IntNSA 2014 Annual Conference Exhibitor Prospectus

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International Nurses Society on Addictions

@ cliff1066邃「,

38th Annual Educational Conference

Exhibitor Prospectus

Health Care Reform & Its Impact on Addictions Nursing: Navigating Change through the Rapids Madison Hotel窶グct. 15-18, 2014窶ジashington, D.C.

International Nurses Society on Addictions

38th Annual Educational Conference Health Care Reform & Its Impact on Addictions Nursing: Navigating Change through the Rapids Madison Hotel窶グct. 15-18, 2014窶ジashington, D.C.

Important Dates @ cliff1066邃「,

Aug. 3 Due Date to Submit Exhibit/ Sponsorship Application and Payment

Aug. 3 Deadline to Submit CameraReady Artwork and 50-Word Booth Description for Final Program Advertising

Sept. 8 Due Date to Submit Names of Booth Representatives

Sept. 23 Deadline to Make Hotel Reservations

IntNSA is looking forward to its 38

Annual Educational Conference in Washington, D.C.! This conference provides a forum for discussion and networking on improving the quality of addictions nursing medical care for all patients in addictions. Presenters discuss cutting-edge issues important to the future of addictions nursing care and their places in the addictions nursing continuum. TH

IntNSA represents the specialty of addictions nursing and is committed to the advancement of excellence in addictions nursing practice through advocacy, collaboration, education, research and policy development. More than 200 registered nurses from across the country and abroad will visit the displays throughout the day, especially during the dedicated exhibit time at morning and afternoon breaks. Making a difference on the growing health issue of addictions requires the building of partnerships. This conference includes presentations and workshops for nurses committed to the prevention, intervention, treatment and management of addictive disorders with a focus on practice issues facing the addictions field today.

Exhibitor Prospectus


Conference Support Many support opportunities for the IntNSA Annual Educational Conference are available to exhibitors and other interested parties. IntNSA sponsors help support the association and the advancement of the addictions nursing profession. As an organization sponsor, your company will be recognized based on the contribution levels listed in this prospectus. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact the IntNSA Executive Office at 913-895-4622 or

38th Annual Educational Conference

Exhibitor Prospectus

Health Care Reform & Its Impact on Addictions Nursing: Navigating Change through the Rapids Madison Hotel October 15-18, 2014 Washington, D.C.

Sponsorship Packages Gain recognition as an IntNSA supporter and Annual Educational Conference sponsor by selecting a Sponsorship Package. Your order will qualify you as a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze sponsor, and you will receive special benefits as a token of appreciation.

Support Level Benefits Platinum Level  Recognition and signage as a Platinum Level supporter, including recognition in a final program ($2,000+)

 One additional booth representative  Inside front cover (one full-page) 4-color advertisement in the final program  Pre-Conference electronic mailing list

Gold Level ($1,000) Silver Level ($500) Bronze Level ($250)

 Recognition and signage as Gold Level supporter, including recognition    in final program  One full-page, 4-color advertisement in the final program  Pre-Conference electronic mailing list  Recognition and signage as Silver Level supporter, including recognition    in final program  One ½-page, 4-color advertisement in the final program  Pre-Conference electronic mailing list  Recognition and signage as Bronze Level supporter, including    recognition in final program  Pre-Conference electronic mailing list

Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunities In addition to a sponsorship package you can take advantage of these exclusive sponsorship opportunities. Only one sponsor will be granted for each item — First-come, first serve. Gain high visibility as you can have your logo placed on any one of the following items!

 Lanyards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,250  Tote Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000  Water Bottles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000  Plenary/Keynote Speaker Sponsorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000

 Refreshment Break Sponsorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000

 Premium Breakfast Sponsorship**  Premium Lunch Sponsorship**  Welcome Reception Sponsorship** **Premium sponsorships give vendors the opportunity to speak during the sponsored meal. For further details and for pricing, please contact the IntNSA Executive Office. (Range $5,000-$10,000)

Exhibit Opportunities The exhibit area will be located near the plenary and breakout sessions for high visibility. We attempt to locate refreshment breaks in the exhibit area to promote traffic, depending on space. Exhibit Booth: your tabletop exhibit booth fee of $1,000 includes a table and two chairs for you to display and/or demonstrate your company’s products and services and one exhibitor representative. Additional Booth Representatives: additional booth representative badges can be purchased for a fee of $150 for access to the exhibit hall and IntNSA social events during exhibit days. Note: Welcome Reception, breaks and Thursday and Friday lunch are the only events included with exhibitor registration. You can purchase Awards Dinner tickets separately. Exhibit registration does not include access to educational sessions. If exhibitors wish to attend sessions, they must pay separately for that access.

