Your Spiritual Revolution - September_2009

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YOUR SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION Volume 3 Issue 9 September 2009

Healing with Sacred Geometry Who Are Arniel, Mathael and Shalmiel?

No You – No Karma

The Resurrection: The Turning Point

The Trust Frequency

Message From The Editor Executive Editor Amitt Parikh

Editor Prabhath P

Graphic Design Gunaji M. Parab Parikh Info Solutions P. Limited

Published By Spiritual Science & Research Foundation

Many spiritual traditions mention the connections between geometry and spirituality. The cover story in this issue is a channeling that helps us understand sacred geometry and how to use sacred geometry for healing. Sacred geometry can be a powerful and very effective healing tool. This channeling describes how to heal using the five-pointed star (pentagram), the six-pointed star (hexagram) and the Divine geometry of the twelve-pointed star. This issue also covers subjects such as a study of karma through Vedic terms, allowing the free spirit of teenage to resurface in adulthood, the trust frequency, the view of the Kabbalah on the heavenly brigade of angels, spiritual lessons gained from cleaning windows and the deeper meaning of the resurrection of Jesus. There are also two insightful spiritual poems. Love and Light, Prabhath P

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01. Healing With Sacred Geometry


By Ellaeenah

02. No You – No Karma


By Divyaa Kummar

03. Then Becomes Now


By Marcella Maggio

04. The Trust Frequency


By Amara Rose

05. Who Are Arniel, Mathael and Shalmiel?


By Orna Ben-Shoshan

06. Do you do windows?


By Marlene Buffa


The Resurrection: The Turning Point


By Oscar Del Santo

08. Spiritual Poems


Healing With Sacred Geometry Channeling of Jade Fire

By Ellaeenah Good beloveds.


Today, let us understand sacred geometry and how to use sacred geometry for the purpose of healing. All of you gathered here, are healers in different ways: some of you are interested in the physical process of healing, and some are more interested in the mental and emotional aspects of healing. Most consider only those who heal

physically to be healers, but that is not true. Healing goes beyond the narrow scope that you have limited it to. Who is a healer? A healer is one who works on the energies of another. That is a simple definition of a healer. Yes, your doctors and your nurses work on the energies, but so do your teachers. In fact, a teacher's influence on the energies of a child is way, way stronger than a doctor's influence on the energies of a patient. Then you have other kinds of healers, those that you would not normally consider healers. Let us

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look at these very briefly. What about heads of industries? They have the potential to touch and change energies of hundreds. In fact, they have the potential to change the energy of a society. Whether they choose to is their own free will choice. But yes, there are some who are healers and who, by their actions, can heal society, by their generosity can enliven and enrich the lives of others. And then there is one aspect of society, which we are sure you will disagree when we call them healers: these are politicians. If they should so choose, they have the potential to change the energy of a nation. So you see, healers come in all forms and every healer has the free will choice to exercise the potential or not. Now let us focus on our subject for today: sacred geometry and healing. We will look at three sacred geometries for our purpose today but though we will focus on three, you must understand that all sacred geometry is a very, very effective healing tool. The first sacred geometry that we will work with today (and you will work with us so that you know how to use it) is a five-pointed star, often called the pentagram. Visualize, in your mind's eye, a pentacle. Make it strong, make it clear. What is the purpose of a pentagram, you must understand. As a healer you would use the pentagram first, for the purpose of the pentagram is resurrection of the past. If you need to heal, you have to first eliminate the debris of the past. To eliminate the debris means to bring it forth to the intelligent mind, to bring it forth from layers of unconsciousness up to intelligent consciousness. That which is unconscious cannot be healed unless it has come to the light. So you use a pentagram to resurrect; to bring out, out of the depths of the past, that which has caused the toxins, the debris, the blocks, the hurdles, that have eventually resulted in illness, disease, imbalance, disequilibrium, conflict, disharmony or friction. A relationship friction can be healed in the same way as a person who is sick.

So how will you use the pentagram? Let us guide you through it practically. Take a few moments to bring to your mind's eye, a person whom you wish to heal, physically, mentally or emotionally, or a situation that you wish to heal, or a relationship that you wish to heal. You may be part of the friction or you may not be part of the friction at all; for e.g., you might see the friction between two friends and wish to heal it. You have the choice of whom or what you wish to choose. Take a few moments to bring this person, situation or relationship very clearly in your mind's vision. If there is a situation of conflict, ensure that you bring in all parties involved in the conflict. If it is a relationship, ensure that you bring in all persons involved in the relationship. Now lay this person, situation or conflict on a healing table lying in front of you. Before you can start any healing, in order to contain the energies of healing, you must place the person or the situation within another sacred geometry, and that is either a prism or a pyramid. Both, a prism and the pyramid, have the ability to contain the energies and not allow them to disperse. Now you have placed your patient (and we will use that word to describe a person or a situation) in a prism or a pyramid. Let us begin with the pentagram. Into the palm of your right hand, send a ray of light from your 3rd eye and see it forming into a pentagram. You might feel a certain kind of pulling or warmth or a tingling that takes place in the palm of your hands, as the pentagram forms. When you are certain that the pentagram has formed completely, you will allow the pentagram to move over the body of the person, or if there are more persons, on the bodies of all, to identify that exact spot in the body or bodies, where lies the debris of the past that needs to be resurrected. Your pentagram will begin to emit energy waves, and as soon as you are able to identify the spot, you will feel a most definite warmth or heaviness or pulling. As soon as you have identified this spot, you will now begin to activate your pentagram in order to start resurrecting the past.

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In order to begin the activation of the pentagram, the easiest method is to use sound energy. It can be a low resonating hum, it can be a bell that you can ring. We will use the hum at present. (The sitters hum) You will find that as you hum, your pentagram begins to turn. As it turns and spins faster within your palm, it is drawing out the debris, the stagnant blocked energies from the patient, drawing it up to the fore. The interesting aspect of sound energy is that as soon as it has finished its purpose, you will not be able to hum in this same manner or the bell will not ring clearly. As soon as you find that you are unable to hum comfortably, or the humming sound changes, you must stop. By the time the debris has been resurrected, your palm will feel pulsation. It is now time to take on another sacred geometry: the six-pointed star. In order to stop the activation of the pentagram, vigorously rub the right palm with the left. Now, once again, by the power of your own will, transmit a ray of light into your left palm to create a six-pointed star: a hexagram. As you create the hexagram, let us tell you a little of this very powerful sacred geometry. The six-pointed star can do several different functions: it can destroy, it can create, it can heal, it can agitate. You must decide what purpose you wish to use it for. Remember that all the purposes named are the rightful functions of healing. In order to heal, sometimes you must destroy; for e.g. the debris that you have brought to the fore must first be destroyed. When it is destroyed you will create. You, as the healer, must decide what it is that you wish to create. And do not make your answers general and unclear. Do not, for e.g., state that you wish to create perfection, for what is perfection? Each one has a different definition. State clearly, using as many words and sentences as you wish, to state what exactly it is that you wish to create for the patient you are healing. How will you know what to create? As the debris comes up, and as you get more accustomed to this method of healing, the pentagram will reveal to you the exact nature of the debris; for e.g., it might reveal to you that the patient is in disease because of the

