Church. Those who did not abide with Rome's rule were put to death by the sword, called infidels and pagans. Midwives whose only mission in life was to ease other women's pains of childbirth were the first to be called 'witches' and were burned at the stake for their transgressions against the Holy Roman Church. In order to appease the populace, the Roman Church incorporated much of the so deemed 'pagan' spiritual beliefs into their version of Christianity. There were spiritual beliefs practiced before the Dawn of the Age of Pisces that taught the same concepts that Zeb and Zarna give to us again in this day. Unconditional Love and a Mother/Father God. The Rome Crusade all but destroyed those with differing beliefs, Pagan and Gnostic to name just two. These facts may not sit well with some for they go against what they have been taught to believe, but a closer look at recorded history will unveil this truth. So what is happening today? The very same thing, yet with subtle differences.
What do Zeb and Zarna predict about the future? Zeb and Zarna predict that there will be an eventual turning, by those who are connected with their inner self, toward spiritual groups that teach oneness, equality, and unconditional love. These groups will not focus on rights and wrongs, or on laws and dogma but on moving toward a social system that is inclusive. Zeb and Zarna predict a rebirth of the original 'Word' and spirituality that was given to us by them in the beginning. Yet, instead of one herald who is “the voice crying in the wilderness,” and one “Way Shower,” these speakers will come in pairs. Twin Soul pairs. These Twin Soul pairs can be, but are not always joined Twin Souls. Every one of us is a Twin Soul complete with both masculine and feminine aspects. Six thousand years ago, at the Temple of the Valley of the Moon, in the land that we now know of as Egypt, zealots destroyed one such attempt toward moving in that direction. This was a house of love and service to God. Does that name sound familiar? It should, for it is the name of our Second Life Group, the name of our SIM. Our spiritual purpose in Second Life is to recreate in minds and hearts the New Temple motivated by unconditional love and service. So what is going to happen? As you can see, this cycle had been repeated continually through out the ages. Though this time, the golden light of spirituality may shine as those from slightly different paths unite in oneness of purpose. Zeb and Zarna also predict a joining of a greater community of humankind - a universal community. “The Others” are out there, but since they have only shown themselves to a selected few, many do not believe in the “Children of the Stars.” Funny, many who profess to believe in God, have never seen God either. Yet those who believe in beings from elsewhere are most often branded as UFO Nuts. You don't have to worry about an Alien Invasion. They are already here and have been for a very long time.
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Oh Wow! That gets a lot of people excited, but since their contact with humans has been very limited, all sorts of fantasy science fictions are created about them. Like human abduction. Come on, they come from billions of light years away, not only from this universe but the universes beyond to abduct human beings? Why? With such technology, what is the need? So much mythology is built up around unexplained events that our primitive science cannot answer, many prefer to believe the myth and scoff at the truth. You don't have to believe me, or Zeb and Zarna. Each of you has the ability within yourself to penetrate “The Veil of Forgetfulness” and remember. Why are they here? To observe us and determine whether we are ready to join the greater community of sentient beings that reside in our universes. Have we shown ourselves 'worthy?' In mass, no. Individually, many have. Therefore a few will become part of that greater community and gain an awareness of such.
love, equality and freedom? Do you believe those who tell you it is the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new cycle, or those who want you to believe it is the End of the Earth? December 21st 2012 (or thereabouts) will mark the time of great changes. It is up to you whether you are part of that change or miss it altogether. Blessed Be.
© Melvyn Caryl, all rights reserved Melvyn and Caryl are Twin Souls who are spreading the message of Twin Soul spirituality through their ZZ Mission. Apart from their website, they have a Castle in the 3D online virtual world Second Life, which is a spiritual retreat for people to relax and enjoy themselves. They intend to teach in the future advanced classes and give one-on-one counseling.
“There is Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself,” said Winston Churchill. I believe in many cases we are creating our own fear. There are so many Gloom and Doom soothsayers. Some are simply misguided, but don't be misled by them. What was so profound and divine about the Mayans? Remnants of stair-stepped pyramids still exist through out our world. The one thing they have in common is that at one time these structures right from their tops had sacrificial human blood. The Egyptian pyramids were not in general, places of human sacrifices, but many died during their construction and were buried there. The point is they were never places of wholesale human slaughter. Who are you going to believe? Do you choose to believe in those who sacrificed women and children to their gods, or those who believed in peace and
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2012:Forgetting What We Know to Know Anew By Penney Peirce Mind stops trying and knows I pause in my rendition of Me and am Us in this moment, all time here, a sphere of surprising awareness linking every life on earth when I know this way, no mistakes when I act, just joy when we meet, all heart and when I stop again: a tiny Buddha smile I have contemplated what might occur in 2012, and I am convinced there will be no major external happening. I sense there will be an internal shift, perhaps just a small shift from being 49% of our true self to 51% of our true self, but we will gradually begin feeling our destiny - what we are built for - and how amazingly coordinated and sane the process of
evolution really is. The truth is, I feel 2012 right now; I feel it already happening. We are moving from The Information Age into The Intuition Age.