The due date to reserve exhibit booth space is Aug. 3, 2014. After this date, exhibit applications will be accepted based on space availability. Once your booth number has been assigned an exhibitor packet will be forwarded to you. All shipments are to be sent directly to the hotel and addressed as follows: Hotel Guest Name Attn: Scott Button, Director of Catering For:  IntNSA Annual Educational Conference/    Exhibitor Name & Table # Oct. 15-18, 2014 c/o The Madison Hotel 1177 15th St. NW Washington, D.C. 20005 Box 1 of # Shipments may not arrive before Oct. 13, 2014. Exhibitors are responsible for all charges incurred for shipping. All packages delivered to the hotel will incur a handling fee of $5 per box. All costs of shipping, cartage and handling are to be borne by the Exhibitor.


38th Annual Educational Conference

Exhibitor Prospectus

Health Care Reform & Its Impact on Addictions Nursing: Navigating Change through the Rapids Madison Hotel October 15-18, 2014 Washington, D.C.

Exhibit Hours and Floor Plan














Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Move In

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Welcome Reception (if sponsored), Opening of Exhibits – Dedicated Exhibit Time

Exhibit Hall Open

10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Refreshment Break – Dedicated Exhibit Time 3:50 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Please note: Complimentary Wi-Fi access is available in your guest room. Should you require Wi-Fi access at your booth please contact the hotel directly for assistance.

Refreshment Break – Dedicated Exhibit Time

Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Without exception, exhibitors may not dismantle their booths earlier than the close of the show. Exhibitors who make earlier flight plans must arrange for another party to dismantle their booths. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy.

Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.


Exhibit Hall Open

10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Refreshment Break – Dedicated Exhibit Time 3:35 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Refreshment Break – Dedicated Exhibit Time

4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Move Out This schedule is subject to change.


To maximize your marketing efforts, the IntNSA Annual Educational Conference now features 4.5 hours of dedicated exhibit time during which educational sessions are in recess.

IntNSA 2014 Marketing Opportunities/Exhibit Selection n STEP ONE: Contact Information

Please legibly complete all information below for use in the onsite publication.

Company Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State/Province, Country, Zip:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________ Fax:_______________________________________________________ Contact Email:_________________________________________ General Company Email:_______________________________________________ Company Website Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature:___________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________________ By signing here, I agree that I have read and understand the exhibitor policies and procedures included in this brochure. My company and its representatives agree to adhere to them. I will share this information with the onsite company representative(s). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

n STEP TWO:   Choose options in which you want to participate (may choose more than one): Conference Support Level of Support:

 Platinum  Gold  Silver  Bronze

Each tabletop exhibit booth comes with a table, two chairs and one exhibitor representative badge. For additional exhibitor representatives to enter the exhibit hall and work your booth there is an additional $150 fee per person. Note: Welcome Reception, Breaks, and Thursday and Friday lunch are the only events included with exhibitor registration. You can purchase Awards Dinner tickets separately. Exhibit Registration does not include access to conference sessions. If exhibitors wish to attend sessions, they must pay separately for that access .

$2,000+ $1,000

Please provide the names of the company representatives who will need name badges. Names due by Sept. 8, 2014.

