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BHO A.M.J. Crawford

Hahaha you are right, rich people don't have a disproportionate influence in politics. It's no big deal that Obama was communist's apprentice for 8 years, or that half the people in his entourage are skull and bones, or that he has no experience, or that he just appeared out of nowhere to become the next president. Everything is ok, your vote counts, the economy is just about to pick up again, and you'll never have to fight for anything . I cant wait to watch this world burn to the ground. OOOh spooky. Watch the world burn down huh? Evil communism, skulls and bones, oh my! Take a sedative. Politics is pure entertainment, used to divert attention from and scrutiny of the real legislative infrastructures. The Anti-Christ? Yet another fear measure based on faulty information. Those that wish to cult-ify the pursuit of fact-based reasoning relish the reverence of concepts like the anti-christ. Sadly, many still turn to religion as an intellectual platform. It is not. You're wrong. There not only was outrage, but the killers were protrayed in the most negative way possible. Do a search. It was big news in the national media. Two of the killers are on death row. Also, Texas passed the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes act as a result. David Duke, skin heads. KKK'ers may have infiltrated your dreams, but are considered to be fringe/wacko elements by mainstream white Americans. In fact, there are so few KKK'ers (5,000 according to the ADL) that they cannot possibly be a threat to millions of innocent, black men, women and, children. Much, much less of a threat than black gang bangers are to their fellow black people. (11 months ago)We need peace Obama 2008there is going to be no peace.Wer gona enter the great tribulationYou are so right , and he will be love by many ok Mark Furman with ur stereo typical bullshit , this is exactly what Jeremiah Wright was talking about. Say hello to your new president you brainwashed simpletons!!! SPECIALLY WOMEN & STUDENTS Search: The shocking comment Barack Obama PENNSYLVANIA MUST GIVE HILL OVERWHELMING VICTORY TO SAVE USA Search: racist, Obama is not telling (check date and About The Audacity of Barack Gimme Some Truth


AN !! 4 PRESIDENT? the Truth! This Video) Obama 2 Obama

Hidding this is anti-american! Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing? What is george bush then? I will tell you SATAN in president`s clothing. Yes listen up he is the antichrist have your eyes open folks...its time lol It was probly that gas u huffed in middle school... Conspiracy theories offer simple explanations to events: appearances deceive; conspiracies drive history; nothing is haphazard; the enemy always gains; power fame money & sex account 4 all. On one hand they satisfy the need to undertand a complex & intricate world. On the other, there's the ego lift that YOU have it all figured out, while the ignorant masses r just sheep who don't get it. How about u investigate ur own self-serving bias? Don't get me wrong, there's lots of useful info in this vid - lots of bad things to look out for, national id cards, implanted chips, retina/palm/voice scans, etc. and the Bilderberger meetings are creepy and corrupt, and merit intense scrutiny, but the sad tendency is to try to fit everything into the same theory, which is just feeble-minded wishful thinking. And I would bet a lot of money that the poster of this video only sees what supports the theory, ie HAS NOT READ OBAMA's BOOKS, etc. ;-) First American presidential candidate sold to the electorate. by a pair of 54 " DDD tits (Obamas girl)

fuck, now I can honestly say. I have seen it all, no wonder no one commented about Obama's enormous ears, everyone was watching those huge tits bounce, well I gues you can sell anything, even a crack head politician with a pair of 54 DDD's. 1. Feagin has articulated a comprehensive theory of racial oppression in the U.S. in his book Systemic Racism: A Theory of Oppression (Routledge, 2006). Feagin examines how major institutions have been built upon racial oppression which was not an accident of history, but was created intentionally by white Americans. In Feagin's view, white Americans labored hard to create a system of racial oppression in the 17th century and have worked diligently to maintain the system ever since. 2. While Feagin acknowledges that changes have occurred in this racist system over the centuries, key and fundamental elements have been reproduced over nearly four centuries, and that US institutions today reflect the racialized heirarchy created in the 17th century...a highly organized system of race based group priviledge that operates at every level of society and is held together by a sophisticated ideology of Race Supremacy. Racism in the US since the 17th century constituted the destruction of culture, language, religion and human possibility, the effects of racism were "the morally monstrous destruction of human possibility involved redefining African humanity to the world,poisoning past, present, and future relations with others who ONLY KNOW US THROUGH THIS STEREOTYPING AND THUS DAMAGING THE TRULY HUMAN RELATIONS AMONG OTHERS.Love the rhythm of the speech. He went to HARVARD Law -- is that the hood? Obama who?I'm certainly not voting for a puppet regime who is Obama?never heard of him all of a sudden this guy comes into the picture we know very little about and expect to vote for him give me a break. Obama who?I'm certainly not voting for a puppet regime who is Obama?never heard of him all of a sudden this guy comes into the picture we know very little about and expect to vote for him give me a break. Do you really buy these conspiracy theories? C'mon guys! Is this dark spooky music enough to make you believe that there will be a new world order. Also, just so you know, if you are of European descent, we are 50th cousins or less(Dawkins,River Out Of Eden)It is not statistically unlikely that they would be 6th cousins. Obama and McCain are very different,I highly doubt they want the same thing.If any of you became a presidential candidate people would be posting these videos with your name When the Dollar gets wiped out by the NWO within the next 3 years just know that I'll be sitting on a pile of silver in Costa Rica with a smile on my face thinking of you. :)Hey, do search here for "Drugs in drinking water", :C easily forgotten even after being televised, jesus christ america. Obama is the Devil! Sen Barack Obama♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sen Barack Obama♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sen Barack Obama♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sen Barack Obama♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sen. Obama Supreme Commander-In-ChiefMeanwhile ('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>') ('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')('>')(('>')'>') ('>') ('>')('>') Sen. Hillary Clinton Shameless Pinocchios RIGHT ON!!! We don't need anymore of the Republican, Limbaugh, Anne Coulter fear-mongering. I find that many of the Hillary supporters are getting to be more and more like the Republicans.Scene 2 The Hillbillies are alone HILLARY: BILL:


Bill, Hillary,

how U


disastrous! unelectable—

HILLARY: How dare U, jerk! I played down my heroics in Bosnia. I should've misspoken about tackling suicide bombers in Tuzla BILL: Humph——your insufferably invidious mouth sank the boat! HILLARY: U were no different, Bastard! BILL: Humph——It smells real fishy here——I'm coasting it back to the shores in my lil bloated-boat called——MONIKA——Bye stinking bitch (He breaks wind & he flees) world order yeah underground everone will be assigned 3 numbers that will be stamped on thier body somewhere this is the only way you will be able to buy or sell we will be under hitlers regime you will be murdered if you do not have this number 666 i think i'll just take my chances and forget the #....skipppppp ----------------------------Obama follows Bush into the Oval Office =

obamabush / oba(mabus)h. Mabus is the name given to the antichrist by Nostradamus. The Mayan calendar ends abruptly on December 12, 2012. The Book of Revelations says the antichrist will show himself three and a half years after rising to his position of power. Also, in the Book of Revelations, his first three and a half years he will be seen as a benevolent, charismatic world leader.Democrats getting sucked into a satanic cult. What's Obama Reading?IF: Barack Obama is "the" Antichrist THEN: fundamentalist Christians should vote for him BECAUSE: why would they (you?) want to counter God's plan? IF: the Antichrist is prophesied in the Bible THEN: his rise to power is a) invevitable and b) ordained by God. THEREFORE: fighting against what "will" be is to act counter to God's Will. AND: it is counter-productive, because God's Will will be done Regardless of any attempts at human intervention. Do







amen. Sorry but your wrong. True if we knew for SURE we should vote for him. But we don't so we should vote for who we want to win. Allah is propaganda! Allah is lies! Allah is a hatecrime! Allah is Allu! I witness that there is no evil but Allah I witness that there is no good in Allah I witness that Muhammad is the left hand of death and Obama is the foot! Regarding Change: Before Bush:Strong Dollar & Economy With W: Weak Dollar..Weak Economy Before W: US Industry With W: want fries with that? Before W: Torture is UnAmerican With W: Torture is American Before W: Bin Laden a terrorist With W: Bin Laden still a terrorist Before W: Iraq has electricity With W: No Electricity Before W: 4000 troops alive /Iraq sucks With W: 4000 troops dead /Iraq still sucks

Before W: America Respected With W: Not so Much And Change would be Bad? i like it, but the gay ass republicans arent about facts and truth.....obama will win in november whether the whiny republifags like it or not and america will be better off for it. what a fool...into the camp you go man, thinking that Bush actually runs anything, he's lucky if he knows how to spell Policy, must less write it but your little mind can't conceive the fact that puppet Bush knocked it down so puppet Obama could put it back together again? its not too hard to figure out! just like any film needs a production team, the same goes with politics! but you can't figure that out, can you? just keep locking yourself into a false premiseGood for you my brother. A lot of people say obama is an antichrist if obama is antichrist, even a million of this type of video won't stop him. They have accused him of being muslim and and now they he is an antichrist. come on people, give the man a break. Propaganda videoYou antichrist people are the dumbest, most easily manipulated people in the world. It gives me comfort as a sane, rational person of the free world, to read this and realize how incredibly dumb some people are. And adults, at that. Oh well. No point in arguing with the mentally ill. "It gives me comfort as a sane, rational person of the free world, to read this and realize how incredibly dumb some people are. And adults, at that. Oh










You got that feelings exactly, now enjoy a devalued dollar Obama has the brain of Osama's best friend. I KNEW IT! I feel that this video is very insightful and well done. Not only are key facts and information brought to the forefront that most will not receive from the mainstream media, but many are pointed out in this video with 'ties to wrong-doings'. Thank you for such a thought provoking piece, you are to be commended - well done.what the fuck are you talking about? End times are somthing to be cheerished by christians jesus will come back and reign for a thousand years so vote for him if you think hes the antichrist you fundies. I pledge aliegiance to a new war free hunger free world one dominated in a social nature free of pain and regret Via Obama. Can't wait to see his Veep pick. This is pathetic. Talk about reaching!! I thought this video might have some ACTUAL facts or information, it's just clips of unrelated things put together to confuse people. PATHETIC VIDEO! I feel bad for anyone that falls for this cheap trick!amen dude. what a bunch of bullshitObama 08 Obama is a lying piece of shit!! I never fell for his tired ass,lame,pathetic lies!! "Change" "Yes we can" give me a break!! His supporters must be retarded! LOL!!! You conspiracy nuts are HILARIOUS. You can't manage a simple linear arguments - just a bunch of scattershot weak tenuous "connections" like Cheney and Obama being 9th cousins. Do you actually think you're making a point? (11 months ago) Hillary must concede!!! Concede for the good of our Party! this is scary Napoleon,Hitler,Now Obama? you mean napoleon, hitler, bush....get it right assholeobama 08 oooooooh you a real tough person called me an asshole on youtube you sure you