debris of insecurity: the insecurity of money, the insecurity of having a roof over his head or it might reveal to you that the debris is that of possessiveness and acute jealousy. The debris will reveal to you its exact nature, thereby giving you a clue of what you need to create. Of course, as a healer you know that if the debris is that of jealousy and possessiveness, you must create that which will remove jealousy and possessiveness completely. If it is suspicion, you must create that which will remove suspicion and distrust. If it is insecurity, you must create that which will remove insecurity. If it is grief from the death of someone, you must create that which will remove grief. Only you, as the healer, will know what to create. Very often, the patient is so gripped by the experience or event that your patient is not in a state to help you with the creation, to guide you and tell you what the patient truly needs. So you will have to decide what to create. Once you have created, you will need to decide what to do with this creation. Do you wish the energies you have created to soothe the energy structure of your patient or do you, in fact, wish to agitate the energy structure of your patient? Remember, sometimes, agitation is far more effective than soothing a structure; it intensifies the healing process. Do not consider agitation as strife. So let us begin with our hexagram. The hexagram that has formed upon your left hand could be placed directly upon the part, which you have already worked upon with a pentagram or if a person or persons are not before you, you have the option of putting them on your healing table, as we have done right now. Place your hexagram upon the spot that has released the debris, palm facing downward to the spot. Now allow your left hand to slowly begin to turn anti-clockwise. You are beginning to destroy the debris that has come up for removal. Very gently, very gently, destroy it gradually. While you are healing, you might intuit that not all of that debris can be destroyed all at once. Trust your inner guidance, as

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the Divine Healer within you will guide you. Destroy only that which you are guided to destroy. You might also be guided to use a coloured ray of light to intensify the destruction. Follow the guidance always. Your left hand will stop turning, very naturally, when the destruction is completed. Remember, when sacred geometry is used, it is the sacred geometry that takes over the healing and not your intelligent mind, so trust all the information that is revealed to you; have no self-doubt. Once you have destroyed the debris, strongly state, as the healer, as a mental command or a loud expression of the command, whatever it is that you wish, but it will always be these words: As the Divine Healer, by the powers vested in me, I hereby command creation of‌ now here you will state very clearly what it is that you wish to create for your patient. Once you have stated clearly, the right palm is also turned downwards. And now healers, you must decide whether this created energy must soothe or agitate the energy structure of your patient. Please understand that both are healing aspects; neither will create strife, disequilibrium or disharmony. The right and the left palm together bring in balance and whether you choose to agitate or to soothe, the energy structure will remain in perfect balance. After a few moments of this, when you, as the Divine Healer, will know that balance is restored in the structure, once again, the two palms are rubbed. And now we use the twelve-pointed star. The twelve-pointed star is Divine geometry. It is able to create a new energy matrix. Having balanced the old energy structure of your patient, you, beloved healers, now become gods, creating a new energy structure for your patient. You must decide whether this part of the healing is appropriate for the patient. Understand, beloveds, that not all are ready to move into a stronger, more radiant, more powerful energy structure. For e.g., if the patient you are healing is very strongly caught in the grip of ego, in the grip of power abuse, in the grip of dishonesty, in the grip of

addiction, creating a stronger energy structure could, in fact, be detrimental, as it will give the addiction, the abuse, the arrogance, even greater strength. So you, as a healer, must decide whether this last step in healing is appropriate for your patient. If it is not, you will stop the healing after the energy structure has been balanced. If you so choose, as the Divine Healer, to construct the new energy structure, using the twelve-pointed star, this is how you will proceed. The twelve-pointed star can only be constructed within the higher heart; not the 3rd eye and not the heart, but the higher heart chakra. Whose higher heart chakra? Your own! You are the Divine Healer. You will turn your vision to your higher heart. There, by means of your mind's eye, you will begin to create the twelve-pointed star. Now here is where Divine geometry helps you. You may have chosen to shift the energy structure of your patient but the patient's highest energies know that the patient is not ready or in a state to be shifted to a higher energy structure. If that is so decided, the twelve-pointed star that you are beginning to create in your higher heart will not form, and you, beloved healer, must go with that higher decision. If it does form completely, you will then command the twelve-pointed star to begin expanding. It will expand and cover both you and the patient. When it has completely enveloped you and your patient, you will then give this command: As the Divine Healer, by the powers invested in me, I command that a new, more vibrant energy structure be now created for‌ and you might mention the name. You have to do nothing, as an intelligent healer, but wait till the twelve-pointed star has done its task. You will know that the twelvepointed star has completed its task when it automatically starts to retract, reduce in size and vanish. A healing session of this nature, with all three sacred geometries used, would take from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. If you have been guided not to destroy

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all the debris (and this guidance can come only to facilitate the healing process so that it does not create its own trauma for the patient), you must not proceed with the 3rd stage. You could use the twelvepointed star in another healing session, sometime in the future, when all the debris has been destroyed and fresh new energies completely created. Also remember that if you are taking your patient in different sessions of healing, at every session you may be guided to create something different. It need not always be the same. Both, patient, as well as healer, must have water at the end of such a healing session. Š Ellaeenah, all rights reserved

Ellaeenah is an intuitive spiritual facilitator, teacher, writer and life counselor whose practical insights into Ancient Wisdom have empowered innumerable people. Her work extends into the realms of the Spirit-Psyche, such that life is directed by consciousness of thought, word and feeling, to bring about self-empowerment through complete recall of one's Godhood.

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By Divyaa Kummar Expanding your consciousness is balancing of karma; Expanding your consciousness back to universal consciousness is finishing karma! SANCHIT KARMA: Simply put, Sanchit karma is your sum total of balance karma from all your lives. This is stored in your causal body (the soul); and it is from this accumulated storehouse of your karmas that you choose a portion to explore, experience, expand and disempower in

every current life. Thus Sanchit karma operates through your Prarabd karma. However when viewed deeper, 'your' Sanchit karma is 'your' reason to Be - indeed your purpose as a unique individuation of the Whole. It stores or describes 'that' portion of the Whole that 'you' have chosen to explore experience, expand and disempower for the Whole, or that experience of Itself, that the Whole has individuated as 'you', for! Thus there is no judgment against any seemingly negative Sanchit karma. It is the role you as the

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Whole are playing for the Whole, towards its Selfexploration. As the Whole individuates into zillions of units of consciousness, into zillion 'selves,' each individuated unit/self (often called monads) willfully chooses to explore a certain range of Its (The Whole's) attributes, qualities and nuances willfully chooses to know All That I Am, and thus its flip side of all that I am not! If viewed from another angle, Sanchit karma is that part of the game of separation, of Dharma and Adharma that 'you' as the individuation have chosen to play, as the Whole for the Whole! Dharma, at its deepest, refers to the inherent nature of the God/Self, the Cosmos/Universe; It refers to the attributes of God - Love, Abundance, Wisdom, Will, Beauty, Freedom, Expansiveness, Stillness, Momentum, Play; thus it refers to the laws of the Universe! Adharma is only that which is not in sync with That I Am! And indeed it's something I/Self/ God choose to create, and enter into, towards 'All That Is' paradoxically becoming more! Thus in deeper terms, karma is the 'battle' between Dharma and Adharma, not the battle of war, but the battle within play that the Creator willfully enters into! Towards this, the One All knowing Whole Self, willfully splits Itself into infinitesimal units of consciousness, which 'forget' their original beingness in order to play the game! And that portion you choose to play out, in separation and ignorance, is your Sanchit karma! In analogy, it's like playing the card game of bluff! You deal out cards to self, which then have to be played away! In the process, you sometimes add further cards, which too have to be played away! At this point, let me elaborate that 'karma' is 'stored' in energy terms. Everyone has a personal energy field, and 'your' sum total of consciousness makes up 'your' personal energy field, for your energy field is nothing but 'your' consciousness viewed in terms of energies vibrating at different frequencies. Thus, simply put of course, your energy field is a weave of energy strands, vibrating to different frequencies, reflecting different aspects of