$500 $250

 1. Name (Complimentary Exhibitor Representative)

Support Total $__________

Select Your Exhibit Booth Space

If submitting after deadline of Aug. 3 a $100 service charge will apply per booth.    # Tabletop Exhibit Booth

Exhibitor Representatives:


Email: _____________________________________________________________  2. Name ($150 for Additional Exhibitor Representative) Email: _____________________________________________________________

1st Choice _____

 3. Name ($150 for Additional Exhibitor Representative)

2nd Choice _____

Email: _____________________________________________________________

3rd Choice _____    # Tabletop Exhibit Booth with One Floor Banner $1,250 If you would like to display more than one banner, you must select two tabletop exhibit booths. 1st Choice _____  2nd Choice _____  3rd Choice _____          Exhibit Booth Total  $__________ Booths will be assigned after Aug. 3, 2014. Conference supporters will receive first priority. Exhibitors will be assigned after conference supporters on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Exhibitor Representative Total $__________ List any potential exhibitors you wish to be near: _______________________________________________________________________ List any potential exhibitors you DO NOT wish to be near: _______________________________________________________________________

Optional Selections Awards Banquet Ticket – # ____× $75  Attendee Name(s)____________________________________________________ Session admittance:  Full Conference for Exhibitor – $199  Single Day – # ____× $75  – Select day(s) below:  Thursday   Friday   Saturday  $__________                  Optional Selections Total $__________


(continued on page 6)

IntNSA 2014 Marketing Opportunities/Exhibit Selection, continued n STEP FOUR: Method of Payment

General Advertising

All funds MUST be submitted from a U.S. bank in U.S. funds. IntNSA does not accept purchase orders or invoice for services. IntNSA Tax ID 36-3273621

Promote your company’s products or services with an advertisement in IntNSA’s final program. To learn more about these and additional sponsorship opportunities, call the IntNSA Executive Office at 913-895-4622.

We thank you for your support!

 Check made payable to IntNSA – check #____________ Charge payment to the following credit card:  American Express   VISA   MasterCard   Discover

Advertising in Final Program

These rates do not apply to conference support-included advertising. Space

Full Page/No Bleed

Full Page/With Bleed


½ page (B/W)

4.125” Tall x 4.25” Wide



1 page (B/W)

8.25” Tall x 4.25” Wide

8.75” Tall x 5” Wide


 One-time use Pre-Conference electronic mailing list

Credit Card Number                 Expiration Date Name as it appears on Card - Please Print Signature                       Date

n STEP FIVE: Send in Your Registration


(emailed approximately Sept. 16, 2014)

Conference Support-Included Advertising   Level


Electronic Mailing Labels

Platinum Level

1 page (4-color)

One-time use

Gold Level

1 page (4-color)

One-time use

Silver Level

1/2 page (4-color)

One-time use

Bronze Level


One-time use

Advertising Total  $__________

n STEP THREE: Total Fees Support Total


Exhibit Booth Total


Exhibitor Representative Total


Optional Selections Total


Advertising Total


TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED (Payment is due with the registration form)



Fax completed registration form with credit card payment information to: 913-895-4652, or email to


Mail completed registration form and appropriate fees to:

IntNSA Executive Office P.O. Box 14846 Lenexa, KS 66285-4846


IntNSA Executive Office 18000 W. 105th St. Olathe, KS 66061


Description of Products and Services

Contact us at 913-895-4622

@ cliff1066™,

A description of the products or services you will be exhibiting will be included in the IntNSA Final Program. Email your description (50 words or fewer) and your company logo to the IntNSA Executive Office at

Due Date:  Aug. 3, 2014


Policies & Procedures   1. Exhibit Representatives Each tabletop exhibit booth will be entitled to one representative. Each additional tabletop exhibit booth will be entitled to one additional representative. These representatives can attend all conference events in the exhibit hall ONLY. See exhibit application for fees for additional representatives or to attend conference sessions.   2. Assignment of Space Booths will be assigned after the due date upon a first-come, first-serve basis and based on support levels.    Every effort will be made to respect the exhibitors’ space choices whenever possible, but the IntNSA’s (hereafter known as “exhibit management”) decisions shall be final. Exhibit management reserves the right to transfer assignments when such action is deemed to be in the best interests of the total exhibit effort.   3. Payment Full payment made payable to IntNSA is required with this contract. Mail to IntNSA, P.O. Box 14846, Lenexa, KS 66285-4846, USA. For overnight service, mail to: IntNSA, 18000 W. 105th St., Olathe, KS 66061. All telephone inquiries: 913-895-4622, Fax 913-895-4652. International funds must be submitted in US equivalents and drawn on a U.S. bank. Applications and payments received after Aug. 3, 2014, will incur a $100 service charge.   4. Eligible Exhibits Exhibit management reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in the exposition.   5. Refund for Cancellation Should the exhibitor be unable to occupy and use the exhibit space contracted for, he or she shall promptly notify exhibit management. All sums paid by the exhibitor, less a service charge of 50 percent, will be refunded after the conference. No refund or cancellation will be accepted on or after Aug. 15, 2014.   6. Booth Equipment and Services IntNSA will supply one 6’ skirted table and two chairs per tabletop exhibit booth space. All other required services (additional furnishings, electrical, A/V services and Internet) must be ordered directly from the Madison Hotel at the exhibitor’s expense.   7. Contractor Service Information In the best interest of the exhibitors, exhibit management has selected certain firms to serve as official contractors to provide various services to the exhibitors. It is agreed that the exhibitor will abide by and comply with rules and regulations concerning local unions having agreement with the exposition facility or with authorized contractors employed by show management.    Complete information, instructions and schedule of prices regarding drayage, labor for erecting and dismantling, electrical work, furniture, cleaning, etc. will be included in the Exhibitors’ Service Manual, to be forwarded after exhibit booth space has been confirmed. An Exhibitors’ Service Center will be maintained on the exhibit floor until the opening of the exhibit hall to facilitate service requests from exhibitors.   8. Security IntNSA will NOT provide security service during the hours the exhibit hall is closed. Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their own exhibit areas and property during move-in, show hours, and move-out. Do not leave valuables unattended. IntNSA is not responsible for loss or damage due to any cause.   9. Booth Construction and Arrangement Exhibits shall be arranged so as not to obstruct the general view nor hide the exhibits of others. Plans for specially built displays not in accordance with regulations are to be submitted to exhibit management before construction is ordered.    Regular and specially built back walls, including signs, may not exceed an overall height of 8’. The maximum booth height of 8’ may extend out ½ the depth of the booth from the back wall. Height limitation of the display in the balance of the area is 3’, except for product and equipment on display which in itself exceeds this height. 10. No dismantling will be permitted before closing time. It is expressly agreed by the exhibitor that in the event he or she fails to install his or her products in his or her exhibit space, or fails to pay the space rental at the time specified, exhibit management shall have the right to take possession of said space and lease same or any part thereof to such parties and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper.    No exhibitor shall have the right prior to closing of exposition to pack or remove articles from exhibit. There are NO exceptions to this policy. 11. Use of Exhibit Space Exhibitors agree not to assign or sublet any space allotted to them without written consent of exhibit management, nor to display or advertise goods other than those manufactured or carried by them in the regular course of business.    No persons, firm or organization not having contracted with exhibit management for the occupancy of space in the exhibit will be permitted to display or demonstrate its products, processes or services, distribute advertising materials in the halls or corridors, or in any other way occupy or use the facilities for purposes inconsistent with these regulations.

