Carpenter ant workers and swarmers (winged ants) are the most likely sign homeowners observe. The workers may be observed foraging for food. Swarmers usually are produced when a colony matures and is ready to form new colonies. These winged individuals often indicate a well-established colony. It’s true that people don’t think about carpenter ants until discovering a few. Some home or business owners may see carpenter ants and realize an army of big black carpenters have indeed landed. A huge problem that can be confirmed by a pest control professional. Another means of Carpenter ants discovery is during the inspection prior to the sale of a house. The real estate salesman should notify a pest control company to apply pesticides to both the inside of a home or business. Also around the outside to exterminate the carpenter ant infestation. The cost of destruction by carpenter ants Carpenter ants actually do not eat wood. The nests are enlarged by the carpenter ants tunneling into wood, and causing the wood to weaken.A carpenter ant infestation within a building usually means that there is a moisture problem. These critters are often found around dishwashers, sinks, laundry areas and bathrooms especially where plumbing leaks. Taking care of the source of that moisture makes the structure less attractive to the ants. Carpenter ants can infest building materials such as wood or foam insulation, and can occupy cavities like those found in hollow doors or window frames. It’s important to note that usually feed on dead foliage and other insects, the ants may be living outside yet foraging indoors for food scraps or moisture.Almost always be a result of the combination of water and building construction. Often much more serious and expensive to correct. If you have these “serious” problems, you must solve the reason why the ants are there, or just never get rid of the problem. There are no shortcuts and no chemical is going to be the magic bullet. Evergreen tree all round an area prone to carpenter ants damage then it is a good idea to get an inspection done at least once a year. The average inspection by a pest control professional will cost from $75 to $500 depending on the age and size of the house or property. Sometimes a carpenter ants inspector will perform the first inspection for free working under the assumption services will wave the inspection fee.The average total cost for repair of carpenter damage and complete eradication is $3,644. By this that getting at least an annual inspection by an experienced inspector is an economically sound decision Can Carpenter Ants Bite People? Yes. When nests are disturbed, carpenter ants bite in defense. Due to the ants large size, the bite can be painful and potentially break the skin. Carpenter ants also spray a defensive chemical of formic acid, that can be sprayed into the bite wound. Which increases the pain. The carpenter ants use an ability to fight other insects and ant species when threatened.The carpenter ants bite and this results in a lot of discomfort. The pesky pests cause damage to houses and buildings through the nesting process. Which gives cause to have the infestation controlled. Due to the pests complex life cycle and nest habits, it is best to contact a pest control expert if the carpenter ant infestation is under suspicion within the home or building. Finding the source of the destructive big black ants: An assessment needs to be done as find the extent of the problem and plan for evicting the armies. It is crucial to locate the main colony. Up to Seventy five percent of all main nests are found outside the home or buildings. The carpenter ant nests may also be