26 or are you 16 lol Obama scares me. Its inconceivable how people blindly follow him. His brand of fanatacism is poisonous. How does he scare you? Why because he is such a good speaker, did anyone say the same about Bill Clintons speaking ability or even Martin Luther Kings. If you look throughout our history we have always had someone who could produce oration at an above average level. So why does he scare you? Is it his name, his skin tone, his facial features? It's all those things, but if he were white, he'd be the second coming of Jesus. He's not some great orator. He pauses more than William Shatner and you contending that he scares us because of his racial features is exactly the kind of nonsense that he's trying to ride into the White House on. He's the only racist here. He goes to a Black Power Church and titled his book after a Rev. Wright sermon about White Greed. But I guess I'm just a "typical white person" like his granny. Get bent you mud slinging bigot. He seems to studder now more than ever, your right. But that is fatique on the campaign trail. Everyone who knows him speaks of his oration and his commentary.Plus you know nothing about BLACK POWER, it is a slogan used to define a need to be in control of black neighborhoods and the resources used within them. It is a rallying cry to be better than we were a year ago. I suggest you watch EYES ON THE PRIZE to fully understand the meaning. Then talk to me about racism. I realize that you're invested in this and that you'll not publically admit here that he is a racist and that you'll turn that word against his detractors. I do, however, hope that you're not deluded enough to believe it nor to believe in him. At worst Obama's 20 year history with this man-- his marriage to his wife, baptizing of his children, and personal salvation with this man demonstrates a serious lack of judgement. At best, he's an opportunist who used black bigotry to get ahead. Shameful. Hey do you know any blacks, have you asked them about black racism, or black hate? Have you learned anything about the role black churches played in the civil rights movement. I find it interesting that this is being blown out of proportion when many white preachers said some pretty offensive things about muslims after 9/11 and no one cared. But its a differant ball game isn't it. By the way I know a little something of black resentment, I am black. Yes, I know blacks. My best friend is black and I rode to prom with him and his white date. I'm sick of you thinking you're owed something. None of us were alive during slavery. I doubt you were even around during civil rights. Resentment from the pulpit isn't healthy, its poisonous. How will things ever get better if you dwell on the past? Look at what jews have endured and look at how well they take it. When Mel Gibson said those things, they forgave him the next day. Would blacks have? 90% of white americans are not descended from slaveowners. They are descended from people who immigrated TO AMERICA AFTER SLAVERY WAS ENDED BY THE DEATHS OF 500,000 white people.Unlike in africa, haiti and islamic world, where it still goes on today! @fsfbritton You, like most white people are missing the point. The issue of slavery and the persecution of blacks during this era is the most heinous crime to committed against a people (and yes, I'm including the jewish holocaust). You must realise that black people are still living the symptoms of that persecution to this day in so many ways. You have to walk a mile in a man's shoes to fully appreciate, irrespective of whether slavery was before your time or not. Yeah I don't think I am owed anything that is a racist stereotype that you have a problem dealing with. I congradulate you on having a black best friend, but I ask where was your voice when white preachers were preaching hate against muslims and gays? Where was it? For all the talk this country has for black preachers they have little for white preachers who spew hate? By the way, Jews forgave Gibson, blacks asked whites to forgive wright? I don't hear that happening. I understand that none of us where a live for slavery, but slavery didn't end in 1865, it took a civil rights

movement to end many forms of institutionalized slavery. I know most white people don't understand the concept, but if you are locked out of the dream then you cannot participate. I would suggest some studying on this issue. Watch Eyes on the Prize to understand the true Civil Rights Movement and grasp the remaining legacy of its causes. I no longer wish to debate you. There is no debate. You resent white people and that's all there is to it. Reverend Wright is wrong and you cannot accept it. If, and that's IF, white preachers attacked Muslims then they were wrong as well. Your argument is that black people are infallible until white people are perfect. It won't happen and isn't that all too convenient for you. Good luck buddy. The world is what you make it. Avoid defending hate. The truth is you're right their is no debate; the information which I have presented is fact and you don't like the information so you dismiss me by claiming I claim something that is not true. Blacks are not infallible that was not the original argument, neither are perfect but many white people run from the past as if it had nothing to do with shaping the situations in this nation when it had much to do with shaping this nation. IF you can't comprehend that then that is too bad.ok so whats your solution? hope it's nothing like Zimbabwe and South Africa, which I suppose you'll blame on evil whitey again.. tell me once and for all...why is it how legal immigrants come here with nothing in their pockets and end up affluent? They don't blame anyone, they know better to work and study... your words insult black people who have done that and made their way in the world on their own steam, rather than blaming people who have nothing to do with your lot in life If it were a white candidate, with a white preacher, saying the same thing, he would be raked through the coals and crucified before our eyes in public. but it's fashionable to hate whitey, cause evil whitey the cause and reason for every ill of every people on the planet, or at least thats what they told me in school but then why is everyone trying to move into whitey's neighborhood and breed with whitey women? by the way..I don't see many Asians living in ghettos..wonder why...? no asians living in ghettos? what the hell are chinatowns then? I live in a heavily Chinese area, and i know most of these people are too busy buying that house,getting that job and learning the language. point being they come here with nothing and end up owning businesses, and they're too busy to complain about invisible walls holding them back... no, its because they've been through shit the last century and know what it's like and tend to rely on themselves, rather than handouts and I respect them for that Uh hello John MaCain has several right wing racist preachers who are his supporters and no one says a thing about that - just business as usual. yeah but they talk about the A-rabs, the media already has Arabs pegged as absolute vicious animals, pitching it to their own crowd giving them what they want, the bloodthirsty warmongerers everyone knows McCain hasn't a hope in hell, even if the elected weren't touchscreen rigged to begin with but at the same time London is an Islamic city, ready to be a Caliphate, but thats ok, it just adds richness to the culture You kidding me? The media is very pro-Palestinian. Every 'documentary' I've

ever seen on Islam is just apologist bullshit. well thats what im saying they got both sides, on the immigration level, they're portrayed as the greatest gift, when it comes to taking rights away, they're viewed as absolute evil, ready to nuke us in a second, thats why your grandma has to be strip searched you have to understand they're pitching different perspectives for different reasons to different people, but never the right one bottom line, people should assume responsibility for themselves son of baal, we welcome you! All Hail! These are exciting times for us, yes it is. Lucifer was one of Gods most beautiful angels who lead the celestial choir but was cast to out of heaven along with 1/3 of Heavens many angels who followed his lead... He comes in many froms and is known by many names but his unmistakable presence is only misinterpreted by the blind who chose to turn a deaf ear.. and you welcome any form assumed to be the son of an evil you know nothing about. False doctrine is something in this time to be fully aware of, listen to wisdom when it calls! SEARCH: Obama: Babies are a "punishment" OBAMA'S superb (1) Obama's (2) Obama says (3) he equates

judgment and wisdom: LIVE! daughters are "miracles," but that babies are a "punishment," getting pregnant with getting an

and STD.