your individuated consciousness (and making up your different energy bodies called the physical, the etheric, the emotional/astral and the mental body). Having understood this, it becomes easier to understand that those energies, those aspects of your consciousness, those beliefs, those attributes of your nature that have merged back with the Whole; those vibrations that are in sync with their highest potentials within the Cosmos with their original nature, Dharma; those units of consciousness, which have thus finished their part in the game of separation, are what you call balanced karma! When you take it deeper, as those vibrations of 'you' the individuation, become one with the 'Universe', they do not remain 'separate' - and thus do we say that karma is 'complete/finished!' In analogy, view this pictorially: consciousness that has yet not expanded back to Universal consciousness, energies that have not yet been assimilated with the Whole, are like curvy strands ~~~~~~~~ and thus still 'sticking' out from the perfectly aligned cosmos! When they are in harmony with the cosmic energy field, as they submerge into, assimilate back with, abide therein, become one with the Universal consciousness, they do not 'protrude out' in separation! They are literally in balance with the whole! And thus we say that karma is balanced! Sanchit karma is the sum of your ~~~~~~ yet to be aligned or yet to merge aspects of consciousness and their ~~~~~ vibrations! PRARABD KARMA: Simply put, this refers to that portion of your sum total of karma (SANCHIT) that you choose to come with, to work out, to experience, expand or disempower in any current life. This is sometimes referred to as your blueprint or your current life purposes. Together with Sanchit, it is also referred to as your destiny! When you take it deeper, you understand that your Sanchit operates through your Prarabd karma and your Prarabd 'operates' through your 'sanskars.' There is no English word which does full justice to the word 'sanskars.' So what it really means is your sum consciousness, your mindscape, your energy field that you are born with.

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In day-to-day terms, it refers to your core beliefs, your latent (subconscious) impressions, the grooves, the pathways within your mind and your desires and fears. Thus you come encoded with your sanskars, sum consciousness to experience it, and through that, to enhance and expand certain aspects and disempower and move away from others! So yes, you come with certain weaknesses! What you may refer to as negative karma are really only limited beliefs you have willfully come with in order to disempower them through this life experience! And you come with adequate strengths, what you call positive karma to enable and support this! Thus your personality is also part of your Prarabd! Indeed, you choose to be born at a certain time, date and year as that time, date and year bestow upon you certain qualities and opportunities and challenges! You need some of these qualities towards your life plans as strengths to enable you and others you have chosen towards bringing into balance. So it's quite in reverse - you are not what you are due to your planets, zodiac sign, numbers etc., but who you already are chooses that birth chart, as a door into having those qualities , opportunities and challenges that you require towards you Prarabd -your current life plan! Prarabd also operates through your desires and fears because as a soul you know that once you are born, you enter the game, don the veils, forget all of this! Thus your desires are your soul reminders to yourself as to what to enter into, explore, towards your 'Prarabd karma;' as are your fears the aspects you have chosen to face and disempower! As your Prarabd encompasses a lifetime, you have within it different schedules to engage in different parts of your Prarabd (current lifetime plan) and that is why your desires change through the years. Indeed, all that famous chemistry between mates is also a soulinduced trigger towards getting you together with whom you need to enter into relationship as per your Prarabd!

In energy terms, you are encoded with these qualities, desires, fears so that you may play them out - engage in your Prarabd, your current life plan! Your energy field holds its requisite ~~~~~ (causes) which you hope to align through this life. In physical terms, some aspects come through your genes, some through the environment you are born into. This is why the ancients spoke about the first seven years of a child's life as being important for their sanskars, as this is actually when you are setting up the props of your life plan! So whatever sum consciousness you have come with (brought from your Sanchit) is grooved into your current mind/manas as brain waves (causes) in these formative years when your sense of self is less and 'you' are open to being the chalice for your true soul purpose! Even whatever limited beliefs (karma) you have chosen to explore are actually grooved into your current mindscape at this time so you may then play them out (through their effects!). For example, and very simply put, to give the gist - if you have chosen to move away from core feelings of lack, you may experience lack in your childhood environment so that it becomes something you then work out or keep experiencing till you move away from it; if you have chosen to work on self-love, you may be born to parents who fight, or don't love you (or the ways are many), so that you then operate from that lack of self-love, experience its results in your physical life, maybe failed relationships or inability to marry till you align the ~~~~ lack of self-love! No wonder brain waves are called waves ~~~~~ as they are literally that~~~ protruding out from pure consciousness! Somewhat off the topic, but a good place to take you deeper, understand that there is really no linear time in the larger picture; thus all of this is happening simultaneously through whom you call your 'past-present-future' selves. As each current self, through his/ her Prarabd aligns some of the ~~~ yet unaligned consciousness with the Whole, it goes from 'your' Sanchit karma! And as whom you may call a past or future self does the same, it goes from

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'your' Sanchit karma!! Thus the point of power is always in the Now! We can keep taking these topics deeper, so just another nugget to think, sometimes, you are your grandparent! In your language, reborn as the grandchild with similar issues to work out! You need the same genes etc. and thus you take birth in the same family! In summation, your Prarabd is what you choose to explore experience, expand and disempower - to align with the Whole, through this life. Thus it can be viewed as your current life plans and purposes; thus is it often called your destiny, but do remember now, not some destiny planned for you by some outside force, God or Universe, but something you have chosen with complete free will as a soul who can see the larger picture of your role in the macrocosm, towards your growth and merger with the Whole that you really are. Towards this you come with certain tendencies, qualities, a certain energy field, and are put in a certain environment, even people and events, all as props to enable the completion or alignment of your Prarabd karma! Thus Prarabd karma is your current life path towards merging your sum consciousness with pure consciousness! KRIYAMAN KARMA refers to your current karma, thus to your current actions, and their causes and effects; thus to your current state of consciousness which is viewed outside through your actions and the 'life' events they create. So, from your Sanchit karma, from that store of ~~~waves, which you have chosen to experience, expand and align back with the cosmos; or that portion of the game of Adharma/separation that you have chosen to play out, you choose a certain portion for each life as your Prarabd. From this, in your current life, you sometimes give in to rather than move out of your limited beliefs and move further away from Dharma to Adharma, and sometimes you disempower limited beliefs and expand that aspect of your consciousness to merge back with the Whole - either way, your sum

