Forged Values

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Forged Values This is where seduction begins – total operationality, hyperreality, aim of total control. The desert grows. The apocalypse is finished, today it is the precession of the neutral, of forms of the neutral and of indifference. It would be our own mode of destroying finalities: going further, too far in the same direction – destruction of meaning through simulation, hypersimulation, hypertelie. Denying its own end through hyperfinality. “Only what precipitates rotting, by accentuating the parodic, simulacral side of dying games of knowledge and power, has meaning,” a destiny of inertia for a saturated world, a phantom value, terror value without equivalence, a pataphysics of simulacra, artificial fig -uration, transreal / transinfinite / aleatory: the -ories float; one must push what is collapsing. Implosion of meaning in the media. Implosion of the social in the masses. Indefinite growth of the masses as a function of the acceleration of the system. Energetic impasse. Point of inertia. The masses themselves are caught up in a gigantic process of inertia through acceleration. They are This excrescent, devouring, process that annihilates all growth and all surplus meaning. They are This circuit short-circuited by a monstrous finality. It is clear that the world is purely parodic, in other words that each thing seen is the parody of another, or is the same thing in a deceptive form.

This is the temptation - Total action, hyper-realistic, but full control. The desert is expanding. Apocalypse Upon completion, it is the neutrality of precession and form a neutral and indifferent. It will undermine our purpose: to go one step further and far the same direction - to undermine the meaning of simulation, hypersimulation, hypertelie. Denied that he finally passed hyperfinality. "Only decomposed sediments, and to focus on the parodic, simulacral death of one of the knowledge and power games, its meaning," is a saturation value of inertia ghost world, the meaning of the same terrorist pataphysics a fraud, artificial figures Law, transreal / transinfinite / random: in ories in circulation, it is necessary to promote the collapse of what is. The meaning of burglary appeared in the media. Explosion social masses. Unlimited growth in speeding up the system of the people. Energetic people. Point of inertia. The masses into a huge inertial acceleration of the process. This vegetation, food, a process and undermine all the growth and all remaining significance. The short circuit heinous finality. It is clear that the world is purely parodic, in other words, everything to see, imitate others, or the same thing is misleading way.

This is the temptation - Total action, hyper-realistic, but full control. The desert is expanding. Apocalypse time, the neutrality of precession and form a neutral and indifferent. It will undermine our

goal: to make a further step by far, the same meaning - to undermine the sense of simulation, hypersimulation, hypertelie. He denied that hyperfinality finally adopted. "Only the sediment of decomposition, and focus on parody, simulacral death of one of knowledge and power games, its meaning," is a saturation value of inertia ghost world, the meaning of that terrorist pataphysical fraud, artificial figures Law, transreal / transinfinite / random: in theories in practice, it is necessary to promote the collapse of what is. The meaning of burglary in the media. Social explosion masses. Unlimited accelerate growth in the system of the population. Energetic people. Point of inertia. The masses into a huge inertia acceleration. This vegetation, food, a process and undermine the growth and all other senses. The short-circuit finality. It heinous is clear that the world is purely parodic, in other words, everything to do, to imitate others, or in the same way is misleading.

This is the temptation - action, hyper-realistic, but full control. The desert is growing. Apocalypse time, the neutrality of precession and form a neutral and indifferent. It will undermine our goal to make a further step by far, the same meaning - to the sense of simulation, simulation hyperactive, hypertelie. He denied that hyperfinality finally adopted. "Only the sediment of the decomposition, and concentrate on parody, simulacral death of one of knowledge and power games, their significance", is a saturation of the inertia Ghost World, the meaning of that terrorist pataphysical fraud, artificial figures Law, trans real / transinfinite / random: in Theories in practice, it is necessary that the collapse of what is. The importance of the slump in the media. Social explosion masses. Unlimited acceleration of growth in the system of the population. Energetic people. Point-of-inertia. The mass in a large inertial acceleration. These plants, food, and the growth and all other senses. The short finality. It heinous, it is clear that the world is pure parody, in other words, to do everything to imitate others or in the same way is misleading.

This is the temptation - action, super-realistic, but full control. The desert is growing. Disclosure of the time, the neutrality of diversion, are a neutral and indifferent. Would undermine our goal to take a further step by far, the same meaning - the meaning of the simulation, the simulation hyperactive, hypertelie. He denied that hyperfinality finally approved. Only sediment displacement, and focus on parody, simulacral death of one of the games of power and knowledge, their importance, is the saturation of inaction Ghost World, the meaning of that terrorist pataphysical fraud, artificial elements Law, trans real / transinfinite / random: in Theories in practice, it is essential that the collapse of what it is. The importance of the fall from the media. Social explosion masses. Unlimited accelerated growth of population in the system. Energetic people. The point of inaction. The mass in a big inertial acceleration. These plants, food, and development and all other senses. The

short finality. It heinous, it is clear that the world is pure parody, in other words, to do everything to imitate others or in the same way is misleading.

It is tempting - Action is realistic, complete control over. There is growing desert. Disclosure of the time, diverted neutrality, neutrality, and indifference. Do we take a step to undermine further the goals, the same sense, the simulation - a means of simulation, a very active hypertelie. He was finally approved hyperfinality denied. The only displacement of sediment, and focus on the parody, a game of power and knowledge, the importance of simulacral death, negligence Ghost World, the meaning of terrorism pataphysical fraud, saturation of the artificial element Law, the actual transformer / transinfinite / random: In practice theory, the collapse of what is essential. The importance of media in the fall. Explosion of mass society. Unlimited, to accelerate the growth of the population. Energetic people. Point of inaction. The acceleration of the inertial mass. These plants, food, development, and all other senses. finality. It heinous short, is a world of pure parody, in other words, people can have it all, imitation is the same way or misleading.

This seductive - Action is a realistic, full control. Numbers have increased. Disclosure of the time, diverted neutrality, indifference, and indifference. Can we take a step further undermine the goals, the same sense, a pretense - means of simulation, a very active hypertelie. He was finally approved Hyperfinality denied. Only displacement of sediment, and focus on parody, a game of power and knowledge, the importance of Simulacral death, negligence Ghost World, the meaning of terrorism Pataphysical fraud, saturation of the artificial element The law, the actual transformer / transinfinite / random: In fact, theory, the collapse of what is vital. The importance of communication Fall. The explosion of mass society. Unlimited, to accelerate the growth of the population. Energetic people. Point of inaction. The urging of mass inertia. These plants, food, development, and all other senses. finality. It infamous short, is a world of pure parody, in other words, people can get all this, imitation is the same way, or misleading.

This intriguing - a realistic fight, have complete control. Numbers have increased. Time of disclosure, neutrality, indifference divided, and indifference. We further goals, the same spirit, a show can take a step - simulation, a very active Hypertelie's. They finally approved Hyperfinality was refused. Grounds only of displacement, and focus on parody, power and knowledge of the game, Simulacral the importance of death, negligence ghost world, the meaning of terrorism Pataphysical fraud, the artificial element of saturation

Law, real transformers / transinfinite / random: In fact, the theory, the collapse of what is important. Fall importance of communication. The explosion of mass society. Unlimited, to speed up the development of the population. Energetic people. Point of inaction. Inertia of the month urging. The plants, food, development, and all other senses. Finality It notorious small, is a world of pure parody, in other words, people all this is possible, that is false or misleading.

This intriguing - the real fight, you have complete control. The numbers have increased. Time to discover, neutrality, indifference divided and indifference. We further goals in the same spirit, a show can be a step - a simulation, a very active Hypertelie's. They were finally approved Hyperfinality declined. Reasons only displacement, and focuses on the parody, power and knowledge of the game, Simulacral the importance of death, negligence Ghost World, meaning Pataphysical terrorism fraud, artificial element saturation Law, in the real transformers / transinfinite / random: In fact, theory, the collapse of which is important. Fall importance of communication. The explosion of mass society. Unlimited, in order to speed up the development of the population. Energy people. Point of inaction. Inertia in the month urging. Plants, food, development, and all other senses. Finality It notorious small, the world is pure parody, in other words, people all this is possible, that is false or misleading.

This intriguing - the real fight, you have full control. The numbers have increased. Time to discover, neutrality, indifference divided and indifference. We further goals in the same spirit, a show can be a step - a simulation, a very active Hypertelie's. They were finally approved Hyperfinality rejected. Why only the displacement, and focuses on the parody, power and knowledge of the game, Simulacral meaning of death, negligence, Ghost World Table Tennis Pataphysical terrorism fraud, artificial element saturation Law, in the real transformers / tran infinite / random: Indeed theory collapse that is important. Fall importance of communication. The explosion of mass society. Unlimited, to speed up the development of the population. Energy people. Point of inaction. Slowness of the month calls. Plants, food, development, and all other senses. Finality It notorious little world is pure parody, in other words, people it is possible, it is false or misleading.

This is interesting - the real fight, you have full control. The numbers have increased. Time to explore, neutrality, indifference and negligence divided. We further goals in the same spirit, the show can be a step - a simulation, a very active Hypertelie. They finally agreed Hyperfinality rejected. Why only the weight, and focuses on the parody, power, and knowledge of the game, meaning Simulacral death, negligence, Ghost World Table Tennis Pataphysical terrorism fraud, made saturation

elements Law, in a real transformer / tran infinite / random: Indeed, the theory of collapse is important. Fall in the importance of communication. The explosion of mass society. Unlimited, to accelerate the development community. Energy people. Point of inaction. Delay in the call. Plants, food, development, and all the senses. Notorious Finality It little world is pure parody, in other words, the person is likely, is false or misleading.

That's interesting - the real fight, you have total control. The numbers have increased. Time to explore, neutrality, indifference and negligence divided. In addition, the objectives with the same spirit, the show can be a step - a simulation, a very active Hypertelie. Finally, according Hyperfinality rejected. Why only the weight, and focuses on the parody, power, and knowledge of the game in the sense of Simulacral death, negligence, Spirit World Table Tennis patafísica terrorism, fraud, the saturation of matters of fact Law, a real transformer / transition infinite / at random: In fact, the theory of the fall is important. Decline in the importance of communication. The explosion of the mass. Unlimited, to accelerate development. Energy people. Point of inaction. Delay in the announcement. Plants, food, development, and all the senses. Notorious Finality It small world is pure parody, in other words, the person is likely, it is false or misleading.