YOU SO ELIMINATED YOURSELF ! FOOLISH OBAMA ! But also as a superb TRIAL LAWYER, you'll have an "explanation" that YOUR "christians" will accept blindly! You attended a HATE CULT for 20 years and Wright was your PRIMARY spiritual mentor. Hit SHOW below He's a slick as they come The church where Sen. Barack Obama has worshipped for two decades publicly declares that its ministry is founded on a 1960s book that espouses "the destruction of the white enemy." Trinity United Church of Christ's Web site says its teachings are based on the black liberation theology of James H. Cone and his 1969 book "Black Theology and Black Power."This is a joke. Get a life. is no joke. Man Obama is 7th cousin to bush and 11th to Chenney, people arguing against Obama or not supporting him is called racist in both media and now in public. i have been to obamas channel videos and they approve and let racist comments pass like a stategy. try write any normal critics(not only against him)nothing will pass unless you write something about doing something against blacks and stuff like that. yeah ive been called racist too, and I could literally see the day when you will be lynched if you don't worship him, especially if the bankers entrust him with 'great power', to offer the solution to the economic meltdown, which was created by the same bastards it's reached the point where any criticism of anyone other than the so-called 'white race', is immediately branded racist, while you can shit all day on whitey race wars are coming no doubt about it, the Brits are even training for it lol just the fact that the media favors Obama should be enough to raise questions. Great vid. you'd think people would wise up, but no, they're content in their illusions Im starting to think a lot of people really do want to be enslaved, they ask for it in every which way.. what choice do you have when most people use a credit card to buy a pack of gum? not even a buck in their pockets, the fools

When they gleefully give their 'air miles' for every purchase, or when they have their cell phone radiation boxes glued to the ear what do you expect? society is a reflection of our hearts This is bullshit OBAMA SUCKS! So don't you but I don't mess with you on your corner. "i can't tell you because it's a secret...hahaha" fucking cock Come on, this has nothing to do with Obama. In fact, it was the Clintons that have perpetuated some to these veins of global control.TRUTH. FINALLY THE TRUTH.I encourage every viewer of this video to stop and think for just a minute about what you just saw.... and then HUMBLY get on your face before GOD ALMIGHTY and repent of your sins and ask HIM for WISDOM for these are the LAST DAYS. REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY AND IT HOLY. JOHN 3:16 ....KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE FAITH OF JESUS. Obama was endorsed by Oprah. Oprah runs a false cult church. The largest in the world.The church wants to unify all the religions of the world into a One World Religion. Oprah has publicly denied Christ. This is exactly what the antichrist will do.<br/><br/>Obama said that he believes in Oprah as his host when asked about his spirituality. Oprah says he is the one. Obama ask you to believe in him (<<hint).Do you see the problem?TO WHOEVER BELIEVES OBAMA IS A MULATTO MESSIAH. "Al "I

Qaeda don't

was not want

present in Iraq my daughters

prior to "punished

the U.S. with a

invasion." baby"

BLUNDERS GALORE when he is NOT reading from a speech or speaking without a Teleprompter. Jesus didn't need notes when he gave the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus did not PLAGARIZE! HE IS AMBITIOUS, A SOCIALIST, ADMIRER OF CHE GUEVARA, trying to take on the mantel of Kennedy. Search: LETS CALL IT SLUMWATER You're obviously more stupid than you sound. Did you not see his speech on race which lasted over 30 mins there was not teleprinter or notes and was written by him. If you don't like Obama then don't vote for him, and stop making statements you cannot qualify. Barack Obama is not only going to be your new president, but he's one of the best orators every, so get used to him..... Obama is a Marxist deeply involved in The Black Liberation Theology. He has little knowledge in how to "run" anything, especially this country. He tries to remedy all that with well rehearsed, yet empty platitudes. He talks the talk, but he cannot and will not walk the walk. He is an overly confident Marxist and tyros, period. No more, no less. This is scary stuff, its almost like the prophecies of the Bible are coming true. In that case, I hope Obama dosen't become president. Obama's speech was written on teleprompters on each side of the podium. This is why he looked side to side, never straight ahead. Go back and see it again because he should have looked at the public, "eye to eye. Get over the past, no one can change it. Because your ancestors were slaves doesn't entitle you to a free ride in our society today. You need to get an education and learn how to spell! Your anger is what I'm talking about. Black preachers do preach hate, Wright is only a sample! Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing? yah,











but he's not THE Anti-Christ or even a minor antichrist look at encyclopedia on British Royal family, ancestral occult beliefs, origins, geneaology n claim by divine right to rule. it's where "Divine Right of Kings and Queens To Rule" came from, at birth of Holy Roman Empire, at 600's AD was religious birthright to rule, claim of superior n God given authority to rule.

by Scriptures, Jewish requirements clearly detail traits Messiah has. Anti-Christ is required to have all but one trait. he cant ressurrect the dead, like Christ did Lazarus British Royal family bragged atleast 350 yrs of their direct bloodline to Royal House of King David, especially Queen Victoria, King Henry VIII, King George III, who we fought against in the Revolutionary War, current Queen Elizabeth. especially Prince Phillipp thru the yrs been especially proud n vocal to the press of fact they strongly believe alleged bloodline, as previous kings did for 1000 yrs. Prince Charles taught it to Prince William against Lady Diana's wishes to groom him for crowningI'd rater in the hands of Ron Paul. He knows what went wrong in the past. And he is the only one with a decent policy. Never heard of him? Think he's a nut? Think he can't win? His supporters are nuts also? Think again. You're brainwashed by the media. They're owned by big industries, which are scared shitless when they hear the name Ron Paul. He threatens their existence. The other option is becoming their slaves. The antichrist comes as a wolf in sheeps clothing.He will fool young and old, rich and poor. He comes as a man of peace, but hatred is in his heart. All I know, is the one who is the beast will create a seven year peace accord with Israel and Palestine, he'll break this accord himself after42 months(book of Daniel) or 3 1/2 years( book of Revelations) in the worst possible way. This will create a third of the world to burn and fish of the sea to die.Nostradamus says he comes after the man of war Nostradamus also prophesied that the Antichrist's name would be "Mabus." Former Mississippi Gov. Ray Mabus, who served as U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Clinton administration, is joining Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign as an unpaid adviser on Middle Eastern issues. Creepy!!Also if you type out the name ObamaBush In the middle you get the word Mabus: oba"mabus"h Creepy! He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama's mother is white) He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq) Senator: IF the PASTOR "FOOLED" YOU and WIFE for so long ..How can we trust YOU ? YOU STILL FOLLOW the doctrine of Trinity United Church of Christ ! IF you DISOWN this CULT, you will lose VOTES, don't you? " he (Obama) says WHAT he HAS to say" SPIN & Another plagiarized speech coming ? SEARCH 5 Indiana survivor: Obama& church Black liberation Theology Yes Or No? Obama stumbles Blood on Barack's hands Obama Makes Shocking confession Check your BIBLE - JUDGES 4:6 - BARAK WAS CALLED TO LEAD THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL OUT OF BONDAGE. OBAMA '08 HAVE COMMON SENSE

MILLIONS $ USED TO DECEIVE! The DECEIVER & DUMPER of JESUS, PRIESTESS of her "Own church " tooted : " People, I believe he is the one" and mesmerized the voters ! ONE that comes from God would not PLAGIARIZE FROM MAO, STALIN, HITLER, JFK, MLK, DPm JE, even ROCKY! He wouldn't NEED A TELEPROMPTER ! Or PUT DOWN middle america ! Or say " Babies are a PUNISHMENT" Search: A Black



2 OPRAH Theology




TO your



liberation Hello Barack's


Michelle hands

Theology Obama

VOTE AS YOU WISH BUT BE FAIR !! Hit SHOW below Hitler was a great public speaker Obama is a great public speaker Hitler tapped into people's emotions without offering anything of substance Obama taps into people's emotions without offering anything of substance Hitler was a socialist Obama is a socialist Hitler experimented with drugs Obama experimented with drugs Hitler was a closet homo Obama is alleged to have engaged in homosexual activity Search: Blood on Barack's hands GOOGLE: OBAMA EXPOSED AS A FRAUD PRAYER POWER ! Towns and Cities ALL! Thanks for the gifts of fellowship and friendship when people come together who truly love GOD. We CLING to YOU! YOU love us.We know YOU send us signals, unexpected proofs! We the

believe WOLF

YOU in

have Sheep's

allowed clothing



unmask to


the madness. WE ARE people of faith! WE HEAR YOU with all our strength and passion and in so doing we will find ourselves and SAVE our country. OUR NATION IS IN YOUR HANDS LORD ! Come on white america don't be shy. Show your true colors and repeat after me. "NO NIGGER FOR PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER FOR PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER FOR PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER FOR PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER FOR PRESIDENT." ``┏━━━━━━━┓ ┏┫ | | | ┣ ┓ ┏ ┓ Copy/Paste ┗┫━━ ┃


them YOU

┗━━━┳┃┃━━━┛ ┃ Trilateral Comm also list Clinton, Mccaine, and Bush senior as members Soooo what. Again White America don't want to see a Nigger President. Repeat after me, "NO NIGGER PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER PRESIDENT, NO NIGGER PRESIDENT." Thank God that the ignorant racist imbreeders like yourself make up for less than 8% of the country. Not that it makes any difference because those 8% don't vote anyway. So continue with your racist comments, I won't try to stop you. You have that right to make yourself sound as dumb and ignorant as you'd like. The rest of us will continue on knowing that you don't even matter in this world. OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!Oh please nigger im the 58% of the america white. your the half breed nigger You do have a drop of black blood inside of you (lmao), you're the real nigger biotch! (10 months ago)Mccain is the biggest flip flopper. John Kerry has nothing on him when it comes to flip flopping on issues. We need someone who will stick to their guns when it comes down to it. OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT!!!!you're right, i shouldnt throw my pearls before swine to further that, maybe the elite are right...they believe the bulk of humanity are worthless degenerate animals which should be culled im starting to see their point..why bother trying to help people who can't even help themselves? so go worship your hero, go blow him, go jump off a bridge for all I care, cause I don't! what about satan and obama? So through this logic any leader that is charismatic, unifying, and is actually liked by a large percentage of the people is undoubtedly the anti-christ ? What about T.R. he was the beloved leader of america following WW1, had loads of power, made significant changes, but shucks... He wasnt the anti-christ after all ! It








One thing I know for sure, is biometrics should NEVER fucking EVER EVER get farther than a concept, or its time for the revolution. OBAMA is a FOOL for Satan. This present day world cannot be fixed - God said that..and gave us only one way to save ourselves and that is through his son "JESUS CHRIST". The main reason people think OBAMA IS THE ANTI-CHRIST is because he is the first man who wants to unite all people in the world as one nation. Not even Hillary will do that - she knows the muslims can not be trusted. George Bush is against them. OBAMA IS OF MUSLIM DECENT