consciousness in every NOW is your Kriyaman karma! And thus this Kriyaman karma, your sum consciousness in the Now, is what will reflect outside as the people, events things you call your life; it is the energy field that will attract likewise! Kriyaman karma's importance is that it is the only point in the karmic 'chain of cause and effect' (the game of separation, the exploration of your beliefs/consciousness and their/its experience) that 'you' can affect. It is indeed the point of power, from where 'you' reduce/align your Sanchit and finish/balance your Prarabd!! And how? Through the different paths of 'yoga,' for yoga means to reunite, realign! Thus, each path is a way to reunite self to Cosmos, to realign the individuated ~~~ waves of Adharma back to the perfectly aligned larger sea of consciousness! Thus are the paths of yoga, the paths to karmic resolution! In a deeper sense, paths towards expansion of your consciousness back to the Whole that you are! Each path plays its role towards impacting your Kriyaman karma (your causes/beliefs /consciousness, their actions and thus effects, life, beautiful life). None is 'better' than the other, and you are drawn to paths you require in the Now! Indeed the paths you 'choose' will be part of your Prarabd! Karma yoga is life itself, life's experiences and how you respond to, reflect upon, make changes and learn from them and thereby expand your consciousness! Thus life itself is the best teacher or coach in this game of self-exploration and expansion or what we call karmic resolution! Indeed this path, much ignored these days, plays the most vital role in the human journey because we have chosen physical life as our very board game! All other paths only aid this! And many lives are spent through this path alone, till individuated souls are ready to accelerate the expansion of their consciousness and thus put in Gyan or Kriya into their Prarabd! Gyan yoga is the path of wisdom, the path of conscious awareness, also called the path of mind

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expansion. This enables your Kriyaman karma most directly by adding geometrically to your expansion of consciousness! It is like hiring a personal trainer or specialized coach who can help you with the finer nuances of your current level of consciousness! Gyan yoga enables you to see the larger picture, gives you insights into self and the Cosmos, and through every eureka you expand your mind, your consciousness, you enable your Kriyaman, and thus, in your terms, you are 'finishing' your karma! Because at its deepest, karma is only expanding consciousness back to the Whole! Bhakti yoga is the path of Love - Love for guide, guru, Master, God yes, but also love of self, others and all that makes up our worlds. It is the path of surrender, and as 'love' makes you one with, as 'love' makes you surrender to that which you love, it ultimately makes you one with All That Is, with Pure Consciousness, Divine beingness and thus through Bhakti too you expand your consciousnesses, enable your Kriyaman karma, fulfill your Prarabd karma and reduce your Sanchit karma. At this point, let me elaborate that all of us explore self through all paths through our many lives, and in each current life, we choose as our Prarabd that path or combination, which is required for our soul/Sanchit, towards its expansion back with All That Is! In simultaneous terms, each soul is exploring self through all paths simultaneously, so each current life, each Prarabd's experience and learning is impacting the individuated soul/Sanchit in multi- pronged ways! Kriya yoga is the path of impacting your personal energy field directly. It includes any sort of energy work, pranayam, hath yoga and of course, meditation! It is also called the raising of your Kundalini, which is just another term, or another way of looking at the expansion of your consciousness back to the Whole! (This is also explored in another article on my website) Thus Kriya yoga works directly with the ~~~ yet unassimilated waves of your personal energy field; with your subconscious mind and its limited beliefs, and with your brain waves!

In summation, all paths, all religions, all texts, all spiritual endeavor are means to this one end: call it karmic resolution; call it expansion of your consciousness back to the Whole; call it the merger of self with the Cosmos that you truly are; call it the game of separation /Adharma coming to its natural end! And your Kriyaman karma is your current tally if you choose to see it as a game; your current consciousness if you see it as the expansion of consciousness - it is what you change, enhance, impact in THE NOW, and thus your point of power or entry point into all that you call karma and its resolution! AGAMI KARMA refers to what is commonly called your 'future karma!' Simply put, it refers to the direction you are heading in - what your consciousness is developing into, how you are evolving! However, while Agami karma refers to 'future karma,' do understand that this 'future' karma is being made or shaped in the Now! As you are what your consciousness is (an expanding consciousness), 'good' Agami karma will lead to you coming with smoother blueprints (life plans) and enhanced life experiences; and a stagnant or depleting consciousness - 'negative' Agami karma - will likewise lead to the need for challenging blueprints and their learning experiences. The best way to enable positive Agami karma is two-pronged: to move away from ignorance, separation and its limiting beliefs and separative consciousness; and to expand your mind, energy field, and sum consciousness. Again, this can be done through many routes, be it Gyan, Bhakti, Kriya or Karma yoga. Meditation enables this in geometric progression, because meditation literally soaks your subconscious mind with higher and finer energies, and helps you release old worn out patterns of thinking, and thus you are literally creating positive Agami karma - a finer energy field and an expanded consciousness through it. At this point, let me briefly introduce the

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difference between your conscious mind and its beliefs and your subconscious mind and its beliefs. The conscious mind is that part of your consciousness you recognize, are aware of and identify with; your subconscious mind is that part of your consciousness you are not aware of wholly; yet your sum consciousness, thus Agami is made up of the contents of both and this is also why meditation aids, as it literally 'speaks' to, seeds your subconscious mind in ways the conscious mind cannot currently understand! If viewed as a cycle: from our Sanchit karma (the original storehouse), we choose our (current life) Prarabd karma; this is impacted by our Kriyaman karma (current thoughts, feelings and actions) and thus we shape our Agami karma (future consciousness). Agami karma thus works in two ways - if we are heading towards a limiting and stagnant future consciousness, it becomes part of our Sanchit, which we then have to work out at some point! If however our consciousness is expanding back to its original pristine state, we first begin to experience finer and higher life experiences

commensurate with that pristine state till the point our Agami is more and more in tandem with pure consciousness! When this occurs, our consciousness becomes one with Universal consciousness, then there is no Sanchit left to work or play out and our samsara wheel draws closer and closer to the finale! At deeper levels, Agami karma is about humanity moving from Adharma to Dharma, from separation back to source; it's what is currently referred to as the ascension of humanity! Š Divyaa Kummar, all rights reserved

Divyaa Kummar, from Mumbai, India, is a spiritual facilitator reaching out through discourses, writings, tarot workshops, personal energy sessions, and meditation groups blending ancient dhyana and tantra techniques with a more current approach.

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Then Becomes Now By Marcella Maggio Within the walls of my home lives an adult, who often feels the urge to run, skip, and play. A teenager, who changes her mood and temperament about as often as she changes her clothes. And a child, whose only concern is the infamous, “Can I have dessert?” My loved ones have repeatedly remarked that my daughters are, “Just like you!” Beyond the physical, I couldn't see the similarities. In my eyes, my daughters are fearless, carefree, and constantly questioning the world around them. “Just like me?” I would laugh. “I wish.” The truth is, I didn't even know who I was anymore. I had forgotten the truth. I had disconnected from myself. I decided that the time had come to rediscover what had been lost and to be reintroduced to the free-spirit that had been hiding inside of me. Trusting in God's guidance, I closed my eyes and listened.

