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Ammar Al-Qamash
Ammar Al-Qamash is working currently as administrative assistant of the Anti Doping Lap Qatar, one of the biggest medical projects in the region. In 2009 he funded Top Shabab Organization, the biggest youth organization in Qatar. He’s now serving as the executive director of the organization which is sponsored by ROTA which is an NGO part of Qatar Foundation. In the last two years he was involved in many big events in Qatar. He served in the organizing committee for last Empower Conference. He attended various workshops in self-development, leadership trainings, workshops about Arts and many more. He organized and mentored students in workshops about graphic design and social media. Ammar has been chosen recently to be the Ambassador of Arab Thought Foundation in Qatar. Ammar is an artist with many talents; he’s self-student designer, photographer and poet. He’s the winner of the 2011 “words and Images” poetry competition organized by Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art and Bloomsbury