I n t u i t i o n a n d Yo u r Authentic Self One of the main trends I see now is that we are hungering for a deeply real, authentic experience of self. We're soul-searching as never before, coming closer to the possibility that we actually might become enlightened - and in our lifetime. Books on life purpose and finding ourselves are sailing off the shelves. Underneath it all - the key that makes it possible to have a personal experience of the soul - is intuition. Intuition allows us to shift from our linear, busy-body, 'enterpriser mind' into the softer, more
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all-knowing, allowing, 'feminine mind.' And it is through this non-goal-oriented perception that we become saturated and convinced about our true inner nature and are able, not only to love ourselves, but to BE the love that we are. Intuition is direct knowing. It is the incredibly effortless perception that connects us via our body to everything in the physical plane, and through our heart to our soul and all other souls - even to the core consciousness of trees, rocks, birds, and toaster ovens. Intuition is immensely useful in the world for practical purposes but where it becomes luminous and priceless is as the vehicle for knowing, becoming, and creating from the soul. Living 'the intuitive way' has had a profound impact on my own identity, as I am guided year by year through the process of soul embodiment by that master teacher consciousness that resides inside every one of us. I think I know who I am, then I'm tripped up and shown that I stopped and described the process too soon. There is always more. And similarly, just when I think I'm clear, another layer of clutter rises from the depths, screaming for attention. It is, in fact, the clarity we achieve that magnetizes our remaining confusion, as well as the next layer of our truth - because above all, the soul wants a totally unobstructed path into and through matter. So I, like you, no doubt, am both more of myself, and less of myself, these days.
Forgetting What We Know to Know Anew So much of knowing ourselves as our soul comes down to simply letting go of what is false, dissolving old habits of perception, and the ideas we cling to for security's sake. I remember having a powerful dream early in my own personal process of ego death and soul birth. In it, I vomit up my heart and as I hold it, beating, in my two cupped hands, it splits down the middle and falls apart. As it lies there helplessly, the beating weakens and slows. I scream for help. Paramedics outside the windows of the house I am in can't find me. I am totally panic-stricken. Then, suddenly, in front of me appears an amazing being, a
man seven feet tall and blue-black in color. He has long shiny black hair hanging well past his waist and radiates the indigo-black beauty of the night sky. I know instinctively that this black is not that of evil, but represents the essence of the universe, the absorptive healing power of the Divine Mother. His presence is infinitely calming. His eyes, like still, deep lakes at night, glow with the black fire of outer space. He is an Indian brave, a samurai at rest, an exotic messenger from the far reaches. “I am the Angel of Healing,” he tells me, without speaking aloud. He bends over me and looks into my eyes. I am transported into universes beyond anything I can know or remember and am reassured beyond measure. He is showing me who I am as he takes me into his fathomless eyes and he is talking softly all the while to my scared and scattered mind. Lovingly he wraps his huge long hands around mine, gently reuniting the halves of my broken heart. As the heart knits itself back together, he talks: “This is not your heart, Penney. Did you know this? It belongs to God, and has been given to you on loan. It is God's force that makes this heart beat and God's truest impulse that makes this heart love. Give your heart back to God now, and it will once again be whole, and happy, and light as a feather. And God will give you the gift of a full life, and you will give God the gift of living as You. “Relax your throat, open your mouth, make the long sound of the universe: AHHHHHHH.” And he slips a now-perfect heart back down to its rightful place. With one hand on my chest, he slowly passes the other over my head. The dark, absorbing indigo-black light penetrates skin, bone, brain, and beliefs. “Here, now. Let me help you forget what you know,” he whispers. I sigh, and released from my prison of limited thinking and old memories, free from perceptions that are no longer appropriate for this day, I float in the dark peace of the cosmic mind, fresh and clean, like a baby waiting to be born, and grateful for the chance to know, and to love, anew. Ever since this profound experience, I have been
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systematically letting go of what I know, of my attachment to who I think I am, of my linear, logical history - every time I can remember to do it. The more I clear the clutter from my tissues and from the field of my personal energy, the more intuitive I become. These days, this clearing work has taken a more prominent position and serious tone - as though I've reached the nitty-gritty, bottom-of-thebucket stuff and something in me wants these last remnants GONE!!