I sat in silence for some time and started to become impatient when I felt a voice hum, “Don't take another step. It's my turn to lead again.” The voice sounded youthful, innocent, and raring to go. “What do you mean 'again'?” I asked. Just then, I heard my teenage daughter laugh at the television, on the other side of the wall. “She's just like me.” The voice giggled. “But, who are you?” I asked. Instantly, a sea of images flooded my mind. Each one showed a young at heart me in various situations between the ages of 13 - 18. From me wearing funky hats with burgundy dyed hair, to resisting the temptation to smoke a cigarette offered, to voicing my opinion to my Math teacher after he ridiculed me for being two minutes late to class. “Like I said, she's just like me.” With a smile covering half of my face, I lifted my hands and rejoiced, “I surrender. You lead and I'll follow.” Since my cousin was visiting for a few days, my daughters and I decided to show her around town and venture off to the beach. In the past, I have only enjoyed the beach while sitting on the sidelines,

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wearing shorts, and skimming through a magazine. However, when I asked my Teen Within what to wear, I immediately envisioned my daughter's bikini. Mind you, I haven't worn a bikini, without shorts, in public, since I was thirteen years old. As I looked at the bikini hanging from my fingertips, the adult in me immediately began to voice its concerns. “You're too old to wear that! You don't have the body for a bikini! Everyone will stare at you!” And just like a teenager who had been told that I couldn't do something that I wanted to, I did the exact opposite and couldn't get that bikini on fast enough. Though my skin was pale and the suit was a bit snug, I felt wonderful. Once we arrived at the beach, the girls quickly threw their towels on the sand and ran toward the water. There I sat, in the bikini covered by a tank top and shorts, hesitant to remove the garments. People of all different shapes and sizes encircled me, soaking up the sun and splashing in the waves. Slowly, I removed my tank top and looked around. Not an eye was on me. Still sitting, I unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off at a snail's pace. There I sat, at a public beach, surrounded by hundreds of people, in a bikini. “Now what?” I asked my Teen Within. “Now it's time to play!” Watching as the waves rolled back and forth, I grabbed my daughter's hand and said, “Let's go in!” With a look of sheer confusion and enthusiasm, she asked, “Are you sure? You never go in.” I laughed and asserted, “I didn't wear this bikini to just sit on the beach!” Three hours later and four shades darker, our beach adventure had come to an end. “I still can't believe you went in the water, Mommy!” my youngest said. “I can't believe she wore a bikini!” my teenager proudly proclaimed. “Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.” I grinned. My Teen Within reminded me of a time in my life when I questioned everything and feared nothing. It was during my teen years when I sought information from all avenues; from religion, science, politics, and love. Instead of over-analyzing every situation and topic, I would trust my instincts and stand by

them steadfast. Besides examining the bigger picture of life, I remember feeling as though life was simple and fun. I would sing at the top of my lungs in my bedroom, just because I could. Taking the risk to pass a note in class was hardly a concern of mine. And sitting in the backseat of my girlfriend's speeding car, as we ditched class for Denny's, was always more enjoyable than sitting in Economics. However, the moment I became an adult, I convinced myself that I was in control and could make my own rules. No more parents' or teachers' guidelines. I could do whatever I wanted. But the truth is, from that moment forward, I have lived by the rules of my government, community, and peers. My endless questions ceased and my thirst for truth and knowledge disappeared. Without realization, I became a carbon copy of every other adult, led and ruled by other adults. Adults who had also forgotten what it felt like to question, discover, and simply live. The blind leading the blind. For fears beyond my comprehension, I continued to live life cautiously as an adult. I was a grown-up who had to be responsible, dependable, and grounded. Now reunited with my Teen Within, I am open to life's endless possibilities, ready for anything. The next time someone says that my daughters are “Just like you,” I will smile and graciously reply, “Thank God.” May YOU allow your Teen Within to resurface and lead YOUR life. © Marcella Maggio, all rights reserved

Marcella Maggio is a freelance writer, poet and lyricist living in scenic Carlsbad, California. Every Wednesday, this modern-day hippie shares another one of life's adventures in her blog, 'On The Road Again.' In addition, she is currently in the midst of writing her first book, 'The Teacher.'

YSR September 2009


The Trust Frequency The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ~ Albert Einstein

By Amara Rose As we integrate the new energies streaming onto the planet and into each of us faster than a Google search, it's tempting to want to apply the brakes, or, at the very least, slow the shift to Warp 5. Even if you've been surfing this sea change with aplomb, these upgrades torque us on every level. I recently blogged about how ascension symptoms mimic menopause (for men and women, regardless of age), chronicling aspects of my own cosmic wake-up call. One grateful reader responded, “The booby prize in all this are the sweet moments of clarity that come easily now. And those sleepless nights gave me many happy hours watching the Northern Lights and the Seven Sisters dance.”

Faith in the process enhances our shift, making it a joyful expansion into the new rather than a fearful contraction, holding tightly to what's 'dying.' Yet it's a quantum leap to begin thinking this way. I had no frame of reference for my descent in 1993. What was happening to my body, mind, emotions and worldview scared me witless. And fear feeds the old paradigm. Scarcity - Scare City - is built on doubt, by definition shaky ground. Trust is bedrock that engenders abundance. It's the new frequency emerging from an ancient concept: our core beliefs determine how we think, feel and behave, which in turn creates our future. In her article, The Currency of Consciousness, Louise LeBrun writes, “In this and future worlds our ability to engage rather than reflect; to live rather than talk about life; and to 'be' rather than 'do' will

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determine the quality of our lives. Trusting the body to lead demands that we surrender the intellect to it … that we allow all that it currently offers to be in flow, knowing without question that it is as it should be. To know this is to acknowledge that what we are is a far cry from what we've been taught to believe we are. We are not the body (the instrument) we are the Signal (Life Force) that flows through it. Without that Signal, manifestation cannot occur.” As frequently happens these days, science and Spirit converge. In her book, The Secret Pleasures of Menopause, Christiane Northrup, M.D. discusses the importance of the signaling molecule nitric oxide to the life force, stating, “The white light that so many people report as part of near-death experiences is also from a blast of nitric oxide leading me to believe that the energy that gets us into our physical bodies is present when we exit as well. This thought can really help us trust the process of life.” Finally, we can learn about trust from the fastestgrowing company in history: a verb as well as a noun, and an intrinsic part of the everyday lives of millions of satisfied co-creators around the world: Google. According to What Would Google Do? by new media maverick Jeff Jarvis, the company that is so much more than a search engine models how open source relationships are the key to a fruitful future.

Encourage innovation. Simplify. Then let go. The motto for the new trust economy might be, “If you begin to build it, they will come … and improve it.” Jarvis reminds us, “There is an inverse relationship between control and trust.” Sharing the wealth begets more of it. Who are you in the post-Scare City economy of being? A network? A platform? I'm an aggregator, an RSS feed, an Atom. We are the software of tomorrow: transparent, vulnerable, connected across borders and beliefs in ever-evolving ways. The currency of consciousness is the new 'trust fund.' Living in global glass houses lets more Light shine in. And isn't that what the Age of Aquarius is all about? © Amara Rose, all rights reserved

Amara Rose is a metaphysical 'midwife' for our global rebirth. She offers life-shift guidance, ecourses, CDs, playshops, and a free inspirational monthly newsletter. Her eBook series, 'What Shines: Practical Wisdom for Unleashing Your Inner Brilliance,' is available from

Don't own products or content, says Google; think distributed. Live in Beta. Collaborate.

