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safety, getting transportation getting a grocery store in their city of approximately 2,000 people, beautifying the city, housing and jobs. Jaylen won the election with 218 votes, beating his opponent Nemi Matthews, who received 139 votes according to Fox 13 News Memphis. The Major states his youthful energy, fresh new ideas, passion and drive for getting things done helped him to win but the young people’s vote was also a big part. The mayor was sworn in on January 3rd 2023. He is also continuing his education, he is doing his mayoral duties in the day time and attending college at Arkansas State College online at night. It has been a world wind ride for the young mayor with interviews, television appearances like the Jennifer Hudson show has kept him busy. He takes his job seriously. What’s next he states where ever the Lord leads him. His thoughts the State Senate, governor of Arkansas and his dream to become President. His fellow classmates already call him Mr. President. The future is bright for this incredible young mayor.
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