AMPS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE – GENERAL By Bernard Gospel – Technical Committee Secretary
What does the Technical Committee (TC) actually do? Someone asked me this at the March conference, and we felt that it would be worthwhile to return to this topic.
The Technical Committee of AMPS defines its mission statement as: To provide AMPS members with clear technical guidance on national and international standards that are relevant to their businesses and access to industry experts to provide advice on technical matters. The Technical Committee, through its involvement with National and International standards bodies, Government and regulatory authorities, aims to represent AMPS members interests and influence, communicate and understand the relevant technical standards for our industry. This comes from the AMPS Technical Committee Constitution, which is available here. Please note that we are technical only, we do not discuss anything commercial, at the start of each meeting the Chairman reads the following, which is repeated in the agenda: Attendees are reminded that AMPS is committed to complying with all anti-trust and competition laws and regulations. To this end the Association has adopted a competition compliance code. Conformity with the code is a condition of AMPS membership. Failure to abide by anti-trust and competition laws can have grave consequences for the Association, member companies and individuals concerned. Copies of the Code of Conduct are in the possession of all member companies and further copies are available on request.
Relevant key points from the Constitution are: The Technical Committee (TC) represents the interests of all members of AMPS. The TC Members do not just represent their own company, they have to consider the interests of the whole membership. The requirement to inform and consult with the whole membership is done via Current Thinking eshots from the Technical Secretary, Publication of the Minutes of Meetings of the Technical Committee, which are also held on the AMPS website, AMPS Power magazine articles and seminars and presentations at the Awards event in November and the AMPS Conference in March.
most meetings are held at member’s premises. Twenty seems to be about the maximum size of members’ meeting rooms. This is one reason why we may have to limit or prevent the invitation of members and guests to the meetings, which is becoming a more frequent occurrence. Recently, we had a meeting at Cummins Daventry, which was limited to sixteen members! So, large companies do not always have meeting rooms proportional to the size of the company! Perhaps this is a lesson to us all. In order to enable AMPS Members to have a personal insight into the major issues which the committee is working on, without them attending meetings, we have instituted seminars, and other means of bringing TC Committee members to the AMPS Membership at large. This is one of the Technical Secretary’s remits to publicise the Technical Committee. It might be useful to hold an open AMPS TC meeting at an AMPS March or November AMPS general meeting, as a further development of the Seminars. Everyone’s thoughts are welcome. The Technical Committee meets four times per year, generally in January, April, July and October, these are scheduled to be just before the AMPS Council meetings, since the TC reports to the AMPS Council. Details of TC members are listed on the AMPS website. So where does the technical secretary fit into this? His specified duties include: • Assistance to the AMPS Technical Committee Working Groups to facilitate timely responses and publishable reports • Managing the AMPS technical helpline queries from member/nonmembers in conjunction with the AMPS Technical Committee and Secretariat. • Compilation and recording of agendas and minutes of Technical Committee meetings Any necessary reports for the AMPS Council meetings as appropriate on any respective technical issues. • Any necessary reports for the AMPS Council meetings as appropriate on any respective technical issues. • Work with AMPS Marketing committee/agency to maintain Jargon Buster and ensure other high quality Technical Committee output including website and email newsletters • Be a literature member for relevant standards committees • Management of the response to Technical Queries • Management of consultations in areas relevant to AMPS Members
The Technical Committee should have a membership proportional to the size of AMPS Membership and should have members’ representatives of major product areas. Consideration being given to the practical limits of the size of the committee. So the membership of the committee is proportional to the size of the membership and should represent the major product areas, e.g. generating sets, engines, generators, radiators, switchboards and control panels, transformers, fuel tanks and consultancy services, to list but a few! However, there is a practical limit to the size of the committee, which is about twenty attendees at meetings. We actually have twenty eight members at the moment. To minimise costs (Members’ subscriptions!),