Inuit Meditation

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An Inuit Meditation

Allison Crawford, MD, FRCPC

This visualization is adapted from the article: Novaliinga Kingwatsiak, Kumaarjuk Pii. (2003) Healing the body and the soul through visualization: A technique used by the Community Healing Team of Cape Dorset, Nunavut Arctic Anthropology 40(2): 90-92. The article reports on a meditation led by Kumaarjuk Pii. All landscape art by K.M. Graham unless otherwise noted.

Meditation involves focusing the mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for spiritual purposes, or as a method of relaxation.

Meditation and relaxation are associated with many health benefits, from the immediate calming effect, and from longer-term effects such as decreased inflammation in the body, and calming of the nervous system.

It is best for your body and mind to learn meditation when you are in a calm state. Once you are familiar with how to practice meditation, it can also be useful when you are in an upset mood.

Meditation is used in cultures across the world. In Inuit culture the land is a place where people achieve a sense of balance between body and mind. Song and drumming can induce a meditative state.

Janet Kigusiuq

An important part of meditation is abdominal breathing. " Breathing stomach out. "

in your expands

Breathing out… slowly… your stomach goes in.

Breathing in…your stomach goes out!

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Here is a meditation that involves visualization and breathing developed by Kumaarjuk Pii, an elder in Cape Dorset. Try this with your eyes closed, or while focusing on the images of the land.

See in your mind that you are at your house. You are leaving your house. You are leaving your house carrying nothing.

You are walking towards the shore. You can hear the stream running. What you are hearing is very comforting to listen to and you feel a warm breeze, warmed by the sun. As you walk toward the shore, all you hear is the stream.

Ohotaq Mikkigak

As you get to the shore, you come across a large boulder and you sit on top of it. The boulder that you sit on is warm from the sun shining on it. As you are sitting on the boulder, you are looking around you. You can hear the birds singing, and they are making everything around you beautiful.

While you sit, you see three boats. One boat is red, one boat is blue, and there is one that is white. Walk towards the red boat.

Put all your burdens in the red boat. Once you put your burdens in the boat, you push the boat away. As you push the boat away, you breathe in and blow out. Again breath inside. With your last strongest breath, blow the breath away and let it sink as it was carrying all of your burdens.

Ohotaq Mikkigak

Walk towards the white boat. When you look inside the boat, you can see the boat has a lot of beautiful things inside. Realize that all these beautiful things are yours. All these beautiful things that are in the white boat were always there. They were just covered with all of your burdens and anger. Pick these beautiful things up.

Ohotaq Mikkigak

Start walking up the same path towards home. Feel the warmth of the shining sun on you face. Pass the boulder that you sat on, hear the birds singing. Hear the same flowing of the stream. Still you are walking on the same path. Malaya Akulkjuk

You are at your doorstep. You are carrying all the beautiful things that you got from the boat. These beautiful things are your tools, your abilities to help other people who need it. Slowly open your eyes.

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