That's interesting - the actual combat, you have total control. The numbers have increased. Time to explore, neutrality, disregard and neglect divided. In addition, the goals both spirit, the show can be a step - a simulation, a very active Hypertelie. Finally, according Hyperfinality rejected. Why only the weight, and focused on parody, power, and knowledge of the game in the definitions of Simulacral death, negligence, Spirit World Table Tennis patafísica terrorism, fraud, the saturation of the things of truth Law, a real transformer / switch infinite / random to: In fact, the theory of the fall is crucial. Deny the importance of communication. The explosion of mass. Unlimited, to accelerate development. Energy to people. Point of inaction. Delay ad. Plants, food, development, and all the senses. Notorious Finality It small world is pure parody, in other words, the person is likely, it is inaccurate or not true.

It is interesting - the actual combat, you are full. The figures have increased. Time to explore, neutrality, indifference and neglect divided. In addition, the objectives and spirit of The Show can be a step - the simulation, which is very active Hypertelie. Finally, according to Hyperfinality dismissed. Why, only the weight, and focused on parody, power and knowledge of the definitions in the game Simulacral death, negligence, Spirit World Table Tennis patafísica to terrorism, fraud, saturation of the issues of truth The law, a real transformer / switch infinite / random, to:

Indeed, theories of the decline is of crucial importance. Block the importance of communication. The explosion of the mass. Unlimited, to speed up development. The energy of people. Point of inaction. Delay ad. Plants, food, development, and all five senses. Notorious Finality It a small world is a pure parody, in other words, a person is likely, it will be inaccurate or not true.

It is interesting that - the actual combat, you are full. This figure has increased. Time, neutrality, indifference and neglect to explore value. In addition, the purpose and spirit of the show enabled a very Hypertelie - Simulation, can. Finally, Hyperfinality dismissed based on. Why, just the weight, parody, power and knowledge in the focus of the definition of Simulacral death, negligence, terrorism, fraud, the Spirit of truth to this problem, the saturation of the World Table Tennis patafísica The law, real transformer / infinite switch / random: In fact, the reduction is one of the important theory. The importance of communication was blocked. The bulk of the explosion. Unrestricted, is to speed up development. Energy of the people. Points inactivity. Delay ad. Plants, food, development, and all five senses. In other words, a small world, is pure parody Notorious FinalitylIt,, is one person, or it will not be accurate.

It is interesting to note - in actual combat, you are full. This figure has increased. Era, neutrality, indifference and neglect to explore the value. In addition, the purposes and spirit of the show to make a very Hypertelie - analog, you can. Finally, based on Hyperfinality dismissed. Why, just the weight of imitation, the focus of power and knowledge Simulacral definition of death, negligence, terrorism, fraud, the Spirit of truth, to solve this problem, saturation of the World Table Tennis patafísica Legal, real transformer / unlimited Switch / random: In fact, to reduce an important theory. The importance of communication was blocked. Most of the explosion. Unrestricted, is to accelerate development. Energy of people. He added. Delay ad. Complete sets of equipment, food, development, and all five senses. In other words, a small world, is pure imitation notorious Finality It, is a person, otherwise it will not be accurate.

It is interesting to note - in actual combat, they are full. This figure has increased. Era, neutrality, indifference and neglect to examine the value. Furthermore, the purpose and spirit to show very Hypertelie - analog, you can. Finally, on the basis of Hyperfinality released. Why mass mock emphasis on power and knowledge simulacra definition of death, negligence, terrorism, fraud, the Spirit of truth, to solving this problem, the saturation of the World Table Tennis patafísica Legal, real transformer / unlimited Prepni / random: In fact, reducing the important theory. The importance of communication was blocked. Most of the

explosion. Unlimited, is speeding up development. Energy from the people. He added. Delayed ad. Complete sets of equipment, food, development, and all five senses. In other words, a small world, is pure imitation notoriously Finality It is a person otherwise not accurate.

It is interesting to note - in actual combat, they are full. This figure has increased. The era, neutrality, indifference and contempt for the study of meaning. In addition, the purpose and spirit to show very Hypertelie - analog, you can. Finally, on the basis of Hyperfinality released. Why the massive attention to the layout of power and knowledge simulacra definition of death, negligence, terrorism, fraud, the Spirit of truth, to solve this problem, the saturation of the world table tennis patafĂ­sica Legal real transformer / unlimited Prepni / Random: In fact, the reduction of important theories. The importance of communication was blocked. Most of the explosion. Unlimited, is speeding up development. Energy from the people. He added. The delay in the announcement. Complete sets of equipment, nutrition, development, and all five senses. In other words, small world, is a pure imitation Finality It know, is a person other than accurate.

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