Highlights of the Year
raising matters, relationship building, networking, as well as in the planning of the 4 th National Convention of Singapore Muslim Professionals slated for 2022. Taking over his duties as Acting Executive Director effective 1 February is Ms Zarina Yusof, who had previously served as Deputy Executive Director. She has over two decades of experience in the public, broadcast, education, healthcare and community sectors. In addition, she has senior-level experience in developing strategic directions, leading and overseeing key outputs, as well as
I N T RO D U C T I O N O F T E M P O R A RY A SS I S TA N C E PAC K AG E 2 .0 On 1 April 2020, AMP announced
budget utilisation. Ms Zarina, who
the Temporary Assistance Package
was a former AMP Board member,
(TAP) 2.0 to help families of workers
also has a deep understanding of
who had been adversely affected
policies and policymaking as a result
by the COVID-19 pandemic either
of her experience in the civil service.
through the reduction or a complete loss of income. The family-oriented TAP 2.0 is aimed
AMP saw the stepping down of Mr Mohd
at offering these families temporary
Anuar Yusop from the position of
support for a period of one year until
Executive Director (ED) on 31 January
their household financial situation
2020 after 15 years at the helm. Mr
stabilises. TAP 2.0 also supports
Mohd Anuar played an instrumental
workers in their skills upgrading
role in the progress of AMP, first as a
and re-skilling efforts, provides
volunteer and later as ED of the
opportunities for alternative means
organisation. He now serves as
of supplementary income, and at
consultant to the AMP Board on fund
the same time, ensures that their