Stop Torture media briefing

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beating eleCtriC SHoCkS StreSS poSitionS prolonged iSolation WHipping moCk exeCutionS Wate torture / forCed SuffoCation priSonerS Having needleS puSH under tHeir finger torture in 2014 Cigarette burnS Stabbi 30 YEARS OF BROKEN PROMISES forCible SHaving of muSlim me beardS forCed drinking of dirt Water, urine and CHemiCalS Sle deprivation SenSory deprivatio abortion and Sterilization rape tHreat of rape Humiliation tHr of violenCe to priSoner / tHeir family forCed adminiStration o drugS inHumane detention Con deprivation of food and Water JudiCial Corporal puniSHment priSonerS made to endure long periodS of extreme Hot/ Cold b Water poured onto priSonerS p Having tHeir JointS drilled den Stop torture media briefing

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