NBRC Horizons, First Quarter 2015

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First Quarter 2015

V. 41 / N. 1


Setting the Tidal Volume in Adults Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: Lessons Learned from Recent Investigations 3

NBRC Participates in AARC International Congress 6 Congratulations, AARC Fellows 6

Congratulations, AARC Honorary and Lifetime Members 7 2015 Annual Renewal 7

2014 NBRC Awards Presented at AARC International Congress 8




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Examination Statistics for the Fourth Quarter % of55.52014 10

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From the NBRC President…


s I begin my second year as President of the Board of Trustees of the National Board for Respiratory Care, I am honored and humbled by the opportunity that was provided to me to lead the NBRC in 2014 and again in 2015. The NBRC takes the responsibility of serving the credentialing needs of this wonderful profession very seriously and the dedicated volunteers and staff work very hard to assure the examinations and processes continue to meet extremely high standards. 2014 was an extremely busy year for the NBRC. The year was spent preparing for the changes that were implemented January 15. The new Therapist MultipleChoice Examination replaced the CRT and Written RRT Examinations and combined them into one examination with two different cut scores. The new Clinical Simulation Examination was also released on January 15 and features more simulation problems that are half the length of the old simulation problems. These changes also required modifications to the free practice examinations and Self-Assessment Examinations, as well as adjusting all of the operational processes and procedures. Results from the Validation Studies for these new

exams were also documented. The Board of Trustees and examination committees have been working very hard to implement these significant changes for the last several years in order to better serve the respiratory care community. In addition to the work completed for the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations, the dedicated examination committees reviewed and released seven examination forms into the computer testing network, completed a job analysis for the Sleep Disorders Specialty Examination, and started work on the practice examination and Self-Assessment Examination for the new Pulmonary Function Technology Examination that will be released in June 2015. This year will be equally busy for our examination committees. In addition to the ongoing committee work of reviewing and approving examination questions and examination forms, the committees will also be working to implement the new combined Pulmonary Function Technology Examination that combines the CPFT and RPFT Examinations into one multiple-choice examination with two different cut scores. This new


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