“A professional pest control company can apply what’s called a transfer insecticide, which is the most effective method for eliminating a sugar ant colony,” according to Ampm exterminators. “Transfer insecticides are not available to the general public, but are very effective at getting rid of colonies inside a structure. Every ant that makes contact with it spreads it on to any other ant it makes contact with.” Large-scale infestations require assistance from a pest control professional.Pros address ant problems by locating the colony itself; typically this starts by laying bait traps, which contain poisoned food taken back to the nest. Once found, exterminators can use a variety of techniques including chemical sprays to totally eliminate the ants in homes. March 7th, 2016 – Rob Banks of Seattle is proud to announce that they are dedicated to destroying ant infestation in homes, stores, offices etc. Actually, ants might be harmless, but they can pose a severe problem, especially when these creatures enter homes and build their nests within. This necessitates household ant extermination pest control for ants, and there is none to better it than Banks. However, no external or superficial measures will put an end to the nuisance, like constantly warding them off or killing them outright. Actually there are literally thousands of these pests alive and kicking within their colonies, ready to swarm on that piece of cake that you happen to leave out in the pantry. For those who live in and around Seattle, help is at hand if any place is crawling with ants of any kind, as Rob Banks is the pest control people who have the ultimate remedy for these.
Destroy the Nests of the Ants Under the circumstances, what is needed is to destroy the ant nests, wherever these happen to be. This is because one single ant-queen can lay thousands of eggs, day in and day out, so it becomes a never ending battle, unless something is not done immediately. And there is only one single solitary way to beat this infestation: destroy the whole ant colony, including the fertile queen and her workers and sundry other subjects. Here are a few pointers as to how should one go about in exterminating ants: Primary Measures Keep Your Home Spotlessly Clean The first line of defense against ants is a clean house. Sweep away all food crumbs, take out the garbage at frequent intervals, wipe all spills clean, and refrain from leaving dirty dishes around. This primary measure effectively removes the food source of ants. If you have pests, mix water with vinegar and spray them around bowls or plates of pet food, to prevent the ants from having a jolly feast there. Erase Ant Trails Ants like bees are social animals. If you find one ant, you are sure to see other ants too. Once an ant-scout finds a source of food, it leaves an aromatic trail for other ants to follow to carry home the food. It is no use sweeping or mopping off the trail to remove the scent. What is to be done is, mix vinegar and water in a 1:3 ratio, pour it into a spray bottle, and spray wherever ants are usually seen. This can prevent ants coming from outside the home into the house, to forage for food, as ants that come from outdoors don’t have a nest inside. However, if you find ants nesting indoors, harsher measures are in the cards, for household ant’s removal. Poisonous Bait Poisonous bait to kill ants is prepared in such a way that, ants are attracted to it every time. This is because of the sweetening substance mixed with the poison within. Once the ants eat their fill, they start transporting the bait back to their nets, to be stored as well as shared with other ants. The one great thing about these baits is that the poison acts very slow, thus allowing these enough time to carry the poisonous bait to their nest, before they die. Ants are eradicated by do it yourself methods also, if one has the time, patience and the inclination. Keep the ants at bay using pest control knowledge Ants are really not much interested in homes. It’s too dry there and if its air conditioned then they find it a bit too cold. However ants are constantly looking for food. The floor under the dinner table or the kitchen can be a paradise for them especially when small children leaving small amounts of food on the floor. Ants that come into the house and build nest under the roof are usually an indication that have somewhere wet wood. This could be a small leak in the roof or condensation under the roof. Thus do not only focus on the ants but investigate the root cause. Ants don’t really like the dry climate in building. There is something wrong with the house if they decide to build a nest there. Damaged insulation poorly installed insulation or a crack in the foundation can be enough to provide ants an easy access to your house. Outside doors with damaged seals under the door may allow the ants to walk straight in. It is probably impossible to seal your home completely but it helps when ants don’t use your home as part of the territory that the scan on a regular basis. To make it more troublesome for them to get in helps a lot. Therefore seal the gaps and cracks. An ant control expert’s opinion A pest control for ants expert (ant exterminator) can spray the outside and inside of buildings in order to protect it from ants or get rid of existing ant colonies. Most exterminators currently incorporate eco-friendly practices, using less toxic products. There are two main techniques to get rid of ants baiting or spraying them. Most professional ants exterminators prefer using liquid baits is generally the solution of choice when treating a home for these pests.Ants can squeeze through door frames, window sills and the like. Once they find food,
ants submit pheromones telling other ants to follow, and the nesting begins. Before long, a few ants become hundreds or thousands. Media Contact Company Name: Seattle ants Control Contact Person: Rob Banks Email: Send Email Phone: 2065717580 Address:3213 W Wheeler St. Suite 81 City: seattle State: Washington Country: United States Website: