withAMPS? SPAM2 Why join Box Clever: A Short History ofDealing Containers Part
SPAM jtechconf.com> n <alesha.dixon@sa xo Di a sh Ale : m Fro 2021 10:48 Sent: 19 February Department ng To: Crestchic Sales rs of Power generati tion of Manufacture Subject: The Associa Systems Importance: High Dear Member, ing List at discount n AMPS 2021 – Mail tai ob to e lik u yo Would price.? , Verified E-mail me, Contact Name Na y an mp Co : es List Includ tion. ebsite, Title/Designa ail id’s, Tel.no, URL/W directly – Direct e-m , Call and message ny ma d an I RO List Benefits: Email e as re e Sales Leads – Inc Campaign – Generat ts). more. lude opt- in contac + Contacts (only inc and Total Count: 7,000 e ag the List pack y questions about an me k as to e fre Feel Offer.
Regards, ad of Sales Alesha Dixon – He rs and in n of Manufacture equipment h "UNSUBSCRIBE" The Associatio ancillary ple er Systems and ils ase reply wit suppliers of Pow to receive further ma
If you would not like subject line.
Cybercriminals have become quite savvy in their attempts to lure people in and get you to click on a link or open an attachment… some are more sophisticated than others it turns out. We all receive more than our fair share of spam emails, and AMPS are no exception. Like us you may also have received the following message from one Alesha Dixon wanting to sell us our own mailing list (!!!), including Crestchic, whose reply to ‘Alesha’ we thought we’d share with you. On a more serious note, if you’re not sure whether an email is legitimate check the sender email address, and if it claims to be from AMPS, feel free to ask us. Never click on any links or open attachments unless you are sure. If it looks suspicious, even if you know the source, it’s best to delete or – if appropriate – mark it as junk.
From: Crestchi c Sales Depart ment Sent: 19 Februa ry 2021 17:00 To: Alesha Dixo n <alesha.dixo n@sajtechconf Subject: The As .com> sociation of M anufacturers of Systems Power
Dear Alesha, As much as we enjoyed your pe rformances on Talent, we’re fa Britain’s got r from convince d about your le purveyor of co gitimacy as a mmercial data bases. As a long standi ng member of AMPS and coun we’re not entir cil members, ely sure why w e would want information th to pay for at we are alread y privy to. I also rather su spect that you’ re not authorise information an d to offer such d any informati on given or so a breach of cu ld would repres rrent UK and EU ent GDPR laws. On that basis, it’s a no from us . But good luck singing career resurrecting th of yours. at Best wishes to Simon, Crestchic Load banks.