The Intuitive Process Below the Surface I regularly tune in intuitively to the energy under the surface of ordinary reality to check on the process occurring in the inner realms. When I did this recently, I noticed that my body felt both calm and excited at the same time. I always check my body first, as I've learned it is a microcosmic representation of the larger environment, and gives me an accurate read of whatever I include inside my 'personal bubble,' be it the physical environment or a larger bubble of time. It also turns out that if I'm experiencing it, then many others are too. Now I sensed a quality of resoluteness, like “I'm prepared and ready for whatever may come,” as well as a stirring of spring fever about a new level of creativity, a new kind of involvement with life that seemed likely to emerge in spite of any big dramas in the world. I was excited because it seemed that 'real movement' was at hand, like 'the real part' of life was now beginning. Yet I had no concrete conception of what I meant, just a feeling that a 'training period' was nearly over and an experience I've known but can only refer to in these quote-unquote phrases, was about to occur. Certainly we've all been living, learning, growing, creating, and expressing our soul's purpose all along, but it's as though there's been a filmy coating over our view, and we've been cleaning the lens for the whole of our life thus far. Not long before this, life had seemed difficult and compacted and I mainly wanted to hibernate. During that time, a voice in me kept saying, “Just go about life as usual, do what's necessary, and stay as
quiet and as 'in the flow' as possible.” My mind would pop up regularly and scream in panic because I wasn't manifesting at the level I was used to, but the other voice was calming and overrode the panic with an unflappable persistence. My mind thought the other voice was really crazy some days - it was SO illogical. I watched many other people going through major changes - making advancements in their careers, moving across country, going back to school, marrying their soulmate. I TRIED to catalyze change in my own life but my will power just banged up against an invisible wall. My life was moving at a pace independent of my mind. In retrospect, it feels like there was a reorganization going on in my deeper self, perhaps in the circuitry of my subtle bodies. In the absence of distracting hyperactivity, I was drawn to do smaller, more invisible things, like dissolving ideas that were like wet blanket overlays or ones I was unconsciously 'holding' and patterning myself with. These were ideas and pronouncements from people I had defined as authority figures, opinions I had internalized that weren't actually mine, or even more subtle decisions, 'vows,' and 'contracts' that limited my range of behavior and life experience. I dissolved, dissolved, dissolved, and faced the blank space - and often terror - that appeared in the absence of my busy thought habits. I practiced converting the emptiness to an experience of pleasurable open space with room to move and breathe and rest. I allowed the possibility that nothing might ever fill me up again, and practiced not going into grief over this thought.
Don't Even THINK About It!! As I turned my inner eye hopefully toward the future to see what might come, my inner voice said, “NO. Don't look for it. Don't project ahead. Don't plan.” Don't plan??? Are you nuts? “Just engage with what presents itself to you from the unified field. Everything you need will come.” Arrrrgh! “A thought about creating an event may present itself to you, or someone may call, inviting you to do some
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work. It doesn't matter whether the source is the internal or external self, the ideas are all coming from the soul, from the Us. Engage with what comes.” But, but, but . . . “And next, you are to keep your attitude and energy field at a frequency that makes you feel the most content, cheerful, enthusiastic, generous, and cooperative.” That's all? “That's all. Build faith in this new way of living.” So I practiced keeping my worry, even my goodnatured grumbling, to a minimum while keeping my mind firmly in the moment. I noticed the details of what was within arm's reach. I took myself up on all my good ideas, and responded positively to phone calls. And indeed, there were a higher than average number of unsolicited offers to do talks and network with new groups. I was witnessing the magic of synchronicity. When I needed help editing a book proposal, a friend who is a marvelous editor materialized and wanted to do some mentoring in trade. When I needed to plan a trip to Japan, my organizers happened to be making a trip to San Francisco on other business and had a spare afternoon to meet with me. This magical connectedness penetrated into more subtle realms as well. In a meditation or dream I'd have an insight about my process of growth; the next day a person would visit, speaking about the same themes, mouthing the same phrases, and presenting clues for my next step. I'd be frustrated doing a task at my computer and within hours someone would suggest the solution or a new kind of software that eclipsed my antiquated way of working. I was learning to notice the synchro-mesh way that life functions when you don't get in the way with immobilizing thoughts. I saw that the prior difficult time had been the beginning of this presentmoment-be-in-the-flow practice - when I was teaching myself to do it without realizing what I was doing. Now I was honing the skills of living in the moment and sharing responsibility for the direction of my life with the collective consciousness, which arises from each particle of light, in each atom of the physical plane, in each moment.
