Knowledge map Surface system Structural systems
Frame system
Hybrid system Systems Wall system Mechanical system Enclosure system Water supply system Roof system
Windows and doors
Sewage disposal system
Heating, ventilating and air-condition system
The electrical system Vertical transportation systems Fire-fighting system
Common ESD strategies 1 Local material 2 Material efficiency 3 thermal mass 4 night air purging 5 solar energy 6 wind energy 7 cross ventilation 8 smart sun designs 9 insulation 10 water harvesting This graph shows the load line of the structure and the reaction force of ground. As we can see there is one column which is not loaded. I will explain it in next graph. If the weight of the block is 1N, then the weight separate to 2 sides (column and second beam) and each side loads 0.5N because the block is in the middle. Similarly, the weight on the second beam separate to both sides and the second column loads 0.9*0.5=0.45N. Therefore, the third column loads 0.05N.
This graph shows why the left hand side (LHS) column does not load. If the LHS column doesn’t exist, the beam will start to rotate as picture showed left. So there is no load on the LHS column, its function is to stop the beam rotate.
Torsion force shows left. Apply on the rotated stuff such as doors.
Fixed joint. Cannot change the shape
Pin joint Shape can move (rotate)
That’s basically what we were going to build on the tutorial. but we didn’t finish it because the glue is not good enough. We have 31 pieces wood and we decide to use 24 pieces to finish the original structure. The base is a 30*30 cm square and the rectangle of each side is made by 3 30*60cm rectangles. And there is a thing at top to make it more like a tower, also make it higher.
That’s the rectangle we made. I think the weakness of this structure should be its can easily reshape due to the rectangle is not as strong as triangle. Moreover, we build it as a big “rectangle tank” , the wide and length are all equal from top to the bottom. Therefore it will fall down just by a little push force.
I think these steps can make the tower strong and stable. Firstly, we still remain some pieces of wood so we can make the square become 2 triangles by adding a wood like the graph shows left. The structure will be stronger to prevent the reshaping. Secondly, we make a base of the tower like the graph shows left. The base becomes bigger and there are 4 more columns to support the tower. They make the tower stand well and not easy to fall .