Bed bugs spread like wild fire in seattle school dorm rooms legend exterminators mission to control

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Bed bugs have been found in five-star hotels and resorts and their presence is not determined by the cleanliness of the living conditions .Bed bug infestations are in apartments, shelters, rooming houses, hotels, cruise ships, buses, trains, and dorm rooms. Hiding during the day in places such as seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, dresser tables, inside cracks or crevices, behind wallpaper, or any other clutter or objects around a bed. Seattle College dorm room bedbugs: how to get rid of them: New and returning students have settled into routines of college life. Manytraveled from different cities,states and countries to attend thisprestigious Seattle university. However, along with luggage, backpacks,tote bags, plastic storage boxes, microwaves, bedding and clothing camesome unwelcome guests called Bedbugs. College dormitory bedbug infestationshave recently been on the rise. Mainly due to the fact that the theblood-sucking nasty bugs have gained access to the living quarters. This isdue to the hundreds of students moving to highly populated dorms. Which upsthe chances of bed bugs hitching a ride into dorm rooms. Before thefreshman heads out to school, no matter which Quarter, arm the studentswith some very helpful information on how to be prepared to deal with bedbugs. This would include data for prevention and extermination. Yuck, bugs in the bed, what is happening: Bed bugs have been around for thousands of years. There has been a steadygrowth of this type of pest infestation in the past 10 years. Causing panicfrom dormitories, homes, hotels, hospitals and yes even publictransportation. The hard-to-find, difficult to treat bed bugs have thereputation of being a nuisance that is well deserved. One of the greatestconcerns that has been recently on the rise is on college campuses. How to prevent the pesky pests from the dorm room: The first step in prevention would be to carefully pack all clothing,bedding and personal belongings in bed bug proof luggage liners or sealedplastic bags. Check for the pests before bringing anything into the room.Thoroughly check the premises closely for live or dead bed bugs, fecalmatter, cast skins and blood stains. The bed bugs are nocturnal insects andtypically find shelter near the humans. It’s imperative to carefullychoose where the existing beds and mattresses, headboards and nightstandsare. Look for cracks and crevices as the bed bugs love to hide there. If bynow there is a good chance that there may be a bed bug infestation than itmay be time to consider a professional pest exterminator to assess thesituation. How to get rid of a bed bug infestation: As noted earlier Bed bugs can hitch rides in countless ways and can alsowalk short distances. Visitors and neighbors can be one of the biggestconcerns. The pests are ingenious in how it can hop a ride on clothing,shoes, purses, back packs and school bags. Bed bugs can go back and forthbetween dorm rooms by simply using electrical sockets. One product to useis diatomaceous earth in high traffic entry points to kill the crawlingbugs. Minimize clutter and make a routine of regular cleaning to check forsigns of infestation. Especially after guests have been visiting and aftervacations. Even when traveling on weekends or heading home for springbreak, keep your clothing in sealed bags, and wash your laundry and beddingbefore leaving the dorm. Upon returning to campus take the same preventionsteps to keep from bringing in bed bugs. Wash and dry all clothing andbedding at high temperatures. Vacuum the area and make sure to alwaysdiscard the vacuum bag in outdoors garbage bin. Clothes that aren’t used ona regular basis should be packed in sealed bags.

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