AM/PM Exterminators Provides a Reliable Way to Get Rid of Bedbugs Fast and For Good Bedbugs can come into a home from any number of ways, including something as simple as picking up bedbugs from a hotel room. Seattle's AM/PM Exterminators are local Washington experts at getting rid of bedbugs in a safe and affordable way.
July 16, 2014
Bedbugs are one of the more irritating pests, that are not only a nuisance and a health concern, but also can be very difficult to get rid of without professional help. Most experts agree, turning to amateurs or attempting to disinfect a home without training, can end up being both frustrating and costly. Finding a company with more than five years experience and with a long, verifiable history of successfully dealing with these problems is almost a must. In the Seattle area, a company that meets these requirements is AM/PM Exterminators, who are absolute experts on how to get rid of bedbugs and make sure that they are gone for good.
“If you are having this kind of problem, we would recommend you contact us quickly,” commented a spokesperson from the company. “We can quickly discuss how much does it cost to get rid of bedbugs, give a quote and come up with a plan of action. The longer you wait to call an exterminator for bedbugs the worst and more costly the problem will become.”
The company is happy to offer 24 hour service and not only deals with bedbug issues, but also other pests and insects, including ants of all kinds, fleas, wasps, mice, rats and more.
In addition to Seattle, AM/PM Exterminators is happy to offer services in the Kirkland, Issaquah, Medina, Mercer Island, Sammamish, Woodinville, and Renton, Washington areas.
Customers are quick to endorse their service wholeheartedly.
Monica F., a customer from Mercer Island, recently remarked, “One of my children had a sleep over and the next thing we knew we had a bedbug explosion. At first we tried to deal with it ourselves using bedbug tips we found online, but it just got worse. Thankfully, AM/PM came quickly and took care of it without costing us a arm and a leg. Fully recommended!”