YSR September 2009


Who Are Arniel, Mathael and Shalmiel? Painting: Angels and Pears By Orna Ben-Shoshan

The view of the Kabbalah on the heavenly brigades of angels

By Orna Ben-Shoshan From the Kabbalistic point of view, angels and their role in our world is a serious business. What can we learn about angels, and how can we get in touch with them in our everyday life? “There is no plant, bush or moss in the world which does not have an agent above, who watches it and tells it: Grow!� - Rabbi Simon

According to one of the Midrash (requisition) book, even plants have their own sponsoring angels, who protect them and represent their destiny in higher realms. In fact, every living entity in this world is supervised by a superior life force, in the form of an angel. Each person has two guardian angels, one on the left and one on the right side. Angels are spiritual entities that arbitrate and transmit messages between the earthly realm and the superior Divine realms. They are also considered as energy frequencies and communication channels. Each angel performs only one single role, and unlike

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humans, angels can never change, or manifest the freedom of choice. Some angels have masculine qualities (leaders and inducers) and some have feminine qualities (passive). How were Angels Created? According to the Kabbalah, all angels were originated at the realm of creation - 'Yetzirah.' These Angels, Seraphs, Sacred Animals, and cherubs perform many tasks bridging heavenly realms with the earthly realms. Angels are the creation of God itself, and are ordained to obey it blindly. Angels were formed during the six days of creation of the world, each type at a different day: First day - angels of grace who are eternal. Second day - angels of judgment, including the death angel. Fifth day of creation - all the other angels were formed. That teaches us that angels had already existed before the first human being was created, and were a vital factor in the weave of the universe. The Heavenly Brigades According to the ancient Kabbalah, there are four troops of angels, headed by Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. The four major groups of angels came from the uppermost 'Merkabah' (Spheres) and represent the four elements: water, fire, air and earth. Michael represents the energy of grace, revival, protection and re-awakening. Gabriel represents the essence of judgment and severity, which exert the necessary pressure in the work of the 'tikkun' = reparation of the soul. It is connected to dreams given to a person to evoke spiritual awakening. Gabriel is also known as the angel who draws the soul out of the body at the moment of death. Uriel is the angel of balance and moderation, who helps people on their way to redemption and

enlightenment. Raphael represents the powers of healing. This is the angel to turn to in request of a cure, and his name is mentioned during spiritual healing sessions. Other angels mentioned in the Kabbalah have different missions: Metatron , (whose name should not be pronounced out loud), is a messenger who delivers prayers and litanies to the upper realms and directs them to the right places. He is a direct connection from the earthly realm to the upper realms. Metatron is known as the angel heading the squad of supreme angels and considered the closest to God. According to the late Zohar revisions, he has the shape of a human, the same figure that was revealed to Yehezkel in his vision: the figure sitting in the Merkabah chair. Raziel is an angel who was revealed to Adam and Eve in Paradise. Raziel had escorted them when they were deported away and taught them the secrets of the Kabbalah. 'Raziel' is a derivative from the term 'Raz' or 'secret' in Hebrew. The ancient book Raziel the Angel contains theoretical and practical Kabbalistic wisdom and is considered as the first book of secrets that was given to Adam. Its wisdom was later inherited through generations to Noah and Abraham, all the way to King Solomon. Guardian angels may be originated at previous incarnations, a person's good actions or the soul of a close person. Guardian angels are around us at all times, protecting and guiding us. Good deeds of giving, devotion and help to others can create powerful light angels who have the potential to banish 'bad' angels. 'Temporary' angels are souls of enlightened people who arrive at the earthly realm in order to assist humans in extremely difficult situations. 'Alien' Angels: The Kabbalah recognizes the existence of parallel worlds, and mentions seven realms of existence. Some angels are defined as

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'Aliens' from other realms who visit our dimension for different purposes. In different biblical stories, angels were sent to earth by the Divine in order to perform a task. They may wear a human identity, as mentioned in the story of Abraham. Sometimes, angels may appear as spirits, without a body. Some religions talk about a rivalry and competition among angels due to pride and envy. However, the Kabbalah observes an angel as a selfless entity, which doesn't have a freedom of choice or evil instincts. Arniel, Mathael and Shalmiel are only three out of many sacred names of angels that are forbidden to be pronounced vocally. According to an ancient tradition, the names of angels should not be spoken out loud. An angel might hear its name and appear for help. We can never know how powerful an angel may be. Once it realizes that it was called in vain, it may harm the person who called it. When we call an angel to assist us, we have to make sure that its energetic quality is positive, and that we can contain the high energy we invited upon ourselves. Superiors and Inferiors Ancient Kabbalistic writings tell that there is a hierarchy among the different troops of angels: Some of them act as messengers, announcers and forerunners, who deliver prayers to the upper realms. They do not appear in a physical body, just a spiritual body. Supreme angels reside in the upper realms of the 'Merkabah' (Spheres) and squads of other angels reside in seven different divisions: the four supreme divisions host the grace and mercy angels, and the bottom three host the obstruction angels. The seven divisions altogether, host the angels who are in charge of the souls. According to Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, the class that an angel belongs to has to do with its ability to comprehend the intentions and motivations of the Creator.

According to ancient legends, a human may become an angel in certain circumstances. Geneses mentions Hanoch (or Enoch), who was elevated to a position of angel due to his flawless purity. The opposite happened with the angels 'Aza' and 'Azael' who had fallen from the high realm of creation into the bottom realm of the makings (The earthly realm), engaged with human females and surrendered to the temptations of the material world. Angels and Demons The Divine spiritual forces in each and every person are also related to 'Angelic powers' that serve the soul as it opens to upper realms. The 'Devilish powers' are the energies that lock the spirit away from the Divine. Therefore devils or demons are considered as human (earthly) originated forces that cause the human spirit to run around in circles and entangle in an ever-lasting mesh of weary thought patterns with no way out. Communicating With Angels A Kabbalistic way to communicate with angels A special prayer is addressed to the angels in order to request Divine protection and ask their help in bringing positive things to life. It should be read twice a day, morning and night. From the ancient book Raziel the Angel, we can learn a traditional Kabbalistic method to communicate with angels (written as a plain translation from Hebrew): “A person who wishes to succeed in something should prepare himself three days before the beginning of the Hebrew month (new moon), and refrain from eating any impurity, or foods that contain blood, shall not drink wine or engage in sexual activity. He should wash himself in water before sunrise‌â€? The instructions go on and describe a ritual in which organic matter is prepared and burned for the duration of three days, and certain names of angels