So far, my instructions went like this: w Stay in the moment, don't project into the future. Keep your intuition open. w Engage
with what comes; everything you need, will be provided by the unified field. What comes will either look like a thought in your head or an event coming from the world; do what produces the greatest happiness and be happy about what you do. w
w Monitor your moods, your internal state; prefer
a level of awareness that is closest to your soul frequency and thus allows guidance from your soul to flow to you. Enthusiasm, even mild enthusiasm, cheerfulness, sincerity, innocence, and curiosity work best. After several months of living this way, the opportunities were definitely showing up, but without much increase in income. I sat back down to have a talk with my inner voice. Was I missing something? I'd been following instructions faithfully. “The opportunities you receive are filtered through your 'state,'” my voice informed me. “The first step in improving your state has been to eliminate negative thinking, raise the frequency of your personal energy, and maintain the consistency of higher thoughts. So far, so good. Now you must be able to distinguish between what your mind has been programmed to want and what your soul really wants. You've been attracting opportunities that embody the partiality of you being in the middle of this learning process - they're not the old opportunities that come from what the mind thinks it wants, and not yet what the soul truly desires. This is why life seems 'sort of good' and not outrageously fabulous. “By your state, which is the quality of energy in your personal field, you are giving the greater unified field, which is the collective consciousness of all souls, instructions. You may think you're asking for opportunities, but actually you are telling the Field what you want and will accept. To know
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what instructions you've been giving to the Field, look at what you already have. So the next step in your practice is: w Appreciate and use what you have right now; digest it and get all the food value; this is what you told Us you wanted and needed. Nothing new can come until you use what you have.
I realized how often I was dismissing with the wave of my hand the gratitude others expressed to me or the kind things people did for me. I saw how I wasn't really stopping to register the successful completions of projects or the underlying usefulness of periods of high intensity busyness or relaxing downtime. I'd create a new experience, manifest a new bauble, then be on to the next thing, not taking the time to sink into the experience that the beautiful necklace or the talk to women entrepreneurs had facilitated for me. I realized pleasure was a big part of the soul's motive. I'd complain that I wasn't busy enough, then remember that the previous week I'd wished fervently for some time to myself. Obediently, the Field had brought me a string of emptyish days. Instead of treasuring them and using them to deepen my connection with life, my mind would jump ahead and worry that if this continued, I wouldn't be able to pay the rent. Then the projected lack of money became the new set of instructions I was giving to the Field. And it obediently brought me more scarcity. When I sank into the experience of emptiness and lack of financial flow, and asked what the gift in this was, I understood it did not relate to my self worth at all, nor to the foundering economy. I was showing myself what it felt like to squeeze off the flow, how harboring complaints and anxieties left no room for creativity. I was also showing myself how important it is to allow a 'lying fallow time' at the end of long periods of productivity. So I developed the habit of asking “Why did I, the soul, bring this moment together in just this way?” And I was able to glimpse my greater intent. Sometimes it was the desire to remove judgments
and ossified thoughts by bringing them to light. Sometimes it was to direct me into silence, or into my senses or cellular awareness. My inner voice had more to say, however. “Learn to be extremely quiet and deeply attentive on a regular basis and often during the day, to listen for the soul's urges. How do they differ from the mind's shoulds? Hint: Listen for a difference in tone; notice if there's tightness - if there is, the idea probably originates with the mind.” Doing a Reading for Myself So I practiced using my intuition to discriminate the difference between my various inner directives, making it a priority to choose actions that allowed a greater experience of soul. Then, on my birthday, I got the bright idea to sit down and do a reading for myself - something, in all my years of doing in-depth life readings for others, I'd never attempted. I imagined my body and personality sitting in the chair opposite me and 'I' began to talk to 'her' out loud, tape recorder going. I share some of it here, because it feels like The Healing Angel may have returned and might be speaking to you, too. You hold a contraction in your body, as do most people, that comes from early shocks and disappointments about the extent to which fear makes people cold and hard. By holding it, you unknowingly create a false meaning, or identity, for yourself. This is old thinking, and unnecessary. You are not sad. You are not unloved. You are not invisible. You are not overwhelmed by negativity. And you are not so undeveloped as to be thrown by the blind behavior of others. It's important now to stop pretending, once and for all, that human fear, human ignorance, and bad behavior are wounding. These things have been here in every lifetime you've lived and you've always dealt with it. There is a part of the mind that likes to stay in darkness, that clutches at these shocks and holds onto them tightly to keep its small identity alive. The last of this clutching is to be released now. You are to take no more identity from being a wounded person. In the silence you are being fed. In the silence you