12. Exhibitor Representative Each exhibitor must name at least one person to be his or her representative in connection with the installation, operation and removal of the exhibit. Such representative shall be authorized to enter into such service contracts as may be necessary, and for which the exhibitor shall be responsible. Names for representatives must be submitted by Sept. 8, 2014.. 13. Restrictions Exhibit management reserves the right to restrict exhibits which are objectionable because of noise, glaring or flashing lights, method of operation or any other reason, and also to prohibit or evict any exhibit which, in the opinion of exhibit management, may detract from the general character of the exhibition. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter or anything exhibit management judges to be objectionable. In the event of such restriction or eviction, exhibit management is not liable for any refund of any amount paid hereunder. No display material exposing an unfinished surface to neighboring booths will be permitted.    Demonstrations must be so located that crowds collected will be within the exhibitor’s space, and not blocking aisles or neighboring exhibits. Contests of any kind must first be approved in writing by exhibit management. 14. Exhibitor Activities Company/Exhibitor agrees not to schedule or conduct any outside activity including, but not limited to, receptions, seminars, symposia and hospitality suites, that are in conflict with the official program of the International Nurses Society on Addictions, whether such activities are held at or away from the hotel, except with written approval of exhibit management.    Company/Exhibitor will submit to exhibit management 60 days prior to the exhibit date any program exhibitor intends to hold at or in conjunction with its exhibit for written approval as to time and place. 15. Responsibility If the exhibitor fails to comply in any respect with the terms of this agreement, exhibit management shall have the right, without notice to the exhibitor, to offer said space to another exhibitor, or to use said space in any other manner. This shall not be construed as affecting the responsibility of the exhibitor to pay the full amount specified by the contract. 16. Compliance The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with all pertinent ordinances, regulations and codes of duly authorized local, state and federal governing bodies concerning fire, safety, health, together with the rules and regulations of the operators and/or owners of the property wherein the exhibit is held. Cloth decorations must be flameproof. Wiring must comply with fire department and underwriters’ rules. 17. Liability The International Nurses Society on Addictions, the Madison Hotel, Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc., their agents or employees shall not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to the property of the exhibitor, his or her employees, or representatives. Further, exhibit management will not be liable for damage or injury to persons or property during the term of this agreement from any cause whatsoever by reason of the use or occupancy of the exhibit space by the exhibitor or his assigns, and the exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless exhibit management from all liability, which might ensue from any cause whatsoever; if the exhibitor’s material fails to arrive, the exhibitor is nevertheless responsible for all amounts due hereunder. The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages and claims arising out of injury or damage to exhibitor’s displays, equipment and other property brought upon the premises of the Madison Hotel and shall indemnify and hold harmless the hotel agents, servants and employees from any and all such losses, damages and claims.    Exhibitors are advised to carry special insurance to cover exhibit material against damage and loss, and public liability insurance against injury to the person or property of others. 18. Cancellation or Termination of Exposition In the event that the premises where the exposition is to be held shall, in the sole determination of exhibit management, become unfit or unavailable for occupancy, or shall be substantially interfered with, by reason of picketing, strike, embargo, injunction, act of war, terrorism, act of God, fire or state of emergency declared by any government agency or by reason of any municipal, state or federal law or regulation or by reason of any other occurrence beyond the control of exhibit management, exhibit management may cancel or terminate the exposition.    In the event of such cancellation or termination, the exhibitor waives any and all claims the exhibitor might have against exhibit management for damages or expenses and agrees to accept in complete settlement and discharge of all claims against exhibit management the exhibitor’s prorated share of the total amount paid by all exhibitors less all costs and expenses incurred by exhibit management in connection with the exposition including a reserve for future claims and expenses in connection therewith. 19. Management Exhibit management reserves the right to interpret, amend and enforce these regulations as it deems proper to assure the success of the exposition.


38th Annual Educational Conference Health Care Reform & Its Impact on Addictions Nursing: Navigating Change through the Rapids Madison Hotel October 15-18, 2014 Washington, D.C.

Exhibitor Prospectus

Hotel Information The Madison Hotel 1177 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20005 Reservations: 1-855-325-6397 – Refer to IntNSA Group Code 3U66UB Book online here Special IntNSA Rate: $229 plus tax Single/Double; $259 plus tax Triple/Quad Complimentary wireless Internet access in the guest room only is included in the room rate.

Hotel Reservation Cut-Off Date: Sept. 23, 2014

One of the most distinguished hotels in Washington, D.C., The Madison is only a short stroll from the White House, Embassy Row, National Mall Monuments and Smithsonian Museums. The hotel’s sophisticated guest rooms are complemented with oversized desks and ergonomic chairs and feature complimentary Internet access. Other amenities include a 24-hour fitness center, 24-hour business center, valet parking, complimentary Internet in lobby, gift shop and in-room dining.

When making room reservations for your company’s staff, please do not book more rooms than necessary. Holding a block of room reservations that will be cancelled in the last month before the meeting may keep many attendees from staying at the headquarters hotel and may cause the organization to lose revenue.

Transportation Information Air Transportation


The closest airport is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). The Madison is located 5.1 miles from the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA).

SuperShuttle offers IntNSA attendees a $2 one-way or $5 round-trip discount on shuttle service, or 10% off ExecuCar. The discount code is NURSE. Call 1-800-BLUEVAN (800-258-3826) or online at:



Taxi fare from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is approximately $16 one-way. Contact DC Cab at 202-544-1212 for reservations or online at

Weekday Early Bird: $12 before 10:00 a.m.; $15 after 10:00 a.m. Saturday: $6 FLAT RATE Overnight: $40 per day All parking rates are subject to change.


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