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are pronounced. At the night of a new moon, the person has to make his bed over the burnt substances, remain silent, not talking to another person, and go to sleep while mentioning the names of angels that are responsible for the coming month. At night, the angels will appear to him in his dream and will reveal anything he would like to know. An Easier Way for Communication with Angels In order to establish communication with angels, it is essential to believe that angels are a real part of our world. They do not exist 'elsewhere,' but right here, under our noses, in a different dimension, which most people cannot sense or see. Once we elevate our energy levels and develop spiritually, we can be aware of their existence and benefit by them. Angels are entities that deliver our requests and wishes to upper realms. They are not allowed to interfere in our world without being asked, and have to standby for our requests. Talk to your Angels You can communicate with angels the same way you would talk with a close friend. To do so, you should quiet your mind and get into a relaxed mode, similar to the practice of meditation. It may take a few sessions until you acquire the ability to see angels and have a conversation with them, so do not be discouraged, and keep trying, knowing that angels are there to listen and help. Sit or lie down in a quiet place, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. You will be able to have a glimpse of angels through your crown chakra, your opening gate to higher realms. An open cone shaped funnel rises from inside your head, at the crown chakra, and extends upwards, widening towards an infinite top, all the way to the upper realms. As you focus your vision through the round

opening at the top of your head, you will notice some transparent bodies fly across the wide opening of the funnel high above you. Take a few moments to sharpen your vision, and you shall see the abstract bodies become clearer until you can identify them as light entities, or angels. Wait until one of the entities stops its flight and looks down at you through the funnel. This is the time to start communicating with the angel that stopped by. Ask the angel who it is, and tell it what it is that you desire. Many times, an angel will not identify itself by a specific name. The first few sessions may be quite silent, as you'll find yourself staring at the angel while it gazes back at you, and no (virtually verbal) conversation will occur. As you establish communication, you will be able to distinguish between your own words and the messages that come from the angel. Your speech will come out (virtually) through your own mouth, and the angel's voice will come down echoing through the funnel above. If you are able to make this distinction, you will always feel sure that you are not 'talking to yourself.' Remembering that the angel acts as a messenger, you can ask questions that have to do with your life, your destiny, get interpretations for things that have happened in your life, and ask for advice. As long as you can stay focused in the communication process, information will pass back and forth smoothly, until one of you gets tired. It is important to honor the process of communication with angels and not to turn to them too frequently with irritating questions. After receiving their guidance, always show gratitude and thank them for their cooperation. Therefore Embrace Life Rabbi Itzhak Luria, the greatest Kabbalist of

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Safed in the 16 Century, has taught that angels are born as a result of our spoken words and deeds good or bad. Each angel connects us to a certain energetic frequency, and it's up to a person whether his angels are good or bad. According to Rabbi Itzhak Luria, the quality of angels we create during a lifetime depends on the amount of enthusiasm we invest in what we do. This gives us a good reason to be focused on the blessed and luminous aspects of our life and never tangle with negativity. Appreciate every given moment and see the wholeness of our existence.

deep spiritual experience with subtle humor. She has been an auto-didact artist for the past 30 years. Her artwork was exhibited in numerous locations in the USA, Europe and Israel. Her Major motivation as a visual artist is to share her visions with others to expand their consciousness and inspire new ways of thinking.

Š Orna Ben-Shoshan, all rights reserved

Artist Orna Ben-Shoshan conceives the images she paints through channeling. All of her paintings are completed in her mind before she transfers them onto the canvas. Her metaphysical work infuses

INTEGRAL CONSULTANCY SERVICES Prabhath P is currently evolving Integral Gaia Yoga, which aims for individual and collective Enlightenment. Prabhath offers integral intuitive readings to help individuals manifest their infinite potential and create their own personal, professional and spiritual destiny. Integral intuitive advice helps you to expand your consciousness and evolve your life in tune with your inner intuition and your life's purpose on Earth in co-creation with fellow beings. Please indicate any questions you have and the areas of life you want the intuitive reading to focus on. Prabhath also offers Integral Dreamwork services, distant Reiki healing and Integral Gaia Healing. Contact:

YSR September 2009


Do you do windows? By Marlene Buffa Ok. I admit it. I hate cleaning windows. Like most of us, the task often gets delayed until the last possible moment. After craning my neck to look around the spots on the glass to see outside, I finally relent and get the window cleaner and the newspaper. My most recent attempt at cleaning windows taught me a valuable lesson. No matter how hard I scrubbed on the inside, I couldn't get the specks off the outside of the glass. At times in life, we work, blame ourselves and make excuses for why things aren't showing up as clearly as we think they should. All the while, the problem that won't go away exists outside of us, as we attempt to clean up an illusion - something out there pretending to appear like it's an internal problem. Smack dab in the middle - Lessons out there

On track with what we know as true, we see the specks of our faults showing up in the most inopportune places. The lessons from life intrude in the most obvious location; the biggest obstruction to seeing our world lands right in front of the field of vision. Like on a windshield, the biggest splotch comes right at eye level - rarely on a peripheral point on the glass. Scrubbing on the inside does no good. We are forced to reach outside of ourselves to clean the path for our clear vision. We must remove the rain-speckled spots of our perceived shortcomings in order to see down the road of our true potential. Condensation - insight I grew up in Michigan - the Great Lakes state. Together with great variations in temperature throughout the year, the state's humidity level stays high. In the summer, car windows fog up with condensation, and in the winter, windows require

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defrosting. So, most of the time, the view from the driver's seat is cloudy and gray. Wipers won't work to open up the field of sight, since the problem, in these cases, rests internally. When we think about how we fog up our own windows to the world, we see that many times we act as our own worst enemy. No amount of scraping or wanting the outside world to change to accommodate us will alter what's going on inside of us. The spirit of life lives within each of us, and remains the point of origin for all. When the vision of who you are becomes cloudy, know that you alone can wipe off the condensation of selfdoubt and insecurity. Bird droppings Whether parked under a tree, or speeding down a highway, our feathered friends find ways to pepper the windows of our cars. Like an automobile, the vehicle we travel in - the body temple - also receives wasteful assaults from others with whom we share the planet. We can reduce the probability of being a target by not lingering beneath telephone wires where we know birds congregate, but seldom do we recognize when our human friends unknowingly release their spiritual refuse on us. We can spend our lives sidestepping being a receptacle for negativity and focus our energy elsewhere. If we keep a mental bulls-eye on our back, we attract more unwanted attacks on our spirit. Better to know that unwanted messes come from our fauna and human friends, and understand that it takes a loving spirit to recognize the difference between what someone else puts upon us, and who we truly are. Smears Smears frustrate us. We try using various cloths and towels to wipe windows clean, yet smudges, smears and streaks appear when we step back to take a better look. Annoyed that our efforts to clean resulted in a bigger mess than initially presented, we scrub harder, often using the same rag that caused the smear in the first place. In the windows of our world, the methods we use to clean our spirit may also leave streaks and smears of our past. When we

take a moment to examine the exercises we endure and tools we use to rid ourselves of functional but murky circumstances and perspectives, we see that changing our processes may provide us the relief we seek. Along with learning that the daily newspaper makes the best glass cleaner, I found that approaching uncertain circumstances with common sense and a pure heart, dissolves fears and illusions, which block my ability to see the world clearly. Wiping clean In life, we face the inevitable distractions and hindrances to our clear vision. The illusion of the world outside of us combines with the internal blockages we create. In order to develop the acumen to discern an external speck from an internal one, we rely on the depth of our perception to distinguish our role. Often, life presents us with challenges in the midst of our vision and in the pinnacle of our troubles, to ensure we pay attention, and address the weaknesses immediately. Only then can we carefully select the friends and energy we choose to engage with and use the highest and best tools to keep the vision of our life purpose clear and our path true. May you see clearly the abundant spirit within you and easily remove that which blocks your greater good! Š Marlene Buffa, all rights reserved

Taking a quiet sideways glance at life, Marlene Buffa offers insight through her words from experiences. A student of new-thought teachings, Marlene finds practical spirituality around every corner and seeks wisdom through observation of life's interrelationships. Sometimes playful, sometimes poignant, always thought-provoking, her writing inspires readers in meaningful ways