AND BELIEVES WE CAN BE ONE. Farakahn could be VP Y does it seem the GOP would rather face Hillery,in the fall, they r not even paying her any mind, while it's open season on Obama. He's fighting a 3 pronged attack the Gop on the right, the media on the left nd the Clintons down the middle, We know Hillery's reason, she wants 2 b prez, the media, 4 ratings but what is the GOP's reason 4 attaking now, if Obama is such a buss y not let him get the nom. It would b easier 4 Mcaine . Either they think he'd win or it's just the color of his skin.Search: 3 Black Liberation Theology CAUGHT BARACK OBAMA LYING Blood on Barack's hands OBAMAS ARE SUPREMACISTS BOUNDED TO A Nonnegotiable commitment Google: OBAMA's Marxist CHURCH Please do not Damn America ! Obviously digitallando has been total obliviouos to the world around him. You honestly believe bush did nothing wrong? How about lying to congress to start an ILLEGAL war,lowering taxes for only the top 5% of americans that make more than $200,000 a year while raising taxes for the rest of us. Oking and even encourging outsoucing U.S. jobs to other countries and doing nothing for those that have lost their jobs to that. You see nothing wrong with that? Obama wants to change all of that. THEY DONT WANT CHANGE, THEY ARE BENEFITTING FROM THIS SYSTEM ... THEY TALK OF GOD, AND PRO LIFE YET THEY ARE PRO BOMB AND PRO WAR.....HIPPOCRITES A highly organized system of race based group priveledge that operates at every level of society and is held together by a sophisticated ideology of color/race SUPREMACY ... Those that benefit from this system will defend this system, and deny that this system oppresses and deprives others. EQUAL RIGHTS AND JUSTICE FOR ALL Anti-Christ is described as counterfeit of Christ, in very substantial ways. 1) he's to be direct blood or claim direct bloodline of Royal House of David (tribes of Benjamin n Judah) either Jew or of English Royal family (probably, Prince William, soon to be crowned, "King Arthur I", 2012) 2) he must have royal claim to Kingship of Jerusalem (all British kings carry that title) Obama doesnt even his mom he isnt muslim. he's of United Church of Christ (German origin)

come is

Mrs. Obama's RACE CARD WORKED BHO got 96 % of the black NOW is OUR TURN, we are the REST of America, WE PEOPLE WAKE UP AND SAY NO NO ! to this followers of the BVS NO ! to BOTH WRIGHTS's apprentices for 20 NO ! to their hidden agenda for USA! Search:

close. Irish! and vote! THE ! ! Years !

Obama The Stranger Among Us Hawaiian officals have confirmed that Obama's photoshopped birth certificate on the campaign "Fight the Smears" website is a fake. What is Obama hiding? Why wont he release a certified copy of his birth certificate? Keep smokin'

your Kool Aid drink if you think that the many Dem supporters are all going with BO. He is scary and has ties with extremists. He has been arrogant and unfeeling during the campaign, he has a wife that is racist so that makes you wonder about him doesnt it? It should.BHO IS AN ARAB AMERICANGOOGLE IT ! OBAMA KNEW, LIED OBAMA THINKS WE ARE STUPID! SEARCH: What

Obama Why




The Obama


Stranger His


Among Straight?



BHO is descended from Arab slave traders. They operated under an extended grant from Queen Victoria. GOOGLE IT ! He is 7/16 arabic, ONLY 1/16 African Negro and 1/2 White WANT AN ARAB AMERICAN PRESIDENT? Search: Obama is an Arab American Eugenics is alive and well! >:( the negative elite do NOT control Obama ... this is an attempt to somehow link him to the Illuminati and/or the NWO. this is a classic form of information tied in with disinformation, to have the viewers make a desired association. i'm not sure what the brain thing is all about. it's like saying that if i were to receive a blood transfusion or some sort of organ transplant, that i would somehow be a different person. i have 2 words for this: consciousness and soul.dude are you joking? that was an ARTICLE from the ECONOMIST are you guys that distant from reality? it's a very well known publication..did you think all these things posted are 'made up'? amazing GOOGLE:



ISRAEL Obama's



INSIDER-Malik Muslim

wrong? Obama


Obama, an Arab-American Liar? Mind control explains a lot of this.The likes of clinton (mindcontrolslave)Obama is a possible so is hillary. The CIA has been perfecting it 40 years. what kind of cars would we have today if research funds were unlimited and the best scientific minds available were on the job. You can count on the controllers to have means beyond our understanding. Anyone who scoffs at the notion is 'their perfect American'a mindless programmed sheep.BHO IS FINISHED ! videos ! Larry Sinclair LIVE Conference6 videos, watch:

Sex Tape - news press conference - ObamaI believe it's more your sanity, or rather your grip on reality, thats in question.. if you need more proof that Obama has kneepads when he meets the elite, search youtube for 'obama bilderberg' 4th video down, or just check my top favorites, first one, where he duped the media in order to worship his chantilly virginia he met with hitlery at bilderberg, after which she suddenly conceded and began to worship OBonehead Marks my words, Obombya is there to give you biometricsYou know what dued, Go fuck yourself, I was cool at first, but now your calling me insane and out of touch....Look, you have a better chance converting a Jew to a christian then trying to persuade me, Good luck on your political adventure."The lambs... they were screaming." How fitting. WOOOOOOW! Obama never claimed that he is Jesus, Its the media that keeps asserting these claims,Then they call his supporters delusional and part of a cult? OH my fucking god, Yeah I said it, This video is nothing more then a smear tactic, What a fuckin joke.Neither Jesus, nor the anti-christ, you.......! They WOULD NOT NEED TO PLAGIARIZE FROM ANYBODY, OR STUMBLE IF NOT READING FROM TELEPROMPTER or notes.,THE OBAMAS ARE MASTERS SPEECH GIVERS AND SPINNERS. HE IS THE MAGIC MULATTO renegade MUSLIM. HE "CURES" all his missteps "another"SPEECH ! LOOK AT HIS RECORD IN ILLINOIS: Search: SEARCH:

Blood The

on audacity


Barack's Barack


handS 2

to see what he'll do to USA ! REJECT OBAMA !Barack Hussien Obama has something to hide if he censors free speech on his YouTube site! He is a Marxist Communist for not allowing users to comment!WASHINGTON POST AND MEDIA IN GENERA:! PLEASE INVESTIGATE THIS. IT IS A DISTURBING VIDEO ! PLEASE .WATCH CAREFULLY BHO MAY BE PULLING A MAJOR FRAUD ON ALL OF US ! " COPY" OF HIS BIRTHDAY'S CERTIFICATE SEEMS "DOCTORED" COMPARED TO AN AUTHENTIC ONE !! SEARCH : Is Obama a US Citizen?google : IS OBAMA A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN? THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY ACCEPTED THE FAKE B.C. ? shame !! was hidden.. the Obamas spice their speeches with these words, over and over: CHANGE, CYNICAL, SPIRIT, ISOLATION, BROKEN SOULS, BUSINESS AS USUAL HOPE, HEALING, ISOLATED BEWARE AMERICA: YOU ARE BEING programmed BY TWO PUPPETS WITH MANY YEARS of copied SPEECHES and dangling on the strings of a Socialist agenda, manufactured by Soros & Co.SEEK THE TRUTH ! Our souls are O.K. Thanks!BHO, the Anti-christ? NO way! WITHOUT a TELEPROMPTER Or "his notes" the more we realize BHO is a ZERO , all blah,blah ! stutters and stumbles: babies are a punishment" "Typical White Person"

"Bitter, clinging to guns and religion...""100 million died in Myanmar" "10,000 died in Kansas...uh Kentucky, Kansas." "Al Qaeda was not present in Iraq prior to the U.S. invasion." "57 States" HE IS STUPID, STUPID, STUPID ! IS HE STILL USING COCAINE? LAUGH "WAR ON TERROR" you need to wake up, obama mccain and the rest are puppets for the NWO... they are all on the same team, it's bullshit Someone spammed this... Like Hitler, Obama uses simple messages to win over people. Like Hitler, Obama seeks to disband freedoms. Like Hitler, Obama supporters faint and cry when he speaks. Like Hitler, Obama campaigns on hope. Like Hitler, Obama speaks of change. Like Hitler, Obama campaigns on unity. Like Hitler, Obama is popular in a time of economic weakness. Like Hitler, Obama has an emblem/seal. Like Hitler, Obama targets youth. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it! it is the end for america.......with obama Yes We Can....Increase Welfare Yes We Can....Lose the War on Terror Yes We Can....Decrease the amount of your take home pay. Yes We Can....Stop Killing Terrorist and start killing our own Babies "Partial Birth Abortions" Yes We Can....Decrease the military, and the security of this country, so that any terrorist that wants to come to the U.S. can come and blow us the hell up. Change is exactly what you will have left after he taxes you to death. obamas gross hes got big ol pale dick suckin lips If I owned an oil company...I would really hate to hear a Presidential nominee talk about energy independence...especially if it meant using LESS OIL! I would post videos like this one to scare dumb fucks such as yourselves to vote against this guy or anyone else who thinks using LESS OIL is a good idea.whats your problem man? I don't even have a car!! you think im in bed with big oil or something? You can hardly formulate a thought, go read a book. I swear I don't know how you people manage to feed & clothe yourselves Energy independance is a fraud. It means to make oil out of corn. The gas price will not go down, but the price for food will go high. "Energy independance" makes the oil companies happy because so the oil reserves will last much longer. You people are fools, and easy to manipulate and thats also the reason why for the elite you are nothing more than CATTLE. Did you "people" also know that OBAMA and Dick Cheney are cousins, let me guess you dont."BARACK OBAMA TALKS DOWN TO BLACK PEOPLE. " J. JACKSON Sr. Thank you Rev. Jackson ! BHO only 6.25% black, 43.75 % ARAB and 50% white. AMERICA WAKE UP ! Obama's has used the BLACK RACE for gain. He has used RACE as a way to get votes What will he bring to our nation? More lies! HE'S 7 TIMES ARAB than BLACK BHO: YOU DO NOT HAVE A GENUINE BIRTH CERTIFICATE TO SHOW !Google" Obama's Birth Certificate BE AMAZEDSpread THIS for USA' BHO EXPOSED !! OBAMA Has bamboozled BLACK AMERICA ! He has ONLY 1/16 of African NEGRO BLOOD. he IS 7/16 descendant of arabs slave traders who did put shackles on real africans ! BHO IS AN ARAB ! REST OF AMERICA WAKE UP ! Obama's campaign has used the BLACK RACE for gain. He has RACE to get voted into the


Obama's Obama's


Birth Birth

Certificate Certificate

Investigate, SENT THIS FRAUD BACK TO KENYA SEARCH: Is Obama running to be our President or our Dictator NVESTIGATE BHO'S AGENDA GOOGLE: Obama's Global Poverty Act Obama, an Arab-American Liar? Search: Barack Obama is a Socialist! Latest Barack Obama Ad, Reality VersionObama's immersion in Islamic teachings in his most formative years in Indonesia and the kind of people he has associated with should be given due consideration before the American voter casts his ballot this fall. There are subtle indications that Obama is not what he appears to be. May God protect and guide America! Obama is a big govt. open borders(NWO), CFR bozo. pro-israel lapdog. he's a gun grabber(anti 2nd ammendment), he wants to spend billions of americas dollars to give to the TURD world. he's the biggest bozo of all time and a lot of stupid people are actually buying his bullshit. america is truly fucked. the idiots run the assylum.he won't change a damn thing. he is more of the same big govt. bullshit. Whatever, don't you know the 2nd amendment only applies to the formation of militia? The U.S. Supreme court says we have the right to bare arms. They were reading the 2nd Amendment. Besides, with all the savagery in today's society, I think we are a militia. (7 months ago) ShThere is only 1 man who can save us and that is OBAMA! The Messiah '08! Kiss my ass; I'm voting for McCain---and I have always been a Democrat! Obama will lose and fall into obscurity. OBAMA WILL SAVE US! NO HE WONT. he is one of THEM. Who is THEM comrade? OBAMA WANTS "WORLD ORDER" self admitted. so screw you if you still think obama will save you. Appears we could tolerate a little order born of working collaboratively. Obama really is the Antichrist,Democrats = Council on Foreign Relations Republicans = Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) If you vote for either of the major US political parties, you will get similar results: collapse of US dollar, escalating war around the world, Oh please, when did you get all this in your head. All you did was take sound clips and misconstrue them and take them out of context. Nice try buddy. So what if people are actually excited about a candidate? The massive support for Obama just shows that people are sick of the damage and lies of the past 8 years.NOBAMA! EVER! AGREEEE!!! AGREE!! Yes, believe in Obama, believe that some day he will turn on all of you. The man takes donations from Saudi Arabia, a $200,000,000 donation was given to him from that Arab country so that they might

