Bed bugs are little bloodsucking parasites only eat the blood of humans and other mammals and they feed mostly at night when you're sleeping. Bed bugs aren't necessarily just active at night (nocturnal) more active when warm hosts happen to be in bed. Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites Often, the only way to know bed bugs bites is to see the little red spots on skin. Unfortunately, the bumps can take as much as two weeks to show up after the bites. Bed bug symptoms are similar to other bug bites: Redness, Irritation, Itching, Swelling Some folks can have allergic reactions to bed bugs, but it usually takes multiple bites. Bed bugs are not picky eaters when it comes to location any exposed skin will do Expect to see bites more often on the face, hands, and feet, bite anywhere. The only way to know for sure is symptoms, seeing of bed bugs infestation in the room or furniture. There are some telltale signs of bed bug infestations: Dead bed bugs (most of the time these are actually the outer shells exoskeletons of molting bed bugs) Bugs in the folds of cushions or bedding Rust-colored spots from bed bug poop Musty, almost sickly-sweet odor If a hotel room stinks, look for signs of a bed bug infestation. It's not a bad idea to take a look at the mattress and bedding whenever moving into a new hotel room for the night, regardless if it stinks and is dirty or not. Bed bugs can be found in luxury hotels and by-the-hour joints alike.
How bed bugs get in homes Bed bugs travel surprisingly well, and are quite comfortable stowing away in luggage and even clothing. The bugs are increasingly found hiding in beds, upholstered furniture and behind baseboards in urban hotels in America. Travelling with humans, any place that sees a number of world travelers is susceptible. Pilots, wealthy people, and business travelers can bring bed bugs along unwittingly.
How to Avoid Bed Bugs? Look around. Bed bugs are large enough to see. Look particularly under the mattress and in the seams, in and around the bed frame, and along any cracks or peeling paint in the wall or picture frames. Check for bed bugs in the cracks of any wooden furniture, particularly antiques. You can also spot droppings from bed bugs, which may be tinged with blood.
When Bitten by Bed Bugs?