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are being loved. It is in the silence that everything you think you're not getting is actually being given and received and enjoyed by all parties involved. To partake of that enjoyment, simply quiet your mind and drop IN. Enter into faith that in this period of quiet and lack of directionality, there is a much richer experience than you have ever had. Seek it, feel it. It is the precursor to the time when many gifts will be given, unbeknownst to your mind at this present time. So it is time now to be fully available by releasing every contraction, every concave posture in your body. Adjust your posture so your head is up and level, your eyes are open and shiny, your chest is wide, your heart is soft, your feet are on the ground, you're breathing evenly, your spine is tingling, and you are receiving like a magnet. You are drawing to you, up out of the field, many things, many people, many molecules, which would respond to the force that you ARE in the world, to the place that you are. As you exist in the physical plane, you are a field, and many particles of consciousness want to arise to come visit this place, to discover what it's like to be physical in a way similar to yours, by matching the resonance. So create an environment and extend it, and welcome others into it, even if the guest be one molecule, or the tiniest fairy or miniscule being. This is the next work - the stabilization of the frequency of that which you are manifesting, which starts with the level of energy you manifest, the kind of body, mind, and emotions you manifest, the kind of house you manifest, the kind of social relationships you manifest. Watch your reactions now. Every day you react to stimuli, to different people, to colors, to sensations. Allow those to bring you data. What's being communicated? Allow yourself to choose to change your reaction if you notice you don't like the first gut reaction you have. If you notice you contract for the wrong reason, take a breath, recenter yourself, bring the stimulation back in again and re-act to it the way you want to. Go deeper, stay open.
When anxieties come, do not hold the waves, but let them impress you briefly, feel the subtle postures they cause you to assume, how the breath changes. Feel the resulting apathy, the anticipation of a negative outcome, the disappointment or readiness for disappointment. And then move your body slightly, as though to shudder mildly, and the posture with its thought habits will be carried away by the ripples in the pond. Return to the vibration of your own field and an aligned posture. Only by holding vibrations that are lower than your own energy do you attract beings who are interested in selfsacrifice, who glory in sacrifice. And these tests are unnecessary and a waste of soul force. Let yourself forget what you've been doing all these years, how you've been doing it. You don't have to remember how things happened to you, how you reacted, what you did that worked or didn't work. Let all those memories go and float up and out of your tissues, out through the aura. You don't know if it ever happened now or not, or if it happened to YOU or not. And all the people who were associated with you in those memories, let them go to a different place in the aura and find their own place of floating. You don't have to hold them or remember anything about them. Be unconcerned. You'll know what you need to know. Holding personal history takes too much energy. And now, there is a bubble wanting to puff you up and flow out through you. And now, it pops! And you are new. Like a baby, you are new and your eyes are educating you about now, right now. Rest and be happy in yourself, in your place, in your vibration, and allow it to increase at the rate it wants to, to the level it wants to. There is plenty of space in the place that is you. You can have privacy simply by placing your attention inside your own body. You can have social activity by expanding your aura to include others. It's in your mind. So move as you feel and want to move, in your own imagination, as you please. The dammed up waters are now ebbing out onto the long wide flat plain and they are sinking into the earth.
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2012, to me, is a symbolic way of saying that we are focusing on materializing a major transformation, that we are seriously living for it. But it's not in the future - the process is happening now. The internal process of experiencing more of our true self and the external acts of creating the stuff of the world from the soul's genius, are both parts of the same process of evolution. Personal growth is intimately tied to societal innovation, corporate transformation, and career success; the inner and outer can no longer be disconnected. The new transforming and transformed YOU is becoming more and more evident. Are you becoming a great visionary thinker, a transformer of outworn systems, a motivator of psychically exhausted workers, or the one who heals with presence and truth, or leads others with love? Perhaps, with open intuition and skillful perception, you will be one of the ones who helps build a new world made of light. I firmly believe that we will see widespread enlightenment in our lifetimes, even in
the midst of chaos and disintegration - or perhaps because of it. I've dreamed of heaven - the full and perfect bliss That waits the spirit in a larger sphere; And, looking up, have found enough in this To realize the rapturous vision here! -Alice Cary, from Heaven on Earth
Š Penney Peirce, all rights reserved Penney Peirce is a gifted intuitive empath, visionary, and author, as well as a popular lecturer, counselor, and trainer specializing in intuition development and its application to personal life and business. She is an expert in dreamwork and expanded perception, working throughout the US, Japan, South Africa, and Europe since 1977 as a coach to business executives, psychologists, scientists, other trainers, and those on a spiritual path.
