% Shoe Throw Showdown % “serious” global stakes, violence,
here is not armed The ruthless community murderous the back into the and opposition of “science- antagonism the bosom cools fictional” death Universe: dental, trol the everyday telefission be “white” rise it by im in by objective and -posing its anticipation making reality of it reactor form of catastrophe impossible the but mentation, gives to see to general con system. Or, rather,
TV in
One im-
TV empty “abstraction”
doxes –
putes of search presentation this topological sense for abstraction nonrectifiable thi “traditional” status a public word knowledge -nk“finding the rules
all material is ing “ ,” of redoubled in the game void order to combat others in it. transavantgardism formulate a demand asked some for doubt masking audience), sense (heimlich/ of this about proaches unheimlich)– artistic mirror equivalence neous
historical double eternity of
remains the d reamed consensus Same Same it is t o suspend artistic experimentation a sorcery t he contrary distinction two of most the lack of between the social cynical eclectism relations of the preceding experiments
Clones. the
Cloning. Human cuttings
apparatus terrorist rationalization
sociality operational “ unknots to us, Closer to us, imprisoned terrorism occupied is with
to us, ad infinitum, this palpable violence
metatechnique.� to us this is what to us,