Amman Singh - Product Design Portfolio

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Hello, I am Amman Singh, I am currently studying Product Design at Nottingham Trent University.


- International Design Studio (Hong Kong PolyU)

I am from New Delhi, India.

- Mini (Forpeople)

me Design is the soul of man made creation, To innovation and creativity.

- Living Big in Smaller Spaces - Nestle

Contact: Email: Phone Number: +44 7476355655 Linkedin: ammansingh7

- RSA - Future of Mobile Communication (a) & (b) - Upcycling - Personal Design Project (Concepts) - Modkarry - WIS Resting Station - HIC

01. International Design Studio (Hong Kong PolyU) Using the directional research provided you are asked to explore the commercial home-ware market developing a small stool or bench specifically for production in wood. Alongside this material there may be the need for stock fixings, further fabrication, additional materials and finishing. Please research and specify these in your final presentation. Target Audience - Design this Product for the Chineese market.

02. Brand Extension Forpeople (MINI) Through focused primary and secondary research your task is to design and develop an innovative, complementary product / products for one of the brands listed below. Consideration of new consumer behaviours, potential markets and brand impact is essential. Target Audience Young Professionals

03. Light Narrative Project (European Project Semester)

The light narrative project brief was to design and develop an innovative lamp which utilises a narrative and specific interaction to operate, for a chosen target market.

Target Audience People who work from home 2-3 times a week and require ample light and device charging facilities

04. Living Well in Smaller Spaces Design a living space / products for the young, mobile, urban dweller of the 21st century. Your living space is limited to 15 sq meters.. Basic housing requirements: Bed, Washing machine, Toilet, Shower, Sink, Storage, Sofa/ arm chair, Cooking facilities, Fridge, Table Target Audience Entertainment: User lives alone and enjoys hosting gatherings of 4 - 6 people within their home

05. Nestle (Healthy Infusions)

Group Project Choose ONE of the two opportunity areas (Healthy Halo or Connected) to research, develop and execute a new confectionery experience for Gen Z consumers. We want you to choose an existing Nestle confectionery brand to build your concept around this could be for example but not limited to: KitKat, MilkyBar, Aero… etc. Chosen Opportunity - Healthy Halo.

Digital Campaign

Packaging Box

06. RSA (Cook with Friends)

Group Project Accounting for how different groups in society are affected by loneliness, design a way to reduce its impact on one or more of the following: physical health, mental health, or access to services. Target Audience - Design this Product for the Students facing lonliness issues.

Cook with Friends • It is a service designed to help students learn a new skill whilst learning a new skill. • Students come together and order a recipe from a local store in collaboration with the university and receive this box with all the ingredients. • After usage, return the box to the university and they will in-turn return it to the local store.

07(a). Future of Mobile Communication (Present) This brief asks you to think about how the future of mobile technology defining the next generation of products within this category. Within this project you are tasked to develop a aesthetically stunning product for specific consumer market. You will present two innovative solutions for both present day and future markets (20 years in the future). Active / Explorer - Needs mobile communication incase of emergency and to document adventures.

07(b). Future of Mobile Communication (Future) This brief asks you to think about how the future of mobile technology defining the next generation of products within this category. Within this project you are tasked to develop a aesthetically stunning product for specific consumer market. You will present two innovative solutions for both present day and future markets (20 years in the future). Active / Explorer - Needs mobile communication incase of emergency and to document adventures.

08. Upcycling (Year 1) (Wooden Tie)

You are required for this project to develop and produce one fully refined, final product that reuses household packaging or everyday waste materials. Your final product must be something wearable (clothing, hats, shoes, bags, jewellery etc). Target Audience - Creative Industry

09. International Design Studio

(Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts) Phase 1: Students design a poster in the way of informa on visualization, charging, narration, by selecntig the relevant information and cultural factors, and carry out cultural communication. Deliverable 02: A poster design 800mm x1600mm Phase 2: In combination with the cultural symbols and cultural elements of the previous research, students design the relevant creative products, which are expected to be exbit and sold in the relevant museums. Deliverable 03: creative products design (such as souvenirs, stationery products) Target Audience - Tourists/ Gift Shops

10. Personal Design Project (Back Pain for Users) ‘Concepts’

Design an innovative product providing comfort to the user whilst keep the back straight to avoid hunches and lower back pain. Create the product to be aesthetically appealing and less bulky. Target Audience Sports persons and/ or the working class.

Back pain is something that almost 80% of the population has to undergo at some point or the other. Sportspersons are more susceptible due to the physical strain that is put on the back due to the exertion. However, the rest of the population too is prone due to improper posture, standing long hours, lifting, bending, driving etc. This necessitates that adequate precautionary measures are adopted to prevent occurrence of the pain and also to minimise the effects once it does set in.

Research Outcome

Mood Board

Presently besides surgery, which is a last resort and not a comfortable option, physiotherapy and strengthening exercises are the only remedial options. There are not many options by way of equipment that mitigates the pain. A special belt around the waist is perhaps the only equipment that mitigates the pain to some extent, even though is not a very comfortable option for a prolonged period.

Therefore there is ample scope to design a device or a piece is equipment/ clothing that is light, not cumbersome, simple and user friendly that helps in mitigating the pain and provides comfort to the back.




Back Frame

Back Vest

- Its a carbon fibre moldable frame that wraps around your stomatch and gives a support to your spine under your tshirt.

- Its a carbon fibre vest that wraps around your shoulders keeping your chest upright and back straight at all times.

(Carbon Fibre)

- It velcrows to any of your upper body clothing hereby making the clothes comfortable.

(Carbon Fibre)

- It velcrows to any of your upper body clothing making the user wear what they deem comfortable.

- It is also invisible under the clothing as it adapts to their nature.

- It provides lumbar support when and where needed and acts as a support for the upper body too.

- and Finally it is padded in the front to provide comfort and convienience to the user.

- and Finally it is padded in the front to provide comfort and convienience to the user.

11. Modkarry (R.I.T T-Minus 2016) Modko (Product currently in production in Taiwan)

Design a pet carrier which can be taken on flights and can be used as the pet’s bed as well. Target Audience People with Tiny dogs/cats.

12. WIS Resting Station (R.I.T T-Minus 2017) ‘WIS’

Design an innovative resting station for pathways in gardens. Make sure your designs inculcate bespoke qualities and protect from extreme weather conditions such as snow and rain. Target Audience Old People and Children.



HIC (Internship)

Ketwich Design System (Placement)

(Chlorophyll Innovation Lab)

Design a Mix-o-bot, a cocktail/ drink maker that can create 5000 drinks in just 15 seconds, it should mix software with product design and create an innovative product. Target Audience - Indian Youth Market.

• Designed “HIC” the Mix-o-bot, a cocktail/ drink maker that can create 5000 drinks in just 15 seconds, it uses human emotions mixed with design and software to create innovation. • Complete website layout and design was done by me, all graphics and icons on the website were self created. • The Portfolio works of this project is the website. It explains everything about the project there. • It was my solo project with the innovation lab. (excluding the engineering and coding) • All product design, ideation, building, content and website has been done by me.

Website/Work can be looked at: (


Description..... Target Audience - Aspiring HNI’s, NRI’s, High Net Income Investors and the Common Investors.



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