INTEGRAL CONSULTANCY SERVICES Prabhath P is currently evolving Integral Gaia Yoga, which aims for integral, individual and collective Enlightenment. Prabhath offers integral intuitive advice to help individuals manifest their infinite potential and create their own personal, professional and spiritual destiny. Integral intuitive advice helps you to expand your consciousness and evolve your life in tune with your inner intuition and your life's purpose on Earth in co-creation with fellow beings. Please indicate any questions you have and the areas of life you want the intuitive advice to focus on. Prabhath also offers Integral Dreamwork services and Reiki. Contact:
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Spiritual Poem The Road to 2012 Somewhere out there, 2012 already exists Everywhere, this nagging feeling persists We seem to be moving through time in miles Our path through life is really versatile In 2012 land, some are already there One could get by even if tied to a chair Nothing in life is free so expect to pay a fare Throw in an extra and the whole universe cares! We can see them, those who have arrived They are not dead but very much alive Blessed are they with secrets on why to survive Ahead of this game, they will always thrive How to get there is what you want to know Is there any yellow brick road to follow? Know whether you drive or whether you walk You will get there in good time at 2012 o' clock Try to help those in need along the way Avoid field of dreams but take time to play There is a crook behind every curtain Beware of this and your goal will be certain 2012 is not a classroom or a place It's a ship inhabiting this very same space There is some who will board very late Understand Time and Tide will not wait The gate is welcoming wide Everyone is allowed inside 2012, a dimensional shift Be there on time, all will get a lift 2012 is already nesting in life's bay Our ship, our Ark and it is here to stay To play a golden age part is our ambition To be in harmony on stage is our mission. Š Amy I. Ramdass, all rights reserved
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Ascension - Global Shift Silence Speaks! A Channeling by Amitt Parikh The Great awakening initiates great shifts within the mind. This shift when it occurs in a large number of mind-body systems, causes a global shift known as Ascension. The software is being upgraded. So the hardware also needs to be replaced or upgraded. For this, sometimes the only solution is to discard obsolete structures that cannot hold the new vibrations, and so I have to resort to large scale upheavals in all structures nature to personal level, inside out and from outside to inside. The period can be termed as that of agitation for those who are trying to hold on to that which is not allowed to be kept any more, for the energies of the combined mankind is pushing in one direction, the projection out there. Your old beliefs and ideas are incompatible with it. They are pulled out on to the 'surface' and create agitation. The only thing you can do is to 'let go' and swim in the sea of changes to come in this solar system. Yes, not only the Earth but this solar system also goes for an upgrade - a long-pending shift - when my eyes reveal the blueprint of new energetic structures of evolutionary forces literally wiping out the duality mindset again. The final ascension occurs when the majority of mankind embraces this new dream, welcoming the changes and I announce the arrival of the Golden period - Heaven on third dimension. Once the chaos subsides, division is over and all that remains is union, oneness of human race, oneness with creator, oneness with creation. I AM. © Amitt Parikh, all rights reserved.
Your Spiritual Revolution Course Life Transformation using Practical Spiritual Science
Be Ready for Miracles! Truth - Teaching - Tools - Technology - Transformation “If you can start exploring possibilities, you will start surpassing all known boundaries!” - Amitt
YSR Course Module 1 is Free! Click here to download
YSR course emphasizes on fundamental cosmic laws and uses thought-provoking questions to restructure your belief system, thereby bringing positive changes in all aspects of your life!
YSR Course will be conducted by Amitt Parikh - Executive Editor of Your Spiritual Revolution eMag, founder of Spiritual Science & Research Foundation. He is an author, poet, mystic, IT consultant, translator, and a professional trainer. For questions and free guidance related to YSR Module 1, please email with subject line ‘YSR Module 1 Guidance’. Health, wealth, peace, happiness, satisfaction, truth... aren’t these the very ‘things’ you are trying to achieve out ‘there’? YSR Course will help you re-member them all of them in abundance, by guiding you to your True Master - your True Self!