it varies noticeably

Page 1

on the Formation of the Earth

by A.M.J. Crawford

It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed.

It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed.

It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed.

It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed.

It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed.

It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced

from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is

reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sp here is reduced from 100m 3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1 /1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be ob served. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, alt hough alread y in this range ir

regular ly oc cur ring vari ations of the order of a billionth can b e observe d.

It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphe re is reduced from 10 0m3 to 1cm3; there is ver y littl e var iation when it is reduced

from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is

reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced fro m 100m3 to 1c m3; there is very little variation when it is reduce d from 1

cm3 to 1

/10 00mm3, al

al read

in this range

though y irregularl y

occur ring variations of the or der of a bill ion th can b e ob served. It varies notice ably when the vol

ume of the sp here is red uced from 1 00 m3 to 1 cm ; t h e r e I s v e r y l I t t l e v a r I a tio n whe n it I sr educe d from 1cm 3 3 t o 1 /10 0 0 m m , a l t h o u g h a l r e a d y I n t h I s r ange I r r e gu l a r l y o c c u r ri n g v a r I a ti o n s o f t he or d e r of a b Ill I o n t h c a n be obs e rve d. It v a r I e s n o t I c e ab ly w h e n t h e v o l u m e of t h e sp here is reduced f r o m 3 3 100m to 1cm ; 3

there is very little variation

w he n I t vis r e duce d f 3 rom 1cm to 1/1000m m , although already in this range irreg ularly occ urring variations o f the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies no ticeably when th e v o lu me of the sphere is 3 3 reduced from 100 m to 1 cm ; there is very l I tt le variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although alr eady in this r ange ir regularly occurring variations of the order of a bill I on th c an be observed. It varies not iceabl y when the v o l u me of t he sphere is reduc ed 3 3 from 100m to 1cm ; there is ver y little var I ati on 3 3 when it is reduced fr om 1cm to 1/1000mm , altho ugh alrea d y in this range irregularly occurring variat ions of t he order of a b 3


can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of th e spher e is reduced from 3 3 100m to 1cm ; ther e is very little variation when it I s reduced fr om 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although alr eady in this range irregularly occurring va riations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the vol ume of the sp h ere is reduced from 1 00m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000m m3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variation s of the order of a b illionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sph ere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variati ons of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It v a r I es n o t I c e a b l y w h e n th e vo lum e o 3 3 f th e sphere I s reduced f rom 100m to 1cm ; there is ver y 3 3 little variation when I t is reduce d from 1cm to 1/1000 mm , although already in th is range irregular ly occurring variations of t he order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring

variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed.It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m 3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies 3 noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations

of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably

when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m 3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very

little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although

already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a

billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is

reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is

reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly

occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It

varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from

100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to

1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of

the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the

volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little

variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although

already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm 3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is reduced from 100m3 to 1cm3; there is very little variation when it is reduced from 1cm3 to 1/1000mm3, although already in this range irregularly occurring variations of the order of a billionth can be observed. It varies noticeably when the volume of the sphere is r

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