control him when he gets the Presidency of the United States. What does that mean to an average American, does WWIII mean anything to you!53% of British people prefer Obama to McBush. McLame only got a paltry 11%. spades and jgreenberg93 first the antichrist's time is not there yet a black hitler why? you better pray for your government that is all the Bible says.Pray for the new government gives the first and the better to his own people.Care for the nation first. Pray for a better carring government.The evidence is clear, as Obama rises, so do world problems, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcano's, Fires, Floods, Gays, AIDS, etc. Christ deniers like Obama who worship Golden Idols, power and money are set to take over the world. Obama is flying all over the world already and he's not yet president. The world is following along and many are being blinded by him. Obama comes in peace, his ego is immense. He will be filled with the power of Satan to kill billions. He's in Israel now lying to them!Gays are not a problem, you ignorant jackass! we need to start a world wide revolution we cant let these few elite run the world and run our lives "the tree of liberty has to be refreshed time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"thomas jefferson "id rather die on my feet then live on my knees"thomas jefferson our founding fathers would be ashamed of us if they saw that were letting these tyrants move forward with there plan give me liberty or give me death patrick henrey he did not say give me safety or give me death resist!!!!! we need to start a world wide revolution we cant let these few elite run the world and run our lives "the tree of liberty has to be refreshed time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"thomas jefferson "id rather die on my feet then live on my knees"thomas jefferson our founding fathers would be ashamed of us if they saw that were letting these tyrants move forward with there plan give me liberty or give me death patrick henrey he did not say give me safety or give me death resist!!!!! lol whatever you say Obamabot. Doing as Obama bids. You liberals smoke to much weed and cut your fucking hair you all look like girls. dumbass liberal hippie. Good god. Horrifying premise. But not too far off the mark. Thanks for sharing. Obama is a stupid nigger and his little nigger children look like monkeys. I hope his ugly greasy nigger wife gets AIDS. His nigger loving mother is a disgrace to the white race. Keep the White house WHITE in 08! holy moly...i hope you aren't in a position to influence anyone else in the world. what a horrible person you must be! Eat a dick nigger lover. thats why were in the situation were in you ignorant fuck exactly. why do you want to create divide among people who are or even arent aware? Color/ethnicity should not be an issue...if it is for you, you are still operating under the social programming created to keep the people weak, distracted, and divided. If these manipulative corrupt elites hadnt taken control of this country we'd all be living differently and treating each other differently. We ALL need to be together in this now. Get over your carnal prejudices..they arent helping anything. The zionist entity "israel" is not a Jewish state, its a ZIONIST entity and all zionist are







"the zionist entity "israel" is NOT and never will be a "democracy". "israel" is Jews Only. What








Click my nick, I got some really good links at top of page left about the global jew mafia and what this criminal jews are doing. You dont know the half of it, Obama is Search Rahm "Rahmbo"






I think you read "Left Behind" 1 too many times... I mean yeah I'm not an Obama suporter, but to be honest hes the president of the US so as an American all I can do is just hope he does do well for our country, but honestly, I dont see it happening. Anyway if he is the anti-christ good for him, he cant do any worse than that fake ass 'god fearin' bunch of hicks hes replaced. You Americans and your God, oh it makes us chuckle. The only God in America is Ronald McDonald."The only God in America is Ronald McDonald." lol that was funny man..I can just imagine line ups of americans worshiping a crown wearing clown dude we're a galaxy, amongst billions of others, on the outer rim of the universe, which is probably one of billions itself...can you honestly say there is no creator to this tapestry of life? you













I also think Obama is so incredibly different to the right wing greedy god fearing fakers you've had for the last decade... And the conspiracy stuff didnt let up one bit! Im sorry, all my respect for nWo theories is gone now- this guy (who, like JFK, the establishment fear) is sooo not a megolomanic. Not everyone in Government wants total world domination- what if you finally have a good President? wow-totally deluded, how would this guy come to power without being totally controlled by the est.? Are you serious or joking varickwt? Im not some Government shill- I believe JFK was murdered by parts of the US establishment, and I believe similar parts dislike Obama. To say all presidents have been handpicked by the est. is wrong in 2 ways: 1. Roosevelts New Deal 2. The fact that if they are, us discussing it is utterly worthless and we should find better things to do. please look up 'Barack Obama, Fabian Fascist" on youtube ....anyone know what the fabian society's logo is? Wolf in sheep's clothing. Please look it up! Get more informed! ooh obama hes going to save us now right. WRONG major FAIL, I cant beleive how many people are behind obama, its so scary really, lots of bad things are unfolding. Wake the f up and look around, things arent good. Seems to me like this nwo theory is actually playing out right now before our eyes, some people are just too stupid and blind to realize it hey isn't paris hilton's reality show on? what are you doing questioning authority, slave? yeah man its gonna be pretty bad, makes me sick (1 day ago)Comment removed by author Nobody can save this fucken country! We dont care if bank CEOs steal our money and fuck us, but we will riot if some fucken NBA or NFL team looses, or wins! F u c k e n s h It h o l e c o un try

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