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The Resurrection: The Turning Point By Oscar Del Santo For Christians, there can be no greater example of the power of Spirit than the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and his glorification and ascension into the Father as the Christ of God. No matter how we choose to interpret this historic event, the resurrection marks the turning point in the Jesus story as the final and definitive triumph of Christ over death and all that death represents and is associated with. The early Christians were adamant in defending the resurrection as a real and true event and nothing short of the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

Jesus is not suffering on the cross anymore, as we sometimes see profusely depicted in some churches. Jesus lives in the glory of Christ - with whom he fully identified - and his Spirit is ever present and ready to assist and comfort us, just as He promised it would. Full of symbolic significance, the resurrection is the ultimate 'turning your life around,' and a promise to all those who 'put on the mind of Christ' and 'let Christ be fully formed in them' as St Paul preached. Before that happens, a process that Jesus himself named 'the regeneration,' 'the quickening,' 'being born from above' or 'the baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit' needs to take place. In the life of Jesus, this is allegorically described as the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove after his baptism by John and

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the subsequent temptations in the desert. It is only after these had taken place Jesus began his public ministry and claimed that he was 'one with the Father,' as we read in the earlier gospel, that of St Mark. Jesus was the greatest spiritual way-shower of all time, and his eternal glory stems from the fact that he voluntarily chose the ultimate sacrifice so that we his followers would have an unmistakable 'once and for all' sign ('the sign of Jonah' as he called it) demonstrating how to reach our full sonship of God and become Christed beings. As symbolized by the water baptism, we must die to our 'ego' (die on the cross) to be later resurrected into a new glorious life in Christ. This is the true significance of the regenerative and restorative work of Jesus and not a sacrifice to placate an angry God as many still mistakenly hold. This passage - from the death of the ego and the overcoming of our egoic tendencies to the glory of our spiritual resurrection - has been dubbed 'the dark night of the soul' in the later Christian tradition and cuts much deeper than 'accepting Jesus as your personal saviour' in the popular evangelical sense. For some, as Jim Marion describes in his essential Putting on the Mind of Christ or Caroline Myss in The Interior Castle, it takes many years, though with the help of new spiritual technologies (like Ken Wilber's Integral Life Practice) and advances in our understanding, we may be able to significantly shorten what can indeed be in the most dramatic of cases, a trying and painful process.

transform you into a new being and endow you with new powers for good (the gifts of the Spirit) and an enlightened consciousness. This does emphatically not mean that you will have to ascribe to any particular church or religion or submit your will to the will of any human being, no matter how sainted or revered. The Holy Spirit within will teach you all you need to know and will guide you to the right people and the right circumstances, as Jesus vouchsafed. And never forget, my good reader, that you are being cared for by a loving Father/Mother ready to turn you into a new creature this very minute! May you come into a full understanding of the eternal love of God in this lifetime! Š Oscar Del Santo, all rights reserved

Oscar Del Santo is a spiritual counsellor, teacher and writer. He keeps a blog focused on addiction and healing from a metaphysical Christian perspective and his work has been published in both English and Spanish in many countries.

The resurrection is the promise of a new life, a promise that is as real today as it was in the first century CE. We can indeed 'turn our lives around' by the power of Christ and overcome any sickness, any disease or addiction through the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit. How this actually takes place in your life will always be a highly individuated process targeted to your specificities and your unique life story! The promise made by Jesus is that it will

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The Bird That Has Not Flown The bird that has not flown lives far away from the hustle of the rest of the world. The male bird holds her from trying to fly from the nest. He hears her cry and cares not. He loves her so much he wants to keep her to himself. He is smothering her spirit. Soon the young bird forgets she was meant to fly, I am a Woman as she is isolated from other birds. She is getting older; A pretty flower she has a dream of flying. To decorate the hour She now knows who she is. An unwanted daughter She is scared to leave To the sacrificial slaughter because that dysfunctional nest is all she has known. Nature's enchantress This is the story of the bird To be eventually suppressed who has not yet flown. © Amanda Zafar, all rights reserved

A gift to her brother Part slave, part-time mother A heavenly console Holding all hell in control Angelic balancing act Sister to be exact A plaything, a mere toy To be taken apart or enjoyed A ripened fruit of gold A sweet dish served hot or cold Sky's mistress or Earth's wife Yet another role of life To give birth to all Mother Gaia's call Supreme Creatress Of reality and dreams Ultimate comfortress Protectress in extremes From the depths of the core A yearning desire to be more Daughter, sister, wife, mother One major role after another Originally cut out to be… simply me Woman, goddess…phenomenally To be or not to be A woman I am…phenomenally © Amy I. Ramdass, all rights reserved

YSR September 2009


Conversations with The Mysterious One - Volume One Practical Wisdom For Everyday Evolutionary Living By Amitt Parikh Religion or Spirituality? Faith or Science? Oneness or individuality? Death or immortality? Money or moksha? Who am I? Who is God? Where is God? What is Enlightenment? Who designed this universe? What is the purpose of my life? What is meditation? What is yoga? What is Samadhi? Who is a true Guru? What is spiritual evolution? How can we attain holistic health and wellness? How to leverage the power of dreams? Are miracles really possible? What is The Truth? More Questions? The Mysterious One offers practical wisdom for these and many more eternal questions that any seeker of Truth encounters in his/her journey of life. Come... Let's know, understand and live The Whole Truth from the highest, widest and deepest perspective. The purpose of this book is your awakening, your Enlightenment, your gnosis, your atonement, your realization of the power within, your understanding of the Brahman, your conscious evolution, your yoga with Atma, your declaration of Aham Brahmasmi, your connection with the God within. Testimonials As I read Conversations with The Mysterious One, I was enthralled and captivated by the poetic and powerfully, symbolic word play. It moves from sensitive, gentle prodding to electrifying and powerful truths – all wrapped in a wonderful energy of deep wisdom. It will make a great tool for those in search of the key to the map – I would recommend to all travelers on the journey-without-end to pack this book into their kitbag! - Sri Jothimayi Ma, Pranashakty - "Reason or emotion? Body or mind? Ecstasy or asceticism? Duality or singularity? Family life or hermit? In his book Conversations with The Mysterious One, Amitt Parikh looks after these and further questions which have to be settled by any modern practitioner of spirituality. From the beginning, the silent wisdom brilliantly lets the variety of cultural, religious and scientific knowledge of past and present, east and west, merge into the simple and meditative realization of 'I AM'. This book is not only a fascinating spiritual edification and a guide, but also a plea for ecological, economic and social responsibility." - Floco Tausin, author of Mouches Volantes: Eye Floaters as Shining Structures of Consciousness "Conversations with The Mysterious One is a book that goes beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary and yet, does it in such a skillful way that the reader cannot wait to explore all the topics covered. The author, Amitt Parikh, brilliantly weaves the wisdom of the East with the pragmatism of the West to create a remarkable document, which not only bridges cultures, but even time itself. You'll want to keep this book among your favorite volumes for years to come so that you could return to its wisdom time and time again.” - John Harricharan, award-winning author of the bestseller, When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat “Amitt's Conversations with The Mysterious One is in turns, philosophical, personal, humorous and wise! More than finding a good book, it was like finding a good friend walking alongside your personal path of discovery and having everything in his knapsack that you could possibly need!” - Divyaa Kummar, Spiritual Facilitator and Author International Print Version is now available on major book selling web stores and retail stores in over 100 countries Buy Int’l Print Version

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